Chat Game: Project White Foundation


One Thousand Club
Standing while looking out the window of the UNTIL headquarters a man stares pondering. Behind him walks in another man. Both dressed in the UNTIL uniforms that denote fairly high ranking. The first man turns and looks at the new one. “Doctor Destroyer gave another mad man a boost today. Starchild died because the man empowered children.”

The second man opens a folder. “Then I have your permission to green-light project White Foundation?”

“Yes, just keep the black black and if they do get public attention that they can appear as your usual minor super team. The public can not find out we are training meta humans into assassins.”

“Worried that they'll cut our funding?”

The man turns and gives a look before chuckling. “No I'm worried the member nations will take it as a suggestion. Our world can not have a true super world war. I do not want someone like Menton taught to be an assassin.”

The idea of the game is the PC's are the chosen meta humans for UNTIL's project. They are the cleaners, the men and women who do the dirty deeds so the heroes can be heroes. You are monsters so that a world will come where your kind are not needed.

For character creation no criminals. You can have people who killing a kid is just 4 pounds of pressure but you have to be able to appear to the public as if you are a well adjusted human. You also can't be anything that will make current heroes attack you on sight.

As for how we will play it I was thinking Monday evenings but I'm open to changing it.

What players will need to play is the 5th edition Hero System book. That and the ability to work as a team.
I'm interested. I would play a Shapeshifter most likely, essentially someone born with the ability to change shape and has no idea what he really looks like nowadays and suffers the accompanied psychological complications associated with not being part of a group and lack of acceptance. The project UNTIL is essentially a job that he is good at, since he can do his job without leaving any trace of his work.
I don't know if people have experience with Hero systems method of character creation. If anyone needs help making characters I am perfectly willing to assist.

For those who don't need help it's a 325 point character with up to 75 points of disads.
325 points and 75 disability, alright. I played around with Hero 5E and 6E but I'm relatively still new to it(only played 2 games of it). I'll try to play around with the points and post something later.
I tend to allow any of the caution powers without worry but any stop sign power be sure to clear with me.
Here's the sheet, need to add the fluff working on it:

Name: Terry Morgan

Alias: Toybox

Age: 25

Characteristics: (125 pts)

STR 18

DEX 20

CON 20


INT 10

EGO 15

PRE 15

COM 10

PD 12

ED 10



END 40


Powers: (175 pts)

-Malleable Body: Stretching 4”; Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½)

-Stretching Powers: Multipower, 40-point reserve:

1u 1) Molding To Surfaces: Clinging (normal STR)

3u 2) Resilient Form: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50%

1u 3) Pseudopods: Extra Limbs (as many a desired)

1u 4) Parawing Form: Gliding 15”

2u 5) Big, Hard Hands: HA +6d6; Hand-to Hand Attack (-½)

1u 6) Clothing Mimicry: Cosmetic Transform 2d6 (Instant Change)

1u 7) Spring-Legs: Leaping +15”

4u 8) Bouncing Missiles: Missile Deflection(arrows/projectiles), +5 OCV, Range (+1)

4u 9) Long, Stretchy Legs: Running +20”

(26” total)

4u 10) Shapechanging: ShapeShift (Sight, Touch, and Radio Groups, any shape)

8m 11) Enhanced Malleability: Stretching +8”

-Toughness : Armor (12 PD/12 ED)

-Heightened Senses: +3 PER to all Sense Groups

-Prodigious Leaping: Leaping +30”

Skills: (50 pts)

Bribery (3), Bugging (3), Bureaucratic(3), Conversation(3), Criminology(3), Deduction (7), Interrogation (3), Area knowledge: local 11 (2), City Knowledge: Campaign city 11 (2), Persuasion (3), Shadowing (3), Streetwise (3), Defense Maneuver I&II (5), Gambling: Card Games (2), Forensic Medicine (3).

Perks: 10

Private Investigator License (2), Security Clearance (8)

-Disadvantages: (35 pts)

-Psychological limitation: Desperate Need for Acceptance (Uncommon, Strong; 10 points)

-Physical Limitation: Requires Specialized Medical Attention (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing, 10 points)

- Secret Identity: (Frequently, Major, 15 points)

total= Characteristics (125)+ Powers (175) +Skills (50)+Perks (10) - Disad (35) = 325


Terry Morgan, was born a shapeshifter. Was it a strange mutation which caused his condition or is he part of a strange race of people invading our planet? Terry since he was a kid had no idea. In his youth, he could only change minor details about his appearance but as time went on, Terry was able to stretch his limbs and body. Taking on all shapes anybody could imagine but even as a teenager, he always been a fan of private eye and worked toward becoming one.

His ability to blend in with his environment and literally take any shapes helped him do his job when he was gathering information or investigating personal problems sent by his clients. He built up many different personalities to have access to the most secure buildings. His body was incredibly strong against most forms of physical arm, which he used to do some shakedowns. Sometimes, he ended up fighting people with powers.

Beside that, Terry had deep seated insecurities in his life, often using his shapeshifting abilities to be part of groups and enjoy the company of others looking like what they would find acceptable. Also something he discovered about receiving a near death injuries, he need to some specialized medical attention because his shapeshifter body is different than the norm.

When he was offered to join the project White Foundation to clean up after heroes mess. He was glad to join, a job which required him to act like a chameleon was a perfect opportunity.
Name: Computation

Alt Id: William Wolfgang

Player: Blackadder

Complete Points Total: 325 Base Points, 70 points of Disadvantages

Primary Characteristics - 66 CP

STR 10 [11-]

DEX 13 [12-]

CON 13 [12-]

BOD 13 [12-]

INT 29 [15-]

EGO 20 [13-]

PRE 14 [12-]

COM 14 [12-]

Figured Characteristics - 19 CP

PD 7

ED 7



END 26




Movement - 0 CP

Running 6"

Swimming 2"

Leaping 2"

Skills - 162 CP

Acting [12-]

Analyze: Combat Technique [15-]

Breakfall [12-]

Bribery [12-]

Bugging [15-]

Bureacratics [12-]

Climbing [12-]

Combat Skill Levels: All Combat 6

Computer Programming [15-]

Concealment [15-]

Conversation [12-]


Criminology [15-]

Cryptography [15-]

Deduction [15-]

Disguise [15-]

Electronics [15-]

Forensic Medicine [15-]

Forgery: Commercial Goods, Documents [15-]

Interrogation [12-]

Inventor [15-]

Knowledge Skill: Superhumans [15-]

Language (English - Native)

Language (Latin - Fluent Conversation)

Language (French - Fluent Conversation)

Language (Mandarin - Basic Conversation)

Lip Reading [15-]

Mechanics [15-]

Mimicry [15-]

Paramedics [15-]

Persuasion [12-]

Professional Skill: Cook [11-]

Science Skill: Biology [15-]

Science Skill: Chemistry [15-]

Science Skill: Mathematics [15-]

Science Skill: Physics [15-]

Science Skill: Robotics [15-]

Security Systems [15-]

Shadowing [15-]

Stealth [12-]

Systems Operation [15-]

Trading [12-]

Tracking [15-]

Transport Familiarity: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles [8-]

Ventriloquism [15-]

Weaponsmith: Firearms, Energy Weapons [15-]

Skill Enhancers: Scholar, Scientist, Linguist

Perks - 8 CP

Security Clearance 8

Talents - 23 CP

Eidetic Memory

Bump of Direction

Absolute Range Sense

Absolute Time Sense

Speed Reading 2

Lightning Calculator

Powers - 112 CP

Protective Super-Fiber Clothing: Armor 10 (10 rPD/10rED)

Active Cost: 30 points

Limitations: IIF -1/4

Real Point Cost: 22 points

Enhanced Plasma Pistol: Ranged Killing Attack 3d6

Modifiers: Armor Piercing +1/2, No Endurance +1/2

Active Cost: 90 points

Limitations: OAF -1

Real Point Cost: 45 points

Combat Analysis: Find Weakness (All Attacks) [14-]

Active Cost: 45 points

Real Point Cost: 45 points

Disadvantages - -70 CP

Overconfidence (Very Common, Moderate)

Subject to Orders (Very Frequently, Major)

Secret Identity (Frequently, Major)

Hunted by Teleios (More Powerful, NCI, Re-Capture)

Background Notes:

Computation is a genetic experiment of Teleios the Perfect Man, who tried to make someone on the level of Doctor Destroyer. Unfortunately, Computation escaped and was picked up by UNTIL agents, who have protected him on the condition that he work as a part of White Foundation.

Computation's primary limitation has been his overconfidence and lack of life experience - given much more time he could become a terrifyingly capable super-genius in all fields.
You might consider some enhanced senses(Awareness of his environment and enhanced sight/touch) to represent his supernatural way of seeing the world if you are doing something like Amadeus Cho Mathematics vision. Find Weakness might quite appropriate as you are looking pass the enemy defenses to find his weak point with your analysis of the situation. Missile Deflection and Reflection might be appropriate as well. If you are keeping it in the spirit of Amadeus Cho you might want to increase the Endurance cost of doing superhuman calculations. Maybe add a gadget or two...that's really all I could recommend.
Your character is interesting BA the main problem I can see right now is that your a bit to squishy for the type of game we are running. Your speed should be between 4 and 6. You should have some form of offensive capability. Be it guns, martial arts, or super powers. You should either have a high DCV or more soak.

While your character is neat you need to remember that you are part of a blacks op squad. Not just a non combat person. Most of the sessions will revolve around your missions. While yes skills will be needed you also will need combat ability.

Remember disads in Hero are not a bad thing. They are for fleshing out your character as well as major limitations. At the very least everyone should have a Public ID or Secret ID.
I'd up your speed by one but that looks good for a skill heavy character. Find weakness with a nice RKA is a nasty combo.

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