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Dice Chat, explanation and talk.

I wasn't talking about retta I was talking bout the book, I completely forgot her name since she wasn't mentioned in the last 2-3 mangas much.
I dunno, thought maybe you were just bored and picked a random place to say hello. Seemed like a long shot... but a shot nonetheless. If you're bored, you could fill out a character sheet, doesn't take TOO long.
I'm reading the overview and it takes me a while to think stuff up. I like to write my character info on a sheet of paper before posting my info.
Somewhat, that's why I'm paying extra attention to the overview rather than reading as ridiculously fast as I usually do.
Far out. We've had some members leave, so we currently only have 4 players right now. Sam, Tian, Marietta, and Tyson. You could really be any type of spirit master.
Cool. I'll probably take a few days to post my character info. I'm so meticulous with these things. xD It doesn't help that I'm obsessing over certain anime/manga and also writing a book based on Mary Shelly's Frankenstien.
^w^ Hopefully I'll be able to come online often enough to get it done sooner. The more I read into the overview, the more interested I become.

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