
"Are you sure this forest seem safe?" She turned towards the boy. She was kinda freaked out and looked around the dark forest. She yawned and looked up at the sky. She couldn't see well thanks to the tall trees. It was getting darker though. "Should we rest a bit?" The girl asked and rubbed her eyes. She was getting sleepy. She yawned and looked at the boy wondering if he was sleepy. "I think I have a more energy to continue walking.." She smiled at the boy with tiresome eyes.
"Alright sure thing." The boy and her led their way to a large tree that extended far into the canopy, its roots were giant and created walls beside them. The lights around them danced as they sat down to rest for a bit. The boy watched the lights sway back and forth and disappear. "I think it's fine, the forest doesn't seem to mind us." He turned and smiled at the girl as he stretched out is legs leaning against the trunk of the tree. "So what do you think? should we name each other?" he said to her reaching out and trying to touch one of the lights near him. It floated away and disappeared. He chuckled a little at enjoying the serenity of the place. Nothing was making sense in his head this isn't a land he remembered.... he didn't remember anything. Maybe there was a reason for it.... he didn't know but right now he was happy. He stared at the beautiful girl beside him as he slowly slid down farther getting more comfortable.
The girl smiled at the forest. She looked at the boy and replied "We should name each other.. It might be easier." She smiled. She thought it would be fun naming a friend instead of her self. "I want to name you..." She thought about it at first. She couldn't think of a good name but she told him "Rein." She kinda liked that name for him. She fell on the ground and closed her eyes. She went to sleep and crawled up in a ball.
The boy had a name now... and his name was Rein... a smile came over his face as he seemed like he was someone now not just something. He watched the girl as she dozed off he body rolling up in a little ball. She can't sleep like that her whole body will go stiff. He slowly moved her next to him uncoiling her limp body as he laid her head on his stomach right below his chest. He could feel her soft breath press against the bottom of his chin with each little wisp she exhaled. He closed his eye's slowly watching the lights fade out to the dark of his eyelids. "I will call you... Aria." He whispered as he fell asleep with the beautiful Aria resting slightly atop of him.

The forest danced and teamed with life around them as the lights slowly danced over their heads.... more and more came as they watched the two rest underneath the old tree. it seemed the forest was aware of their presence. The lights touched them as they slept flowing around them in a beautiful arrangement to the beat of the forest.
Aria was sleeping peacefully on his chest. She turned and hugged him using him as a body pillow. She smiled in her sleep but she closed her eyes tight and the smiled disappeared. Aria was with her family. It seems as if they were having a party. She saw a boy with silver and black hair. Could it have been Rein? She couldn't think about it. Everything just disappeared. Aria was falling, falling from the sky. She was trying to find something to hold but there was nothing. The ground appeared and Aria was about to hit it. She screamed for help but then Aria opened her eyes. It was just a bad dream.
Rein arose from his sleep as he felt Aria hug him tightly her face twitched and moved as her breathing became more rapid. She was having a nightmare Rein watched her as he put his arm behind her head and back squeezing her gently to try and comfort her. Her head thrashed slightly as her bangs dangled in her face. He took the hand that was resting on the back of her head and glided them along her forehead tucking her hair back behind her ear with great delicacy. Her eye's fluttered open from her intense sleep. Rein titled up slightly to get a better view of her. He had a smile on his face as he stroked the side of her head with his thumb gently sweeping back and forth. "It's okay it was just a dream." His voice was calm and had a nurturing flow to it. He looked up slightly at the sky seeing just the tips of black in his hair as he did this. "I wont let anything happen to you." Rein whispered into the wind as he pulled her tighter to him with the arm on her back.
Aria hugged him. She wasn't scared because of the dream. She was terrified if it was a memory. "Did I wake you up? I'm sorry." Aria said. She had let go and smiled at him. "You can go back to sleep. I'll be fine." Aria told him. Looking at Rein his eyes and falling back to sleep, she slowly took his hands off her. Aria had put her hand on his soft cheek. "Don't worry, I'll be back," Aria whispered to him. She got up and walked out of the forest quietly.

Taking her spear with her, she went to a near by river. Aria jumped in and went underwater. She was searching for a fish or 2 at least. No luck. She got out swam back up for a breath. She didn't want to give up looking so she dived in deeper. Looks like the fish here likes to swim very deep. She tried to grab 2 fish but they were to fast. Running out of air, Aria still tried catching them. She finally caught 2 and swam up slowly. She was suffocating but made it up in time. The girl went to the edge and jumped out. Coughing, she stabbed the 2 fish with her spear. The sun was coming up. Aria hurried back to the forest.
Rein's eye's slowly trailed Aria after she whispered to him. He had not fallen back asleep yet. He watched her walk out of the forest with spears and hand. He chuckled as he knew she was going out to kill something to eat. Slowly getting up he made his way around the tree crunching the leaves with each step bending over to pick up the fallen twigs and branches and placed them in a stack on his arms. He got enough and went back to their little nook they had been resting in. The lights of the forest followed his every move and even touched the wood on the floor for him to pick up. These lights seem to be able to think... so they must be some kind of spirit? I'll ask Aria when she gets back of what she thinks. He dropped the wood on the floor as they chimed and rang out as the bashed against each other from the drop. Rein knelt down grabbing a few of the branches and setting them in a triangle like shape. Breaking another branch he set the freshly exposed wood resting atop the triangle. he crushed some of the leaves on the floor into a fine powder as he sprinkled it on the fresh wood. using another narrow twig he began rolling it in his thumbs back and forth while gently blowing on it. A light smoke emitted as the twig struck a light and a low fire roared. Rein cleared the leaves away as he placed more wood on the fire.

Rein could hear Aria returning as she made her way through the branches and crumpling the leaves with each of her steps. He then went back to his sleeping position the one that Aria had left him in. and closed his eye's pretending to be asleep with a brand new fire burning right next to him keeping him warm. He opened his eye's slightly as he saw her come back a stupid grin on his face.
Aria came back damp and saw the fire. She looked at Rein to see if he was a sleep. Rein apparently had a grin on and Aria chuckled. Aria had cut both fish in half and removed the spine. It was pretty bloody and smelly but it was kinda worth it. She just roasted 2 halves of a fish and walked up to Rein. "Wake up, breakfast is ready. Hope you like fish," Aria said. She handed him a fish on a stick.
Rein opened his eye's as he took the fish on a stick from her. "Don't mind if I do." Looking at her and around her he added. "Huh... how did this fire get here?" with a slightly stupid smirk on his face as he took a bite of the fish. As they ate he watched the flames of the fire spark and crackle as the wood slowly got eaten by the flames. Occasionally he would drape another fresh piece of wood from the stack into the fire. The flames bent and snapped in the open air in an almost hypnotic dance of orange light. The glowing lights of the forest watched and hovered around their new found comrade. "Do you think these lights are spirits? Like the spirits of the forest or something?" He bit off a chunk of the meat after he finished his sentence and turned his attention to his partner Aria. Adding on "What do you make of all this... this world? It doesn't feel like home...." He caught himself as his voice became lower and saddened like a weight drifted on every word that came out of his mouth. "but then again... I cant remember home." He turned his gaze onto the floor no longer looking at her... searching for the next thing to say...
Aria ate the fish. She swallowed her bite and answered "maybe... it's possible that everything here has a spirit like the mushroom and trees." Aria looked at Rein. "There has to be a reason why we're here. There should be a reason at least. We can't just poof in here out of no where. This world is strange but I enjoy it," Aria replied. When she ate her last bite and swallowed, she asked "how do you dry your clothes quickly?" Aria sneezed and was cold. She would change her clothes but she didn't have any. She waited for Rein to finish the food. She ringed out her hair on top of the fire to take it out. Aria was ready to travel this world.
Rein thought about how to dry clothes the fastest way. "Well you could either take them off and put them in the sun or fire to dry them-..." His voice trailed off as he watched her trounce the fire with drying her hair. His mouth slowly opened in disbelief as it took him a good amount of effort to make that fire and she just killed it... just like the fish just like what she wanted to do with the mushroom... this girl just wanted to kill everything. glad i'm not on her hitlist. He had a puzzled expression as he recalled what she had said before she killed their warmth. "Do you remember the other world?!" He leaned forward as he said this eager for her answer. He remembered nothing not even what it looked like what it felt like just nothing in his mind about it. "I-i cant remember anything about it... But this world doesn't.... feel strange to me... it's like we belong here."
( I hope this is better... xD )

Aria looked away ashamed. She didn't know that Rein wanted to stay here. She would of kept the fire. "I'm sorry about that. I just... have a feeling we should leave..." Aria said after killing the fire. Looking down at the ground she heard Rein and listened to his question. Shaking her head no she told him "I wish I can remember... I can't remember everything. If only... If only we can figure everything out... I know I remember something! It's on the tip of my tongue! You know what... Never mind.... It doesn't matter if I can't spit it out. I'm going to the field," Aria walked away disappointed. Her eyes were watery. She held back her tears and didn't want to look so weak. She ran into the field of wheat. The wheat was tall, up to her knees at least.

Aria wiped her tears away before she started crying. Her stomach started to hurt since she was running after she ate so fell down. Falling down and crushing some tall wheat, she looked up at the clear blue sky with her wet hair falling on top of her face. Her white wet shirt was all wrinkled up. The sun was shining on top of her which made her warm up and it was drying her a little. She sneezed. Was she catching a cold? Right now, she didn't care. Aria smiled and closed her eyes. She felt so cold and warm at the same time. She didn't really didn't understand that feeling. Feeling so comfortable under the sun drying up, Aria rested in the field of wheat.
(You really seem to jump around a lot very quickly. You have great potential mind you, but your attempts are so quick and shallow.
  • "I'm sorry about that. I just... have a feeling we should leave..." Aria said after killing the fire. She looked at Rein and listened to his question. Shaking her head no she told him "I wish I can remember... I can't remember everything. If only... we can figure everything out...

This was a great post that flowed with the story and made sense. other than everything being turned into anything. I KNOW YOU HAVE IT IN YOU!!!! I SEE GREATNESS!!!! I will not accept those lines after the quote box... I just wont I want better from you, because i know you can. I would love it if you left all your quick fire RP chat that I have seen you do in the threads that they are appropriate with. I want to see you use your imagination to bind and flow the story with me and create something that I would not mind reading a year from now and taste the story once again. I know you can do it.

I have high hopes for you as a fellow RPer and hopefully companion in the future of RP's if you stick around the site. Just picture yourself in Aria's shoes she is stuck in a forest that they have to walk through... floating lights hovering off the ground a rich deep emerald green of all the foliage and rich dark chocolate brown. You are stuck there with a boy you have no idea who he is or what he is to you. But you trust him... And you have to get through this together.

I am in no way telling you to quit your RP's that you are in just that i want a different kind of post here from what you do in those. You are my partner and I am yours we work off each other to weave a story.


(It is much better... now that I have seen that no more of that jumpy crap you hear me!)

Rein was baffled... he didn't know what to say as he watched the only other person in the world he knew run away from him. The forest seemed so lonely as he sat there by himself the lights touching his skin almost trying to comfort him. Did I do something wrong?... He mulled over in his mind about what possibilities she could possibly be feeling that he insensitively asked about. His lips slightly parted as he realized maybe she didn't want to be here with him. Was being around me so bad? Only moments ago eating the fish together with her did Rein believe that maybe this world isn't so bad as long as he was with her. She made him laugh and smile and looked out for him. He thought this world... wouldn't be so bad with her by his side..... As if snapping to attention Rein quickly rose to his feet padding off the dirt from his butt he moved quickly in the direction of Aria. The trail of lights followed after him with an acute curiosity of his actions. He raised the branch to the forest...

A field of gold wheat soared from the rolling hills. a gentle breeze sweeping across the tops causing them to bob and weave bending to the will of the light breeze. Rein slowly moved forward following the crushed path of wheat like following the yellow brick road. He didn't have a home and neither did Aria but... home was somewhere where someone was thinking about you. His fingertips skimmed the top of the sea of gold as he made his way through to her. He had so many things he wanted to say to her, so many things he had to tell her to make her feel at ease. Rein walked up to a patch of grass where Aria laid a golden bed underneath her peach skin. Her when white shirt plastered against her body as it slowly dried in the warm sun, Rein could see the outline of her body through the shirt as he slightly blushed. He legs were slightly curled up into her. He could hear her gentle hum as she breathed. She is asleep... He smiled as he laid down next to her turning his head to look at her he smiled and in a light sigh of happiness he whispered "Welcome home..." Rein drifted off enjoying the warmth not only from the sun but from his partner.
Aria was crying on the ground at the park. Her face was bright pink and tears were falling down her cheeks. I'm so short and small. I must be a kid. There was someone next to her. Is... Is that.. Rein with her? It was... He was comforting her telling Aria not to cry. She was wiping her tears and hugged Rein. Aria had one question in mind though. What was this? Is it a memory or just a dream. Rein was telling her something. She couldn't hear it very well. It sounded gibberish to her but little Aria nodded. She stopped crying and giggled with Rein. She got up and walked away with Rein somewhere. Where are we going? Where are they heading too? It was so clear but it seemed so blurry. Everything was fading. away. Wait! No! I need to know more!

Aria woke up. She was normal size again. She looked up and there was Rein hovering over her blushing. "What happened to you?" she smiled. She sat up, stretched and rubbed her eyes. Aria laughed and looked at him with tiresome eyes. "When did you get here? I thought you were staying in the forest," Aria coughed. She started to steam up slowly. Her head went from peachy to a bright pink. She started taking deeper breathes. The world started spinning in her head. "Rein.. Why is the room spinning.." Aria panted. She got up slowly but fell on Rein. "S-Sorry.. I just have a headache all of a sudden," Aria apologized. She felt so weak. She got up with all her might. "Don't worry... I'll be fine." She tried to smile. Aria got up and took one step at a time. Before Aria knew it, she collapsed.

((EDITED- Humor you there?))
Rushing over Rein grabbed his fallen companion underneath her arms and hoisted her up. With a light chuckle he brought her back up to almost standing position as her body was limp her limbs had no strength. "You okay?" His voice was a little distressed by this new situation. A girl he had known only a little had left the impression she was a strong albeit kill happy person. He slowly knelt down to his knees as he lowered her body down gently. He fell back on his behind as he spread his legs out letting her arms droop over his legs. She rested in his lap as he stared down at her a slight panic in his face. "Aria... you gotta be okay." I can't lose you... your the only person I have... Now get up... please get up. He looked into her eyes as the sun beat warmly down on the back of his body. Reins larger body cast a shadow over Aria as he protected her from the sun.

"Aria, why would I stay in the forest when you are out here? Why would you think I would leave you... idiot." He whispered the last word as he gave a half cocked smile to the girl that was staring up at him. Did she not think he was important enough to stay with... did she plan on abandoning him and going off on her own. These things raced through his mind.
Aria looked up at Rein. "I'm not dying... I'm just a little sick" she coughed. She did feel a little better since her clothes dried up from the sun. "I'll be better soon... I just need to eat well and have plenty of sleep.. that's al.... a-achoo.... that's all." She spoke. I didn't leave you... I just needed to be alone for a while Rein. Aria got up and stepped away from Rein. She didn't want him to get sick, too. She fell right on top of the field. The wind flew on top of her with some dead grass flying with it. It was heading west. Her breathing calmed down a little. She felt like she was over exaggerating. Aria knew she was weak but she didn't really try to stand up for a little. It just got a little dizzy every time she stands up or something. The girl sat up then got up again. "I think I'll be fine. Where should we go next?" She smiled. She fanned herself with her hand even though she was cold. Her body temperature was pretty high though. "You ready?" Aria asked.
Rein moved his head around as he faced it back towards the forest, something was telling him that they needed to make it through it to adventure further into it. "I think we should head back in." He pointed towards the tree line. "If you need to stop just tell me..." Rein moved his gaze back to Aria worrying whether or not she would actually be fine as she put it. He could feel her body temperature when he grabbed her. She was either to stubborn or stupid to realize that she should rest and telling her to would just make things worse.

Rein started walking to the forest through the golden wheat grass breathing in heavily as he stepped under the branch and re entering the forest. They continued on through the forest as the trees creaked and moaned as they stepped by, the blue sky that was once in the field was traded in a green filter of darkness that grew darker as they kept walking towards the heart of this giant forest. The lights would dance and glow about them with each step lighting their way and area around them. Rein would turn to watch Aria from time to time as they continued venturing noticing her red cheeks and heavier than normal breaths he could see the slight sparkle of sweat on her face. Eventually Rein couldn't handle it anymore he turned quickly to look at Aria "Are you really alright?" His face was stern and his voice was more of an interrogation.
The poor girl wasn't alright. She just wanted to stay strong. "I'm fine. Let's continue," Aria smiled and continued walking. She started getting more dizzy. She knew she shouldn't push herself because she would get worse. Aria just didn't want him to worry. Her target was heading back to the forest to rest for a little. She just didn't want to pass out on their way back to the forest. Her eyes started to close slowly. She opened her eyes back up quickly trying to stay awake until they make it. Her boy was really tired. She couldn't even open her eyes for a while. She knew Rein was probably worried sick. Aria should of just sleep instead of making him worried. They were almost near the forest. She smiled and started running. Aria was running slower than usual. She was just hurrying to get there and sleep. She was wasting more of her energy. Instead of making it to the forest, Aria knocked out and slept.

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