

The Fool

This is a world that has no names... A boy and a girl are all that remains. A whisper a wind a shattered realm. They are someone and nothing all at the same time. Children of Eden the last two on a mortal plain. This is Chasm. The boy and the girl wake up on a platform floating in an empty void of darkness... they do not have names that they can say or remember. The boy and the girls eye's meet and they stand as broken and shattered earth form around them extending with each step off the platform the endless abyss around them. They are alone and they are together. There are evil Spirits that live in this world... They hunt for for the two last souls.

There is more to this world and they know it... they will seek and rebuild this shattered realm that calamity pulled the trigger on. They are no one... but together they may be something.


Gender: Boy

Age: 16

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd9563b86_ludger.2.jpg.64c0e77f677b7142b8319de855d016d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="397" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd9563b86_ludger.2.jpg.64c0e77f677b7142b8319de855d016d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>,<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Ludger_Status.jpg.b8f02a6b3fe1ecf798baf3db329252f0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="398" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Ludger_Status.jpg.b8f02a6b3fe1ecf798baf3db329252f0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Appearance <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/girl.jpg.3146f45b636ce99142b9a642ef6d10a6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="396" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/girl.jpg.3146f45b636ce99142b9a642ef6d10a6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The World:
  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/alice.jpg.4cf96a689e1d50fa8db541b707f2311d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="399" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/alice.jpg.4cf96a689e1d50fa8db541b707f2311d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It's dark I cant see anything. The Boy opened his eye's slowly as the world around him was cast in a cloak of black. The feeling of fresh grass was felt on his forearms and hands. His cheeks gently touched upon the blades of green that spread over the small platform that hung in the dark space. Illuminated by no visible sun. The colors of the grass and the deep chocolate of the earth could stood out from everything around him He and the grass were the only thing that existed in this space of vision for him. The boy moved himself up slowly lifting himself from laying down he pushed himself up and sat down in the grass. He closed his eye's as he looked up moving his hands slowly above the tips touching them having them dance across his palms. He swung his arms side to side enjoying the feeling of being alive. His right hand swung far behind him as he swiveled with it. It made a tap against something and he turned to look at what it was. A girl with glossy brown hair that flowed about her in the grass from her head, a white shirt that stood out from her beach skin. he looked at her hands that looked soft and gentle. The girl was facing the other way from him on her side so he could not see her face. He watched her chest rise and fall with each breath that she took.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Dragon_Hunters_2550.jpg.1fa3eab0c9f5cabb0d78072607b0d131.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="400" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Dragon_Hunters_2550.jpg.1fa3eab0c9f5cabb0d78072607b0d131.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/dragon_hunters_squad___shadow__covering_midlands_by_fideliada-d4km71x.jpg.b31d14cdc7c4247abbbc4e46ecddc9ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="401" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/dragon_hunters_squad___shadow__covering_midlands_by_fideliada-d4km71x.jpg.b31d14cdc7c4247abbbc4e46ecddc9ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/dragon_hunters_world__uninhabited_islands_by_fideliada-d4mf1qt.jpg.b10d6cc867923f1b0f0eb5e83ecd4d59.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="402" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/dragon_hunters_world__uninhabited_islands_by_fideliada-d4mf1qt.jpg.b10d6cc867923f1b0f0eb5e83ecd4d59.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/dragon-hunter-chateau.jpg.acb930cb32745f08ea257792b0479af6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="403" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/dragon-hunter-chateau.jpg.acb930cb32745f08ea257792b0479af6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/dragonhuntersBackground.jpg.19dba20623a15ca07297e48ba20b8c87.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="404" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/dragonhuntersBackground.jpg.19dba20623a15ca07297e48ba20b8c87.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/floating_palace_by_jonone_zps494783f6.jpg.ca107a119bfc08d5d0d523e0715f103d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="405" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/floating_palace_by_jonone_zps494783f6.jpg.ca107a119bfc08d5d0d523e0715f103d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The girl just stood there looking where the wind was heading too. Her hair hid her face as she closed her eyes trying to find out where the wind was going. North, east, west or south? As soon as she opened her eyes, she noticed a boy standing there and tried to ignore him as if he wasn't there. She ran off as soon as he blinked. She followed the wind to see if it would take her to anything since she didn't remember anything. She didn't know if she needed help, she just wanted to go home. She turned her head to see if the guy was following her. He was. The girl stopped and turned around and stared at him.
The girl had suddenly took off running surprising the boy. Her burst of energy was unusual to him in a weird sense. Taking to his feet he slowly walked after the girl watching her every step the jostling of her hair and the swaying of her clothes. He moved slowly towards her as she reached the end of the floating island there was nothing else around them. He kept moving towards her as she spun and met his eye's just a few feet away from her now they stared at each other. His mind vibrated as he tried to remember her to see if he had met her before. It was as black as the void around their floating island. "Who... are you?" He asked as he took another step closer slowly weary of the energetic girls spontaneous actions.
The girl smiled at the boy. She saw him getting close to her. She stared into his blue eyes and said to him quietly "I am the girl..Who are you?" Standing on the edge of the surface she turned around and looked down. She observed that there was nothing there. She took a piece of grass and dropped it. It fell and vanished. Where could it be now? She sat down with her feet hanging on the edge and turned her head to stare at the boy.
She was fearless dangling her legs into nothing, the boy thought to himself as he admired her liveliness. "I am..." He paused as he tried to remember who he was but nothing happened as he searched his mind for an answer but nothing came... he was neither frustrated or sad about it. "I am the boy I guess..." He moved even closer to her to trying to see if he could touch her again... if he could maybe then she was real and this wasn't just a dream. As he was about a foot away now with her staring at him. They heard a low moan like a ship creaking at sea. The island began to shake and hum. The boy stretched out his hand quickly to try and grab the girl from the ledge, He snatched her bicep and tugged her back holding her near his body. She was real... he could feel her warmth her body. Her soft skin that seemed to feel like melting snow. He let go as his eye's widened in amazement. As if shifting from nowhere a path with flowers and rocks started protruding from their island. As it continued on tree's filled the view and bed of flowers beside it as if it was calling to them to follow it. The world had come alive... was it because of them the boy wondered as he looked to the girl?
She was being pulled but was let go. The girl got up and dusted herself off. She looked at the boy and saw his eyes widen. He was frozen with amazement. The girl pushed him into the bed of flowers so he can discover the soft feeling of the colorful petals. She fell right next to him only about 2 or 3 feet away. Turning her head towards the boy she spoke softly "It won't last forever you know." Of course, she had to tell him. She didn't know if he knew that or not. The girl sat up and looked up at the blue sky and then at the boy. His shiny silver and black hair was laying on the ground near the flowers. The hair was there as if it was complementing the colors of the flower.
(check out the world concept to see what it will pretty much turn into)

The Boy tilted his head to meet look at the playful young girl who so willingly threw him into the flowers. The puff of flower petals that was caused as he fell were slowly falling back down to the ground some on top of him. He watched one in his peripheral vision fly down onto the side of his nose. He let it be for now as it gently rest atop it. "Why can't it last?" He asked puzzled by her out of no where statement. He was confused did she understand something he didn't. Did she know about the world they were in... He sat up making the petals that were on him fly off with his sudden rise. He turned to face the path that was still growing and being created. the sights were amazing to be held on these floating landmasses. Each platform was unique leading to more unique ones as they continued further and further down. The world added something new at each change. A different color, water, man made bridges made out of wood, creeks giant trees and large flowers. it was truly amazing... "Do you know why we are here?" He asked facing away from her still taking in the ever spreading canvas of the world.
The girl smiled at him. She was actually glad that he asked that question. Before she answered, she looked at the flower that fell off the boy. The delicate flowers fell on the ground making the petals to come off easily. She picked up the petals and dropped it into the water. Looking back at the boy, she answered "Ying and yang. You know what that is right? A good thing doesn't always last forever. Bad things will happen too you know." She wasn't happy about that. She looked at the the world changing by shape, color and size. "I don't know why we're here. I just don't remember anything. As soon as I opened my eyes and got up, you appeared I wish I knew more," the girl replied to his question.
The boy stood to his feet and could feel the new life of the world around him it rejuvenated his body. Made him feel like he had a purpose even if he didn't know what it was yet. He turned and stuck his arm out to the girl to help her to her feet. He knew that they were there together for a reason even if he didn't understand that yet. A wind swept from the island they had started out on a low chant of voices in a language he couldn't understand. His body shivered as they whispered about his ears. The air started to grow cold around them. He could see the grass on the island starting to fade to white like the life of it was being frozen. The wind coursed by them as it lifted the pedals that were once onto the floor and swept them farther in to the land being created. "Can you hear that? he asked his voice was low like a whisper. His hand still out to help her up... his feet planted ready to turn and run at a moments notice... something was coming...
The girl grabbed his hand and got up to her feet. She knew running away wasn't the right choice but what else could she do? She started running with the boy and kept looking back to see if there was anything behind them. She started shivering as the frozen grass grew longer and the cold wind blew harder. It felt like running throw soft snow on a bad snowy day. She was worried if she was going to get frostbites or die of hypothermia. As they continued running, the grass and wind became a little warmer but the sky wasn't blue anymore. It was dark. "Is it night time already?" she asked. She looked up and there was no moon but there was the sun hiding a little. It's obviously not night time. The sky just became pitch black.
The boy stopped as the voice and wind around them disappeared almost as quickly as they appeared. "What was that? What do you think that was?" He wrenched his right wrist out of the girls hand, massaging his wrist gently with his left hand. He grimaced at the girl slightly, as he was more than capable to run on his own he wasn't a child.... or at least he thought he wasn't. The Plots of land varied in size and theme... the one they had ran to away from the chanting was filled with large and small red, purple and green mushrooms that had fat stems and plump caps. The boy was captivated by the vibrant colors as he bent down and touched one of the smaller ones with his finger tips. The cap of the mushroom bounced and swayed with his tap. When he went to tap it again to make it bobble once more he was met with a sharp bite to his finger. The mushroom he had tapped had come alive. The cap had been replaced with a mouth and rows of teeth ripping is finger free from it's mouth. He backed away slowly sticking his finger in his mouth and sucking the blood up. He bumped into something behind him... He turned to find a giant stalk that belonged to a mushroom 4 times his size. He froze for an instant as it snapped into life and moved its new found mouth at the boy. Snapping at him he dove out of the way hitting the floor and sliding slightly on his stomach. He brought his hand to the ground and picked himself up quickly as the mushroom snapped at the ground he had just been. He was still sucking on his index finger as he ran for his life. The garden around them was coming to life... and it wasn't a friendly one. The boy with his good hand pointed to a bridge that was to their right "You up to run some more? The boy said half sucking on his finger. Unfortunately the path was riddled with several large stalked mushrooms and a couple medium sized ones to get to their freedom they would have to face the rows of teeth, but if they stayed here they would be fungi food.
The girl had let go of his hand. She knew they shouldn't have ran away from the start. "We shouldn't be running away. More will grow and more will start chasing after us. When they catch us who knows what will happen next." She said to him with serious eyes. Yet again they had no weapons or anything to attack them with. "Nevermind.. let's make a run for it.. We can't attack." the girl changed her mind. She started running off with the boy by her side watching as the mushrooms were following them. They should be hiding somewhere they couldn't reach so the can create a shield or a weapon. Of course, the girl didn't know the perimeter and area of this floating island. "If only we can dig a whole so we can both fit in and they can't reach us..." she thought to herself. She had nothing to dig with besides her hand. She wasn't so sure if she should stop running and dig a whole quickly. No time for that anyway, they were catching up.
The Girl pulled ahead of him slowly... She was faster than him. The mushrooms around them snapped and bit at them. The girl raced by them as the boy staggered and moved trying avoid the snaps that they timed at the girl due to them being much slower they would almost hit the boy. He bobbed and weaved past them as the two made it to the bridge. As soon as their foot touched the bridge the mushrooms stopped and moved back into place where they returned to normal. "We're safe." The boy said as he fell to his on the bridge with a low thud. He placed his hands behind him and leaned back looking at the sky. He was smiling content to being alive and not fertilizer for some plant. He moved his gaze to the girl standing beside him.

"What are we? are we friends or something? I am trying to remember but I just can't remember anything... How about you?"

The bridge was connected to a small island platform much like their first one but this time there was no path leading away from it... If they wanted to proceed they would have to get past the mushrooms. On the small island was a chest smack dab in the middle of it.
They made it safely on the bridge. The girl turned her head to see if they were still there. She was thrilled that they were still alive. She stood right next to the boy. The boy was pretty close to her. She turned her head to face him. She backed up a little and wondered. "I'm not so sure. I... I don't even know how we got here. Do I remind you of someone somehow?" She looked at the boy. The girl tried to change the subject. "I think we might be here for a while so we should probably get ready to protect ourselves," She said. She grabbed a branch and tried to find a sharp stone. It wasn't that difficult to find one because there was a river with a bunch of stones in them. The river was pretty fast and deep so it would be a challenge to get it. She knew if she put her hand in there she probably would fall in and float away. Right now, she didn't care. She dipped her hand in quickly. She crushed her hand. It turns out it wasn't fast or deep. It was slow and shallow. Was it just an illusion? She grabbed a sharp pointed rock and pulled it out. "Well.. I got the carving tool." She smiled awkwardly.
"What are you some kind of warrior?" The boy laughed as he admired the girls passion for wanting to defeat mushroom men. He slowly got up from the bridge as the wood creaked from his new found weight. He watching the girl grabbing twigs and branches from the river below them. He slowly looked around taking in their new surroundings. He brought his hand up blocking out an imaginary sun as he peered at the island that was surrounded by the little creek. There was a brown wooden chest in the middle of it. "Huh I wonder what that is. He pointed at the chest and then moved his head to look at the girl. "Maybe that has something inside of it." He started to move his feet as the bridge dropped down into the tiny creek his shoes splashing the water about him with each step that he took. He could hear the shift in the little pebble bottom as they crunched and brushed against each other as he moved closer to the island. The water was replaced by the sound of grass being rustled against as he walked onto the island.

He made his way to the chest. what is this doing here? He wondered to himself as he slowly opened it. The hinges of the chest creaked and moaned like they had become frozen in time and this is the first time they opened in many life times. Inside the chest was a necklace a silver chain that lead to a crystal shard. The crystal was a light blue color that shined and glimmered brighter than the silver chain. He reached in and grabbed it. walking back to the girl, he handed it to her. "Here i think it will look better on you." He said smiling at her handing her the gift. the chain slid and moved as it exchanged hands of its possible owner.
"Hmmm?" The girl turned her head to look at the boy while carving her spear. She looked at what was in his hand which was a beautiful necklace. She smiled and took it from him and asked "Where did you get this from?" Was it possible that a beautiful necklace to be dangerous in this world? She had put it on and thanked the boy for the gift. She continued with her 2 spears and had put it down as soon as it was finished. "Should I make a shield?" She chuckled. Handing the boy a spear she wondered if a spear was powerful to kill all the mushrooms. "Maybe stronger weapons are better?" she shrugged. She wondered if other monsters will come that are more powerful or something.
"Why do we have to kill them?" The boy asked as he took the spear from her. "They haven't done anything wrong we trespassed..." Was she that intent on killing these creatures that could very well be innocent in all this. Maybe she was the monster in this world and they were the prey to her. He shuddered to think what she was like with her memories. A war monger a tyrant something dangerous, he put it to the back of his mind. At least right now he was not her enemy but he would have to be wary of her... "How do you think we should handle getting past them?" He asked her. The mushroom grove extended for almost 3 football field lengths in which they lined the foliage of the trees and bushes around them. There was a giant one in the center that the boy had a fear of passing.
The girl though about. She guessed he was right but she did have to say something about them. "Well they were chasing us and they were pretty tall. Anyway, what happens if they aren't innocent. I'm not taking any chances you know." The girl told him. "We should carry these just in case they do attack. Okay?" The girl smiled awkwardly and headed towards the bridge. She still didn't feel safe with just a spear. There was a giant one in the middle which might be able to take her spear. "What do we have to lose? You coming?" The girl asked the boy while stepping off the bridge slowly to the other side.
"Yeah I'm coming..." He followed her as they stepped into the mushroom grove. The air around them seemed tense as the boy's body tightened up ready for anything. As they took more and more steps in nothing was happening. "Do you think they only come alive when they are touched?" He whispered to her as he made careful of where he was stepping looking and watching his feet. His breathing was controlled and in light wisps as he feared the worst. They were now at the middle of the grove the lights around them shrouded and turned to night time as the mushrooms glowed in the new darkness like glow sticks. It was a breathtaking sight to behold as if their life itself was light beacon's in the now dark grove. a low rumble of the ground beneath them as they could feel the a sudden tremor. The giant mushroom slowly rose from its grassy bed standing before them as big as a house towering over the two. The boy placed his hand on the girls should lightly pushing her. "We should run." He was still whispering trying not to disturb the other mushrooms.
The girl shivered. She felt cold near that mushroom. "I-It might be innocent like you said.. You never know... Let's just walk r-r-right by it... " She got on her knees and crawled away from the mushroom quietly. She had her spear in her hand just in case if it did attack her. It seemed blind. It probably only woke up from the sound. She crawled right back to the boy and got up. She dusted herself off and whispered something to him. "The mushroom seems blind. It only woke up because we were talking. Let's keep quiet before it attacks us." The girl backed up and had put her finger on his lips. "Shhh..." is all she needed to say now. The girl went back on her knees and crawled away.
As the girl shushed him he replied back in whisper "What?" He was joking as he got low to the ground and followed his partner through the mushroom grove. Staying right behind her he had a view of something he found more interesting than the giant mushroom grove. He was still a boy after all he couldn't help it. Up ahead they could see another bridge as it led to a forest where the tree's enshrouded the entrance. It seemed to span on and on. Their next destination was a forest, but first they needed to get out of here. If there are giant killer mushrooms here I wonder whats in there. A slight chill ran through the boy's body as he realized that they could be in more danger.

As he watched his companion crawl he wondered what to call her. Girl seemed to ridiculous and highly unfriendly for the situation they were in. They were perhaps the only people in this entire world. When they got out of here.... Maybe we should think up some names. The boy began thinking of cool names to call himself they all sounded weird and strange but he liked the individuality of each. The boy crawled on as he paid no attention to his surroundings.
Unfortunately, something broke near them. The giant mushroom headed their way with a huge roar of course. "Did you do something because I did nothing." she said out loud at the boy. No time for asking, she got up and duster herself off. She grabbed his hand and started running. "We might actually make it!" The girl smiled. Another mushroom appeared right in front of her. Bumping into it, she fell. She pulled out her spear. "You ready?"

The girl just waited until it attacked first. It didn't attack at all. It just stood there and roared at them. "Seems like they bark but no bite." The girl laughed. She also face palmed herself for getting all worked up about these innocent creatures. She turned her head towards the boy. "Where are we heading too?" she asked not knowing where she was going. She laughed in a ashamed way.
(you are doing fine, was just wondering if you liked the idea and the rp so far. Aiko Ramiano... edited and changed just tagging you so you can get an alert about the change.)

The boy took his right hand from supporting his crawl and pointed ahead of her towards the forest. "I think we go in there." he watched her trace his finger to in front of her to the forest. They moved the rest of the way to the bridge avoiding contact with the rest of the mushrooms walking around. as they stepped on the bridge the mushroom grove disappeared behind them completely... The boy swung around as it poofed and vanished just as suddenly as it once came. "I... guess we can't go back." He looked at the girl and shrugged slightly at the girl with a smile. He used the spear as he lifted the branches opening a path in the forest for them to go through. "After you..." He waited for her to pass before he continued talking to her. "So.... why don't we come up with some kind of name instead of just of just using you. I mean we could be here a while together might as well right?"
The girl looked at the boy. "Sure.... We can have names..." The girl smiled. She thought about what name would fit her. It wasn't that easy. She looked around to see if it would give her any ideas. "How about you go first?" She asked. She didn't really remember how names worked. She started saying names in her head. Lilly, Sacred, Rose, Elizabeth, Ashley, Marzia, Amiah, Bella which one? Names kept popping in her head but she didn't know which one to pick. She just looked at the boy waiting for his name.
"Hmmm I mean we can come up with anything right? how about...York? or something else? Hmmm." He brought his hand up to his chin resting it on top of his fist. "Choosing your own name is hard... maybe... we should name each other since that is what we will call one another right?" He said blinking at her waiting for her approval. He thought about girl names just in case.

As they stepped through the underbrush of the forest it teemed with life glowing green and blue lights drifted around them disappearing and scattering throughout the jungle. There was a low moan in the old forest as they continued to walk. The leaves underneath their feet cracked and broke under foot. It seemed peaceful and serene. It was dark in the forest as the air had a certain feel of warmth to it as well. There was a mystical feel that enraptured them making them feel at ease. In this broken world... they had finally found a bit of peace.

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