• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Character Characters


Rp'er Name: Xeese
Post Frequency: As often as I am inspired... so maybe a lot and not at all
Discord Name: tifewasahero
Current RP: --
Goals: Survive and get some delicious food!
Equipped Titles: Fae
Height: 4 ft
Weight: 50 lb
Giovanni Rossi's days were a blur of bustling market activity in Portofino. Amidst the calls of vendors and the clinking of coins, Giovanni's voice joined the symphony, haggling over prices with a mix of charm and determination. "Two silver coins for the silk, good sir," Giovanni would propose, his words as smooth as the fabric he sold.
At night, the lively chatter of friends at the tavern resonated with laughter. Giovanni's hearty chuckles mingled with those of his companions, creating a warm tapestry of camaraderie. "Another round for my mates!" Giovanni exclaimed, raising his mug high.
But beneath this illusion of peace, danger lurked. One fateful evening, as Giovanni walked through the darkened alleys of Portofino, he heard whispers that made his blood run cold. "The rival factions grow restless," a voice hissed. Giovanni quickened his pace, his heart pounding in his chest.
Soon, the once familiar streets of Portofino were transformed into a battleground. Giovanni's screams blended with the clash of swords and the roar of flames as chaos reigned. "No! Please, spare my family!" he pleaded, his voice desperate.
In the midst of this turmoil, Giovanni's life was cut short by a stray arrow, a sharp, sudden end to his tale. The once vibrant merchant now lay silent, his final moan lost in the cacophony of war. And thus, Giovanni Rossi passed into history, a common man caught in the cruel embrace of conflict.
Current Life:
Once a humble merchant of Portofino, Giovanni found himself transformed into a mushroom monster, in a strange and fantastical Isekai Hell. In this new world, he roamed through enchanted forests and verdant meadows trying to understand his new existence. One day he's was approached by a "Hello, little one," chirped a colorful bird, landing on Giovanni's cap-shaped head. He let out a cheerful hum, feeling a sense of belonging he never experienced before. One day, as he wandered near a shimmering pond, he heard distant screams. "What's happening?" Giovanni asked a fairy passing by. "Slave traders are hunting us little one's!" she moaned. "Help me please! Let me hide behind your cap." Fearful for his own existence, Giovanni at least mustered courage to hide the little fairy. After the slave traders passed by, the fairy got out of the caps shadow, thanked Giovanni and told him to go north from the forest to find a settlement of fairies. Facing a different environment and this wild place, Giovanni now must keep treading his way carefully so he can survive and maybe, just maybe, be happy in this new life.
Acquired Titles: Fae
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - F
  • Magic skill E 14pts
    Spell Duration F 7pts
    Feature - Transdermal Hydration 7pts
    Fighting style (shroom arts) F 7pts
    Aura F 0pts
    Incapacitate F 14pts
  • Scala Paralizzante - Natural Weapon F, Fighting Style (Shroom Arts) F, Incapacitate F - Tartufo releases a barrage of attacks against the target in order to shed spores from his skin that paralyses the target. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • -
  • Natural Weapons F 14pts
  • Natural Catalyst F 14pts
  • -
  • -
Change Log:

  • Spawned on 15/03/2024
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Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer
"It seems the El-Melloi family has unleashed an unexpected player in this war. He will face hardships no youth should encounter. What says you, King of Heroes, of this Adelhein who fights against magi far beyond his years?" - Father Kotomine Kirei.

Adelhein's Theme:

Fake Red Shoes - Umineko When They Cry

Saber Alter's Theme:

The Tyrant - BlazBlue

Rp'er Name: Maxxob
Post Frequency:
Two to five times a week
Discord Name: Maxxob
Current RP:
Increase the capabilities of his own magecraft; have his own name to be known in this new world; create his own Mage’s Association and thus bolstering the numbers under him; control the corruption he is going through.
Equipped Titles: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus], [Ethereal Luminary Academy Student] F, [Magno Sapiente Victori - Grand Magus S] F
Height: 4’59” / 140 centimeters
Weight: 83 lbs / 38 kilograms
Backstory: Adelhein was the youngest member of the El-Melloi family, not coming from the most prestigious branches of it, such as the Archibald. Yet, he had shown enough promise to be able to take up the name of the family, as his second name. Raised from birth to be a magus, his ambition paved a way for him to participate in the 4th Holy Grail War. However, as the War came to an unsatisfactory ending, when the corrupted Grail was destroyed, Adelhein saw himself being covered with its black mud, along with his Servant. Both had their very essence twisted, before disappearing into thin air, being considered deceased.
Current Life: Both Master and Servant were thrusted into this new, unknown world, where magic was rather commonplace instead of the exception. But maybe that was a boon, rather than a curse: the ability to pursue his arcane desires without the need to hide or being bothered. It didn’t take long for Adelhein to know that this world could be just as violent as any Grail War, being waylaid by a group of bandits just a few minutes after taking his first steps in this place. Luckily, it seems the bandits, members of the Crimson Cutthroats, made the mistake of thinking he was simply a noble being followed by his knightess. Dispatching all but one, who managed to escape, he couldn’t help but watch their figure getting smaller and smaller, while they disappeared into the forest. With a smirk tugging on the corner of his mouth, he knew it wouldn’t be the last time both him and Saber Alter would meet that group. With that, he set out, eager to see what sort of wonders waited for him in this next step of his life.
Acquired Titles: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus], [Ethereal Luminary Academy Student] F, [Magno Sapiente Victori - Grand Magus S] F
Points at Start: 105 (+42 from reduced stats, +28 from Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats)
Points Earned: 739
Points Spent: 808 (all 175 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 78
Upgrades 15/30

Strength - F (0)
Precision - C (21)
Intelligence - A (35)
Vitality - A (35)
Speed - D (14)
Character Grade: C
Standing Grade: S
Downtime Activity: Upgrade Asset City Manor C -> B

  • [Ethereal Luminary Academy Student] F - character is a student of the prestigious magic academy in the the magic capital of the world Aslan/Duchy. Character has access to the resources therein and any perks available to Ethereal Luminary students.
  • [Magno Sapiente Victori - Grand Magus S] F - character holds he highest position in a school of magic named Magno Sapiente Victori
  • Magic D (21)
    • Selective Magic F (7)
    • Magic Area of Effect F (7)
    • Magic Range F (7)
    • Magic Targets F (7)
    • Affinity Elemental [Metal] F (7)
    • "Well well, what have we here? It seems our family’s scion has more tricks up his sleeve than anticipated. That Mystic Code in your hands is a cheap copy of my own creation, is it not ‘nephew’?" - Professor Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald.​
    • Affinity Deflect F (7)
    • Affinity Aura F (7)
    • Affinity Blight [Poison] F (7)
    • Affinity Incapacitating F (14)
    • Affinity Tangle F (7)
  • Magic School - [Mineralis Imperium] F (7)
    • Meta Magic - apply or upgrade range, duration, targets, or aoe 1 grade per grade of school to a spell. A skill added or upgraded in this way may not exceed grade of school with this feature alone. Spells augmented with meta magic maintain original cooldowns and power.
    • Affinity Deflect F
    • Affinity Blight [Poison] F
    • Affinity Incapacitating F
    • Affinity Aura F
    • Affinity Tangle F
  • Energized D (21)
  • Arcana E (14)
  • Narrative Booster [Arcane Seeker] S (98)
    • The Arcane Seeker thrives in acquiring arcane knowledge. They will look for tomes, scrolls, books or anything of significant magical importance, both to learn from it and, if possible, acquire them.
  • Appraisal S (0 - Isekai)
  • Barrier E (28)
  • Healing D (21)
  • Teleport E (42)
  • Companion E (70) [Saber Alter]
    "Irisviel, this turn of events is most unexpected. To have another copy of Saber summoned complicates matters greatly. With two iterations of King Arthur's spirit now tethered to this war, dividing her power and loyalties, my goals become ever more difficult to achieve. My Saber has served dutifully so far, but how long until the call of her twin threatens to sway her?” - Kiritsugu Emiya, the Magus Killer.​
  • Companion D (105) [Gilgamesh]
  • Minions F (14) [Golems] - Spell
  • Magnam Ferro Corpus - Magic E, Energized E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic [Target Allies] F, Barrier F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to five members of his party, up to 30ft. Liquid metal bursts out of the ground, bathing them for 4HP of extra protection, for a single turn, further expanding to other allies in a 15ft radius of the original targets - Grade E Cooldown 0
  • Ferrea Virgo - Magic F, Energized F, Barrier F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects a single party member. Liquid metal bursts out of the ground, bathing them for 4HP of extra protection, for a single turn - Grade F Cooldown -1
  • Alma Gaia - Magic E, Energized E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic [Target Allies] F, Healing F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to five members of his party, up to 30ft. A gentle breeze blows near them, in a greenish hue, lightly healing them, further expanding to other allies in a 15ft radius of the original targets - Grade E Cooldown 0
  • Mitis Tactus - Magic F, Energized F, Healing F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to one member of his party, up to 5ft. A gentle breeze blows near them, in a greenish hue, lightly healing them - Grade F Cooldown -1
  • Fervor Mei Sanguine - Magic E, Energized E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic [Target Enemies] F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to five enemies up to 30ft. Metal tentacles erupt from the ground, moving towards them to pierce them. After the attack, the appendages burst, further dealing Metal damage to other enemies inside a 15ft radius from each original target - Grade E Cooldown 0
  • Gladio Terrae - Magic F, Energized F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to one enemy up to 5ft. A metal tentacle erupts from the ground, moving towards them to pierce them - Grade F Cooldown -1
  • Family Signet Ring - Catalyst B (35) A golden ring with the emblem of the El-Melloi family.
  • Armor [Heavy - Coat] F (7)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • City Manor C (28) -> A Manor located in the very heart of Ryken
Change Log:
Archer | Gilgamesh

Goals: Reclaim her lost strength and return to her former glory; Seeks to conquer all who stand in her way; Assert her supremacy and ensure that all recognize her as the most powerful presence in the realm; Look for entertainment, as that is a vital part of Gilgamesh's personality; Collect treasures; Watch wherever the black mud corruption leads Adelhein, as she enjoys to watch drama unfold; Finally, and more importantly, both guarantee the safety of Adelhein, as her own existence is dependent on his.
Equipped Titles: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage]
Height: 6”2’ / 190 centimeters
Weight: 165lbs / 75 kilograms
Human Life: Gilgamesh, also known as King of Uruk, was a half-god, half-human. He ruled over the Sumerian city-state of Uruk as a despot. Crowned as the King of Heroes, it is said that his legend is the origin of every myth throughout mankind. His tale is depicted in the oldest recorded poem "The Epic of Gilgamesh".
After Death: Along with others who had legendary lives, her spirit was kept into the Throne of Heroes for usage by the Counter Force in a time of need for keeping balance. However, magi found a way to access the Throne of Heroes and summon these legendary creatures for a deadly ritual. Initially, the King of Heroes was summoned by Tokiomi Tohsaka during the 4th Grail War. Later on, due to his Master's demise, he would be affiliated with Kotomine Kirei.
Current Life: This particular copy of Gilgamesh was summoned by Adelhein already in the new world the young magus found himself in. Curiously enough, the King of Uruk was summoned as a female.
Personality: Charismatic, flamboyant, manipulator, sarcastic, Gilgamesh is one that uses honeyed words both to her way or to chastitise. Considers herself to be the pinnacle of existence and sees no problem on making it being known. She is not shy to go at any lengths to achieve her objectives. She is possessive and protective of Adelhein, addressing him as 'young magus' or 'Adelhein'.
Acquired Titles: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage]
Points at Start: 70 (+42 from reduced stats)
Points Earned: 70
Points Spent: 181 (all 112 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 1
Upgrades - 2/35
Strength - G (7)
Precision - H (+14)
Intelligence - B (28)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - F (0)
Character Grade: F
  • Appraisal F (0 - Isekai)
  • Componentless E (42)
  • Magic C (28)
  • Magic Range E (14)
  • Selective E (14)
  • Magic Targets F (7)
  • Gates of Babylon - Magic E + Magic Range F + Magic Targets F + Energized E - By using her mana, countless copies of legendary weapons, made out of mana, materialize above Gilgamesh. With or without a lazy flick of her wrist, the weapons are launched towards up to 5 enemies at the range of 30ft - Grade E Cooldown 0
  • King's Armor F (7)
  • Catalyst Earrings C (2, 2, 2, 7)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Change Log:
  • 01/19/2025
    • Took back the 14 pts previously used in Energized E since the character no longer meet the requirements
    • With the companion skill being raised from F to D, character has 84 (70 + 14 refunded) to spend
    • Upgraded Intelligence from D to B (14)
    • Acquired Catalyst Earring D (6) from makertplace transaction - Marketplace - Marketplace
    • Upgraded Catalyst Earring D->C (7)
    • Upgraded Magic from E to C (14)
    • Upgraded Magic Range from F to E (7)
    • Acquired Selective E (14)
    • Upgraded Speed H -> F (14)
    • Upgraded Strength H -> G (7)
    • Total expenditure - 83 pts
  • 03/10/2025
    • Fixed Energized S down to D in the character sheet (a mix-up with Appraisal that should be S thanks to Adelhein standing grade)
    • Raised Appraisal up to S

Saber Alter | Artoria Pendragon

Goals: Reclaim her lost strength and return to her former glory; Seeks to conquer all who stand in her way; Assert her supremacy and ensure that all recognize her as the most powerful presence in the realm; Finally, and more importantly, the safety of Adelhein, as her own existence is dependent on his.
Equipped Titles: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman]
Height: 6”2’ / 190 centimeters
Weight: 165lbs / 75 kilograms
Human Life: Artoria Pendragon, or King Arthur, reigned over Britain as a just and honorable king, striving to bring peace and prosperity for her people. However, despite her noble goals, her trajectory was marked by tragedy and sacrifice, including betrayal from those close to her. Meeting her end in battle, her legacy and heroic deeds live on.
After Death:Along with others who had legendary lives, her spirit was kept into the Throne of Heroes for usage by the Counter Force in a time of need for keeping balance. However, magi found a way to access the Throne of Heroes and summon these legendary creatures for a deadly ritual. This copy of King Arthur’s spirit, in specific, was summoned by Adelhein during his participation in the 4th Holy Grail War. As the War was coming to a close, the corrupted Grail was destroyed, both her and Adelhein being bathed by its black mud. Thus, their bond was created, far surpassing the confines of the, now, distant Grail War.
Current Life: With the increasing corruption of her mind, Saber Alter keeps her duty in following both Adelhein and her own desires, in tandem.
Personality: Cold, ruthless and merciless, willing to go at any lengths to achieve her objectives. Yet, even in her increasing corrupted mind, there is a twisted sense of devotion towards her Master alongside burning possessiveness. Refers to Adelhein as ‘Master’.
Acquired Titles: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman]
Points at Start: 70 (+42 from reduced stats)
Points Earned: 35
Points Spent: 140 (all 112 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 7
Upgrades: 5/30
Strength - A (35)
Precision - H (+14)
Intelligence - G (+7)
Vitality - C (21)
Speed - F (14)
Character Grade: E
  • Appraisal F (0 - Isekai)
  • Fighting Style [Voidstorm Vanguard - Sword] D (21)
    A fighting style that focus primarily on strength and brutal attacks, caring little about finesse.​
    Core - Blight [Darkness] F (Acquired through Fighting Style F)​
    Core - Area F (Acquired through Fighting Style E)​
    Core - Selective F (Acquired through Fighting Style D)​
    Core - Penetrating F (7)​
  • Dark Excalibur Nova I - Fighting Style [Voidstorm Vanguard - Sword] F, Penetrating F, Area F, Selective F, Blight [Darkness] F - With her corrupted sword embiued with darkness, Saber Alter slashes a 5ft deadly arc around her - Grade F Cooldown 0
  • Dark Excalibur Nova II - Fighting Style [Voidstorm Vanguard - Sword] E, Penetrating F, Area F, Selective F, Blight [Darkness] F - With her corrupted sword embiued with darkness, Saber Alter slashes a 5ft deadly arc around her - Grade E Cooldown 1
  • Dark Excalibur Nova III - Fighting Style [Voidstorm Vanguard - Sword] D, Penetrating F, Area F, Selective F, Blight [Darkness] F - With her corrupted sword embiued with darkness, Saber Alter slashes a 5ft deadly arc around her - Grade D Cooldown 2
  • Excalibur Morgan [Sword] D (21)
  • Excalibur Morgan [Enchanted Sword] B (0)
    • Slot 1 - Regeneration C, Magic Selective F
    • Slot 2 - Bolster [Int] B
    • Slot 3 - Bolster [Str] B
    • Slot 4 - Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic AoE F, Magic Targets F
    • Slot 5 - Magic Duration F, Healing C
  • Dark Excalibur Morgan Armor [Heavy] D (21)

  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Change Log:
  • 02/18/2025
    • Received 35 pts from Companion grade being increased from F to E
    • Received "Excalibur Morgan B" from Adelhein
    • Upgraded Strength C->A (14)
    • Upgraded Speed H->F (14)
    • Upgraded Intelligence H-> G (7)
    • Total Expenditure 35 pts

Metal Golem.png

Strength - A (35)
Precision - G (+7)
Intelligence - G (+7)
Vitality - F (0)
Speed - F (0)
Possessions: Sword B (35)
Metallic golems who lack any capability of critical thinking or to communicate, albeit understanding the orders from Adelhein.
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Journal Entry 38

It has come to my knowledge that the other kids in the orphanage can hardly tell the difference between an animalistic monster driven by instinct and an innocent beast-kin. Of course they’ll slay any monster if given the chance but question themselves if they should stop there. Beast-kin and some fae look exactly the same as the monsters we’re taught to slay. Sometimes they even act the same if we provoke them hard enough. Is it ignorance or madly unfair propaganda of the East Empire that we’ve been forced to believe?
Is conscience really an excuse to not kill them? It’s a very thin line that we tolerate.

-Annellanus, 10 years old


Rp'er Name: Wheatley
Post Frequency:
1-4 Week
Discord Name: blender
Current RP: n/a
Eradication of all monsters in the Eastern Empire
Equipped Titles: Human, [Ryke Adventurer E]
Common, Beastial F, Fae F
Height: 6'2
Weight: 210 lb
Backstory: Annellanus Gilgramfried was natively born and raised in the Eastern Empire as a street urchin. Indoctrinated into the mindset of human supremacy the young boy pledged loyalty to Otenzel. Being raised in the ranks of monster hunters as a boy. The orphan grew a strong mindset in their society of patriotic warriors, honing his killcraft and intent on lethality. Gilgramfried like many other war-bred humans have sworn to destroy all monsters known to man.
Current Life: Annellanus Gilgramfried spends his time as a mercenary and taking quests to slay monsters. It gives him the coin needed to live a decent life but also serves his higher purpose of purging this world of evil.
Acquired Titles:
[Ryke Adventurer E] character has shown promise for the life and is no longer required to participate in basic training or mundane odd jobs. While they still have a ways to go,
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 86
Points Spent: 189
Points Not Spent: 2

Strength - C(21)
Precision - D(14)
Intelligence - D(14)
Vitality - C(21)
Speed - E(7)
Fighting Style [Swords] F (7 points)

  • Accurate - F
  • Knockback - F (7)
Educated [Child Soldier] E (14 points)
  • Survival E
  • Navigation E
  • Athletics E
Type: Ability!, Growth!, Suite!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill
  • This skill may only be taken once.
  • Unless specified by race, this skill cannot be used to meet race requirements for racial perks or titles
  • May be used to meet class requirements unless specified otherwise by class
Character has lived a life where they have first hand experience of using specific skills and knowledge on a regular basis. Pick 3 skills from the secondary skills list that are not artisan when taking this skill. Add those skills to your sheet and group them with some job or background title to show what life experience nurtured those skills for the character. Whenever this skill is upgraded, all 3 chosen skills will automatically upgrade to match. Skills that are a part of this skill may still be individually upgraded beyond the grade of Educated, but they will then no longer benefit from this skill being updated until its grade surpasses theirs.
#Survival F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

The ability to find food and shelter in the outdoors, to avoid natural hazards, and to identify edible and useful wild plants and animals.
#Navigation F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to read maps or use specialized navigation equipment to help the character find the fastest and safest route to a destination.
#Athletics F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!, Utility!
Pre-req: Strength! one grade higher than grade of skill

The character has the ability to perform feats of strength with minimal chance
for injury. Includes lifting or pushing heavy objects, stopping
objects in motion, and supporting large weights.

Academia - F (7)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

Character has talents that are rooted in higher learning – communications,
language, research, and critical thinking – plus an understanding
of institutions of knowledge (schools, magic academies, etc.).

Language - F
  • Beastial (7)
  • Sylvan (7)
[#Language] (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Social!, Auxiliary!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

Characters natively know the common tongue of the world as well as one language relevant to their race/community. Language skill allows for the further learning and comprehension of other languages including the ancient and forgotten. Each time this skill is taken, another language can be learned by character. At narrator discretion, a language can be considered similar enough to another they may allow partial understanding even if no one language is shared. Examples of common languages in the world of IH:

Beastial - beastmen language. Emphasis on R and O sounds. Can be mistaken as a series of growls and rumbles. Gestures are commonly part of the language to better convey emotion. Countries like the Republic prefer this language to Common for its discipline of self in communication. Others like West Empire prefer it as a more natural way of speaking to their kind and a showcasing of the Beastman Superiority. Each kind of beastman has a unique dialect more specific to their particular kind's form of communication. (ex: snakemen have a shared dialect with other serpent beastmen that's different to canine clans)

Sylvan - The fae language. Emphasis on L and vowel sounds. Can have a song or musical quality to it to better convey emotion. Has few regional dialects compared to terran and beastial. But the 'music' produced when communicating with one's own kin is like a choir vs others is noteable due to the more jazzy impromptu singing compared to when everyone is singing the same song together.

Gear - E (14)
Type: Ability!, Acquisition!, Utility!
Note: Items in the Gear must be native to IH

A skill to quickly acquire items and equipment with specialized behavior. Common examples are toolkits with suites of items generally associated with other skills and basic consumables like thrown weaponry/poisons/bombs. Useful for larger or pricier items that don't count as everyday purchases but are not special enough to warrant individual entries in rules or specific point costs. Raising Gear skill raises grade of item(s). Useful for making mundane items have mechanical impact. (ex: gear [blacksmith took kit] F which enables effectiveness boosts to smithing actions) May be taken multiple times. Number of 'consumable' items in a gear is assumed to be 'just enough' but narrator may deem more or less in number of particular items and tools is appropriate. Narrator may also decide if a toolkit can have a particularly useful item or not for the given situation. Gear used for consumable weapons like throwing knives can be used like equipment for effectiveness calculations in combat.

Common usage:
  • throwing knives
  • basic poison vials
  • smoke bombs
  • profession's toolkit

Engineering - E (14)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The use of scientific principles and experimental data to design and build equipment, structures, and useful devices.

Alchemy - F (7)
#Alchemy F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The Character has knowledge of chemical formulae and processes to manipulate and transform liquids, solids, and gasses.
Fighting Style [Swords]
  • Sword Slash - FIGHTING STYLE -Accurate [F], - An attempt to singularly lacerate a target within 5ft with perfect executed technique. Enemies speed is treated as if reduced by 1 letter grade.[F grade] Action Cost: 1. Post Cooldown: 0
  • Pommel Strike - FIGHTING STYLE -Accurate [F], - Knockback [F], - Gilgramfried flips over his weapon and reverse grips his blade. Bluntly striking a target with the handle of his sword within 5ft. Knocking back a foe 1m away. Enemies speed is treated as if reduced by 1 letter grade. [F grade] - Action Cost: 2. Post Cooldown: 0.
  • Old Heavy Platemail (F) - 7
  • Long Sword (E) - 14
  • Large Rucksack with basic supplies (7)
Change Log:
2024-03-26: Creation

2024-03-28: Changed picture, theme and active RP.

2024-05-08: 7 points earned from April 2024 buddy event.
2024-05-29: 7 points earned from May 2024 guardian beast event.
2024-08-25: 72 points earned from Scaly Tails and Trails
2024-12-7: Added basic soldiering skills
Educated [Child Soldier] E (14 points)
  • Survival E
  • Navigation E
  • Athletics E

Academia - F (7)
- F
  • Beastial (7)
  • Fae (7)

Gear - E (14)
Engineering - E (14)
Alchemy - F (7)

2024-12-7: Upgraded Long sword from F to E
Added Large Rucksack with basic supplies for 7 points

2025-03-07: added title [Ryke Adventurer E], earned from Scaly Tails and Trails RP
2025-03-10: Changed pic and theme, added known languages
Last edited:

Marcus Banecroft


War - Heaven Pierce Her

Rp'er Name: Maverick Six

Post Frequency: 3 times a week or more

Discord Name: Rektifier

Current RP: .....

Long Term
  • To cleanse the Eastern Empire from the Scourge of Monsters and defend his homeland against all aggressors.
  • Become stronger as to be of better use to the empire.

Equipped Titles: Human (Mundane), Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military D, Abomination Fighter, Rico's Roughneck, Peacekeeper, Expert Spearman, Swiss Army Knife

Class: Anchor

Perks: Cleave


Asset: Eastern Empire Military D 3/23/2025

Languages: Common, Terran

Height: 5 ft 8

Weight: 170 lbs (Unarmored)

  • Backstory: Marcus was a child of no renown -- yet this made his background in some ways mysterious. He was given up as boy for what monks claimed would be for a better life in a monastery. Being raised of a church, Marcus' had taken oddly well to it, finding himself fittingly serving in the name of a god of Justice named "Minerva." Marcus did not know as to whether or not his parents giving him up was an act of selfishness or an act of Selflessness. But soon...it simply did not matter to him.

    Romanced by the stories of heroes of Old, Marcus choose a path of the warrior, who sought to wield his blade for what was righteous and in service of others.

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Elvyra "The Shark" Highwater
Theme: It's Raining Somewhere Else-Undertale
Rp'er Name: Lolory
Post Frequency:
Weekly Saturday and Sunday
Discord Name: liseranthistle
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Become a successful Loan Shark just like in her previous life.
Equipped Titles: Blackwell Vampire-Human| VIP
Height: 5"6
Weight: 130lbs


As the hour strikes twelve, Elvyra is left defeated with nothing to her name. The debtors have come to finally take everything, the mansion sits empty and the only thing she has left is a single sofa that she sits on, dejected. She sits, and looks up at the last remaining portrait of her family, The Highwater crest proudly gilded in gold filigree in the frame. And then, that too, is taken away by the moving company, unhooked from the wall like a paltry poster on a bedroom wall. In a month, the power will be cut off and they'll have no access to their chandelier and many lights, and then after that the water will soon follow. Her father and mother had both passed everything they had onto her, and now it's been ripped away from her like so many other things.

Just as she stands from the last piece of furniture that's been left in her name, a man in a prim pinstripe suit walks in, his greasy mustache and beady eyes smug as the fox that's caught the hen. "Ah! Lady Highwater, just who I was looking for. I just wanted to say, we've packed everything away for the bank now, so there's nothing that needs moving anymore. The moving company's a fine assortment of men, ain't they?" He asks in his elated drawl. Elvyra says nothing to him, yet gives him a scathing look. "Now look, I know me and your father have had our disagreements, but it all worked out in the end! You, my dear, have no debt to your name any longer! That's a victory if I've ever seen it."

"I have nothing now, you mean." She says. "No house, no family, I don't even have a means of making money because of you-" She points at the banker accusingly, but takes a deep breath to compose herself.

"Oh please, you do have a house. And a nice uh...place to rest your head, it seems." He gestured to the single couch. "At least until three months till now...Then the land will rightfully belong to Blackwell Bank. Pleasure doing business with ya!" He tipped his hat at her as he left shamelessly, and Elvyra could only sigh deeply and rest her head in her hands. She spent the better half of those three months hopping from place to place, a wanderer with nowhere to go. In this world, being human was the worst thing anyone could be, and she fell into the hands of a few monsters who ripped that away from her. After she became a Vampire, it was harder than ever to survive on her own. No human villages would accept her even if she had been recently turned, and she found the allure of human blood too strong to resist.

She had already become disgusted with herself for losing everything, and now she had also become an inhuman leech who thirsted for blood. The only place she had left to turn was the city of Blackwell, a mythical place known as a safehaven for all kinds of monsters and demons alike. The city was unforgiving, but her time as a wandering vampire had toughened her beyond compare. And the Monsters in the city had another thing she needed besides blood:
Money. Starting from the very bottom as a loan shark was hard and arduous work, but Monster banks worked far differently than human made ones. She used her skill and cunning from her life as a noble rich woman to con her way into the highest Blackwell city had to offer.

She needed a new name, one that was unfamiliar to human and monster both, and so as the centuries passed stories about "The Shark" started to thrive in the city. Elvyra "The Shark" Highwater was a new woman, someone who had managed to claw her way to the top in a new society all on her own. And unfortunately, like so many other bosses in Blackwell, her time ran out. A mere human with a stake was enough to take her out, and she never saw it coming. She was able to die a little happy, knowing she'd just needed over ten lifetimes to make it back to where she had first fallen.

Current Life:

The warehouse on the docks is dark and gloomy with one gas light bulb that hangs above and swings back and forth. A man is strapped into a chair, his face very bruised and bloody, a hand snags in his hair and yanks his head back. Elvyra glares down at him with an annoyed look, and a cigarette that hangs from her lips. "Now, I don't like gettin' messy with my clientele, so I'll only ask you again: Where's my money?" She asked him in a not too kind voice. The man whimpered pathetically, and much to Elvyra's disgust, began to cry.

"I don't know! Okay? I have no idea how I'm supposed to get you what I owe, but I promise I'll-"

"Hit 'em again, Saldana. "

Saldana obliged by promptly punching the man square in the jaw. This time, the man fell over in the chair with a loud thud. Elvyra looked down at him and took a long drag on her cigarette. She dropped it and then stomped it out with her foot. "We've been at this for nearly 2 hours now, and my patience is wearing thin." She warned him.The man was quiet for a moment, but then he spoke up.

"I...I was supposed to get money from Madame Oakwell. But she's entangled with the law so..." He explained. "I'm sorry, truly. She was the only person I was getting money from, and now she's currently sitting in the Azuran City dungeons. What else was I to do?"

Elvyra snapped her fingers, and Saldana sat the chair up again so the man could see Elvyra. "Tell the truth, first off." She said. "I'm not fond of liars. But I hate Oakwell more, and want nothing to do with her. Get lost, and if I see you around the Docks again, you won't be so lucky." Saldana cut the bonds from the man's arms and let him limp away.

He looked at Elvyra skeptically."Boss, is it...really okay to just let that guy go?" He asked.

"He knows better than to go and snitch. Besides, I have Harvey watching him. He so much as looks in the direction of a city guard, and he's gone." She rifled through her coat for another cigarrette before she lit it with a flick of a lighter. As she looked at the mess on the ground, she felt a pang of loneliness. She normally had Winrey clean things up like this for her, but since she's found him in this world, she learned that he had a chance at a new life that was somewhat normal. Someone else would have to do the cleaning for her in this life. "Clean this up, will you? After that, we've got other meetings to attend." She said to Saldana, who seemed not at all pleased with cleaning up some random poor guy's blood off the floor of a warehouse. However, Elvyra paid good money for his work. So who was he to complain?

Acquired Titles: Blackwell Vampire-Human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 91
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 91
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - E
Precision - D
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - F

  • [Fangs](Cosmetic)-Sharp canines for drinking blood.
  • [Blood Drinker]-Creature gets nutrition from drinking blood of other creatures.
  • Fighting Style(Vamp Style)-F, The unique fighting style of a vampire, where one bites, drains, and bleeds their enemies to dust!
    • [Tech]Penetrating-F
    • [Tech]Vampiric F
    • [Tech]Blight (Bleed)-F
  • Etiquette F
  • Intimidation F
  • Steady Hands F

Old habits are hard to break-
Vampiric F, Blight(Bleed), Fighting Style - The user is able to heal themself by a small amount through draining the blood from another creature. -Grade F- 0 Post Cooldown-Range: 5ft

The Shark's Teeth-Intimidation- The user is able to initimadate their enemies simply by flashing their fangs at them.-Grade F- 0 post cool down


[Blackwell Colt] Six round Pistol-Grade E, a pistol made for Elvyra and Elvyra alone. It's similar to the kind of pistol she wielded in her old life, now with a Widersian twist.


  • Lucky Fox Cigarette-Elvyra's Favorite brand of Cigarette. She smoked the same kind in her old life, and was happy to find that they exist in this world as well.
  • Elegant Hat pin-A pin to her hat in place when she's out on the town, it's not much, but it's currently the finest thing she owns aside from her pistol.
  • Extra Ammo-She keeps these close on her person in case of any accidents. You can never be too prepared.
  • Holy Water Vial-A holy water vial that was given to her by her Enigmatic Nephew. Even though she's no longer his legal guardian, she still cares for him.


Change Log:
Day in the Life Event-7pts
  • Brought "Steady Hands" Skill for 7pts

Heist at the Goldpot Casino-91pts
  • Acquired Criminal Titles:
    • Murder F
    • Thief F
    • Abuser F
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"You in the back, did you want to listen too? Don't be shy, come closer... You just wanted to see my ears? Get out."

(Listen I know there's clearly a tail but please pretend it doesn't exist, it's just the ears that are important I couldn't find anything else I liked-)
Theme: Misty Memory (Acoustic) - Arknights [So Long, Adele]

Rp'er Name: Tiki, but Riki works too
Post Frequency: From once a week to once a day if needed
Discord Name: ababa8678, nicknamed Tiki Riki on the server
Current RP: [Eastern Empire: Otenzel: Tripodon Market]
Goals: Spread his name as a musical performer, be able to give "enchanting" and "magical" performances (literally!), find someone to sell him a hat to hide his damn ears
Equipped Titles: [Human], [Bard],
Height: 5'3
Weight: 128 lbs.
Backstory: "My life story? It's pretty boring, nothing worth making a song or writing a tale about."
As a native to this land, he has no special backstory from a different world to speak of. He'd make ballads about it if he thought it was interesting enough anyway.
Current Life: Daina is a traveling bard, making a living through people's numerous (and sometimes coerced) donations rather than having a stable job. Doesn't mean he can live how he wants though, he's a rather frugal and humble man when he's not trying to get some coin out of people because he really doesn't get much. He currently has no permanent residence and can be found at whatever inn or tavern will let him stay the night. He spends a night or two sleepless from time to time because of this, but he's used to that. Don't ask about his eyebags nor his odd ears, he doesn't take kindly to the question.
If you are curious about those ears of his, they were an accidental side effect when he was trying to learn transformation magic. He never actually learned how to do so (as of now anyway) so he hasn't reversed the change yet, but it's also those ears that let him hear at the level he can right now, so he has to keep them... for now anyway. Secretly he does like them somewhat, but he refuses to admit it. Not least of all because he does get flak for them, makes him look like less than a human some people say. This is mainly why he developed a hatred of them, but because they're kinda sorta indispensable at the moment, he'd rather pick up a hat instead of getting rid of them.
Acquired Titles: [Human], [Born for This (Perk)], [Bard] (For Educated)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E (7)
Precision - D (14)
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - F
Speed - D (14)

  • Wind Affinity - F "If the wind desires to blow me towards my next destination and pluck at my strings, then so be it. But if it's going to be a nuisance, I might as well learn to make it help me out."
  • Magic - E (14 -> 7 points due to Born for This) "There's a certain magic to any performance... well, with the way magic is defined, not really, but I'd like to see it have one."
  • Heightened Sense - F, Hearing "I'd be a piss poor musician if I couldn't hear every detail of what I played."
  • Feature [Feline Ears] - Free with Heightened Hearing! "They help me hear, ok? I don't like them any more than you do."
  • Bolster [Strength] - F "People sometimes claim that they feel invigorated after they hear my performances, like they can do just a little bit more than usual. Who's to say they're lying?"
  • Educated [Persuasion, Gaming, Street Culture] - F "When you live performance to performance and have to find a different place to rest your head almost every night, you start to learn a few things. How to game some extra coin out of people, getting people to let you stay just that little bit longer, that kind of stuff."

  • Perception - F "I don't just listen to and play sounds written on sheets, because the sounds around you can tell you lots about what's happening."
  • Performance (Guitar) - F "The tones, the passion, the feelings you can convey, I love it all! Would you like to hear a sample?"
  • "Air" Guitar - Magic F, Wind Affinity F, Performance (Guitar) F - When no one else will play for you, let the elements lend a hand. Channel mana through the strings of the catalyst/instrument in such a way that the winds vibrate the strings and play notes as if properly strummed. The gestures needed mimic those of actually playing the guitar (but do not necessarily require the use of both hands, otherwise this ability would be redundant), hence the required Performance skill. F-rank, 0 post CD This skill uses the Magic F defaults for abilities, which are:
    • 1 target
    • 5ft range
    • immediate area
    • 1 post duration
  • Strengthening Song - Magic F, Bolster F, Performance (Guitar) F - Play a passionate melody that briefly invigorates the first/closest person that hears it, granting them a rank of Strength for their next action. F-rank - 0 post CD, this skill uses the Magic F defaults for abilities, listed above
  • Guitar - F (7) Magic Catalyst: Works like an ordinary guitar, but can also conduct mana like a circuit through its strings. It can be used to gather, focus and direct mana through playing certain melodies or even just certain notes, so at least rudimentary knowledge of music is needed to use this catalyst properly (but we can't restrict catalysts behind skill ranks, so just trust me on this one)
  • Sheet Music
  • Bedroll
  • Spare Change "Get your hands off that!"
  • Fire Starter kit "I prefer joining an ongoing campfire, but if needs must."
Change Log:
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Mirabelle Wonderland
Rp'er Name: Sakura Kinomoto
Post Frequency:
Weekday or Weekends..?
Discord Name: N/A
Current RP: Active - [Isekai Hell] Vipers Honor, Shadowed Bonds
Goals: - To find her actual family.
- To show everyone in the world that even unicorn beastpeople are human, too!
Equipped Titles: - [Unicorn]
- [Beast]
- [Holy Saintess] (Grade F)
- [Adventurer] (Grade F)
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 118.8 lbs.
Backstory: She is actually reincarnated into this world! In her past life, she was born into a Yakuza family and was the sole heir to the yakuza bloodline. She was loved by her family and all of the members of the yakuza! But then, one day, she was suddenly diagnosed with stage 3 skin cancer. Everyone in the household was devastated from the news. And then, after a couple of years, she finally succumbed to the cancer and passed away.
Current Life: When she woke up, she was in a very nice bed. The moment she walked out of the room she realized: She got reincarnated as a candidate for saintess! But she also realized that she's actually the long lost princess of the royal family when she looked at the ring that she was wearing on her ring finger! Then, two months later, when the moment came for the pope to choose the next saintess, he chose...Mirabelle! She was surprised yet happy at the same time. Years later, she was now an adventurer and a saintess! What adventures will she have? And will she ever find the royal family? Let's find out!
Acquired Titles: - [Unicorn]
- [Beast]
- [Holy Saintess] (Grade F)
- [Adventurer] (Grade F)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E
Precision - C
Intelligence - E
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • Flight - F (3mph) (21 pts)
  • Healing - F (7 pts)
  • Super Strength - F (7pts)
  • Magic - F (7pts)
    Feature - Unicorn Horn
  • Wrath of the Unicorns - Flight F, Super Strength F, Magic F - Levitates into air as horn emits a faint pink glow. Horn magically creates unicorns made out of pixiedust. Unicorns and Mirabelle charges into opponent (like a stampede) - Grade F - 5 Post Cooldown
  • Unicorn's Blessings - Flight F, Healing F, Magic F - Levitates into air as horn emits a faint pink glow. Everyone within 15-foot radius gets healed and boosts stats up to C for a minute - Grade F - 5 Post Cooldown
  • Healer's Kit
  • Saintess' Holy Staff
  • Very Expensive-looking Ring
  • natural catalyst/weapon hybrid F (horn) (14 pts)
  • Rations
  • Healer's Kit
  • Saintess' Holy Staff
  • Very Expensive-looking Ring
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • N/A
  • N/A
Change Log:
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
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Minashigo no Ōkami: The Orphaned Wolf

Okami Isekai Hell.jpg
Theme: Hunter X Hunter 2011 OST Legend of the Martial Artist extended
Rp'er Name: Gwen Temi
Post Frequency: Twice a week
Discord Name: Uma Sayalami#7724
Current RP: N/A
Goals: 1) Regain the strength of her old body. 2) Find a Lord worth serving. 3) Protect worthy comrades. 4) Serve a worthy cause. 5) Live a life worth living by completing the previous 4 tasks.
Equipped Titles: Mundane Human. See Empire War Veteran. Champion of Light.
Languages: Common. Bestial.
Height: (5'3"”/ 1.6m)
Weight: (115 lbs)
Downtime: Increase Taeko Connection Asset Rank.
Backstory: An nameless orphan born in feudal japan who was taken in by a samurai, given a title, and made to serve under the shogun with near-fanatic loyalty. Their sword, The Wolf’s Blood-Red Fang, had grown just as famed as its wielder. The simplicity of their life made it a rather pleasant one. And when they died, they died with the comfort of knowing- or at least believing- that they had served their lord well.
Current Life:
Fortunately or unfortunately, no matter how you looked at it, The Orphaned Wolf’s story seemed to not yet be at an end.

Born into the world with little more than her loyal sword, the title of orphan would follow her even into this life. Her new body was weak and tired, but these were merely temporary setbacks. Only her sword- touched by the fates- would follow her through the heavens into the next world. And, in this new world, the ronin was left devoid of purpose and identity. One’s sword was not meant to simply be drawn for themselves. There was no honor nor satisfaction in that. The quest to find a new purpose was always a difficult one.

But The Orphaned Wolf would continue, ever forward, until she found a new lord worth serving, new comrades worth protecting, and a new cause worth dying for.
  1. [Born for This]- Okami receives a 7 point discount on [Specialized Fighting Style (Wolf's Blood Red Fang)].
  2. [Favored User]- The Wolf's Blood-Red Fang can only be used by its wielder of choice, Okami. Anyone else that tries to use the blade gets stabbed by thorns that grow out of the handle.
  3. [Agile]- Strikers can combine one attack action (which may be an offensive ability worth 1 action or a basic attack) with one movement action (which may be 1 movement ability worth 1 action or a basic movement) without expending additional action economy once per round as long as they are wearing light armor and wielding a one handed weapon (natural weapons accepted).
Acquired Titles:
  1. Mundane Human- For all issues relating to race, character is Human.
  2. Otherworlder- Character was born in another world and travelled to this one later by some means.
  3. See Empire War Veteran- character has fought and survived battles in the war between the fae see and east empire.
  4. Champion of Light- Character has been named as a Champion of the Fae See's church of light, imbued the element of the elemental cardinal. Champions are fierce defenders of the Fae, called upon in times of need to fight for the survival and honor of their people. Though not as rare as Heroes, Champions hold great respect and admiration among their kin, and their strength, that of a crashing wave, is a beacon of hope in times of conflict.
  5. Striker- Strikers are lightly armored single handed weapon users and are typically graduates of martial academies. They are trained in combat and tactical thinking. Strikers excel in avoiding enemy blows while getting in close to deal their own.

Points at Start
: 147 (105 + 42 from lowered skills)
Points Earned: 213
Points Spent: 350
Points Not Spent: 10
Character Grade: D
Standing Grade: D
Strength - A​
Precision - E​
Intelligence - E​
Vitality - H​
Speed - A​
  • Specialized Fighting Style [Wolf's Blood Red Fang] B (Born for This)
    • Deflect B 21
    • Range C 21
    • Blight Sepsis [Poison] B 0
    • Penetrating B 21
    • Nonlethal B 21
  • Appraisal E 0
  • Fast E 14
  • Warfare F 7
  • Climbing F 7
  • Energized E 14
  • Red River Flow- Specialized Fighting Style [Wolf's Blood Red Fang] D, Range D, Deflect (1) D, Penetrating D, Blight [Sepsis] D- The Wolf draws and sheathes her sword with such speed so as to leave her blade unseen by untrained eyes as she attacks. The thunderous shockwave released from performing this kata acts as an extension to the strike, allowing Okami to cleave a man in two from distances far beyond the edge of her blade. The name of the form comes from the ominous spray of blood that often follows a successful strike.- Grade D- 1 Action- 100ft range- 2 post cooldown.
  • Merciful Iron Beetle-Specialized Fighting Style [Wolf's Blood Red Fang] D, Range D, Deflect (1) D, Penetrating D, Nonlethal D- The Wolf draws and sheathes her sword with such speed so as to leave her blade unseen by untrained eyes as she attacks. With a simple realignment of the wrist, she strikes a foe with the blunted back end of her blade, rather than the killing edge; aiming more to force the air out of a target's lungs or rattle their brain than to cleave through their flesh. A technique utilized when the objective is less to kill the enemy and more to spare or incapacitate them.
  • Hunting Tiger Bound- Specialized Fighting Style [Wolf's Blood Red Fang] D, Range D, Deflect (1) D, Penetrating D, Blight [Sepsis] D, Fast E (Free action with Striker Perk)- An evolution of [Red River Flow]. The Wolf chooses to lunge towards her opponent, covering up to 80ft in distance before to either evade a strike or move into attack range before shifting into [Red River Flow] kata to strike.- Grade D- 1 Action- 80ft movement range- 100ft attack range- 2 post cooldown.
  • Ashisabaki- Fast E, Energized E- Simple footwork. When the goal is simply to cover ground or evade a threat without retaliation, The Wolf can cover up to 240ft in distance once every six seconds.- Grade E- 1 action- 80ft movement per action- 0 post cooldown.
  • Wolf’s Blood-Red Fang [Orichalum Weapon B]- The Orphaned Wolf had wielded and shattered many swords before The Wolf’s Blood-Red Fang came into her possession. It was born nameless. Just as its owner had been. And it had been given a name by those who’d witnessed her service. Just as its owner had.

    Very few know the appearance of the blade. Never drawn for allies. Never kept drawn long enough for enemies. Bathed in blood by the time a warrior capable of clearly perceiving it could lay eyes on it. If someone were to ask why the sword followed her into the world, The Wolf wouldn’t pretend to have the slightest idea.

    But, if you asked her, she'd tell you that, somewhere along the way, it gained a soul to match its name. That it liked serving at her side. That it died alongside her and followed her through the afterlife.

    But that’s merely the explanation that she likes best.
  • Studded Leather Bracers [Light Armor E] 14- Armor reminiscent of vestments she wore in her last life. Unremarkable.
  • Backpack
  • Rations
  • Camping supplies
  • Lantern
  • Asset Connection Village of Taeko F
Change Log:
-6/17/2024: Partial Scooped [Weapon Master F] and refunded 70 points to adjust for the update to Domain/Weapon Master skills.
-6/17/2024: Purchased Specialized Fighting Style [Wolf's Blood Red Fang] E (14), Deflect E (21), Range E (21) and upgraded Wolf’s Blood-Red Fang [Orichalum Weapon E] to [Orichalum Weapon D] (14) with the refunded 70 points.
-6/17/2024 Obtained title: [Mundane Human] with the acquisition of 2 martial skills. Purchased Specialized Fighting Style [Wolf's Blood Red Fang] D with the seven refunded points.
-8/7/2024: Obtained 25 points from Rambling Rover.
-8/7/2024: Spent 7 points to upgrade Strength from C to B. Spent 14 points to upgrade Wolf's Red Blood Fang [Orichalum Weapon D] to [Oribhalum Weapon C].
-10/10/2024: Gained 24 points and [See Empire War Veteran] title from [Fae See-East Empire Border] Operation: Fort Bury Part 2.
-10/25/2024: Gained 40 points, Speed D-> C (7 points earned and spent), Penetrating D (21 points earned and spent) and Blight [Sepsis] D (free), Perk: [Favored User] and Title: [Champion of Light] from [Worlds Low tier Combat] Bombers or Face huggers?.
-12/8/2024: Updated bio format to be more concise and compactable.
-12/18/2024: Spent 7 points to raise Strength B -> A. Spent 14 points to upgrade Wolf's Red Blood Fang [Orichalum Weapon C] to [Oribhalum Weapon B]. Spent 21 points to purchase [Nonlethal] core for Specialized Fighting Style [Wolf's Blood Red Fang] D.
-12/24/2024- Gained 72 points from [Taeko - The Republic] The Vanishing Villagers. Also gained Asset Connection Village of Taeko F. 98 points left unspent.
-12/24/2024- Spent 21 points to raise Int H -> Int E. Spent 7 points on Warfare F. Spent 7 points on Climbing F. Spent 14 points on Fast E. Character Grade Raised to E.
-12/24/2024- Unlocked [Striker] Class as a result of previous purchases.
-12/24/2024- Spent 14 points to raise Speed from C-> A. Spent 21 points to raise Precision from H->E. Character Grade Raised to D.
-12/24/2024- Spent 14 points to purchase Energized E.
-02/09/2025- Edited Downtime activity.
-02/11/2025- Gained 24 points from [Taeko - The Republic] The Aftermath.
-03/04/2025- Spent 14 points to raise Specialized Fighting Style [Wolf's Blood Red Fang] D -> B. 10 points left unspent.
-03/15/2025- Added [Bestial] as Okami's second free language.
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Seira Steelwind

Username: Clockwork_Magic
Post Frequency: Between 1-3 times a week
Discord Name: Agent141
Current RP: Those Damned Bandits!
  • Become a stronger swordswoman
  • Find out the reason for her family’s murder and avenge them
  • Create a mercenary group/company
Equipped Titles: Human, Swordsman Apprentice, Swordsman's Daughter
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 135 lbs
Prior to being isekai'd into this world, Seira was a girl by the name of Amane Oomori in her previous life. The memories of her previous life are a bit hazy to her, but what she does remember were her last few weeks in her previous life. Her parents were struck and killed in a motor vehicle accident, leaving her with no living relatives. She was truly alone in the world, leading her to wander about in a dissociated state from everything around her. Unfortunately, that played into her own demise when she failed to pay attention crossing a street one day.
Current Life:
Amane was reborn to a family in the Eastern Empire as Seira Silverwind, the eldest child of the Silverwind family. Having lost her previous family, she grew very attached to her family. She learned how to fight with a sword by being taught and training with her father, who himself was a swordsman. Everything in her new life seemed to be going well until one fateful night her family's home was raided by a small group of people. Seira was the lucky one that night, managing to flee her home before those people got to her. Seira now lives on the road, effectively as a nomad, turning her despair into motivation to eventually find who took away another family from her and give them their deserved retribution.
Acquired Titles:
  • Human
  • Swordsman Apprentice
  • Swordsman's Daughter
    • From Educated F skill
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 77
Points Spent: 105 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 77
Strength - D
Precision - E
Intelligence - F
Vitality - E
Speed - D
Character Grade: E
  • Fighting Style [Steelwind Blade Style] E
    • The Steelwind Blade Style is a style of fighting with blades, from short swords to long swords, that leans more towards a defensive and opportunistic style.
  • Technique Cores
    • Accurate F
    • Deflect F
  • Appraisal E
  • Resilient F
    • Incapacitation
  • Duration Reduction F
  • Common [Language]
  • Terran [Language]
  • [Swordsman’s Daughter] Educated F
    • Insight F
    • Perception F
    • Culture F
  • [Retribution] - Accurate F, Deflect F
    • Seira readies herself for an incoming attack, ready to swing her sword to deflect an incoming attack and subsequently performing a quick counterstrike against her enemy, so long as they are in range of her sword
    • Grade F - 0 post cooldown, 1 action cost, 5ft range
  • [Justice] - Accurate F
    • Seira quickly brings her sword to strike her foe, intent on striking any holes in her foe's defenses and bringing a swift end to the poor soul
    • Grade F - 0 post cooldown, 1 action cost, 5ft range
  • [Appraisal] - Appraisal E
    • Limited to 1 target in a 5 foot range
    • Grade E, 1 Post Cooldown
  • Sword E
  • Light Chainmail Armor E
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Journal
  • Locket necklace with a family photo inside
  • None Yet
Change Log:
  • Stats
    • Strength F -> D - 14 points
    • Precision F -> E - 7 points
    • Vitality F -> E - 7 points
    • Speed F -> D - 14 points
  • Skills
    • Martial
      • Fighting Style [Steelwind Blade Style] E - 14 points
        • Deflect F
        • Accurate F
    • Sense
      • Appraisal E - Free (Isekai'd + Grade E Character)
    • Defensive
      • Resilient F - 7 points
        • Incapacitation
      • Duration Reduction F - 7 points
    • Miscellaneous
      • Common [Language] - Free
      • Terran [Language] - Free
      • [Swordsman's Daughter] Educated F - 7 points
        • Insight F
        • Perception F
        • Culture F
  • Equipment
    • Sword E - 14 points
    • Light Chainmail armor E - 14 Points
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(She does not have wings so don't fully go off the picture)

Rp'er Name: Baku
Post Frequency:
Will try and post as much as I can, do be patient as I have class and Work
Discord Name: (if you use discord and prefer it as a way of communication. otherwise put N/A. ex: Name#1234)
Current RP: (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)
One day she wishes to explore that which has yet to be explored

Equipped Titles: Human, Draconian, Native
Height: (5’11)
Weight: (140 lbs)
Backstory: Iselai did not have the best hand dealt at birth. Born in a village that despised her for the scales she had and a mother who was ashamed of her. Due to the kindness of travelers she learned that her village was an exception. As she grew up she picked up skill after skill she deemed necessary for taking off. First came the sword, next came money management, before she knew it she was of age and finally left the small piece of the world that was her village. Now she travels from place to place, finding comfort in the company of other travelers.
Current Life: Iselai is not a stranger to living as needed. Somedays she’ll find herself in an inn, others she will sleep under the stars. One thing is for sure she does not like staying in one place.
Acquired Titles: Human, Draconian, Native
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Ice Affinity E
  • Regeneration F
  • (cosmetic) Partial scales
  • (cosmetic) Tail
  • Fighting Style (Swords) Penetrating: F
  • Artisan (Artificer) F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Vipers bite -Fighting Style (swords) F- Penetrating F- Iselai initiates a swift stabbing motion violent and able to hit an enemy in a blind spot piercing their armor. Grade F- 0 post cooldown.
  • Longsword E
  • Light armor: F
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)

    • Whetstone
    • Bedroll
    • Fire Starter Kit
    • Rations
    • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)

Change Log:

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Hunter Asphalt
Rp'er Name: Dragonslayer56
Post Frequency:
At least twice a week
Discord Name: Pokesplosion_90536
Current RP: None
Goals: To be known. To buy a nicer house.
Equipped Titles: Fae, [Slimed], [Rico’s Roughneck], [Maimed], [Holy Fae see Military]
Height: 5’11
Weight: 230
Backstory: He went to college and excelled in all his classes. Was a bit late to his job when truck-Kun decided to kill him. /SPOILER]
Current Life: Isekai’d as a humble elf boy, he grew up with just him and his mother. Now he has a 9 to 5 and a small cottage but he visits his mother from time to time. He really wants to join an adventurers guild and has been saving up money for some decent armor.
Acquired Titles: Fae, [Slimed], [Rico’s Roughneck], [Maimed]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 67
Points Spent: 168 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 4
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - A
Precision - A
Intelligence - E
Vitality - A
Speed - D
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Heightened senses Hearing f
  • Fighting Style- [Crush and conquer]-F- BLIGHT (fire) F- Causes an activation of the runes on his hammer, Toughening the metal and igniting a fire that can’t catch, and gives light burns. Weapon; hammer
  • Artisan Blacksmith B
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Rose flame - (Fighting style) Blight (fire) F- Causes a fire to ignite that causes bad 2nd degree burns. Cool to the touch, but very bright. A pink flame-Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • [Dragonslayer] B1736294286237.png
  • Fae Military Chain Mail D1736218149876.jpeg
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Whetstone
  • Goggles
  • blanket and pillow
  • emergency coffee
  • water
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • pretty trashy Cottage F
  • Fae See Boon- Acquire/Upgrade Holy Fae See Military Reputation +1, Upgrade Vitality to C, Strength to B (Add 21 points to spent and earned). The Holy Fae See Military thanks you for your actions and has embraced you as a member of its own.
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
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Rp'er Name:TheTimePiece
Post Frequency: As often as needed on a play by play basis
Discord Name:
On IH Discord Server
Current RP:N/A

Prove that Zjorn can speak.
Make a friend.
Become strong.
Have fun.
Defeat the bad.
Equipped Titles: [Fae] [Construct] [Abomination] [Widersian Military F] [Quality Appliance] [Soapy]
Height: 4'5
Weight: 75 lbs
Backstory: Ryuk used to be a heavy for a Geondal group, bringing out pain and punishment on command for his superiors on anyone who they deemed deserving of it. He initially took this work out of being desperate for money to help support his family which could not afford medical expenses and due to his record it made hiring difficult for jobs which could allow them to afford what they needed. Unfortunately for Ryuk on a money collection mission which went south, Ryuk was killed in an altercation with armed individuals.Fortunately for Ryuk he met some god which allowed him to go to another world. For giving up the majority of memories of his last life, he was allowed to keep skills he possessed in his last for the current figuring that they might come in handy. Another condition of this deal however was that he would be unable to choose where and how he became part of the new world.
Current Life: Yunaesa’s first memory was waking up in a strange laboratory, some sort of mad scientist type sounding very excited that they had brought him..or was it her now? to life. Yunaesa was told their new name, Yunaesa and that they were to go out into the world and make their creator proud, prove to all of those other academics that their concerns of morality were unfounded and that she was the next step in evolution, whatever that meant. But not long after this was the moment which Yunaesa considered one of the greatest moments of her life, she was introduced to Zjorn. Zjorn spoke to her and told her to get out of the laboratory because something bad was about to happen, which she found to be true between the loud sounds of conflict ringing out outside, so she was quick to listen to Zjorn and try to head out, but it wasn’t all that long before fire spread all throughout and there was yelling, before there was a deafening explosion. Yunaesa blacked out and found herself with Zjorn by her side out in the streets of Widersia. Where had her creator gone, where was the lab? Thankfully she had been left with some nice clothing and Zjorn when all was said and done..and even Yunaesa knew she had to earn a living somehow so she got to work where she could.
Acquired Titles:



optional title [Widersian Military F]

optional title [Quality Appliance] - construct is construct and folks will treat character as they believe constructs should be treated with the caveat this one is supposedly a good one. time will tell.

optional title [Soapy] – Character has heard of a bath and is cleaner than 50% of the rest of civilization.

optional title [See of Chaeron Adventurer F] - Character is a member of the Fae See adventurers guild. Still an initiate, there's much room for growth.

Points at Start:
Points Earned: 215
Points Spent: 168
Points Not Spent: 152
Strength - D(14)​
Precision - D(14)​
Intelligence - D(14)​
Vitality - D(14)​
Speed - D(14)​
Character Grade: D
  • Feature: Multiracial (7)
    Allows a character to be part of more than one race tree.
  • Feature Mechanical Parts(0 points, cosmetic)
    Character has parts of their body and/or organs replaces with mechanical version. Does not provide additional benefits.
  • Feature:Horns - Branched extensions of Creature’s skull. (0 points, cosmetic)
  • Appraisal E (0) ( Free, Isekaied)
  • Language:Terran (Free on creation)
  • Language: Analog (free on creation)
  • Educated F “Enforcer” (7) While Yunaesa does not remember the fine details of her past life parts of it have stuck with her and carried over into the current.
    Interrogation F (0, Educated)
    Intimidation F (0, Educated)
    Deception F (0, Educated)
  • Regeneration F (0, 7 point Born for These Discount for construct requirement)
  • Artisan [Tinkerer] F (0 points, Born For These Discount for Fae requirement) | Type: Domestic! - Pre-req: E Grade Precision!
    Tinkerer - maker of mundane, mechanical items and materials with a more scientific requirements.
  • Magic F (7)
  • Fast E (14)
  • [Specialize] Fighting Style F (7) Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee
    An aggressive chainsaw based fighting Style focused on enhancing saw damage,and inflicting targets with lasting damage and afflictions.
    Incurable F (21) Blight [Slashing] F (21)
  • Energized E (14)
  • [Specialize] Fighting Style F Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee, Incurable F
    Yunaesa slashes and or stabs a single target up to 5 ft away from her to try to inflict a wound which is more difficult to heal.- Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.
  • Light Armor Clothing F(7)
  • ”Zjorn” Chainsaw F (7) An ornate chainsaw fueled by magical energy designed and optimized for combat capabilities.

  • backpack
  • bedroll
  • mess kit
  • tinderbox
  • Rations
  • Waterskin


Change Log:
  • 10/31/2024: Earned 105 points from narrating and participating in Graded - [Widersia, Eastern Border] Edge of Enigma
  • 10/31/2024: Earned 32 points as well as optional title [Widersian Military F] and optional title [Quality Appliance] - construct is construct and folks will treat character as they believe constructs should be treated with the caveat this one is supposedly a good one. time will tell.
  • from narrating and participating in Graded - [Widersia, Eastern Border] Edge of Enigma II: Conclusion
  • 10/31/2024: Earned 36 points and optional item: [Slippery Soaperation Coupons] – A booklet of a few coupons offering 20% off on a a next visit to the Slippery Soaperation if you go yourself and a 30% off discount if you bring a friend. As well as optional title: [Soapy] – Character has heard of a bath and is cleaner than 50% of the rest of civilization.
  • 3/1/2025: Earned 42 points and optional title acquired [See of Chaeron Adventurer F] - Character is a member of the Fae See adventurers guild. Still an initiate, there's much room for growth. From Graded - [Eastern Border of the Fae See - M’lynra Village] - One Last Push
  • 3/1/2025: Spent 35 points upgrading All stats from E to D.
  • 3/1/2025: Spent 14 points on Energized E
  • 3/1/2025: Spent 21 points on Blight Slashing F.
  • 3/1/2025: Spent 7 points on Upgrading Fast F to Fast E
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Kite Vanzanth(Scooped)


Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)

Rp'er Name: Elias Wren

Post Frequency:
Once a week. Maybe more.

Discord Name: Crescent King

Current RP: (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)

Goals: Find the ultimate weapon.

Equipped Titles: Human, Native - Mundane.

Height: 5’9

Weight: 164 lbs

Backstory: Error: Memory Lost. Some memories recovered during an adventure in Ryken. Memories of a past life in a other world and a wife who was left behind.

Current Life: Since coming to this new world Kite has been traveling alone and picking up knowledge here and there. Nothing particularly interesting has happened yet.

After collecting his first job from the Adventurers Guild outside the Capital of Ryken, Kite set off to complete his first job. He was tasked with clearing out a supposed haunted mansion by Giuseppe, a local merchant. He met with a group of other adventurers consisting of Nox, Marcus, and Izuru. The group set out and faced ghosts, zombies, and unspeakable flesh monsters within the confines of the mansion. Through their combined efforts they cleared the place out and saved the dar, much to the satisfaction of Giuseppe who sang their praises.

Acquired Titles: Human, Native - Mundane.

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 61

Points Spent: 105

Points Not Spent: 0


Strength - C

Precision - F

Intelligence - C

Vitality - F

Speed - F


  • Magic [F]
  • Elemental Affinity [F] - Fire
  • Focus [F]
  • (Born for This) Fighting Style [E]- Flame Blade
  • Blight [F] - Fire [F]
  • Incurable [F]
  • Continuing [F] (Flames)


  • Blade of Fire Blight - Magic [F] -Fighting Style [E] Flame blade - Focus [F] - Fire Elemental Affinity [F] - Blight [F]- Kite swings his sword straight down and causes flames to strike a single target to burn them.- F grade- 0 cooldown
  • Incurable Stab - Fighting Style [E] Flame Blade - Incurable [F] - Kite jabs a single target with the tip of his sword causing wounds that are difficult to heal. - F grade - 0 cooldown
  • Inferno Blade - Blight - Focus [F] - Elemental Affinity Fire [F] - Magic [F] - Fighting Style [E] Flame Blade - Fire Elemental Affinity [F] - The blade of Kite's sword is engulfed flames and strikes a single target for instant damage. - F grade - 0 cooldown


  • Sword Catalyst - [E]


  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin


Change Log:
  • Strength [F] > [C] [-21]
  • Intelligence [F] > [C] [-21]
  • Sword/catalyst [E] [-28]
  • Magic [F] [-7]
  • Affinity [Fire] [F] [-7]
  • Focus [F] [-7]
  • Fighting style [F] [-7]
  • Blight [F] 7 pont discount with fighting style.
  • Incurable [F] [-7]
  • Updated Character Picture. 6/15/24
  • Acquired Born for This and upgraded Fighting Style to E.
  • Acquired Continuing [F] (Flames) Tech Core with Fight Style Discount.
  • Graded - [Clockhaven - Widersia] A Rowdy Construct (Graded Rp +25pts)
  • Graded - (Ryken) A Hellish Inheritance (Graded Rp +36pts)
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Giovanna la Sapphira Cryora Taurus
Theme: (To be added)
Rp'er Name: Femboy
Post Frequency:
When I feel like it.
Discord Name: N/A
Current RP: Shadow Play: Act II
Goals: Become a Mob-Boss style leader of sorts, just to be in power and have people and tools at her own power and disposal. Finding a nice, powerful friend group that likes getting up to some productive mischief and reigning power on society is great.
Equipped Titles: Beast, Manipulator, Minotaur
Height: 7'11"ft
Weight: 300lbs
Backstory: Giovanna was born into a family of minotaurs with her parents and a twin-sister born at the same time. Though her and her sister got along for the most part, her sister was usually a lot more chaotic and free-spirited rather than Giovanna who was serious and into her study and growth. Her parents however took significant favourites, pampering and spoiling Giovanna while chiding and reprimanding her sister for being a little terror with the trouble she caused. While Giovanna led a happy life, her twin sister was converted to a path of supporting chaos and destruction while she found a path of leadership and control with her originally calm and collected personality. Despite the situations they found themselves in, they eventually dedicated their lives to their own paths after leaving their home and ended up not speaking or seeing eachother.

Though, with time, what they thought were their interests and goals wouldn't be as they originally anticipated. While Giovanna would have no idea what path her twin sister would take and what would become of her, Giovanna would soon change and twist with gifted powers of inner magic as her core self had altered visually as she changed herself mentally. Not wishing to fall into a mundane pawn running the lives for those who cannot manage it, she continued seeking to put herself into a position of power but one where everyone would remember it was her who was at the top of the food chain. That, and while she had tended to stray away from conflict all her life, she was quite interested in learning to be a little morally grey or get her hands dirty out of interest. Not sure where she'd head to accomplish her goals or how she'd do it, Giovanna mentally prepared and trained herself for mental and hopefully physical and magical domination over those she wished to have true control over. After all, people won't tell you what to do if they're too scared to respond.
Current Life: Giovanna has begun wandering the world in search on where to start her rise to power. She wishes to start gaining a following and name while taking what she can for herself, and desiring to forcefully insert herself into the history books as someone naught should ever dare forget.
Acquired Titles: Beast, Manipulator, Minotaur, One with Lymantraius Rex
Minotaur: A strong and hardy beast-race that is halfway between a human and a bull, usually having bovine features such as said horns, ears and tail. Usually very brawny and strong, minotaurs can come from many varied backgrounds but are at most a noble and respectable strong breed who are practical and serious about their works. Although, minotaurs are somewhat close to being identifiable as monsters, it's likely that some minotaurs are closer to them than of beasts. (Minotaur title needs Strength D, Natural Weapons F, Cosmetic Features: Horns, Bovine ears)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 221 (+49 from Scoop, +23 from later Scoop Grading Rewards)
Points Spent: 196
Points Not Spent: 130
Stats (E-Grade (0/5)):
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - F
  • Cosmetic Features: Blue Skin, Horns, Bovine ears and tail, Cloven hooves and ungulate's ankles (This kind of thing, where the ankle/lower leg goes backwards-like)
  • Languages: Common, Beastial, Abyssal
  • Attentive Student (E)
  • Educated (F)(Manipulator): Leadership, Persuasion, Empathy - Giovanna's history growing up as stern and serious has taught her planning and organisation that, as a family's favourite child, has boosted her pride and ego into forcing herself into the leadership and spotlight if given the chance. She is willing to bend people's will and opinions to her own benefit and gain to stay the favourite and spoiled even with people who aren't her family, desiring to make pawns of all those she finds useful to her own goals and to recruit those who are worth keeping around for progress.
  • Seduction (F)
  • Intimidation (F)
  • Magic (E)
  • Selective Magic (F)
  • Magic Range (F)
  • Magic Area of Effect (F)
  • Ice Element Affinity (E)
  • Midas Element Affinity (E)
  • Tangle Affinity (F)
  • Energized (E)
  • Ice Blast - Magic (E), Magic Range (F), Energized (E), Ice Affinity (E) - Fires a ranged projectile of a chunk of frozen ice - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown (Can add Magic Area of Effect for AOE)
  • Freeze - Magic (E), Magic Range (F), Energized (E), Ice Affinity (E), Tangle Affinity (F) - Flings a chilling ice chunk that attaches to and attempts to spread and freeze up the impacted target in order to hinder movement and action - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown - Takes 1 Action
  • Hailstorm - Magic (E), Energized (E), Ice Affinity (E), Magic Area of Effect (F) - Creates a sudden cyclone storm of ice shards around the user to hit those adjacent to them - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Good Cop - Leadership (F), Persuasion (F), Empathy (F), Seduction (F), Energized (F) - Sweet talk and charm a target by 'playing Good Cop', acting all nice and kind to convince or get what is wanted - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Bad Cop - Leadership (F), Persuasion (F), Empathy (F), Intimidation (F), Energized (F) - Threaten and intimidate a target in order to scare or manipulate the target into getting what is wanted - Grade Fe- 0 Post Cooldown
  • Focusing Crystal Catalyst (Blue gem found on the waist)(E)
  • Natural Weapons (E)
Change Log:
  • [31/12/24] 11 points from Shadow Play: Act II, 105 points from Shadow Play. (116 points gained)
  • [8/9/24] Gained 33 points from Rambling Rover RP (Link), changed Current RP to Shadow Play: Act II. Bought Selective Magic (F)(7), Attentive Student (E)(14).
  • [5/7/24] Bought Abyssal Language (7). Changed Current RP to Shadow Play.
  • [18/6/24] Removed Current RP, added One with Lymantraius Rex title (Source). Bought Midas Element Affinity (E)(14) and Magic Area of Effect (F)(7).
  • [15/6/24] 23 points gained from Scooped Character's graded RP (RP Source Link)
  • [28/4/24] added cosmetic features
  • [21/4/24] Changed height by an inch. Lol.
  • [19/4/24] Added RP link to Road of the Rambling Rover.
  • [15/4/24] Scoop from Tachanka Gabbs, 49 additional Earned Points at creation (+1 ungraded RP awaiting points)
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Rp'er Name: Alvareezy
Post Frequency: 3-5 times a week
Discord Name: N/A
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Albert's first aim is to go on a basic adventure to try out his new skills and see how well they work.
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 5 ft
Weight: 170 lbs
Backstory: Albert, a socially awkward teen, dies after confessing his love for the 54th time and being rejected yet again. He saves his crush from a truck but gets hit instead. Miraculously, he's reborn in an isekai world, his nerdy dreams coming true. Despite the odd situation, Albert stays optimistic, ready to be a hero in his own way.
Current Life: Albert, believing in starting from humble beginnings, heads to the capital to learn blacksmithing. He meets a grizzled old man who turns out to be a grizzled old woman, and she takes him in. Despite not grasping the technical side, Albert intuitively excels at blacksmithing. Slowly equipping himself with his own creations, Albert prepares for his first ever adventure.
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - B
Intelligence - E
Vitality - F
Speed - B
  • Appraisal E
  • Artisan [Blacksmith] C
  • Steady Hands F
  • Supersense [Telescopic Vision] F
  • Lock On - Steady Hands, Supersense [Telescopic Vision] F - Albert focuses sharply on his target with his telescopic vision, then carefully aims his bow, using his steady hands to ensure a precise shot when he releases the arrow - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Forge Sight - Appraisal E, Artisan [Blacksmithing] C - Albert evaluates items and gear nearby using his blacksmithing skills, relying on his game-like appraisal ability. He needs to be within arm's reach to do so effectively - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown
  • Smithshot - Artisan [Blacksmithing C], Steady Hands F, Supersense [Telescopic Vision] F - Albert, with his blacksmithing smarts, figures out the weakest spot on gear. Then, he uses his sharp vision to shoot an arrow right there, aiming to break it for good - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown
  • Steel Bow C - Ranged Weapon - A recurve bow made of light-weight metal. [Crafted with Blacksmithing Skill]
  • Chain Shirt C - Light Armor - Made of interlocking metal rings and worn between layers of clothing.
  • [Crafted with Blacksmithing Skill]
  • Steel Bracers and Greaves C - Light Armor - A pair of bracers and greaves of simple make and made from light-weight metal.
  • [Crafted with Blacksmithing Skill]
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Blacksmithing Tools
  • Titan's Forge Lodging - The Titan's Forge is the smithy where Albert hones his blacksmithing skills and his current living quarters. It's a cozy establishment owned by his master, Iron Willa.
Change Log:
  • N/A
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Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus
Alternate Armour: 1742845200313.png
Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Femboy
Post Frequency:
When I feel like it.
Discord Name: N/A
Current RP: This one
Goals: Grow stronger and follow a path of divine Chaos, Destruction and Fire. Replace her ridiculous armour.
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy
Height: 7'11"ft
Weight: 300lbs
Lei-Cao was born into a family of minotaurs with her parents and a twin-sister born at the same time. Though her and her sister got along for the most part, her sister was usually a lot more serious and into her education rather than Lei-Cao who was rather carefree and into physical activities and exploring. Her parents however took significant favourites, pampering and spoiling her sister while chiding and reprimanding Lei-Cao for being a little terror with the trouble she caused. While Lei-Cao led a happy life which was rather built on her own ambitions and interest considering the lack of support she found from others, her twin sister was lead on some path of importance and independence in order to seek some greatly higher and respectful position of power. Choosing to not care for the lack of care her family showed nor the shared interest and goals of her sister, Lei-Cao chased a life of a pursuit of pride and power as she found purpose in a giving following of Chaos and Disorder. She believed a cultic ideal of fire and chaos was the truest and ultimate power to the world, at least for a long while.

Though, with time, what they thought were their interests and goals wouldn't be as they originally anticipated. While Lei-Cao would have no idea what path her twin sister would take and what would become of her, Lei-Cao would soon change and twist with gifted powers of inner magic as her core self had altered visually as she changed herself mentally. Not wishing to fall into a live of not being good enough or finding that people were impressed at her strengths and capabilities, she began seeking to find ways to improve and work upon her own strength where she could find those who valued and wished the best for her growths while she could follow her passions of zealous beliefs. Despite her ideals of power and wishes, she wanted to find comrades who could help her achieve her goals as well as to get a better understanding of communicating and getting along with people since she tended to be... rather disfunctional in her behaviour, being clumsy and rather confused at what was good or bad at times and not always being able to keep up a super-serious and strong persona.
Current Life: Lei-Cao is currently roaming looking for an idea on what to do or a goal, having her own fanatical yet slightly confused ideals in mind.
Acquired Titles:
[Beast] - Race Tree title, free by default.
[Minotaur] - Racial title, fulfilled requirements to be Minotaur race.
[Property of Saoirse Desrosier] - Owned as a slave by Saoirse Desrosiers.
[Cow] - Gives off strong cow vibes. Maybe it's the smell? Maybe it's all that beef.
[Lazy Dairy] - Is all the dairy section of a market. And like the dairy, needs time to be good for anything.
[Tenderized] - Has been forcefully made to become more tender, in a way.
[Furniture] - Has functioned as someone's furniture.
[Mouthy] - Character is known to have a way with words, many of them spoken as a rant or complaint.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 341
Points Spent: 441
Points Not Spent: 5
Stats (Character D-Grade (4/5)):
Strength - C
Precision - A
Intelligence - D
Vitality - B
Speed - F
  • Cosmetic Features: Horns, Bovine ears and tail, Cloven hooves and ungulate's ankles (This kind of thing, where the ankle/lower leg goes backwards-like)
  • Feature [Inner Chaos] - Has the essence of chaos within their inner being, blood flow, mana and all produced parts of them. Strengthens blood and blood flow, which thickens the blood and increases the strength of blood flow to compensate. The quality and quantity of blood is also enhanced, producing more to support the body and having increased yield of vitamins, minerals and transported contents for body support and functions. Trait is also detected and important to Order of Chaos business.
  • Lucky (F)
  • Attentive Student (C)
  • Energized (E)
  • Concealment (E)
  • Religion (F)
  • Intimidation (E)
  • Athletics (E)
  • Artisan [Dairy] (B)
  • Regenerative (E)
  • [Physical/Mundane] Resistance (E)
  • Superstrength (E)
  • Fighting Style [The Righteous Hand](Maces) (E)
    [*]Wide Swing - F - Area - Lei-Cao's mace swings can affect a wide area in front of them.
    [*]Focused Swing - E - Accurate - Lei focuses her aim (probably out of frustration or hatred for the target). The technique reduces effectiveness of dodge action by 1 per grade of Accurate.
    [*]Heavy Hitter - F - Knockback - Action: 1 - Lei-Cao's mace can hit really hard, and knock back affected targets.
    [*]Large Weapon - F - Range - Lei-Cao's mace is long and can strike a longer range, and works as a vessel for ranged attacks when combined with other skills.
    [*]Earthshatter - E - Quake - Action: 1 - Lei-Cao strikes the ground with her mace, causing a rupture in the earth that splits to form a 20ft³ long and deep fissure for the target to fall into.
    [*]Burning - E - Blight [Fire] - Lei's mace is ignited and imbued with the power of flame, via gift of the deities of Chaos.
    [*]Seeing Stars - F - Flare - Lei tries to strike hard enough to rattle the opponent's mind from the impact, being hit with a giant mace isn't always the simplest thing to immediately return back to your senses from.
    [*]Destructive - E - Breaker - Damage dealt to specific materials takes double damage. Grade of breaker affects what materials are susceptible. Grade of Breaker is effective against equal grade objects. Refer to Material grades for more information. (E: Wood/Stone)
  • Magic (E)
  • Big Swing - Fighting Style [The Righteous Hand] (E), Area (F), Range (F), Energized (E) - Swings her mace in a wide arc attack to strike multiple foes at once - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Batter-up - Fighting Style [The Righteous Hand] (E), Knockback (F), Range (F), Energized (E), (Can add Area) - Strikes the target with her mace with a heavy attack to knock them back, applying Area turns it into a wide swing to strike and hit back multiple enemies at once - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Disappointingly Embarrassing Heavy Armour (B)
  • Natural Weapons (F)
  • Bow (B)
  • Dagger (D)
  • Retribution, the Chaos Crusher (Mace)(D)
  • New Retribution, the Chaos Crusher (Mace)(D)
  • [Idol of Qeotl] (F) - A small pocket-sized ancient Mictlantechulian wooden statue depicting the Mictlantechulian goddess of harvest and agriculture Qeotl.
    Type of Item: Magic.
    Item Special Effects: Grants the current owner [Feature: Weather Sense]. [Boon: No matter what the user smells for the next hour, it smells like fresh rain].
Change Log:
  • [24/3/25] Obtained/Upgraded the following through use of Artisan: All weapons (E) -> (D), Bow (E) -> (B), (Disappointingly Embarrassing) Heavy Armour (B). Strength (D) -> (C) (7). Also added [Idol of Qeotl] (F) from December 2024 Community Event (I was so convinced that I had already added this, but apparently not).
  • [16/3/25] Gained 11 points from Property Part 3 Grading.
  • [23/2/25] Changed current RP.
  • [8/1/25] Apparently can't buy assets anymore, so refunded the 28 points. Bought Attentive Student D > C (7), Intimidation F > E (7), Concealment E (14).
  • [1/1/25] Gained 56 points and [Mouthy] title from Property for my Property Part 1. Spent 7 points on Feature [Inner Chaos], 28 points on Religious Social Status Asset (C) (added title for it), Accurate Tech Core (E) (14), Flare Tech Core (F) (7).
  • [31/10/24] Gained 86 points and [Furniture] title from this RP grading (Dunes & Dervishes). Upgraded Vitality F > C (21), Attentive Student E > D (7), Regeneration F > E (7), [Physical/Mundane] Resistance E (42), Breaker Tech Core E (14).
  • [21/10/24] Bought Blight (Fire)(E) Tech Core (14), Lucky (F) (7), Magic (E) (14).
  • [20/10/24] Obtained 40 points and [Tenderized] title from Of Rabbits and Servants.
  • [29/7/24] Obtained 76 points and [Lazy Dairy] title from A Legendairy Humiliation. Bought Superstrength (E), Intimidation (F), Precision (B) > (A), Artisan (C) > (B), Athletics (E), Quake Tech Core (E).
  • [25/7/24] Obtained Mace E, Bow E and Dagger E (Marketplace Source).
  • [8/7/24] Obtained 72 points and [Cow] title from Fairweather Alchemists Pt1 grading. Bought Regenerative (F), Attentive Student (F) > (E), Precision (F) > (B), Artisan [Dairy] (C).
  • [3/7/24] Added Property of Saoirse Desrosier title, changed current RP to Of Rabbits and Servants.
  • [17/5/24] Changed current RP to Legendairy Humiliation
  • [28/4/24] added cosmetic features
  • [25/4/24] added RP Fairweather Alchemists.
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Theme: The Wall
Rp'er Name: dreadnought
Post Frequency:
around once or twice a week at the very least
Discord Name: dr34dnought
Current RP: N/A
Goals: To gain enough strength so that he'll never end up feeling hopeless ever again against a powerful foe.
Equipped Titles: Human, Draconian, Ryke Adventurers guild F
Weight: 184lb
Backstory: Throughout the entirety of his old life Maxwell had always found himself on the receiving end of bullying from his peers do to his short stature and his overall frail appearance. After all if somebody wanted something from him then it was pretty easy to just push him around or make a couple of threats that they could easily carry out and viola that was that and even as the years went by and high school came around things remained the same for the poor boy. With how much of a target there was on his back from being the prime target of bullying, there weren't many people that were willing to stick their necks out for a guy like him so he resorted to the only thing that he could do, going to the gym and working out so that he could one up his bullies and finally live a normal life without anyone harassing him. It took a lot of time and effort as well as a bit of a motivational pet talk from the friends he made at the gym here and there but Maxwell finally gathered the courage to face his bullies as the last day of school approached him but while he was on his way to school with determination burning within his eyes he spotted a child getting chased around by what were presumably his bullies who ended up sprinting right into the road into the way of an oncoming car. As visions of his previous experiences with bullying he couldn't help but spring into action and push the child out of harms way before succumbing to his fate as a car hit him and everything faded to black...
Current Life: After a brief conversation with God, Maxwell was flung into a world of fantasy that he thought only existed within his dreams which he was excited to now finally live out to its fullest and what better way was there than as an adventurer with his new, taller, body that no one would dream of messing with, in his eyes anyways. With the little funds he was spared on his arrival he managed to scrape up enough money for some equipment before signing up at his local guild to join a party of like minded souls to go off on a journey together. Sadly, not all things could ever go as planned as during one of their adventures Maxwell and his party found themselves face to face with an overwhelming enemy that easily wiped them all out with him being the only survivor from the fight due to the monster burying him within a bunch of rubble first before it moved onto finishing off the rest of his party. All he could do was watch with heavy injuries that were slowly but surely healed with his innate regeneration before his strength finally returned to him so that he could dig himself out of the rubble and the sight that he was treated to was sickening. If only he could have stood his ground and against any threat that came his way then he would have been able to protect his party from the cruel fate they were given so with that in mind he made a promise to himself to become stronger and one day hunt down the monster that killed his party.
Acquired Titles: Human, Draconian, Ryke Adventurers guild F
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 10
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 10
Strength - D (14)
Precision - F
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - C (21)
Speed - E (7)
  • Appraisal E
  • Fighting Style: Bulwark F - A fighting style that revolves around Maxwell using his Halberd as a way to crush any enemies that come his way while forcing enemies to come close to him and receive deadly counters to whatever attacks they may throw at him.
    • Quake F
    • Area F
  • Regeneration F
  • Earth affinity F
  • Magic F
  • Features:
    • Scales - cosmetic
    • Tails - cosmetic
    • Horns - cosmetic
  • Adventurer's guild membership F
  • Crushing Rift- Bulwark F, Area F, Quake F - Maxwell swings his halberd at a nearby enemy and slams down into the ground hard enough for a rift to form beneath them. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - 1 action needed
  • Gaia Force Name - Bulwark F, Magic F, Earth Affinity F - Maxwell coats his Halberd with earth magic which allows his next (regular) attack to hit harder while maintaining the durability of his halberd - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Halberd catalyst hybrid F (14)
  • rations
  • whetstone
  • backpack
  • tent
  • sleeping bag
  • Adventurer's guild membership F
Change Log:
  • nothing to note
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I'm the One

Rp'er Name: Maverick Six
Post Frequency: 3+ Per Week
Discord Name: Rektifier
Current RP: Six Assassins Part II
Goals: Find a new crew and home | Gain money | Become tougher | Become a great thief | Find safety
Equipped Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild, Thief F, Murderer F, Abuser F
5 ft 5
Weight: 125 lbs
Downtime: N/A
Class: Striker

Tier 1 - Agile: Strikers can combine one attack action (which may be an offensive ability worth 1 action or a basic attack) with one movement action (which may be 1 movement ability worth 1 action or a basic movement) without expending additional action economy once per round as long as they are wearing light armor and wielding a one handed weapon (natural weapons accepted).

Tier 2 - Dual Defense: When twin blades use their striker agile perk and wield a one handed weapon in each hand, they may resist the effects of being Surprise attacked and defend themselves with the Agile Action.

Acquired Titles:
- Beastmen, as much as they claim to be of a higher order of being, owe much of their racial features to the animal world. Their martial prowess is 2nd to none. Whether slave or free, they were frequently in professions that benefitted from their superior senses and physicality.

  • Natural Weapons
  • Heightened Sense Smell
  • Supersense: Multidirectional Hearing


[Bunnykin] - Race of humanoid rabbit people said to hail from the western empire. Some see them as stereotypically weak and cowardly, while others see them as peaceful and energetic workers. It is said that some tribes were driven eastward by slavers, raiders, and occasionally conflicts with other tribes. Having a set of powerful legs, bunnykin are well known for their speed and jumping capabilities.

  • Bunny Ears - Tall Ears shaped like those of a rabbit, which often turn in different directions to keep track of multiple threats through sound.
  • Bunny Tail - A stubby and fluffy tail.
  • Claws - A solid set of long nails which stick out from the end of each finger. Rather than placing an emphasis on sharpness, they are made to be very tough. After all, a rabbit does use their claws for tunneling. When well trained, they can make for both good weapons and digging tools.
  • Str E (7)
  • Speed E (7)
  • Jumping F (7)
  • Fast F (7)
  • Supersense: Multidirectional Hearing F (7) OR Heightened Sense: Hearing F (7)

[Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild] - Wanted for being affiliated with a small group of bandits in the Western Empire. She is the last remaining member of her gang. During which time with the gang, she was involved in cons, robberies and even is suspected of murdering some unfortunate adventurers. It also reported that she stole someone's armor.

Despite the fact that Pam's group has been disbanded and she's been chased out of the Western Empire, it appears a particular band of adventurers has hosted a job on Pam's head themselves. Rumor has it that the job for her head comes from an adventurer. Her pursuers however, can be anyone affiliated with the Western Empire Adventurer's Guild.

Thieving Bandit - From more or less childhood, Pamela would be raised by bandits who'd use her in a wide variety of schemes. This started out fairly harmless, often consisting of things like cons, being used as bait or petty thievery. She'd lure sympathetic people on the roadside into ambushes, accompany individuals as a child to look less suspicious and perform scouting duties on certain targets for raid or robbery. As a child, she was often ushered away from the fight into non-violent roles.

As she grew older, less cute, with sharper claws and a determination to fight -- she would learn how to best sneak up on people and rob them under threat of force.

[Thief F] - Character has stolen. Character may not remove the title unless a point penalty is paid or penance is served. Non-monsters with this title lose all rights and protections afforded to them under natural law and are generally not welcomed into any settlement or faction that can test titles.

[Murderer F] - Character has slain non-criminals and/or non-monsters. Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.

[Abuser F] - Character has willfully caused harm to "innocents". Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.

Points at Start: 105 (+7 Reduced stat)
Points Earned: 291


Points Spent: 371
Points Not Spent: 4

  • Backstory: Pam can hardly remember her parents faces.

    What she does remember, however, were their voices telling her to run as her village was raided. To run far, far away as rabbits often do. So run she did, until she was tired and couldn't run anymore. She didn't know where she ended up. Just that she was hungry.

    On that very same mourning, a little rabbit girl witnessed the robbing of a shipment. This prompted her rather than continue to run, to steal a some of the food from said shipment. A guard was well on his way to striking her down with bread in hand amid the panick, before one of the bandits struck down the the guard and allowed her to escape into the forest.

    The bandits would manage to overpower the newcomers through the guile of their ambush, but found themselves with a little rabbit girl who would follow them into the woods.
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Decimus Valerius
Eastern Empire Officer.jpg
Victima Propiciatoria - Umineko When They Cry

Rp'er Name: Maxxob
Post Frequency:
Three to five times per week.
Discord Name: Maxxob
Current RP:
Retrain his own skills to better protect Widersia against the ongoing war between the Eastern Empire and the Fae See.
Equipped Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet E] - Widersia, [Experienced], [Soapy]
Height: 5’57” / 170 centimeters
Weight: 143lbs / 65 kilograms
Current Life: Decimus had retired from the military life into the civilian life, shortly before defecting from the Eastern Empire to Widersia. However, with the ongoing war between the Eastern Empire and the Fae See threatening the small country, the elderly man decided to once more join ranks within the military. Albeit, his skills might be slightly rusted from disuse, the old guard is willing to prove that the saying "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" is wrong.
Acquired Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet E] - Widersia, [Experienced], [Soapy]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 261
Points Spent: 266
Points Not Spent: 100
Strength - F
Precision - C (21)
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - F
Character Grade: E
Standing Grade: D

  • Minions E (28) - Ranged Squad (Spell)
  • Minions E (28) - Melee Squad (Spell)
  • Magic E (14)
    • Magic Duration F (7)
  • Energized F (7) (0) Born For this
  • Focus E (42)
  • Inspire F (42)
  • Asset Military (Cadet) E (7) - Widersia
  • Languages: [Common], [Terran]
  • Attentive Student D (21)
  • [Experienced] - Character has seen a thing or six. More likely to take appropriate or decision action when poop hits the fan.
  • [Soapy] – Character has heard of a bath and is cleaner than 50% of the rest of civilization.
  • Emergency Reinforcements - Magic F, Minions F, Focus F, Energized F - Decimus is able to magically summon his Minions for a single turn - Grade F Cooldown -0
  • Pistol D (21)
  • Catalyst E (14) - Smoking Pipe
  • Armor [Heavy] F (7) - Heavily Armored Uniform
  • Languages: [Terran], [Common]

  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Smoking Pipe
  • [Slippery Soaperation Coupons] – A booklet of a few coupons offering 20% off on a a next visit to the Slippery Soaperation if you go yourself and a 30% off discount if you bring a friend.

  • Military E (Cadet) - Widersia
Change Log:
  • 04/23/2024 - Added languages spoken
  • 04/25/2024 - Added Energized F with the 7 pts discount of Born For This
  • 10/12/2024 - Gained 73 pts in the following RP - Graded - [Widersia, Eastern Border] Edge of Enigma
  • 10/19/2024
    • Acquired Attentive Student F (7 pts)
  • 10/20/2024
  • 01/10/2025
    • Upgraded Intelligence E→D (7)
    • Upgraded Magic F→E (7)
    • Upgraded Catalyst Smoking Pipe F→E (7)
    • Acquired Magic Duration F (7)
    • Acquired Inspire F (42)
    • Minions F (14) - Melee Squad (Spell)
    • Total Expenditure = 84 pts
  • 01/13/2025
    • Forgotten to add the 72 pts acquired in the RP: Graded - [Clockhaven – Widersia] Testing The Waters
    • Acquired Title: [Soapy] – Character has heard of a bath and is cleaner than 50% of the rest of civilization.
    • Acquired Item: [Slippery Soaperation Coupons] – A booklet of a few coupons offering 20% off on a a next visit to the Slippery Soaperation if you go yourself and a 30% off discount if you bring a friend.
    • Upgraded Attentive Student F → E (7)
    • Upgraded Minions Ranged Squad F → E (14)
    • Upgraded Minions Melee Squad F → E (14)
    • Fixed Focus F by paying (14) pts for a total of 21
    • Upgraded Focus F → E (21)
    • Total Expenditure = 70
  • 02/22/2025
Decimus Minion Ranged.jpg
Points at Start: 56 (+42 from reduced stats)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 98
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - H(-14)
Precision - B(28)
Vitality - C(21)
Intelligence - H(-14)
Speed - H(-14)

Steam Rifle - C(28)
Armor Heavy - D(21)
Decimus Minion Melee.jpg
Points at Start: 56 (+42 from reduced stats)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 98
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - C(21)
Precision - H(-14)
Vitality - H(-14)
Intelligence - H(-14)
Speed - C(21)

Pile bunker - D(21)
Armor Light - D(21)

Skills: Fast F, Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F
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*Young Bariton Bard*

  • Lute, Whetstone, Bedroll, Fire Starter Kit, Rations, Waterskin
  • Home and surrounding garden near the capital


Rp'er Name: GodlyDnD
Post Frequency: Generally a couple of times per week
Discord Name: ffbwriter
Current RP: The Visitor to Sarcago
Goals: Planning way to better the world
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: Almost entirely six feet
Weight: 190 lbs

Bariton remembers the Bard before him, of the Sanctuary beyond the rest of the population, training him, and others training him too. Then there is a memory of some switch. He has the contrasting memory of being raised in a significant family led by parents attending the functions of the nobility with contributing to entertainment for those. But conflicts at home through his youth drove him away, while he still worked on his unique skills.

Current Life
Bariton wanders from the capital out to towns and villages performing for appointments he finds, while doing research where he finds documents and materials for his interests in his free time, before moving on.

Lute (catalyst/Performance gear) E (costs 14pts per grade)
Light armor F

Points spent 105
Points Earned 0
Points left 0
Points at start 105


Strength - E

Precision - F

Intelligence - D

Vitality - F

Speed - D


Strengthening Tune -Performance F (lute), Magic E, Spell Duration , FBolster Strength F-Bariton plays a tune from his lute that can up the letter grade of 1 target at 5ft ranges strength by +1, 1 post cooldown E

Performance F (lute)
Magic E
Spell duration F
Bolster Strength F

Languages: Common,Terran
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Izou Tsubaki

♫ Kunoichi ♫
Rp'er Name:MoonBerry
Post Frequency:
1-2 times a week depending
Discord Name: #Emeraldfae91
Current RP:
To aid Yukan in returning to the old empire system and overcoming the eastern empire slavers.
Equipped Titles: [Nomad] [Beastkin] [Native]
Height: 5 Ft
Weight: 120 Ibs
Current Life: Izou grew up in the Nara Nox Shogunate. She was a younger sister once. Her older brother was set to inherit her fathers carpentry business. But the day he disappeared that all changed. That was the day Izous eyes opened to the apathy to all the beast kin that were going missing. She dedicated her life to finding the missing children of her home and bring them back. Some of them elected to join her cause and follow her.
Acquired Titles: [Beastkin] [Native] [Nomad]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - D
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • Artisan E (Carpenter)
  • Architecture E
  • Acrobatics F
  • Athletics F
  • Forgery F
  • Stealth F
  • Climbing F
  • Deception F
  • Quick hide - Acrobatics F, Athletics F, Stealth F, Climbing F : Character is able to climb to high and hard to get places with their high muscular control. And remain hidden.

  • N/A
  • Talented Friends - Caravan life for a nomad has led to the gathering of many capable friends. You have a group of 5 minions that will adapt as you do to new lifestyles. Each time the character classes up, the minions gain a secondary skill pertinent to the new class.
Other Beastkin that were captured and almost sold off as slaves, that have rallied to fight for Yukan with Izou.

Str E
Int F
Pre E
Vit F
Spd F

[Stealth] F
[Fighting Style: Natural Weapons] F
[Deflect] F
[Incapacitating] F

[Weapon: Natural Weapons] F
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Tomoko Brandy



Rp'er Name: Kitty!

Post Frequency: once a day or more!

Discord Name: baebluejay

Current RP: None

Goals: Eating the best meat in the world, becoming stronger, having fun!

Equipped Titles: Beastkin

Height: 1.64 metres / 5'3"

Weight: 65 kilos

Backstory: Johnny was born to a rich family, living in a city penthouse and eating from a golden spoon ever since he could remember. He loved money and worked to get more of it. He had everything he wanted in life, yet he never was happy. On his twenty first birthday he ended up driving his car off a cliff to avoid ramming into a crossing cat-- as he died he made himself a promise; if he gets another chance at life, he will enjoy every moment of it instead of chasing after fake and fortune . . .
Brandy was born a nameless child in the outer edges of Kuridan, other than a note with her first name left by her parents. growing up having to fend for herself. She had a knack for fighting, and almost always ended social situations in such manner. As a result of that, she was often banged up with noone to take care of her-- or so it was until Aedri found her one day and took her home for treatment. Ever since then, Brandy has been ending her days in their alchemy shop, not fully living with them, yet still invited to stay over a lot. She helped with chores, and enjoyed the companionship. She was a massive airhead, but had a kind passionate heart. As such Aedri gave her the family name "Tomoko" (roughly translates to Friendly Child, or so.)
Even after growing up past her teens she viewed Aedri and her family as her family, despite not even being beastmen. Currently, Brandy ventures around Kuridan doing odd jobs and helping whoever needs help.

Current life: Brandy ventures around Kuridan doing odd jobs and helping whomever she can.

Acquired Titles: Beastkin

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105

Points Not Spent: 0

Intelligence H (+14)
Strength E (21)
Speed D (14)
Precision E (7)
Vitality E (7)

Fighting Style (Natural Weapons) [Katzpow] (E) (14)
Accurate (F), Penetrating (F) Brandy uses her speed and catlike features on devastating her opponent either through sheer amount of direct hits or dodging until they are out of breath and delivering a final accurate shot.
Fast E (14)
Equipment (28)
Light Armor E (14)
Natural weapons E (28)
Athletics F (7 points)


Cutthroat - Fast E, Fighting style E // Brandy uses her superior speed to maneuver close to her opponent and overtake them with a slash of her sharp claw like nails aimed at the throat. //GRADE E - COOLDOWN 1

Repel - Fast E, Athletics F, Fighting style E // Brandy uses her superior speed to dodge an oncoming attack, spinning around and delivering a retaliatory strike. // GRADE E - COOLDOWN 1


13/10/24 -> Received = 8pts. / Used = 7 to STR. / Leftover = 1 / RPLink: Graded - [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.
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Name: Mimyr Ahs-Suhl Hurkha'jal Xercha Turambar
Theme: Yet to be Determined.
Rp'er Name: ThAtGuY101
Post Frequency: Depends on the pace of the group. I aim to post once or twice a week, but I can possibly post more.
Current RP: [Asian/Ryken] Aetherbound.
Goals: Heal the dead, and help the ones pass over that wish to. Learn from them and find his place in the world
Equipped Titles: Isekai, human
Height: 5'8" Ft.
Weight:165 lbs
Personality: Mimyr is an odd man. Very calm and down to earth. He does all of his thinking out loud and rarely takes into account how he looks doing it. And he spends much of his time thinking. He enjoys helping, but can be blunt when it comes to giving advice or expressing himself due to poor social skills.

Mimyr. Or rather the man Mimyr used to be. Merle Yaklin. A bit of an odd child. And an only child on top of that. He was home schooled, and was raised by his grandmother. She was a strict woman who spent fifty-nine years years teaching. Just two months shy of five decades. A fact that she often reminded Merle when determining the best course of action. Due to medical issues, she was unable to finish her school year and would prematurely retire. Eight years later, she would take in her grandson. A seven year old boy who's parents were unfit to raise him. Merle never knew why this was so, but he would never see his parents again.

At the age of fifteen, he met some kids his own age. A boy and a girl. They were siblings. Merle's grandmother didn't like him talking to strangers. People to influence him poorly, so he often snuck out to hang out with his friends in a place called 'The End'. The End was just a nickname for their treehouse. It wasn't really theirs. It was on the outskirts of town by an old abandoned pig farm. Some say you can still hear squealing of pigs and a metallic grinding sound of industrial machinery. Though that's a story for another time, maybe.

They hung out in the treehouse in the early morning hours before the sun came up because Merle's grandmother would be fast asleep all night. Two years had passed. and Merle was 17. One day Merle was in the treehouse kissing his best friend's sister. Something that would certainly surprise him. Though that fateful day, lightning would strike the treehouse, causing it to fall fifteen feet drop.

Mimyr was just a nobody. A drifter. An outsider. Someone who didn't belong. He didn't even have a name. He remembered his own name. Or at least parts of it. He had no family in this world. No friends, but he could do something. He could speak to spirits. See them and even have conversations with them. He could also control them. An ability he knew little of and did not like experimenting with. So he traveled. He went from graveyard to battle field to abandoned buildings and even hospitals. He learned much from them and took on several names along the way.

He oftentimes visited churches and offered help, and sung mournful songs in cemeteries. He took solace in helping with burials. He dug many holes and helped in any way he could. He would oftentimes sing directly to spirits. Low hums mostly. He would at some point go on to speak for the deceased in some cases and had even helped some people reconcile with the dead. In one instance, he even managed to solve a murder that had taken place ten years ago. Mimyr traveled from place to place. Learning what he could, and helping as he could and slowly finding his way through a strange world he found himself in.

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105

Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - (D)

Precision - (E)

Intelligence - (C)

Vitality - (E)

Speed - (F)

Spiritual fire affinity - (E)

Holy Affinity - (F)

Magic - (E)

6th Sense(ghost) - (7 points)

Spiritual Release - Spirit Affinity F, Magic E.
1 target, 5 ft range, immediate area, 1 post duration, 1 target. 1 post recharge
The caster manifests spiritual energy. The user channels strong emotion through their hand and out the fingertips and directs it at a target.

- Lantern(Catalyst)- (E)


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Evan Cooper
Rp'er Name: CollusiveDreamer
Post Frequency:
2~4 times/week
Discord Name: TheScarletDastard
Current RP:
Pay off his debt to the local adventurer’s guild, move out of their basement, regain Akaloth’s power he once wielded.
Equipped Titles: {Human}
Height: 5’10’’
Weight: 160lbs
Backstory: Reborn to a new life after failing to save his world from a Novae Apocalypse, Evan is shocked to discover that the contract he made with the aberrant nephilim Akaloth is apparently still binding… despite Akaloth having failed to uphold its end of their bargain.
Current Life: Having possessed the body of an emaciated street urchin, Evan leveraged his innate magical gift to score some clothes, medical treatment, food, and a crappy apartment from the local Adventurer’s Guild… and now owes them a sizable debt.
Acquired Titles: {Human}
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - D
Speed - E
  • Magic E
  • Affinity{Dark} (Magic) F
  • Range (Magic) F, 30ft
  • Targets (Magic) F, 5 targets
  • Componentless (Magic) F
  • Spell Duration (Magic) F, 1hr
Abilities: (Evan currently lacks a magic catalyst, so all of his magic abilities currently must use his skill Componentless Magic. This skill restricts ability grade, the componentless grade is reflected in parentheses.)
  • Needle Rain - Magic E, Targets F, Affinity{Dark} F, Range F - Oily mana around Evan’s head solidifies into black glass-like needles, which fly to strike targets. - Grade E (F) - 1 Post Cooldown, Range 30ft, 5 targets max
  • Liquid Thorns - Magic E, Affinity{Dark} F, Targets F, Duration F - Inky mana swirls around Evan’s body. The tendrils attempt to cushion incoming blows, piercing attackers with sharp thorns - Grade E (F) - 1 Post Cooldown, Duration 1hr, 5 targets max
  • Clothes on his back.



Change Log:

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Koralia Ironjaw
Shark Girl.png

Rp'er Name: Maxxob
Post Frequency:
Three to five times per week.
Discord Name: Maxxob
Current RP:
Refine her swordsmanship, become stronger, gain fame and fortune.
Equipped Titles: [Beastkin], [Native], [Thoroughly Petted], [Baby Eater], [Summoner Abducted], [Fish out of the Water], [Widersia Adventurer Guild F]
Height: 7'40" / 225 centimeters
Weight: 286lbs / 130 kilograms
Current Life: Born in the Continental Lake, Koralia lived most of her life in the Republic. Having no living family members, she works as a mercenary, looking mainly for whatever opportunity might pop up in the various adventurer's guilds throughout the 2nd Continent.
Acquired Titles: [Beastkin], [Native], [Thoroughly Petted], [Baby Eater], [Summoner Abducted], [Fish out of the Water], [Widersia Adventurer Guild F]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 238
Points Spent: 342
Points Not Spent: 1
Upgrades: 10/30

Strength - A (35)
Precision - F
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - D (14)
Character Grade: D
Standing Grade: D

  • [Thoroughly Petted] - Character allows themselves to be thoroughly petted. Any beastman that is made aware of this title will be unable to look the character in the eye, feeling an overwhelming sense of embarrassment on their behalf or will feel angry that a beastmen would allow someone to treat them like a common animal. Character is banned from membership in any beastman factions while title is maintained. Exception are beastmen factions that believe in non-beastman superiority.
  • [Baby Eater] - Character ate a baby. Whose baby doesn't matter much. Just so long as it was the toddler form of a creature. Surely it had it coming.
  • [Summoner Abducted] - Character was minding their own business, when suddenly they were swept up in a bright light. Next thing they know, they are in a strange place, with strange creatures, that do strange things. If they ever return, they would have a story to tell.
  • [Fish out of the Water] – Character is aquatic, but has traversed through hot and dry areas.
  • [Widersia Adventurer Guild F] - Character becomes more deeply associated with the Widersia Adventurer's Guild. F for new members/associates.
  • Enhanced Digestion (7) - Gastric juice akin to a vulture's. Its high acidity allows digesting bacteria, viruses, poison and metal.
  • Serrated Teeth F (7)
  • Webbed Appendages (7) - (Granting Swimming F)
  • Muzzle (Cosmetic) (0)
  • Gills (7) - Allows for underwater breathing
  • Tail (Cosmetic) (0)
  • Fins (Cosmetic) (0)
  • Colors: While and Blue (Cosmetic) (0)
  • Devour F (7)
  • Languages: [Common], [Bestial]
  • Fast F (7)
  • Energized E (14)
  • Fighting Style B [Specialized] [Sword] (35)
    • Deflect B (21)
    • Penetrating B (21)
    • Area B (21)
    • Selective B (21)
  • Attentive Student D (21)
  • Resilient F [Surprised] (7)
  • Superstrength E (28)
  • It's Feeding Time! - Enhanced Digestion (7) + Serrated Teeth F + Devour F - Koralia tries to take a nice chomping mouthful of a target, ripping the piece away because, well, she is hungry! - Grade F Cooldown 0
  • Serrated Zweihänder B (29 - upgrade from C to B identified in the change log) (upgraded by Regula Caelia)
  • Dagger E (2 - Marketplace as identified in the change log) (made by Regula Caelia)
  • Heavy Armor F (7)
  • Serrated Teeth F (7)
  • Light Armor F (3 - Marketplace as identified in the change log) (made by Eriedeth Pip)
A light armor made and constructed from polymer with specific mechanical mechanisms allowing it to be equipped and unequipped easily

  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Sus Raw Meat - a civilized character may be reluctant to eat these morsels unless they refrain from asking where the meat came from

  • None
  • 05/04/2024 - Added Serrated Teeth F in the list of possessions for possible CHOMPS attacks
  • 05/04/2024 - Added ability It's Feeding Time!
  • 05/05/2024 - Expended that Webbed Appendages are granting Swimming F, expanded on what Enhanced Digestion is
  • 05/05/2024 - Scrapped Cook for this character - Character - Characters
  • 07/08/2024 - Received half-rewards (41 pts) from what Cook received from - Graded - [Isekai Hell] Shadowfen's Dungeon Dive
  • 07/23/2024 - Upgraded Strength B → A (7 pts), Upgraded Speed F → E (7 pts), Acquired Fast F (7 pts), total of 21 pts
  • 07/23/2024 - Acquired Light Armor F (3) in a marketplace trade - Marketplace - Marketplace
  • 07/24/2024 - Upgraded Serrated Zweihänder C → B (1 pt) and acquired Dagger E (2 pts) in a marketplace trade - Marketplace - Marketplace, bought Fighting Style [Specialized] E (14)
  • 08/24/2024 - Obtained 32 pts and title [Thoroughly Petted] in the RP -> Finished - [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.
  • 09/12/2024 - Obtained 64 pts and title [Baby Eater] in the RP -> Graded - [Ryke - Ryken Outskirts] Who's the Lorax?
  • 10/01/2024 made the following changes:
    • Acquired Deflect (21 pts)
    • Acquired Penetrating (21 pts)
    • Upgraded Intelligence from F to D (14 pts)
    • Acquired Energized E (14 pts)
    • Upgraded Fighting Style from E to B (21 pts)
  • 10/12/2024:
    • Obtained 20pts from the RP -> Graded - [Aslan City] I Summon Thee!
    • Obtained title -> optional title acquired [Summoner Abducted] - character was minding their own business, when suddenly they were swept up in a bright light. next thing they know, they are in a strang place, with strange creatures, that do strange things. If they ever return, they would have a story to tell.
  • 10/31/2024:
    • Obtained 58pts from the RP - Graded - [Frontier] Dunes & Dervishes: An Empire of Sand
    • Upgraded Speed E->D (7pts)
    • Acquired Attentive Student D (21)
    • Acquired Title - [Fish out of the Water] – Character is aquatic, but has traversed through hot and dry areas.
    • Acquired Item - Sus Raw Meat - a civilized character may be reluctant to eat these morsels unless they refrain from asking where the meat came from
  • 01/19/2025
  • 02/19/2025
    • Acquired Area B (21 - Specialized)
    • Acquired Selective B (21 - Specialized)
    • Acquired Resilient F [Surprised] (7)
    • Superstrength E (28)
    • Total Expenditure 77
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