Professional of Nonsensical Tangents

Rp'er Name: Voider
Post Frequency: 48-72hr is preferred
Discord Name: Set as Voider in the IH discord
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Primary, short-term goal: Master the usage of firearms. Secondary, long-term goal: Establish a shooting club/guild, and encourage widespread use of firearms.
Equipped Titles: [Beast], [Adept Marksman], [Sentry], [Ryken Adventurer F], [Marsh Marching]
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 160lbs
NOTE: I'm not entirely satisfied with this backstory, so it is subject to change.
Backstory: As far as Darin could recall, he lived a mostly normal, uneventful life. Fascinated with the ingenuity of weaponry throughout history, he studied the past of weapons and warfare during his free-time in a period of peace. Perhaps it was both fortunate and unfortunate that war erupted; he knew it was always a horrible affair in reality, but he was prepared. Darin knew he was involved in some of the battles fought, but he was unable to remember the specifics of his death; ironic, that the lover of weaponry would be slain by them.
Backstory: As far as Darin could recall, he lived a mostly normal, uneventful life. Fascinated with the ingenuity of weaponry throughout history, he studied the past of weapons and warfare during his free-time in a period of peace. Perhaps it was both fortunate and unfortunate that war erupted; he knew it was always a horrible affair in reality, but he was prepared. Darin knew he was involved in some of the battles fought, but he was unable to remember the specifics of his death; ironic, that the lover of weaponry would be slain by them.
Current Life: After being given a second chance, Darin woke up in a dense forest. Looking over himself, he quickly discovered that he was no longer human; rather, he seemed to be some kind of lizardman. Stunned from everything that had just transpired, & unsure of how to continue, he walked around aimlessly for hours. At some point, he froze at the noise of a deep growl behind him. Before he could come up with an idea to avoid dying once more, he was knocked to the ground by the beast, preparing to tear him apart. Before it could do so however, a loud shot rang out, & the beast fell with a thud. Standing up from the near-death experience, he spotted an old human aiming a musket at where the now dead creature was.
After greetings were exchanged & significant thanks was given, Darin was beckoned to follow the man to his cabin. During the walk, he learned that the man was a hunter, using a novel weapon (at least to this world) to do his job; firearms. Darin stayed with the old hunter for many months, being a sort of apprentice & helping around. He was taught the basics of hunting, & the intricacies of using a musket.
While Darin was very grateful to the hunter, after about a year, he decided that he was acquainted enough with how this world worked to begin exploring it. Saying farewells to his mentor, he set off with some money, supplies, & in search of a gunsmith. Finally finding one of the very few gunsmiths in the city, he was ready to face this world, & any more threats it might throw at him; with a firearm at the ready.
After greetings were exchanged & significant thanks was given, Darin was beckoned to follow the man to his cabin. During the walk, he learned that the man was a hunter, using a novel weapon (at least to this world) to do his job; firearms. Darin stayed with the old hunter for many months, being a sort of apprentice & helping around. He was taught the basics of hunting, & the intricacies of using a musket.
While Darin was very grateful to the hunter, after about a year, he decided that he was acquainted enough with how this world worked to begin exploring it. Saying farewells to his mentor, he set off with some money, supplies, & in search of a gunsmith. Finally finding one of the very few gunsmiths in the city, he was ready to face this world, & any more threats it might throw at him; with a firearm at the ready.
Acquired Titles:
[Apprentice Marksman] - Through time and practice, Darin has quite a semblance of marksmanship; he still has much to learn, however.
[Beast] - Though Darin may not particularly appreciate a title named "Beast", it is an undeniable fact.
[Adept Marksman] - After months adventuring through the Protectorate of Ryke, and facing multiple fights throughout that time, Darin has learned the practicalities of being both a marksman & a combatant. Armed with such knowledge, Darin now seeks to improve his methods of fighting.
[Sentry] - Darin excels at guard duty and is likely to be tasked with it a lot. Darin inspires a sense of safety and rest-assuredness.
[Ryken Adventurer F] - Darin is an adventurer of the ryken adventurer guild. Known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. Darin is still learning the basics. He may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by himself.
[Blissfully Ignorant] - Darin unintentionally ignored key information resulting in a mission half complete.
[Marsh Marching] - Darin has experience fighting in swamp environments, making it easier to maintain balance on unsteady terrain.
[Ally of Goroboch, the Fungal Guardian] - While Goroboch is in charge and Darin is on good terms with them while in the Gloomhold Swamp (southernmost parts of the Republic of Kuridan), he will find the area and its nature to subtly work in his favour thanks to having earned the favour of the swamp's guardian.
[Get Looped] - Darin has visited and discovered the lost, cursed village of Lupinvale
- [Scaled]
- [Tail]
- [Snout]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 241
Points Spent: 336
Points Not Spent: 10
Strength - D
Precision - C
Intelligence - D
Vitality - D
Speed - D
Movement Skills:
- Fast E
- [Specialized] Fighting Style: Constant Positioning [Gun] D
Aimed Shot - Range D: A simple concept; standing, kneeling, or laying prone, aiming the gun towards your target, pulling the trigger, & then conducting the process of reloading.
Focused Shot - Accurate D: Taking the time to stay still, hold breath, account for distance as well as target movement, & aligning the gun appropriately to fire accurately.
- Fighting Style: Melee [Spear] D
Guard - Deflect D: The usage of correct angling and pressure with one's firearm to prevent an opponent's hit from connecting or reaching it's full impact.
- Steady Hands D
- N/A
- Appraisal D
- Energized E
- Language [Common, Beastial]
- Controlled Breathing E
- Insight E
- Perception E
- Stealth E
- Warfare F
- Precise Shot D - Constant Positioning [Gun] D, Range D, Accurate D, Steady Hands D - With accuracy and steady hands, Darin swiftly fires a projectile with high precision at the intended point of contact if said point is [100ft] or less away; in the case that the intended point of contact is on (or is) a moving target, act as if the target's movement grade was reduced by [3]. - 2 Post Cooldown
- Precise Shot E - Constant Positioning [Gun] E, Range E, Accurate E, Steady Hands E Energized E - With accuracy and steady hands, Darin swiftly fires a projectile with high precision at the intended point of contact if said point is [30ft] or less away; in the case that the intended point of contact is on (or is) a moving target, act as if the target's movement grade was reduced by [2]. - 0 Post Cooldown
- Parry D - Melee [Spear] D, Deflect D - While engaged in close-quarters combat, Darin attempts to prevent or mitigate an opponent's attack. - 2 Post Cooldown
- Parry E - Melee [Spear] E, Deflect E, Energized E - While engaged in close-quarters combat, Darin attempts to prevent or mitigate an opponent's attack. - 0 Post Cooldown
- On Watch E - Perception E, Insight E, Energized E - Darin takes the time to keep aware of his surroundings, sensing for any abnormalities or specifics within in his vicinity, as well as studying the speech and actions of those around him. - 0 Post Cooldown
- Silent Sprint E - Fast E, Stealth E, Controlled Breathing E, Energized E - Darin sprints [80ft], focused on scanning the ground for the quietest steps, keeping his breathing low, and utilizing any obstacles available, in order to try going unnoticed as he moves. - 0 Post Cooldown
- Silent Sprint F - Fast F, Stealth F, Controlled Breathing F, Energized F - Darin sprints [40ft], focused on scanning the ground for the quietest steps, keeping his breathing low, and utilizing any obstacles available, in order to try going unnoticed as he moves. - N/A Post Cooldown
- [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet D - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
- [Light Armor] Gambeson D - A gambeson faced with thick leather, it provides a light but sturdy armor for the wearer.
- Coat
- Ammunition Bandolier
- Bayonet Scabbard
- Small Rucksack
- Whetstone
- Bedroll
- Fire Starter Kit
- Rations
- Waterskin
- [World Rp Certification] - An rp'er with this certification is free to participate in world rp threads for greater rewards and real risk of character death.
- [Winner's Chicken Dinner] - This asset bestows upon Darin a singular opportunity to utilize the coveted skill "Lucky F," offering a chance to turn the tides of fate.
- [Associate of Ryke Count] - Darin is on good terms with a Ryke Count which can open some doors.
Disclaimer: I'm picky with minor details sometimes, so I may make small changes that don't affect points/mechanics (such as descriptions) here and there. I will always keep an update of the latest minor change I've made, in order to follow the rules, though insignificant changes will have their place in the log deleted once they are no longer the latest one.
Change Log:
Change Log:
- Upgraded Precision F -> Precision D (14pts)
- Upgraded Intelligence F -> Intelligence E (7pts)
- Upgraded Vitality F -> Vitality E (7pts)
- Upgraded Speed F -> Speed D (14pts)
- Acquired Fighting Style: Constant Positioning (Gun) E (14pts)
- Acquired Appraisal E (0pts)
- Acquired Fast F (7pts)
- Acquired Steady Hands F (7pts)
- Acquired Language - Common, Beastial. (0pts)
- Acquired Controlled Breathing F (7pts)
- Acquired Focus F (7pts)
- Acquired Insight F (7pts)
- Acquired Smoothbore Musket E (14pts)
- [Total Points Spent: 105]
- Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Wipeout Isekai Edition
- Acquired 7 pts
- Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Pet PVP Tournament April Community Event
- Acquired 7 pts
- Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Party of Greed
- Acquired 21pts
- Acquired Title [Sentry]
- Acquired Asset [Associate of Ryke Count]
- Equipped Title [Sentry]
- Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] May Even These Bones Find Rest!
- Acquired 10pts
- Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace
- Acquired 7pts
- Upgraded Strength F -> Strength E (7pts)
- Changed Fighting Style: Constant Positioning (Gun) to [Specialized] (Free)
- Acquired Fighting Style: Melee (Spear) F (7pts)
- Acquired (Spear) Technique Deflect F (Free)
- Upgraded Steady Hands F -> Steady Hands E (7pts)
- Upgraded Appraisal F -> Appraisal E (Free)
- Acquired Perception F (7pts)
- Acquired Bayonet (Spear) F (7pts)
- Upgraded Bayonet F -> Bayonet E (7pts)
- Combined Smoothbore Musket E & Bayonet E into Musket/Bayonet E (Gun/Spear) (7pts)
- Made updates and additions to Abilities
- [Total Points Spent: 154]
- Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Starbourne Festival [Light/May Event]
- Acquired 13pts
- Upgraded Fighting Style: Melee (Spear) F -> Fighting Style: Melee (Spear) E (7pts)
- Upgraded (Spear) Technique Deflect F -> Deflect E (Free)
- Upgraded Focus F -> Focus E (7pts)
- Made updates and additions to Abilities
- [Total Points Spent: 168]
- Fantasy - Isekai Hell: Ryke Adventurers Guild - Dirty Work
- Acquired 23pts
- Acquired Title [Ryken Adventurer F]
- Acquired Title [Blissfully Ignorant]
- Upgraded Perception F -> Perception E (7pts)
- Acquired [Light Armor] Gambeson E (14pts)
- [Total Points Spent: 189]
- Fantasy - Isekai Hell - August News Letter
- Acquired [Winner's Chicken Dinner]
- Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] September 2023 World Training Event
- Acquired Asset [World Rp Certification]
- Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Kink in the Food Chain
- Acquired 33pts
- Acquired Title [Marsh Marching]
- Graded - [Republic:Gloomhold Swamp] The Roots of the Problem
- Acquired 80pts
- Acquired Title [Ally of Goroboch, the Fungal Guardian]
- Community - .·:*¨¨* ≈☆_July 2024 Community Splash_☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
- Acquired 7pts
- Stats
- Upgraded Strength E -> Strength D (7pts)
- Upgraded Precision D -> Precision C (7pts)
- Upgraded Intelligence E -> Intelligence D (7pts)
- Upgraded Vitality E -> Vitality D (7pts)
- Movement
- Upgraded Fast F -> Fast E (7pts)
- Martial
- Upgraded Fighting Style: Constant Positioning (Gun) [Specialized] E -> Constant Positioning (Gun) [Specialized] D (7pts)
- Upgraded (Gun) Technique Range E -> Range D (Free)
- Upgraded (Gun) Technique Accurate E -> Accurate D (Free)
- Upgraded Fighting Style: Melee (Spear) E -> Melee (Spear) D (7pts)
- Upgraded (Spear) Technique Guard E -> Guard D (7pts)
- Upgraded Steady Hands E -> Steady Hands D (7pts)
- Magic
- Acquired Energized E (14pts)
- Sense
- Upgraded Appraisal E -> Appraisal D (Free)
- Secondary
- Upgraded Controlled Breathing F -> Controlled Breathing E (7pts)
- Upgraded Insight F -> Insight E (7pts)
- Acquired Stealth F (7pts)
- Equipment
- Upgraded [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E -> [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet D (14pts)
- Upgraded [Light Armor] Gambeson E -> [Light Armor] Gambeson D (7pts)
- Made updates and additions to Abilities
- [Total Points Spent: 308]
- Upgraded Title [Apprentice Marksman] -> [Adept Marksman]
- Scooping Focus E (+14pts)
- (Focus has had it's price tripled (7 > 21), and rather than spending points to keep it, I would rather get rid of it entirely.)
- [Total Points Spent: 294]
- Insignificant edits to abilities
- Added Fire Starter Kit to items
- Graded - [frontier] When stories abound, Legends will get you.
- Acquired 26pts
- Acquired Title [Get Looped]
- Apparently I never paid the point cost difference when switching to specialized... Whoops.
- Martial
- Range F -> Specialized (14pts)
- Accurate F -> Specialized (14pts)
- Secondary
- Upgraded Stealth F -> Stealth E (7pts)
- Acquired Warfare F (7pts)
- [Total Points Spent: 336]
- Community - [January 2025] Future's Writing Event
- Acquired 7pts
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