• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Character Characters




Rp'er Name: Voider

Post Frequency: 48-72hr is preferred

Discord Name: Set as Voider in the IH discord

Current RP: N/A

Goals: Primary, short-term goal: Master the usage of firearms. Secondary, long-term goal: Establish a shooting club/guild, and encourage widespread use of firearms.

Equipped Titles: [Beast], [Adept Marksman], [Sentry], [Ryken Adventurer F], [Marsh Marching]

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 160lbs​

NOTE: I'm not entirely satisfied with this backstory, so it is subject to change.

As far as Darin could recall, he lived a mostly normal, uneventful life. Fascinated with the ingenuity of weaponry throughout history, he studied the past of weapons and warfare during his free-time in a period of peace. Perhaps it was both fortunate and unfortunate that war erupted; he knew it was always a horrible affair in reality, but he was prepared. Darin knew he was involved in some of the battles fought, but he was unable to remember the specifics of his death; ironic, that the lover of weaponry would be slain by them.
Current Life: After being given a second chance, Darin woke up in a dense forest. Looking over himself, he quickly discovered that he was no longer human; rather, he seemed to be some kind of lizardman. Stunned from everything that had just transpired, & unsure of how to continue, he walked around aimlessly for hours. At some point, he froze at the noise of a deep growl behind him. Before he could come up with an idea to avoid dying once more, he was knocked to the ground by the beast, preparing to tear him apart. Before it could do so however, a loud shot rang out, & the beast fell with a thud. Standing up from the near-death experience, he spotted an old human aiming a musket at where the now dead creature was.

After greetings were exchanged & significant thanks was given, Darin was beckoned to follow the man to his cabin. During the walk, he learned that the man was a hunter, using a novel weapon (at least to this world) to do his job; firearms. Darin stayed with the old hunter for many months, being a sort of apprentice & helping around. He was taught the basics of hunting, & the intricacies of using a musket.

While Darin was very grateful to the hunter, after about a year, he decided that he was acquainted enough with how this world worked to begin exploring it. Saying farewells to his mentor, he set off with some money, supplies, & in search of a gunsmith. Finally finding one of the very few gunsmiths in the city, he was ready to face this world, & any more threats it might throw at him; with a firearm at the ready.
Acquired Titles:

[Beast] - Though Darin may not particularly appreciate a title named "Beast", it is an undeniable fact.​
[Apprentice Marksman] - Through time and practice, Darin has quite a semblance of marksmanship; he still has much to learn, however.
[Adept Marksman] - After months adventuring through the Protectorate of Ryke, and facing multiple fights throughout that time, Darin has learned the practicalities of being both a marksman & a combatant. Armed with such knowledge, Darin now seeks to improve his methods of fighting.​
[Sentry] - Darin excels at guard duty and is likely to be tasked with it a lot. Darin inspires a sense of safety and rest-assuredness.​
[Ryken Adventurer F] - Darin is an adventurer of the ryken adventurer guild. Known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. Darin is still learning the basics. He may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by himself.​
[Blissfully Ignorant] - Darin unintentionally ignored key information resulting in a mission half complete.​
[Marsh Marching] - Darin has experience fighting in swamp environments, making it easier to maintain balance on unsteady terrain.​
[Ally of Goroboch, the Fungal Guardian] - While Goroboch is in charge and Darin is on good terms with them while in the Gloomhold Swamp (southernmost parts of the Republic of Kuridan), he will find the area and its nature to subtly work in his favour thanks to having earned the favour of the swamp's guardian.​
[Get Looped] - Darin has visited and discovered the lost, cursed village of Lupinvale​
  • [Scaled]
  • [Tail]
  • [Snout]

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 241
Points Spent: 336
Points Not Spent: 10

Strength - D
Precision - C
Intelligence - D
Vitality - D
Speed - D
Movement Skills:
  • Fast E
Martial Skills:
  • [Specialized] Fighting Style: Constant Positioning [Gun] D
Attempting to always keep an optimal range to the target, Darin utilizes any advantageous or preferable terrain, firing when opportunity arises, and darting to new positions as needed.

Aimed Shot - Range D: A simple concept; standing, kneeling, or laying prone, aiming the gun towards your target, pulling the trigger, & then conducting the process of reloading.​

Focused Shot - Accurate D: Taking the time to stay still, hold breath, account for distance as well as target movement, & aligning the gun appropriately to fire accurately.​
  • Fighting Style: Melee [Spear] D
When engaging in close-quarters combat is inevitable, Darin utilizes his bayonet and firearm to stab, hit, block, and apply other such actions resembling the usage of a spear.

Guard - Deflect D: The usage of correct angling and pressure with one's firearm to prevent an opponent's hit from connecting or reaching it's full impact.​
  • Steady Hands D
Magic Skills:
  • N/A
Sense Skills:
  • Appraisal D
Miscellaneous Skills:
  • Energized E
  • Language [Common, Beastial]
Secondary Skills:
  • Controlled Breathing E
  • Insight E
  • Perception E
  • Stealth E
  • Warfare F
  • Precise Shot D - Constant Positioning [Gun] D, Range D, Accurate D, Steady Hands D - With accuracy and steady hands, Darin swiftly fires a projectile with high precision at the intended point of contact if said point is [100ft] or less away; in the case that the intended point of contact is on (or is) a moving target, act as if the target's movement grade was reduced by [3]. - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Precise Shot E - Constant Positioning [Gun] E, Range E, Accurate E, Steady Hands E Energized E - With accuracy and steady hands, Darin swiftly fires a projectile with high precision at the intended point of contact if said point is [30ft] or less away; in the case that the intended point of contact is on (or is) a moving target, act as if the target's movement grade was reduced by [2]. - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Parry D - Melee [Spear] D, Deflect D - While engaged in close-quarters combat, Darin attempts to prevent or mitigate an opponent's attack. - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Parry E - Melee [Spear] E, Deflect E, Energized E - While engaged in close-quarters combat, Darin attempts to prevent or mitigate an opponent's attack. - 0 Post Cooldown

  • On Watch E - Perception E, Insight E, Energized E - Darin takes the time to keep aware of his surroundings, sensing for any abnormalities or specifics within in his vicinity, as well as studying the speech and actions of those around him. - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Silent Sprint E - Fast E, Stealth E, Controlled Breathing E, Energized E - Darin sprints [80ft], focused on scanning the ground for the quietest steps, keeping his breathing low, and utilizing any obstacles available, in order to try going unnoticed as he moves. - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Silent Sprint F - Fast F, Stealth F, Controlled Breathing F, Energized F - Darin sprints [40ft], focused on scanning the ground for the quietest steps, keeping his breathing low, and utilizing any obstacles available, in order to try going unnoticed as he moves. - N/A Post Cooldown
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet D - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • [Light Armor] Gambeson D - A gambeson faced with thick leather, it provides a light but sturdy armor for the wearer.
  • Coat
  • Ammunition Bandolier
  • Bayonet Scabbard
  • Small Rucksack
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • [World Rp Certification] - An rp'er with this certification is free to participate in world rp threads for greater rewards and real risk of character death.
  • [Winner's Chicken Dinner] - This asset bestows upon Darin a singular opportunity to utilize the coveted skill "Lucky F," offering a chance to turn the tides of fate.
  • [Associate of Ryke Count] - Darin is on good terms with a Ryke Count which can open some doors.
Disclaimer: I'm picky with minor details sometimes, so I may make small changes that don't affect points/mechanics (such as descriptions) here and there. I will always keep an update of the latest minor change I've made, in order to follow the rules, though insignificant changes will have their place in the log deleted once they are no longer the latest one.

Change Log:
  • (3/9-11/2023)

  • Upgraded Precision F -> Precision D (14pts)
  • Upgraded Intelligence F -> Intelligence E (7pts)
  • Upgraded Vitality F -> Vitality E (7pts)
  • Upgraded Speed F -> Speed D (14pts)

  • Acquired Fighting Style: Constant Positioning (Gun) E (14pts)
  • Acquired Appraisal E (0pts)
  • Acquired Fast F (7pts)
  • Acquired Steady Hands F (7pts)
  • Acquired Language - Common, Beastial. (0pts)
  • Acquired Controlled Breathing F (7pts)
  • Acquired Focus F (7pts)
  • Acquired Insight F (7pts)

  • Acquired Smoothbore Musket E (14pts)

  • [Total Points Spent: 105]
  • (4/3/2023)

  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Wipeout Isekai Edition
  • Acquired 7 pts
  • (4/23/2023)​

  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Pet PVP Tournament April Community Event
  • Acquired 7 pts
  • (6/4/2023)​

  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Party of Greed
  • Acquired 21pts
  • Acquired Title [Sentry]
  • Acquired Asset [Associate of Ryke Count]
  • (6/5/2023)​

  • Equipped Title [Sentry]
  • (6/19/2023)​

  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] May Even These Bones Find Rest!
  • Acquired 10pts
  • (7/2/2023)​

  • Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace
  • Acquired 7pts
  • (7/25/2023)​

  • Upgraded Strength F -> Strength E (7pts)

  • Changed Fighting Style: Constant Positioning (Gun) to [Specialized] (Free)
  • Acquired Fighting Style: Melee (Spear) F (7pts)
  • Acquired (Spear) Technique Deflect F (Free)

  • Upgraded Steady Hands F -> Steady Hands E (7pts)
  • Upgraded Appraisal F -> Appraisal E (Free)
  • Acquired Perception F (7pts)

  • Acquired Bayonet (Spear) F (7pts)
  • Upgraded Bayonet F -> Bayonet E (7pts)
  • Combined Smoothbore Musket E & Bayonet E into Musket/Bayonet E (Gun/Spear) (7pts)

  • Made updates and additions to Abilities

  • [Total Points Spent: 154]
  • (7/27/2023)​

  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Starbourne Festival [Light/May Event]
  • Acquired 13pts
  • (7/31/2023)​

  • Upgraded Fighting Style: Melee (Spear) F -> Fighting Style: Melee (Spear) E (7pts)
  • Upgraded (Spear) Technique Deflect F -> Deflect E (Free)

  • Upgraded Focus F -> Focus E (7pts)

  • Made updates and additions to Abilities

  • [Total Points Spent: 168]
  • (8/4/2023)​

  • Fantasy - Isekai Hell: Ryke Adventurers Guild - Dirty Work
  • Acquired 23pts
  • Acquired Title [Ryken Adventurer F]
  • Acquired Title [Blissfully Ignorant]
  • (8/5/2023)​

  • Upgraded Perception F -> Perception E (7pts)
  • Acquired [Light Armor] Gambeson E (14pts)

  • [Total Points Spent: 189]
  • (8/30/2023)​

  • Fantasy - Isekai Hell - August News Letter
  • Acquired [Winner's Chicken Dinner]
  • (9/30/2023)​

  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] September 2023 World Training Event
  • Acquired Asset [World Rp Certification]
  • (11/11/2023)​

  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Kink in the Food Chain
  • Acquired 33pts
  • Acquired Title [Marsh Marching]
  • (7/13/2024)​

  • Graded - [Republic:Gloomhold Swamp] The Roots of the Problem
  • Acquired 80pts
  • Acquired Title [Ally of Goroboch, the Fungal Guardian]
  • (8/1/2024)​

  • Community - .·:*¨¨* ≈☆_July 2024 Community Splash_☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
  • Acquired 7pts
  • (8/25/2024)​

  • Stats
  • Upgraded Strength E -> Strength D (7pts)
  • Upgraded Precision D -> Precision C (7pts)
  • Upgraded Intelligence E -> Intelligence D (7pts)
  • Upgraded Vitality E -> Vitality D (7pts)

  • Movement
  • Upgraded Fast F -> Fast E (7pts)

  • Martial
  • Upgraded Fighting Style: Constant Positioning (Gun) [Specialized] E -> Constant Positioning (Gun) [Specialized] D (7pts)
  • Upgraded (Gun) Technique Range E -> Range D (Free)
  • Upgraded (Gun) Technique Accurate E -> Accurate D (Free)
  • Upgraded Fighting Style: Melee (Spear) E -> Melee (Spear) D (7pts)
  • Upgraded (Spear) Technique Guard E -> Guard D (7pts)
  • Upgraded Steady Hands E -> Steady Hands D (7pts)

  • Magic
  • Acquired Energized E (14pts)

  • Sense
  • Upgraded Appraisal E -> Appraisal D (Free)

  • Secondary
  • Upgraded Controlled Breathing F -> Controlled Breathing E (7pts)
  • Upgraded Insight F -> Insight E (7pts)
  • Acquired Stealth F (7pts)

  • Equipment
  • Upgraded [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E -> [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet D (14pts)
  • Upgraded [Light Armor] Gambeson E -> [Light Armor] Gambeson D (7pts)

  • Made updates and additions to Abilities

  • [Total Points Spent: 308]
  • (8/28/2024)​

  • Upgraded Title [Apprentice Marksman] -> [Adept Marksman]
  • (10/10/2024)​


  • Scooping Focus E (+14pts)
  • (Focus has had it's price tripled (7 > 21), and rather than spending points to keep it, I would rather get rid of it entirely.)

  • [Total Points Spent: 294]
  • (10/13/2024)​

  • Insignificant edits to abilities
  • Added Fire Starter Kit to items
  • (11/28/2024)​

  • Graded - [frontier] When stories abound, Legends will get you.
  • Acquired 26pts
  • Acquired Title [Get Looped]
  • (12/14/2024)​

  • Apparently I never paid the point cost difference when switching to specialized... Whoops.
  • Martial
  • Range F -> Specialized (14pts)
  • Accurate F -> Specialized (14pts)

  • Secondary
  • Upgraded Stealth F -> Stealth E (7pts)
  • Acquired Warfare F (7pts)

  • [Total Points Spent: 336]
  • (2/1/2025)​

  • Community - [January 2025] Future's Writing Event
  • Acquired 7pts

Greetings, RPN User!.png
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Kane Blackburne
Rp'er Name:TheTimePiece
Post Frequency:
As frequent as possible.
Discord Name:Ferio#5362
Current RP: Goals:
#1 Fulfill inherited role of Executioner to best ability.
#2 Positively contribute to The Kingdom.
Equipped Titles: [Human] [Royal Rotian Executioner F] [Frequent Flier] [Clear to Disembark] [Great Skra Trial Triumph]
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 154
Backstory: World Native
Current Life:Kane while having a rocky childhood has lived comfortably but modestly. His father serving as a royal executioner provided certain benefits in The Kingdom that other job’s benefits did not include. His family didn’t have to pay land taxes or tolls. His father was entitled to take portions of free food and drink from the vendors in the markets as part of a Havage tax as a benefit to the necessary nature of the job. This of course was to help compensate for the severe social isolation that Kane’s father and himself felt due to the nature of the work. People didn’t really want to hang around people who had to do the unclean deed, or those who associated with them. As a result Kane grew up fairly lonely.

Of course Kane knew that eventually the day would come when it was his turn to become an executioner after his father died, and that time had come. Thankfully he had picked up skills on how to wield an Executioner Axe from his father, and had been enabled to assist with the set up for proceedings on multiple ocassions. This was thanks to the societal expectations put before him that he would follow in his father's footsteps. Sure there were others that could do it, but his options felt limited, why not do essential work that brought a positive result to society was his thought. If he had to do the deed then why not do the best possible job?
Acquired Titles:
optional title [Royal Rotian Executioner F] Character is a royal executioner for the Kingdom of Rotia. Character is an executioner still learning the ropes, permitted to execute peasants or equivalent. Employed by the crown/Nobility Faction. Character is often perceived by many in Rotian society as an outcast for being considered impure.

optional title [Frequent Flier] - character is permitted to participate in rps in sky nation.

optional title [Clear to Disembark] - characters have gotten through a nations security. Less likely to be halted and questioned unnecessarily on future entries.

optional title [Great Skra Trial Triumph] - Character successfully completed the trials for knowledge in the Great Skra in the Sky Kingdom. Characters who are aware of trials are more likely to acknowledge and respect the title holder's abilities.

optional title [Breadcecutioner] – Character is known to execute their enemies in a manner that is accompanied by a lingering scent of bread.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 555
Points Spent: 568
Points Not Spent: 92
Strength - A (35)
Precision - A (35)
Intelligence - B (28)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - A (35)
Character Grade: B
  • Language: Terran F (Free)
  • Language: Common F: (Free)
  • Fighting Style [Black Scripture Style: Royal Rotian Executioner] B (35)
    An occultist Axe based fighting style passed down by the Blackburne Executioner Lineage focused on subduing and finishing off targets by attacking critical areas.
    Incurable C (21, Style Discount) Continuing C (21, Style Discount) Non-Lethal E (7, Style Discount) Penetrating C (21, Style Discount) Hot Shot C (49, Style Discount)
    Tangle C (28)
  • Energized C (28)
  • Educated C (28) "Black Scripture Royal Rotian Executioner"
    Kane learned through observing his father how an Executioner in his family's lineage sometimes needed to conduct themselves to get the job done. He also learned about the importance of interpreting extrasensory signs from those pertaining to the Law and even sometimes assassination to carry out the will of the noble faction of Rotia.
    Interrogation C (0, Educated)
    Intimidation C (0, Educated)
    Religion C (0, educated)
  • Fast E (14)
  • Acrobatics E (14)
  • Stealth E (14)
  • Special Movement Zen Direction F (7)
  • Special Movement Quiet F (7)
  • Novice Preparation of Rites- -
    Kane attempts to Incapacitate a low grade target by temporarily paralyzing them with a non lethal strike. Commonly used by beginner executioners. Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Novice Decapitation- - Kane attempts to use his Executioner Axe to decapitate a low grade target by aiming for their neck with a lethal swing.- Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Executioner Axe F (7)
Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 5.56.47 PM.png

[Greataxe] Weapon B (5) (Marketplace Artisan deal)

Executioner Axe with a half moon shaped head reminiscent of a croissant. Metal forged in the heat of a bakery has infused the blade with the faint scent of baked goods. Paw print resembling stamp has been branded into the shaft.

Golem's Greataxe B (5) (Marketplace Artisan deal)


A Greataxe made by a tinkerer with cutting edge technology. It's blade was made for a construct much larger than a humanoid. Found and improved -- the handle is made up of stretchy Quartz and meant to be wielded by a very strong humanoid. Lightweight yet sturdy handle and a very hefty blade.

Light Armor B (5, Marketplace Transaction)

  • Black Tunic
  • Black hooded cloak
  • Black Work Pants
  • Work Boots
  • Black Gloves
  • Basic Black Executioner Mask - A black mask which only exposes the eyes of the wearer.
  • Whetstone
  • Rations
  • Waterskin

Change Log:
  • Created 3/9/2023
  • Creation: Weapon Mastery Executioner Axe F (70)
  • Creation:Executioner Axe F (7)
  • Creation: Strength D (14)
  • Creation: Intelligence E (7)
  • Creation: Speed E (7)
  • September 1st, 2023: Gained 7 points from participation in Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace
  • October 11th, 2023: Gained 105 points from participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Red Snow
  • December 9th, 2023: Spent 7 points upgrading Vitality F to E.
  • February 25th, 2023: Gained 105 points and optional title [Royal Rotian Executioner F] from participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Redder Snow
  • May 28th 2024: Gained 72 points for participating in Graded - [Kingdom of Rotia, Traveling through the Sky] The Little Airship That Could
  • June 8th, 2024: Partial scooped Old weapon Mastery, Weapon Mastery Executioner Axe F which was removed from system for, 70 points to put toward working toward New Mastery.
  • June 29th, 2024: Gained 78 points and title [Frequent Flier] - character is permitted to participate in rps in sky nation from narrating and participation in Graded - [Isekai Hell] The Little Airship That Could Part 2
  • June 30th, 2024: Spent 21 points upgrading Strength D to A.
  • June 30th, 2024: Gave 5 points in Marketplace - Marketplace market place transaction to obtain [Greataxe] Weapon B.
  • July 19th, 2024: Gained The Pin: - an enamel pin that when pinned to the character gives them a bond to their currently equipped weapon. While the pin is equipped, the character may freely throw their equipped weapon and have it return to them. The weapon may be freely manipulated as it returns to the character. Only one weapon may be bonded in this way at a time and is the weapon in the character's hands when the pin is put on. From participating in Marketplace - Marketplace
  • September 3rd, 2024: Gained 61 points and title [Clear to Disembark] - characters have gotten through a nations security. Less likely to be halted and questioned unnecessarily on future entries. from narrating Graded - [Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds
  • 9/28/2024: Spent 70 scoop points into Fighting Style [Black Scripture Style: Royal Rotian Executioner] B (35)An Axe based fighting style passed down by the Blackburne Executioner Lineage focused on subduing and finishing off targets by attacking critical areas.
    Incurable E (7, Style Discount) Continuing E (7, Style Discount) Non-Lethal E (7, Style Discount) Penetrating E (7, Style Discount) Hot Shot F (7, Style Discount)
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 21 points raising Precision F to C.
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 14 points raising Speed E to C.
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 7 points upgrading Intelligence E To D.
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 7 points upgrading Vitality E to D.
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 14 points upgrading Intelligence D to B.
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 28 points on Energized C.
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 14 points upgrading Fighting Style [Black Scripture Style: Royal Rotian Executioner Technique Core incurable E to C.
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 14 points upgrading Fighting Style [Black Scripture Style: Royal Rotian Executioner Technique Core Continuing E to C.
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 14 points upgrading Fighting Style [Black Scripture Style: Royal Rotian Executioner Technique Core Penetrating E to C
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 42 points upgrading Fighting Style [Black Scripture Style: Royal Rotian Executioner Technique Core Hot Shot F to C.
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 28 points on Fighting Style [Black Scripture Style: Royal Rotian Executioner Technique Core Tangle C.
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 28 points on Educated C "Black Scripture Royal Rotian Executioner" (Intimidation, Interrogation, Religion)
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 14 points on Fast E.
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 7 points on Special Movement Zen Direction F.
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 7 points on Special Movement Quiet F.
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 14 points on Acrobatics E
  • 9/30/2024: Spent 14 points on Stealth E.
  • 11/20/2024: Earned 60 points and Optional Title Acquired- [Great Skra Trial Triumph] Character successfully completed the trials for knowledge in the Great Skra in the Sky Kingdom. Characters who are aware of trials are more likely to acknowledge and respect the title holder's abilities. from narrating Graded - [Hallson Tribe Territory, Sky Kingdom] CITC Library Arc: Title Trials Equipped new title.
  • 12/5/2024: Spent 14 points upgrading Precision C to A.
  • 12/5/2024: Spent 14 points upgrading Speed C to A.
  • 12/11/2024: Spent 5 points on Light Armor B from Marketplace - Marketplace
  • 2/7/2025: Earned 67pts and optional Title: [Breadcecutioner] – Character is known to execute their enemies in a manner that is accompanied by a lingering scent of bread. From Graded - [Clockhaven] Investigate Around And Find Out
  • 2/7/2025: modified wording for Black scripture fighting style a bit to better describe.
  • 2/8/2025: Spent 5 points on Golem Greataxe B from Marketplace - Marketplace
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Lazarus Fen
Theme: The Adventure Begins
Roleplayer Name: Foolish Heart
Post Frequency:
  • I will try to match the pace of the roleplay. Otherwise, posts may go up daily, in every other day, or in every two days unless I give everyone a heads up.
Discord Name: Foolish#5945
Current Roleplay:
  • Lazarus hopes to continue the dream of discovering and learning more about the world. Not planning to set his own aspirations aside, he still aims to further his medical knowledge and learn new means on how to share it with others.
Equipped Titles: Beast, Wolven, Expert Physician, Apprentice Climber

Height: 7 feet and 5 inches
Weight: 300 pounds

[ E ] Character
[ E ] Strength
[ F ] Precision
[ B ] Intelligence
[ E ] Vitality
[ F ] Speed

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0

  • Backstory
    Lazarus, formerly known as Theodore, was an existence that had always been misunderstood. From a very young age, he appeared excessively large and ugly, effectively terrifying not only to his peers, but even the general public. His intimidating presence made most distance themselves from him, while the only ones that did approach him were mostly delinquents and troublemakers who respected him for his menacing appearance and perceived strength. Becoming the de facto leader of multiple gangs in his hometown made it difficult for him to pursue his true passion, healthcare. He was a gentle giant and a timid soul who simply aspired to be a physician. Despite the adversities that he faced over the years, Theodore managed to finish medical school and become a certified doctor. Sadly, even as a profession, his appearance made it difficult to establish a practice. Who would have thought that looking like a violent thug would have been detrimental. Learning to accept this, Theodore decided to travel abroad, volunteering to be a physician in third world and underprivileged countries. Since medical care was rare in these areas, they accepted whatever help they could get. There, Theodore thrived and was finally able to render care to those who needed it without being judged for his appearance. After a few years, the village Theodore was settled in was caught in a crossfire. He died of blood loss after receiving over a dozen gunshots to his stomach and torso.
    Current Life
    Theodore was reborn in the lifeless, emaciated body of Lazarus. Lazarus was from a wolven tribe that was isolated from the rest of the world by the massive mountains around them. As if it was a fleeting dream, Theodore caught a glimpse of Lazarus' memories. He was from a clan of shamans that were satisfied with their hermitic life and refused to involve themselves in anything but their tribe. Lazarus strongly disagreed with their beliefs and one day just left, climbing up the steep mountains that served more as natural walls. His journey was arduous, lasting months as he challenged not only the elements, but the feral beasts that made the wall-like mountains their home. Though in a severely weakened state, Theodore mustered enough strength and found a small town nearby. Fortunately, the locals were kind enough to nurse him back to health. Deciding to repay their kindness, Theodore stayed and helped out whenever he could. Weeks went by, and even if Theodore had already adjusted to his new and peaceful life, there was an inkling that kept on nudging him. He later realized that this was the passionate adventure-seeking spirit Lazarus left when he died. Wanting to honor the body that gave him another opportunity at life, Theodore decided to take on not only Lazarus' name, but dream as well.
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Rp'er Name: Sharena
Post Frequency:
My availability varies due to working overnights. Should be fully capable with keeping up with most schedules past daily.
Discord Name: Arcangel22XX#7101
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Shion's long term goal is to regain the power she will have lost in the transition to this new world. Short term goals, well, Shion is a fairly compassionate person, so helping those in front of her comes naturally to her.
Equipped Titles: Kitsune, Widersia Adventurer F
Height: 6'0
Weight: 175lbs
Backstory: Shion was a kitsune in her previous world as well, and regarded herself as a forest guardian. She traveled the world befriending the spirits of many forests, and tried her best not to resent humans despite the amount of times she became acquainted with their follies and avarice. She lost track of how old she was after she hit a century. Unfortunately her world eventually became overrun by an abyss that swept across the land, forever tainting it. During this struggle, Shion perished along with the woman she'd fallen in love with at a climax in the struggle. She remembered passing peacefully, having felt some hope that everyone else would succeed even though she wouldn't be there to see it.
Current Life: Shion landed in Widersia and befriended some adventurers while adjusting to her new surroundings. She agreed to help them rid Widersia of some vampire troubles, all the while full of discomfort for the steampunk environment she'd been thrust into, longing to be...anywhere else as soon as this job is finished.
Acquired Titles: Beast
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 254
Points Spent: 210
Points Not Spent: 149
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - D
Precision - D
Intelligence - A
Vitality - D
Speed - D
  • Heightened Sense of Smell F
  • Beastial Language
  • Acrobatics F
  • Appraisal D
  • Empathy E
  • Energized F
  • Focus F
  • Healing F
  • Insight F
  • Magic D
  • Magic Range F
  • Perception F
  • Performance F [Dancing]
  • Survival F
  • Telepathy F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Spiritual Attunement - Magic F, Empathy F, Telepathy F - Shion is capable of speaking with the spirits in more natural climates. She speaks to them as a friend, hoping to understand them and aid them if the balance around them is disrupted by an offset in the natural or spiritual order. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • The Kitsune's Instincts - Appraisal E, Survival F - Shion uses what knowledge she can muster to assess her surroundings, determine if something is safe for consumption, intuit the correct way to go, and other useful tricks handy to those who were used to traveling or living alone for a long time. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Mind Link - Empathy F, Magic F, Magic Range F, Telepathy F, - Shion attunes to the abstract space around her and is able to link with another's mind or place her mental state on the cusp of others' mental space. When linked with an individual, Shion is able to share memories with those she's linked to, even providing vivid images for them as if they were viewing it from a third-person perspective. When she links with others, if their mind is hallucinating, seeing illusions, or playing tricks on them, Shion is also capable of witnessing the exact same things they are. All of these instances convey Shion's or the individuals' emotions as well. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Mind Dive - Magic E, Perception F, Magic Range F, Telepathy F - Shion peers into another's mind with the intent of searching for suppressed, hidden, or locked away memories. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Magic Slash - Magic E, Magic Range F - Shion conjures magical energy to attack foes within range of her.
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • N/A
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • N/A
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • N/A
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • "Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Blood and Steam" Finished and Graded (5/29/23), Received 43 (+14) Points
  • Upgraded Empathy to E and gained Insight F from RP rewards (14 Points).
  • Upgraded Vitality to E (7 Points)
  • Upgraded Intelligence to C (7 Points)
  • Upgraded Magic to E (7 Points)
  • Gained Healing F (7 Points)
  • Gained Magic Range F (7 Points)
  • "Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Kinship and Smoke" Finished and Graded (7/31/23), Received 105 (+7) Points
  • Gained Focus F as an RP reward (7 Points).
  • Upgraded Strength to D (7 Points)
  • Upgraded Precision to D (7 Points)
  • Upgraded Intelligence to B (7 Points)
  • Upgraded Vitality to D (7 Points)
  • Upgraded Speed to D (7 Points)
  • "Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Where the Blood Runs Thick" Finished and Graded (8/13/23), Received 25 (+7) Points
  • Gained Energized F as an RP reward (7 Points).
  • "Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Return to the Castle" Finished and Graded (10/2/23), Received 38 Points
  • "Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Fox and the Witch" Finished and Graded (11/14/23), Received 15 Points
  • Upgraded Intelligence to A (7 Points)
  • Upgraded Magic to D (7 Points)
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Sophia Smith


Rp'er Name: Silent
Post Frequency:
Hopefully once or more a day, but can go up to once every few days when I'm busy
Discord Name: SilentAngel#6969
Equipped Titles: Fae, Expert Blacksmith, Expert Fletcher, Ryken Adventuring Artisan, Expert Enchanter, Expert Seamstress, Expert Focus Crafter, Expert Arbalist, Markswoman
Height: 4'9"
Weight:101 lbs
Backstory: During her previous life, she has a fascination with mideval weaponry, and when she was young, she took on smithing as a hobby. She would sell her wares online for money to make up the cost of the materials, but not much more at first. However, eventually she started making weapons and armor of such good quality that she became well known in a few different circles, and she was eventually able to make a good living off of her weapons and armor. However, as time went on, she felt like she wanted to do more. She kept making sure she got better, but she decided she shouldn't ignore a large amount of the mideval arms world, and started making bows, crossbows, bolts, and arrows. While she never got as good with that as she did weapons and armor, she still excelled, making good quality hunting bows and crossbows, and evventaully that increased her earnings enough that her parents stopped bugging her about why she quit school to work on a hobby. However, all of that came to a screeching halt when she came into her forge area one morning, sleep clouding her judgement and not letting her smell what was in the air. When she lit up the forge, there was a boom that shook her to her very core, as well as a huge burning sensation, sending her to the ground in pain, before eventually, her eyes closed.
Current Life: When she woke from the event, she found she was still in her forge, but two things were very different. As she pushed herself up, still dazed from the blast, she found that what she was using weren't her normal arms, but instead insect arms. Panicking, she looked around and, instead of her forge, she found herself in a wooded area. Still unsure of where she was, she wandered for hours before, finally, finding herself in a town. She was able to get her claws on the map, and using it she was able to learn of the area, of towns, and the technology available here, and finally realized she wasn't in her home world anymore. After that discovery she realized that, for the most part, she could at least survive off of her previous job, even in this new place.
Acquired Titles: Fae, Expert Blacksmith, Expert Fletcher, Ryken Adventuring Artisan, Expert Fletcher, Expert Enchanter, Expert Seamstress, Expert Focus Crafter, Expert Arbalist, Markswoman, [Widersia Adventurer D]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 302
Points Spent: 315
Points Unspent:
  • Strength - E
  • Precision - A
  • Intelligence - B
  • Vitality - A
  • Speed - F
  • Artisan - Blacksmith - B​
  • Artisan - Bowyer - B​
  • Appraisal-C​
  • Feature(4 arms) 7points​
  • Feature(pincer hands) (Free)​
  • Artisan - Enchanter - B​
  • Artisan - Seamstress - B​
  • Artisan - Artificer - B​
  • Regeneration - E​
  • Property B: Baron Estate + Business​
  • Business - E​
  • Asset (Crafter's Guild) - C​
  • High Powered Heavy Bolt: Blacksmith B, Fletcher B, - Combining her skills in both, she has increased the tension the crossbow can be under for short periods of time, allowing her to fire out specially made heavy bolts, which slam into the target, imparting a high amount of energy in a single hit. - Grade B - 4 post cooldown​
  • Magic Embued Arrows: Fletcher B, Artificer B, Enchanter B, - A new type of special arrow that adds a small focus in the tip of the crossbow bolts to hold an enchantment on the arrow, forcing a burst of magic into them as it strikes - Grade B - 4 post cooldown​
  • Expert Craftswoman: Blacksmith B, Bowyer B, Enchanter B, Seamstress B, Artificer B, Appraisal D - With her knowledge combined she is able to expertly appraise other craftsmen's works, and her own crafts flow smoothly. When working on something that she can use her multiple skills in, she is able to flow between them, allowing her knowledge of different crafts to strengthen and enhance what she puts her claws to work on, getting the work done fast and flawlessly. - Grade B - 4 post cooldown​
  • Mithril Windlass Crossbow: B tier​
[*]Fighting Style - Immobilization: Tangle B, Penetration C, Accurate C, Range C, Drain (Strength) E, Blight (Sonic) F - Strikes the target with the force of all the enchants in the weapon, Immobalizing them and draining their strength to keep them from breaking free. - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
[*]Range C - Fires high powered bolts the normal distance of sniper fire
[*]Tangle B - ensnares target so they have difficulty moving or doing anything. The snare generally has a visible component like ice or vines that can be destroyed to prematurely end the binding. Strength of binding is relatively low but takes an action to break free from at minimum. Duration of tech core is 1 post of target per grade. If out of combat, duration is up to narrator discretion
[*]Penetration C - Weapon can ignore grades of an item when it is used to defend.
[*]Accurate C - The technique makes it so the target's speed is treated as though it were reduced by 1 letter grade. Amount reduces increases by 1 grade each time technique is upgraded.
[*]Drain (Strength) E - Weakens target by one letter grade in one of their stats.
[*]Blight (Sonic) F - When the bolt strikes the target, it lets out a loud boom, disorienting the target and dealing additional damage from the sound waves.
  • Woven Steel Heavy Armor: B tier​
  • Blacksmithing Tools​
  • Fletcher's Tools​
  • Bedroll​
  • Fire Starter Kit​
  • Rations​
  • Waterskin​
  • Tent​
  • Salesman Rug​
  • Map​
  • Baron Estate + Business​
Change Log:
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Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Gaius Danius Griinia
Post Frequency:
Once every two days
Discord Name: DanGriin#4359
Current RP:
Equipped Titles: Nephilim
Height: 180cm
Weight: 150lbs
Backstory: A village of ordinary people in a frontier filled with monsters. Ryker grew up on tales of heroes and monsters. All he wanted was to obtain the kind of strength which would allow him to leave behind a legacy. So he trained from the moment he could pick up a sword. However he was below mediocre and mocked for it. Still he wanted to push himself. He finally had the chance to prove himself when a dragon attacked his home. His efforts were worthless and his spirit was broken when a plume of flame scorched him to ashes.
Current Life: Ryker awoke in a monastery with nothing but regret. His weakness sickened him. If he were powerful, his sword would have cleaved that dragon. So he picked up his sword and began training from scratch. Venturing into the nearest city showed him that this entire world was unfamiliar.
Acquired Titles:
Nephilim: Known as Heaven-Touched or Angel-Blood. Nephilim are those descended from celestial beings. Nephilim exhibit traits similar to their divine ancestor/parent at a young age. Superhuman entities with a moral compass that sways strongly towards whatever alignment fits with their greatest desire. They are natural born warriors, scholars and peacekeepers. Fallen Celestials are also capable of siring Nephilim. Although these children are often treated coldly by less welcoming communities. The further back the divine ancestor, the less divine traits exhibited by Nephilim descendants until they are indistinguishable from regular humans. This does not stop the oddly divine Nephilim from appearing in an otherwise human bloodline every so often though.
He Who Struggles

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 23
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Superstrength F- 14pts
  • Fighting Style Katana F 7pts
  • Technique #1 - Accurate F (free)
  • Resilient F- Surprise 7pts
  • Teleport F- 21pts
  • Energized F- 7pts
  • Heightened Sense F- 7pts
  • Narrative Booster (Struggle) F- 14pts: Ryker gains bonus points if he struggles in the midst of battle or intense training. Not the regular kind of struggle. The kind were his heart beats in his ears, his lungs gasp for air and his sweat glands are working overtime as pain wracks his muscles.
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Quickdraw (Fighting Style Katana F + Teleport F + Heightened Sense F): Utilizes the quick flicker granted by a short range teleportation and a bit of luck to perform a quickdraw attack. (Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown)
  • Flickering (Energize F + Teleport): Reduces Cooldown of Teleport in order for user to perform more teleports in rapid succession. (Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown)
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Katana - Rank F
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • 31/03/2023 - Creation
    • Purchase - Superstrength F- 14pts
    • Purchase - Katana F- 7pts
    • Purchase - Fighting Style Katana F 7pts
    • Purchase - Technique #1 - Accurate F (free)
    • Purchase - Resilient F- Surprise 7pts
    • Purchase - Teleport F- 21pts
    • Purchase - Energized F- 7pts
    • Purchase - Lucky F- 7pts
    • Purchase - Narrative Booster F- 14pts
  • Isekai Hell: Missing Brewer -Obtained 23 Points
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kunoichi cat girl antlers ponytail white hair yellow eyes forest snake eyes s-3723249710.png
Rp'er Name: StarPrincessVal
Discord Name: StarPrincessVal#6239
Current RP: The Roots of the Problem
Post Frequency: Weekly, possibly daily

Race Tree: [Beast]
Race Title: [Kirin]
Sexual Orientation: Bi
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Social Titles:
Job Titles:
[Nodachi Expert]
Personality Titles: [Sword Girl] [Stranger]
Event Titles: [Triad Allied Leader] [Marsh Marching]
Criminal Titles:

Hidden deep in the forests of the Republic lies a reclusive village, kept hidden by it's residents. Every one hundred years, a couple in the village is blessed with the birth of a Kirin who becomes the leader of the village until their passing and the birth of the next elder. However, twenty nine years ago, twin Kirins were born, Paru and Oparu. It was decided that Oparu would be the next to lead the village and Paru was trained to be her sisters right hand and protector. As Oparu got older she began to have visions as many who became leaders of the village had before her. She decided these visions meant it was time for the village to come out of hiding and join the rest of the world. She sent Paru out to learn what she could about the wider world and return in five years time to share her findings.

Current Life:
Paru snapped to attention in some kind of dream realm, as she was set upon by undead, with no recollection of how she got there. A Mutt Samurai, Ko, arrived in time to save her, with the help of Ceylan, a dog priest seeking religious unity. Paru joined the others and together, along side a contingent of other beastfolk, they fought back the undead horde and escaped the nightmare. Falling to Rise Part 2

Once free, it was revealed that Paru had some innate spirit magic, possibly due to her Kirin origin. Along with the others, she drew on this power to seal and cleanse the nightmare, before heading off to find the one responsible for its existence. She was left questioning her divine abilities, but not for long as a hill toad interupted their travels. Once again her powers manifested as she aided the others on the battlefield, bringing an end to the hill toad. A final confrontation with their quarry revealed not all was as it seemed. Falling to Rise Part 3

While on her journey, Paru wandered into Ryken and became lost amongst its many streets. She happened across a sword smith and decided she might need a new sword. Using the last of her money and good will, she was able to strike a deal with Tannia. With her new weapon and a pleasant transaction under her belt, she continued on her journey. Business as (Un)Usual

Rumors of a monster attacking in the marsh - and the promise of payment - brought Paru to Gloomhold Swamp. It luck she managed to find it all, bumping into Ko on the way. Once there the met Darin, a lizardfolk marksman, and the three journeyed into the swamp to find the creature. An encounter with the supposed beast introduced Paru to Pebble, a tiny golem like being who attached itself to her literally while she attached herself to it figuratively. The real monster then revealed itself and the group folowed it to its lair for final confrontation. Paru severed its tail and Ko put it down for good as Darin assisted with ranged fire and protected two fishman who had become entangled in the conflict. Ko chose to leave, his job complete, while the others decided to venture further in to find the source of these creatures and a strange growth that had begun to overtake the area. The Kink in the Food Chain


Acquired Titles:
  • [Beastfolk]
  • [Kirin]
    • Requires:
      • Feature [Cat Ears and Tail, Deer Antlers, Snake Eyes]
      • Feature [Heat Vision] F
      • Heightened Sense [Hearing] F,
      • Fast F
      • Jump F
    • Rare and mysterious Beasts who are born under unusual circumstances. They radiate nobility and divinity.
  • [Triad Allied Leader]
    • Character is one of three to represent values of strength, leadership, and courage.
  • [Sword Girl]
    • Character has a central focus and it is by that focus that many will know and recognize them. They may even suspect she knows how to use it.
  • [Stranger]
    • Character from a foreign time or place and does not understand the world or how it functions. Some may take pity on them, while others may take advantage.
  • [Nodachi Expert]
    • Character has been taught all they could learn and have overcome some hardship. They have started developing their own style.
  • [Warrior]
    • Character is a martial combat practitioner likely to be at the front of battle
  • [Marsh Marching]
    • Character has experience fighting in swamp environments, making it easier to maintain balance on unsteady terrain.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 81
Points Spent: 147
Points Not Spent: 39

Strength - B
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - D
Character Grade - E

  • Feature
    • Cat Ears - Cosmetic
    • Cat Tail - Cosmetic
    • Snake Eyes - Cosmetic
    • Deer Antlers - Cosmetic
    • Heat Vision
  • Heightened Sense F
    • Hearing
  • Fast F
  • Jumping F
  • Special Movement [Balance Running] F
  • Acrobatics F
  • Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Sword] C
    • [Swords]
      • Boulder Render E
        • Penetrating
        • Paru puts all her strength into a single swing. Slow but devastatingly powerful.
      • Denying Strike F
        • 2 Actions
        • Knockback
        • Deflecting
        • Paru times her swing carefully to reduce the impact of an incoming attack and punish the attacker.
      • Crippling Fang F
        • Drain [Strength]
        • Paru lunges forward, aiming a slash at a targets vital point to lessen their ability to fight.
      • Depriving Severs F
        • Enervation
        • Paru wears downs the opponent with quick slashes.

  • Aggravated Assault C
    • Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Sword] C, Boulder Render E, Crippling Fang F, Fast F
    • 3 Post Cooldown
    • Penetrating
    • Drain [Strength]
    • Paru rushes in for a headstrong frustration fueled attack.
  • Horse Splitter E
    • Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Sword] E, Boulder Render E, Jumping F
    • 1 Post Cooldown
    • Penetrating
    • Paru leaps in the air and brings her sword down with all her might, using momentum and gravity to strengthen the blow.
  • Furious Admonition E
    • Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Sword] E, Boulder Render E, Denying Strike F
    • 1 Post Cooldown
    • 2 Actions
    • Penetrating
    • Knockback
    • Deflecting
    • Paru stands firm and meets an attack with a crushing response.
  • Cunning Edge F
    • Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Sword] F, Crippling Fang F, Acrobatics F
    • 0 Post Cooldown
    • Drain [Strength]
    • Paru sacrafices power to plant a debilitating wound on the opponent.
  • Swift Rebuke F
    • Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Sword] F, Crippling Fang F, Denying Strike F
    • 0 Post Cooldown
    • 2 Actions
    • Drain [Strength]
    • Knockback
    • Deflecting
    • Paru repays an attacker in kind, using the opening to strike a vital spot.
  • Kirin's Agility F
    • Fast F, Jumping F, Acrobatics F, Special Movement [Balance Running] F
    • 0 Post Cooldown
    • Paru leaps through the air to avoid an attack, finding a strategic point to regroup from.

  • Nodachi C
    • Sword
    • Crafted by and Purchased from Tannia in her Ryken forge.
  • Nodachi F
    • Sword
    • Paru's original Nodachi that was crafted and repaired constantly by her village blacksmith.


Change Log:
  • 3/28/23 - Creation
    • Purchased Strength D - 14 pts
    • Purchased Precision E - 7 pts
    • Purchased Intelligence e - 7 pts
    • Purchased Vitality E - 7 pts
    • Purchased Speed D - 14 pts
    • Purchased Feature [Cat Ears] - 0 pts
    • Purchased Feature [Cat Tail] - 0 pts
    • Purchased Feature [Antlers] - 0 pts
    • Purchased Feature [Snake Eyes] - 0 pts
    • Purchased Feature [Heat Vision] F - 7 pts
    • Purchased Heightened Sense [Hearing] - 7 pts
    • Purchased Fast F - 7 pts
    • Purchased Jumping F - 7 pts
    • Purchased Special Movement [Balance Running] F - 7 pts
    • Purchased Acrobatics F - 7 pts
    • Purchased Fighting Style: Beast Cleaver Sword F - 7 pts
    • Purchased Technique - Boulder Render F - 0 pts
    • Purchased Nodachi F - 7 pts
  • 5/29/23 - Falling to Rise Part 2
    • Awarded - 17 pts
    • Awarded Optional Title - [Triad Allied Leader] - character is one of three to represent values of strength, leadership, and courage.
  • 8/1/23 - Falling to Rise Part 3
    • Awarded - 24 pts
    • Awarded Optional Title - [Sword Girl] - character has a central focus and it is by that focus that many will know and recognize them. They may even suspect she knows how to use it.
  • 8/7/23
    • Strength D to C - 7 pts
    • Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Sword] F to D - 14 pts
    • Boulder Render F to E - 7 pts
    • Purchased Technique - Denying Strike F - 7 pts
    • Purchased Technique - Crippling Fang F - 0 pts
  • 8/16/23 - Business as (Un)Usual
    • Awarded - 7 pts
    • Awarded Optional Title - [Stranger] - character from a foreign time or place and does not understand the world or how it functions. Some may take pity on them, while others may take advantage.
    • Aquired Sword C [Nodachi]
    • Strength C to B - 7 pts
  • 11/3/23
    • Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Sword] from D to C - 7 pts
    • Purchased Technique - Depriving Sever F - 0 pts
    • Acquired Title [Nodachi Expert]
    • Acquired Title [Warrior]
  • 11/11/23 - The Kink in the Food Chain
    • Awarded - 33 pts
    • Awarded Optional Title - [Marsh Marching] - Character has experience fighting in swamp environments, making it easier to maintain balance on unsteady terrain.
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Zuì Dàmāo ( Māo )
Theme: Girls - Marina & the diamonds
Rp'er Name: SoftSmile
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: SoftPurity#2082
Current RP: None
♥ Liquor Connoisseur:
Taste the liquor from all around the world!
♥ Barkeep: Run a successful Tavern
Equipped Titles: [Neko] , [Hero of Ravenswood Village]
Height: 5'10 (6' with shoes)
Weight: 130 lbs
Backstory: Originally a sex worker for most of her life, she died prematurely in her forties due to her substance abuse issues.
Current Life: She recently woke up in a different world, and despite being given another chance at life she still wanders around, finding different taverns to spend her time at. Despite her contentment with living from scraps from others in order to feed her addiction, she does have a few goals she wants to achieve before her body inevitably gives out again.
Acquired Titles: [Neko] , [Beastfolk] , [Hero of Ravenswood Village]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 62
Points Spent: 140
Points Not Spent: 27
Strength - E
Precision - C (21)
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - F (0)
Speed - B (28)
  • Feature: [Cat tail] Cosmetic
  • Feature: [Cat Eyes] - Darkvision (7)
  • Feature: [Cat Ears] - Heightened Sense [Hearing] F (7)
  • Seduction D (21)
  • Street Sense F (7)
  • Acrobatics D (21)
  • None
  • Natural Weapon: Claws (14)
  • None
  • Large Flask
  • None
Change Log:
  • Created [3/31/23]
  • Intelligence D -> E , Strength F -> E , Claws are no longer retractable , Moved claws to equipment
  • +26 Points from [ The Missing Brewer ] , Gained [ Hero of Ravenswood Village ] Title {4/27/23}
  • Seduction F -> E , Acrobatics F -> E , Speed C -> B (21 total spent) {4/27/23}
  • +9 Points from [Temple Trial]
  • +27 Points from [ The Arcane Proving Grounds ]
  • Acrobatics E -> D {8/11/23} Seduction E -> D
  • Changed weight from 150 -> 130
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Lee | F0DC82
Rp'er Name: Speed
Post Frequency: Daily to twice a week
Discord Name: Speed#2879
Current RP: The Party of Greed
Goals: As a vague goal, Lee hopes to live an unrestrained life where he can enjoy and do what he wants freely.
Equipped Titles: Human, Martial Artist, Hero of Ravenswood Village
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 190 lbs
  • Not much importance happened during Lee's previous life. He was a man of Chinese and Japanese heritage who lived a life of violence. While still in high school, Lee had been recruited by a local gang and immediately plunged into criminal life. Physical assault became his bread and butter, and despite his age, Lee had crippled many and left a good number in critical conditions, basically leaving them knocking on death's door. Though mostly involved in street-level crimes, it was inevitable that Lee would gain some enemies. While taking a leisurely night stroll, already downing a few drinks, Lee was blindsided by a metal bat to the back of his head. He lost consciousness as soon as it happened, so he isn't entirely sure what happened next and how he died.
Current Life:
  • Lee has been wandering, hopping from one roadside tavern to another, offering his services as a waiter who can handle a few drunkards when need be.
Acquired Titles:
  • Human - One of the most dominant and numerous races in the world, and Lee is one of them.
  • Martial Artist - Rather than with magic or weapons, Lee is a nimble specialist in fighting with his body.
  • Hero of Ravenswood Village - Character is recognized by the people of Ravenswood as a good sort. Will receive aid from the village if when in the area
Points at Start: 105 + 57
Points Earned: 118 (57+7+52+2)
Points Spent: 217
Points Not Spent: 6

Grade C Strength
Grade E Precision
Grade D Intelligence
Grade F Vitality
Grade E Speed

Character Grade E
  • Appraisal - Grade E
    • This ability allows Lee to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown. For detailed information beyond a creature or objects stats/skills/titles/abilities, Lee will need additional skills to broaden their wealth of information to draw upon when analyzing something.
  • Attentive Student - Grade E
    • With this skill, when Lee is in the presence of a stronger, more skilled, or experienced character, he learns and grows more quickly. He will gain double points at the end of roleplays if there is a character with a greater total of earned points actively participating in the roleplay as well; earned points prior to rewards of that roleplay specifically. Student skill must be same grade as Lee's character grade in order to benefit from this skill. Student skill may not be greater than grade of character. This ability doesn't stack with any other mechanic or feature that buffs point gains. This bonus is not honored if Lee ghosts the roleplay.
  • Educated [Pickpocket] - Grade F
    • Lee has lived a life where he has firsthand experience on pickpocketing on a regular basis.
    • Pick 3 skills from the secondary skills list that are not artisan when taking this skill.
    • Whenever this skill is upgraded, all 3 chosen skills will automatically upgrade to match.
    • Skills that are a part of this skill may still be individually upgraded beyond the grade of Educated, but they will then no longer benefit from this skill being updated until its grade surpasses theirs.
      Perception - The talent for spotting, hearing, or otherwise detecting the presence of something. It measures your general awareness of your surroundings and the keenness of your senses. While enhanced senses may assist in aspects of this, this skill covers the ability of the character to make sense of what they are picking up on in the environment. The difference between hearing a branch snap and a leaf rustle and knowing a humanoid is likely hiding behind that tree.
      Sleight of Hand - A character with this Skill has superior manual dexterity. This includes the ability to perform “magic” tricks, palm small objects, cheat at cards, plant an item on someone, etc.
      Stealth - The ability to disguise objects or people so that they blend into their surroundings. This also includes the ability to conceal small objects on one’s person and the ability to move silently. May be used in tandem with Concealment skill.
  • Deception - Grade F
    • Lee possess the ability to convincingly hide the truth, either verbally or through actions. This deception can encompass everything from misleading others through ambiguity and fast-talking, to telling outright lies.
  • Energized - Grade E
    • Reduce post cooldown of abilities by 1. This only applies to abilities of equal or lesser rank.
  • Fast - Grade F
    • This skill is related solely to Lee's ability to cover ground and is not related to dodging. He can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting easily.
      • F - 12 mph (max) / 60ft per move
  • Feature [Tattoos]
    • Lee has several tattoos scattered across his body. The more prominent ones are as follows:
      • Dragon-themed tattoos (on the right-side of his back, right arm, and right leg)
      • Flower-themed tattoos (on the left-side of his back, left chest, left arm, and left leg)
      • A large kanji character (on his mid to upper back)
      • Smaller yin-yang tattoos (on the back of his palms)
  • Fighting Style [Specialized] [Natural Weapons] - Grade D
    • Lee has trained with his body and received knowledge in its use. This is specialized and viewed as his main fighting style.
      • Lee no longer gets a free 7-point reduction to buy their first technique per grade for the fighting style
      • All techniques cost 21 points.
      • All purchased techniques for the specialized style are assumed to be the same grade as the fighting style without need to pay for upgrades.
        Blind Fighter - Character has the ability to use the weapon in melee range in dim or no light situations as if they could see.
        Penetrating - Weapon can ignore grades (-1 per grade of technique core) of an item when it is used to defend.
  • Jumping - Grade F
    • Lee is particularly skilled at jumping and can leap vertically and horizontally large distances. He does not get hurt when landing on their feet so long as they fall from a height equal to or less than their vertical jump limit.
      • F - Vertically (3 yards), Horizontally (10 yards)
  • Special Movement [Speed Burst] - Grade F
    • For one action a round, Lee can go stupidly fast which can compound with the Fast skill or others. Great for base escapes or fleeing something especially heinous.
  • Shigan - Fighting Style [Specialized] [Natural Weapons] E, Penetrating E - Lee pushes his finger into his target at a very high speed, aiming to puncture his foes. His attack ignores up to 2 grades of an item when it is used to defend and if able to penetrate through defenses. It may leave a wound similar to a bullet wound - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Soru - Fast F, Jumping F, Special Movement [Speed Burst] F, Energized F - Lee moves at high speeds with near instantaneous acceleration. He claims to be able to kick off the ground at least ten times in the blink of an eye, but this explanation remains doubtful at best - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Natural Weapons D
  • Natural Armor F [Light]
    • The tattoos that cover most of Lee's body are magical in nature and grant him a relative degree of protection.
  • Beautifully Embroidered Silk Handkerchief
  • Bedroll
  • Big Backpack
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Small Pouch (Gold Coins)
  • Waterskin
  • Well-crafted Dagger with Jeweled Hilt
  • None

[06/2/2023] The Party of Greed
2 points acquired

[04/28/2023] The Missing Brewer
52 points acquired
Optional title acquired and equiped
  • [Hero of Ravenswood Village] - Character is recognized by the people of Ravenswood as a good sort. Will receive aid from the village if when in the area.
Items acquired:
  • Small pouch containing several gold coins
  • A well-crafted dagger with a jeweled hilt
  • A beautifully embroidered silk handkerchief
Points Spent
  • 7 points - upgrade Strength - Grade D to Grade C
  • 7 points - Intelligence - Grace E to Grade D
  • 7 points - Blind Fighter Technique Core - Gradeless
  • 7 points - Educated [Pickpocket]- Grade F
  • 7 points - Energized - Grade F to Grade E
  • 14 points - Natural Weapons - Grade E to Grade D
  • 7 points - Fighting Style [Specialized] [Natural Weapons] - Grade E to Grade D

[04/22/2023] Isekai Hell April Event
7 points acquired

[04/05/2023] Character Creation
57 points acquired from scooping [Alexander Cruz]
Points Spent
  • 14 points - Strength - Grade D
  • 7 points - Precision - Grade E
  • 7 points - Intelligence - Grade E
  • 7 points - Speed - Grade E
  • 0 points - Appraisal - Grade E
  • 14 points - Attentive Student - Grade E
  • 7 points - Deception - Grade F
  • 7 points - Energized - Grade F
  • 7 points - Fast - Grade F
  • 0 points - Feature [Tattoos]
  • 14 points - Fighting Style [Specialized] [Natural Weapons] - Grade E
  • 21 points - Penetrating Core Technique
  • 7 points - Jumping - Grade F
  • 14 points - Special Movement [Speed Burst] - Grade F
  • 28 points - Natural Weapons - Grade E
  • 7 points on Natural Armor [Light] - Grade F
Human and Martial Artist titles acquired and equipped
Shigan and Soru abilities created
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Kai Asakura
Theme: Festival Blaze
Rp'er Name: Shiyonichi
Post Frequency:
As soon as I find a good time to post.
Current RP: Falling to Rise
Goals: To walk the path to heaven. (Thrive in this new world.)
Equipped Titles: Human, Otherworlder, Moon Touched (Equipped)
Height: 6'0ft
Weight: 160Ibs
Backstory: Kai was born as the heir to a Kendo Dojo. When he was young his mother passed away and his father, who didn’t really know how to connect with his son, became very strict with him, which caused him to lash out and fall into delinquency. One day Kai and his father had a very bad argument, which lead to him running away from home. He was living on the streets, until he was taken in by a Yakuza boss. This boss was a traditionalist and held up the old values of the Yakuza and Kai came to respect the old man and came to view him as a father figure. One day when Kai was delivering a message, when he came back to the boss shot dead by his underlings and his right hand man, who betrayed them. Kai in his rage dashed forwards, he was shot several times, but he didn’t care as he grabbed the mastermind and tackled him out the window sending both of them tumbling… but Kai wasn’t dead, as it turns out, the other man’s body managed to cushion his fall, allowing him to survive… until the other traitors came down and he had nowhere to run. Kai forced himself back up, he was going to die here, but he wasn’t going to lay down and die, he charged at the traitor… and the bullets flew and he met God.
Current Life:Kai found himself dumped somewhere in the world.
Acquired Titles: Human, Otherworlder, Moon Touched (Equipped)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 43
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 43
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - E

Fighting Style [The Way that Quells the Seas and Silences the Storm (Aka Asakura Sword Style)] [Katana] [Specialized] F
  • A Swordsmanship style invented by Kai’s ancestors that focuses on taking an opponent out with as few hits as possible.
  • Penetrating
  • Fast F
  • Jumping F
  • Precognition F
  • Sixth Sense [Danger] F
  • Regeneration F
  • Appraisal E
Feature: [Back Tattoo]-Cosmetic
  • A Yakuza tattoo on Kai’s back which wraps to to the top of his chest. The image depicts the blue dragon, Seiryu staring at the viewer as it sits in a storm on the seas
Feature: [Moon Tattoo]- Zero Points
  • A Tattoo on the left arm of Kai gained from the Fae. It is a full moon on his hand with shards running down the arm like cherry blossoms
  • Dragon’s Fang - Penetrating F, Asakura Sword Style F, Precognition F - A single precise thrust that targets the gaps in an opponent's armor, further enhanced by Appraisal and Precognition to predict openings in an enemy’s guard. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Clear Azure Eyes- Appraisal F, Sixth Sense F, Precognition F - A combination of three sensory skills to keep track of opponents and other dangers- Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Steel Rending Strike - Asakura Sword Style F, Penetrating F - An anti armor technique used by samurai, in which they take their saya and thrust the metal tip down on the armor to strike with blunt force trauma to smash it open - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Steel Katana F
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Rolex Watch
  • Wallet
  • Gold Ring
  • Tie Clip
  • Fountain Pen
  • N/A
Change Log:
  • Point Expenditure: Fighting Style [The Way that Quells the Seas and Silences the Storm (Aka Asakura Sword Style)] [Katana] [Specialized] F (4/7/2023)
  • Point Expenditure: 7 points for Jumping F (4/7/2023)
  • Point Expenditure: 7 points for Fast F (4/7/2023)
  • Point Expenditure: 7 points for Sixth Sense [Danger] F
  • Point Expenditure: 7 points for Regeneration F (4/7/2023)
  • Point Expenditure: 21 points for Penetrating (4/7/2023)
  • Point Expenditure: 14 points for Precognition F (4/7/2023)
  • Gained Appraisal E (4/7/2023)
  • Title Gained: Human & Otherworlder
  • Upgrade Strength F => E for 7pts. (4/7/2023)
  • Upgrade Precision F => E for 7pts. (4/7/2023)
  • Upgrade Intelligence F => E for 7pts. (4/7/2023)
  • Upgrade Vitality F => E for 7pts. (4/7/2023)
  • Upgrade Speed F => E for 7pts. (4/7/2023)
  • Ability Created: Dragon’s Fang (4/7/2023)
  • Ability Created: Clear Azure Eyes (4/7/2023)
  • Ability Created: Steel Rending Strike (4/8/2023)
  • Gained Steel Katana from Regula (5/15/2023)
  • Title gained Moon Touched (5/31/2023)
  • Added Feature: Back Tattoo for Zero Points (6/3/2023)
  • Added Feature: Moon Tattoo for Zero Points (6/3/2023)
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Scooped to Nebula

Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Uasal
Post Frequency: As needed
Discord Name: Nacht
Current RP:
To rise through the ranks of the Assassin's Guild and become a master.
Equipped Titles: Native, Orphan, Martial Artist, Razor Wire Apprentice, Human, Attentive Student, Ryken Adventurer F, Intermediate Variant
Height: 5'7
Weight: 119lbs
Current Life: A native to this world Delta was an orphaned child that was taken in and trained by the Ryke Assassin's Guild. Her story is anything special, she could have ended up a slave, a bum, a petty criminal or maybe made something of herself despite the odds. However, she ended up with the guild as is the case for many a member, going forward though will she be able to achieve something of note? Will her name go down in history? Will she rise to the top of her organisation? Time will tell.

Acquired Titles: Native, Orphan, Martial Artist, Razor Wire Apprentice, Human, Apprentice Assassin, Attentive Student, Ryken Adventurer F, Mundane Varient, Intermediate Variant, Noble F (Carbon Guard),


Grade: E (5/10)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 252
Points Spent: 266
Points Not Spent: 91
Strength - D
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - E

  • Attentive Student F
  • Infamous in Ryke
  • Stealth F
  • Concealment F
  • Appraisal F
  • Educated F ( Deception, Intimidation, Disguise)
  • Traps F
  • Street Sense F
  • Asset: Ryke Assassin Guild F
  • Sixth Sense F - Vital/weak-point sense (Weak/Vital points glow in Delta's vision.)​
  • Alternate identity F - Sasha Leonard - [Adventurer] [Scout] [Kind] - A common Adventurer
  • Specialized Fighting Style [Death's Embrace] [Razor Wire] E - Cores: Flexible, Trap, Penetrating, Targeted, Hot Shot

  • Specialized Fighting Style [Deaths Embrace] [Razor Wire] F - 'Widow's Lament' - Trap, Penetrating, Hotshot, Targeted - Setting up a trap with her Razor Wire anyone or thing unfortunate enough to trigger it will very quickly come to know seething pain or even death - F Grade - 2 Actions- 0 Post Cooldown
  • Specialized Fighting Style [Deaths Embrace] [Razor Wire] F - 'Severance' - Flexible, Penetrating, Hotshot, Targeted - Manipulating her Razor Wire Delta is able to twist and turn it using minute finger movements thus making for an unpredictable and fluid attack pattern - F Grade - 1 Actions- 0 Post Cooldown
  • Shadows Embrace F - Concealment F, Stealth F - Delta uses her training as an assassin to blend into her surroundings. F Grade - 1 Action - 0 Post Cooldown

  1. 'Bear Trap' - Traps F- Using her skill in trap making Delta prepares a Bear trap that applies Tangle.
  2. 'Trip Wire' - Traps F- Using her skill in trap making Delta prepares a trip wire to trip up any who come across it unexpectedly. Tangle
  3. 'Ballbearings'- Traps F- Using her skill in trap making Delta prepares an area with ballbearings to trip up anyone foolish enough to rush in and across them. Tangle.

  • Mythril Razor Wire E​
  • Mythril-infused Coat F (Light) - Enchanted with [Slashing Resistance F]​
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)

  • Trap Kit​
  • [Ryke Assassin's Guild Apprentice F]- The character is a low-level member of the Ryke Assassin's Guild. Equipable as a title.​
  • [Yemaya Treasure F] - character has acquired some treasure from the dungeon city of Yemaya. The treasure may make for good leverage in certain situations or otherwise allow the character to afford certain low-grade narrative perks at the narrator's discretion.​


Sasha Leonard - [Adventurer] [Scout] [Kind] [Noble F - Carbon Guard] - A common Adventurer

Of Little Reknown -
Ryken Adventurer F,
Noble F - Carbon Guard

Change Log:

Starting points +29 as a result of Scoop: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Characters - Current
  • Character Creation 133 points spent, 1 unspent. Breakdown as follows:
    Strength, Speed, Vitality and Intelligence F - E (28 points), Attentive Student Skill F Acquired (7 Points), Alternate Identity Skill F Acquired (7 points), Sixth Sense Skill F Acquired (7 points), Specialised Fighting Style F Acquired (7 points), Two specialized cores acquired - Flexible and Trap (42 points), F grade Mythril Weapon and Light Armour Acquired (28 Points), Asset 'Ryke Assasin's Guild Apprentice' F Acquired (7 points).

  • Gained Title [Ryken Adventurer F], + 68 Points, and Asset [Yemaya Treasure F] from Treasure in Ruins RP . In rp trade - Enchantment acquired - F grade mithril coat has [F grade slashing resistance] (Free).​
  • 69 Points Unspent 4/6/23​

  • + 7 Points from Gra having been scooped prior to grading release. Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] A Dawn Will Come 76 Points Unspent. 4/6/23​
  • Upgraded Precision F - E for 7 points, acquired [Stealth F] for 7 Points, Acquired [Concealment F] for 7 points, acquired [Traps F] for 7 points, acquired [Street Sense F] for 7 points, acquired [Penetrating F] under [Specialization] for 21 points.​
  • Total cost of transaction = -56 Points.
  • Points remaining unspent = 20​

  • Acquired Appraisal F for 7 Points.​
  • Evolved to Mundane Variant​
  • Evolved to Intermediate Variant​
  • Gained 'Infamous' Skill for Ryke​
  • Points Remaining Unspent = 13

  • Gained Title [Noble F (Carbon Guard)], + 82 Points from Dirty Work RP.
  • 95 Points Remaining Unspent

  • Purchased [Targeted] for 21 points
  • Purchased [Hot Shot] for 35 points
  • Upgraded [Specialised Fighting Style] F to E for 21 points
  • Purchased [Educated F Assassin] (Disguise, Intimidation, Deception) for 7 points
  • Upgraded Mythril Razor Wire F to E for 8 points through Market Exchange
  • Total cost of transaction = - 92 Points
  • 3 Points Remaining Unspent

  • Acquired 7 points in the August Event 23
  • Upgraded Strenght E to D​
  • 3 Points Remaining Unspent

  • Acquired 88 points in Blood and Title​
  • Narrative Reward - Assassin's Guild F - E​
  • 91 Points Remain



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Gyld (Ge-yl-eld) Aza Lyrakien

In his native owlbear form, Gyld boasted a splendid display of mixed textures and hues. His robust body, a blend of bear and owl characteristics, was cloaked in a coat of fur and feathers that shifted between shades of dark brown and tawny gold. The fur, reminiscent of a grizzly bear's, was a rich, earthy brown that seemed to absorb the light, its rugged texture contrasting wonderfully with the smooth feathers gracing his front part.

From his head to his shoulders and front arms, an array of feathers showcased hues from the palest cream to a deeper, burnished gold, giving the impression of a golden dawn breaking over a rich, fertile landscape. This intricate pattern lent him an air of majesty, a testament to his unique lineage and mystical nature.

As for his eyes, they were the most mesmerizing feature of all. Capturing the characteristic sharpness of an owl's gaze, Gyld's eyes were large and incredibly expressive. The irises were a striking shade of amber, like molten gold, glowing with an inner light that was intensified in the night. Encircled by a thin ring of jet black, these radiant orbs possessed a depth that seemed to hint at the wealth of wisdom and knowledge he had accumulated over his lifetimes. Whether he was surveying the expanse of his forest home or locking onto potential prey, his piercing gaze was an embodiment of his keen perception and formidable presence.


Gyld's native form of an adult owlbear has been depicted as a figure of primal majesty and quiet strength. This form stands out as an unusual yet breathtaking embodiment of the power and wisdom of nature itself. He is characterized by his distinct blend of bear and owl traits, with each aspect contributing to his formidable presence and charismatic personality.

As an owlbear, Gyld's eyes are one of his most striking features. Resembling those of an owl, these eyes have been described as all-seeing, capable of discerning details in darkness and from a great distance. This characteristic gives Gyld a strategic advantage during hunting and exploration. His gaze is penetrating and often unnerving, hinting at an intelligence that belies his beastly form.

His bear-like physique is marked by powerful muscles that speak of raw physical strength. This strength, coupled with the deadly claws that adorn his feet, make him a formidable adversary in combat. Despite his size and power, Gyld displays a grace and agility that is more reminiscent of his owl heritage, making him an unexpectedly nimble creature.

His dietary habits, reflecting his omnivorous nature, have been highlighted in the narrative, underscoring his adaptability and survival instincts. Gyld's tendency to devour his prey whole is another aspect that contributes to his image as a creature of the wild.

Lastly, his appearance, a fusion of owl feathers and bear fur, serves to make Gyld an unforgettable figure. His owlbear form's unique aesthetic, accentuated by the ability to rotate his neck in the manner of an owl, makes him a captivating sight in the wilderness. Through the narrative, Gyld's adult owlbear form has been presented as a symbol of his connection to the raw power and beauty of nature, emphasizing his primal charm and uncanny wisdom.

In his bear form, Gyld transformed into a towering figure of pure strength and raw, natural power. His muscular body, larger and more robust than his native owlbear form, was a testament to the wild, untamed spirit of the bear he embodied.

Covering his imposing physique was a coat of fur that was a fascinating spectacle in itself. Unlike the traditional brown or white hues expected of a bear, Gyld's fur shone in various shades of green. Influenced by his magical connection to the Eternal Glade, his fur appeared to be a lush expanse of verdant foliage, ranging from the palest mint to the deepest emerald. It looked as though a piece of the eternal forest itself had come alive, further adding to his majestic presence.

His heightened sense of smell in this form was superior, even among other bears. He could detect the faintest of scents over great distances, a natural ability that enhanced his survival skills and made him an extraordinary hunter. Along with this came his innate survival abilities, a natural instinct that guided him through the wilderness with an ease that spoke of generations of adaptation and evolution.

In terms of defense, his green fur acted as a natural armor. Tough and dense, it offered protection against physical attacks and harsh weather conditions, further enhancing his survival capabilities. Despite the vibrant colors, Gyld typically chose not to suppress the green hues of his fur, wearing his connection to the Eternal Glade with pride.

His eyes, retaining the mesmerizing amber glow from his owlbear form, reflected intelligence and an ancient wisdom. This hint of continuity served as a reminder of his unique ability to shift forms, and the dual legacy he carried within him.

Gyld, in his bear form, was a striking embodiment of his aspirations, a testament to his quest to understand his bear nature better and evolve into a true hierophant of his tribe. The mingling of his inherent charm, the natural abilities of the bear, and the mystical influences of the Eternal Glade, made him an awe-inspiring figure, commanding respect and wonder from those fortunate enough to witness his transformation.

In his owl form, Gyld shrank down from the towering size of a bear or owlbear to a more petite, streamlined figure. Despite being smaller, his presence was not diminished; instead, he emanated an aura of wisdom and mysterious charm that was distinctive of the nocturnal creature he took the form of.

His body was sleek and nimble, the feathers covering him shimmering in varying shades of green. The hues ranged from the light green of new leaves to the rich, dark green of an ancient forest canopy, reflecting his deep bond with the Eternal Glade. Gyld rarely adjusted the colors to look more natural, choosing instead to wear his connection to his magical domain with unabashed pride.

Gyld's eyes in this form were perhaps the most noticeable change. They became even larger in proportion to his body and glowed with an even brighter, golden light, giving him an ethereal appearance. His owl eyes provided him with impressive vision capabilities. With these, he gained enhanced depth perception, superior night vision, and the astounding ability to see 360 degrees around him by simply swiveling his head, giving him an unparalleled advantage in surveying his surroundings and spotting potential threats or prey.

Moreover, his heightened intelligence in this form was remarkable. Already known for his cunning and wit, Gyld's mental acuity sharpened further as an owl, making him a formidable strategist and an astute observer. This, coupled with his innate knowledge of the forest, made him an exceptional navigator and tracker.

In addition to these enhancements, Gyld also gained improved leaping and jumping abilities. Despite the smaller stature of his owl form, his powerful legs allowed him to leap great distances and heights, making him a swift and agile creature.

Gyld's owl form was a harmonious blend of his magical abilities and the natural traits of an owl. While smaller and more compact than his bear and owlbear forms, he was no less impressive. His heightened senses, increased agility, and superior intelligence transformed him into a fascinating creature of the night, a beautiful and cunning guardian of the Eternal Glade.

Theme: Owl screeching sounds.
Rp'er Name: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti
Post Frequency:
Decent (1-5 days)
Discord Name: Emeron Vallus
Current RP: N/A
  1. Gyld wants to evolve into a true hierophant, guardian of a tribe of beastkin.
  2. Gyld loves to hunt things, feasting on their flesh and cracking their bones. He wants to hunt exotic animals and taste of their flesh.
  3. Gyld loves to enjoy life, long naps on an overcast day, gambling on anything that might matter, and protecting what matters.
Equipped Titles:
  • Owl Eyes: The eyes of an owl are not true “eyeballs.” Their tube-shaped eyes are completely immobile, providing binocular vision which fully focuses on their prey and boosts depth perception. [Dark Vision. Farsighted. (14pts)]
  • Owlbear Claws: Front claws owl and back bear claws. Owl beak. Owl claws are zygodactyl, which means their feet have two forward-facing toes and two backward-facing toes. Unlike most other zygodactyl birds, however, owls can pivot one of their back toes forward to help them grip and walk. [Natural Weapon F (14)]
  • Bear Strength: Large, powerful muscles connect to their back and legs. [Strength E (7pts)]
  • Owlbear Jump: Bears can sprint up to 30mph and owls fly, when merged the owlbear makes great jumpers. [Jump F (7pts)]
  • Bear's Diet, Owl's devour: Similar bears, owlbears can eat anything, omnivorous. Similar to owls, they devour their prey whole. [Devour F (7pts)]
  • Owlbear Cosmetic: Feathers from the head to shoulders and front arms, bear fur everywhere else. Owls can rotate their necks 270 degrees. They are big but not Large. [Cosmetic (0pts)]

  • [Blizzardy Bear's Blessing] Character has assisted the Great White Bear of the North and received his blessing. Character is more narratively resistant to harsh cold temperatures, and lower grade beasts and monsters originating from cold environments are less likely to attack character.
  • [Hero of Evergate] Character helped protect the Northern village of Evergate in the Kingdom of Rotia from a monster attack and helped save many lives in the process. Character's deed will be remembered and character is more likely to be received positively by residents of Evergate.

Other Titles:

  • Owl Eyes: The eyes of an owl are not true “eyeballs.” Their tube-shaped eyes are completely immobile, providing binocular vision which fully focuses on their prey and boosts depth perception. [Dark Vision. Farsighted. (14pts)]
  • Owlbear Claws: Front claws owl and back bear claws. Owl beak. Owl claws are zygodactyl, which means their feet have two forward-facing toes and two backward-facing toes. Unlike most other zygodactyl birds, however, owls can pivot one of their back toes forward to help them grip and walk. [Cosmetic (0pts)]
  • Bear Strength: Large, powerful muscles connect to their back and legs. [Strength E (7pts)]
  • Owlbear Jump: Bears can sprint fast and owls fly, when merged the owlbear makes great jumpers.
  • Bear's Diet, Owl's devour: Similar bears, owlbears can eat anything, omnivorous. Similar to owls, they devour their prey whole. [Cosmetic (0pts)]
  • Owlbear Cosmetic: Feathers from the head to shoulders and front arms, bear fur everywhere else. Owls can rotate their necks 270 degrees. They are big but not Large. [Cosmetic (0pts)

Height: 7' 1"
Weight: 300lbs

Backstory: Gyld was a mighty guardian beast, forty feet in size, fierce and worshiped by a tribe of barbarians. He lived a idillic existence, wiping out rival tribes when it suited him. He lived a great life trampling the mountains and sundering forest. One day many foreigners showed up, laying waste to the tribe and killing him.
Current Life: Gyld entered the husk of a small owlbear. His mother was shortly slain by some hunters. He grew up alone, wandering the glens and fens in the forest. He was fine though, the forest answered his will. He would often find it coming to his aid when he was in need. In time he used it to his advantage.

  • Brash and Confident: Gyld is always sure of his abilities and his actions, not hesitating to jump into action, even in the face of potential danger. This unyielding confidence can often come off as brashness.
  • Adventurous Hunter: A natural predator, Gyld thrives on the thrill of the hunt, and he is always on the lookout for his next adventure. Hunting and feasting on exotic animals is a pastime he deeply enjoys.
  • Instinctive and Impulsive: Gyld relies heavily on his gut feelings and instincts. He is quick to act on these impulses, often without thorough consideration.
  • Protective and Dutiful: Gyld has a strong sense of duty, particularly towards his goal of becoming a hierophant. He is fiercely protective of his companions and the lands he cherishes.
  • Reverential: Despite his brash nature, Gyld displays deep reverence and respect when it comes to his quest and his connection with nature.
What Drives Him:
  • Hierophant Aspirations: Gyld's primary driving force is his desire to evolve into a true hierophant, a revered guardian of a tribe of beastkin. This goal pushes him to face challenges and undertake various ventures.
  • Love for Hunting: The thrill of hunting and feasting on exotic animals is a significant motivator for Gyld. It fuels his adventurous nature and his zest for life.
  • Quest for Understanding: Gyld's visions of the "White Bear of the North" drive him to understand his bear nature better, leading him on this quest.
  • Courageous: Gyld is unafraid to face challenges or dangers head-on. His courage often leads him to take actions that others might hesitate to undertake.
  • Dutiful: Gyld possesses a strong sense of responsibility, especially towards his goal of becoming a hierophant. He understands his duties and never shies away from them.
  • Rashness: Gyld's high self-regard often results in hasty actions without sufficient consideration of potential consequences. This overconfidence can lead to rash decisions and actions.
  • Gambling Thrill-seeker: His love for thrill and gambling can lead him into potentially dangerous situations without considering the risks.
Character Flaws:
  • Brashness: Gyld's confidence often leads him to act impulsively, without thorough contemplation of the potential consequences.
  • Overconfidence: His high self-esteem can sometimes blind him to his own limitations and result in underestimating his adversaries.
  • Overprotectiveness: Gyld's strong desire to protect can sometimes make him overly defensive or react disproportionately to perceived threats.

Acquired Titles: [Beast]
  • Mundane Human [Born For This] - Get a 7pt discount on Magic.
  • [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.
    [Predatory Insight] - Beastmen can always sense the weakness in their target. No additional actions or skills required to meet prerequisites for hot shot abilities.
Points at Start: 162 (114/2=57 from scooped Vanta)
Points Earned: 366
Points Spent: 448
Points Not Spent: 80

Stats: (70)
Strength - B (28)
Precision - F
Intelligence - A (35)
Vitality - C (21)
Speed - F
Grade D (10 upgrades)

[Tier 1] Caster: While most in the IH world can use magic, casters have a particular talent for it and have put forth effort in honing their talent. Many attend a magic academy, temple, or otherwise find a master to apprentice under. They are useful in a party in a variety of ways but generally stand in the back and offer magical support or ranged firepower.
  • Magic Circle - when a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armor.
[Tier 2] Transformer: What is more enticing and interesting than the magic of how things change? This is the path of a Caster who chooses to further study the art of transformation magic, seeking to use it to further their own powers and knowledge.
  • Transformation Sequence - When you use [Transformation] or an ability containing [Transformation] as a component while the Magic Circle perk from Caster is active, the grade of the transformation is raised by one letter grade. [Transformation] cannot be raised to a grade in which a Tribulation is required unless Tribulation already achieved for relevant stats.

Skills: (322+21)

Magic Skills (252)
  • Magic C (28 - Born for This -7/grade)
    • Affinity [Snow] E (7+7): Snow is the natural formation of ice from vapor in the atmosphere.
    • Affinity [Nature] E (+14): Snow is the natural formation of ice from vapor in the atmosphere.
    • Domain [Nature] E (140): It has allowed them to develop an area of magic to the point where they can twist and mold it to accomplish their whims within the limits of their domain as opposed to the mundane limits of typical magic.
      • Range: 30ft / 100ft
      • Targets: 5 / 10
      • AOE: 15ft / 50ft radius
      • Duration: 1 hour / 1 day
    • Energized D (21): Cooldowns are Grade D ability have 1, Grade E abilities have 0 , Grade F can be multi-cast.
    • Componentless Magic C (63+21): Character can perform the magic without performing chants or gestures or staff or some combination of the ability components.

Movement (Spent: 7)
  • Fast F (+7): 12mph(max)/60ft per round
  • Jump F (7): vertically 3yrds/horizontally 10yrds
Senses (Spent: 14)
  • Dark Vision (7).
  • Heightened Sight. (7)
  • Heightened Smell. (+7)
  • Heightened Hearing. (+7)
  • Sixth Sense F (+7) (int): Sense presence of spirits limited to an area immediately around the character.
Secondary (Spent: 49)
  • Appraise E (0): Appraise as an Isekai Spirit Beast.
  • Asset E (14), Acknowledge by other Spiritual Beasts of the Religious Group: Spiritual Beast.
  • Devour E (14)
  • Educated E (14): Job is Spiritual Beast, a mythical beast raised by the woods itself to one day be its guardian.
    • Nature (int)
    • Survival (int)
    • Religion (int)
  • Leadership E (character).
  • Persuasion E (14)(character): The ability to convince people to see new perspectives, consider other alternatives, change their minds, make different decisions, and even modify their actions.
  • Arcana D (21)(int): The Character has the ability to recall lore about spells, magic items, eldritch symbols, magical traditions, the planes of existence, and the inhabitants of those planes.
  • Languages: Animal, Common, Spiritual Creatures (7)


Note: All abilities listed here use Gyld's Nature Domain (Eternal Glade):
-- Grade E; Effectiveness 8 (Magic E2, Componentless Magic E2, Intelligence C4) Cooldown 0;
--E-grade ((Range: 30ft & Duration: 1 hour; Targets: 5 | AOE: 15ft radius))
--Intelligence C4, Magic E3, Domain F2, Selective Magic F1, Componentless Magic E2.

Life's Blossom: Heal F, basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor sicknesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds close as warm green energy blossoms over the body.
  • Bear's Form: Transform F.
    • Heighten Sense (Smell)
    • Survival (F->D)
    • Natural Armor (F)
  • Owl's Form: Transform F.
    • Jump F->D
      • E - Vertically 10yrds/horizontally 33yrds
      • D - Vertically 30yrds/horizontally 100yrds
    • Heighten Sense (Eye Booster x2)
    • Feature [360 degree sight]
    • [Ability: Panoramic Scene]: Using his Jump to get an aerial view, he processes the scene with heightened intelligence C, through his understanding of Nature F and Survival F with insanely boosted Heightened Senses to see every microscopic detail at a distance with his 360 degree sight.
  • Lord of Owl's Form: Transform E + Flight E.
    • Flight
      • F - 3 miles per hour/ 30ft per round
      • E - 10 miles per hour/ 90ft per round
    • Transform E
      • Perception E
      • Spiritual Sight E: See Spirits and other ethereal creatures.
  • [Northern Bear of the Eternal Glade - Duration 1hr]
      • Gyld’s form shone under the influence of his new ability, his fur reflecting the flickers of icy light, an embodiment of the essence of the North mingled with the resilient energy of the Eternal Glade. It was a harmonious concoction of both his origins and his recent triumphs. Gyld contemplated, his eyes reflecting the seamless integration of the two seemingly opposing forces. His musings revolved around the newfound capabilities, the extension of his being resonating with the harmonious synchronization of the North and the Glade.

        He felt the sturdy transformation taking place, his body swelling in size, evolving into the robust form of the White Bear of the North, albeit with minor alterations, intertwining his being with the Eternal Glade's essence. The icy fur shimmered, encased in a layer of crystalline frost, reflective of the serenity and the enduring nature of his new form. His mind, still a whirl of adventurous thoughts, was now marked with a trace of serene wisdom, the byproduct of integrating the bear's heart.

        The air around Gyld thrummed with power as he summoned his newfound Domain Ability, [Northern Bear of the Eternal Glade]. His large paws, laced with frost and layered with sturdy armor, were now imprints of both his and the bear's essence on the snow-clad ground. A gentle hum resonated around him, a sonorous melody of the forest’s stride, representing his newfound unity with the environment. He felt a rush of vitality, the regenerative powers embedded in his new form coursing through his veins, making him feel invulnerable to the trivial wounds of the environment.

        His every step exuded an aura of commanding presence, the mighty form instigating a flight response among the icy inhabitants of the shore. His senses, heightened and refined, could perceive every scuttle of the crabs, every flicker of the icy sparks around him. The large dog-sized icy lobster creatures seemed to respect his imposing form, maintaining a cautious distance, their actions indicating a reluctant deference to his newfound might.
    • Transform F (28pts)
      • Forest Stride F: When running on the forest floor and through natural environments, he can run without problem (Fast F 12mph / 60ft per move) and faster than usual
      • Regenerate F - Regenerate damage and lost body parts in 6 rounds.
      • Resilient F - Forest and Plant-based Plane
      • Sixth Sense F: Forest Realm and Plant Essence
    • Change Size F: Large (35pts)
      • Large - These are creatures that are around 8 feet to 16 feet tall/long and weighing between 500lbs and 2 tons. they can generally still squeeze into sturdy doorways and halls meant for smaller creatures with comedic effect, but tend to prefer dwellings and wilderness that are more open.
      • Strength - D Grade
      • Vitality - D Grade
      • Super Strength skill - E grade - 600lbs (average grizzly bear)
      • Feature: Large skill - E grade - Grants character natural E grade heavy armor in equipment
      • Natural Weapons - E grade - Claws and Teeth.
    • >>>Upgrade Domain E<<<
    • Transform E: Bear Tank
      • Martial Fighting Style [Claws and Talons] E.
        • Deflect E - Action: 1 - used to create abilities to deflect non-magic or physical attacks. Each grade of deflect further reduces stat contribution to effectiveness of attack against you.
        • Penetrating E - can ignore grades of an item used to defend/counter. F - 1 grade, E - 2 grade.
    • Change Size E: Huge - large room
      • Height: 16 feet tall/long
      • Weight: 4000 pounds (2 tons)
      • Strength - B Grade
      • Vitality - B Grade
      • Superstrength skill - C grade (56)
      • Feature: Large skill - C grade: Natural Heavy Armor
      • Natural Weapons - C grade: Claws and Teeth.
  • Endure Elements: Control Environment F, grants character ability to control air and lighting immediately around their body to adjust things like humidity, sound, smell, temperature, and lighting. Useful in hazardous conditions.

  • Bull's Strength: Bolster [Str +1] F
  • Bear's Vitality: Bolster [Vit +1] F
  • Owl's Intelligence: Bolster [Int +1] F

  • Entangle (2 actions): Magic E, Affinity Plant F, Tangle F, Flexible F, Accurate F (-1 Speed), Homing (if miss, try again), Linked (if hit succeeds, hit again).
    • Vines and roots grow and extend, wrapping around the targets indicated, tripping and tangling them. Even when they miss, more erupt to continue the assault. Once they catch hold, more wrap tightly around, holding their targets ever tighter.
  • Venom Stream (3 actions): Magic E, Affinity Animal F, Accurate F (-1 Speed)
    • Accurate - Target's speed is treated as though it were reduced by 1 letter grade
    • Blight - Generally this is a technique that enhances an attack in some way to deal extra damage if effective. ex: poison.
    • Contact - Similar to blight, it is extra damage source added to the attack but it is one that requires repeated or continuous exposure to do its effects.
    • Continuing F - Target takes 1hp damage on their next post. The poison that courses through veins has a means of causing ongoing damage.
    • Drain F [Strength] - Poison makes the afflicted body more sluggish and painful to use (+1 action)
    • Homing - (requires ranged skill) The stream of poison can track and follow the target. If it still misses, the attack persists briefly and tries one more time before
      fading/missing again.
    • Hot Shot - Character is good at hitting called shots to hit weak points if they already know where to aim. The higher the grade of tech core, the higher the grade of creature they can hit weak points on. In the case of weak points, damage sustained is doubled.
    • Incapacitating - puts a target to sleep/knocks them out/paralysis/petrification/immobilization/etc. Target must be same or lesser letter grade than technique. (+1 action)
    • Incurable - wounds produced by this technique will not heal nor regenerate magically or supernaturally unless skills involved are greater than the incurable technique grade.
    • Penetrating F - Ignore 1 item grade.
    • Targeted F - if possible, Gyld calibrates the attack to target a named individual. This results in the effectiveness being doubled.
  • Autumn's Lament, Affinity: Autumn / Decay
    • Accurate F (-1 Speed)
    • Blight - Enhances the ability with extra damage if effective through decay and dissolution.
    • Contact F - Similar to blight, it is extra damage source added to the attack but it is one that requires repeated or continuous exposure to do its effects.
    • Continuing F - Target takes 1hp damage on their next post. The decay that washes over them continues to break down the target.
    • Enervation F - Action: 1 - puts the abilities of target on cooldown that are the same grade or less than the techniqueHoming - (requires ranged skill) The stream of decay can track and follow the target. If it still misses, the attack persists briefly and tries one more time beforefading/missing again.
    • Hot Shot F - Character is good at hitting called shots to hit weak points if they already know where to aim. The higher the grade of tech core, the higher the grade of creature they can hit weak points on. In the case of weak points, damage sustained is doubled.
    • Linked F - an attack of this affinity that hits causes this technique to go off and succeed at hitting the target again. No special effects are added to the 2nd strike other than both go off. Each grade links one more action to the first.Incurable - wounds produced by this technique will not heal nor regenerate magically or supernaturally unless skills involved are greater than the incurable technique grade.
    • Penetrating F - Ignore 1 item grade.
    • Targeted F - Gyld calibrated the attack to target a specific target. This results in the effectiveness being doubled.
  • Bark Skin
    • Barrier F or 3hp - Wood and thorns
    • Aura F - 1h damage if touched.
    • Deflect - Action: 1 - used to create abilities to deflect physical based attacks. The higher the grade the more effective it is at dodging a hit or reducing amount of damage sustained.
    • Irritant - Action: 1 - a potent smell or itch that distracts the target and/or partially blinds them for a time. grade of tech core can effect creatures of same or lesser grade.
  • Spirit Beast Education F: Using his knowledge of nature, religion, survival and his own connection to the Eternal Glade Domain F, Gyld puzzles out mysteries and hunts prey through natural environments in the sacred ways of spirit beasts. Using appraisal, he teases out the characteristics of threats, how they might be predators or prey, their connection to nature or lack, and their spiritual affinity or what religious affiliation they might have.
    • Intelligence D3 (Owlbear), Intelligence C4 (Owl)
    • Educated F1 (Nature, Religion, Survival).
    • Appraise E (0): Appraise as an Isekai Spirit Beast.
Equipement (Spent: 28)
  • Natural Weapons F (14)
  • Natural Armor D - Heavy STR (42)

  • Dice and other gambling supplies
  • Left over food carried in a bag.
  • Player Asset [World Rp Certification] - an rp'er with this certification is free to participate in world rp threads for greater rewards and real risk of character death
Change Log:
  • 2024-02 Spent 105 points as follows
    • Affinity [Snow] F --> E (+7): Snow is the natural formation of ice from vapor in the atmosphere.
    • Affinity [Nature] E (+14): Snow is the natural formation of ice from vapor in the atmosphere.
    • Componentless Magic D --> C (+21): Character can perform the magic without performing chants or gestures or staff or some combination of the ability components
    • Fast F (+7): 12mph(max)/60ft per round
    • Heightened Smell. (+7)
    • Heightened Hearing. (+7)
    • Sixth Sense F (+7) (int): Sense presence of spirits limited to an area immediately around the character.
    • Persuasion E (+14)(character): The ability to convince people to see new perspectives, consider other alternatives, change their minds, make different decisions, and even modify their actions.
    • Arcana D (+21)(int): The Character has the ability to recall lore about spells, magic items, eldritch symbols, magical traditions, the planes of existence, and the inhabitants of those planes.
  • 2024-02 Gained 105 Points from Redder Snow.
    • [Hero of Evergate] Character helped protect the Northern village of Evergate in the Kingdom of Rotia from a monster attack and helped save many lives in the process. Character's deed will be remembered and character is more likely to be received positively by residents of Evergate.
    • Item acquired [Colorful Shroom] - A colorful hallucinogenic mushroom imbued with magic given as a gift of gratitude by a Mushroom Guardian. When consumed results in vivid hallucinations. Good for opening the mind or causing a bad trip.
  • 2024-01 Spent 91 pts
    • Domain [Nature] F to E (+70)
    • [Snow] Affinity F (+7)
    • Natural Armor F (+14) Heavy (STR).
  • 2024-01 Gained GMImperfecti - 34pts from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Blood and Title
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 2023-10 Emeron- 26 points from Celestine Acedemy
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 2023-10 Gained 105 Points from Red Snow and
  • 2023-10 Acquired Optional Title -[Blizzardy Bear's Blessing] Character has assisted the Great White Bear of the North and received his blessing. Character is more narratively resistant to harsh cold temperatures, and lower grade beasts and monsters originating from cold environments are less likely to attack character.
  • 2023-10 SPENT Total: 84 = 14+(7*7)+21
    • Intelligence - C to A (14)
    • Strength - D to C (7)
    • Grade D (10 upgrades)
      • Magic E to D (7pt)
      • Energized E to D (7pt): Grade D abilities have 1 cooldown, E 0, F multi-cast.
      • Componentless Magic E to D (21)
    • Asset F to E (7), Member of the Relgious Group: Spiritual Beast.
    • Devour F to E (7)
    • Educated F to E (7): Job is Spiritual Beast, a mythical beast raised by the woods itself to one day be its guardian.
    • Language (7): Spiritual Creatures. The language of spiritual creatures and other entities.
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 2023-09 2023-09 Gained 7pts from September World Training Community Event
    • optional Player Asset [World Rp Certification] - an rp'er with this certification is free to participate in world rp threads for greater rewards and real risk of character death
  • Gained 57 from (114/2=57 from scooped Vanta)
  • Point Expenditure: 161 (105+57) for initial character creation (2023-04-14)
  • Gained 7pts from April 23, 2023 Community Event.
  • Gained 4pts from May 2023 Community event.
  • Gained 78pts from Falling to Raise 2
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Point Expenditure: 84
    Stats (Spent: 21.)
    - Strength - D (+14)
    - Intelligence - C (+7)
    - Vitality - D (+7)

    Grade: E (8 upgrades)

    Movement (Spent: 7)
    - Jump F (7)

    Senses (Spent: 14)
    - Dark Vision (7).
    - Heightened Sight. (7)

    Secondary (Spent: 21)
    - Asset F (7), Member of the Relgious Group: Spiritual Beast.
    - Devour F (7)
    - Educated F (7): Job is Spiritual Beast, a mythical beast raised by the woods itself to one day be it's guardian.
    --- Nature (int)
    --- Survival (int)
    --- Religion (int)

    Equipement (Spent: 14)
    - Natural Weapons (14)

Last edited:

[Fighting theme: Blinch- Enter the Dungeon] [Main theme: Blinch- Anamnesis Of The World's Sin]
Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency:
At least
once per day.
Discord Name:
Current RP:
[Isekai Hell] ☆ φαίνω ♡ The Anemone's Sparkling Debutante ☆
[Short term: Awaken possible powers, survive.] [Long term: Become the most powerful, find fulfillment in life, be alone.]
Equipped Titles:
[Undead Human] [Priest]
102 lbs
Abel, the 4th human to be born on his world, was devout to love his God. With his mother, Eden, and father, Adam, Abel lived his life with fulfillment and happiness, always working for the LORD's love. Things were tranquil, until his older brother, Cain, was jealous of him, for Abel worked harder to live in the LORD's light. It was then that Cain hunted and slaughtered a rabbit, just to show it off to the LORD. The LORD was not pleased with how Cain wasted a life for his own greed, and instructed him to not do such things. Cain was furious. Sneaking up on Abel, he struck the back of his head with a large rock, splitting it in two. The LORD, in all his wisdom, granted him a second chance at life, at the cost of his soul being altered, and was put into a new world.
Current Life: Works as the local priest in the Church of Faith. No family, no royal status, but has a nice pay, room, and board.
Acquired Titles:
Points at Start:
Points Earned:
Points Spent:
Points Not Spent:
Strength - D
Precision - C
Intelligence - B
Vitality - E
Speed - C
  • Literacy/Arts C
  • Magical Affinity D
  • Void
    Blink C - Temporarily erase something from existence, only for it to reappear again. Higher level, bigger the object. Cooldown: 15 seconds.

    Absorb E - Eat any form of matter, and permanently delete it from existence. Higher levels mean less cooldown. Cooldown: 45 minutes.

    Forget F - (CAN'T USE YET) Consume the selected area in pure nothingness. Everyone who knew the object or person consumed will have any record or memory of it deleted, as if it never existed. At lower levels, only works on very small things, like bugs and scraps. Higher levels have the ability to consume towns, cities, or even the universe itself. Cooldown: N/A
  • Form

    Regenerate C - Rewind the time and damage of a substance up to 2 days. Does not work on organic matter. Higher levels means longer time re-winded. Cooldown: 2 minutes

    Create E - Take anything consumed by Absorb, and spit it out in the same condition it came in. Higher levels mean less cooldown. Cooldown: 45 minutes.

    Remember F - (CAN'T USE YET) Create matter and ideas out of nothing. The matter created follows the "rules" of the world, and morphs to fit it's purpose. For example, in a world with no gravity, the matter could form in ladders leading nowhere, or double sided lighthouses. Higher levels have the ability to create planets and galaxies. Cooldown: N/A
[*]Dagger B - A small, ornate dagger.
[*]Writing materials
[*]Playing Cards
[*]Small Stone Church
Eleanor Katsanis



Rp'er Name: zlexis / Alex <3

Post Frequency:
48 hour cycle

Discord Name: paradelle#0760

Current RP: (Caelia Barony) – Treasure in Ruins


- Learn about this new world and overcome any challenges that oppose her

- Train and become self-reliable, and stand up to any wrong-doings

- She is especially interested in the workings of magic, and the mysteries of mana

Equipped Titles: [Human]

Height: 5’1”

Weight: 115 lbs.

Backstory: Eleanor was born and raised on the island of Crete right at the tail end of a bitter civil war. Her family was impoverished and could not afford medicine when Eleanor fell ill. Though she felt like a burden, it all came to an end when one summer evening she drifted asleep and quietly passed in the night.

Current Life: Eleanor woke upon a bed of flowers to a mystical deity explaining the new world with a promise of colorful characters, struggle, and adventure. A fresh start. There was not a trace of the pain she felt from her illness.

Currently, she is still struggling to grasp the new world. It would not be an Isekai without a little learning curve. Luckily, the Adventurer's Guild became in contact with her, and sensing her potential, decided to send her out on her first mission.

Acquired Titles: ~

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105

Points Not Spent: 0


Strength – F (0)

Precision – E (7)

Intelligence – B (28)

Vitality – F (0)

Speed – C (21)


  • Fast F (7) - 12mph
  • Magic E (14)
    The character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. Required to cast spells. Requires Catalyst item. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spell's effect. Ex: Duration, Targets, Area, Range, etc. May be used by itself to create mana abilities with the following restrictions:
  • Control Environment F (7)
    The character cannot inflict damage with this ability.
    Grants the character the ability to control air and lighting immediately around their body to adjust things like humidity, sound, smell, temperature, and lighting. Useful in hazardous conditions.
    1 target
    5ft range
    immediate area
    1 post duration
    1 target


  • Dancing Lights – Magic E, Control Environment F – Causes harmless, glowing orbs to come from the fingertips and hover in the air around the character - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown


  • Blowing Cow Horn – Grade E (14) (Catalyst) – engraved with historical figures from a now meaningless time.
  • Slingshot – Grade F (7) (Weapon) – mainly for catching small game, this wooden weapon can fire off small projectiles at high velocity.


  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Collection of fired bullets, rocks, and snail shells


  • N/A

Change Log:

  • Character creation: (4/22/2023)
Last edited:

Theme: N/A
Rp'er Name: Gaius Danius Griinia
Post Frequency: Once every two days
Discord Name: DanGriin#4359
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Become the greatest adventurer
Equipped Titles:
Height: 180cm
Weight: 125lbs
Backstory: Rios only recalls flashes of a white room and the sound of beeping.
Current Life: Rios was found without memory by a band of adventurers. Lured by the promise of grand adventure. He trained his fundamentals under the tutelage of retired soldiers. Unable to afford a real sword but unwilling to accept handouts after imposing so much. Rios set out to become the greatest adventurer in the world.
Acquired Titles:
.Nephilim: Known as Heaven-Touched or Angel-Blood. Nephilim are those descended from celestial beings. Nephilim exhibit traits similar to their divine ancestor/parent at a young age. Superhuman entities with a moral compass that sways strongly towards whatever alignment fits with their greatest desire. They are natural born warriors, scholars and peacekeepers. Fallen Celestials are also capable of siring Nephilim. Although these children are often treated coldly by less welcoming communities. The further back the divine ancestor, the less divine traits exhibited by Nephilim descendants until they are indistinguishable from regular humans. This does not stop the oddly divine Nephilim from appearing in an otherwise human bloodline every so often though.
.Ryken Adventurer F: Character is an adventurer of the ryken adventurer guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. characters are still learning the basics. They may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by themselves.
.Ryke Mercenary, Grunt F
.Bear Blinder:
Character blinded a bear.
Points at Start: 128
Points Earned: 168
Points Spent: 284
Points Not Spent: 3
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - A
Precision - A
Intelligence - A
Vitality - A
Speed - A
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Lucky D -21 pts
  • Fighting Style B (Katana) - 35pts
    .Technique Core F (Vorpal) -7pts (Was Purchased before Skill Update)
    .Technique Core F (Blight: Flame) -7pts
    .Technique Core F (Blight: Slashing) -7pts
    .Technique Core F (Aura: Darkness) -7pts
    .Technique Core F (Vampiric) -14pts
  • Devour E -14pts
  • Energized F -7pt
  • Appraisal C -0 pt
  • Fast E -0pts
  • Regeneration F -7pts
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • B Grade Paired Katana -35pts
  • Chalice of Calamity (Reward for March Event 2024) : A goblet that fills with a potent elixir once per rp, which when consumed, restores magical energy. In energy mode, the drinker gains 7 energy immediately. In cooldown mode, the drinker's F - C grade abilities all come off cooldown.
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • N/A
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • Aggregore Bones
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • Character Creation (29/04/2023)
    • Strength C - 21pts
    • Precision C - 21pts
    • Intelligence C - 21pts
    • Vitality C - 21pts
    • Speed C - 21pts
    • Lucky D - 14pts
    • Appraisal D - 0pt (Otherworlder)
    • Energized F -7pt
  • 23pts from Ryker to pool of 105pts at creation
  • Lucky E -> D (7 Points from Temple Trial)
  • 21 Points from Dirty Work
    .STR C > B
    .PRES C > B
    .SPD C > B
  • 7 Points earned and spent for Sword
  • 14 Points earned from Are You Doing Your Part
    .INT C > B
    .VIT C > B
  • 7 Points earned from September 2023 Event
    .Fighting Style E (Multidimensional Core) - 7pts
  • 23 pts earned from Nest Door Neighbors + Ryken Mercenary Grunt F title
  • Fast E obtained from Vaudi's 2024 January Writing Event
  • 7 pts obtained from March Madness Event 2024
  • Chalice of Calamity obtained from March Madness Event 2024
  • Fighting Style E > Fighting Style D using 7pts from march event
  • 32 Pts acquired from Skythorn Blossom
  • Fighting Style D > Fighting Style C 7pts
  • Technique Core F Blight Flame -7pts
  • Devour F -7pts
  • Technique Core F Aura Darkness -7pts
  • Regeneration F obtained using 7pts from November 2024 Event
  • 35 pts from Odai Island used to raise character grade to A
  • Fighting Style C (Katana) upgraded to Fighting Style B (Katana) using 7pts from Odai Island
  • Techniques Core F Blight Slashing acquired using 7pts from Odai Island
  • Technique Core F Vampiric Acquired using 14pts from Odai Island
  • C Grade Paired Katana upgraded to B Grade using 7pts from Odai Island
  • Devour F > Devour E using 7pts from Odai Island
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Malik Seraphim
Rp'er Name: Novama
Post Frequency:
Daily to Weekly. Will not do bi-weekly rp's if I can help it.
Discord Name: Novama#2275
Current RP: N/A
  1. Uncover the truth about his Fae mother's disappearance and the mysteries surrounding his heritage.
  2. Master his magical abilities, harnessing the full potential of his Fae lineage.
  3. Use his abilities to bring about positive change and foster unity in the medieval fantasy world he now inhabits.
Equipped Titles: Fae, Human, Abomination, [Merchant D (Silver Star Trading Company Lead)]
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175lbs
Backstory: Malik hails from a world where humans and magical creatures coexist, although not always peacefully. Raised by his human father after his Fae mother mysteriously disappeared, Malik learned the art of diplomacy and negotiation from an early age due to the frequent disputes among the races in his old world. Though he is aware of his magical heritage, Malik never quite mastered his potential, leaving him eager to learn and improve. It was his own eagerness to learn that made him present during a magical experiment that resulted in his immediate transmigration into another world.
Current Life: Deciding to leverage the world to its fullest, Malik is driven by a desire to help those in need and a longing to understand the nature of his Fae heritage. He pursues breaking the world free of stagnation with hopes of finding answers to his past and growing in power while breeding a mindset beyond the medieval world in the people.
Acquired Titles: Fae, Human, Abomination,
  • [Merchant F (Silver Star Trading Company Associate)] - character has entered into the service of the Silver Star Trading company, a comparably small corporation with many industry interests across Ryke. There seems to be a lot of upward mobility within the company for those that distinguish themselves.
  • [Merchant E (Silver Star Trading Company Employee)] - character has shown a particular knack for working in service of the Silver Star Trading company, a comparably small corporation with many industry interests across Ryke. Character is no longer a rookie, but still has a ways to go in moving up in the company.
  • [Merchant D (Silver Star Trading Company Lead)] - character has displayed the ability to take initiative and had at least one of their self started initiatives pay off. Character is a full fledged employee with perks and under direct management of lower management. Sometimes asked to oversee the efforts of their peers on behalf of management.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 403
Points Spent: 364
Points Not Spent: 144
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - A
Vitality - F
Speed - A
  • Feature: Mixed Race (human and fae)
  • Control Environment F
  • Magic B
  • Illusion F
  • Insight F
  • energize F
  • affinity incapacitate D
  • Focus F
  • Appraisal E
  • Selective D
  • Non-Lethal D
  • Spell Duration F
  • pocket dimension E
  • Performance E (flute)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Light - Control Environment F, Energize F, Focus F - Malik makes the space around him glow brilliantly to chase away darkness - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Darkness - Control Environment F, Energize F, Focus F - Malik makes the space around him a void in which light cannot illuminate - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Light/Darkness (Flux) - Control Environment F, Magic F, Spell Duration F, Spell Range F - Malik can create a lighting change that lasts for up to an hour and can be as far as 30ft away - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Illusion - Illusion F, energize F, Focus F- Malik produces an illusory effect such as altering his appearance or creating small harmless visual or auditory effects - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Illusion (Flux) - Illusion F, Magic F, Spell Duration F, Magic Targets F - Up to 5 targets within reach of Malik can take on a slightly altered appearance for an hour - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Brilliant Shadow (Flux) - Control Environment F, Magic F, Spell Range F, Spell AoE F - Malik releases a magic shot on a point within 30ft that explodes in radiant light intermixed with shifting darkness in a 15ft radius zone - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Daymare - Magic F, illusion F, Incapacitate F, Energize F, Focus F - Malik looks at a F grade or lower target within 5ft and can trap them in their minds to experience illusory horrors and torture for a round - grade F - 0 cooldown
  • Fae's Playground (Flux) - Magic D, Illusion F, Incapacitate D, Spell AoE E, Spell Duration F, Non-Lethal D, Selective E, Appraisal E - Within 50ft of Malik, any creature he decides is hit by a non lethal mental shockwave. Creatures D grade and less and not already knocked unconscious are then plagued by illusions for up to an hour of whatever torments Malik decides. While under the effects of the illusions, the characters are incapacitated. - D grade - 4 post cooldown
  • Fairy's Purse (Flux) - Pocket Dimension F, Magic E(F), Area F(flux), Selective F, Non-lethal F , Focus F - Character selectively picks objects and creatures within 15ft of himself to stow in his magical storage space. - E grade - 1 post cooldown
  • Light Armor B - leather armor and fabrics of Fae make
  • Catalyst B - Violet crystal in the shape of a flower
  • Fowl Fighters(tm) – Turkin
    • Type: Magic Item
    • A Fowl Fighters brand action figure of the popular hero Turkin. It is posable into a variety of positions that must be set manually. Depending on the pose, it will magically enhance the owner's physical strength or jumping power. A sticker on the sole of the left foot claims it is produced by the Eventra Entertainment Company.
    • The product comes with [Jump F], and [Superstrength F] included.
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Torches
  • Flute
  • Best Buddy-Grade D Type of Item: common item special effects: creates a d level companion friend in the form of a cute animal. Is given as the form of a stuffed animal in a box as if you're getting a pet Curse/Boon: However, the companion will turn on the party when you got to sleep.
  • Wolf Bodies F - character has acquired several wolf bodies in pristine condition.
Change Log:
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Theme: Processing...
Rp'er Name: Pipsqueak
Post Frequency:
Depends on my schedule, but I can usually post anywhere from multiple times a day to only a few times a week
Discord Name: Pipsqueak#5771
Current RP: TBD
Goals: At the moment Liti's goal is to join the adventurer's guild. Beyond that she desires more than anything to see what more the world has to offer.
Equipped Titles: Saytr
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 142 lbs.
Backstory: Liti is, in fact, native to Isekai Hell, specifically from Ryke. Born in the vast nature of this country, Liti was raised knowledgeably in natural medicines. Growing up, she became skillful in healing, though where she lived there weren't nearly bad enough injuries to hone her skill to perfection. She settled on healing the occasional scratches and bruises her younger sister got as well as injured animals she would often stumble upon. Her life beyond that was quite dull. She spent her days gathering and learning about the world around her as best as her parents could teach, and Liti grew bored and restless more than they would have preferred.

At the beginning of spring one year, she expressed the want to join the adventurer's guild in Ryke. Her parents were against that for many reasons, but being the curious gal she is, decided to head off on her own to join. Along the way she'd run into plenty of curious characters, one of which taught her how to scry. Though she hasn't made it to the adventurer's guild just yet, it's a big dream of hers.
Current Life: Liti is currently wondering to different cities, hoping to hone her skills before joining the adventurer's guild.
Acquired Titles: Satyr
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - E
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Jump skill F
  • Fighting style- Horns and Hooves- Knockback (1 action) F
  • Medicine F
  • Nature F
  • Survival F
  • Feature: Furry legs F
  • Healing F
  • Precognition F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Foresight- Liti is able to predict future events by scrying into reflective objects- Grade F- 0 Post cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Natural weapons F
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Satchel full of different small herbs she uses for healing
  • A small broken shard of glass
  • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • A small cottage in the Ryke woodlands
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • N/A


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Model ST3-LL4

RP’er Name: Trystan1295
Post Frequency: 2 Times a Week minimum
Discord Name: Trystan97#1295
Current RP: [Isekai Hell] It's only an Escort Quest
Goals: To find the person who “created” her, and to explore the world and meet new friends while she’s at it.
Equipped Titles: Construct, Android, Ryken Adventurer E
Height: 5’3” (160 cm)
Weight: 247 lbs (112 kg)

The memories associated with the previous incarnation of the soul that now inhabits the Autonomous Humanoid Model ST3-LL4 have been lost entirely. One can only assume on the basis of her behavior that she once belonged to a peaceful species of below-median intelligence. She is aware that she is a fully functional living soul that has been fixed to an artificial body composed of some kind of iron-lead compound, but any memories of her creator or the circumstances that led to her “first awakening” have been completely wiped.

Since her body is entirely artificial, STE-LL4, henceforth referred to by her preferred name “Stella”, cannot “age” by definition, though there seems to be no upper bound to the amount of information she can store in her hard disk. Since her behavior is dictated by her living soul, she is capable of expressing and developing emotions, opinions, and mindsets in a similar way as a young adult human. As she was given no inherent directive to fill the role that a “purpose in life” would have on a creature of flesh, her natural desire to care for others led her to start an orphanage, where she cared for both living children and the failed experiments she found shortly after “waking up”. One day, one of the children she was taking care of told her he was going to become an adventurer when he grows up so he can look for his father who abandoned him. This story left a deep impact on Stella, and soon she started gathering funds to go on her own grand adventure.

Stella has since left the orphanage under new management and set off to look for her creator. Her first order of business takes her to the capital city of Ryken, where she signs up to become a member of the Adventurer’s Guild. Hopefully, going on quests and adventures will allow her the clearance necessary to travel from place to place without being confused for a nasty monster…

Acquired Titles: Construct, Android, Ryken Adventurer E
Points At Start: 105
Points Earned: 103
Points Spent: 182
Points Not Spent: 26

Strength: E
Precision: E
Intelligence: E
Vitality: D
Speed: F

Superstrength: F
Fighting Style [Incapacitate]: F
Resilient: E (Aging, Fatigue)
Attentive Student:  E
Mind Shield: F

Empathy: F
Engineering: F

Taser Fist - Fighting Style [Incapacitate] F, [Hot Shot F], [Accurate F], [Blight (Electricity) F], Superstrength F - Stella cloaks her fists in the bio-electricity that powers her, locks onto the target, and swings at them, aiming for weak spots wherever possible. If her fist makes contact, she delivers a jolt of electricity that may Incapacitate and continuously shock the target over time. Grade F, 0 post cooldown.

Equipment: Natural Armor E (Iron Skin); Natural Weapons E (Iron Fists)

Items: Satchel with a bottle of oil, Instruction Manual (self-composed), and a quill pen.

Assets: N/A

  • 15 May 2023 - Character Created
  • 6 Jun 2023 - Added 12 Points from [Isekai Hell] - Temple Trial
  • 25 Jul 2023 - Updated Appearance
  • 4 Aug 2023 - Purchased [Attentive Student F] for 7 pts. 5 remaining.
  • 4 Aug 2023 - Added 50 Points from Isekai Hell: Ryke Adventurers Guild - Dirty Work. 55 remaining.
  • 4 Aug 2023 - Obtained Title [Ryken Adventurer F] from Isekai Hell: Ryke Adventurers Guild - Dirty Work
  • 30 Aug 2023 - Purchased Mind Shield F for 7 points. 48 remain.
  • 30 Aug 2023 - Upgraded Natural Weapons F -> Natural Weapons E for 14 Points. 34 remain.
  • 30 Aug 2023 - Purchased [Hot Shot F] Technique Core for 14 points. 20 remain.
  • 30 Aug 2023 - Purchased [Accurate F] Technique Core for 7 points. 13 remain.
  • 30 Aug 2023 - Purchased [Blight (Electricity) F] Technique Core for 7 points. 6 remain.
  • 30 Aug 2023 - Modified Ability Taser Fist F, adding Technique Cores [Hot Shot F], [Accurate F], and [Blight (Electricity) F].
  • 20 Sep 2023 - Earned 41 Points from [Isekai Hell] Whispering Pests. 47 remain.
  • 20 Sep 2023 - Upgraded title [Ryken Adventurer F] to [Ryken Adventurer E] from the aforementioned RP.
  • 20 Sep 2023 - Upgraded [Attentive Student F] to [Attentive Student E] for 7 points. 40 remain.
  • 20 Sep 2023 - Purchased [Empathy F] for 7 points. 33 remain.
  • 20 Sep 2023 - Purchased [Engineering F] for 7 points. 26 remain.


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Niall Riordan
Rp'er Name: Nero Kunivas
Post Frequency: As frequently as possible, will aim for once a week.
Discord Name: NeroKunivas#9583
Current RP: N/A

  • Hone his swordsmanship to become one of the mightiest warriors of the realm.
  • Protect the innocent.
  • Slay the corrupt and unjust, no matter the cost, morals be damned.
  • Obtain more power, no matter how far it sends him down the dark path or what it costs him.
  • Become undying, or as close as he can get, as well as claim eternal life.
  • Understand his curse and if need be, feed it further.
Equipped Titles: Human, Defender of Sootspire
Height: 6'4
Weight: 180 lbs

Memories of his past life are fractured and fuzzy, only growing more distant as he and his curse grow in strength. From what he does remember, in his previous life Niall was a bartender, who spent most of his time pouring drinks and listening to the woes of the drunkards who frequented his establishment. Some of their tales however resonated with him, typically the tales of the abused or the victimized, rather than the woes of the underachievers or the lonely, causing him to yearn to aid them in some manner. His last memory was attempting to stop a bar fight, only to be slammed in the head with a heavy glass bottle that did not shatter on impact, causing nigh-instant death as the echoes of the now regretful attacker rung in his ears.
Having suffered an unfortunate demise, Niall was confronted by [god], who spoke in rhetoric yet it was enough for him to be sold on the idea of a second life, which he was soon granted. Awakening in a new and distant land, Niall set out into the world of the Protectorate of Ryke. During his early travels, he came into possession of an old, accursed blade and a set of armour, buried in the undisturbed tomb of a nameless warrior, renowned in the past as an Impaler. The blade whispered to him, promising him great power and the means to enact the deepest desires of his soul, in particular, the power to protect the innocent by any means necessary. Niall was already embittered by the circumstances of his original death, shedding some of his morals for the sake of the greater good was an easy choice. Donning his new armour and taking up the accursed blade, Niall began his new life as a dark knight of no renown.
Acquired Titles: Human, Defender of Sootspire
Points at Start:
116 (Plus 11 due to Scoop)
Points Earned: 49
Points Spent: 144
Points Not Spent: 21
Strength - C
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C
Speed - E
  • Fighting Style, Swords (Accursed Blade) - F - Drain (Speed) - An aggressive fighting style that utilizes wide sweeps and piercing thrusting attacks with a lengthy blade. The weapon in question is cursed by some kind of malevolent spirit, that cares not what its wielder does, so long as it involves killing. To make this easier, the blade's curse drains the Speed stat from targets, slowing them down for an easier kill.
  • Drain (Speed) - Weakens target by one letter grade in one of their stats, in this case, their Speed stat. The forms the technique take could be varied based on the stat impacted. Afflicted targets regain stats 1 grade per in rp hour. Cannot make a stat go lower than F. The stat it drains must be defined in advance and remain that way.
  • Appraisal E
  • Regeneration F - Passive - 6 Post Cooldown - Character starts to heal itself automatically if not killed or if the body is not destroyed. Does not apply to Mental 'damage'. This includes regrowing severed appendages immediately. Character regains all their HP after a cooldown on Regeneration expires. The cooldown on regeneration begins as soon as the character takes damage. Cooldown on regeneration shrinks as the regeneration skill is upgraded. Out of combat, the cooldown only applies at narrator discretion. cooldown is not reduced by energize.
  • Essence Eater F - Character gains power by absorbing the essence of others. Character gains double points when skill grade is only one less than character grade and character has absorbed the essence of a creature at same grade or greater than character. Absorbing a creature's essence requires the creature to be on the brink of death before passing away. In this way the soul is ready to leave the body and is redirected into the Essence Eater. While the act of eating essence is not a criminal offense, the killing of a creature may result in criminal titles.
  • Draining Thrust - Fighting Style Accursed Blade (Swords) F, Drain (Speed) F - Single target afflicted with an injury by this attack will also reduce the target's (Speed) by 1 grade. Niall readies his sword in a 'stand-off' stance before suddenly thrusting forth, injuring the target and afflicting them with Drain (Speed). - F grade - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Bastard Sword D - A longer blade than a regular arming sword, yet not as heavy as a Greatsword or a Zweihander. Typically wielded in two hands. Cursed with a malevolent spirit and is visually twisted as a result, with a sharp, angular hand guard that points upwards. It is a blade forged with aggression in mind above all else.
  • Heavy Armour D - Sturdy armour pilfered from a tomb, well maintained despite its age. Angular and vaguely demonic visage combined with a dark colour palette, accentuated with a faded dark red kama.
  • Whetstone - Used to keep his blade sharp, as even cursed blades can dull without care.
  • Bedroll - For sleeping in, of course.
  • Rations - For sustenance.
  • Waterskin - For hydration.
  • N/A
Change Log:
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Morrigan Durnin

Rp'er Name: Ian Temero
Post Frequency: Hopefully 1/day, but no less than 1/week
Discord Name: Ian Temero#2039
Current RP: -
Goals: - l plan on her being antagonistic, so possibly becoming a big bad guy.
- Her personal goal is to get back to her own world
Equipped Titles: Human, Mundane, Not a Fan
Height: 5'2
Weight: 112 lbs
Funny, always thought getting stabbed was supposed to hurt...

In fact Morrigan didn't feel much of anything as she lay on the ground, staring up at the stars. She just felt weak. And cold.

Turning her head towards the sniffling from next to her she smiled weakly at the blonde girl kneeling at her side. "What are you crying for Firefly?" She reached up to wipe away a tear from her face. "You should be relieved. This problem's finally going to be out of your hair."

"I-I'm so sorry!" Amatiel whimpered, grasping the hand in hers. "If-If I had been paying attention! You wouldn't have had to-"

"Not your fault." Morrigan interrupted. "It's a big sister's job to protect their siblings." Underneath her shadow began to shift and spread, freezing tendrils slowly crawling up over her body, looking to claim one last soul. "That's all I wanted you know? All the crimes, the thefts, the murders. They were to protect you. For my final act to fulfil that? Couldn't ask for a better end."

"J-Just hang in there! The ambulance will be here soon!"

Morrigan knew it wouldn't arrive in time. She could already feel herself sinking into the puddle of darkness, shadows stretching their way up her arm. "Amy." She said.


"Smile. The people need to see their hero victorious, not mourning the loss of a villain."

"No!" The young woman cried. 'Stay with me!"

"Sorry." Morrigan whispered before the world was dyed black...
Morrigan blinked slowly, taking a moment to register what she was looking at. "Huh... Didn't think Hell would have a blue sky." She muttered to herself, rolling over and rising to her feet and looking around. The concrete beneath her had been replaced with soft grass, the walls and buildings by thick tall trees, and the dry and stagnant stench of the city by a gentle and earthy breeze. It was all so clean. Was this Heaven?

No. Morrigan had done to much bad shit in her life to be allowed even a single toe through the pearly gates. Was it a dream? A delusion before death finally claimed her? She gave her arm a pinch. Nope, that hurt. So if it wasn't any of those than that meant... That she was alive. The was a moment's pause before the girl began to chuckle, and then laugh almost manically. She stopped though when she noticed several snarling muzzles stalking their way out from behind the trees. It seemed I'm on someone's dinner menu she thought, a big grin still stretched across her lips as the shadow beneath her feet began to shift and spread.

She didn't know where she was or how she got. All she knew was that she had been given a chance. A chance to claw her way back to her sister. And that the first steps of that journey would be to tear a bloody path through these wolves.
Acquired Titles: Human, Mundane, Not a Fan
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 24
Points Spent: 126
Points Not Spent: 3
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - F
  • Appraisal F
  • Magic E
  • Affinity (Darkness) F
  • Affinity (Tangle) F +1 Action
  • Affinity [Quake] F +1 Action
  • Affinity (Deflect) F +1 Action
  • Affinity (Indirect) F
  • Magic Range F -- 30 ft
  • Magic Area F -- 15 ft
  • Componentless Magic E
  • Energized E
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)

Morrigan calls up a shield of darkness to deflect or reduce physical attacks.
  • Shield of Anand ( I ) - Magic F, Affinity (Darkness) F, Affinity (Deflect) F, Componentless Magic F, - - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Shield of Anand ( II ) - Magic E, Affinity (Darkness) F, Affinity (Deflect) F, Componentless Magic E, - - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Summons spikes from the shadows to attack the opponent.
  • Babd's Claws ( I ) - Magic F, Affinity (Darkness) F, Componentless Magic F - - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Babd's Claws ( II ) - Magic E, Affinity (Darkness) F, Magic Range F, Affinity (Indirect) F Componentless Magic E - - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Causes dark tendrils to shoot out of the shadows to grapple the opponent. Lasts 1 Round.
  • Chains of Annwyn ( I ) - Magic F, Afinity (Darkness), Affinity (Tangle) F, Componentless Magic F - - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Chains of Annwyn ( II ) - Magic E, Afinity (Darkness), Affinity (Tangle) F, Magic Range F, Affinity (Indirect) F, Componentless Magic E - - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Clothes
  • Necklace
  • Pocketknife
  • Lighter
  • Pack of cigarettes
  • Smartphone (no reception)
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • 14 pts - Intelligence D // 0 pts - Appraisal F // 14 pts - Magic E // 7 pts - Affinity (Darkness) F // 7 pts - Affinity (Deflect) // 7 pts - Affinity (Tangle) F // 7 pts - Affinity (Indirect) // 7 pts - Magic Range F // 42 pts - Componentless Magic E // (5/19/23)
  • 0 pts - Appraisal F (Forgot to give at creation) (7/10/23)
  • Gained 24 pts and [Not a Fan]. (8/4/23)
  • Gained [Mundane], Energized F (0 pts) & Magic Area F (0 pts). (8/8/23)
  • 7 pts - Vitality E // 7 pts - Affinity [Quake] F // 7 pts - Energized E // (8/8/23)


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Ringo-Lord Bara 1.png
Rp'er Name: StarPrincessVal
Discord Name: StarPrincessVal#6239
Current RP: A Tithe! A Tithe! My Shrine for a Tithe!
Post Frequency: Several Times a week to Daily

Race Tree: [Fae]
Race Title: [Komainu]
Sexual Orientation: Demi
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 175 lbs
Social Titles: [Religious Migrant] [Priestess (Caelia) F] [Caelia Shrine Keeper]
Job Titles:
Personality Titles:
Event Titles:
Criminal Titles:


Ringo was the resident guardian of a shrine to a deity of crossing over to the afterlife whose name has been forgotten. When the civilization fell to ruin and the shrine lost it's worshippers, Ringo went into a dormant state inhabiting her statue vessel, where she has remained for many years.​

Current Life:

Regula's trespass on the ancient shrine in the Mictlantechulian ruins awoke Ringo from her slumber. She was hesitant of the Human woman at first, but Regula's kind heart and good will won Ringo over quickly. It also helped that Regula spoiled Komainu guardian. When Regula entered the inner sanctum, the deity of the shrine bound Ringo to her as a servant and aide. Unsure how to help the Baroness, but eager to try, Ringo set off with the group, swayed by the promise of her beloved shrine being relocated along with her. They traveled to Morbella to gain permission, then returned and collected the shrine. Ringo's new life in the Barony as servant of the Baroness was beginning. "Woke Up In A New Time?! Ancient Ruins?! I Can't Believe My Shrine Maiden's Tails Can Be This Cute!"
Ringo adjusted to her new life in the Barony. Aside from the normal adjustments, she had a twang of unusual discomfort which seemed to come and go. She met the other residents of the Barony and was excited to begin her new life as Regula's servant. Barony Reforged
Ringo and several others from the Barony worked on restoring the Caelia Shrine. Heaven Let Your Light Sh(r)ine Down

  • Figure out what her purpose of being bound to Regula is, and how she can assist the Baroness
  • Make the Caelia Shrine a place where people can gather to celebrate or be at ease

Acquired Titles:
  • [Komainu]
    • Requires:
      • Titles: [Fae], [Komainu]
      • Feature [Features of Animal their statue represents] - Cosmetic
      • Magic Domain [Aspect of the deity their shrine is dedicated to]
      • Pick one:
        • Catalyst [Guardian Rings]
        • Catalyst [Guardian Amulet]
        • Catalyst [Guardian Bangles]
    • Komainu are beings that protect shrines, often characterized in statues around the shrine that give them their appearance. There are many different types and their appearance can vary based on the deity of the shrine they inhabit.
  • [Fae]

  • [Twin]

  • [Religious Migrant]
    • Religious character has had a change of address. Character must acclimate to a new setting while carrying with them customs and faith from the old place.
  • [Priestess (Caelia) F]
    • Character has become associated with a religious faction within Caelia Barony.
  • [Caelia Shrine Keeper]
    • Character is responsible for the growth and upkeep of Caelia Shrine of Passage. Those with this title are recognized by those associated with the shrine. Any character with this title is looked upon with suspicion from the Ryke approved faiths.
  • [Churched]
    • Character has become slightly more aware of the deities and the rituals to worship them.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 135
Points Spent: 238
Points Not Spent: 2

Strength - G
Precision - F
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - E
Character Grade: F

  • Feature
    • Fox Ears - Cosmetic
    • Nine Fox Tails - Cosmetic
    • Fangs - Cosmetic
  • Magic D
  • Magic Domain [Lost Soul] E
  • Domestic Arts D
  • Religion F

  • Soul Fire D
    • Magic D, Magic Domain [Lost Soul] E
    • Range 30 feet
    • 5 targets
    • Duration 1 minute
    • 2 Post Cooldown
    • Blight E
    • Continual E
    • Engulfs the targets in blue flames made of spirit energy that burn them over time.
  • Mask of the Dead E
    • Magic E, Magic Domain [Lost Soul] F
    • Duration 1 hour
    • 1 Post Cooldown
    • User takes on the appearance of a dead person.
  • Ghostly Aura E
    • Magic E, Magic Domain [Lost Soul] F
    • Duration 1 hr.
    • 1 Post Cooldown
    • Aura F
    • Blight F
    • Contagion F
    • Engulfs the user in blue flames that burn enemies in contact with them with spiritual fire.
  • Spectral Defense E
    • Magic E, Magic Domain [Lost Soul] F
    • 1 Post Cooldown
    • Deflect F
    • Reflect F
    • Summons a lost soul to obstruct the incoming attack.

  • Guardian Rings D
    • Catalyst
    • Special Rings that can give a Komainu access to their spiritual powers.

  • Guardian Robes F
    • Light Armor
    • Robes bearing the colors and designs associated with the Shrine Ringo serves.

  • "Winner's Chicken Dinner"
    • Lucky F
    • A prestigious award that allows the user to shape their destiny!

Change Log:
  • Creation
    • Strength to G - + 7 Pts
    • Intelligence to D -14 Pts
    • Purchased Magic E - 14 Pts
    • Purchased Magic Domain [Lost Soul] F - 70 Pts
    • Purchased Catalyst [Guardian Rings] E - 14 Pts
  • "Woke Up In A New Time?! Ancient Ruins?! I Can't Believe My Shrine Maiden's Tails Can Be This Cute!" - 10/29/23
    • Received 49 Pts
    • Optional Title Acquired: [Religious Migrant]
  • Barony Reforged - 12/21/23
    • Received 37 pts
    • Optional Title Acquired: [Priestess (Caelia) F]
    • Optional Stat Upgrade: Intelligence D to C Cost 7 pts
  • Heaven Let Your Light Sh(r)ine Down - 01/06/2024
    • Received 22 pts
    • Optional Title Acquired: [Caelia Shrine Keeper]
  • 1/22/24
    • Magic E to D - 7 pts
    • Magic Domain [Lost Soul] F to E - 70 pts
    • Catalyst [Guardian Rings] E to D - 7 pts
    • Purchased Domestic Arts D - 21 pts
  • It's a Matter of Faith - 02/23/24
    • Received 13pts
    • Optional Title Acquired: [Churched]
    • Optional Skill Acquired: Religion F Cost 7 pts
  • 3/5/2024
    • Speed F to E - 7 pts
    • [Guardian Robes] to [Guardian Robes] F - 7 pts
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Scooped NPC


Rp'er Name: Uasal
Post Frequency: As needed
Discord Name: Nacht 8925
Current RP:
To live her life freely and without worry now that she's finally been re-awoken.
Equipped Titles: Native, Komainu, Fae, Twin
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 175lbs
Current Life: Yuzuki was, in the distant past, the resident guardian of a shrine. One dedicated to a long-forgotten deity who was worshipped for the part they played in ensuring the safe passage of one's soul to the afterlife. When the civilization fell to ruins and the shrine lost its worshippers, Yuzuki was forced into a statue vessel where in she would enter a dormant state. A state that has kept its hold on her for many hundreds of years.

Acquired Titles:
-Komainu are the beings that protect major shrines, often characterized in statues around the shrine that give them their appearance. There are many different types and their appearance can vary based on the deity of the shrine they inhabit.Requirements: [Fae], Cosmetic [Features] of the animal their statue represents, Magic Domain tied to the deity of their shrine, Catalyst [Guardian Rings] [Guardian Amulet] [Guardian Bangles]


Grade: F (0/5)
Points at Start: 105 + 14 (stat sacrifice x2)
Points Earned: 43
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 43
Strength - G
Precision - G
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - F

  • Attentive Student F
  • Features (Fox Ears, Nine Fox Tails, Fangs) Cosmetic
  • Magic Domain [Lost Souls of Cocytus] F (Ice)
  • Magic E
  • Languages: Sylvan, Miclantecuhtlian
  • Soul Field (Ice) - Magic E, Magic Domain [Lost Souls of Cocytus] F, Guardian Amulet E - Range 30 feet, 1 target, AOE 15ft, Duration 5 minutes -[Selective] [Blight F Spectral Ice] [Incurable F] [Incapacitating] [Penetrating F] [Continuing Spectral Ice F] [Multidimensional F]- Engulfs the target area and those within with ghostly frost made up of spiritual energy that will cause Spectral Ice damage over time and may even freeze the target outright. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown - 2 Actions
  • Voice of the Dead - Magic E, Magic Domain [Lost Souls of Cocytus] F, Guardian Amulet E - Duration 5 minutes - The user can, by touching a dead body, allow a soul to possess them for but a short duration granting them the ability to speak again. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown - 1 Action
  • Ghostly Chill - Magic E, Magic Domain [Lost Souls of Cocytus] F, Guardian Amulet E - AOE 15ft, Duration max 1 hour - [Illusion][Aura Spectral Ice F], [Control Environment F Spectral Snow], [Irritant F Sight] [Selective] [Multidimensional] - Using her own body as a medium to loosely link the realm of the living and the dead the user is enveloped in a veil of spectral snow that chills the area around them and damages any who may come in contact with the caster. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown - 2 Actions
  • Spectral Defense - Magic E, Magic Domain [Lost Souls of Cocytus] F, Guardian Amulet E - [Deflect], [Reflect] - Summons two lost souls to obstruct an incoming attack. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown - 2 Actions

  • Catalyst [Guardian Amulet] E
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Guardian Robes (clothing)

Change Log:

  • Character Creation 105 Points Spent. 7 points spent on Attentive Student F. 14 Points spent on Magic E. 14 Points spent on Catalyst E. 70 Points spent on Domain F. 14 Points Spent on Int D. -14 Points from Stat sacrifice. Total 119. - 14 = 105
  • Scooped to NPC 4/9/23
  • Earned 43 Points in Barony RP

Novama Novama
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Theme: Archmage - Fox Tailor
Rp'er Name: Ice Ice Ice
Post Frequency: 2-3 times a week
Discord Name: iceiceice2858
Current RP: Are You Doing Your Part?
Previous RPs: Ryke Adventurers Guild - Dirty Work
Goals: Adventure and Good Deeds
Equipped Titles: Human [Mundane], Mage, Ryken Adventurer [F], Blissfully Ignorant
Height: 4 feet, 2 inches
Weight: 63 pounds
Backstory: John had no one and lived a life that did not amount to much. He was drowning in debt, worked a desk job with sixty-hour work-weeks, and called a small studio apartment his home. John died in his mid thirties due to a ruptured aneurysm.
Current Life: John recalls bits and pieces of his previous life, but generally is unable to remember vivid memories apart from his encounter with god. He woke up inside the weakened and frail body of a young boy. While digging himself out of an extremely shallow grave, the fleeting memories that lingered inside his new body resurfaced briefly. He was apparently an orphan who was sold into slavery, but unfortunately, he succumbed to starvation and sickness. John encountered a group of travelling merchants that took him, providing him with food, clothing, and shelter as they made their way to Ryken. Though thankful for generosity and kindness, John insisted to part way with them in hopes of finding purpose in the second life he was given.
Acquired Titles: Human [Mundane], Mage, Ryken Adventurer [F], Blissfully Ignorant
Points at Start: 105+14
Points Earned: 77
Points Spent: 182
Points Not Spent: 14
  • Strength - G [-7]
  • Precision - G [-7]
  • Intelligence - C [21]
  • Vitality - F
  • Speed - E [7]
Precognition F

Fast F

Magic D
Magic Range F (30 Feet)
Magic Area of Effect F (15 Feet)
Magic Targets F (5 Targets)
Multidimensional Affinity F
Componentless Magic D
Energized D

Appraisal F
Language F - Common, Terran
Supersense (Mana) F

Attentive Student F
  • Foresight - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
    Appraisal F, Energized F, Fast F , Precognition F
    By taking a glimpse into the near future [6 Seconds], John improves his attempts at avoiding incoming attacks directed at him.
  • Backtrack - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
    Appraisal F, Energized F, Fast F, Magic F, Precognition F
    By taking a glimpse into the near future [6 Seconds], John improves his attempts at dampening attacks directed at him by expelling mana [Immediate Range] in the direction of an oncoming attack
  • Bang - Grade D - 1 Post Cooldown
    Energized D, Componentless Magic D, Magic D, Magic Range F
    John creates a large [15 feet radius] sphere of mana that he can shoot forward [30 Feet].
  • None
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • None
2nd of September 2023 [Isekai Hell Community Event - August 2023]
  • 7 points were gained
15th of August 2023 [Isekai Hell 2nd Annual Theme Song Event July 2023]
  • 7 points were gained
5th of August 2023 [Upgrading John Doe]
  • 7 points were spent to increase Stats
    • Intelligence D to Intelligence C [-7]
  • 35 points were spent to upgrade Skills
    • Componentless Magic E to Componentless Magic D [-21]
    • Energized E to Energized D [-7]
    • Magic E to Magic D [-7]
  • 21 points were spent to acquire Skills
    • Supersense F (Mana) [-7]
    • Magic Range F [-7]
    • Magic Area of Effect F [-7]
    • Magic Targets F [-0] 7-point discount from Born For This applied
    • Multidimensional Affinity [-0] 7-point discount from Born For This applied
  • Title was Acquired/Modified and Equipped:
    • Human to Human [Mundane]
      • Requirements - Must have Human title and one of the following:
        • 2 Magic Skills or Affinities
        • 2 Martial Skills or Techniques
        • 2 Secondary Skills
    • Mage - Skills for casting destructive magics - Character is a specialist in combat magic.
  • Title Perk was Acquired:
    • Born For This - Get a 7-point discount on the skill or skills you chose for your Mundane requirements.
4th of August 2023 [Ryke Adventurers Guild - Dirty Work]
  • 56 points were gained
  • Titles that were acquired and Equipped:
    • [Ryken Adventurer F] - Character is an adventurer of the Ryken Adventurer Guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. Characters are still learning the basics. They may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by themselves.
    • [Blissfully Ignorant] - The character unintentionally ignored key information resulting in a mission half complete.
4th of July 2023 [Isekai Hell 2023 June Community Event - Let’s Make Art!]
  • 7 points were gained
31st of May 2023 [The Birth of John Doe]
  • 14 points were gained
    • Strength F to Strength G [+7]
    • Precision F to Precision G [+7]
  • 21 points were spent to increase Stats
    • Intelligence F to Intelligence D [-14]
    • Speed F to Speed E [-7]
  • 98 points were spent to acquire Skills
    • Precognition F [-14]
    • Fast F [-7]
    • Magic E [-14]
    • Componentless Magic E [-42]
    • Energized E [-14]
    • Appraisal F [Free]
    • Language F - Common, Terran [Free]
    • Attentive Student F [-7]


  • John.png
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Jason Ithbecka

Rp'er Name: Eccentric_Undead Eccentric_Undead
Post Frequency:
2 or 3 times a week. More if time permits.
Discord Name: FantasyReborn #3123
Equipped Titles: Human, Buggy
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 121 lbs.
Backstory: He honestly doesn't remember anything from his past life. He knows he had one due to scattered, blurry visions and dreams. However, he doesn't concern himself with it. That was his past. Now, he focuses on the future. Only worried about his current life.
Current Life: Born into the service of a noble family that ruled over his home village, he was a sickly boy. Always unwell and weak. Despite this he tried hard to keep up, but he would make mistakes and get punished. Beaten or wounded. Once, he spilled tea and was promptly burned across his face.

He learned growing up that this village originally belonged to his own people, but the nobles took over long ago and now they lived as slaves. Jason accepted this as simply life dealing cards. His brother, did not. His older brother hate a deep seeded hearted for their way of life. He wanted to do something about it. As he started to plan the revolution, Jason was happy to sit in his hidden spot beneath the homes, playing with his insect friends. He had a familiarity and kinship with bugs. Both weak, but still did their best to survive.

Jason was down playing with his bugs as his brother started the fight. Bloodshed and battle that led to victory and death to the nobles. All was supposed to be better, but sadly, it wasn't. His brother immediately took over the estate of the Nobles. He didn't release their people, but enslaved them as well. Nothing had changed. It actually got worse. Beatings more often to keep them from doing as his brother did. Jason had enough. He went to his brother, demanding that their people be released to find their own life. His brother not only refused, but had him beaten to near death and tossed away in the river.

After a long while he was awoken by the Cryticrawlers. As it turned out, they had cared for him in his time of need. He didn't know where they had come from, but he knew they were there to help. He decided to follow his heart and become strong enough to come back and free his family.
Acquired Titles: Human, Buggy
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - B
Vitality - E
Speed - F
Skills: All his minions are about the same size. Human size.
  • Minions F
    E Grade Character
    14 points
    Character, for one reason or another, has garnered the attention of a loyal entourage. Gain up to 5 nameless creatures willing to loyally serve you. They all share the same character template which is made with 56 points. Minions may not have the minion or companion skills. Different types of minions will require acquiring the minion skill again. Minions never get stronger. Only more numerous. They are always obedient to character and narrated by character. Minions are assumed to be humanoids with F stats before points are applied.
    F - 5 minions
    E - 10 minions
    D - 25 minions
    C - 50 minions
    B - 100 minions
    A - 250 minions
    S - ???
    Minions - Vilpincers - 56 pts

Minion Build:
1. D grade str. 14pts
2. Tail Weapon Pincer E. 14pts
3. B grade spd. 28pts

  • Minions F
    E Grade Character
    14 points

    Minions - Cyrpticrawlers - 56 pts
Minion Build:
1. D spd stat. 14pts
2. Natural Weapons (Teeth and Front Legs) F. 7pts
3. E str stat. 7pts
4. D vit stat. 14pts
5. Fighting Style Relentless Stabbing F, #1 tech Penetrate Grade F. 7pts.

  • Minions F
    E Grade Character
    14 points
Minions - Caustic Spitters - 56pts

Minion Build:
1. C grade precision. 21pts.
2. Bioliquid Bullet Weapon D. 21pts.
3. Fighting Style Caustic Shot E, #1 tech Blight(Boiling), Grade F. #2 tech Accurate, Grade F. 14pts.

  • Leadership F

    E Grade Character
    "7 points"

    It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without wood working tools

    The talent of having inspirational visions and goals, and
    communicating them effectively to others. The objective is
    to motivate and rally others to adopt and work towards those
    objectives as well.
  • Warfare E

    D Grade Intelligence
    "14 points"

    It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without wood working tools

    The knowledge of large-scale military combat techniques,
    including troop movement, siege warfare, and army morale.
  • Feature [Odor]

    7 points

    He constantly emits a pheromone that attracts insects to him. As such, he is almost constantly surrounded by any number and any variety of insects.
  • Release the Horde - Leadership F, Minion F, Warfare E - This allows the user to instruct his minions on a scorched earth tactic. Making a line and attacking anything within the path of your assault. This is not a garuntee of victory, but it creates a line of concentrated damage. Especially effective in closed in battle grounds. The line can be broken by a charge with enemy that has Grade E or above Strength or Vitality. - Grade E - 1 post cool down
  • Bait and Switch - Leadership F, Minion F, Warfare E - A group of minions will bait enemies into a full on chase. They will lead the enemies into a pre-chosen place of attack where the rest of the army is waiting to turn the tide of the fight. Location is key to this strategy and can change the flow of the assault. - Grade E - 1 posts.

  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • A few books on the study of insects
  • Books on war strategy
  • N/A
Change Log:
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Naomi Plumfoot (Scooped)
Theme: N/A
Rp'er Name: Gwen Temi
Post Frequency:
Every other day
Discord Name: Uma Sayalami#7724
Current RP: Whispering Pests
Goals: Do quests/rps centered around wizard school and clubs within its campus. Make IC friends and rivals. Have the character develop relationships with mentors and teachers in order to learn and grow.
Equipped Titles: Mundane Human. Scholar [Educated]. Ryken Student F.
Height: (5’4”/ 1.6256m)
Weight: (115 lbs)
Character Rank: E
Backstory: (A loser isn’t born, they’re made. And purely by their own choices. Trina had everything she needed to succeed in life. No health problems. Decent looks. Two doctors for parents who were willing to fully cover the bills for school so she could succeed.

And somehow she managed to waste it all.

Flunked out of school. No college would take her. Got mixed up in drugs and ruined those looks. After enough fuckups, her parents cut contact with her and cut her off. Even her death was embarrassing.

She was working the counter at a gas station in the middle of summer. 3am, when the weirdos come out. An old man walked in, walked around the counter and asked if she could spare some change. When she refused and asked him to leave, he flashed his gun. What followed was five seconds of struggling between a seventy year-old man and a twenty-something who really should’ve kept herself in better shape.

In the end, he took a lot more from her than just the change in the register.)

Current Life: (Trina’s soul passed onto another world and another body, but her mind remained the same. Only, in this world, they called her Naomi. Quite frankly, she was more than happy to adopt the new name. And, much like before, her parents were well-to-do. Not rich by any means, but they’d been saving up for her education, too, since before her birth.

This time, she wasn’t about to fuck it up. This time, she wouldn’t waste the investment from her parents. Little Naomi was unnaturally studious at a young age. Even picked up a few spells on her own. And, as soon as she learned about the existence of wizarding school, she knew exactly where she wanted to be as soon as she came of age. This time was going to be different.

This time, Naomi was going to be somebody.)

Acquired Titles: Mundane Human. Otherworlder. Scholar. Ryken Student.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 171
Points Spent: 192
Points Not Spent: 2
Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - D
Speed - E
  • Magic E
  • Spell Duration F
  • Energized E
  • Light Affinity F
  • Attentive Student E
  • Educated F
    • Arcana F
    • Academia F
    • Focus F
  • Healing E
  • Knockback F
  • Penetrating F
  • Deflect F
  • Accurate F
  • Investigation F
  • Appraisal E
  • Barrier E
  • Wizard Fist- Magic F, Light Affinity F, Accuracy F, Penetrating F, Energized F, Knockback F- Naomi conjures fists of hard light that telekinetically move in tandem with her own movements to bludgeon foes to death and drive them back. By refining her technique at the academy, she has learned to conserve her movements and strike an opponent up to thrice in rapid succession should she choose to devote herself to pure offense and nothing else. 5ft range.- Grade F- 0 post cooldown.
  • Wizard Guard- Magic F, Deflect F, Energized F- Naomi conjures a latticed, triangular barrier of hard light in front of her to deflect attacks. By focusing purely on defense in a crucial moment and nothing else, she can layer the barrier thrice to amplify the barrier’s ability to neutralize incoming attacks. 5ft range.- Grade F- 0 post cooldown.
  • Wizard Armor- Magic E, Barrier E, Healing E, Energized E, Magic Duration F- Naomi summons a translucent, latticed armor of hard light to surround her body when she feels threatened, whilst simultaneously healing and rejuvenating herself at the moment of casting. Can be conjured in the moment to defend against imminent attack if Naomi is caught attacked while unarmored. The armor persists for an hour after she conjures it and absorbs damage from incoming threats before they can reach her.- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • First Aid- Magic F, Healing F, Energized F- Cure Minor cuts, small injuries and bruises on a target within 5 feet. Can provide minor healing to a few individuals in close proximity- Grade F - 0 post cooldown.
  • Cure- Magic E, Healing E, Energized E- Heals wounds and mild injuries and bruises on a target within 5 feet. Can also cure common illnesses.- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • Mage Eye- Appraisal E, Investigation F, Arcana F, Academia F, Energized E - Naomi utilizes her innate appraisal ability in conjunction with her analytical mind to study a target or place and acquire obscure and useful information about it.- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
  • Plumfoot Ring [Magic Catalyst E]: A silver ring with Naomi’s name carved into the interior. It was gifted to her as a reward for getting into [insert magic school]. She wears it on her right ring finger and uses it as an arcane focus.
  • Armored Robe with Reinforced Cap [Heavy Armor E]: A modified wizard robe with a layer of chainmail fastened between two layers of thick cloth accompanied by a stereotypical wizard cap reinforced by a steel plate. Both articles of clothing channel some of Naomi's innate mana to reinforce themselves and offer protection comparable to a full suit of plate armor.
  • Backpack
  • Notepad
  • Spellbook
  • Writing Utensils
  • N/A. Nadia lives with her parents in a modest house. They pay for her tuition.
Change Log:
  • 6/26/2023- Was informed that isekai'd characters' appraisal levels with their grade, so bumped Naomi's appraisal up to E instead of F.
  • 7/26/2023- Evolved Naomi from a [Human] to a [Mundane Human] to refund seven points to her. Qualifications for this evolution come from both her possession of more than two magic affinities as well as more than two secondary skills.
  • 7/26/2023- Spent the 7 points refunded from her evolution to [Mundane Human] to upgrade her [Healing] skill from F to E.
  • 8/4/2023 Gained 82 points and [Ryken Student F] title from Arcane Proving Grounds.
  • 8/4/2023 Upgraded Vitality E => D with 7 points.
  • 8/4/2023 Upgraded Plumfoot Ring [Catalyst F] => Plumfoot Ring [Catalyst E] with 1 point in the marketplace.
  • 8/4/2023 Upgraded Magic F => Magic E with 7 points.
  • 8/4/2023 Upgraded [Attentive Student F] => [Attentive Student E] with 7 points.
  • 8/4/2023 Purchased [Penetrating F] for 7 points.
  • 8/4/2023 Purchased [Spell Duration F] for 7 points.
  • 8/4/2023 Purchased [Energized E] for 14 points.
  • 8/4/2023 Purchased [Barrier E] for 28 points.
  • 8/4/2023 Added [Ryken Student] to equipped titles.
  • 8/30/2023 Purchased Armored Robe with Reinforced Cap [Heavy Armor E] with 2 points in the marketplace.
  • 2/28/2024 Added 82 points earned from Whispering Pests.
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