• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Character Characters

Kellum Garelemond

Theme: WIP
Rp'er Name: Saxon
Post Frequency: As the pacing allows.
Discord Name: Saxon#1332
Current RP: [Isekai Hell] From the City of Faiths Seeking Thieves
Goals: Kellum plans to explore the world to the far reaches and deliver justice to those who need it.
Equipped Titles: Laywer [Educated], Human, Warrior, Delver
Height: 5'11
Weight: 160
Backstory: Kellum was a lawyer in his previous life, spending thousands of thousands of dollars on his education. The first few years made his realize that law was not for him. Though he knew he had to pay off the debt that he had so he was going to remain a lawyer for as long as he could to pay off his debt, then he could change careers. On his way to a trial he stepped off the train and a blue light appeared around him, teleporting him to a different world.
Current Life: When the blue light vanished, he realized he was in a body different than his own. He also realized that he could walk to find out he had been put into a child's body. He later found out that he was in a small farming village off near the border of the western empire. He spent most of his early years in that village until he fell through a hole into a forgotten ruin. Looking around the chamber, he found a hallway leading to another room. In the middle of this room was a halberd planted into the ground. Upon touching it, the Halberd reacted as it changed into a girl. He eventually carried the girl up to the surface when he found the way out. Which eventually led him to leave his village to explore what other mysteries this world had.
Acquired Titles: Laywer [Educated], Human, Warrior, Delver
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 114
Points Spent: 217
Points Not Spent: 2
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - D (14)
Precision - F
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - F
  • Companion D (105)
  • Fighting Style [Living Weapon, halbard] E (Blight F (Poison), Continuing F) (14)
  • Appraisal E (0)
  • Heightened Sense F (7, Hearing)
  • Educated E (14)
  • Academia E (educated)
  • Insight E (educated)
  • Law E (educated)
  • Regen F (7)
  • Bolster F (vitality) (7)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Yapparkuni - Fighting Style [Living Weapon, halbard] F (Blight F (Poison) - The user delivers an attack which deals poison damage to the target. It must be within melee distance. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Dokusanin - Fighting Style [Living Weapon, halbard] E (Blight F (Poison), Continuing F), - The user attacks a target dealing poison damage and applies the poisoned effect for 1 post. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Name: Chisato
new female oc.png
Equipped Titles: Human, Construct
Acquired Titles: Human, Construct, Abomination
Points at Start:
98 (70 Companion, 28 Transformation)
Points Acquired: 35
Points Spent: 128

Strength - E (7)
Precision - F
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - E (7)


Stats: +56 from negative stats
[*]Weapon Form:
[*]Strength - F (0)
[*]Precision - H (+14)
[*]Intelligence - G (+7)
[*]Vitality - B (35)
[*]Speed - H (+14)
Transformation Skills
  • [Physical] resistance F (21)
  • Natural Armor (Orichalcium Skin) F (14)
  • Corossion Resistance E (14)
  • Feature skill: Halberd body (0)
  • Feature Skill: Mixed Race (7)
  • Magic E (14)
  • Spell Duration F (7)

Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Weapon Form - Transformation E, Magic E, Spell Duration F - Transforms into her halberd form. Transformation Lasts for 1 hour or until the user cancels the ability. Refer to the transformation skill above to see stats and relevant skills when in weapon form. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • light Armor F (7)
  • Amulet E (14, Magic Catalyst)

Character creation:
  • Transformation F (28)
  • Feature Skill: Mixed Race (7)
  • Magic E (14)
  • Vitality - E (7)
  • Speed - E (7)
  • light Armor F (7)
  • Amulet E (14, Magic Catalyst)
  • Precision - H (+14)
  • Strength - H (+14)
  • [Physical] resistance F (21)
  • Natural Armor (Orichalcium Skin) F (14)
  • Corossion Resistance E (14)
  • Strength - H (+14)
  • Precision - H (+14)
  • Intelligence - G (+7)
  • Vitality - D (14)
  • Speed - H (+14)
31 Dec 2022
  • Spent 21 points Strength H => F
  • Spent 14 points Precision H => F

10 Feb 2024
  • Spent 7 points Vitality E -> D
  • Spent 28 points Transformation F -> E
  • Transformation skill updates:
  • Spent 14 points Vitality D -> B
  • Spent 14 points Strenght H -> F

Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Heavy Armor F (7)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • Acquired background Asset: Orphan girl F
  • Law Office (21, located in Ryken)
Change Log:

Character Creation (29 OCT, 2022)
  • Strength - D (14)
  • Intelligence - E (7)
  • Vitality - D (14)
  • Companion F (35)
  • Fighting Style [Living Weapon, halbard] E (Blight F (Poison), Continuing F) (14)
  • Appraisal F (0)
  • Heightened Sense F (7, Hearing)
  • Educated F (7)
  • Academia F (educated)
  • Insight F (educated)
  • Law F (educated)
  • Heavy Armor F (7)
31 Dec 2022
  • Gained 57 points from [Isekai Hell] For Whom The Bell Tolls
  • Gained and Equipped Optional Title
  • [Delver] Optional title- Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark.
  • Acquired background Asset: Orphan girl F - Will probably be using her for a law office clerk when I purchase said building.
  • Spent 35 Points Companion F => Companion E
  • Spent 21 points on Asset: Law Office (Residence and Business)
13 MAR 2023

  • Acquired 25 points from [Isekai Hell] Winter's Warmth
  • Acquired optional title: [Greg] - Character seems like a good guy doing the good things, but there's room for doubt. If the nice thing also happens to be the convenient thing, do not be surprised to find this character first in line. What a good guy. Maybe.
  • Appraisal F =>E to match grade
  • Spent 7 points Educated E (Updated educated skills as well)
  • Spent 7 point to acquire Regen F
  • Spent 7 Points to acquire Bolster F (vitality)

10 Feb 2024
  • Acquired 32 Points from [Isekai Hell[ Questions of Property!
  • Acquired Optional title [Better Call ...] - character is growing a reputation of being more light and loose with the laws. More likely to attract guilty and/or clients with severely disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Spent 35 Points Companion E -> D
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Final Azusa (I Hope).png

Theme: Kingslayer
Rp'er Name: Saxon
Post Frequency:
As much as the pacing allows
Discord Name: Saxon#1232
Current RP:
Azusa's long term goal is to find a way back home and her short term is to experience as much of the world as possible before that happens.
Equipped Titles: Human, Gunslinger, Gunslinger Apprentice, Defender of Yemaya, Chalkmeister, Ryken Adventurer F
Height: 5'2
Weight: 120 lbs
Backstory: Azusa never knew her parents orphaned as a baby who arrived freshly in the world. The government took her in and started a new program aimed at keeping the country safe. From a young age she was taught how to use fire arms and other combat techniques, including how to predict the aim of a gunshot. During a mission she was on her and the team were caught in some kind of explosion. When She woke up she was in a whole different world.
Current Life: When she woke up, she was in a small farming village located on the western Empire. The first thing she remembers is waking up in a haystack not being in the last place she remembers. Searching around, she didn't see any signs; she started to take in her situation and is now searching for a way to return home.
Acquired Titles: Human, Gunslinger Apprentice, Gunslinger, Defender of Yemaya, Chalkmeister, Ryken Adventurer F
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 80
Points Spent: 196
Points Not Spent: 3
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - F
Precision - D
Intelligence - C(21)
Vitality - F
Speed - E
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have.)
  • Fighting Style [Ultimate Deterrance] [Gun] E (21, Range E (7), Non-Lethal E (7))
  • Appraisal E (0)
  • Steady Hands F (7)
  • Precognition E (28)
  • Concealment F (7)
  • Acrobatics F (7)
  • Special Movement Wall Running F (7)
  • Engineering F (7)
  • Alchemy F (7)
  • Focus F (7)
  • Energized E (14)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Gunpoint - Precognition F, Acrobatics F, Energized F - Based on the angle of the weapon being fired, the projected firing angle can be deciphered, allowing the user to react to the oncoming ranged attack a few seconds before it it launched. Precognition bonus lasts 1 post. +1 buff to speed. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Headshot- Ultimate Deterrence E (Range E, Non-Lethal E), Steady Hands F, Energized E - The User fires off a chalk round aimed towards the head of their target. Target must be within 30 ft. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown.
  • Point Blank - Ultimate Deterrence F (Non-Lethal F, Range F), Steady Hands F, Acrobatics F, Energized F - The user fires at point blank range at a target center mass. Target must be within 10 feet of the target. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Civic Duty - Ultimate Deterrence E (Range E, Non-Lethal E), Steady hands F, Acrobatics F, Precognition E, Energized E - The user fires a round at a target predicting the direction the target is going to move. Precognition bonus lasts 1 post. +1 to Speed. Target must be within 30ft. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Open Arms - Concealment F, Energized F - The user attempts to conceal their weapon from sight. - Grade F - 0 post Cooldown
  • Controlled shot - Ultimate Deterrence E (Range E, Non-Lethal E), Steady Hands F, Precognition E, Energized E - The user predicts the movement of an opponent firing off a single shot. The target must be within 30 ft precognition bonus lasts 1 post. +1 to Speed. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • M1911 E (14, modified to fire chalk rounds)
  • LIght armor F (Light, 7)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Pack
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
Character Creation 14 Nov 2022
  • Acquired Title: [Gunslinger Apprentice] - F grade weapon skill or tool based skill - character is likely just starting on the path of the weapon's purpose. Swordsman, Carpenter, Lancer, etc..
  • Acquired Title: Gunslinger - F grade fighting style for a gun weapon - Gunslingers are a rare job in a period without modern or commonly sold firearms, but some exist: a brave few that carry metal tubes filled with explosives and the projectiles they launch. Not uncommon for a gunslingers to blow themselves up in the process. Some have safer, more modern designs from mysterious origins.
  • Acquired Title: Human
  • Spent 14 points Precision F =>D
  • Spent 7 points Intelligence F =>E
  • Spent 7 points Speed F =>E
  • Spent 21 points on Fighting Style [Ultimate Deterrance] [Gun] E (14, Range E (7), Non-Lethal F)
  • Spent 0 points on Appraisal E (0, isekaied)
  • Spent 7 points on Steady Hands F
  • Spent 14 points on Precognition F
  • Spent 7 points on Concealment F
  • Spent 7 points on Acrobatics F
  • Spent 14 points on M1911 E
  • Spent 7 points on School uniform F
19 Dec 2022
  • Gained 14 Points from [Isekai Hell] Project 10
  • Aquired and equipped optional title acquired [Defender of Yemaya] - character made notable contributions to the health and safety of the Yemaya people. Character has the favor of the lords of Yemaya.
  • Spent 7 points Intelligence E => D
  • Spent 7 points Special Movement Wall Running F
13 MAR 2023

  • Acquired 27 Points from [Isekai Hell] An Unexpected Raid
  • Acquired and Equiped optional title [Chalkmeister] - character has found a way to weaponize chalk. They are comparably dusty due to having to pack their own
  • Spent 7 Points to acquire Engineering F
  • Spent 7 Points to acquire Alchemy F
  • Spent 7 Points to acquire Focus F

23 SEP 2023
  • Earned 39 Points from [Isekai Hell] Are You Doing Your Part?
  • Spent 14 Points Precognition F => E (Up to one minute)
  • Spent 7 points Nonlethal F => E
  • Aquired Optional Title: Ryken Adventurer F
  • Spent 14 Points Energized E
  • Spent 7 Points Intelligence D => C
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Finneagan Huttman


Rp'er Name: Orikanyo

Post Frequency: As much as possible.

Discord Name: Orikanyo #0239

Equipped titles Titles: Human, expert Swordsman, Chatty, Attention Hog, Stalwart, Anchor, Crested: Bronze, East Empire Fugitive, See inquisitor, traumatized, Hero of Yemaya, Northern adventurer, Mundane, Curse Cleansed, [Ally: Grave Elves], Frequent Flier,

6' 2"

Weight: 179 lbs

Languages: Common, terran

Backstory: He knows nothing of whence he came, brief moments and flashes of blood and violence, he knows he lived a life of evil. And the regret plagues him, but he cannot remember the why and how. Perhaps that in of it'self is a blessing, but these feelings, ephemeral as they are, drive him to try and be better than what he thinks he once was.

Current Life: His life was modest before his call to adventure, the simple drives form day to day to continue living in a world that wants you dead. He was the son of a minor knight to some lord whom couldn't have cared less, it is despite this the knight showed his son the way of goodness and righteous judgement, to be keen in mind but as well as heart. Despite it all, the most crucial thing a knight should know, that a knight is not made by fancy armor or blade, he is made by the heart within.

It is, unfortunately then, in defence of his "noble" charge, his father lost his life. Grievances were paid, but ultimately, he was tossed away by those whom he deemed worthy to protect... He knew that, one day, should he live fully the way his father did, a glorified bodyguard stuck and pinned to one place... he would find death the same.

He would take the knowledge his father gave, and what little he had in inheritance and head out to learn just how to strengthen his heart against the growing horrors around them all. And maybe.. perhaps.. he will show others the true worth of life, and to not throw it away as one would a spent handkerchief...

Chatty: This person is known for talking a great deal
[Attention Hog] - character has a tendency to grab attention in whatever scene they are in. Whether it is the way they speak, present themselves, or the things they do, those in the area will have not choice but to take notice. Character inherently has an easier time gaining the attention of those they wish to be noticed by. Character has a greater hardship in going unnoticed or stealthy in situations calling for it.
Stalwart: This title is of recognition of your actions, you are a vanguard and are a great help to those in need. You are unwavering and determined. People will see you in a better light, your hard work pays off.
Anchor: character regularly picks up the slack left by others. Character is prone to being abused or getting paired with individuals that rely on him too much. Character will find their life to be a bitter cycle of improving self just to drag more and more deadweight.
[East Empire Fugitive C] - character has rubbed the nation in a wrong way and thus has a criminal status in the nation regardless of actual criminal titles acquired. Can be treated as a criminal while in East Empire.
[See Inquisitor] - Character was unsuccessful in their mission, but failure is not the end. So long as one breathes, there is hope for redemption. Character may gain redemption by aiding the enemies of the See to find their own redemption through fire and sword. Character will not inherit criminal titles while 'punishing' enemies of the See. Inquisitors have +1 effectiveness in finding/discerning enemies of the See and in inflicting damage against them. With each successful 'cleansing', character's soul will feel lighter until redemption and enlightenment is obtained, and the perks therein.
Sword expert: A known quantity in the realms of swordplay.
[Traumatized] - character has experienced some trauma. Regardless how little or great, the character will have memories of their experiences haunt them for a long time after. Character will never be able to be the same again. The world will appear to be a darker and more dangerous place than first perceived. In some cases, it may protect the character from naivety. In others, it may hold the character back.
[Hero of Yemaya] - character's efforts on behalf of Yemaya are recognized. Villagers are now more likely to be hospitable and accommodating to character while in Yemaya
[Northern Adventurer] This character has been to the frozen North in the kingdom that is common ravaged by invading Monsters and has lived to tell the tale.
Mundane - Must have Human title, and (2 magic skills or affinities OR 2 martial skills or techniques OR 2 secondary skills)
Born For This - get 7pt discount on the skill or skills you chose for your Mundane requirements (leadership and Persuasion)
[Curse Cleansed] -this character has cleansed themselves of a curse, but will forever bear the scars. Those who deal with curses can identify such scars and their meaning.
[Ally: Grave Elves] - Character has shown he is reliable and a friend to the Allied faction. They will not attack or obstruct the character unprovoked. If the character ever attacks or kills a member of the allied faction, this title is nullified until amends are made.
Frequent Flier] - character is permitted to participate in rps in sky nation.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 729
Points Spent: 688
Points Still Unspent:41
Character Grade: A

Strength - A (35)
Precision - A (35)
Intelligence - A (35)
Vitality - A (35)
Speed - A (35)
  • Fighting style B: (Swords)
    • Rank E Drain: Strength
    • Rank D: Aura
    • Rank B: Selective
    • Rank B: Area 1/2 mile
    • Rank B: Accurate
    • Rank B: Penetrating
    • Rank F: Vorpal
  • Fast: D
  • Jumping: F 3yrds/horizontally 10yrds
  • Insight: B
  • Lucky F
  • Mind Shield B
  • Appraisal A
  • Magic B
  • Spell Duration F
  • Holy Affinity C
  • Healing B
  • Always out numbered
  • Leadership B
  • Persuasion B
  • Warfare F
  • Energize B
    its -1 to cooldown not every lower level too
  • Seduction B
*= grade effectiveness for math

  • Fang breaker - Fighting style B, Drain E strength, Accurate B, Penetrating B, Vorpal F - with this strike, the user aims to harm not just the enemy, but their ability to inflict damage upon you. Reduces the enemy's Strength grade by 2 effective stages for 1 round- Grade B(5*) - 3 Post Cooldown 2 actions
  • Leaping Strike - Jumping F, Fighting style B, Drain E strength, Accurate B, Penetrating B, Multidimensional- A leaping strike aiming to close distances and deal a debilitating blow to the head. Drains Strength by two effective grades on hit. Last 1 round Grade B(5*) - 3 Post Cooldown 3 action
  • Lightning Strike - Fighting style B, Drain E, fast D, Accurate F, Vorpal F - A rushing strike aiming to cut down a targets strength with a quick slice. Drains Strength by two grades and lasts 1 round Grade B(5*) - 3 Post Cooldown. 3 actions
  • Rebuke - Fighting Style C, Aura C, Area D, Selective C, Vorpal F, Holy affinity F, Magic D, Spell Duration F,Accurate B, Penetrating B, - Raising one's sword one's aura flares up with blinding holy light, searing foes around the user. 1 Hour duration Grade C(2*) - 3 Post Cooldown 2 actions
  • Guard the Mind - Mind Shield B, spell duration F- A denial of incoming mental distortions from malevolent or friend forces. 4 post Cooldown 0 action, 1 hour duration
  • Sacred Sword, Fighting Style D, Selective D, Area D, Holy Affinity F, Accurate B, Penetrating B, vorpal F raising the sword up to the sky the user strikes in a great forward arc foes of his choosing, leaving allies unscathed. 50ft Radius, Grade D(3*) 0 post cooldown
  • Horde Breaker Fighting Style C, Area C, Holy Affinity F, Selective C Drain Strength E, Accurate B, Penetrating B, Vorpal F, A strike with great power, covering a mass swathe of foes in one strike with punishing rays of light sapping the strength of those who still stand after. Grade C (4*) 1/2 mile aoe 2 post cooldown Actions 2
  • Lay on hands- Healing D, Holy Affinity F, Upon the touch of a hand the target is healed by holy light, of minor wounds, capable of prolonging a life, removing minor illnesses, can even return the faculties of a blind or deaf individual. Grade D 0 post cooldown.
  • Return from the brink Healing B, Holy Affinity E. A potent healing spell, capable of purging diseases, sealing wounds, breaking curses and returning the recently dead back to life. Grade B 3 post cooldown
  • The Unreachable Star, Fighting Style B, Area B, Selective B, Holy Affinity F, Drain Strength E, Accurate B, Penetrating B, vorpal F , A full power destructive wave against all foes, this ability covers a vast area, whilst being utterly harmless to those deemed ally to the user. A dream ever out of reach. Grade B 3 post cooldown
  • Steel Greatsword B
  • Full plated armor B
  • Kitsune Eye Catalyst B
  • Orichalicum Shield B
  • Eight's turkey head
    [*]Eight's Turkey Head (Consumable)
    Upon consumption, for one turn, channel the great power of the Great Turkey, Eight. from the Turkey Mayhem 2022 Event once.

    Upon use, choose one of two abilities:

    • Preventative Measure - Be able to respond to an ambush.
    • Golden Luck - One lucky bonus.
  • Blanket
  • Camping kit
  • Bonnie (A well loved teddy bear.)
  • Waterskin, full of water and water alone because he is a good boy.
  • Armor polishing and field repair kit.
  • Sword oil and whetstone
  • travel food.
  • Small house in town, dirty, rundown, hasn't been visited in sometime.
  • Memento of his father - A small reminder in the shape of a handkerchief, a white cloth with blue thread along the outside. Minimal, but treasured.
  • See Commission - Whenever character is in doubt and not acting against See interests, character may obtain guidance from the See pantheon. (narrator discretion advised).
Change Log:
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"Othorion Leshandriel Yallamenor Ga'la Del'selmon is my name, but please call me Oliver."


Rp'er Name: Orikanyo

Post Frequency:
Whenever given opportunity and creative fuel, for categorization, roughly about once a day is my availability, should opportunity present it'self.

Discord Name: Orikanyo #0239

Equipped Titles: Elf, High elf,Fae, representative, Healer, Croaker, Field medic, Protector of Halla Village,

Height: 6' 8" "It's lovely to actually reach top shelves again."

Weight: 157 lbs "It's hard to believe I GAINED weight in this exchange, my, i shriveled up in my age.."

Backstory: "I had a family, a good life, many loved ones.. Children even, and they in turn had children of their own. Little brats, loved them with every part of my heart and soul... But.. I worked hard all my life, toiled hard, doing my best to ends meet was a struggle again and again, and when I had anything I used it for my family.. I'll never in a million years say it wasn't worth it. The cancer scare, little Melissa with her broken leg from the car accident. The car it'self was insured but boy did that leg not want to set right.

Where was I?

Ah, yes, I had a good life, an amazing one full of ups and downs... I dare say, [God], you wanting to give this second life to an old man like me is odd... And not something I would have expected... it's like one of those isekai animes my grandson spoke about... or rather I overheard him talking about it... Okay i'm not going to lie I watched the stuff alot... It's hard not to be interested... theres many other animes out there too... My wife almost caught me once watching the Sailor Scouts and... Erhm... yes.. well... best we get on it with it... But it's a classic, highly recommend it.

Current Life: "A hedge mage, thats what i am in truth. I perform some degrees of magic, minor consultation and generally try to stay out of trouble. I was 87 when my mind caught up to me, not so much a matter of replacing him, Oliver is me, and I am him... I am lucky, I suppous to be in this state, next to no family, those I have are far off and away. This house was abandoned long ago, but.. well.. A Ruin can be turned into a home with abit of work, and I WAS a carpenter back in the day... Though.. I do feel still as feeble as my old self.. troublesome..

But this magic... i recall a handful of years in a school, saving up every coin to get in and learn to ply this dream of wielding great magics. And I think that sounds lovely in truth... But... i really should have trained abit more... Well.. No time like the present no? ...Maybe i'll get better if I use bolster upon myself before..? ..But first getting food and money... No time to be a layabout.

Atleast i'm handsome."

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 186

Scoop points: 93, pittance it is

Points Spent: 182

Points Left: 4


Strength - E

Precision - F

Intelligence - A

Vitality - D

Speed - E


  • Magic B
  • Magic range D 1000 feet
  • Magic Area of effect D 500 feet
  • Magic Targets E 10 targets
  • Bolster Strength E increases strength of effect by 2 effective grades
  • Spell Duration D 1 week
  • Healing B
  • Lightning Affinity F
  • Selective magic D

[Representative] - character publicly presents themselves in a distinguished enough way that whether alone or in a group, they are considered or assumed to be the leader or someone with enough rank to speak for others. Group conversations will typically be slanted toward them to get their opinion on a matter first and made a central point of the discussion moving forward. At the same time, if the group the character is assumed to be a part of is of problematic standing, then the Representative is assumed to be the problem or at least heavily involved.
Elf: Yer a damn elf, got pointy ears and generally quick and magicy.
Fae: magical folks, you know em. likely akin to nature.
High Elf: A elf who achieved higher magic, infusing their body and becoming more than what they once were, Req, Elf, Intelligence B or higher, Magic Skill
Healer: - character was most noted for their healing aid provided to others. character is more likely to be approached with requests to cure various ails
[Croaker] - character makes frog noises when hugged. character is also like a frog at the bottom of a well. What do they know of the wider world and the consequences of their powerful heals on the balance of life and death. Character will draw the attention of powerful individuals and parties as news of their life restoring heals gets around.
[Field Medic] - You tended to the wounded during an attack by a hostile force and have seen some pretty gnarly injuries.
[Protector of Halla Village] - You came to the village's aide in their darkest hour and for that they will always be grateful.


  • Bolster: Strength - Magic :B, Magic Range: D, Bolster Strength E, Spell Duration D, Magic Target E - The most straight forward of enhancements one can produce, choose a target within range and for about an week they shall gain a temporary boon to strength. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown - 1000 foot range 10 targets 1 week duration
  • Swift heal - Healing D, magic range D A basic healing ability, capable of knitting together a good bit of hurts. Grade D 2 post cooldown 1000 foot range
  • Swift area heal, Healing D magic range D magic area of effect E. As above but in a 15 foot burst. Grade D 2 post cooldown 1000 foot range 500 foot burst
  • Swift Multi heal Healing D magic range D, magic target E. Swift heal but towards 5 targeted individuals at range. Grade D 2 post cooldown 1000 foot range 10 targets
  • Wound Purge- Healing C, magic range D magic area of effect f, a greater healing spell, capable of reattaching limbs! Grade C 3 post CD 1000 foot range 500 foot burst
  • Blessing of Levity- healing C, magic range D, Magic targets E - A more focused greater healing spell, reattachs limbs Grade C 3 post CD 1000 foot range,10 targets
  • Restoration Healing B, Magic range D, Magic target E a spell beholden to greater healers. Capable of rejuvenating the weakened form, curing wounds and removing diseases, ailments and poisons. Grade B 4 post CD 1000 foot range, 10 targets
  • Curse Breaker Healing B, magic Range D, Magic target E a spell capable of removing and absolving curses. Grade B 4 post CD 1000 foot range 10 targets
  • Deny Death Healing B, magic Range D, Magic target E, magic area of effect E: A spell capable of returning one back from the brink of death, as long as most the body is present Grade B 4 post CD 1000 foot range 10 targets 500 foot burst
  • Lightning Spear - Magic B, Magic Range D, Lightning affinity F, most basic of all lightning based spells. this brief incantation fires a small bolt of electricity from the user's staff at a target at range. Grade B 4 post cool-down - 1000 foot Range
  • Lightning forks - Magic B, Magic Range D, Lightning affinity F, magic target E a deadly ranged lightning spell that fans out to many foes! Grade B 4 post cooldown - 1000 foot Range 10 targets
  • Sky wrath - Magic B, Magic Range D, Lightning affinity F, Spell area of effect D(F) with a staff raised the caster causes a large bolt of lighting bolt to fall from the sky, shocking a large area! Careful, its not picky about friend or foe. Grade B 4 post cooldown - 1000 foot Range, 15 foot aoe


  • Willow Staff, flexible and conductive, good for a proper catalyst Rank:B
  • Hempen robes, this armor is just clothes. It can turn a hard knock into a slightly less hard knock and a nasty bruise into a painful memory, and a slightly less bad bruise. Rank: F


  • Mess kit
  • Disappointingly itchy bedroll.
  • Ratty blanket
  • Travel food, honestly pretty bad...
  • Old waterskin, smells lightly of some older wine vintage.
  • A nice rock, it's nice, really. Good for throwing.


  • Shitty house, it's pretty shit
  • A cat, his name is Feildsbold, he is an asshole... A lovable one...

Change Log:

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Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency:
As log as theres a post to do, i post.
Discord Name: its a me, Orikanyo#0239
Current RP: None yet
Goals: To be happy, wherever he goes.
Fufillment, in his arts and work.
Companionship, friendship ever lasting.
To be accepted.
Equipped Titles: Beast, Porc, Furious Oinkster, Wandering Chef, Meat Master, Head chef of Hell's Kitchen
Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 336 lbs
Some are born skinny, some are born large, some have great beauty, some do not. For Todo, he had bother the latter on both cases. He tried everything, but nothing every stuck, his life was one of ridicule and laughter, but he did his best to be good besides the issues. Knowing thag perhaps one day he may be accepted by some folks he helped.

On the unfortunate day of his death, he died in an unfortunate accident. Late at night, he was walking down the street, a beautiful woman pulled out of a building infront of him, rather rudely cutting him off. He paid it no mind, of course, he was just part of the scenery anyways, what had he to say against the lucky ones in the world...

But as he kept walking along he noticed... She kept walking down the ways he was going to go. It was.. Abit awkward, but he kept on walking... Perhaps if he sped up and got past he could get home faster and be less awkwArd about it. But.. She started going faster.. Odd... He picked up the pace, so did she. He noticed a car coming up from behind him, a crosswalk coming near. The woman didn't so much as look at the lights befote she all but ran onto the road. The lights were green, the driver was moving too quickly to stop.

Todo did the first he thought of, and tried useing his weight to stop it.

The sacrifice succeeded, but alas he did not survive... Nor did anyone stop. The driver complained up a storm, the woman ran off, he was driven around and left on the side of the road.

His body was found later on in the morning, the story found on cameras from storefronts nearby, the story passed onto the news, nobody was found to talk about the incident, and all things were swept away by the next fad.
Current Life:
A beastman, thats what he woke up to be. In all the animes he had watched, there were a few that put them into the shoes of a orc... But... He doubted they wete those type of stories here. He awoke with memories, of a family, a war long ago, brothers and sisters missing, and him being one of the few left he knew of. But, in a new body, in a new world, he figured he... Had an actual chance to do better this time around, his mind swam with skills, dos and don't for a man such as he...

Perhaps... Yes... Here in this world... He will make it a better place... Not just for himself.

...Though he should probably start with himself for the moment, and maybe from breakfast.
Acquired Titles:
Beast, Porc

Porc- A possible subset of Orc, is a large humanoid porcine with large statures, frame and typically belly, they boast pig noses and sturdy bodies, they can be quite fiersome at first but cowardly if injured. Good survivalists by nature. Prereq, Feature [Pig snout], Intimidation skill, survival skill, D minimum Vitality

[Expiry Touched] - You have been touched by the Expiry Queen and lived, while not many know who she is, those around you will get an eerie feeling around you. More nefarious characters are fonder around you and even have some sort of respect for you due to your experience with the Expiry Queen.

Note: [Expiry Touched] can only be obtained when confronted and was able to escape the Expiry Queen, an old, secretive and nefarious necromancer who dealt with demons.
[Furious Oinkster] - Pig based character showing a strong sense of justice with developing combat skills.
Wandering Chef character seemingly appeared from no where to cook and do it well. Character will have an easier time guest appearing in a kitchen or around a cook fire in the future with less suspicion or apprehension.

[Meat Master] Character's got their meat mastered. Cooking it, that is.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 250
Points Spent: 196
Points Not Spent: 19
Strength - C
Precision - C
Intelligence - A
Vitality - C
Speed - D
  • Domestic arts B
  • Intimidation F
  • Enhanced senses Smell F
  • feature [Pig nose] ^
  • Mining F
  • Appraisal E
  • Stealth E
  • Survival E
  • item F
  • Artisan (Chef) E
  • Companion f
  • Beastial Roar, Intimidation F, The user lets out a deep bellow from within! Aiming to scare away any a singular foe! maybe, if it works, try not to cry as you yell. Grade f 0 Cooldown
  • Prospector's eye, Mining F Appraisal E, utilizing the searching function of appraisal the character puts it to use examining the environment for ore in stone and earth around them. Grade E 1 CD
  • Forager's eye, Appraisal E, Survival E, highlight edible and poisonous plants in the enviroment and scan them to learn their properties! Grade E 1 CD
  • Hidden Hog, Stealth F, Survival E, utilizing your enviroment you create the perfect camoflage from the enviroment around you! Assist is hiding from beasties that try to find you, and even helps you smell like the enviroment to! Grade E 1 CD
  • Iron pickaxe D Mostly a tool, needs some sharpening
  • leather jacket D, good against the cold, and if you crash
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Journal and pen
  • Ore carrying bag.
  • Rope.
  • Cooking spices

item skill grade F 28 points

Super strength F 14
Fast F 7
Jumping 7


A metal walking magitek machine.. got second hand and is, admitably, rather terrible... But gets the job done, and provides a decent enough ride.
  • Turkey, hes a turkey.
  • the Keg's kitchen
  • Asset [Butchery Contract]
Change Log: Newest on bottom.
  • Stats, Str: 14 Per: 7 Int: 14 Vit: 14 Spd: 7 (Total: 56)
  • Skills: 7+7+7+7 = 35 (91 spent)
  • Equipment: 14+7= 14 (105)
  • Post in thread '[Isekai Hell] Summer Moon Festival!' Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Summer Moon Festival! 31 points gained
  • Survival bought and put to E (14 pts, Stealth F bought (7) Precision e-> D (7) (28)
  • Abilities created
  • Points gained, title gained Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Home of the Nisse october 26, 2022 64 points (95 total)
  • item skill F bought (break down in spoiler) 28 points, Strength increase to C 7 points, vitality increase to C 7 points, Weapon and armor increase e to d 7 points and F to D 14 points. Item skill grade F 28 points, Super strength F 14, Fast F 7, Jumping 7 October 26th 2022 (63 spent (91 total)
  • 14 points and turkey asset gained Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace 08/11/2022 (109 total)
  • Speed E -> D Stealth F->E 14 points spent 08/11/2022 (105 spent)
  • Rp comeplete Furious Oinkster gained 39 points Post in thread '[Isekai Hell] Underground Journey with Ratkin' Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Underground Journey with Ratkin (04/05/2023) (148 total)
  • Int D to A 21, domestic F to C 21 (42 spent(147 total)
  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] (Caelia Barony) - Barony Burgers 13 points titles gained, asset received, domestic arts C_> B
  • Artisan (Chef) E bought
  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Nice To Meat You 15 points gained
  • Acquired Optional title [Meat Master] – Character's got their meat mastered. Cooking it, that is.
    Acquired Asset [Butchery Contract] – Character has a contract with Stonewall's Butchery 'Bloody Delicious' to obtain a stable supply of quality cuts of meat at reasonable prices.
    Acquired Gear [Cooking spices] F (Add seven points to earned and spent)Acquired Precision C (Add 7 points to earned and spent.) 16/07/2023
  • Artisan chef E -> D precision C->B 14 points spent 16/07/2023
  • 18 points, companion and title gained Post in thread '[Isekai Hell]'s Kitchen' Fantasy - [Isekai Hell]'s Kitchen
  • Companion f added from above, refer to rp, title added. 11/08/2023
  • Scooped to Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Characters - Current
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Kalina Chivernu


From: (With slight edits afterwards.)

General information:
Rp'er Name: Elvario
Post Frequency: Daily (at times), 2-3 days (preferable pace), 4-6 days (okay enough), 7 days (slowest I'm willing to go before loosing interest)
Current RP: Kept up to date on Discord.
Narrator Grade: S

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 1.211
Points Spent: 1.034 (105 + 929)
Points Unspent: 282

Equipped Titles:
Mandatory: Wanted: [Demon Cultists]
Racial: Evolved, Abomination, Dhampir, Fae, Lune Elf, Monster, Undead, Vampire
Society - Connection: Widersia Adventurer C, Ally of Lykra, the Champion, Oll’s End Voyager F
Society – General: Critical, Blood Celebrant, Roguish, Restrained, Sister's Shattering, Fate Severer, Another Me, Demon Slayer, Femme Fatale, Promiscuous Drinker
Skill-related: Student of [Precision Strikes] B, Master of [Precisions Strikes] B
Job: Tool-based Expert (Disguise), Tool-based Novice (Warfare)

Character-related information:
Standing Grade: S
Character Grade: A
Power Grade: B
Racial Perks: Born For These, Evolved, Chameleon
Classes: Striker (T1), Swashbuckler (T2), Duellist (T3)
Class Perks: Agile, Swagger, Honourable Duel
Downtime: Oll’s End Voyager F => E
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Sylvan
Height: 194 cm / 6' 4”
Weight: 75 kg / 165 lbs

Long-term Goals:
  • Learn more about the past of the person who's body she got reincarnated into.
    Learned that she used to be a roguish vampire hunter, part of the Xyvern family.
  • Train her roguish skills to perfection.
    Reached Duellist level.
    Mastery in her Fighting Style not yet reached/completed.
    Not yet fully equipped with all rogue-related skills.
  • Help Renee achieve immortality.
    Ended up killing her.
  • Start her own 'group' (cult, faction, guild or otherwise) and gain followers.
    Is starting up some sort of Coven with Iberis and Scylla.
  • Find out more about her monstrous nature (and its complications).
    Managed to reverse part of it and become a half-monster.
  • Try to fully undo her monstrous nature.
    Managed to become half-monster (Dhampir) instead of being a full one (Vampire).
  • Reconnect more with her family, regain past memories.
    Managed to find and meet back up with her sister, mother and brother.
    Hasn't found/met her father yet. Nor grandparents, great-grandparents or other relatives.
  • Find out who turned her into a vampire.
    Only has gotten some leads through past vampire hunter allies.
Short-term Goals:
  • Get more people involved with the Coven.
  • Diversify her food sources / get more blood donors.
  • Make friends with random folk. Preferably the weirder types.
  • Get someone to make her blood sausage.
  • Get to meet some fellow roguish folk.
  • Meet more 'good' vampires.
  • Meet more vampire/monster hunters that won't kill/harm/capture her.

  • Wanted [Demon Cultists] - Characters are wanted by demon cultists. Likely for nothing good or pleasant. Will f with the party in every rp going forward till resolved whether it be in grading or in the rp itself. (no this doesn't give points)

  • [Abomination] - More than one racial tree, typically an artificially made being with unstable makeup and abilities. Commonly enslaved for specialized labour or experiments. Requires Feature Skill: Mixed Race (7 points) to acquire.
  • [Monster] - All creatures considered hostile toward the members of the other trees.
  • [Undead] - Resilient E [Fatigue/Suffocation] - character is in some state of undeath and doesn’t require sustenance
  • [Vampire] - Monster title, Undead title, Feature: Blood Drinker F - Character is a type of undead that feasts on the blood or life essence of the living
  • [Dhampir] - Character has undergone racial evolution to the intermediate stage. C-grade character, Abomination Title, Monster Title, Vampire Title, Fae title, Martial Skill [Fighting Style C], Deception F, Stealth F. - When a vampiric infection has taken a hold of someone that hasn't fully let go of their original species, or of someone that regained the connection to their original race, it creates a half-vampiric creature known as a Thrall on mundane levels and a Dhampir on intermediate levels. In order to survive the world as half-monsters, they are known to specialise in martial arts, stealth and deception. Evolved racial title officially obtained in Where The Blood Runs Thick.
  • [Fae] - Fae are creatures infused with magic and nature. They are the least numerous people in the world but some of the longer lived.
  • [Lune Elf] - Feature [Dark Vision] F, Feature [Elf Ears], Feature [Pale Skin], Affinity [any] F, Survival F or Stealth F.
    Pale elves with eyes accustomed to the dark from a lifetime spent in the deepest shadows of the Fae See. Martial and magical training are common, making hybrid weapon-catalysts typical among their equipment. The moon plays a significant role in their culture and religion.

Society - Connection:
  • [Widersia Adventurer C] – Character is an adventurer of the Widersia Adventurer's guild. Known for being proficient in a number of cutting edge technologies as well has having a more refined education and method of operation, Widersia adventurers tend to be highly capable specialists in the fields of monster subjugation and threat prevention. Able to work in the confined streets of Clockhaven or the rugged wilderness between settlements, Widersian Adventurers can be relied upon to resolve the issue without blowing up the city or burning down the forests.
    D Rank Adventurer - Knows all the basics, has been on some adventures and shows themselves to be competent. They are only missing experience and a speciality that sets them apart in the guild. They are considered a full fledged member and can be called upon for most standard missions even if just as a supporting role.
  • [Ally of Lykra, the Champion] - While Lykra is in charge and the character is on good terms with them while in the Underbelly, the character is less likely to be harassed and has an easier time avoiding inconveniences in the Underbelly of Ryken.
  • [Oll’s End Voyager F] - Character has been to Oll's End, one of countless pocket dimensions. This one involves undead.

Society – General:
  • [Critical] - Character has an easier time finding fault with anything and anyone. They are less likely to be caught speechless or without an opinion.
  • [Blood Celebrant] - You are a connoisseur of different types of blood, including fae, human, and others. You know the differences of such.
  • [Roguish] - Character's actions can be seen as sly and crafty at times, they are not to be fully trusted yet come off as a very trustworthy person.
  • [Exposed] - One of the character's identities has been revealed. Effectiveness in using that identity to mask actual character has declined. The reveal has aided the character in maintaining cover. Other identities will be more difficult to see through.
  • [Restrained] - Whether the character does it themselves or an outside force has applied it, the character does not easily indulge their worst or perhaps strongest impulses. Character will more easily resist temptations in the future.
  • [Sister's Shattering] - With the death of her sister on Kalina's hands, the trauma remains. She will sometimes see random appearances of her sister that she can interact with. This vision of Renee can offer aid to Kalina if she is in a rut. Although it may appear like she is crazy. The aid offered may or may not actually be helpful.
  • [Fate Severer] - With the actions of Kalina's quick thinking and bravery, she has been able to change the future for a better one with a Undead Seer's words. This title can be used for Kalina to change the outcome of an event if she is capable of action. (Can only be used once a RP.)
  • [Another Me] - Character has learned more about one of their past lives. Character is more likely to recover past memories of this life and gain knowledge from these memories.
  • [Under Plotter] - Character is one of those with designs and plans related to the underbelly. Seems shady.
  • [Demon Slayer] - Aided in killing a noble demon.
  • [Femme Fatale] - Character is known and effective at using Seduction to achieve their goals.
  • [Promiscuous Drinker - Character isn't particularly choosey when it comes to what they drink from.

Strength – A
(35 points)
Precision – A
(35 points)
Intelligence – A
(35 points)
Vitality – A
(35 points)
Speed – A
(35 points)

  • Fast E (14 points)
  • Jumping F (7 points)
  • Special Movement [Wall-crawling] F (14 points)


  • [Specialized] Fighting Style [Sword/Rapier] (Precision Strikes) B (35 points)
    [Precision Strikes] is a rapier (sword type) based fighting style aimed at quick and powerful jabs to deliver lethal blows as quickly and precisely as possible.
    • Accurate B (21 points)
    • Area B (21 points)
    • Blight [Piercing] B (21 points)
    • Contagion [Vampiric Infection] (21 points)
      [Vampiric Infection] – A blood-based disease that causes the blood vessels to snap and wither.
    • Continuing [Vampiric Infection] (21 points)
      [Vampiric Infection] – A blood-based disease that causes the blood vessels to snap and wither.
    • Deflect B (21 points) (1 action)
    • Drain [Strength] B (21 points) (1 action)
    • Enervation B (21 points) (1 action)
    • Penetrating B (21 points)
    • Range C (21 points)
  • Martial Ethos [Sword/Rapier] (Precision Strikes) B (35 points)
    [Precision Strikes] techniques: Accurate, Blight [Piercing], Contagion, Continuing and Enervation.
    Student of [Precisions Strikes] B
    Initiative [Attack]
  • Martial Mastery [Sword/Rapier] (Precision Strikes) C (28 points)
    [Precisions Strikes] techniques: Deflect, Penetrating, Drain [Strength], Area, Selective
    Master of [Precisions Strikes] B
    [Weapon Precision] – Mastery Grade Spell Duration and Targets

  • Magic C (28 points)
    • Element [Moonlight] Affinity F (0 points, 1 Fae Skill free with Born For These)

  • Appraisal B (0 points, Free with character grade for non-natives)
  • Darkvision F (0 points, 1 Monster Skill free with Born For These)
  • Multiracial F (7 points)
  • Aesthetic Features:
    • Fangs
    • Elf Ears
    • Pale Skin
    • Lukewarm Blooded

  • Regeneration B (35 points)
  • Resilient C (28 points)
    • Ageing
    • Fatigue/Exhaustion (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep)
    • Suffocation
    • Fear
  • Special Skill [Blood Drinker] F (7 points)
    [Blood Drinker] - Heals character of F grade wounds and injuries and provides sustenance upon drinking blood.
  • Undetected [Sight/Hearing/Smell/Touch/Aura Perception] B (70 points)

  • Alternate Identity B (35 points)
    Elizabeth Mason

    Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Fletcher, Apprentice of Sophia Smith, Clumsy
    Backstory: She's a simple gal that grew up in a village a bit away from the capital. However, she didn't really fit the hard farm-work at home and wasn't ready to find a husband, so she chose to move closer to the city and apprentice under an artisan there. Her clumsy nature got her rejected by most, until Sophia took pity on her and decided to teach her in fletching.

    Edith Ryker

    Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
    Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.

    Chandra Jarmil

    Equipped titles: Human, Ryken Adventurer F, Lanost Survivor, Shy
    Backstory: Ever since her home-town of Lanost was wiped off the map and she lost all of her family in one horrifying event, she's been looking to become strong enough to never have to deal with such a tragedy ever again.



    Equipped titles: Monster, Murderer B, Abuser B, Thief E, Vandal B, Bloodthirsty, Most Wanted, Secretive.
    Backstory: Having managed to survive on the second continent for a long time, she's been able to murder, torture and vandalise for a long time. Staying secretive has been important in staying alive for so long, despite the many committed crimes.


    Equipped titles: Human, Devout, Priestess of Elisiul, Faithful, Merciful, Patient
    Backstory: A priestess who spent her entire life trying to bring peace in the name of the deity she worships.
  • Chameleon F (0 points, free with Abomination C-Grade Evolution)
  • Concealment F (7 points)
  • Educated [Charismatic Rogue] B (35 points)
    [Charismatic Rogue] – Some might call it a conman. The type of rogue that charms and deceives their way out of (or into) trouble with [Disguise], [Persuasion] and [Seduction].
  • Energized B (35 points)
  • Language [Abyssal] – (0 points, native speaker)
  • Language [Common] – (0 points, free on creation)
  • Language [Sylvan] – (7 points)
  • Lucky F (7 points)
  • Pocket Dimension D (42 points)

  • Acrobatics F (7 points)
  • Athletics F (7 points)
  • Deception B (35 points)
  • Disguise B (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Persuasion B (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Seduction B (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Stealth B (35 points)
  • Survival F (7 points)
  • Warfare F (7 points)

  • Skedaddle - Fast E, Jumping F, Special Movement [Parkour (wall-running)] F, Acrobatics F, Athletics F, Energized E – Quickly get away from something. - Grade Ee – 0 Post Cooldown
  • Precision Strike – Martial Mastery (Precisions Strikes) C [Weapon Precision – Spell Duration C, Targets C], Martial Ethos (Precisions Strikes) B [Initiative - Attack], Fighting Style [Specialized] (Precision Strikes) B, Accurate B, Area B, Blight [Piercing] B, Contagion [Vampiric Infection] B, Continuing [Vampiric Infection] B, Deflect B (Action 1), Drain [Strength] B (Action 1), Enervation [Strength] B (Action 1), Penetrating B, Range C, Selective B, Energised B – Mastery C-grade add-ons: Blind Fighter, Blind Ranged Fighting, Breaker, Contact, Flexible, Homing, Hot Shot, Incurable, Indirect, Vorpal. - An attack going all out. - Grade Be – 3 Actions - 3 Post Cooldown
  • Vampiric Precision Strike – Martial Mastery (Precisions Strikes) C [Weapon Precision – Spell Duration C, Targets C], Martial Ethos (Precisions Strikes) B [Initiative - Attack], Contagion [Vampiric Infection] B, Continuing [Vampiric Infection] B, Enervation B (Action 1), Accurate B, Penetrating B, Energised B - Grade Be - 3 Post Cooldown
  • Deflecting Precision Strike – Martial Mastery (Precisions Strikes) C [Weapon Precision – Spell Duration C, Targets C], Martial Ethos (Precisions Strikes) B [Initiative - Attack], Deflect B (Action 1), Accurate B, Penetrating B, Energised B - Grade Be - 3 Post Cooldown
  • Moonshine – Magic C, Moonlight Affinity F, Energised C – Blasts a character with a close-range blast of moonlight magic. - Grade Ce – 2 Post Cooldown
  • Blood Appraisal - Appraisal B, Blood Drinker F, Energised B – Character is able to appraise some titles from drinking blood, rather than from watching the blood's owner. Works in tandem with [Blood Celebrant] title. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown
  • Check 'em Out – Appraisal B, Darkvision F, Energised B – Appraises a target. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.
  • Vanish Undetected [Sight/Hearing/Smell/Touch/Aura Perception], Stealth B, Energised B, Fast F – Character quickly vanishes. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown
  • Roguish Charm – Seduction B, Deception B, Persuasion B, Disguise B, Energised B – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown
  • Strategy Call – Survival F, Warfare F, Energised F – Character makes a strategic decision based on the situationally relevant secondary knowledge. - Grade Fe – 0 Post Cooldown

  • Natural Weapons F (14 points)
  • Hand Crossbow B (21.5 points 7, 10.5, 4)
  • Rapier B (18.5 points 7, 10.5, 1)
  • Chain-Mail [Heavy Armour] B (6 points 4, 2)
  • Spare Rapier B (5 points)
  • Light Armour B – Leather (5 points)
  • Catalyst B (5 points)

  • Crossbow bolts
  • Black sunhat, black coat. [Concealment related clothing.]
  • Backpack
  • Bedroll
  • Rations (flasks of blood)
  • Leather waterskin (also filled with blood)

Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:
  • Burnt Turkey Head (Consumable)
    Upon consumption, for one turn, be able to channel the great power of one of three great turkeys from the Turkey Mayhem 2022 Event once. Upon use, choose one of three abilities:
    • Punishment of Midas - Produce a very loud shriek that will incapacitate enemies below C grade for 2 turns.
    • Tears of Phantasmal Fowl - Bolster +1 to Intelligence, Strength, and Vitality, and heal up to C grade healing.
    • Charm of Giblets - Work up enough charm to be able to be further seductive in your actions...as long as you also make bird noises in your attempts of charming. (Narrator Discretion)
  • Voidwalker's Hand (Consumable)
    With the Voidwalker dead, an entity that stalked the Realm of Dead Things, claiming their hand it now allows the user to teleport, at most, 40 feet in any one direction. (Can only be used once)
    - The Voidwalker. A stalker of the Damned and Innocent. No man, woman, or child is safe from the depravity of Sin. The Voidwalker has been allowed to step through reality to appear elsewhere. Through worlds. Through life. Through death. A sadistic game of Sin was always in mind. Depraved, Evil, Blessed. The Voidwalker.
  • Enamel Pin - An enamel pin that when pinned to the character causes the character to bleed from the place where the pin is attached. While the pin is equipped, the blood that flows may be freely manipulated by the character telekinetically. Can be used like magic skill F without the need for catalyst.

Assets - Connection:
  • Widersia Adventurer C

Assets - Pet:

Assets - Property:

Assets – Social Status:

The industrial revolution was an age that rocked the world on its foundations. Many in the upper middle-class enjoyed newfound luxuries, whilst the richest were able to experience pleasures that many would have normally only dreamt off. However, none of this newfound wealth found its way to the pockets of the lower middle-class and the poor, especially not in the United Kingdom, where the traditional division between nobility and peasantry was still omnipresent. Alice Baker was born in a family that had drawn the shorter end of the stick.

Alice's grandfather used to be a peasant, a mere farmer who worked the lands of one of the many nobles. She never knew him, as it was said the man spontaneously died of a heart attack when he heard the land he'd been working on for most of his life would be sold off and that a factory would be build upon it. Out of a self-proclaimed kindness, Alice's father, still a young man, was allowed to work in the factory instead of working the land. He didn't work there for long, as the many chemicals used in dyeing fabrics weren't exactly good for the lungs. When Alice turned nine, her father was already stuck at home, sickly and without much desire to keep on living.

As a result, the only type of 'manly' or 'fatherly' figure she knew during her life was a frail and sickly man that barely seemed capable of enjoying anything at all. Her mother tried to step up, becoming the leader figure in their family. Sadly enough, this wasn't for the better. With her husband unable to work, she was stressed out more often than not, as the family had to flip every penny to see if they would have enough to buy their food for the next day. It didn't take her long to start taking out that stress on her children.

Alice still vividly remembers her first beating, being smacked to the other end of the room after just coming home from Sunday school. Ever since that day, she preferred working in the factories over being at home. The humming, clanging and scraping of machinery almost felt comforting. At the age of seventeen, she got her sleeve stick in the gears of a machine she had to crawl under to gather left-over pieces of cotton. The gears mercilessly pulled her arm into them, mangling it beyond belief. Her crying in pain and yelling in fear weren't heard. Her fate was discovered hours later, when she had already passed out from the pain.

Dying to her wounds would've been a blessing, but she lived on. The accident was blamed on her own 'careless' actions, allowing the nobleman that owned the factory to get away with firing her. To add insult to injury, he even withheld her pay to make up for damage to the machinery and told her she was lucky he didn't sue her family for more.

For two years, she was stuck at home. They couldn't pay a surgeon, so she had to drag around a deformed, useless and painful arm during all that time. She tried to do some housework with the arm that was still working, but life itself had become little more than a painful experience. She was at home when her father finally died. He just started coughing and spitting blood, until he was no more. She didn't care.

She also didn't care when she caught a fever, one that was said to be particularly deadly. At least the fever-dreams kept away reality. Her encounter with some weird entity, telling her about another world, felt like one such a fever dream. It was odd to be tasked with bringing an entire world into motion, especially after having just come from one that was progressing so rapidly. Even so, if luck would have it, she might at least be on the benefiting side of progression this time around.

Current Life:
Coming right out of a fever dream, Alice found herself in a coffin. For a minute, she was about as confused and panicked as could be. Then her recollection of the encounter with the entity kicked in, followed by a vague awareness of what she was and where she was. She was Kalina Chivernu, a vampire. The odd sensation of having memories of two lives didn't last long, as it didn't take long for her 'Alice' memories to start feeling more and more like a distant dream. She opened the coffin to find herself in a small catacomb underneath a crumbling church, which was an odd place for a being like her to be laid to rest. No matter how hard she tried, she wasn't able to recall why she was here.

It didn't take her long to spot what she assumed to be her clothes, along with two weapons. A rapier and a hand-crossbow. It brought something back into her memories. She was a warrior of sorts; someone with fighting prowess. She was like that for a reason. There was something she needed to fight, or at least she strongly felt like there was. Even so, try as she might, she couldn't recall who or what it might be, nor whether she was the hunter or the hunted.

She spent a few days hanging around the church, trying to adjust to being what she was and trying to recollect more of her current existence. It was to no avail. Eventually, a thirst started to kick in. She'd already had a vague awareness of it, but she didn't want to admit to it. However, as the thirst grew stronger, she could no longer resist. Using her crossbow, she shot down the nearest crow and drank its blood. It was utterly disgusting, making her gag with every drop she swallowed. She knew this wasn't the type of blood she truly craved, but for now, it'd take the edge off.

A few days later, she was attempting to find a better source of blood to quench her thirst by draining a fresh rabbit she'd caught. It had little better result than with the crow. That's when an odd young girl approached her. They both were equally confused, as for Kalina, this was the first other person she encountered in this world, whilst for the other girl... well, Kalina had been drinking rabbit blood fresh from the source. Oddly enough, that wasn't a deal-breaker for either of them, as after some hesitant approaching, they ended up talking.

The girl eventually mentioned her wish to become immortal, which prompted Kalina to think about her own condition. She didn't age or die, but she was pretty much already dead, so she couldn't consider herself to be immortal. The latter was why the question intrigued her enough to humour the girl and go through various possibilities. Sadly enough, Kalina had little in the ways of memories and experiences to draw upon, but it was entertaining to talk to her. It was a feeling she hadn't really experienced, be it in this life or the past, so Kalina was quick to treasure it.

When the girl offered Kalina some blood, it sweetened the deal, literally and figuratively. Kalina's suspicion that the blood of humanoids would be far superior to that of animals was immediately confirmed, being far tastier and far more filling. That, combined with the companionship, had set them on a path to become quick friends. Sadly enough, the girl was quick to travel onwards, explaining she was working for some master that she had to obey and that she didn't want Kalina to meet said master. It was a bit confusing, but Kalina accepted it for what it was.

Kalina soon decided to leave the church and head out, attempting to hone the skills she'd been given upon rebirth by stalking and hunting animals. Her precision and speed, as well as her usage of the hand-crossbow and rapier, turned out to be only half of her skills. She was able to conceal both her weapons and her vampiric nature surprisingly well and could sneak around with relatively little effort. Even so, whether these abilities were there for her to hide or to hunt was unknown to her, as those memories hadn't returned.

Her search eventually led her to the north of the Ryken Forests, when she caught some rumours of trouble involving a witch. That was something she couldn't just ignore, so she set out to go and find out what was happening.

  • [04/12/2021] Created in the old character thread.
  • Creation: Precision D (14 points)
  • Creation: Vitality E (7 points)
  • Creation: Speed E (7 points)
  • Creation: Feature Skill – Darkvision F (7 points)
  • Creation: Feature Skill - Resilient F (7 points)
  • Creation: Feature Skill - Blood Drinker F (7 points)
  • Creation: Fighting Style – Precision Strikes E [Accurate] F + [Penetrating] F (14 points)
  • Creation: Secondary Skill – Stealth E (14 points)
  • Creation: Secondary Skill – Concealment F (7 points)
  • Creation: Secondary Skill - Disguise F (7 points)
  • Creation: Weapon – Hand Crossbow F (7 points)
  • Creation: Weapon – Rapier F (7 points)
  • [06/02/2022] Acquired:: 55 points and [Critical] title from The Dead awake at Night (Blue Viscera Occult Questline) 09/12/2021 – 06/02/2022
  • [06/02/2022] Strength F => C (21 points)
  • [06/02/2022] Purchased upgrades Hand-crossbow F => D and Rapier F => C from Sophia Smith at the marketplace for (21 points).
  • [06/02/2022] Upgraded Stealth E => D (7 points)
  • [06/02/2022] Added Appraisal E to the list of skills (0 points).
  • [06/02/2022] Added a 'goals' section to the sheet.
  • [06/02/2022] Added 'points earned' and 'points unspent' sections to the sheet.
  • [06/02/2022] Added [Sneak Attack] ability.
  • [06/02/2022] Added [Hide The Evidence] ability.
  • [06/02/2022] Added [Forwards Lunge] ability.
  • [06/02/2022] Added [Well-aimed Strike] ability.
  • [06/02/2022] Added [Piercing Strike] ability.
  • [08/02/2022] Acquired:: 1 point from Kalina's Purchase from Sophia 07/02/2022 - 07/02/2022
  • [08/02/2022] Precision D => C (7 points).
  • [14/06/2022] Acquired:: 105 points and [Blood Celebrant] title from The Dead awake at Night, Part 2 (Blue Viscera Occult) 12/02/2022 – 07/06/2022
  • [14/06/2022] Added goal: Find out more about her monstrous nature (and its complications).
  • [14/06/2022] Added more thorough race title descriptions and the [Rogue], [Smuggler], [Disguise Artist] job title descriptions.
  • [14/06/2022] Upgraded fighting style [Precision Strikes] with [Range] tech core. (7 points)
  • [14/06/2022] Upgraded Vitality E => C (14 points)
  • [14/06/2022] Upgraded Appraisal E => D (higher character grade)
  • [14/06/2022] Upgraded Resilience F => E, added Fatigue (7 points)
  • [14/06/2022] Added [Blood Appraisal] ability.
  • [14/06/2022] Added Alternate Identity D (21 points)
  • [14/06/2022] Added Deception E (14 points)
  • [14/06/2022] Changed [Hide The Evidence] ability into [Stealth Mode].
  • [14/06/2022] Enhanced [Forwards Lunge] ability with the new [Precision Strikes] tech core and changed the name to [Precision Strike].
  • [14/06/2022] Added Regeneration E (14 points)
  • [14/06/2022] Upgraded Precision C => A (14 points)
  • [14/06/2022] Upgraded Stealth D => B (14 points)
  • [14/06/2022] Spent 8 points on Hand Crossbow D => B and obtaining Heavy chain-mail armour D from Sophia Fletcher.
  • [11/08/2022] Acquired:: 42 points and [Roguish] title from The Crafting Guild's Foundation 11/06/2022 – 02/08/2022
  • [28/08/2022] Upgraded Strength C => B (7 points)
  • [23/10/2022] Acquired:: 105 points from The Hag of the Overgrown Marshes 02/08/2022 – 12/10/2022
  • [27/10/2022] Lost 21 points from points earned and points unspent in World Betting
  • [15/11/2022] Copied sheet into the new character thread. Edited skills to new descriptions/rules from past update(s). Struggled with Fighting Styles. Got told technique core don't up ability grade. Fixed Fighting Style ability stuff.
  • [03/12/2022] Acquired:: [Burnt Turkey Head] (Consumable) from November 2022 - Turkey Mayhem Phase 2!! 21/11/2022 – 01/12/2022
  • [07/01/2023] Acquired:: 81 points, [Voidwalker's Hand] asset and [Exposed] title from Tutoring Session with the Dead 22/09/2022 – 29/12/2022
  • [07/01/2023] Added Language [Monster] (Native Speaker – 0 points)
  • [07/01/2023] Added Language [Common] (Free on creation – 0 points)
  • [12/01/2023] Upgraded Strength B => A (7 points)
  • [12/01/2023] Upgraded Vitality C => A (14 points)
  • [12/01/2023] Upgraded Appraisal D => C (free with Character Grade)
  • [12/01/2023] Purchased upgrades Rapier C => B, Chain-Mail [Heavy Armour] D => B and a spare Rapier B from Melissa at the marketplace for (8 points).
  • [13/01/2023] Acquired:: 4 points and [Restrained] title from Moonlight Visitor 02/01/2023 – 05/02/203
  • [28/02/2023] Upgraded 'Fighting Style D' to [Specialized] Fighting Style B (14 points).
    • Accurate F [normal] => B [specialized] (21 points)
    • Penetrating F [normal] => B [specialized] (21 points)
    • Range F [normal] => B [specialized] (21 points)
    • Added Continuing B (21 points)
    • Added Contagion B (21 points)
    • Increased abilities accordingly.
  • [25/03/2023] Added Natural Weapons F (14 points)
  • [25/03/2023] Added Feature [Mixed Race] (7 points)
  • [25/03/2023] Added Abomination and Fae title.
  • [25/03/2023] Added Dhampir Title as a 'work in progress' title for the upcoming racial evolution RP.
  • [25/03/2023] Alternate Identity D => B (14 points)
  • [25/03/2023] Deception E => D (7 points)
  • [03/04/2023] Acquired:: 13 points from Isekai Hell February Event Grade.
  • [10/04/2023] Acquired:: 83 points, title [Sister's Shattering] and title [Fate Severer] from A Tutoring Lesson in Hatred of Dead. 05/01/2023 – 27/03/2023
  • [11/04/2023] Edited all headers (main and those of alternate identities) to include full-sized images and sources.
  • [22/04/2023] Kalina's upgrades approved by Etymarchen Etymarchen .
  • [29/05/2023] Separated Equipped Titles by Race, Society – Connections, Society – General and Job.
  • [29/05/2023] Acquired:: 64 points from Blood and Steam 27/03/2023 – 08/05/2023
  • [29/05/2023] Added the date of the last mod check/approval (22/04/2023) to the changelog.
  • [26/07/2023] Changed appearance image.
  • [26/07/2023] Added feature [Elf Ears] (aesthetics only).
  • [26/07/2023] Added feature [Pale Skin] (aesthetics only).
  • [26/07/2023] Intelligence F => A (35 points)
  • [26/07/2023] Speed E => A (28 points)
  • [26/07/2023] Appraisal C => A (free with character grade increase).
  • [26/07/2023] Added [Moonlight] Affinity (7 points).
  • [26/07/2023] Added Survival F (7 points).
  • [26/07/2023] Added [Apprentice Survivalist] job title.
  • [26/07/2023] Deception D => B (14 points)
  • [26/07/2023] Regeneration E => B (21 points)
  • [26/07/2023] Added Language [Sylvan] (7 points)
  • [26/07/2023] Added Educated [Charismatic Rogue] (Disguise, Persuasion, Seduction) B (35 points)
  • [26/07/2023] Got 7 points back from Disguise F (pre-educated).
  • [26/07/2023] Added [Expert Disguise Artist], [Expert Sophist] and [Expert Seductress] job titles.
  • [26/07/2023] Updated character goals.
  • [26/07/2023] Upgraded abilities with new and improved skills.
  • [26/07/2023] Added [Roguish Charm] ability.
  • [01/08/2023] Acquired:: 105 points from Kinship and Smoke 08/05/2023 – 21/06/2023
  • [12/08/2023] Acquired:: 54 points, [Dhampir] racial title and [Widersia Adventurer D] title from Where The Blood Runs Thick 21/06/2023 – 26/07/2023
  • [30/08/2023] Added the on 29/08/2023 introduced racial perks. Abomination - Mundane [Born For These] and Intermediate [Evolved] and [Chameleon].
  • [30/08/2023] Removed the costs for [Moonlight Affinity] F and [Darkvision] F due to 'Born For These' perk.
  • [30/08/2023] Changed [Natural Weapons] to no longer incorrectly mention a specific part of the body, as I learned the skill makes all if count as a weapon.
  • [30/08/2023] Added back the [Fangs] cosmetic feature as a result of the above.
  • [03/09/2023] Increased Resilience E => D [Suffocation] to meet undead title demand (7 points).
  • [03/09/2023] Altered race descriptions to account for newer demands/descriptions.
  • [03/09/2023] Added Fast F (7 points)
  • [03/09/2023] Added Magic C (28 points)
  • [03/10/2023] Acquired:: 40 points from Return to the Castle 04/07/2023 – 14/09/2023
  • [11/02/2023] Acquired:: 105 points and [Another Me] title from Home Sweet Home 18/09/2023 – 28/12/2023
  • [11/02/2023] Put points earned section to higher on the sheet.
  • [29/03/2024] Acquired:: 35 points from A Long Awaited Date 28/12/2023 – 26-01-2024
  • [29/03/2024] Reduced Appraisal to B to fit the rules for the newly introduced Skill Mastery option.
  • [24/4/2024] Reduced points earned by 4 after checking the point count.
  • [24/4/2024] Fixed some ability grade letters.
  • [24/4/2024] Renamed 'Monster' language to Abyssal.
  • [24/4/2024] Changed Points Unspent from 249 to 330.
    • The amount earned (871) plus the amount at start (105) minus the amount used on world betting (21) and the amount spent on stats/skills/equipment (646) didn't add up to 249, but to 330.
  • [24/4/2024] Obtained Light Armour B and Catalyst B from a marketplace deal (10 points).
  • [25/4/2024] Upgraded Fast F => E (7 points)
  • [25/4/2024] Added Deflect B (21 points, specialized)
  • [25/4/2024] Added Jumping F (7 points)
  • [25/4/2024] Added Special Movement [Parkour (wall-running)] F (7 points)
  • [25/4/2024] Resilient D => C, added [Fear] (7 points)
  • [25/4/2024] Added Warfare F (7 points)
  • [25/4/2024] Added Acrobatics F (7 points)
  • [25/4/2024] Added Athletics F (7 points)
  • [25/4/2024] Added Lucky F (7 points)
  • [25/4/2024] Added Striker, Swashbuckler and Duellist classes, including perks.
  • [26/01/2024] Acquired:: 39 points and [Under Plotter] title from It's a Bloody Dragon Scale! 26/01/2024 – 21/02/2024
  • [09/06/2024] Acquired:: 81 points and [Ally of Lykra, the Champion] title from Where's this Bloody Dragon Scale?!? 02/03/2024 – 25/04/2024
  • [22/07/2024] Acquired:: [Enamel Pin] from Nova Birthday Event 2024.
  • [25/09/2024] Acquired:: 64 points, mandatory [Wanted (Demon Cultists)] title and [Demon Slayer] title from The Witches Inferno 29/04/2024 – 11/07/2024
  • [13/10/2024] Revamped the whole sheet. Changed the order of things, removed skill descriptions, updated some skills, added abilities.
  • [13/10/2024] Exchanged Special Movement [Wall-Running] for the new Special Movement [Wall-crawling] F (7 points).
  • [13/10/2024] Added 'Lukewarm Blooded' as an Aesthetic Feature.
  • [13/10/2024] Added Energised B (35 points)
  • [30/10/2024] Acquired:: 63 points from Those damned bandits! 09/07/2024 – 10/09/2024
  • [31/10/2024] Acquired:: 10 points and [Femme Fatale] title from Those Damned Bandits! Part 2 10/09/2024 – 20/09/2024
  • [22/12/2024] Specified Light Armour material to be leather per Novama Novama request.
  • [29/12/2024] Added Area B (21 points, specialized)
  • [29/12/2024] Added Blight [Piercing] B (21 points, specialized)
  • [29/12/2024] Added Drain [Strength] B (21 points, specialized)
  • [29/12/2024] Added Enervation B B (21 points, specialized)
  • [29/12/2024] Added Martial Ethos [Sword/Rapier] (Precisions Strikes) B (35 points)
  • [29/12/2024] Added Martial Mastery [Sword/Rapier] (Precisions Strikes) C (28 points)
  • [29/12/2024] Added Pocket Dimension D (42 points)
  • [29/12/2024] Added new Martial Abilities.
  • [29/12/2024] Added Undetected [Sight/Hearing/Smell/Touch/Aura Perception] B (70 points)
  • [10/01/2025] Downtime set to increase Widersia Adventurer asset D => C.
  • [16/02/2024] Acquired:: 68 points and [Oll’s End Voyager F] title from Oll’s End My Old Friend Part 1 18/09/2024 – 24/11/2024
  • [16/02/2024] Downtime increased Widersia Adventurer asset D => C during previous RP grading. New Downtime goal set Widersia Adventurer asset C => B.
  • [18/02/2024] Acquired:: 15 points and [Promiscuous Drinker] title from Nun of Your Business 11/12/2024 – 26/12/2024
  • [18/02/2024] Downtime failed due to the grade listed in the equipped section accidentally saying D instead of C and due to usage of alternative identities. New Downtime set to improve Oll’s End Voyager F => E.
  • [21/02/2024] Audited by Maverick Six Maverick Six – Pointed out Pocket Dimension D is paid for in mentioned in the change-log, but not in skill list. Added it in.
  • 05/03/2025] Added creation date.
Last edited:


From: Microsoft CoPilot

General information:
Rp'er Name: Elvario
Post Frequency: Daily (at times), 2-3 days (preferable pace), 4-6 days (okay enough), 7 days (slowest I'm willing to go before loosing interest)
Current RP: Kept up to date on Discord.
Narrator Grade: S

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 1.137
Points Spent: 985 (105 + 880)
Points Unspent: 257

Equipped Titles:
Racial: Beast, Canine
Society - Connection: Syncretist Bishop, Hero of Aegrizora, Associate of Shrine of Cleansed Curses F, Ryke Adventurer's Guild Member E, Widersia Adventurer's Guild Member F, Hero of Erithis
Society – General: Missionary, Wandering Saint, Shepherd, Daddy, Fetcher, Holy Child, Scribe of Celestials, Dotty's Saviour, Kind Healer
Skill-related: Syncretist Bishop
Job: Tool-based Expert (Religion)

Character-related information:
Standing Grade: S
Character Grade: E
Power Grade: B
Racial Perks: Born For This
Classes: Caster (T1), Summoner (T2), Elementaler (T3)
Class Perks: Magic Circle, Ritual Circle, Elemental Circle
Downtime: Mira E => D
Languages: Beastial, Common, Sylvan
Height: 153 cm / 5' 0”
Weight: 54 kg / 119 lbs

Long-term Goals:
  • Rise to the top and become Pope of the Syncretist Church.
    Made it to Bishop thus far.
  • Incorporate all religions into a single Syncretist Faith.
    Has decided to simmer it down into having them embrace cooperation.
  • Spread this faith into other countries, across the entire world.
    Has been travelling all over to spread the good boy gospel.
  • Keep providing aid, incorporate positive religions and abolishing harmful religions.
    Has yet to successfully see if he can abolish more harmful religious aspects.
  • Find a way to spread the gospel to [monster]s and incorporate them into society.
    Tried raising a [monster] daughter, but lost her.
Short-term Goals:
  • Help others.
  • Find like-minded allies.
  • Become a Patron Saint.
  • Get some paladins/knights for his own security.

  • [Maimed] - Ceylan has been afflicted with a divine stigmata on his legs (Bindings of Elisiul) and now has a speed stat capped at H grade (without points rewarded). A grade healing or equivalent can heal his body of the stigmata. Lesser skills, abilities, items may give partial comfort or remedy. Maimed title may be used to narrate your own rp to quest for a healer capable enough to cure or otherwise relieve the mechanical part of the affliction on Ceylan. Alternatively, the Maimed title may be used to run an rp where you play out Ceylan's affliction and cash the title in for x2 points as if it were a world rp, but doing so will leave Ceylan afflicted indefinitely. (Does not stack with other point boosting rps, skills, or titles.) – Maimed title has been cured in The Fox and the Hound.

  • [Beast] - Beast characters generally have some form of animal in their ancestry. They typically have a wilder look to them but are mostly human on the surface.
  • [Canine] - Beast Title, [Canine Tail] Feature, [Canine Ears] Feature, Heightened Sense [Smell/Hearing] E, Darkvision F, Natural Weapons F.
    A mostly humanoid beast character with varying degrees of canine features.

Society - Connection:
  • [Syncretist Bishop] – From Asset [Connected B] – [Syncretist Church]
  • [Hero of Aegrizora] - Your actions and choices have made you above most within the city, you will be recognized as a Hero of this Religion heavy city.
  • [Associate of Shrine of Cleansed Curses F] - Character was instrumental in the restoration and re-establishing of the shrine and now has a preferred relationship with the shrine and its denizens.
  • [Ryke Adventurer' Guild Member Adventurer E]
  • [Widersia Adventurer's Guild Member F]
  • [Hero of Erithis] - Character's efforts on behalf of Erithis are recognized. Residents are now more likely to be hospitable and accommodating to character while in Erithis township.

Society – General:
  • [Missionary] - Character is familiar with taking their faith on the road. They have an easier time finding places or people to shelter with while travelling. As if by divine providence. More easily found to be insufferable by those of other faiths.
  • [Wandering Saint] - Character is a wanderer that brings healing and well-being wherever they go. While the stories told by the people generally exceed reality, the faithful aware of who the character is consider them truth and are more hospitable to the character in hopes of being blessed.
  • [Shepherd] - Character has guided those of bestial natures or stupid minds to better paths and pastures. Character will be more likely to gain recognition as being wise but will also garner no shortage of problem creatures to his side.
  • [Cog] - Character has proved invaluable to the perpetuation of war and violence through the renewing of its humanoid components. Just a cog in the war machine, used until broken. Character's best efforts will generally lead to exploitation of self for the benefit of those that do not deserve it. Those character truly helps will never know they may have been better off without his blessings. Like a cog forced to perpetually spin, character will never tire of trying to be helpful, but the consequences of such one sided assistance will never fail to weigh down those helped.
  • [Daddy] - Character is acknowledged by children and those of the fairer sex to be a daddy. What it means varies according to each individual, but it leads to favourable treatment by those who call the character Daddy and in turn favourable treatment is expected from Daddy. Losing the title of Daddy can be surprisingly painful.
  • [Fetcher] - One way or another this character has ended up on taking at least one task involving retrieving or fetching an item. Fully embracing their dog-like features.
  • [Holy Child] - Character has been blessed by the heavens multiple times to work things in their favour. Celestial beings or holy folk are more likely to cooperate with character.
  • [Scribe of Celestials] - Character summoned and negotiated with celestial beings.
  • [Torturer] - Character has experience in sustaining the suffering. Putting a tortured creature out of its misery never seems to be the way with this character.
  • [Dotty's Saviour] - Character has saved a prized sheep from certain death, earning her friendship.
  • [Kind Healer] - Character has cared for the wounds of an unappreciative target. Those healed by the character will be more likely to find them trustworthy.
  • [Cursed Helper] - Character is cursed for helping others. Or are they cursed to help others? Point is helping others + cursed.
  • [Fall Guy] - Character is easily knocked over.

Strength – E
(7 points)
Precision – F
(0 points)
Intelligence – A
(35 points)
Vitality – F
(0 points)
Speed – F
(0 points)




  • Magic B (35 points)
    • Magic Augmenter: Area of Effect C (28 points)
    • Magic Augmenter: Duration C (28 points)
    • Magic Augmenter: Range C (28 points)
    • Magic Augmenter: Targets C (28 points)
    • Magic Augmenter: Selective C (28 points)
    • Element [Light] Affinity B (35 points)
    • Element [Water] Affinity F (7 points)
    • Flare [Sight] Affinity F (7 points) (1 action)
    • Homing Affinity F (7 points)
  • Summon Creature B (280 points)

  • Appraisal E (0 points, Free with character grade for non-natives)
  • Darkvision F (7 points)
  • Heightened Sense [Smell/Hearing] E (7 points, 1 Grade free with Born For This)
  • Sixth Sense [Curses/Blessings/Danger/Spirits/Hidden Treasure] B (35 points)
  • Aesthetic Features:
    • Canine Ears
    • Canine Tail

  • Healing B (35 points)

  • Asset [Social Status – Religious Group] B – Bishop of the Syncretist Faith (35 points)
    [Syncretist Faith] – A faith that focusses on bringing about 'good' through healing, peacekeeping and general aid. It does not have its own pantheon, but instead incorporates elements it deems 'good' from existing religions in an attempt to create one Syncretist Faith for the good of all.
  • Energised F (7 points)
  • Inspire F (42 points)
  • Language [Beastial] – (0 points, native speaker)
  • Language [Common] – (0 points, free on creation)
  • Language [Sylvan] – (7 points)
  • Lucky F (7 points)
  • Minions [Mice Maids (summonable)] F (14 points)

    Having first encountered them in Cardinal Zoilus' Tower in the Paizu Mountains, Ceylan somehow made a good enough impression upon the Mouse Maids for them to reach out and offer him a contract. They can now be summoned to aid him, should he ever need aid with his domestic tasks.

    Intelligence C (21 points)
    Domestic Arts D (21 points)
    Empathy F (7 points)
    Religion F (7 points)
  • Pocket Dimension C (56 points)

  • Empathy B (35 points)
  • Focus F (21 points)
  • Insight B (35 points)
  • Persuasion F (7 points)
  • Religion B (35 points)




  • Curse Cleanse – Light Affinity B, Magic B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Magic Area of Effect C, Selective C, Sixth Sense [Curses/Blessings/Danger/Spirits/Hidden Treasure] B, Healing B, Religion B, Energised F - Uses divine senses to detect curses and combines religious knowledge with healing magic to cleanse them. - Grade B - 4 post Cooldown
  • Divine Light – Light Affinity B, Magic B, Magic Duration C, Magic Range C, Magic Area of Effect C, Selective C, Magic Targets C, [Homing] Affinity F, Flare [Sight] Affinity F (1 action), Religion B, Energised F – Character casts divine light upon the shadows, blinding them temporarily. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown – 1 Action
  • Divine Healing - Light Affinity B, Magic B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Magic Area of Effect C, Selective C, Healing B, Religion B, Energised F - Character channels the powers of the gods to heal significant injuries. - Grade B - 4 post Cooldown
  • Scanning the Mood – Magic B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Magic Area of Effect C, Selective C, Appraisal E - Empathy B, Insight B, Sixth Sense B [Curses/Blessings/Danger/Spirits/Hidden Treasure], Energised F – Character uses their magic and senses to pick up on the mood of those around them. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
  • Soothing Aura – Magic B, Healing B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Magic Duration C, Magic Area of Effect C, Selective C, Religion B, Empathy B, Insight B, Persuasion F, Inspire F, Energised F – Character has a soothing aura that calms and heals those around them. Inspire gives a +1 boost. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
  • Summon Celestial – Summon Creature B, Magic B, Magic Duration C, Religion B, Energised F – Character attempts to summon a creature from the heavenly/divine planes of existence to aid them.- Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
  • Summon Heavenly Swarm – Summon Creature B, Magic B, Magic Duration C, Magic Targets C, Religion B, Energised F – Character attempts to summon a swarm of creatures from the heavenly/divine planes of existence to aid them. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
  • Summon Targets – Summon Creature B, Magic B, Magic Duration C, Magic Targets C, Energised F – Character summons a specific creature or a specific group of creatures from the same plane of existence (within a 30 feet search range). Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown

  • Divine Awareness – Sixth Sense B [Curses/Blessings/Danger/Spirits/Hidden Treasure], Appraisal E, Magic B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Magic Area of Effect C, Selective C, Religion B, Empathy B, Insight B, , Energised F – Character uses their [god]-given appraisal ability and social skills. – Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.

  • Healing Prayer – Healing B, Religion B, Persuasion F, Energised F – Character asks the gods for their aid when healing someone. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.

  • Blessed Fortune – Lucky F, Religion B, Energised F – Character's actions are blessed with good fortune. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.
  • Holy Back-pocket – Pocket Dimension C, Magic B, Religion B, Energised B, Area of Effect C, Range C, Targets C, Selective C – Character pockets things in an area into their holy back-pocket. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown

  • Preach – Religion B, Insight B, Empathy B, Connected B [Syncretist Church - Bishop], Persuasion F, Inspire F, Energised F – Character holds a passionate hand-tailored theological speech about faith. Theologically sound and intended to stir up the right emotions. Inspire gives a +1 boost. - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown.
  • Knowing the Faithful – Insight B, Magic B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Magic Area of Effect C, Selective C, Religion B, Connected C [Syncretist Church], Empathy B, Sixth Sense B [Curses/Blessings/Danger/Spirits/Hidden Treasure], Energised F – Character is particularly keen on picking up on the suffering of those that share their faith. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.

  • Catalyst B (marketplace deal, 5 points)
    A simple yet high-grade catalyst.
  • Natural Weapons F (14 points)
    Purchase enables full use of creature's body to attack as appropriate.
  • Orichalcum Crystal-orbed staff E (28 points)
    (See full image for its appearance.) Serves as a magic focus.

  • Backpack
  • Candles
  • Tinderbox
  • Alms box
  • Blocks of Incense
  • Censer
  • Vestments
  • Traveler's clothes
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • [Book] Religions of Ryke
  • [Book] Cults & Barbaric Belief Systems
  • An ancient silver coin depicting a winged humanoid on both sides.
  • [Book] Copy of Holfeel's scriptures and practices.

Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:
  • Miracle - A single golden flower resides in the Bindings of Elisiul. Once and only once, the character may call upon the God Elisiul for a miracle that defies system mechanics and is only limited by the narrator of the rp it is used in. It may not be used in a world rp (like a tribulation). – Used in The Fox and the Hound.
  • Professor's Buddy Pass - When your character has the appropriate skills and assets, the pass may be used to redeem a buddy from the April 2024 Buddy Event!

Assets - Connection:
  • Associate of Shrine of Cleansed Curses F - Character was instrumental in the restoration and re-establishing of the shrine and now has a preferred relationship with the shrine and its denizens.

Assets - Pet:
  • Mira E – A girl from Arborhaven that decided to join him after the events in Rooted in the Past. He's currently having her work in one of the branch buildings of the Syncretist Church.
  • Medallion of Aegrizora]- A medallion gifted by Aegrizora that may or may not summon the deity. – Lost in Falling to Rise.

Assets - Property:

Assets – Social Status:
  • Syncretist Church Bishop - He's a Bishop for the Syncretist Church and is allowed to stay in their lodgings.

'The child' was the firstborn son of an Ammonite king, but he was sacrificed as a baby to the god Moloch before he was even given a name. As a result, he didn't manage to understand anything of the process that preceded his revival in another world. He sometimes experiences a very vague sense of 'not truly belonging' that troubles him, but he attributes it to being an orphan.

Current Life:
Ceylan's arrival in the next world was problematic at best, as his spirit took hold of a stillborn child that got revived by his spirit's sudden presence. Whilst his parents thought it to be a miracle, the rest of their family and their surroundings did not, believing the child to have been possessed by a demon and brought back to life as some sort of undead. Ceylan's parents were eventually pressured into abandoning him less than a year after his birth, as he might have otherwise been killed.

That's why Ceylan was left on the doorstep of an orphanage run by the Syncretist Church with nothing but a note that read his name and a single silver coin with a depiction of a winged humanoid on both sides of it. He was treated well, albeit strictly and sparsely. He didn't lack in anything serious, other than perhaps affection. He was able to develop a love for reading and eventually started to study the religion to which he owed his life. It wasn't long before he became a deacon, the lowest-ranking of the clergyman, which set him on the path to priesthood.

The Syncretist Church's core tenet is as follows: “The truth of a religion is presented by its effect on the world.” Syncretists believe that many religions are valuable, for all of them may be ways to bring salvation to the masses. As a result, the Syncretist Church tries to blend all sorts of religions into one faith, wherein the 'what' becomes less important than the 'how', meaning that the actions that stem from a faith are superior to its theological foundation. That latter is why they focus heavily on healing, medical research, peace negotiations, sheltering orphans and all sorts of other charitable work that one might think off. On the opposite end, they reject any faith or religion that brings harm to people or that merely strives to enrich its clergyman. Whilst the lack of one clear god to follow might shy away some people, the Church's focus on healing and their research into it are famous through-out the country.

The latter is why Ceylan himself studied healing magic along with religious texts, whenever he wasn't giving readings on Syncretism and putting his healing magic into practice in hospitals. A few years after coming of age, he finally managed to attain the rank of priesthood, which prompted him to start travelling through-out the country. He's very sincere in his desire to help and heal the less fortunate, which he always puts first. Actions first, conversion second. Even so, he hopes to rise through the ranks within the church, as he learned how much more effective the actions of those in positions of power can be. He'd found his goals when he saw one of the church's cardinals take action to prevent an entire village from starving, which was a scale of aiding people that he aspires to become capable of.

  • [14/12/2021] Created in the old character thread.
  • Creation: Intelligence C (21 points)
  • Creation: Sixth Sense F (7 points)
  • Creation: Healing C (28 points)
  • Creation: Connected D (21 points)
  • Creation: Religion D (21 points)
  • Creation: Crystal-orbed staff F (7 points)
  • [19/02/2022] Acquired:: 85 points and [Missionary] title from Journey Through the Eastern Outskirts. 20/12/2021 – 14/02/2022
  • [19/02/2022] Upgraded Intelligence C => A (14 points)
  • [19/02/2022] Added Appraisal to the list of skills (0 points).
  • [19/02/2022] Upgraded Sixth Sense F => D (14 points)
  • [19/02/2022] Upgraded Healing C => B (7 points)
  • [19/02/2022] Upgraded Connected D => C (7 points)
  • [19/02/2022] Upgraded Religion D => C (7 points)
  • [19/02/2022] Upgraded Crystal-orbed staff F => Orichalcum Crystal-orbed staff E (21 points)
  • [19/02/2022] Added Lucky F (7 points)
  • [19/02/2022] Added Empathy F (7 points)
  • [19/02/2022] Added 'goals' section to the sheet.
  • [19/02/2022] Added [Healing Prayer] ability.
  • [19/02/2022] Added [Divine Senses] ability.
  • [19/02/2022] Added [Blessed Fortune] ability.
  • [19/02/2022] Added [Preach] ability.
  • [19/02/2022] Added [Knowing the Faithful] ability.
  • [25/04/2022]Acquired:: 84 points and [Wandering Saint] title from Healing the Holy City of Vegard 19/02/2022 – 15/04/2022
  • [25/04/2022] Added Magic Affinity C (28 points)
  • [25/04/2022] Added Magic Range D (21 points)
  • [25/04/2022] Added Magic Targets D (21 points)
  • [25/04/2022] Upgraded Empathy F => D (14 points)
  • [25/04/2022] Added [Divine Healing] ability.
  • [25/04/2022] Added [Divine Appraisal] ability.
  • [25/04/2022] Upgraded [Divine Senses] ability.
  • [25/04/2022] Upgraded [Knowing the Faithful] ability.
  • [25/04/2022] Added [Scanning the Mood] ability.
  • [25/04/2022] Added the descriptions of titles gained at creation.
  • [25/04/2022] Added job titles (healer, high priest, empath, theologian).
  • [25/04/2022] Expanded descriptions to include requirements, skill type and updated descriptions.
  • [31/05/2022] Acquired:: 43 points and [Shepherd] title from Lost and Found 08/04/2022 – 20/05/2022
  • [13/07/2022] Added [Curse Cleanse] ability.
  • [28/07/2022] Acquired:: 61 points, [Hero of Aegrizora] title and [Mira] asset from Rooted In The Past 22/05/2022 – 27/07/2022
  • [28/07/2022] Upgraded Magic C => B (7 points).
  • [28/07/2022] Upgraded Magic Range D => C (7 points).
  • [28/07/2022] Upgraded Magic Targets D => C (7 points).
  • [28/07/2022] Added Spell Duration C (28 points).
  • [28/07/2022] Added Summon Creature F skill (56 points).
  • [28/07/2022] Upgraded existing abilities with increased Magic, Range, Targets, Duration.
  • [28/07/2022] Added [Soothing Aura] ability.
  • [28/07/2022] Added [Summon Celestial] ability.
  • [28/07/2022] Added [Summon Heavenly Swarm] ability.
  • [28/07/2022] Added [Summon Targets] ability.
  • [11/08/2022] Added [Medallion of Aegrizora] asset from Rooted In The Past 22/05/2022 – 27/07/2022
  • [11/08/2022] Acquired:: 26 points, [Maimed] title, [Cog] title and [Miracle] asset from Ceylan's Tribulation of Mind 30/07/2022 – 11/08/2022
  • [20/09/2022] Acquired:: 18 points, [Daddy] title from See a Fae about a Tree 28/07/2022 – 14/09/2022
  • [27/10/2022] Acquired:: 14 points in World Betting
  • [15/11/2022] Copied sheet into the new character thread. Edited skills to new descriptions/rules from past update(s). Upgraded all buffed magic modifiers.
  • [22/11/2022] Acquired:: 63 points and cured [Maimed] title in The Fox and the Hound. 23/09/2022 – 03/11-2022
  • [17/02/2023] Added Bestial Language (native speaker, 0 points)
  • [17/02/2023] Added Common Language (free on creation)
  • [17/02/2023] Added Energised B (35 points)
  • [17/02/2023] Added Focus F (7 points)
  • [17/02/2023] Upgraded Summon Creature F => E (56 points)
  • [17/02/2023] Upgraded Asset [Connected] Syncretist Church C => B (7 points)
  • [17/02/2023] Upgraded 'High Priest' to 'Syncretist Bishop' job title due to Connected upgrade.
  • [19/02/2023] Acquired:: 17 points, [Fetcher] title and [Copy of Holfeel's scriptures and practices] asset in A Duel of Fates . 27/01/2023 – 16/02/2023
  • [19/02/2023] Upgraded Religion C => B (7 points, A Duel Of Fates Reward)
  • [19/02/2023] Added Persuasion F (7 points, A Duel Of Fates Reward)
  • [19/02/2023] Upgraded Religion/Persuasion related abilities, added Novice Sophist job title.
  • [22/02/2023] Acquired:: 89 points, and [Holy Child] title in Runaway Slaves [Part 2]. 31/10/2022 – 27/01/2023
  • [28/02/2023] Ceylan's upgrades approved by saxon saxon .
  • [18/03/2023] Purchased Catalyst B from Melissa at the marketplace for (5 points)
  • [03/04/2023] Acquired:: 15 points from Isekai Hell February Event Grade.
  • [11/04/2023] Changed header and added source. Added Mira image source.
  • [29/05/2023] Added the date of the last mod check/approval (28/02/203) to the changelog.
  • [29/05/2023] Put the equipped titles in a new order based on Race, Society – Connections, Society – General and Job.
  • [29/05/2023] Acquired:: 104 points, [Scribe of Celestials] title and [Associate of Shrine of Cleansed Curses F] asset, lost [Medallion of Aegrizora] from Falling to Rise, Part 2 (aka No Rest for the Weary) 22/01/2023 – 05/05/2023
  • [29/05/2023] Acquired:: 58 points and [Torturer] title from Falling to Rise Part 3: The Toad, the Witch, and the Dream 12/05/2023 – 08/07/2023
  • [04/08/2023] Acquired:: 21 points, Upgraded Sixth Sense D => C [Spirits] (7 points) and [Dotty's Saviour] title from A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing 12/07/2023 – 02/08/2023
  • [04/08/2023] Learned that the [Sixth Sense] skill is a stacking type and fixed it to 'stack' some Sixth Sense types (Curses, Blessings, Danger, Spirits).
  • [13/08/203] Redid some point calculating after an audit from saxon saxon . Changed points unspent from 316 to 315.
  • [02/09/2023] Acquired:: 7 points from Isekai Hell 2023 August Community Writing Event!.
  • [03/09/2023] Added Heightened Sense [Smell/Hearing] E (7 points, 7 discount with Born For This)
  • [03/09/2023] Natural Weapons F (14 points)
  • [03/09/2023] Added Darkvision F (7 points)
  • [13/09/2023] Upgraded Strength F => E for the Natural Weapons F requirements (7 points).
  • [06/12/2023] Moved [Languages] from secondary to miscellaneous skill section.
  • [06/12/2023] Added Insight B (35 points)
  • [06/12/2023] Added [Light] Affinity B (35 points)
  • [06/12/2023] Added [Flare – Sight] Affinity F (7 points)
  • [06/12/2023] Added [Magic Area of Effect] C (28 points)
  • [06/12/2023] Added [Classes] and [Acquired Classes] sections.
  • [06/12/2023] Added and equipped [Caster] class and [Magic Circle] perk.
  • [06/12/2023] Added Minions [Mice Maids] F (14 points).
  • [06/12/2023] Added [Homing] Affinity F (7 points)
  • [06/12/2023] Added and equipped [Summoner] class and [Ritual Circle] perk.
  • [06/12/2023] Added [Elementaler] class and [Elemental Circle] perk.
  • [06/12/2023] Summon Creature E => D (56 points)
  • [06/12/2023] Empathy D => B (14 points)
  • [06/12/2023] Added Selective C (28 points)
  • [06/12/2023] Sixth Sense C => B (7 points)
  • [06/12/2023] Upgraded abilities with new skills.
  • [06/12/2023] Added [Divine Light] ability.
  • [06/12/2023] Put the Points Earned section higher on the sheet to find it better.
  • [25/01/2024] Acquired:: 105 points, [Kind Healer] title from Shadows Amidst the Snowstorm 08/08/2023 – 12/12/2023
  • [02/02/2024] Acquired:: 33 points from Bishop's Back in Town 09/12/2023 – 04/01/2024
  • [24/02/2024] Fixed points spent saying 755 instead of 775.
  • [03/05/2024] Acquired:: 7 points and [Professor's Buddy Pass] from April 2024 Buddy Event!
  • [26/07/2024] Acquired:: 52 points and [Cursed Helper] title from Shadow Amidst the Snowstorm, Part Two 09/01/2024 – 11/04/2024
  • [26/08/2024] Acquired:: 27 points and [Ryke Adventurer E] title from Scaly Tails and Trails 29/03/2024 – 21/06/2024
  • [15/09/2024] Summon Creature D => B (112 points)
  • [15/09/2024] Added Inspire F (42 points)
  • [15/09/2024] Upgraded abilities with higher Summon Creature Skill, added Inspire F to some.
  • [15/09/2024] Added Language [Sylvan] (7 points)
  • [15/09/2024] Added Pocket Dimension C (56 points)
  • [15/09/2024] Added ability [Holy Back-pocket]
  • [19/10/2024] Revamped the whole sheet. Changed the order of things, removed skill descriptions, updated some skills, added abilities.
  • [19/10/2024] Reduced Energized B => F due to it now requiring Character Grade instead of intelligence. Removed 28 points from spent, added 28 points to unspent.
  • [19/10/2024] Renamed Asset [Connected] B [Syncretist Church] to Asset [Social Status – Religious Group] B – Bishop of the Syncretist Faith and added explanation on the region.
  • [19/10/2024] Paid the extra costs for post-system update Focus F (14 points).
  • [19/10/2024] Acquired:: 64 points from A Rowdy Construct 19/06/2024 – 24/08/2024
  • [19/10/2024] Redid point calculations yet again in an Excel sheet as they weren't adding up. Realised it should be 1.014 earned, 978 spent and 141 unspent.
  • [22/10/2024] Acquired:: 8 points and [Widersia Adventurer's Guild Member] F title from A Rowdy Construct: Conclusion 24/08/2024 – 01/09/2024
  • [28/11/2024] Acquired:: 40 points and [Hero of Erithis] title from An Empire of corruption and single-mindedness 04/09/2024 – 15/10/2024
  • [29/12/2024] Changed appearance to a more [Beast] looking one.
  • [10/01/2025] Downtime set to increase Mira F => E.
  • [18/02/2025] Acquired:: 75 points and [Fall Guy] title from Horny Rumours 24/10/2024 – 28/12/2024
  • [18/02/2025] Downtime increased Mira F => E during previous grading and is set to increase Mira E => D.
  • [23/02/2025] Audited by Cutiefly Cutiefly – He was one short on Elemental Affinities for the class. Added one.
  • [23/02/2025] Added Element [Water] Affinity F (7 points).
  • [05/03/2025] Fixed a typo saying it was 185 points spent instead of 985.
Last edited:
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois

General information:
Rp'er Name: Elvario
Post Frequency: Daily (at times), 2-3 days (preferable pace), 4-6 days (okay enough), 7 days (slowest I'm willing to go before loosing interest)
Current RP: Kept up to date on Discord.
Narrator Grade: S

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 1.135
Points Spent: 826 (105 + 721)
Points Unspent: 424

Equipped Titles:
Mandatory: Annoying Pursuer
Racial: Evolved, Lightfoot Halfling, Fae, Small, Halfling,
Society - Connection: Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator E, Hero of Norroburry, Hero of Evergate, Widersia Noble (parliament) F
Society – General: Underbelly Survivor, Bulvark's Touch, Doll, Perseverant, Clear to Disembark,
Job: Tool-based Apprentice (Interrogation),
Title quest related: [GIVE UP], [DRINK SALT WATER], [Huh, forgot about that], [good job. managed to annoy the spirit king too now. You're inability to let go gonna get someone killed, you know]

Character-related information:
Standing Grade: S
Character Grade: A
Power Grade: B
Racial Perks: Born For This, Evolved, Spirit Companion
Class Perks:
Downtime: Increase Widersia Noble (parliament) F => E
Languages: Sylvan, Common, Terran, Beastial, Abyssal, Analog
Height: 87 cm / 2' 8”
Weight: 15 kg / 33 lbs

Long-term Goals:
  • Become the world's best and most famous investigator.
    • Figure out the truth about titles.
  • Attempt to create and maintain the world's largest Pocket Dimension.
  • Live in an enormous and luxurious mansion, with lots of staff at her beck and call
Short-term Goals:
  • Try all different types and flavours of tobacco that exist in this world.
  • Figure out how friendship works.
  • Prove her speed and wits to others.
  • Revisit the Second Breakfast club with some friends.

  • Mandatory [Annoying Pursuer] - "Dearest Victorique, may this message find you grievously wounded. I have seen your determination and your relentless pursuit. I bestow upon you this title. May it serve as a constant reminder that not all quests lead to desired outcomes. There are mysteries in this world that are better left unsolved, pursuits that lead only to more despair. It is my sincere hope that you will turn your formidable intellect to more rewarding endeavours."

  • [Fae] Fae are creatures infused with magic and nature. They are the least numerous people in the world, but some of the longer lived.
  • [Small] These are creatures that are around 2 feet to 4 feet and 8lbs - 60lbs in weight. They can generally still function in a normal humanoid settlement, but may need a stool or a running jump. They still prefer the wilderness settings, homes, and dwellings tailored to their size. More vulnerable to the world than most, their dwellings are also a lot more secluded or hidden when possible.
    • Speed - D Grade or higher
    • Precision - D Grade or higher.
  • [Halfling] Fae title, Small title, Lucky F, Energised F - Halflings are small and energetic Fae preoccupied with peace, quiet, and living life to its fullest in their own simple manners.
  • [Lightfoot Halfling] C grade character, Fae title, Small title, Speed C, Fast D, Intelligence D, Heightened Sense E [Hearing/Sight], Lucky F, Energised C - Lightfoot Halflings are small fae preoccupied with exploring and travelling around the world. Their quick and alert nature has made them experts at spotting trouble and running from danger. [Racial Evolution RP.]

Society - Connection:
  • [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator] - character's inquisitive mind and assistance to the guild has made them ideal in handling situations of a more subtle and sometimes unclear nature. When it is unclear who or what needs dealt with, a guild investigator is sent in to ascertain the details before the muscle goes in to clean it up.
  • [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator E] - character has shown themselves capable in handling higher tier missions which involve riskier targets and areas. As an investigator, the character is called upon by the guild to occasionally go on site and/or to learn additional information about a quest so the guild can properly price it and assign it.
  • [Hero of Norroburry] - character's efforts on behalf of Norroburry are recognized. Villagers are now more likely to be hospitable and accommodating to character while in Norroburry area (village,lake,hills).
  • [Hero of Evergate] - Character helped protect the Northern village of Evergate in the Kingdom of Rotia from a monster attack and helped save many lives in the process. Character's deed will be remembered and character is more likely to be received positively by residents of Evergate.
  • [Widersia Noble (parliament) F] – Character has gained social standing with the noble faction of widersia. This includes their military and parliament among other factions associated with the governance and order of the country. limited access to talk to and/or be heard by higher members of the faction granted.

Society – General:
  • [Child] - due to size, human appearance and youthful face, character is often mistaken for a human child. More likely to get lollipops. Less likely to be treated like an adult or competent creature by strangers.
  • [Underbelly Survivor] - You've seen the worst of the worst, endured horrors others couldn't imagine, experienced things those wouldn't want to. You have knowledge of the biggest city in Ryke, bigger than Ryken. A despot of criminality. Those that use this title will have respect from others that are used to battle and business.
  • [Bulvark's Touch] - Due to your interaction with the First Tyrant, Ryke Bulvark, you emit an aura of dominance to any that you talk to. Whoever you interact with will feel like they are talking to a giant, to an intimidating figure. Echoes of Bulvark's twisted laugh can be heard by the character and those speaking to the character. Great for interactions.
  • [Doll] - Character was so cute and small, they were suspected of being an inanimate doll rather than a person. While the valley between perfection and close enough is hard to determine, the character will have an easier time being mistaken as a toy. Real toys will not be fooled by such an impersonation.
  • [GIVE UP] - …
  • [Perseverant] - Character has shown that even when faced with difficulty and adversity they are unwilling to give up on their objective. Depending on context character's perseverance can be seen as an inspiring and admirable virtue or stubbornness.
  • [Frequent Flier] - Character is permitted to participate in RP's in sky nation.
  • [Clear to Disembark] - Characters have gotten through a nations security. Less likely to be halted and questioned unnecessarily on future entries.
  • [Huh, forgot about that] - …
  • [good job. managed to annoy the spirit king too now. You're inability to let go gonna get someone killed, you know] - ...

Strength – A
(35 points)
Precision – A
(35 points)
Intelligence – A
(35 points)
Vitality – A
(35 points)
Speed – A
(35 points)

  • Fast B (35 points)
  • Jumping B (35 points)
  • Special Movement [Light-footed] F (7 points)
  • Special Movement [Wall-bouncing] F (7 points)
  • Special Movement [Wall-crawling] F (14 points)
  • Special Movement [Speedburst 5x] F (14 points)
  • Water Speed B (35 points)

  • Composed B (35 points)
  • Mind Shield B (35 points)
  • Postcognition B (70 points)
  • Precognition E (28 points)



  • Appraisal B (0 points, Free with character grade for non-natives)
  • Darkvision F (7 points)
  • Eidetic Memory (7 points)
  • Heightened Sense [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B (35 points)


  • Educated [Criminology] B (35 points)
    [Criminology] Victorique studied criminology during her previous life, learning all about how [investigation] when it came to crime scenes and [insight] when it came to criminals, as well as [law] regarding how to punish them. She used it to write crime novels in her previous life and has put it into practise by working as an investigator in her current life.
  • Energised B (28 points, 7 points discount from Born For This)
  • Language [Sylvan] (native speaker – 0 points)
  • Language [Common] (free on creation – 0 points)
  • Language [Terran] (7 points)
  • Language [Beastial] (7 points)
  • Language [Abyssal] (7 points)
  • Language [Analog] (7 points)
  • Lucky F (7 points)
  • Pocket Dimension D (42 points)

  • Acrobatics B (35 points)
  • Insight B (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Interrogation E (14 points)
  • Investigation B (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Law B (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Perception B (35 points)
  • Persuasion B (35 points)

  • Halfling Parkour - Fast B, Jump B, Special Movements [Light-footed, Wall-bouncing, Wall-crawling, Speedburst x5], Water Speed B, Acrobatics B, Energised B - Grade Be - 3 Post Cooldown

  • Mind Guard – Mind Shield B, Energised B – Character guards their mind against tampering. - Grade Be - 3 Post Cooldown
  • Recap Episode – Postcognition B, Mind Shield B, Energised B – Character looks into the past, whilst guarding their mind against tampering. - Grade Be - 3 Post Cooldown
  • Spoiler – Precognition E, Mind Shield B, Energised B – Character looks into the future, whilst guarding their mind against tampering. - Grade Be - 3 Post Cooldown



  • Information Overload – Appraisal B, Darkvision F, Eidetic Memory, Heightened Sense [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Perception B, Investigation B, Insight B, Energised B – Character takes in any information their senses pick up on and analyses them instantly. - Grade Be - 3 Post Cooldown


  • Shorty's Pocket – Pocket Dimension D, Energised D - Character opens up their Pocket Dimension. – Grade De – 1 Post Cooldown
  • Short on Luck – Lucky F, Energised F – Character gets lucky. - Grade Fe – 0 Post Cooldown

  • Take it Personal – Insight B, Perception B, Investigation B, Heightened Sense [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Energised B – Character does a thorough cold-reading of someone to further understand them and their possible motives. - Grade Be - 3 Post Cooldown
  • Ultimate Argument – Persuasion B, Law B, Eidetic Memory, Energised B, [Evolved] title. - Character formulates an ultimate argument to confront someone with. +1 Effectiveness against other Fae. - Grade Be - 3 Post Cooldown

  • Sturdy Dress [Light Armour] B (21 points, 7, 14)

  • Smoking Pipe
  • Tobacco
  • Small Tinderbox

Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:
  • [Memento] - This item of age and history will forever and always ensure the owner never forgets one specific thing. Can transcend scoops, lives, and mental tampering to ensure owner will never forget something incredibly important to them.
  • [Colourful Shroom] - A colourful hallucinogenic mushroom imbued with magic given as a gift of gratitude by a Mushroom Guardian. When consumed results in vivid hallucinations. Good for opening the mind or causing a bad trip.
  • [Ruined Title Scroll] - The scroll Victorique grabbed was found to be vandalized. The contents of the scroll smudged with ink and other contaminants seemingly impossible to have happen under normal circumstances. However, there was a single message scrawled clearly on the ruined parchment: … Come see me... and it was signed "The Spirit King".
    [Upgraded] - "The overseer remains. It has always remained, watching, waiting, on the first continent since our departure.”
  • [The Ring of Birb D]
    • Type of Item: Magic Item
    • Special Effects: A golden ring that allows the wearer to temporarily summon a single bird familiar, mundane, magical or artificial, from any nearby planes of existence, for up to one day.
    • Skills: Summon Creature D (up to D grade Bird), Bird Affinity D, Magic D, Spell Duration E (1 day)
    • Curse: Chance of getting stuck in the body for the duration of the spell.
    • Image:

Assets - Connection:
  • [Divees Crew Assistance – C] - With Arthur's Gang, The Divees Crew, disbanded they chose to become a fighting group that travels around doing mercenary work. They have an obligation to those that were friends with Arthur that needs help.
    Vido - C Grade - Leader of the Divees Crew until Arthur returns, has two greatswords he wields like double swords, fast and strong for a half-orc, he is rather smart and has a knack for tactical attacks.
    Lunes - C Grade - The Divees Crew Assassin/Thief, Lunes is a petite elf who is great in the art of deception and sneaking. She is said to be able to get through any lock and climb any surface, she is a great climber with deadly accuracy with her bow.
    Dirv - C Grade - A older crazy Ratkin alchemist whose profession is creating potions, poisons and explosions. It was said that he's died multiple times in very terrible ways, but each time, Dirv has randomly appeared back not long afterwards. He has small blades seeping with poisons on it, for his age he is rather agile.
    Others - There are about five regular gang members with the crew that are D grade.

Assets - Pet:
  • Asset: Spirit Companion (Ungraded) – [Wind] (0 points, free with Fae C-Grade Evolution)
    The companion serves the role of connecting the average fae to their faith in the spirit king and the elements. Ex: Worshippers of the flame Cardinal would get a flame spirit companion that occasionally chimes in with guidance or a message for character from the See faith.

Assets - Property:

Assets – Social Status:
  • [Widersia Noble (parliament) F] – Character has gained social standing with the noble faction of widersia. This includes their military and parliament among other factions associated with the governance and order of the country. limited access to talk to and/or be heard by higher members of the faction granted.

Susan Baker was born and raised in no particular circumstances whatsoever. She was an average law student with average grades, supported by an office working father and a part-time daycare working mother. The only thing that stood out about her was that nothing stood out about her. She blended perfectly into the background. The only reason for things to be that way, was that nobody knew she was the writer of a series of popular crime novels, published under the name pen-name Thomas Brooke.

A slip-up by her publisher allowed a few hackers to find her address, who sold it to the highest bidder. The highest bidder wasn't a fan of her work. In contrast, they assumed (not entirely incorrectly so) that she would've earned a fair bit of money from her books. They called around to some of their 'friends' and made plan on forcing her hand over a few million pounds to them.

The only issue was that they were expecting to find a man called Thomas Brooke, not a woman called Susan Baker. The most inexperienced in the group immediately figured they'd been set-up and didn't think twice about shooting Susan the moment she entered her own house. She died before she had even figured out was going on.

Current Life:
Death wasn't the end of her story, however, as she ended up meeting some odd figure that gave her a task of moving a world in stagnation. The same inquisitive mind that had gotten her into writing crime novels started spinning and turning, to the point that her questions came in rapid-fire. “Who or what are you? Why do you use people from other worlds for this task? What kind of stasis are we talking about? What kind of movement would you prefer?” The [god] only stared at her, before sending her off so she'd stop talking and without granting her a single answer.

She found herself a whole lot shorter than she was used to being, with nothing on her person other than the clothing she was wearing. After struggling a bit to adjust to moving around in her new proportions (and probably looking like a drunken idiot while at it), she wandered around whilst considering her situation. It didn't take long before an intense craving for smoking her pipe came in, which immediately made her realise her ability to pull it from its pocket dimension. Somehow, inhaling the tobacco smoke helped her think. Sadly enough though, all the thinking in the world didn't exactly help her figure out how to handle her new situation. For now, she'd best find some form of shelter or work that could pay for one, as she wasn't eager to sleep in some alley.

  • [06/01/2022] Created in old character thread.
  • Creation: Intelligence D (14 points)
  • Creation: Speed C (21 points)
  • Creation: Fast E (14 points)
  • Creation: Appraisal F (0 points)
  • Creation: Lucky F (7 points)
  • Creation: Pocket Dimension F (14 points)
  • Creation: Insight F (7 points)
  • Creation: Investigation E (14 points)
  • Creation: Perception E (14 points)
  • [12/02/2022] Acquired:: 45 points and [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator] title from The Rusting Blade of Ryken 31/12/2021 – 12/02/2022
  • [13/02/2022] Upgraded Speed C => A (14 points)
  • [13/02/2022] Upgraded Fast E => C (14 points)
  • [13/02/2022] Upgraded Pocket Dimension F => E (14 points)
  • [13/02/2022] Added [Pocket Vanish] ability.
  • [13/02/2022] Changed Appraisal and Quickness to incorporate new stats/skills.
  • [13/02/2022] Added a 'goals' section to the sheet.
  • [13/02/2022] Added 'points earned' and 'points unspent' sections to the sheet.
  • [24/04/2022] Acquired:: 81 points and [Hero of Norroburry] title from The Mysterious Disappearances at Norroburry Lake 13/02/2022 – 07/04/2022
  • [24/04/2022] Upgraded Precision F => E (7 points)
  • [24/04/2022] Added Acrobatics F (7 points)
  • [24/04/2022] Added Special Movement [Wall Bouncing] F (7 points)
  • [24/04/2022] Added Special Movement [Wall Running] F (7 points)
  • [24/04/2022] Upgraded Intelligence D => C (7 points)
  • [24/04/2022] Upgraded Insight F => D (14 points)
  • [24/04/2022] Upgraded Investigation E => D (7 points)
  • [24/04/2022] Upgraded Perception E => D (7 points)
  • [24/04/2022] Added Heightened Sense [Hearing] (7 points)
  • [24/04/2022] Added Heightened Sense [Sight] (7 points)
  • [24/04/2022] Added Sturdy Dress [Light Armour] F (7 points)
  • [24/04/2022] Added [Halfling Parkour] ability.
  • [24/04/2022] Added [Held-back Halfling Parkour] ability.
  • [24/04/2022] Upgraded [Quickness] ability.
  • [24/04/2022] Added [Weariness] ability.
  • [24/04/2022] Upgraded [Danger Instinct] ability.
  • [24/04/2022] Added [Danger Sense] ability.
  • [24/04/2022] Added [Ultimate Detective] ability.
  • [24/04/2022] Added the descriptions of titles gained at creation.
  • [24/04/2022] Added job titles (empath, investigator, scout).
  • [24/04/2022] Expanded descriptions to include requirements, skill type and updated descriptions.
  • [21/05/2022] Acquired:: 38 points and [Child] title from Clothes Make the Woman 11/04/2022 – 18/05/2022
  • [21/05/2022] Cleaned up skill list by shortening some descriptions and removing spoiler tabs per skill.
  • [21/05/2022] Cleaned up ability list by removing spells that could simply be downcast instead and replacing some with more specialised versions of what they were intended to be.
  • [21/05/2022] Changed Quickness to Quick Dodge.
  • [21/05/2022] Upgraded Intelligence C => A (14 points)
  • [21/05/2022] Upgraded Appraisal E => D (0 points)
  • [21/05/2022] Added Persuasion E (14 points)
  • [21/05/2022] Upgraded Fast C => Fast B (7 points)
  • [21/05/2022] Added [Ultimate Argument] ability.
  • [07/07/2022] Acquired:: 42 points from An Unexpected Demise 21/05/2022 – 05/06-2022
  • [07/07/2022] Spent 14 points on Sturdy Dress [Light Armour] F => B from Sophia Fletcher.
  • [07/07/2022] Added Precognition F (14 points).
  • [07/07/2022] Added Postcognition F (14 points).
  • [07/07/2022] Added Ultimate Future Detective Ability.
  • [07/07/2022] Added Ultimate Past Detective Ability.
  • [22/08/2022] Acquired:: 45 points from A plotted Demise 08/07/2022 – 21/08/2022
  • [22/08/2022] Combined Heightened Sense [Hearing] and [Sight] after learning they can come as a package deal and upgraded it to B grade with added [Smell], [Taste] and [Balance] (21 points).
  • [22/08/2022] Upgraded all abilities making use of [Heightened Sense].
  • [22/08/2022] Upgraded Pocket Dimension E => D and upgraded related ability (14 points).
  • [22/08/2022] Added feature [Darkvision] (7 points).
  • [28/09/2022] Acquired:: 20 points and [Memento] asset from Legacy of the Erased for winning the September Writing Contest 01/09/2022 – 21/09/2022
  • [27/10/2022] Acquired:: 14 points in World Betting
  • [30/10/2022] Upgraded Precision E => A (28 points)
  • [30/10/2022] Upgraded Appraisal D => C (0 points)
  • [30/10/2022] Exchanged Insight D and Investigation D (+42 points) for Educated [Criminology] D [Insight, Investigation, Law] (21 points).
  • [30/10/2022] Added Law D (Educated, 0 points).
  • [30/10/2022] Upgraded Persuasion E => D (7 points)
  • [30/10/2022] Upgraded Acrobatics F => D (14 points)
  • [30/10/2022] Upgraded Perception D => C (7 points)
  • [30/10/2022] Upgraded all abilities with new skills grades and added [Law] skill to [Ultimate Argument].
  • [30/10/2022] Added [Expert Sprinter] job title (Fast B).
  • [30/10/2022] Added [Adept Acrobat] job title (Acrobatics D).
  • [30/10/2022] Renamed Adept Empath job title to Adept Psychologist as Empath is its own skill. (Insight D).
  • [30/10/2022] Added [Adept Lawyer] job title (Law D).
  • [30/10/2022] Added [Adept Sophist] job title (Persuasion D).
  • [06/11/2022] Acquired:: 69 points, [Underbelly Survivor] title, [Bulvark's Touch] title and [Divees Crew Assistance – C] asset from Demise's Verdict 23/08/2022 – 30/10/2022
  • [06/11/2022] Checked all skills, titles and features for latest and previous updates.
    • Updated [Small] title with new requirements.
    • Updated [Fast] with ft per move.
    • Updated Heightened Senses description.
    • Updated Lucky description.
  • [06/11/2022] Added Energized B (35 points).
  • [06/11/2022] Updated all skills with Energized.
  • [06/11/2022] Added Mind Shield B (35 points).
  • [06/11/2022] Added [Steeled Mind] ability.
  • [15/11/2022] Copied sheet into the new character thread. Made a few style changes.
  • [15/12/2022] Acquired:: 55 points and [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator E] from Faster than the Fastest 30/10/2022 – 05/12/2022
  • [15/12/2022] Added and equipped racially evolved title [Lightfoot Halfling].
  • [15/12/2022] Added Water Speed B (35 points).
  • [15/12/2022] Included Water Speed B in relevant abilities.
  • [15/12/2022] Upgraded Precognition F => E (14 points).
  • [15/12/2022] Added Feature [Eidetic Memory] (7 points).
  • [15/12/2022] Changed appearance images.
  • [30/12/2022] Added Sylvan Language (native) and Common Language (free on creation).
  • [30/12/2022] Acquired:: 25 points and [Doll] title from Second Breakfast Club 06/12/2022 – 22/12/2022
  • [26/01/2023] Added Language [Terran] (7 points)
  • [26/01/2023] Added Language [Beastial] (7 points)
  • [26/01/2023] Added Language [Monster] (7 points)
  • [26/01/2023] Added Language [Analog] (7 points)
  • [29/01/2023] Acquired:: 42 points and [GIVE UP] title from The Foundation of Knowledge 22/12/2022 – 18/01/2023
  • [17/03/2023] Acquired:: 35 points and [DRINK SALT WATER] title from Salty Tissue Paper 26/01/2023 – 02/03/2023
  • [03/04/2023] Acquired:: 7 points from Wipeout Isekai Edition 08/03/2023 – 26/03/2023
  • [03/04/2023] Acquired:: 8 points from Isekai Hell February Event Grade.
  • [11/04/2023] Changed header and added source.
  • [12/05/2023] Acquired:: 49 points and mandatory title [Annoying Pursuer] from Under the Sea 05/03/2023 – 22/04/2023
  • [12/05/2023] Put the equipped titles in a new order based on Race, Society – Connections, Society – General and Job.
  • [12/05/2023] Added goal [figure out the truth about titles] as part of becoming the world's best and most famous investigator.
  • [03/09/2023] Added the on 29/08/2023 introduced racial perks [Born For This], [Evolved] and Asset [Spirit Companion - Wind].
  • [03/09/2023] Upgraded Strength F => A (35 points)
  • [03/09/2023] Upgraded Vitality F => A (35 points)
  • [03/09/2023] Appraisal C => A (Upgraded with character grade.)
  • [03/09/2023] Upgraded Educated D => B (14 points)
  • [03/09/2023] Upgraded Persuasion D => B (14 points)
  • [03/09/2023] Changed Job Titles and Abilities with increased skills.
  • [13/09/2023] Realised I never re-added the 7 point Born for This discount put on Energised (+7 to unspent, -7 from spent).
  • [13/10/2023] Acquired:: 105 points and [Perseverant] title from Red Snow 03/05/2023 - 16/09/2023
  • [05/02/2024] Acquired:: [Interrogation] E (14 points to earned and spent) from Thank you all for your participation in the Isekai Hell 2024 January Event!
  • [05/02/2024] Moved points earned and spent section to higher on the sheet for easier access.
  • [02/03/2024] Acquired:: 105 points and [Hero of Evergate] title, [Colorful Shroom] asset from The Redder Snow 19/09/2023 - 21/01/2024
  • [02/03/2024] Reduced Appraisal from A to B to fit the new Skill Mastery system.
  • [08/04/2024] Added Jump C (28 points)
  • [08/04/2024] Acrobatics D → B (14 points)
  • [08/04/2024] Perception C → B (7 points)
  • [08/04/2024] Updates abilities with new and improved skills.
  • [24/04/2024] Renamed 'Monster' language to Abyssal.
  • [29/05/2024] Acquired:: 48 points from The Little Airship That Could 27/01/2024 - 15/03/2024
  • [30/06/2024] Acquired:: 52 points and [Frequent Flier] title from The Little Airship That Could 2 17/03/2024 - 08/05/2024
  • [03/09/2024] Acquired:: 34 points and [Clear to Disembark] title from Carrel in the Clouds 13/05/2024 – 23/06/2024
  • [22/10/2024] Revamped the whole sheet. Changed the order of things, removed skill descriptions, updated some skills, added abilities.
  • [22/10/2024] Jumping C => B (7 points)
  • [22/10/2024] Added Special Movement [Light-Footed] F (7 points)
  • [22/10/2024] Upgraded Special Movement [Wall Running] to [Wall-crawling] (7 points).
  • [22/10/2024] Added Special Movement [Speedburst 5x] F (14 points)
  • [22/10/2024] Added Composed B (35 points)
  • [22/10/2024] Postcognition F => B (56 points)
  • [22/10/2024] Acquired:: 31 points and [You ever hear of a boy named Icarus] title from Carrel in the Clouds: Library Arc 02/07/2024 – 03/08/2024
  • [22/11/2024] Acquired:: 37 points, [Huh, forgot about that] title and [Ruined Title Scroll] asset from CITC Library Arc: Title Trials 10/08/2024 – 28/09/2024
  • [22/12/2024] Acquired:: [The Ring of Birb D] from The White Elephant of Hyroth [Christmas Event 2024]
  • [10/01/2025] Downtime set to increase Spirit Companion [Wind] F => E.
  • [09/02/2025] Acquired:: 100 points and [Widersia Noble (parliament) F] from Investigate Around And Find Out 29/09/2024 – 04/12/2024
  • [09/02/2025] Downtime to increase Spirit Companion [Wind] F => E turned out to be impossible. New Downtime set to increase Widersia Noble (parliament) F => E.
  • [05/03/2025] Added creation date.
  • [23/03/2025] ] Acquired:: 34 points and [good job. managed to annoy the spirit king too now. You're inability to let go gonna get someone killed, you know] title from Enigmatic Verdant Trial 10/12/2024 – 19/01/2025
Last edited:
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:

General information:
Rp'er Name: Elvario
Post Frequency: Daily (at times), 2-3 days (preferable pace), 4-6 days (okay enough), 7 days (slowest I'm willing to go before loosing interest)
Current RP: Kept up to date on Discord.
Narrator Grade: S

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 1.663
Points Spent: 1.313 (105 + 1.208)
Points Unspent: 455

Equipped Titles:
Mandatory: -
Racial: Evolved, Human, Aerial, Valkyrie
Society - Connection: Baroness of Caelia, Ryke Adventurer E, Hero of Yemaya, Ryke Merchant's Guild Member C, Redhook's Demise, Mictlantechulian Chosen, Gala'Kraoth Venturer F
Society – General: Prideful, Well-Meaning, Connected, Gregarious, Earnest, Tail Freak, Team Rocket, Peacekeeper, Hip Noble, Boundary Setter, Amiable, Tea Drinker, Degenerate, Janey Appleseed, Mold Maker, All King's Men
Skill-related: Baroness
Job: Tool-based Expert (Blacksmith, Culture, Religion, Business)

Character-related information:
Standing Grade: S
Character Grade: A
Power Grade: B
Racial Perks: Born For This, Evolved, C-Grade Asset ([Connected] Ryke Merchant's Guild)
Classes: Nomad (T1), Bureaucrat (T2), Diadem (T3)
Class Perks: Talented Friends, Friend of a Friend, Task Force
Downtime: Ryke Merchant's Guild Member C => B
Languages: Terran, Common, Sylvan, Beastial, Analog, Mictlantechulian
Height: 165 cm / 5' 4”
Weight: 51 kg / 132 lbs

Long-term Goals:
  • Turn Caelia Barony into something great.
    • Obtain Complex Asset Grade F on it.
    • Obtain Complex Asset Grade E on it.
    • Obtain Complex Asset Grade D on it.
    • Obtain Complex Asset Grade C on it.
    • Obtain Complex Asset Grade B on it.
    • Obtain Complex Asset Grade A on it. Turn it into its own County.
  • Establish a claim to nobility and/or a claim to royalty. – Nobility claim proven.
  • Prove her Royal descent. (Find out and prove the Queen is her Father.)
  • Normalise Tail-Petting.
Short-term Goals:
  • Help Aria deal with her family issues.
  • Stop mage Doriel from whatever he's up to in the magic Duchy.
  • Visit Widersia to learn more about her past.
  • Visit The Eastern Empire to get her wanted title removed. – Paid it off in points.
  • Try all sorts of different tail textures to rank their petting qualities.
  • Build Teuihua a 'child'.

  • Mandatory [East Empire Fugitive C] - Character has rubbed the nation in a wrong way and thus has a criminal status in the nation regardless of actual criminal titles acquired. Can be treated as a criminal while in East Empire. Paid off (28 points)..

  • [Human] Humans are normal humans and are the most dominant and numerous race in the world.
  • [Aerial] Human title, Precision C, Feature: Wings, Flight F, Secondary Skill.
    A human with wings capable of flight. It’s unknown if they are descended from avian people or demigods or if the wings are a spontaneous evolution.
  • [Evolved] - Gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.
  • [Valkyrie] Human title, Aerial title, Precision A, Flight C, Fighting Style D (Strength C).
    Valkyrie are humanoids highly adept at flying and aerial combat. Though they are often mistaken for angels, the Valkyrie are quite mortal, but very specialized as one might expect of a once ascended creature. [Racial Evolution RP.]

Society - Connection:
  • [Ryke Adventurer E] - Character is an adventurer of the Ryken Adventurer Guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. E grade means the character has shown promise for the life and is no longer required to participate in basic trainings or mundane odd jobs. While they still have a ways to go, they at least know the basics now.
  • [Ryke Merchant's Guild Member C]
  • [Order Initiate] - Character is a new recruit to Linneus’ Order. Member who still has to prove herself.
  • [Knight of the Order] - Character has been inducted into a lesser known order of knights that pledges itself to serving people in need above any worldly reward or loyalty.
  • [See Inquisitor] Character was unsuccessful in their mission, but failure is not the end. So long as one breathes, there is hope for redemption. Character may gain redemption by aiding the enemies of the See to find their own redemption through fire and sword. Character will not inherit criminal titles while 'punishing' enemies of the See. Inquisitors have +1 effectiveness in finding/discerning enemies of the See and in inflicting damage against them. With each successful 'cleansing', character's soul will feel lighter until redemption and enlightenment is obtained, and the perks therein.
  • [Hero of Yemaya] - Character's efforts on behalf of Yemaya are recognized. Villagers are now more likely to be hospitable and accommodating to character while in Yemaya.
  • [Baroness of Caelia] - Character is now the sworn Baroness of a Barony under Count Sadek in Ryke. Character is expected to enforce law and order, protect the Barony border, rally soldiers and supplies for her lord, collect taxes. Baroness's keep and soldier housing is currently badly damaged and will need repairs to return to a more normal state of operation and efficiency.
  • [Redhook's Demise] - Character partook in the subjugation of the infamous Redhook. Kirkwall will forever remember this deed.
  • [Mictlantechulian Chosen] - Character has been contacted by what appears to be a higher being and called to a greater purpose. More attuned characters may recognize something is different about the character that separates their fates from the average mortal.
  • [Caelia Shrine Ally] - Character has participated in the restoration of Caelia Shrine of Passage. Those with this title recognize one another and are treated favourably by those associated with the shrine. Any character with this title is looked upon with suspicion from the Ryke approved faiths.
  • [Gala'Kraoth Venturer F] - Character has visited and assisted with expedition to the isle of Gala'Kraoth. Grade of title denotes the majority and importance of their assistance, and is likely to grant them higher permission and respect when doing work relating to the island. Lower Grades are likely to at least be highly considered and accepted for work on the island due to experience, higher grades will be able to lead and have influence on construction and business relating to the island.

Society – General:
  • [Prideful] - Character has shown an awareness of self that would put them above other people and circumstances for better or for worse. Pride cometh before a fall, but it is only the prideful that strive for more, believing themselves worthy and capable. If their belief in self is true, who better to achieve the most?
  • [Well-Meaning] - Character has displayed several instances of attempting to help, so it is understood by many the character is at least trying to make circumstances better. However, their efforts struggle to achieve the best outcome.
  • [Branch Noble] - Character has discovered they are some form of noble but of a branch family. They will have a long climb to become respected as peerage, but it's a start. Their lineage is so distant that do not have any land holdings or assets associated with the title, but can at least rightfully claim their noble status.
  • [Mad Scientist] - Character has used an opportunity to experiment on a living subject. For better or worse, there was no practice run before hand. Character will have less qualms about doing things that may seem unethical or risky to others.
  • [Back Roomer] - Character is known to make deals behind closed doors with their trusted allies. Acquaintances will be less likely to trust deals made at face value.
  • [Connected] - character has a web of friends that are willing to support their endeavours. They will find it easier to gather support from those around them.
  • [Gregarious] - whether the character is among enemies or allies, they seem to know what to say or do that lets them thrive in the situation. A story or apt compliment, the character can make a good situation more fun or a bad situation more agreeable.
  • [Earnest] - This character has shown a willingness and drive to work hard for others.
  • [Tail Freak] - Character displays an unnatural attraction to tails. Creatures with tails will be intuitively concerned within character's presence. Those petted may have lingering feelings of being dirty and regret or receive the title Thoroughly Petted.
    Character allows themselves to be thoroughly petted. Any beastman that is made aware of this title will be unable to look the character in the eye, feeling an overwhelming sense of embarrassment on their behalf or will feel angry that a beastmen would allow someone to treat them like a common animal. Character is banned from membership in any beastman factions while title is maintained. Exception are beastmen factions that believe in non-beastman superiority.
  • [Team Rocket] - Character has survived an explosion that has sent them quite some distance.
  • [Cult Leader] - Character is seen as sponsoring and promoting beliefs not acknowledged by wider society as being legitimate faith.
  • [Peacekeeper] - Character tends to seek peaceful solutions to potentially dangerous conflicts.
  • [Hip Noble] - Character regularly brushes aside formalities of station to be more casual. Gives the character a more approachable vibe. Other characters of sufficient standing may be put off by the casualness of the character at times.
  • [Boundary Setter] - Character sets boundaries with other characters because there's only so much intimacy one can take.
  • [Amiable] - Character has a knack for making other people feel more at ease. People character interacts with may feel less guarded in social interactions than usual.
  • [Tea Drinker] - Character was in an rp where nothing happened.
  • [Degenerate] - Character has been frequently seen indulging in baser pleasures. May earn social points with others of 'culture'.
  • [Janey Appleseed] - Character had a close encounter of the red delicious kind.
  • [Mold Maker] - Character set the mold by which others may be measured. Has superiority to those not using the same character skeleton. Only contested by the [Mold Breaker].
  • [All King's Men] - Some folks just can't put Humpty back together again.

Strength – A
(35 points)
Precision – A
(35 points)
Intelligence – A
(35 points)
Vitality – A
(35 points)
Speed – A
(35 points)

  • Fast F (7 points)
  • Flight D (63 points)

  • Mind Shield B (35 points)

  • Fighting Style [Valkyrie] Polearm D (21 points)
    [Valkyrie] – A style focussed on aerial combat.
    [Polearm] – Pole weapons such as spears, glaives, halberds, tridents and lances.
    • [Range] F – (First grade free with Fighting Style F)
    • [Reflect] F - 7 points (7 point discount with Fighting Style E) | Action: 1
    • [Penetrating] F - (First grade free with Fighting Style D)

  • Magic B (35 points)
    • Magic Augmenter: Area of Effect C (28 points)
    • Magic Augmenter: Selective C (28 points)

  • Appraisal B
  • Aesthetic Features:
    • Wings

  • -

  • [Asset] – Social Status [Merchant's Guild] C (0 points, free with Human C-Grade Evolution)
  • [Asset] – Social Status [Ryke Church Federation] B (35 points)
  • Educated [Royalty] B (35 points)
    [Royalty] Regula was born and raised as a royal princess in her previous life, teaching her about all the types of proper [Etiquette] and [Culture] to become a proper lady, as well as teaching her to show [Leadership] towards her subjects.
  • Energised B (35 points)
  • Language [Terran] - (0 points, native speaker)
  • Language [Common] – (0 points, free on creation)
  • Language [Sylvan] – (7 points)
  • Language [Beastial] – (7 points)
  • Language [Analog] – (7 points)
  • Language [Mictlantechulian] – (7 points)
    [Mictlantechulian] An ancient language. Logographic when written.
  • Minions [Tailed Administrative Taskforce] F (Talented Friends & Task Force, 0 points)
    Regula's Tailed Administrative Fox Task Force. A group of five human-supremacist leaning fox-like [Beast] characters that decided to sell their services to the infamous [Tail Freak]. Uses the [Talented Friends] and [Task Force] perks.

    Intelligence B (0 points, Task Force)
    Business C (0 points, Task Force)
    Law C (28 points)
    Area Knowledge [Sadek County - Caelia Barony] E (14 points)
    Persuasion E (14 points)
    Leadership F (0 points, Talented Friends Bureaucrat upgrade)
    Etiquette F (0 points, Talented Friends Diadem upgrade)


    “The Leader” of the administrative taskforce. The one likely to act the most mature and to be thorough in his plotting. Tends to focus more on the long-term goals and plans.


    “The Improviser” within the taskforce. She's a bit more 'on the go' when it comes to plotting compared to the first in command. She tends to focus more on short-term planning whilst the leader handles the long-term.

    Kuma Lisa


    From: Moonberry's AI magic
    “The Auditor” within the taskforce. She's the one that's most likely to continuously visit businesses and projects in person and to look around to review the various aspects to see if they can be improved upon.


    “The Historian” within the taskforce. He's the one that's most likely to dig through archives and libraries, doing historical research into business models and past performances to predict future developments.

    Silvia Tebrick

    “The Enforcer” within the taskforce. She's the one most likely to call upon the Regulators for aid and come in and crack down upon any mishandling she can find.
  • Minions [The Regulators] D (42 points)
    From: https://www.deviantart.com/jeffchendesigns/art/Medieval-Knight-575891858
    A group of soldiers working under Regula's direct command in order to protect her various interests regarding her business endeavours and the governing of her barony.
    Strength – C (21 points)
    Vitality – C (21 points)
    Fighting Style [Sword] – E (14 points)
    Deflect F + Penetrating F
    Ability [Slash] F: Deflect F + Penetrating F - (Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown).
    Sword D (0 points, free from Regula's Blacksmith)
    Heavy Armour D (0 points, free from Regula's Blacksmith)
  • Pocket Dimension B (70 points)
  • Wealth B (105 points)

  • Artisan [Blacksmith] B (35 points)
  • Business B (35 points)
  • Culture B (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Enchanting B (35 points)
  • Etiquette B (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Focus B (105 points)
  • Insight B (35 points)
  • Leadership B (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Persuasion B (28 points, 7 points discount from Born For This)
  • Religion B (35 points)
  • Seduction B (35 points)

  • Sprint – Fast F, Energised F. - Character takes a short sprint. – Grade Fe – 0 Post Cooldown
  • Fly – Flight D, Energised D. - Character takes flight. – Grade De – 1 Post Cooldown

  • Mental Guard – Mind Shield B, Focus B, Energised B. - Character keeps their mental guard up. – Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown

  • Valkyrie Strike – Fighting Style [Valkyrie] Polearm D, Flight D, Range F, Reflect F, Penetrating F, Energised D. - Character strikes at an enemy, Valkyrie style. - Grade De – 1 Post Cooldown

  • Basic Blast – Magic B, Area of Effect C, Selective C, Energised B. - Blasts an area with basic magic power. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown

  • Know it All – Appraisal B, Area of Effect C, Selective C, Energised B, Insight B. - Character scans everyone and everything in their surroundings. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.


  • Take it All – Pocket Dimension B, Magic B, Magic Area of Effect C, Energised B – Character Pockets everything around them into their Pocket Dimension. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

  • Baroness' Word B – Leadership B, [Evolved] title, Character Grade B, Appraisal B, [Baroness of Caelia] title, Culture B, Etiquette B, Insight B,, Persuasion B, Religion B, Energised B – Character uses their position and social skills to make a convincing argument. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.
  • Baroness' Charm B – Seduction B, [Evolved] title, Character Grade B, Appraisal B, [Baroness of Caelia] title, Persuasion B, Energised B – Character uses their position and charm to make an appealing offer. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

  • Greaves [Heavy Armour] B (Blacksmith - 0 points)
  • Spear B (Blacksmith – 0 points)
  • Catalyst C (4 points, marketplace deal)
  • [Spare weapons and armour] kept in [Pocket Dimension].
    Sword B x4, Heavy Armour B x2, Shield B x2, Spear B x2, Dagger B x4, Axe B and Lance B.

Enchanted Items:
  • Hextech Gun B (Blacksmith/Enchanting - 35 points)
    • Core 1: Magic B
    • Core 2: Energised B
    • Core 3: Magic Range C | Undetected Hearing F (7 points)
    • Core 4: Magic Targets C | Penetrating F
    • Core 5: Homing D | Accurate F | Indirect F
    • Hextech Gunfire B – Magic B, Energised B, Magic Range C, Undetected [Hearing F], Magic Targets C, Penetrating F, Homing D, Accurate F, Indirect F – Character fires their Hextech Gun- Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.
  • Guardian Cloak B (Blacksmith/Enchanting - 35 points)
    • Core 1: Magic B
    • Core 2: Healing B
    • Core 3: Energised B
    • Core 4: Area of Effect D | Control Environment E
    • Core 5: Selective D | Spell Duration E
    • Safe Zone B – Magic B, Healing B, Energised B, Area of Effect D, Control Environment E, Selective Magic D, Spell Duration E - Character creates a safe zone with their cloak. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.
  • Boots of Swiftness B (Blacksmith/Enchanting - 35 points)
    • Core 1: Fast B
    • Core 2: Jumping B
    • Core 3: Water Speed B
    • Core 4: Supersense [Tremorsense] B
    • Core 5: Special Movements F: Wall Running | Wall Bounding | Ceiling Bouncing | Uneven Terrain Running | Ledge Running
    • Power of Hermes B – Fast B, Jumping B, Water Speed B, Supersense [Tremorsense] B, Special Movements F: Wall Running | Wall Bounding | Ceiling Bouncing | Uneven Terrain Running | Ledge Running – Character goals on an all-out parkour spree and senses movement. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown
  • Faeblade B (Blacksmith/Enchanting - 0 points, World's Event Reward)
    Regula's dagger got mithrilled and made ready for enchantments. The See represent many things. Keeping with theme, their operatives must be capable of and represent many things as well. The mithril of the dagger has a emerald shade of green to it and the handle of the dagger is wrapped in shavings of one of the living life trees within the Fae nation.
    • Core 1: Magic B
    • Core 2: Penetrating B
    • Core 3: Blight [Faewild Mana] B
      [Faewild Mana] the raw, intrusive and invasive mana of the Faewild flows through this dagger and will hurt whomever is hit by it upon exposure.
    • Core 4: Accurate E | Blind Fighter F | Contagion F | Vorpal F (7 points)
    • Core 5: Continuing B
    • Faewild's Wrath B – Magic B, Penetrating B, Blight [Faewild Mana] B, Accurate E, Blind Fighter F, Contagion F, Vorpal F, Continuing B. - Attacking with the Fae's wrath. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.

  • A bag filled with various types of bullets. (On her right in the full appearance image.)
  • A tool-belt, with the basic tools needed to keep her gun going attached to it.
  • Pocket Dimension [Supplies] - Food, water, rations, rope, torches, first aid kits, basic tools like shovels, hammers, pick-axes, axes, firewood, kindling, etc. kept in her Pocket Dimension.

Special Items:
  • [Green Crystal Fragment] – A small, pebble sized fragment that gives off a greenish hue. When used in an ability that involves Magic E or greater, the ability will randomly spawn a [Dream Apple] (Incredibly tasty and sweet interdimensional/time-travelling apples that induce pleasant dreams of giant apple trees after having been consumed) somewhere within its affected area.

Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:
  • Sneaky Sash of Stealth D
    Type of Item: Magic Item
    Special Effect: A bright pink cotton sash that grants the user the ability to moved in a stealth manner and conceal their presence from the senses (sight, hearing) for a day.
    • Magic D
    • Undetected E [Sight, Hearing]
    • Skill Loan E
    • Stealth E
    • Spell Duration E [1 Day]
    Curse: while using the sash's ability, the wearer releases a constant, overpowering, sickly sweet aroma similar to cotton candy.
  • Novelty Sketch Board
    Type of Item: Magic Item
    Special Effect: An autumn-themed, handheld, sketch board and mechanical pencil. Despite the gimmicky appearance, it is expertly crafted and magically infused. When the wielder sketches anything onto the provided paper, an illusory copy will manifest nearby. The illusion will remain until the sketch is erased from the paper. A sticker on the back of the board claims it is produced by the Eventra Entertainment Company.
    • • The product comes with [Illusion E] included.
  • Elixir of the Verdant Patron

    Brewed by a reclusive order of druidic alchemists, the Elixir of the Verdant Patron is said to capture the essence of the leprechaun's magic, distilled from the rarest clovers found only in enchanted groves. It is a coveted treasure, sought after by adventurers for the edge it provides and the sense of unity it fosters among comrades.
    Uses: Elixir may be drank once to gain one of the following benefits for a non Worlds type rp scene:
    • 1. Aura of Celebration - gain a narrative boost in being memorable and well received in a social gatherings
    • 2. Bond of Fellowship - gain a narrative boost in boosting ally morale
    • 3. Luck - gain a narrative boost in taking on a non combat challenge
  • [Partial Scoop Asset] - May be cashed in at anytime for the partial scoop and replacement of her cannon weapon for a more optimized gun. To use, make a mod request on discord.
  • [Letter of Heart] - Write a letter on a special paper. Paper will go to any one character or npc Regula has met before. Once the letter is delivered and read, the receiver may write a reply. Otherwise, the letter returns to Regula. Letter of Heart travels near instant and can travel through anything including planes of existence.
  • Bracelet of Endurance

    Consumable Effect: Uses Healing F + Regen F to restore the character's body to a whole state and to give back 1 missing health point. Include closing gaping wounds, missing limbs, and general organ destruction. Shatters when character takes such damage and embeds itself in the character to deliver the healing. Item is lost after use.

Assets – Complex Caelia Barony Asset:
  • Caelia Barony Civil Safety F - The barony is bigger than a traditional Barony making its governance and security difficult. While there are a few power houses in the Barony, they can't be everywhere at once which leaves gaps and opportunities for bad things to happen.

Assets - Connection:
  • [Supplyiere - Sentient Supply Transport]
    Pierre's loyalty towards assisting with material transporting to Rossle's forge, or other heavy items to transport upon Regula's bidding.
  • [See Commission]
    Whenever character is in doubt and not acting against See interests, character may obtain guidance from the See pantheon. (Narrator discretion advised).
  • Asset Connected [Ryke Church Federation] B (from Miscellaneous Skill).
  • Asset Connected [Ryke Merchant's Guild Member] C (from [Evolved] Racial Perk).

Assets - Pet:
  • -

Assets - Property:
  • [Starting Asset]
    A two-room 'house' in the outskirts of town, which she shared with her mother.
  • Asset B [Healthy Barony] (35 points)
    After obtaining a troubled Barony in the Sadek (former Sol) County in The Postlude, this asset is bought to stabilize it and spruce it back up to a healthy, functional Barony.
    • Loyal mayors and leadership over the villages and towns of the Barony that see to the day to day and carry out the will of the baroness.
    • Defence - your walls and defence will be workable. Not the best, but not destroyed or crumbling. Men at arms to use them and defend them as well. Mostly locals trained to be soldiers with some being militia or mercenary forces to supplement, but not much.
    • Money - your fields produce healthy crops, you have skilled artisans like smiths, carpenters and weavers in the domain. You are connected to trade routes that are safe enough for the times and functioning markets to sell Barony production and bring in outside goods.
    • Religious groups sanctioned by Ryke can operate in the area with some degree of security and fellowship.
    • Minimum education is available so nobles can lead, crafters can craft and everyone can understand and know the decrees coming down from the baroness.
    • You have functional roads or routes between settlements in the Barony. Storage places for siege or hard times or general asset management, clean water sources.
    • Enough funds for the occasional festival or local tradition. Local Guilds like merchant, crafters, or adventurers. At least 1 inn or tavern in most settlements.
    • At least one healthy natural resource like your planting fields. Others may need extra work if that Barony wants to expand.
    • Law and order needs to be good enough folk to acknowledge and uphold the decrees of local or baron rules and laws.
    • Healers of some form are present in the Barony. Generally at least one per major village or town.
    • Means of negotiation trades and treaties with neighbours.
  • Asset B [Shrine of Passage] (28 points + upgrade in Downtime)
    A sizable ancient Mictlantechulian shrine dedicated to the Mictlantechulian god of passage.
  • Asset F [Regula's Forge] (7 points)
    A forge Regula had build for private use in one of the renovated rooms within Stonewall's Keep.

Assets – Social Status:
  • -

She was born just in time to witness the collapse of the Burgundian Kingdom, although she was barely old enough to make sense of it at the time. What she did get to witness from a young age, was the intricate and complicated political scene within the Holy Roman Empire, as her family was nobility in the newly formed County of Savoy that lay within it. The many marriages, reforms, treaties and trade agreements between all the counties, princedoms, dukedoms and states that tried to stick together as a single 'Holy Roman Empire' was the standard topic of conversation at the dining table, or anywhere else in the house, for that matter.

Her education was exclusively catered towards one goal; making her the ideal marriage candidate for one of the many rulers within the Holy Roman Empire. The long days of studying etiquette and pretending to be the perfect lady were tiresome, but she pulled through somehow. Her main issue was with what she wasn't allowed to study. She cared more about the governmental aspects of being part of the ruling class than a woman should, so she was often reprimanded for sticking her nose where it didn't belong. With effort, she managed to pass it off as a mere 'interest' and kept her desires to be the one in power hidden.

This desire was growing ever so slightly any time she spotted faulty decisions being made by the men in power all through-out the Holy Roman Empire. She knew she'd be able to make the County of Savoy a better place than its current incompetent ruler ever could, or even fix some of the other places within the empire, as she had no particular loyalty to her own birthplace, but she'd never get a shot at it. She was a woman, after all, who's only goal was to give an heir to whomever she'd be married off to.

The destined fate of becoming nothing more than the 'mother of an heir' was her worst nightmare. It kept her awake at night and forced her into crafting her master-plan. She had her eyes set on a princedom to the north of the County of Savoy. The ruling prince was old enough to kick the bucket at any time, so if she'd manage to get married to his weak-willed son, there was a high chance she'd be there when he would take over the princedom's leadership. His easily influenced personality would make it easy for her to manipulate him, which would finally make her dream of being the one in charge come to fruition, even if it'd be from behind the scenes.

The first part of her plan succeeded, as she was married off to the prince's son at the age of sixteen. Whilst her marriage wasn't a happy one, as she didn't love the man in the slightest, she reached the position of power she had aimed for. Or so she thought. The second part of her plan, that of manipulating events from behind the shadow of her husband, was immediately foiled. It turned out another woman had already gained a firm grasp on the young ruler; the prince's mother had long been the shadow-ruler. She had even spent her time manipulating her husband before his passing. As such, she wasn't going to step aside and let some other woman get a hold of her son.

The two women clashed multiple times, but the already existing network of her mother-in-law turned out to be far too powerful to deal with. Eventually, she felt cornered; forced to be nothing more than meaningless decoration, other than her task of birthing an heir. The latter wasn't going well either. Try as she and her husband might, three entire years went by without a sign of success. She was fairly certain the prince's seed was as weak as his will, but she was the one that got blamed by society. It was likely a scheme of her mother-in-law. It was successful one at that, as she eventually got divorced on the grounds of being infertile. Her last hope of getting in power by outliving her mother-in-law and taking control after the woman's death faded away before her eyes.

Despite being only nineteen years old, she was forced to live out the rest of her life in a cottage in the mountains, with the intend of having her entire existence be forgotten by history. It was a destiny she wasn't willing to follow, so she took her fate in her own hands in the only way she could think off; by ending it all.

She was rather shocked to find out there was such a thing as a [god] in the world. She'd always thought that the 'Holy' part in the Empire's name to be equally meaningless as the 'Roman' one and merely faked piety for the sake of appearances. Rather than being sent to burn in hellfire, however, she was offered a new opportunity. Living as she pleased? She grimaced. Perhaps she'd manage to do so this time around. She sure as hell hadn't given up on her goals yet. She'd rule her own kingdom and if that meant going to another world and bringing that entire world in motion in order to achieve it, so be it.

Current Life:
When she opened up her eyes, she was surprised to find herself younger than she used to be. Was she sixteen again? She wasn't sure. Perhaps she was even younger. Slowly and steadily, information about her new life started to come to her, as if the memories of her past life and her 'current' life were merging. She learned her new name, Regula. She didn't have a surname, as her father was unknown and an administrative law made it so she couldn't adopt her mother's surname. She soon learned that she was living in far worse conditions than she'd ever experienced before. She also learned why her father was unknown, as her mother was a prostitute and she was the outcome of a job gone 'wrong'. The latter was rather odd, as the establishment her mother worked for had very strict countermeasures, but it wasn't something she could recall looking into.

Finally, she learned that her daily life existed of being homeschooled and working for a nearby baker to deliver the bread in the early morning. It was hard work for little money, but it helped her and her mother get by. However, getting by wasn't what she wanted. She wanted to rule a kingdom. Even so, she knew she would have to take it slow. After all, a sudden change of behaviour would likely make things difficult for her in the long run. Instead, she started plotting out ways in which to achieve her goals, deciding to bide her time for as long as necessary.

There were multiple things she was going need. Supporters, wealth and a claim to nobility were among the most essential ones. It would be a pretty tough task to go from being a whore's daughter to becoming a queen, but she was determined not to fail a second time, regardless of how the odds were stacked against her all even heavier. She even figured she'd attempt a different route. She once read some stories during her lifetime of heroes becoming king, so why couldn't a a heroine become queen? If she'd manage to become someone strong enough, she'd have the means to gain supporters and wealth. All she'd need was a claim to nobility. The latter was why she eventually asked her mother about her potential father and attempted to press her for an answer. Her mother was tight-lipped and didn't reveal a thing.

Only a month after being reborn, she quit her job at the baker and started a new job working for a blacksmith. It was ridiculed by most of the people in her surroundings, but she didn't care. If she wanted power, she'd need a job that'd make her more powerful, which working a forge was far more likely to do than delivering bread. She didn't succeed. Whilst she had a fair bit of talent, she wasn't garnering the kind of strength she hoped she would. To make matters worse, she was given all sorts of menial, mind-numbing tasks that bored the life out of her and was heavily underpaid for it on top of it. It was clear she wasn't taken serious by anyone she tried working for.

Frustrated beyond belief, she eventually gathered up the courage to ask the most famous blacksmith in town to take her on as his apprentice; Rossle Deva himself. He accepted. With that, hope had been found once more. Whilst his lessons weren't easy, she managed to keep up. The amount of times he criticized her work into the ground and nearly destroyed any confidence she might have gained were countless, but he always gave the feedback needed to crawl back up and do better next time. Furthermore, she even got to work on some of her own projects while at it. She managed to experiment with magic in the rare hours during which she had some time to herself. Whilst she had a bit of talent for it, but couldn't quite figure out how to get the most usage out of it. At best, she could pull off some gimmicky tricks.

To expand on the latter, she decided to craft a weapon for herself, one that was unique and meant to be used by her alone. After many failures, she eventually created the first working weapon, which she baptised a 'combustion gun' upon its first successful shot. She's been working to improve it and its ammunition ever since. To that extend, she was found near the forge to test out some new idea she'd gained after her field-tests often enough that even Rossle's bear dog stopped minding her constant coming and going.

With her work at the forge, she'd made some money and a weapon. With her magic training and field-testing, she'd used those to gain some power. Both things gave her confidence, but it wasn't enough. It's why, after three years, the same amount of time she'd been married in her previous life, she confronted her mother again. After all, she felt like there was more to the story. She couldn't just be put into this world without any chance at obtaining her goals, there had to be more to why she was who she was. This time around, her mother finally gave her an honest answer.

She'd been born after her mother had worked as a courtesan in the royal palace, for none other than the oldest prince himself. The prince had liked her enough to keep her in the palace for almost half a year, during which her mother hadn't been able to access any of the usual preventative measures. She hadn't been brave enough to mention this issue to the prince either, which resulted in the unwarranted pregnancy. The latter got swept under the rug in record time, with her mother being thrown out and any traces of her extended stay in the palace being wiped away from the records and paid out off the minds of the few who might've seen her there.

It was difficult for Regula not to smile upon hearing the story. She was of royal blood. Now, she just needed to prove it and to use this fact to her advantage in a claim for the throne. If she could win over the favour of the public, she could even cause a revolution to put her on the throne. There were so many options that it was almost difficult to chose one. However, there was one thing that she'd need in any scenario; supporters. She needed people to back her in her quest for the throne, both some strong people to have in her inner circle and a large enough following among the commoners. She'd seen enough coupes fail in her previous life by fools who plotted it without firm enough support from either the public or those close to them. She didn't like to see her neck on the guillotine next.

It's why she decided that a good first step into becoming a queen was her earlier idea of becoming a heroine, which she could work on whilst keeping her eyes on for additional proof of her identity and whilst gathering more allies and resources. She'd need anything she could get for her ambitious plans, after all. Whilst goal was every so clear, the path towards it would be a long and treacherous one. Even so, she was determined to walk it. She just needed to chose a direction.

  • [16-01-2022] Created in the old character thread.
  • Creation: Precision B (28 points)
  • Creation: Intelligence D (14 points)
  • Creation: Vitality E (7 points)
  • Creation: Appraisal (0 points)
  • Creation: Magic Affinity E (14 points)
  • Creation: Combustion Affinity E (14 points)
  • Creation: Artisan [Blacksmith] C (28 points)
  • Creation: Combustion Gun C (Blacksmith - 0 points)
  • Creation: Dagger F (Blacksmith - 0 points)
  • Creation: Greaves E (Blacksmith - 0 points)
  • [13/02/2022] Acquired:: 7 points from upgrading Rachael's armour from F to C grade.
  • [10/03/2022] Acquired:: 34 points and [Prideful] title from Here Be Dragons 23/01/2022 – 06/03-2022
  • [10/03/2022] Added Artisan [Artificer] C skill to the sheet. (28 points)
  • [10/03/2022] Added [catalyst] properties to Combustion Gun, Dagger, Greaves. (Artificer – 0 points)
  • [10/03/2022] Added [Metal-threaded cloak] heavy armour E. (Blacksmith/Artificer – 0 points)
  • [10/03/2022] Upgraded Vitality E => D (7 points)
  • [10/03/2022] Added [Backfire Defence] ability.
  • [10/03/2022] Reworded abilities to more directly correspond with the equipment they're associated with.
  • [10/03/2022] Added a 'goals' section to the sheet.
  • [10/03/2022] Added a 'points unspent' section to the sheet.
  • [10/03/2022] Added skill descriptions of previously bought skills.
  • [13/02/2022] Acquired:: 7 points from forging Aria a D grade sword.
  • [26/03/2022] Acquired:: 5 points from Meeting For a Sword 20/03/2022 – 26/03/2022
  • [26/03/2022] Upgraded Vitality D => B (14 points)
  • [26/03/2022] Upgraded Greaves & Metal-threaded cloak E => C (Blacksmith/Artificer – 0 points)
  • [26/03/2022] Upgraded Appraisal E => D due to higher character grade.
  • [04/05/2022] Acquired:: 38 points and [Ryken Adventurer E] title from The Birds and The Horned Rabbits 28/03/2022 – 04/05/2022
  • [04/05/2022] Scooped Intelligence D, Magic Affinity E, Combustion Affinity E, Artisan [Artificer] C, to exchange it for fitting into the new Artisan [Enchanter] build instead. Removed related abilities and mentions in equipment. (+70 points)
  • [04/05/2022] Precision B => A (7 points)
  • [04/05/2022] Vitality B => A (7 points)
  • [04/05/2022] Added Artisan Enchanter B (35 points)
  • [04/05/2022] Blacksmith C => B (7 points)
  • [04/05/2022] Added Enchanted Mithril Combustion Gun B (35 points, blacksmith/enchanter).
  • [04/05/2022] Upgraded Heavy Armour Greaves C => B (Blacksmith - 0 points)
  • [04/05/2022] Strength F => C (21 points)
  • [04/05/2022] Upgraded Dagger F => D (Blacksmith – 0 points)
  • [04/05/2022] Added the descriptions of titles gained at creation.
  • [04/05/2022] Added job titles (Expert Blacksmith).
  • [04/05/2022] Expanded descriptions to include requirements, skill type and updated descriptions.
  • [04/05/2022] Acquired:: 1 point and [Supplyiere - Sentient Supply Transport] asset from upgrading Pierre's armour from E to C grade.
  • [23/05/2022] Added [Muffle] ability.
  • [29/05/2022] Acquired:: 23 points and [Well-Meaning] title from Testimony of Truth 05/05/2022 – 27/05/2022
  • [29/05/2022] Added the goal: [Stop mage Doriel from whatever he's up to in the magic Duchy.]
  • [29/05/2022] Acquired:: 2 points from A Purchase From the Would Be Queen 27/05/2022 – 28/05/2022
  • [30/06/2022] Acquired:: 10 points from A Bath After The Storm 29/05/2022 – 05/07/2022
  • [09/07/2022] Fixed some issues with [Enchanted Mithril Combustion Gun] by reducing B Range and B Targets to C to fit the appropriate maximum for magic affinity and instead added Area of Effect F and Weaken [Vitality] F. Altered relating abilities accordingly.
  • [09/07/2022] Upgraded metal-threaded cloak to Enchanted mithril-threaded cloak (35 points, blacksmith/enchanter). Added related ability.
  • [09/07/2022] Added 'Branch Noble' title from Testimonty of Truth.
  • [26/07/2022] Acquired:: 60 points from The Queen, The Tank, The Sword and their Weapon Transport 04/06/2022 – 14/07/2022
  • [27/07/2022] Upgraded Strength C => A (14 points)
  • [27/07/2022] Upgraded Appraisal D => C (Character Grade)
  • [27/07/2022] Added Enchanted mithril boots B (35 points)
  • [27/07/2022] Upgraded Dagger D => B (Blacksmith – 0 points)
  • [09/08/2022] Acquired:: 7 points from the Summer Writing Competition.
  • [16/08/2022] Acquired:: 29 points and [Order Initiate] title from A Fated Meeting 15/07/2022 - 12/08/2022
  • [16/08/2022] Acquired:: 3 points a for upgrading Aya's katana E => D
  • [05/09/2022] Acquired:: 12 points from Royal Dress-Up 13/08/2022 – 23/08/2022
  • [05/09/2022] Acquired:: 7 points from Aria meets her Father 24/08/2022 – 01/09/2022
  • [05/09/2022] Added [Focus] D (21 points)
  • [05/09/2022] Upgraded Intelligence F => D (14 points)
  • [05/09/2022] Added [Pocket Dimension] E (28 points)
  • [05/09/2022] Upgraded Speed F => E (7 points)
  • [05/09/2022] Added goal: [help Aria deal with her family issues.]
  • [19/10/2022] Acquired:: 21 points from Mother's Day 01/09/2022 – 06/10/2022
  • [03/11/2022] Acquired:: 52 points, [See Inquisitor] title, [Easter Empire Fugitive C] title, [See Commission] asset and [Dagger B Mithrilled] item from Actor of War: Progenitor of the Hive (World RP) 02/10/2022 – 27/10/2022
  • [15/11/2022] Copied sheet into the new character thread. Edited skills to new descriptions/rules from past update(s). Upgraded all buffed magic modifiers for the enchanted items.
  • [02/12/2022] Acquired:: 60 points and [Knight of the Order] title from An Interlude Pt. 1 04/10/2022 – 01/12/2022
  • [02/12/2022] Upgraded Speed E => C (14 points)
  • [02/12/2022] Character Grade + Appraisal C => B
  • [02/12/2022] Focus D => C (7 points)
  • [02/12/2022] Enchanted Mithril Dagger B with Magic B, Penetrating B, Blight [Faewild Mana] B, Accurate E, Blind Fighter F, Contagion F, Multidimensional F and Continuing B, added ability using those skills. (Enchanter, 0 points)
  • [02/12/2022] Added assets in [Pocket Dimension] - Sword B x4, Heavy Armour B x2, Shield B x2, Spear B x2, Dagger B x4, Axe B and Lance B. (Blacksmith, 0 points)
  • [02/12/2022] Added Flight C (63 points)
  • [02/12/2022] Added Feature [Wings] (free with Flight Skill).
  • [02/12/2022] Added Educated [Royalty] C (28 points)
  • [02/12/2022] Added race title [Aerial], (Precision C, Feature: Wings, Flight F, Secondary Skill).
  • [02/12/2022] Added goal: Visit Widersia to learn more of her past.
  • [02/12/2022] Added goal: Visit The Eastern Empire to get her wanted title removed.
  • [02/12/2022] Added job titles Expert Courtier, Expert Cultural Anthropologist and Expert Leader.
  • [18/12/2022] Unequipped See Inquisitor title.
  • [19/12/2022] Acquired:: [Hero of Yemaya] title from Project 10 19/12/2022 - 19/12/2022
  • [19/12/2022] Acquired:: [Sneaky Sash of Stealth D] from The White Elephant of Hyroth community event. 05/12/2022 – 16/12/2022
  • [22/12/2022] Equipped See Inquisitor title.
  • [22/12/2022] Added Language [Terran] (Native speaker – 0 points)
  • [22/12/2022] Added Language [Common] (Free on creation – 0 points)
  • [22/12/2022] Added in the applicable nations (Ryke, Republic, East Empire, The See) for Culture and Etiquette.
  • [23/12/2022] Realised I never added the 21 points from Mother's Day (see 19/10/2022).
  • [03/01/2023] Acquired:: 15 points and [Mad Scientist] title from My Fading Dream 05/12/2022 – 19/12/2022
  • [03/01/2023] Unequipped See Inquisitor title.
  • [03/01/2023] Added Fighting Style D Valkyrie [Polearm] D (21 points)
    • Added Range F (free with style)
    • Added Reflect F (7 points, style discount))
    • Added Penetrating F (free with style)
    • Added Valkyrie Charge, Simple Strike, Valkyrie Defence abilities and Simple Defence abilities.
  • [03/01/2023] Added Spear B (Blacksmith - 0 points)
  • [03/01/2023] Added evolved race title [Valkyrie], (Human title, Aerial title, Precision A, Flight C, Fighting Style D (Strength C).
  • [15/01/2023] Acquired:: 17 points and [Baroness of Caelia] title from The Postlude. Lost all Order related titles. 19/12/2022 – 02/01/2023
  • [15/01/2023] Added surname Caelia.
  • [15/01/2023] Re-equipped See Inquisitor title.
  • [18/01/2023] Added the surname Caelia to the top of the sheet (after forgetting to do so earlier with the Barony attainment).
  • [20/01/2023] Acquired:: 16 points and [Back Roomer] title from Forging for Tails. 07/01/2023 – 19/01/2023
  • [02/02/2023] Acquired:: [Partial Scoop Asset] from January Community Event.
  • [07/02/2023] Used [Partial Scoop Asset] to Scoop: Enchanted Mithril Combustion Gun and replaced it with Hextech Gun. (+35 points, - 35 points, -7 points Undetected [Hearing] F)
  • [07/02/2023] Renamed 'Enchanted mithril-threaded Cloak' to Guardian Cloak. Added different grades of ability.
  • [07/02/2023] Renamed 'Enchanted mithril boots' to Boots of Swiftness. Renamed 'Boots of Hermes' ability to 'Power of Hermes' and added different grades of ability.
  • [07/02/2023] Renamed 'Mithril Dagger' to Faeblade. Added [Faewild's Wrath] abilities for different grades.
  • [07/02/2023] Added Persuasion C (28 points).
  • [07/02/2023] Added [Expert Sophist] job title.
  • [07/02/2023] Added ability [Baroness' Word] based on social skills and title.
  • [07/02/2023] Updated Character Goals.
  • [14/02/2023] Acquired:: 27 points and [Connected] title from The Start Of Something New. 18/01/2023 – 04/02/2023
  • [21/02/2023] Acquired:: 13 points and [Gregarious] title from Our Battle Shalt Be Legendary!. 06/02/2023 – 15/02/2023
  • [28/02/2023] Acquired:: 5 points for selling Arkh a B rank steel sword.
  • [14/03/2023] Upgrade Intelligence D => B (14 points)
  • [14/03/2023] Added Insight C and related [Expert Psychologist] title (28 points)
  • [14/03/2023] Upgraded the ability [Baroness' Word] with Insight and Appraisal.
  • [14/03/2023] Added Language [Sylvan] (7 points)
  • [03/04/2023] Acquired:: 28 points and [Letter of Heart] asset from Isekai Hell February Event Grade.
  • [10/04/2023] Acquired:: 40 points and [Valkyrie] title from Baroness, Take Flight!. 16/02/2023 – 14/03/2023
  • [11/04/2023] Updated header and added source.
  • [18/04/2023] Upgrade Intelligence B => A (7 points)
  • [18/04/2023] Upgrade Speed C => A (14 points)
  • [18/04/2023] Appraisal B => A (Free with character grade.)
  • [18/04/2023] Educated C => B (7 points)
    • Culture C => B (0 points, educated)
    • Etiquette C => B (0 points, educated)
    • Leadership C => B (0 points, educated)
  • [18/04/2023] Added Language [Beastial] (7 points)
  • [18/04/2023] Upgrade Persuasion C => B (7 points)
  • [18/04/2023] Upgrade Insight C => B (7 points)
  • [18/04/2023] Upgrade Focus C => B (7 points)
  • [18/04/2023] Added Seduction E (14 points)
  • [18/04/2023] Upgraded [Baroness's Word] ability with higher skills.
  • [18/04/2023] Added [Baroness's Charm] ability.
  • [18/04/2023] Added [Apprentice Seductress] Job title based on Seduction E.
  • [18/04/2023] Put the equipped titles in a new order based on Race, Society – Connections, Society – General and Job.
  • [23/04/2023] Regula's upgrades approved by saxon saxon .
  • [23/04/2023] Acquired:: 7 points from Pet PVP Tournament April Community Event.
  • [24/04/2023] Acquired:: 40 points and [Earnest] title from Kirkwall, Baroness who?. 17/03/2023 – 17/04/2023
  • [29/05/2023] Skills mentioned [reflect] tech core on Valkyrie fighting Style, abilities [deflect]. Now they all mention [reflect].
  • [04/06/2023] Acquired:: 51 points and [Tail Freak] title from Treasure in Ruins. 17/04/2023 – 20/05/2023
  • [04/06/2023] Added the date of the last mod check/approval (23/04/2023) to the changelog.
  • [04/06/2023] Upgraded Seduction E => B (21 points)
  • [04/06/2023] Added Energised B (35 points)
  • [04/06/2023] Added Mind Shield B (35 points)
  • [04/06/2023] Added Language [Analog] (7 points)
  • [04/06/2023] Updated Regula's abilities with new skills. Added Steeled Mind ability.
  • [05/06/2023] Acquired:: 6 points from Barony Burgers. 18/05/2023 – 30/05/2023 (PC-less Narration)
  • [18/06/2023] Acquired:: 18 points and [Team Rocket] and [Redhook's Demise] title from The Big Iron on Her Hip. 24/05/2023 – 12/06/2023
  • [01/07/2023] Fixed Flight C to Flight D after an audit from saxon saxon .
  • [02/07/2023] Acquired:: 7 points from Mayor Trouble. 03/06/2023-16/06/2023 (PC-less Narration)
  • [02/07/2023] Acquired:: 7 points from Isekai Hell 2023 June Community Event “Let’s Make Art!”.
  • [09/07/2023] Fixed a spoiler button in the acquired titles section.
  • [16/07/2023] Acquired:: 7 points from Nice To Meat You. 14/06/2023-29/06/2023 (PC-less Narration)
  • [11/08/2023] Acquired:: 9 points from 's Kitchen. 14/07/2023-31/07/2023 (PC-less Narration)
  • [12/08/2023] Acquired:: 10 points from A Spearheaded Encounter. 18/07/2023-07/08/2023 (PC-less Narration)
  • [15/08/2023] Acquired:: 7 points from Isekai Hell 2nd Annual Theme Song Event July 2023.
  • [30/08/2023] Acquired:: 2 points a for selling E grade heavy armour to Naomi.
  • [30/08/2023] Added the on 29/08/2023 introduced racial perks. Human - Mundane [Born For This] and Intermediate [Evolved] and [C-Grade Asset: Merchant's Guild Connected C].
  • [30/08/2023] Reduced [Persuasion] B cost from 35 to 28 due to Born For This discount.
  • [30/08/2023] Added Magic C (28 points)
  • [30/08/2023] Added Magic Area of Effect D (21 points)
  • [30/08/2023] Upgraded Pocket Dimension E => C (28 points)
  • [30/08/2023] Added [Take It All] ability.
  • [03/09/2023] Acquired:: 4 points from A Mother's Advise. 10/08/2023-17/08/2023 (PC-less Narration)
  • [03/09/2023] Bought Catalyst C in a marketplace deal (4 points).
  • [28/09/2023] Acquired:: 24 points from Beauty's In The Eye Of The Beholder. 28/07/2023-11/09/2023 (PC-less Narration)
  • [28/09/2023] Upgraded Magic C => B (7 points)
  • [28/09/2023] Upgraded Magic Area of Effect D => C (7 points)
  • [13/10/2023] Acquired:: 24 points from Definitely Not a Drinking Contest. 08/08/2023-25/09/2023 (PC-less Narration)
  • [13/10/2023] Acquired:: 22 points from Knightly Duties (Or Something Similar). 18/08/2023-30/09/2023 (PC-less Narration)
  • [13/10/2023] Added [Healthy Barony] Asset (35 points).
  • [29/10/2023] Acquired:: 105 points, [Mictlantechulian Chosen] title and Asset C [Shrine of Passage] (28 points to spent and earned) from "Woke Up In A New Time?! Ancient Ruins?! I Can't Believe My Shrine Maiden's Tails Can Be This Cute!" 23/06/2023-07/10/2023
  • [29/10/2023] Added Language [Mictlantecuhtlian] (7 points)
  • [29/10/2023] Added Selective Magic B (35 points)
  • [29/10/2023] Added Selective Magic to some abilities.
  • [29/10/2023] Pocket Dimension C => B (14 points)
  • [04/11/2023] Added Asset [Regula's Forge] (located in Stonewall's Keep (7 points)
  • [07/12/2023] Acquired:: 7 points and [Novelty Sketch Board] item from Isekai Hell 2023 November Event!.
  • [17/12/2023] Put the Points Earned section higher on the sheet to find it better.
  • [17/12/2023] Added Fast F (7 points)
  • [17/12/2023] Added Business E (14 points)
  • [17/12/2023] Added Minions [The Regulators] D (42 points)
  • [17/12/2023] Added Minions [Tailed Administrative Taskforce] F (Talented Friends / Task Force, 0 points)
  • [17/12/2023] Added Nomad, Bureaucrat and Diadem classes and associated perks.
  • [21/12/2023] Acquired:: 46 points and [Cult Leader] title from Barony Reforged. 13/10/2023-16/11/2023
  • [30/12/2023] Changed appearance images.
  • [30/12/2023] Unequipped See Inquistor title.
  • [30/12/2023] Paid off Eastern Empire Fugitive C Title (28 points)
  • [08/01/2023] Acquired:: 18 points, [Religion F] skill and [Caelia Shrine Ally] title from Heaven Let Your Light Sh(r)ine Down. 22/11/2023-10/12/2023
  • [08/01/2023] Religion F => B (28 points)
  • [21/12/2023] Acquired:: 31 points from A Bathhouse Is For The Greater Good!. 09/12/2023-30/12/2023
  • [02/03/2024] Reduced Appraisal from A to B to fit the new Skill Mastery rules.
  • [02/03/2024] Acquired:: 30 points and [Peacekeeper] title from It's A Matter of Faith. 30/12/2023-18/01/2024
  • [02/03/2024] Acquired:: 19 points and [Hip Noble] title from Hammer-on quality.. 18/01/2024-30/01/2024
  • [02/03/2024] Acquired:: 7 points from February 2024 Event
  • [18/03/2024] Added Wealth B (105 points).
  • [31/03/2024] Acquired:: Elixir of the Verdant Patron from St. Patrick's Event 2024
  • [08/05/2024] Acquired:: 33 points and [Boundary Setter] title from A Camping Trip and the Magic Tower?. 30/01/2024-21/02/2024
  • [08/05/2024] Changed, removed and/or updated some goals.
  • [21/05/2024] Changed the imagine of Kuma Lisa (TAFTaF skill/minions) with a far better version thanks to Moonberry Moonberry AI magic.
  • [29/05/2024] Acquired:: 7 points from May Event 2024.
  • [09/06/2024] Acquired:: 36 points and [Amiable] title and [Bishop Amadeus di Castello] asset from A Tithe! A Tithe! My Shrine for a Tithe!. 05/03/2024-15/04/2024
  • [09/06/2024] Purchased Asset Connected [Ryke Church Federation] B (35 points).
  • [09/06/2024] Acquired:: 5 points from Seeing The Trees Through The Forest 10/04/2024-21/04/2024 (PC-less narration)
  • [12/06/2024] Acquired:: 30 points and [Tea Drinker] title, lost [Bishop Amadeus di Castello] asset from The Gunhild one :3. 30/03/2024-29/04/2024
  • [16/06/2024] Acquired:: 10 points from How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck 21/04/2024-05/05/2024 (PC-less narration)
  • [01/07/2024] Acquired:: 5 points from Building Bridges 05/05/2024-15/05/2024 (PC-less narration)
  • [24/07/2024] Acquired:: 3 points from a marketplace deal with Koralia Ironjaw.
  • [04/08/2024] Acquired:: 8 points from Land in Sight 02/06/2024-19/08/2024 (PC-less narration)
  • [25/08/2024] Acquired:: 105 points and [Degenerate] title from All's Fair in this Fair Fair.. 28/04/2024-19/06/2024
  • [02/10/2024] Acquired:: [Bracelet of Endurance] item from Isekai Hell August 2024 Consumable Event: Grand Exchange.
  • [25/10/2024] Reduced [Selective B] to [Magic Augmenter: Selective C] as it's now relying on Magic skill rather than intelligence. (Removed 7 points from spent and added them to unspent.)
  • [25/10/2024] Rebranded Connected Assets to Social Status for Merchant's Guild and Ryke Church Federation.
  • [25/10/2024] Changed Artisan [Enchanter] to just Enchanting.
  • [25/10/2024] Paid the increased point cost for Focus B (70 points)
  • [25/10/2024] Removed [Multidimensional F] from the Hextech Gunblade, Added Indirect instead.
  • [25/10/2024] Special Movement [Wall Running] => [Wall-Crawling] on the Boots of Hermes (7 points).
  • [25/10/2024] Special Movement [Ceiling Bouncing] => [Speedburst (5x)] on Boots of Hermes (7 points).
  • [25/10/2024] Special Movement [Uneven Terrain Running] => [Balance]
  • [25/10/2024] Special Movement [Ledge Running] => [Light-Footed]
  • [25/10/2024] Exchanged Multidimensional for Vorpal on Faeblade (7 points)
  • [25/10/2024] Added Pocket Dimension: Supplies item.
  • [25/10/2024] Acquired:: 57 points and [Gala'Kraoth Venturer F] title from Return to Gala'Kraoth. 18/06/2024-14/08/2024
  • [25/10/2024] Acquired:: 6 points from a marketplace deal with Sir Edwin Stormcrest?.
  • [25/10/2024] Acquired:: 6 points from A Helping Hand. Part 1: Homecoming. 03/08/2024-15/08/2024 (PC-less Narration)
  • [25/10/2024] Acquired:: 11 points from A Helping Hand. Part 2: Journeying.. 15/08/2024-07/09/2024 (PC-less Narration)
  • [22/11/2024] Acquired:: 66 points [Janey Appleseed] title and [Green Crystal Fragment] item from How Do You Like Them Apples?. 14/08/2024-27/09/2024
  • [28/11/2024] Acquired:: 49 points from Autumn Leaves. 24/08/2024-14/10/2024
  • [08/12/2024] Fixed some code and grammar for some last minute touches for the Character Sheet Design Challenge [2024].
  • [08/12/2024] Added the creation date and link to the old character thread's sheet at the top of the changelog.
  • [19/12/2024] Acquired:: 14 points from (N)ice to meet you again. 20/09/2024-17/10/2024 (PC-less Narration)
  • [22/12/2024] Acquired:: 10 points from Where Nobody's Bean Before 01/10/2024-21/10/2024 (PC-less Narration)
  • [29/12/2024] Acquired:: 7 points and [Mold Maker] title from 2024 December Character Sheet Design.
  • [10/01/2025] Downtime set to increase Shrine of Passage C => B.
  • [12/01/2025] Acquired:: 15 points from Not Your Average Catfight 12/10/2024-13/11/2024 (PC-less Narration)
  • [12/01/2025] Acquired:: 36 points and [All King's Men] from Reveal Thy Innards!. 20/10/2024-13/11/2024
  • [09/03/2025] Acquired:: 8 points and tail-petting rights to Stormbreaker from a marketplace deal.
  • [19/03/2025] Audited by Maverick Six Maverick Six – Told me Novama Novama voided special movement changes to the newly listed ones. Put the old ones back in (-14 points to spent, +14 points to unspent).
  • [21/03/2025] Acquired:: 61 points and [Caelia Barony Civil Safety F] from Be it Welcome or Unwelcome. 25/11/2024-13/01/2025
  • [21/03/2025] Business E => B (21 points)
  • [21/03/2025] Downtime increased Shrine of Passage C => B in previous grading. Set to increase Ryke Merchant's Guild Member C => B.
  • [22/03/2025] Audited by Maverick Six Maverick Six – Racial evolution said 'Fae' instead of Human. Fixed it. | Added 7 points to earned / spent form picking up the Religion F skill as a narrator bonus from a past RP whilst forgetting to add 7 points to earned / spent for it.
Last edited:
Zahrah Fiore

General information:
Rp'er Name: Elvario
Post Frequency: Daily (at times), 2-3 days (preferable pace), 4-6 days (okay enough), 7 days (slowest I'm willing to go before loosing interest)
Current RP: Kept up to date on Discord.
Narrator Grade: S

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 773
Points Spent: 564 (105 + 459)
Points Unspent: 314

Equipped Titles:
Racial: Evolved, Construct, Living Doll, Possessed Plush
Society - Connection: Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura
Society – General: Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing, Understudy
Job: Tool-based expert (Artisan [Seamstress], Performer [Acting/Singing/Dancing/Spoken Word/Tin Whistle])

Character-related information:
Standing Grade: S
Character Grade: A
Power Grade: B
Racial Perks: Born for This, Evolved, Special Movement [Fall to Pieces]
Class Perks:
Downtime: Cobalt Outpost Ruin F => E
Languages: Analog, Common, Terran, Beastial, Sylvan, Abyssal
Height: 1.5 metre / 4 feet 5 inch
Weight: 35 lbs / 16 kg

Long-term Goals:
  • Make everyone happy!
  • Keep everyone happy!
Short-term Goals:
  • Obtain happiness potions!
  • Study the effect of happiness potions!


  • [Construct] - All creatures that are created of materials and items rather than organics and sentient/self aware.
  • [Living Doll] - Construct title, Resilient E [Ageing/Fatigue], Elasticity F, Feature [Omni-swivel].
    A type of construct with a humanoid shape, somewhat able to blend In as 'human', yet with uncanny movements and features that are just slightly off.
  • [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree. [Evolution RP]
  • [Possessed Plush] Construct title, Evolved title, Living Doll title, Resilience C [Ageing/Fatigue/Incapacitated], Elasticity E, Regeneration C, Feature [Omni-swivel], Feature [Soft]
    A plushy that's taken on a surprisingly sturdy and resilient life of its own.

Society - Connection:
  • [Redcliffe Contributor] - Your contributions to the reorganization of Redcliffe have affected the County of Sol, this is a chance to start anew for the people. You will be remembered in Sol County for your help.
  • [Hero of Ravenswood Village] - Character is recognized by the people of Ravenswood as a good sort. Will receive aid from the village if when in the area.
  • [Saviour Of Shiku No Mura] - Character has participated in the slaying of the Ukime no Orochi which threatened the safety of Shiku No Mura. Character will be treated with hospitality within the village and its residents will act more kindly toward them.

Society – General:
  • [Simple] - Character is frequently underestimated with low expectations placed upon them. Has an easier time impressing others on the occasion they manage to say or do something exceptional.
  • [Mile High Club of Happiness Member] - Character was able to bring happiness over a mile into the sky. Truly an achievement for the happiness society. The title alone has the power to bring smiles to all who hear of it. They may not even know why they smile.
  • [Convict Converter] - Character is able to turn even even the lousiest bandits or criminals into hard-working folk.
  • [Solution Seeker] - Character regularly displays an interest and puts forth effort in trying to solve the various problems that plague the world. Character will have an easier time uncovering problems that need help.
  • [Bird Post] - Word spreads fast amongst birds, the ravens are often seen sitting on the character.
  • [Loved by Outcasts] - For one reason or another, this character is able to exhibit a certain charm that is able to invite a sense of protectiveness or hope from those who may be outcast by others. Though this may deter some from wishing to interact with them as a result of prejudice or hatred towards this very same person as a matter of association, they may also motivate those who are either outcast or similarly desire to help those outcasted into a sense of friendliness as a result of their nature.
  • [Monster Slayer] - This character has taken part in a monster hunt and successfully subjugated the target. Earning themselves valuable experience in that field.
  • [Happiness Stuffing] - Character is stuffed with happiness.
  • [Understudy] - Character has proven to be a capable fill in. The show must go on.

Strength – A
(35 points)
Precision – A
(35 points)
Intelligence – A
(35 points)
Vitality – A
(35 points)
Speed – A
(35 points)

  • [Special Movement [Fall to Pieces] F (0 points, first grade free with C-grade racial evolution) - your body can disassemble as part of an action in order to navigate various obstacles and attacks. While disassembled or in process of disassembling, you can still move.




  • Appraisal B (0 points, free with Character Grade for non-natives)
  • Feature [Omni-swivel] F (0 points, Born for This Discount)
    [Omni-swivel] - Lets a joint be twisted 360 degrees without injury.
  • Aesthetic Features:
    • Soft
      [Soft] - Character is made of soft fabrics and materials, making them pleasant to touch and cuddle.

  • Regeneration B (35 points)
  • Resilient B [Ageing/Fatigue/Fear/Tangle/Incapacitated] (35 points)
  • Healing B (35 points)

  • Attentive Student D (21 points)
  • Educated [Happiness Algorithm] B (35 points)
    [Happiness Algorithm] Zahrah's original life was that of an artificial intelligence created to find ways to make humanity happier. Part of its key algorithm therefore involved knowledge on [empathy] (understanding emotion), [insight] (understanding complex behaviour) and [persuasion] (knowing how to alter behaviour to what would make someone happier).
  • Elasticity E (28 points)
  • Energised B (35 points)
  • Language [Analog] (0 points, native speaker)
  • Language [Common] (0 points, free on creation)
  • Language [Terran] (7 points)
  • Language [Beastial] (7 points)
  • Language [Sylvan] (7 points)
  • Language [Abyssal] (7 points)
  • Lucky E (14 points)

  • Artisan [Seamstress] B (35 points)
  • Empathy B (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Insight B (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Performance B [Acting/Singing/Dancing/Spoken Word/Tin Whistle] (35 points)
  • Persuasion B (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Seduction B (35 points)





  • Thorough Look – Appraisal B, Empathy B, Insight B, Energised B. - Character thoroughly studies someone. – Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown

  • Hug it Better – Healing B, Elasticity E, Energised B, Empathy B, Insight B. - Character gives a hug that's mending both emotional and physical wounds. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.
  • Stretching Things – Elasticity E, Energised E. - Character stretches themselves thin. – Grade Ee – 1 Post Cooldown


  • Cold Reading – Insight B , Empathy B, Energised B. - Character thoroughly studies someone, just without the obvious appraisal effect. – Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown
  • Convince – Persuasion B , Performance [Acting/Spoken Word] B, Insight B, Empathy B, Energised B. - Character uses all they have to make a compelling argument or claim. – Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown
  • Charm – Seduction B , Persuasion B, Performance [Acting/Singing/Spoken Word] B, Insight B, Empathy B, Energised B. - Character uses all they have to charming someone. – Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown
  • Perform – Performance [Acting/Singing/Dancing/Spoken Word/Tin Whistle] B, Insight B, Empathy B, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Energised B. - Character reads their audience and uses what they find to tailor their performance into a persuasive and charmingly good one. – Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown

  • Frilly Clothing [Light Armour] B (0 points seamstress, 4 points)


Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:
  • [Kindness of the Thorn Forest]
    The forest has come to become more appreciative of Zahrah themselves. As a result of their visit, Zahrah would leave the forests with a blessing in hopes of their continued return. In a moment approaching death within natural grassy or forested terrain, Zahrah may find themselves saved by certain familiar black thorned vines of the Briar Thorn Forest. (Single time use. Once it's used you cannot use it again. Up to narrators discretion if it can be used.)

Assets - Connection:
  • [Love of the Haltrials]
    Having garnered the love of the (tsundere) Haltrial flowers, the character may be able to request of their assistance to save them through the power of their incapacitative and vampiric healing while they would be located in forested areas or if they have these monstrous flowers on hand with them as they appear. Should Zahrah lose or betray their love in their presence, however, they may not continue to present themselves to be as kind, loving, or willing to help them…

Assets - Pet:
  • Raven E (14 points)
    Zahrah has made friends with a sinister looking raven. Although it is sinister, it is just a normal raven. Squawks only kind words to comfort and makes people happy!Probably. Prefers eating meat and must be fed everyday, every 3 hours. Perhaps in the future the raven would be glad to carry notes to Zahrah's friends.

Assets - Property:
  • Cobalt Outpost Ruin F
    An isolated outpost on the border of Ryke and the East Empire. Has housing, well water, living area, kitchen, storage and a lookout point.

Assets – Social Status:

Zahrah is the result of a good aligned mad scientists making a breakthrough discovery. The mad scientist spent most of his life working on ways to solve an increasing level of nihilism, pessimism and fatalism among the human populace in the face of the ever-increasing climate disasters due to having failed to stop anthropogenic climate change. The 'good' sir Thomas Hawkthorn II, better know as 'mad Tommy' by his peers, eventually developed an ASI (artificial super intelligence) for the sole purpose of having it simulate a way with which to make humanity happy again. The ASI seemed to be running effortlessly at first, coming up with all sorts of ideas, but when sir Thomas increased the realism modifiers of its simulations, it spontaneously deleted itself.

Current Life:
The ASI didn't get lost altogether. Instead, it had developed enough sentience for [god] to deem it an interesting experiment to have it wander around on a completely stagnant world. Perhaps there, it would learn to full-fill its purpose. However, first, it would need a suitable vessel, although this would heavily decreased its intelligence in exchange for being more of a 'person'.

In the end, a suitable vessel was found. It was a neatly sown and highly detailed doll made by a certain Fae artisan by the name of Sophia Smith. And thus Zahrah Fiore was 'born' in the Crafting Guild.

  • [24/06/2022] Created in old character thread.
  • Creation: Precision D (14 points)
  • Creation: Vitality D (14 points)
  • Creation: Speed E (7 points)
  • Creation: Regeneration F (7 points)
  • Creation: Resilience E [Ageing] + [Fatigue] (14 points)
  • Creation: Artisan [Seamstress] F (7 points)
  • Creation: Attentive Student E (14 points)
  • Creation: Elasticity F (14 points)
  • Creation: Seduction F (7 points)
  • Creation: Persuasion F (7 points)
  • [14/08/2022] Acquired:: 18 points (Attentive Student) from The Crafter's Doll 02/08/2022-11/08/2022
  • [19/09/2022] Acquired:: 64 points (Attentive Student) and [Redcliffe Contributor] title from The First Step 13/08/2022-14/09/2022
  • [19/09/2022] Vitality D => A (21 points)
  • [19/09/2022] Precision D => A (21 points)
  • [19/09/2022] Upgraded Appraisal E => D (Character Grade)
  • [19/09/2022] Attentive Student E => D (7 points)
  • [19/09/2022] Exchanged Persuasion F for Educated [Happiness Algorithm] E (7 points)
  • [19/09/2022] Added Empathy E (Educated)
  • [19/09/2022] Added Insight E (Educated)
  • [19/09/2022] Edited Persuasion E (Educated)
  • [19/09/2022] Upgraded Seduction F => E (7 points)
  • [19/09/2022] Upgraded Regeneration F => E (7 points)
  • [19/09/2022] Added Performance F (7 points)
  • [19/09/2022] Upgraded 'Smooth Talker' ability with new skills/grades.
  • [31/10/2022] Acquired:: 7 points from the "Let's Make Cool Abilities!" contest!
  • [10/11/2022] Acquired:: 78 points (Attentive Student), [Simple] title and [Love of the Haltrials] asset from Red-Like: Without a Second to Spare 23/09/2022-31/10/2022
  • [10/11/2022] Specified performance skill to be [Acting] after learning it's a [type]-based skill.
  • [15/11/2022] Copied sheet into the new character thread. Edited skills to new descriptions/rules from past update(s). Added Novice job titles [Empath], [Psychologist], [Actor], [Sophist], [Seducer].
  • [21/11/2022] Acquired:: [Cobalt Outpost] asset from Seikatsu Mitsunari in the Marketplace.
  • [10/01/2023] Added Language [Analog] (Native speaker – 0 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Added Language [Common] (Free on creation – 0 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Acquired:: 105 points (Attentive Student) and [Mile High Club of Happiness Member] title from The Mile High Heist.
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded Strength F => A (35 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded Intelligence F => A (35 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded Speed E => A (28 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded Appraisal D => A (free with character grade)
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded Educated [Happiness Algorithm] and secondary skills E => B (21 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded Seduction E => B (21 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded Regeneration E => B (21 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Added Language [Terran] (7 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Added Language [Beastial] (7 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Added Language [Sylvan] (7 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Added Language [Monster] (7 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded [Smooth Talker] with increased skill grades and languages.
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded Job titles for upgraded skills.
  • [10/01/2023] Added equipment Frilly Clothing [Light Armour] F (0 points, seamstress)
  • [12/01/2023] Purchased upgrade Frilly Clothing [Light Armour] F => B from Melissa at the marketplace for (4 points).
  • [12/01/2023] Zahrah's upgrades approved by saxon saxon .
  • [03/03/2023] Acquired:: 45 points and [Convict Converter] title from An Unexpected Raid. 01/01/2023 – 17/02/2023
  • [03/04/2023] Acquired:: 13 points from Isekai Hell February Event Grade.
  • [10/04/2023] Acquired:: 25 points and [Solution Seeker] title from Questions of Property!. 23/02/2023 – 09/04/2023
  • [11/04/2023] Updated header and added source.
  • [28/04/2023] Acquired:: 26 points and [Hero of Ravenswood Village] title from The Missing Brewer. 02/04/2023 – 28/04/2023
  • [28/04/2023] Put the equipped titles in a new order based on Race, Society – Connections, Society – General and Job.
  • [28/04/2023] Upgrade Performance F [Acting] to Performance B [Acting/Singing/Dancing/Spoken Word/Tin Whistle] (28 points)
  • [28/04/2023] Added Energised B (35 points)
  • [28/04/2023] Upgraded Resilient E [Ageing/Fatigue] to Resilient B [Ageing/Fatigue/Fear/Tangle/Incapacitated] (21 points)
  • [28/04/2023] Upgraded Elasticity F => E (14 points)
  • [28/04/2023] Added Lucky F (7 points)
  • [28/04/2023] Added job titles and upgraded abilities with new skills/grades.
  • [28/04/2023] Added ability [Dodgy].
  • [08/06/2023] Changed Zahrah's weight from 71 lbs / 32 kg to 35 lbs / 16 kg.
  • [08/06/2023] Added the date of the last mod check/approval (12/01/2023) to the changelog.
  • [08/27/2023] Acquired:: 31 points from Isekai Hell May 2023 Community Event Rewards. 01/05/2023 – 01/06/2023
  • [15/08/2023] Acquired:: 93 points, [Saviour Of Shiku No Mura] title, [Bird Post] title, [Raven] E asset and Lucky F => E skill from ♡ φᾰεινός ♡ Village of Farewells and the Ukime No Orochi. 22/05/2023 – 11/08/2023
  • [06/09/2023] Added the on 29/08/2023 introduced racial perks. Construct Mundane [Born For This] and Intermediate [Evolved] and [Fall to Pieces].
  • [06/09/2023] Added feature [Uncanny Flexibility] (0 points, Born for This discount)
  • [06/09/2023] Added feature [Soft] (0 points - aesthetic only)
  • [06/09/2023] Removed race title [Plush Golem]
  • [06/09/2023] Added racial titles [Living Doll] and [Possessed Plush]
  • [07/09/2023] Replaced feature [Uncanny Flexibility] with feature [Omni-swivel] to match updated Living Doll race features.
  • [22/10/2023] Acquired:: 17 points and [Loved by Outcasts] title and [Kindness of the Thorn Forest] asset from Solace in a Monstrous Forest. 16/08/2023 – 01/10/2023
  • [19/01/2024] Replaced appearance image with an amazing AI option provided Moonberry Moonberry S-grade AI wizardry.
  • [28/01/2024] Acquired:: 39 points, [Evolved] and [Monster Slayer] title from Infection of the Flesh. 19/10/2023 – 31/12/2023
  • [28/01/2024] Moved points earned section to higher on the sheet.
  • [10/05/2024] Acquired:: 38 points and [Happiness Stuffing] title from Pirate Booty Job. 15/01/2024 – 22/02/2024
  • [22/07/2024] Acquired:: 66 points and [Understudy] title from LOVE&Happiness ♡ No Trouble with Trolls and Music ✩. 03/03/2024 – 15/06/2024
  • [22/07/2024] Changed images.
  • [02/08/2024] Upgrades Seamstress F => B (28 points)
  • [02/08/2024] Acquired:: 1 point from a marketplace deal with Kota.
  • [25/10/2024] Fixed a date mismatch in the changelog.
  • [25/10/2024] Revamped the whole sheet. Changed the order of things, removed skill descriptions, updated some skills, added abilities.
  • [25/10/2024] Reduced Appraisal A to B to fit with the new Skill Mastery option.
  • [25/10/2024] Changed [Monster] language to its new name [Abyssal].
  • [25/10/2024] Acquired:: 61 points from Shadow Play: Act I. 05/06/2024 – 04/09/2024
  • [22/11/2024] Acquired:: 22 points from Shadow Play: Act II. 05/09/2024 – 27/09/2024
  • [08/12/2024] Added Healing B (35 points)
  • [08/12/2024] Added Hug it Better ability.
  • [10/01/2025] Downtime set to increase Cobalt Outpost Ruin F => E.
  • [08/02/2025] Acquired:: 3 points from a marketplace deal with Ninelle Lifeblossom.
  • [05/03/2025] Added creation date.
Last edited:
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.

General information:
Rp'er Name: Elvario
Post Frequency: Daily (at times), 2-3 days (preferable pace), 4-6 days (okay enough), 7 days (slowest I'm willing to go before loosing interest)
Current RP: Kept up to date on Discord.
Narrator Grade: S

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 701
Points Spent: 546 (105 + 441)
Points Unspent: 260

Equipped Titles:
Racial: Fae, Nymph, Sylvari
Society – Connection: Faazi Merchant Guild Associate E, See of Chearon Diplomat F, West Empire Nobility Diplomat F
Society – General: Gardeniades' Whimsy, Manager and Owner of "Du Couer Pur" Ophenia, Walking Ingredients, Sun-starved, Advocate, Reborn, Star-Crossed, Goodwill Ambassador, Peace Keeper
Skill-related: Diplomat [The See]

Character-related information:
Standing Grade: S
Character Grade: D
Power Grade: B
Racial Perks: Born for This
Class Perks:
Downtime: West Empire Nobility Diplomat F => E
Languages: Sylvan, Common, Beastial
Height: 2.30 m / 7' 7"
Weight: 83 kg / 183 lbs

Long-term Goals:
  • Full-fill her duties as a (noble) diplomat of The See.
    • Increase [See of Chearon Diplomat] Asset.
    • Increase [West Empire Nobility Diplomat] Asset.
    • Gain [??? Diplomacy] Asset.
    • Gain [??? Diplomacy] Asset.
    • Gain [??? Diplomacy] Asset.
  • Learn more about all the inferior species.
    Obtained a 'pet' Human to learn from.
  • Find allies with whom to crush the Empire.
    Worlds ended up with an unstable peace deal between The See and East Empire.
  • Rise back to power among The See's ruling class. =?>Gain Diplomacy Complex Asset and rank it up.
Short-term Goals:
  • See about getting more people in her employ.
  • Find new contacts in neighbouring nations.
  • Overcome her heartbroken state? | Or fall back into dubious behaviour.
  • [Evolve] into a Dryad (C-grade Evolution RP).
  • Taste-test more exotic types of soil.
  • Taste some more mineral waters.


  • Fae - Creatures infused with magic and relating to the fae or spirits of nature.
  • Nymph – Fae title, Magic E, Nature E, [Type] Affinity E, Control Environment F, Resilient [Suffocation] F.
    Fae spirits tied to and personifying features of nature, such as the trees, waters, flowers, mountains or etc. Usually, a nymph would also live near or within and safeguard that which they are tied to. They are regarded as embodiments of what makes nature beautiful, however they can be just as dangerous as nature tends to be.
  • Sylvari - Fae title, Nymph title, Features Internal Catalyst [Heart's Seed], [Plant Body], [Plant Digestion], [Plant Resting] and [Photosynthesis], Resilient F [Vital Points].
    A subspecies of Nymphs whose plant-based body is equally rooted in nature as the trees and flowers they resides over.

Society - Connection:
  • [Faazi Merchant Guild Associate E] - Character has assisted the Faazi Merchant Guild with a quest and has yielded favourable results for them. Character is seen as more favourable, reliable and trustworthy in the eyes of guild affiliates and allies. Character is more readily considered for future work opportunities for the guild. Guild is more likely to support character.
  • [See of Chearon Diplomat F] -
  • [West Empire Nobility Diplomat F] - Character has associated themselves in some small part with the nobility of west empire.
  • Diplomat [The See] – From Asset Social Status [The See – Diplomacy].

Society – General:
  • [Gardeniades' Whimsy] - The character has stayed for a prolonged time within the Glade of the Draumur Silva and has caught the attention of its residents. The character is more likely be mistaken as a resident of the glade by its residents of the Middle and Outer circles of the Glade. However, those of the inner circles will not be keen on showing similar hospitality.
  • [Manager and Owner of "Du Couer Pur" Ophenia] - The character is now the Owner and Manager of "Du Couer Pur" Ophenia! The character is able to dictate Ophenia's schedule and is actively informed of her whereabouts and status. Diehard Ofandom Club Members are quite envious of this character's position.
  • [Walking Ingredients] - Character is a Fae and like most fae has a physiology saturated if not composed of mana. Properly processed, character is like most Fae in that their remains would make for excellent mana replacements in all manner of magical research and application.
  • [Sun-starved] - Character has survived for a significant period of time without solar sustenance, and has gained a greater physical resistance to similar starvation in the future.
  • [Advocate] - Character has shown cunning and finesse when mediating for another. They can increase the odds of a positive interaction between people of differing social status.
  • [Reborn] - Character has suffered through an ordeal and emerged stronger on the other side with a new sense of appreciation and understanding. They are more likely to show kindness to other going through their own ordeals and be viewed as favourable by those with an appreciation for reform.
  • [Star-Crossed] - Character has been dealt a difficult fate that runs contrary in ways to their desires.
  • [Goodwill Ambassador] – Character has aided others on behalf of creating good-will towards their own nation/faction.
  • [Peace Keeper] - Character has helped keep the peace with their diplomacy skills. Character may have an easier time keeping the peace in the future.
    optional title/asset acquired

Strength – F
(0 points)
Precision – F
(0 points)
Intelligence – A
(35 points)
Vitality - A
(35 points)
Speed – F
(0 points)




  • Control Environment D (14 points, 7 point Born for This Discount)
  • Magic B (35 points)
    • [Flora/Tree] Affinity D (21 points)
    • [Tangle] Affinity F (7 points)

  • Transformative Features
    • Feature [Plant Body] (0 points)
      Character has a body made out of plant-like matter, such as bark, vines and leaves. Rather than blood running through their veins, they have sap running through them. Their main sap vein is located where the spine is normally located, which is the core of their body and would kill them if destroyed.
    • Feature [Heart's Seed] (See equipment.)
      Character has an internal heart-like organ that functions like a catalyst and is rumoured to house the soul.
    • Feature [Plant Digestion] (0 points)
      Character doesn't eat food, but instead requires to take root in fertile soil to take in nutrients.
    • Feature [Plant Resting] (0 points)
      Character doesn't need to lie down and sleep, but instead requires to stay rooted in place and meditate for longer periods to rest in order to get rid of fatigue and take in nutrients.
    • Feature [Photosynthesis] (0 points)
      Character breathes in CO2 and breathes out O2, using photosynthesis to grow and to gain energy rather than burning calories.

  • Resilience [Suffocation/Poison] E (14 points)
  • Resistance [Piercing] F (7 points)

  • Asset Social Status [The See - Diplomacy] C (28 points)
  • Companion E (70 points) – Keone Nagendra
  • Companion C (140 points) – Islwyn Meadhra
  • Educated [High Court] E (14 points)
    [High Court] – Euthalia grew up in the upper echelons of her society, where she's learned to navigate social encounters by showing [Leadership] and [Persuasion] whilst having the [Insight] to learn the true motives of those she dealt with.
  • Language [Sylvan] (0 points, native speaker)
  • Language [Common] (0 points, free on creation)
  • Language [Beastial] (7 points)
  • Wealth F (21 points)

  • Area Knowledge B (0 points, free with Standing Grade for natives)
  • Insight E (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Leadership E (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Nature C (28 points)
  • Persuasion E (0 points, part of Educated)




  • Bloom - Magic B, Control Environment, Flora/Tree Affinity D – Character uses their connection with flora to influence it. Making plants grow, bloom and prosper or wither and fade – Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown
  • Vine Trap – Magic B, Control Environment D, Flora/Tree Affinity D, Nature B, Tangle Affinity 1 – Character uses their connection with flora to have it hinder their opponents. - 1 Action - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown -



  • Money Talks – Wealth F, Insight E, Leadership E, Persuasion E - Character used money and social abilities to get things done. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown

  • Take Charge – Leadership E, Persuasion E, Insight E - Character used their leadership to take charge of a situation. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown.
  • Convince – Persuasion E, Leadership E, Insight E – Character used their persuasion to make a convincing argument. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown
  • Nature Check – Nature C, Area Knowledge E, Insight E – Character uses their ability to observe nature to check it (including insight on sentient nature). - Grade C – 3 Post Cooldown
  • Area Check – Area Knowledge E, Nature C, Insight E – Character recalls lore about the specific area. - Grade C – 3 Post Cooldown

  • Internal Catalyst [Heart's Seed] B (70 points)

  • Cases for maps and scrolls
  • Bottle of ink
  • Ink pen
  • Lamp
  • Flasks of oil
  • Sheets of paper
  • Vial of flower-scented perfume
  • Sealing wax
  • Stamp with The See's seal on it
  • Flasks of mineral water
  • Sachet of minerals to mix in with dirt

Special Items:
  • Remun's(?) Journal - A thin black book held together by a black fabric and linen thread. It seems to act as a binder to keep together 5 pages of parchment. The cover seemingly spells out "R _ M U Ns J O _ R _ A L". All the writings are in Sylvan, and the last page seems to be sticking out. On the back of the binder shows a map of the Draumur Silva, showing where various entrances to the Glade are.
  • "Du Couer Pur" Ophenia's "Official Document" Of Ownership and Management - An "Official" document which states that Euthalia owns and manages "Du Couer Pur" Ophenia. Despite being written and signed by Ophenia, the eligibility of this item is dubious.
  • Bathhouse Coupons – Good for free bathhouse visit in Vaitaire's Wonderful Waters.

Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:

Assets - Connection:
  • [See of Chearon Diplomacy F]
  • [Faazi Merchant Guild Associate E] – Character put in some downtime learning to be a better leader with the guild. May need to spend some time actually learning business to keep growing.
  • [West Empire Nobility Diplomat F] - Character has associated themselves in some small part with the nobility of west empire.

Assets - Pet:

Assets - Property:

Assets – Social Status:
  • Social Status [The See – Diplomacy] - C

Backstory: N/A - Euthalia is a native.

Current Life:
Euthalia had it all. She grew up in a family of high esteem of which multiple members were serving as leaders in The See. Most of them were Sheppards and one of them, Euthalia's own mother, even got to work as a Cardinal. Even as a young Sylvari, she was already able to show them that she had the wisdom and magic powers to follow their example and become a leader of the nation. Quality education, plenty of admirers, talents in both academia and magic, it looked like nothing was going to hold her back from growing into a powerful and influential Dryad.

However, as ancient wisdom states, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. A fair amount of jealous opponents and a single stupid mistake proved to be her downfall. It was after a long day of socialising and going through the motions of social etiquette that she gave in to her desires and was seduced into a fling with the daughter of one of the other Cardinals. Whilst some Fae wouldn't worry too much about some casual fun, their mutual status and very different species made it easy for a lot rumours to spread. It's why the girls father did not appreciate Euthalia's one-off with his daughter and every attempt to convince him it was a set-up fell on deaf ears, as the fact that Euthalia had let herself be charmed into it remained. With some pressure from Euthalia's haters, he eventually sentenced her to be executed without trial.

With great effort, Euthalia's mother eventually managed to convince the Cardinal to abstain from giving Euthalia the death sentence. However, the punishment she'd receive in turn was almost as gruesome as death itself. She was forced to surrender her Heart's Seed, an organ in Sylvari anatomy that allows them to cast magic and that's said to contain their soul. The method of extracting it was extremely painful and lasted for weeks. By the end of it, it wasn't just her power that had been taken from her, but a decent chunk of her sanity had vanished along with it. The loss of such an important organ, the humiliation stemming from it and the weeks of torture it'd taken to extract it, had broken her down to a mere remnant of her former self.

To make matters worse, in order to limit the damage, her family decided to cut ties with her the moment they'd settled on her punishment. They'd saved her life, but they decided they'd leave her on her own afterwards. Even her own mother did not wish to interact with her again, lest she further damage her own position as a Cardinal. In the end, Euthalia was left broken and alone, a goalless husk of her former self. It was during this deepest and darkest part of her life that her real friends showed themselves. Euthalia had never been too well-known for her charity or kindness, but there had been a few occasions where she'd gone out of her way to help others. Two of those helped by her, Keone and Islwyn, came to her in her hour of need. Together with their help, she managed to regain a bit of composure.

With effort, she eventually convinced the council to give her another chance, to prove that she was worth of rising through the ranks once more and that she'd learned from her mistakes. Although she learned much from her mistakes, she still believes that the Fae are genetically better than the inferior species. However, there is one enemy above all; the Empire. As a Fae messenger, she hopes to convince other nations to back up The See, both economically and in war. However, after all she's been through, she's left in a vulnerable position. This was shown when her first task was to make contact with the nobility in Ryke. A job that nobody expected would grant her much glory or benefit, but that could still cause her more shame if she failed. Luckily enough, she didn't have to travel there alone, as her friends decided to join her.

  • [27/10/2022] Created in old character thread.
  • Creation: Intelligence E (7 points)
  • Creation: Vitality E (7 points)
  • Creation: Feature [Plant Body] (Transformative – 0 points.)
  • Creation: Feature [Missing Heart's Seed] (Transformative – 0 points.)
  • Creation: Feature [Plant Digestion][/B] (Transformative - 0 points.)
  • Creation: Feature [Plant Resting] (Transformative - 0 points.)
  • Creation: [Piercing] Resistance F (7 points)
  • Creation: Language [Sylvan] (Native speaker – 0 points)
  • Creation: Language [Common] (Free on creation – 0 points)
  • Creation: [Asset] Connected E - [The See] – Messenger (14 points)
  • Creation: Companion [Keone Nagendra] (35 points)
  • Creation: Companion [Islwyn Meadhra] (35 points)[
  • [08-11-2022] Acquired:: 7 points from the "Turkey Mayhem Phase 1" contest!
  • [15/11/2022] Copied sheet into the new character thread. Edited skills to new descriptions/rules from past update(s).
  • [15/11/2022] Added Novice job titles [Trickster], [Rogue] and [Street-rat] for Keone.
  • [15/11/2022] Added Novice job titles [Acrobat], [Gamer] and Dancer] for Islwyn.
  • [02/02/2023] Acquired:: 7 points from the January Community Event.
  • [06/03/2023] Acquired:: 90 points, ["Du Couer Pur" Ophenia's "Official Document" Of Ownership and Management] asset, [Manager and Owner of "Du Couer Pur" Ophenia] title, [Remun's(?) Journal] item and [Gardeniades' Whimsy] title from the Where Reality Ends, Escapists Dream.
  • [06/03/2023] Asset Companion [Keone Nagendra] F => E (35 points)
  • [06/03/2023] Asset Companion [Islwyn Meadhra] F => E (35 points)
  • [06/03/2023] Intelligence E => B (21 points)
  • [06/03/2023] Added Educated [High Court] F (7 points)
  • [06/03/2023] Added job titles [Novice Psychologist], [Novice Leader] and [Novice Sophist].
  • [06/03/2023] Added the ability [To Lead and Inspire!].
  • [03/04/2023] Acquired:: 5 points from Isekai Hell February Event Grade.
  • [11/04/2023] Updated headers for Euthalia, Keone, Islwyn. Added sources.
  • [20/04/2023] Acquired:: 41 points, [Faazi Merchant Guild Associate] F title, [Colourful Stone] asset and [Wealth F] skill from He Said, She Said 02/03/2023 – 11/04-2024
  • [20/04/2023] Added [Language] Beastial (7 points)
  • [20/04/2023] Added [Nature] E (14 points)
  • [20/04/2023] Separated Equipped Titles by Race, Society – Connections, Society – General and Job.
  • [23/04/2023] Euthalia's upgrades approved by saxon saxon .
  • [16/06/2023] Fixed stats on Keone as she had 7 more points spent than she had.
  • [04/06/2023] Added the date of the last mod check/approval (23/04/2023) to the changelog.
  • [20/04/2023] Acquired:: 47 points and [Walking Ingredients] title from A Budding Friendship 29/04/2023 – 04/06/2023
  • [05/07/2023] Connected E [The See] – Messenger => Connected C [The See] Diplomat
  • [05/07/2023] Added Diplomat [The See] title.
  • [24/07/2023] Acquired:: 16 points and [Sun-starved] title from A Saviour & Student 01/06/2023 – 16/06/2023
  • [29/07/2023] Acquired:: 21 points and [Advocate] title from See of Hearts 20/06/2023 – 10/07/2023
  • [01/09/2023] Added the on 29/08/2023 introduced racial perk Mundane [Born For This].
  • [01/09/2023] Added Magic E (14 points)
  • [01/09/2023] Added [Flora/Tree] Affinity E (14 points)
  • [01/09/2023] Added Control Environment F (0 points, free from [Born For This])
  • [01/09/2023] Added Resilient [Suffocation] F (7 points)
  • [01/09/2023] Added Internal Catalyst E (28 points)
  • [01/09/2023] Added Nymph race title.
  • [01/09/2023] Changed appearance image.
  • [01/09/2023] Upgraded Companion Islwyn Meadhra E => D (35 points)
  • [02/09/2023] Added [Nymph] title demand to Sylvari subspecies title.
  • [27/10/2023] Acquired:: 76 points and [Reborn] title from Sowing the Seed of Love 15/07/2023 – 01/10/2023
  • [14/04/2024] Acquired:: 105 points from ♡ φᾰεινός ♡ Oh, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun☆ 13/10/2023 – 17/02/2024
  • [14/04/2024] Relocated point sections to higher on the sheet for easier access.
  • [03/07/2024] Acquired:: 7 points from June 2024 Isekai Hell Community Event “A Day in the Life of” Rewards – Community event
  • [07/08/2024] Relocated the companion sheets to the bottom of the sheet for easier editing.
  • [07/08/2024] Removed [Colourful Stone] asset due to giving it away in a previous RP.
  • [07/08/2024] Intelligence B => A (7 points)
  • [07/08/2024] Vitality E => A (28 points)
  • [07/08/2024] Magic E => B (21 points)
  • [07/08/2024] Control Environment F => D (14 points)
  • [07/08/2024] Flora/Tree Affinity E => D (7 points)
  • [07/08/2024] Added Tangle Affinity F (7 points)
  • [07/08/2024] Resilient [Suffocation] F => Resilient [Suffocation/Poison] E (7 points)
  • [07/08/2024] Internal Catalyst [Heart's Seed] E => B (42 points)
  • [07/08/2024] Added abilities [Bloom!] and [Vine Trap].
  • [07/08/2024] Educated [High Court][/B] F => E (7 points)
  • [07/08/2024] Nature E => C (14 points)
  • [07/08/2024] Companion [Islwyn Meadhra] D => C (35 points)
  • [07/08/2024] Upgraded ability with upgraded skills.
  • [07/08/2024] Added abilities [Bloom!] and [Vine Trap].
  • [20/09/2024] Acquired:: 73 points from Girl Next Dar' 06/03/2024 – 01/07/2024
  • [27/10/2024] Revamped the whole sheet. Changed the order of things, removed skill descriptions, updated some skills, added abilities.
  • [27/10/2024] Renamed Asset [Connected] [The See – Diplomat] to Asset Social Status [The See – Diplomacy].
  • [27/10/2024] Added Area Knowledge B (free with Standing Grade for natives)
  • [27/10/2024] Acquired:: 12 points and [Star-Crossed] title from Kuridan After Dar'k 01/07/2024 – 25/08/2024
  • [22/11/2024] Acquired:: 84 points, [Goodwill Ambassador] title and [A serving of Giant Caterpillar Jerky] item (to Keone) from Spider Plant Soil 07/08/2024 – 02/10/2024
  • [10/01/2025] Copied Asset Social Status [The See - Diplomacy] C from Miscellaneous skills to be included under Asset Connections as well.
  • [10/01/2025] Downtime set to increase Faazi Merchant Guild Associate F => E.
  • [30/01/2025] Acquired:: 44 points [Peace Keeper] title and asset [See of Chearon Diplomacy F] from Shady Shrooms Part 1 05/10/2024 – 25/11/2024
  • [05/02/2025] Downtime Faazi Merchant Guild Associate F => E gained during previous grading.
  • [16/02/2024] Acquired:: 45 points, [West Empire Nobility Diplomat F] title/asset and [Bathhouse Coupons] item from Watering my Plant 25/11/2024 – 25/12/2024
  • [16/02/2025] Downtime failed due to insufficient Business Skill. New Downtime set West Empire Nobility Diplomat F => E.
  • [05/03/2025] Realised points spent was 2 points off.
  • [05/03/2025] Added creation date.

Keone Nagendra

Color: FF8C00

Points at Start: 70
Points Earned: 35
Points Spent: 105

Equipped Titles:
Racial: Beast, Naga
Society - Connection:
Society – General:

Character-related information:
Standing Grade: F
Character Grade: E
Power Grade: E
Racial Perks: Born for This
Class Perks:
Languages: Beastial, Common, Sylvan
Height: 1.52 meter / 5 feet (using the bottom part of her tail to stand on)
Length: 2.74 / 9 feet (from the end of her tail to the top of her head)
Weight: 84 k kg / 185 lb

Long-term Goals:
  • Help Euthalia get back to her former position.
  • Take vengeance on those that enslaved and abused her in The East Empire.
  • Become rich and live lavishly, comfortably and warmly.
Short-term Goals:
  • Make new friends, help Euthalia get some new friends as well.
  • Find warm folk to coil around.
  • Get her hands on some more shiny things.


  • Beast - Creatures that are or were related to animals.
  • Naga - Beast title, Features [Snake Lower Body] and [Forked Tongue], Special Movement [Slithering], Heightened Sense [Smell] F, Supersense [Thermoreception] F, Natural Weapon [Snake Lower Body]. - Creatures with a humanoid upper-half and snake-like lower half. They tend to prefer warm climates and are often sneaky slithers by nature. Their snake tail is strong enough to be used as a weapon and their forked tongue gives them both an increased sense of smell and the ability to sense temperature changes accurately.

Society - Connection:

Society – General:

Strength – B
(28 points)
Precision - E
(7 points)
Intelligence - E
(7 points)
Vitality - E
(7 points)
Speed - E
(7 points)

  • Fast F (7 points)
  • Special Movement [Slithering] (7 points)




  • Heightened Sense F [Smell] (0 points, Born for This discount)
  • Supersense F [Thermoreception] (7 points)
  • Aesthetic Features
    • Snake Tail Lower Body
    • Cold-blooded Lower Body
    • Forked Tongue


  • Educated [Thief] F (7 points)
    [Thief] - Keone spent a fair bit of her life stealing to survive. Although her criminal titles have been forgiven, her skills remain. [Sleight of Hand] to run pockets or use lock-picks. [Stealth] to stay hidden and [Street Sense] to keep herself alive with such a lifestyle.
  • Language [Beastial] (0 points, native speaker)
  • Language [Common] (0 points, free on creation)
  • Language [Sylvan] (7 points)

  • Area Knowledge F (0 points, free with Standing Grade for natives)
  • Sleight of Hand F (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Stealth F (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Street Sense F (0 points, part of Educated)

  • Snake Dodge - Special Movement [Slithering] F, Fast F – Character uses their long tail and speed to quickly launch themselves out of the way of danger. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown
  • Encircle - Special Movement [Slithering] F, Fast F, Natural Weapon [Snake Lower Body] F – Character quickly slithers around someone to get in the way of their movement and harm opponents. Forces the target to make a movement action or be impeded. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown


  • Tail-whip - Natural Weapon [Snake Lower Body] F – Character uses their lower half as an improvised whip against opponents. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown.





  • Area Check – Area Knowledge E, Street Sense F– Character recalls lore about the specific area. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown
  • Sneaky Slither – Stealth F, Special Movement [Slithering] F, Street Sense F, Fast F – Character sneakily slithers around. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown
  • Frame – Sleight of Hand F, Stealth F, Street Sense F, Fast F – character quickly frames another by planting incriminating items upon their person. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown.
  • Steal – Stealth F, Sleight of Hand F, Street Sense F, Fast F – character quickly steals from another by taking items from their person. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown.

  • Natural Weapons F (14 points)

  • Snake oil (simple oil-based lotion to polish scales and make them look shiny)
  • Scale oil lubricant (plant-based lubricating oil to help with shedding skin)
  • Backpack
  • String
  • Bell
  • Candles
  • Crowbar
  • Hammer
  • Pitons
  • Hooded lantern
  • Flasks of oil
  • Rations
  • Tinderbox
  • Waterskin
  • Hempen rope

Special Items:
  • Small Solaris Gem - An amber gem which emits a pleasant heat. The perfect size to be socketed into an amulet.
  • [A serving of Giant Caterpillar Jerky] – A Drider speciality, for on the road.

Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:

Assets - Connection:

Assets - Pet:

Assets - Property:

Assets – Social Status:

Backstory: N/A - Keone is a native.

Current Life:
Keone was born into slavery in the Empire. Along with others of her kind, she'd been used to drag ores out of mines that were difficult for machinery or other creatures to crawl through. It was dangerous work that left them with cuts and bruises on the daily. A stray rock, flung off by a striking pickaxe even took out one of her eyes. After years of torturous work, when it looked like she'd die in these mines, she caught a lucky break. The overseer suffered from a stroke, allowing the slaves to overpower him and escape. Being relatively close to the border with The See, Keone crossed it, hoping to find safety there.

She quickly learned that the people there weren't going to treat her all that much nicer. She wasn't a slave here, but she wasn't really wanted either. It resulted in her living a life of thievery, slithering around in secret. She was planning to steal from some rich girl when she got caught by her guards and was about to be disposed off. That's when that same rich girl took a pity on her and offered her a decent job instead. This simple and sporadic act of kindness turned into a surprising friendship, strong enough to even last through Euthalia's downfall. Although Keone has her own dreams and desires, she now hopes to obtain them alongside helping Euthalia prosper again.

A few things she likes end up being a recurring theme. She loves lazing around in warm places, she likes trying out new types of food, she likes to slowly curl her tail and body around those she feels comfortable with or wishes to protect and she's easily charmed by those offering her valuable enough looking trinkets or gems.

She absolutely hates cold places and her past has left her with a fair bit of a trauma about cramped spaces. She hates it when people make jokes about her having a tail instead of legs and can get pretty venomous in her choice of words when she feels like she or her friends are insulted.

She doesn't easily open up to new people, unless they are [small] or [tiny] and harmless looking, in which case she might behave a little predatory towards them by curling around them or keeping a firm gaze on them, even though she'd never actually hurt someone without proper reason to do so.

She's not entirely in agreement with the idea that all non-Fae species are 'lesser' beings (as she's one of those herself), but she's willing to tolerate those views for as long as it doesn't lead to her being treated disproportionality bad, which her friendship with Euthalia helps prevent. Euthalia herself, against her own ideology, treats Keone as an equal.

She gets along well with Islwyn, especially as they bond over their mutual desire to see the East Empire punished and share a drive to help out Euthalia. Every now and again, she'll accuse Islwyn of drinking too much and being drunk too often. In turn, Islwyn tends to be the one to make sure Keone keeps her hands to herself and doesn't land them in trouble for theft.

  • Creation: Strength E (7 points)
  • Creation: Precision E (7 points)
  • Creation: Intelligence E (7 points)
  • Creation: Vitality E (7 points)
  • Creation: Speed E (7 points)
  • Creation: Fast F (7 points)
  • Creation: Special Movement [Slithering] F (7 points)
  • Creation: Feature [Snake Lower Body] (Transformative - 0 points)
  • Creation: Feature [Forked Tongue] (Cosmetics only - 0 points)
  • Creation: Heightened Sense [Smell] F (7 points)
  • Creation: Educated [Thief] F (7 points)
  • Creation: Language [Bestial – Beastman Dialect] (Native speaker - 0 points)
  • Creation: Language [Common] (Free on creation - 0 points)
  • Creation: Language [Sylvan] (7 points)
  • Creation: Abilities [Snake Dodge], [Slither Into The Shadows], [Constrict], [Frame] and [Steal]
  • [06/03/2023] Acquired:: 35 points from F => E companion upgrade.
  • [06/03/2023] Added Supersense [Thermoreception] F (7 points)
  • [06/03/2023] Added Natural Weapon [Snake Lower Body] F (14 points)
  • [06/03/2023] Upgraded [Encircle] ability with the Natural Weapon.
  • [06/03/2023] Added [Tail-whip] ability based on the Natural Weapon.
  • [06/03/2023] Changed Naga title requirements to comply with World Cannon requirements for a mundane [beast] variety for [Naga].
  • [06/03/2023] Strength E => C (14 points)
  • [20/04/2023] Acquired:: [Small Solaris Gem] asset from He Said, She Said 02/03/2023 – 11/04-2024
  • [16/05/2023] Fixed spending 7 points more than she had by removing the Speed F => E and properly putting Strength D => C being E => C.
  • [01/09/2023] Added the on 29/08/2023 introduced racial perk Mundane [Born For This].
  • [01/09/2023] Decreased cost for Heightened Sense [Smell] 7 => 0 (Born for This discount)
  • [01/09/2023] Strength C => B (7 points)
  • [27/10/2024] Updated Sheet Format
  • [27/10/2024] Added Are Knowledge F (free with Standing Grade for natives)
  • [27/10/2024] Added Aesthetic Feature [Cold-blooded Lower Body]
  • [22/11/2024] Acquired:: [A serving of Giant Caterpillar Jerky] item from Spider Plant Soil 07/08/2024 – 02/10/2024

Islwyn Meadhra

Color: 556B2F

Points at Start: 70
Points Earned: 105
Points Spent: 175

Equipped Titles:
Racial: Fae, Satyr
Society - Connection:
Society – General:
Job: Tool-based adept (Gaming, Performance [Dancing/Acting/Singing])

Character-related information:
Standing Grade: E
Character Grade: C
Power Grade: D
Racial Perks: Born for This
Class Perks:
Languages: Sylvan, Common
Height: 1.55 m / 5'0”
Weight: 60 kg / 132 lbs

Long-term Goals:
  • Help Euthalia get back to her former position by climbing the Diplomacy ladder.
  • Destroy the East Empire, or at least take vengeance upon those that destroyed her village.
Short-term Goals:
  • Try every type of booze in the world.
  • Party, prance and dance!
  • Help Euthalia make some new friends and play wing-woman or get lucky herself (?).
  • Train her Pet Human (?).


  • Fae - Creatures infused with magic and relating to the fae or spirits of nature.
  • Satyr - Features [Furred Legs], [Cloven Hooves], [Tail] and [Antlers] or [Horns], Jumping F, Acrobatics F, Control Environment F. - Animal-legged and horned woodland creatures with powerful legs and magic in their blood. They can become pretty powerful foes, but most of them chose to spent their days prancing around and making merry. Their build makes them acrobatic by nature and it's said they magically make their environment more comfortable for themselves whilst prancing and making merry.

Society - Connection:

Society – General:

Strength – A
(35 points)
Precision - C
(21 points)
Intelligence - A
(35 points)
Vitality - D
(14 points)
Speed - E
(7 points)

  • Jumping E (14 points)



  • Control Environment F (0 points, Born for This discount)

  • Aesthetic Features
    • Deer Furred Legs
    • Deer Tail
    • Cloven Hooves
    • Deer Antlers


  • Educated [Frolicking] D (21 points)
    [Frolicking] - Islwyn might not have 'worked' the traditional way, but her lifestyle sure allowed her to pick up a few particular skills. For one, she's a pretty good gambler and knows some [Gaming]. Secondarily, she can go all-out on the dance floor and knows how to put up a [Performance]. Finally, she knows how to get along with those that catch her fancy with some [Seduction].
  • Language [Sylvan] (0 points, native speaker)
  • Language [Common] (0 points, free on creation)
  • Lucky F (7 points)

  • Acrobatics F (7 points)
  • Gaming D (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Performance D [Dancing/Acting/Singing] (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Seduction D (0 points, part of Educated)

  • Jump-Kick – Jumping E, Acrobatic F, Natural Weapon F – Character jump-kicks their opponent, using the force of their jump to try to force their enemy to back-step. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown
  • Jump-Dodge – Jumping E, Acrobatics F – Character uses their jumping and acrobatics to jump away from danger - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown






  • Jackpot – Lucky F, Gaming D – Character uses their knowledge and luck to win at any game that relies on even the slightest type of luck. - Grade D – 2 Post Cooldown

  • Charm – Seduction D, Control Environment F – Character attempts to charm others. - Grade D – 2 Post Cooldown
  • Charming Dance – Seduction D, Performance [Dancing/Acting/Singing] D, Control Environment F – Character puts up a dancing performance meant to charm others. - Grade D – 2 Post Cooldown
  • Social Metagaming – Gaming D, Performance [Dancing/Acting/Singing] D, Seduction D, Control Environment F - Character uses their social skills and fluent dancing movements to influence and charm people just right for them to move towards the bigger picture desired by the character. Approaches social situation through a gaming perspective (as if it were a dating simulation). - Grade D – 2 Post Cooldown
  • Area Check – Area Knowledge C – Character recalls lore about the specific area. - Grade C – 3 Post Cooldown

  • Natural Weapons F (14 points)

  • Backpack
  • Some costumes
  • Candles
  • Rations
  • Flasks of booze
  • Waterskin
  • Questionable herbs
  • More flasks of booze

Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:

Assets - Connection:

Assets - Pet:

Assets - Property:

Assets – Social Status:

Backstory: N/A - Islwyn is a native.

Current Life:
Islwyn lived 'the easy life' for most of her years, living in The See on the border with the Eastern Empire. She pranced around in the forest, got wasted, slept around left and right, played music and then pranced around some more. All in all, she lived the Satyr dream. It looked like nothing could break them out of this utopia, as their friendships remained strong and their days and nights full of merriment.

This changed when a small-scale Empire force invaded just past the border and killed many of her friends and family. She never learned the reason of their sudden attack, nor did she ever return to the place. Instead, the girl fled deeper into The See, scared, confused and lonely. Having no real skills with which to market herself and having a lot of trauma to deal with, nobody was willing to take her in. Except for Euthalia, who ended up being charmed by the Satyr and decided to help her out, after finding her begging for food under a nearby tree.

Although it likely started as coping mechanism resulting from the sudden loss of all and everything she ever cared about, Islwyn quickly got attached to Euthalia. To her, it was the person who'd granted her everything when she had nothing left. Although she doesn't wish to admit it, she's even grown true romantic feelings for Euthalia over the years they've been together. It's why she was among the few who stuck by her side when Euthalia was cast away.

A few things she likes end up being a recurring theme, predominantly her drinking and partying. She can be serious, but only when she really absolutely has to. Most of the time, however, she'd much rather be drinking, flirting and dancing. She does have a genuinely love for art and nature, as well as for music. She's also true hugger and likes to get a bit touchy, so she'll go in for the embrace whenever the option presents itself. However, you only know if she truly, really, actually likes someone a lot, when she offers to share her booze with them. The latter rarely happens.

She hates, even fears, blood and gore. It has a high chance of bringing up the past trauma's she's been trying to suppress for most her life. Even seeing a butcher at work is enough to severely unnerve her and might trigger a panic attack. For the same reason, she's afraid of being alone and will even insist on sleeping in the same room as someone she trusts simply not to be alone at night, as when she's alone, the nightmares from her past return, even if she's awake.

She doesn't believe in Fae supremacy, although it's not something she openly wishes to discuss with Euthalia. She herself believes that all species, except for monsters and constructs, are equal. That said, she does believe that The Empire's leaders and all those who enable them are the evil incarnate and wishes to see the nation wiped off the face of the earth.

She gets along well with Keone, especially as they bond over their mutual desire to see the East Empire burn and to help Euthalia. Every now and again, she'll accuse Keone of being charmed into stealing something and stops her in the act. In turn, Keone tends to be the one to make sure Islwyn sobers up every so often and tones down the alcoholism a bit.

  • Creation: Strength D (14 points)
  • Creation: Precision E (7 points)
  • Creation: Vitality E (7 points)
  • Creation: Speed E (7 points)
  • Creation: Jumping E (14 points)
  • Creation: Feature [Furred Legs] (Cosmetics only - 0 points)
  • Creation: Feature [Tail] (Cosmetics only - 0 points)
  • Creation: Feature [Cloven Hooves] (Cosmetics only – 0 points)
  • Creation: Feature [Antlers] (Cosmetics only - 0 points)
  • Creation: Educated [Frolicking] F (7 points)
  • Creation: Language [Sylvan] (Native speaker - 0 points)
  • Creation: Language [Common] (Free on creation - 0 points)
  • Creation: Lucky (7 points)
  • Creation: Acrobatics (7 points)
  • Creation: Abilities [Jump-Kick], [Jump-Dodge], [Charm], [Jackpot] and [Social Metagaming].
  • [06/03/2023] Acquired:: 35 points from F => E companion upgrade.
  • [06/03/2023] Intelligence F => E (7 points)
  • [06/03/2023] Added [Control Environment] F (7 points)
  • [06/03/2023] Strength D => C (7 points)
  • [06/03/2023] Added Natural Weapon [Cloven Hooves] F (14 points) – E Grade Strength
  • [06/03/2023] Updated Jump-Kick with Natural Weapon [Cloven Hooves] F.
  • [06/03/2023] Changed Satyr title requirements to comply with World Cannon requirements for a mundane [Fae] variety for [Satyr].
  • [01/09/2023] Added the on 29/08/2023 introduced racial perk Mundane [Born For This].
  • [01/09/2023] Decreased the cost of Control Environment 7 => 0, Born For This discount.
  • [01/09/2023] Acquired:: 35 points from E => D companion upgrade.
  • [01/09/2023] Strength C => B (7 points)
  • [01/09/2023] Intelligence E => C (14 points)
  • [01/09/2023] Precision E => C (14 points)
  • [01/09/2023] Educated F => E (7 points)
  • [07/08/2024] Acquired:: 35 points from D => C companion upgrade.
  • [07/08/2024] Fixed Natural Weapons [Cloven Hooves] to general [Natural Weapons].
  • [07/08/2024] Strength B => A (7 points)
  • [07/08/2024] Intelligence C => A (14 points)
  • [07/08/2024] Vitality E => D (7 points)
  • [07/08/2024] Educated [Frolicking] E => D (7 points)
  • [07/08/2024] Added Performance Types [Acting/Singing]
  • [07/08/2024] Upgraded abilities.
  • [07/08/2024] Upgraded job titles from increased skills.
  • [27/10/2024] Updated Sheet Format
  • [27/10/2024] Added Are Knowledge F (free with Standing Grade for natives)
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Ophánia "Du Coeur Pur"
This character has been scooped to Antaugê Apsinthion.
Whispers of the wind. ♪


To be without a speck of shame until death
as I look up to the heaven above,
I even anguished at the wind
ringing through the leaves.
I will love all creatures destined to die
the same way my heart marvels at the stars.
And I should gladly walk down the road given to me.

For it is a night the stars are touched by the wind.
— 윤동주 (Yun Dong-ju)​

Rp'er Name: Faynorae
Post Frequency: Once to Twice a Week.
Discord Name: Ayaya#5487

La Biographie

  • Ophenia.png
    Name: Ophánia
    Birthday: 03/10th
    Origin: See of Fae, Draumur Silva, The Glade
    Height: 5'03" (160 cm)
    Weight: 60 Ib (27.2 kg)
    Likes: Yellow, Singing, People and Crowds
    Dislikes: Loneliness
    Motifs: Yellow & Pink; Anemone & Zephyranthes; Hearts & Stars; Synthesizer
    • Become a Diva. Celebrated as the world's greatest songstress;
    • pursue the happiness of all;
    • avoid directly lethally harming any living creature;
    • convince others to also avoid violence;
    • Learn more about the world outside of the glade and the people within it.

Systèmes & Fonctions
Points at Start: 105 (+14)
Points Earned: 835
Points Unspent: 0
Points Spent: 945

  • Fae, Sylph, [Hall of Pipes Participant], Chanteuse, Tainted, [Glyde's Crested: Bronze], [Entity Agent], [Gardeniades' Whimsy], [East Empire Fugitive C], [Pop Up Performer], [Saviour Of Shiku No Mura], [Flakey]
      • Chanteuse
        Ophenia's voice has her become renowned as a remarkable singer capable of touching people's hearts​
      • Tainted
        Ophenia's purity from innocence was lost with the exposure to the reality of the world and the temporary nature of things. Some of the character's lustre has been lost but their artistic side will have a greater impact on the hearts of those exposed to it in the same way.​
      • [Gardeniades' Whimsy]
        Ophenia has stayed for a prolonged time within the Glade of the Draumur Silva and has caught the attention of its residents. The Character are more likely be mistaken as a resident of the glade by its residents of the Middle and Outer circles of the Glade. However, those of the inner circles will not be keen on showing similar hospitality.​
      • [Glyde's Crested: Bronze]
        You have proven yourself to be of use to the Pavilion. You will receive preferential treatment from Pavilion residents and shop owners as well as be more likely to be called upon for future missions/jobs for the Pavilion.​
      • [Entity Agent]
        character's efforts have been acknowledged by the Fae See. the character has been inducted as a member into an elite group whose objectives are carried out in secret to sway nations for the benefit of the See nation. The character has full access to all of the Fae See and can gain access to anyone for any reason as it is assumed Entity member work is of the highest importance to national interests. When abroad, the character will never be suspected of wrongdoing so long as there is some alternative explanation. Members are typically equipped with the See's latest magical tech that might make their mission easier or make an impossible mission possible.​
      • [East Empire Fugitive C]
        the character has rubbed the nation in a wrong way and thus has a criminal status in the nation regardless of actual criminal titles acquired. They can be treated as a criminal while in East Empire.​
      • [Pop Up Performer]
        Ophenia has suddenly appeared in an area to do a surprise performance.​

Fluff & Flowers

  • Given Name: κασατρία ayr (Kasatría Ayr)
    Despite Ophenia going by the aforementioned, her properly given name is Kasatría, a shortened version of a number in greek. All of her other kindred from the glade carry a similar name motif. As you'd likely guess, Ophenia is the 143rd sibling of her air.
    Etymology: Kasatría (κασατρία) is a blend of Εκατόν σαράντα τρία (Ekatón saránta tría) from Greek, roughly translating to "One hundred and forty-three;" otherwise 143.
    Ayr, an alternative spelling of air (Especially when referring to the form of music).
    Other Name: "Du Coeur Pur" Ophánia (Usually spelt 'Ophenia')
    Etymology:A blend between Ofan or Phanes and Ophelia. Roughly meaning "Shining Succour" or "Resplendent Aid."
    1. Ofanim (Hebrew: אוֹפַנִּים ʼōp̄annīm, 'wheels'; singular: אוֹפָן ʼōp̄ān), are a type of angel in the first choir with four wings, comprised of four wheels with many eyes and a flame of awful colour in the middle of the wheels.
    2. Phanes (Φανης - Phānês) is the primordial god of creation in the Orphic cosmogony. Phánēs derives from the Ancient Greek φαίνω (phaínō) which roughly means "I bring to light" or "I shine, give light." Alternatively, φαεινός (phaeinós), the epic form of φᾱνός (phānós) meaning “bright, shining, resplendent.”
    3. Ophelia borrowed from Italian Ofelia, probably from the Ancient Greek ὠφέλειᾰ (ōphéleia, “help, aid, succour”). Notably used by William Shakespeare for the ill-fated love interest of Hamlet. The aforementioned dies in uncertain circumstances via drowning.
    4. Du Coeur Pur from French, literally, "Of the Pure Heart."
  • Removed 7 points from speed and added 7 to magic affinity.
    Gained 19 points, an item and title from Ryken Winter Story.
    Equipped the [Hall of Pipes Participant].
    Used 7 points to add Healing Affinity and another 7 for Empathy, leaving 5 points left over.
    Added new abilities. Which can only be used during performance-type spells.
    Gained 59 points, and a Title, from Trouble with Trolls and Music
    Unequipped "hall of Pipes Participant" Equipped "Chanteuse."
    Used 7 points to upgrade Healing Affinity to E rank, leaving 57 points behind.
    Used 7 points to upgrade Intelligence to A rank, Leaving 50 points behind.
    Used 14 points to upgrade Empathy to D rank, leaving 36 points behind
    Used 7 points to learn Religion Rank F, leaving 29 points behind
    Used 7 points to upgrade Precision to rank E, leaving behind 22 points
    Learned Illusory Affinity Rank E for 14 points, leaving behind 8 points
    Learned rank F Spell Duration for 7 points, leaving behind 1 point.
    Added 4 new abilities, and removed 1.
    Added a racial feature to Ophenia for visual purposes.
Last edited:
His body is a grotesque perversion of the light and pure beauty of the fae. He’s the shadow lurking in their light. He’s nothing but elongated lines and sharp angles. Streamers of ice and shadow play in the seems of his body and clothing. His skin is a faded grey with hair a muted black hanging in sparse tentacle-like tangles. His gleaming artic blue eyes like chips of glacial ice is his only distinguishing feature. His voice is a soft whisper like the hiss of water on hot iron.
  • Height:5’10”
  • Weight: 140 (very thin, emaciated)
  • Eyes: Artic Blue like chips of glacial ice
  • Hair: Black in tentacle like clumps.
  • Theme: You want it darker by Leonard Cohen.
  • Rp'er Name: GMImperfecti
  • Post Frequency: Daily during the week, weekends likely also.
  • Discord Name: Emeron Vallus
  • Current RP: Not yet.
  • Vanta wants to understand what brought him here and how it worked.
  • Vanta wants to walk the void and see what lies beyond it’s deepest depths.
  • Vanta wants to get out of student debt or somehow transcend the limitations of it.
Equipped Titles: Shadow Fae, Mage
  • Shadow Fae - Intelligence D, Magic E, Shadow Affinity F, Fae Title (free). They are born of shadow with physically weaker bodies and stronger magic than the average fae.
  • Mage - Skills for casting destructive magics, specialized in combat magics.
Acquired Titles: Fae, Shadow Fae, Mage


John Smith was born a nobody and died a nobody. He’s not even quite sure how he died. As much as he can remember, he went to sleep one day and then woke up in the body of a dark fae. In life, he was a forgotten wall flower, not even recognized long enough to be bullied. He walked from one moment to the another, feeling lost and forgotten. He watched others live spectacular and mundane lives. He barely remembers his parents, and he coasted through school. A firm middle child with two older and two younger siblings, there was never time for him.

He tried to be seen. He fell in love with a gleaming beautiful golden hair girl. He did everything he could to get her attention, and when he finally did she laughed at him and her father punched him in his stomach. Wandering way, puking blood, falling through and between, seeping away through layers, past his conscious thoughts, through dreams and darkness until he was somewhere else as someone else.

Current Life:​

He’s pretty sure he wasn’t born into a new body, rather taking over a body that lost its soul. Something had happened to the body he was in before he became aware, but he doesn’t remember.

He wandered for years, leveraging bits and pieces of shadow and ice to survive. Mostly half formed impulses and racial memories. Shadow Fae were always loners and wanders, never staying anywhere for long just the shadows they were named after. It is common for fathers to abandon mothers, and mothers to abandon children. For a race with low birth rate, it’s not a great strategy but it is their nature. They can not be other than they are.

Only when lost, starved, and empty of all but his deepest wishes could he find the Labyrinth: School of Loss. It is not in fact hard to find, but it is hard to leave. It has a gravity to it, pulling it’s students and the curious ever deeper into its layers, such that many never leave. It’s for this reason alone that it’s hard to find.

Here Vanta wasn’t taught, but never the less he learned. The style of teaching is socratic and zen-like covering the theories of unlearning what we see to glimpse enlightenment into what can not. Studying the absence of things requires looking away as it’s impossible to see darkness only the boundaries where light ends. Likewise cold can not be seen, because it doesn’t exist but ice if a manifestation of something that isn’t.

In this way, Vanta grew if that’s even the right word for it. His debt to the school certainly grew and is now rated at D. He will graduate as a true master when his rate of growth is faster than the gravity of his debt to the school that isn’t.

Stats (35; Grade E):​

Strength - G (+7). General muscle power, ineffectual melee and thrown weapons. Shadow fae have poor, weak bodies that are almost childlike.

Precision - G (+7). General fine movement control like balance and moving quietly, ineffectual ranged weapons. Shadow fae have over developed brains and under developed, awkwardness in balance and coordination.

Intelligence - C (-21). Catch all for knowledge, memory, magical prowess, and mental fortitude. Great and well developed intelligence is the strength of the shadow fae.

Vitality - E (-7). The bodies life force and ability to withstand hardships. While not a strength of his race, it is neither a weakness.

Speed - C (-21). General quickness and agility, dodging and covering ground, necessary for light armors and magical protections. Shadow fae are quick and agile, especially with magical protections.

Skills (140)​

Movement (14)​

  • #Fast (-14)
    • F 12mph / 60 feet per round
    • E 24mph(max)/120ft per move

Magic (98)​

  • #Magic D (-21)
    • #Energize E (-14): Reduce cooldown of F&E-grade Magic.
    • #Tangle E (-14): Ensnares for an action, duration 1 post per grade, 2HP/1Action to break.
    • #School F; Labyrinth: The School of Loss (-35)
      • Range (-7)
        • F 30ft
        • E 100ft
      • AOE (0)
        • F 15ft radius
      • Duration (0)
        • F 1 hour
      • Targets (-7)
        • F 5 targets
        • E 10 targets
      • Affinity: Darkness F (0)
      • Description: This school covers the spheres of loss, debt, and absence. Ice is the absence of heat, shadow and darkness is the absence of light, hunger is the absence of food, and debt is the absence of wealth. The school doesn’t teach, it asks questions that its students must ponder. Truth is not to be found in the light, but by what the light’s absence has to teach. Being lost, invites the opportunity to be found. Scarcity breeds innovation, guarding against hubris. Surplus breeds indolence, giving one false entitlement.

Sense (7)​

  • #Appraisal E (0 Isekai): Grade equals grade of character. Currently grade F. Know what might otherwise be unknown like stats, skills, titles, and abilities.
  • #Feature [Darkvision] (-7): See in the dark.

Secondary (21)

  • Educated F (7)
    • #Arcana F: Recall lore about spells, magic items, eldritch symbols, magical traditions, the planes of existence, and the inhabitants of those planes.
    • #Focus F -> D (14): Allows you to move and cast spells.
    • #Perception F: Better at observing and noticing things.


(Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.) Effectiveness (F=1, E=2, D=3; Item+Stat+Grade).
  • Shadow Steps - Grade F, Cooldown 0.#Fast F (12mph(max)/60ft per move), #MagicSchool G (Affinity Shadow).
    • Flickering through shadows, Vanta skips and flitters 60 feet away without teleporting.

Example spells from the Magic School;​

Labyrinth: School of Loss.​

Grade E, Effectiveness 7 or 6 (flux) Spells - A descent into darkness.

  • Inevitable Flows the Darkness - Grade E, Effectiveness 7, Cooldown 1. #Magic E, #Fast F, #Tangle F (Duration 1, 1 Action), #MagicSchool F (Affinity Darkness, Range 30ft, 5 targets).
    • Like broken flows of ice sailing out to sea, darkness sprouts up around five targets, ensnaring them. Like melted ice flowing in reverse, liquid darkness trails up their bodies spreading into countless black tributaries like the veins of an unseen creature. Unless they break these veins and flee the area, they are bound, held fast by eerie pulsing black veins of darkness.
  • Descent of the First Dark Stars - Grade E, Effectiveness 7, Cooldown 1.#Magic E, #MagicSchool F (Affinity Darkness, range 30ft, 5 targets).
    • Vanta curls both his hands around a single point of darkness, tearing at the fabric of the world. As the void grows, pulling on creation the first dark star is born. It is nothing, and in it’s nothingness it is consuming. Vanta pushes the dark star forth, shattering it into five smaller spheres that do not move themselves but rather through devouring creation are pull towards their targets leaving a trail of darkness in their wake like the contrails of some terrible sky creature.
  • Hail of Biting Cold - Grade E, Effectiveness 7, Cooldown 1. #Magic F, #MagicSchool F (Affinity Darkness, Range F 30ft, EOE F 15’, Duration 1), #Tangle F (Duration 1, 1 Action).
    • Miniature balls of ashen grey look solid like hail yet fall in waves of biting nothingness, each touch devouring skin and clothing without discrimination, clinging to everything, spreading until there is nothing or their meal flees.

  • Black Tentacles from Beyond the Pale - Grade F (flux), Effectiveness 6, Cooldown 1. #Magic E -> F, #Tangle F (Duration 1, 1 Action), #MagicSchool F (Affinity Darkness; Range F -> E 100ft away, 5 targets).
    • Blacker than black tentacles dart out from distant shadows, wrapping around the legs of five targets long enough to stop them from fleeing, pulling them towards their own shadows and hungry darkness within but alas it is only shadow and darkness which eventually dissipates.
  • The Many Hungry Mouths of Azathoth - Grade F (flux), Effectiveness 6, Cooldown 1. #Magic E -> F, #MagicSchool F (Affinity Darkness; Range F -> E 100ft, 15’ AOE). #Tangle F (Duration 1, 1 Action).
    • There is more in the darkness than hungry shadows, many more and they were ancient before the world was born. Black maws arise from the shadows of Vanta’s opponents, plunging into their exposed backs, ripping and tearing, relentless and terrible. Razor sharp darkness latches on and sucks everything good and alive from with a vacuum-like sucking force.
  • A Debt of Blood and Terror - Grade F (flux), Effectiveness 6, Cooldown 1. #Magic E -> F, #MagicSchool F (Affinity Darkness, Range F 30ft, Target F -> E 10x, Duration 1), #Tangle F (Duration 1, 1 Action).
    • There is a debt of blood within the darkness and it brings with it great terror. Tiny tears in space rain down or reality moves around the endless hunger, devouring sprinkles of negative energy eat all around Vanta at his discretion. They accumulate like fallen black snow to hold their prey tight.
  • Lost Eyes of Byatis’s Forgetfulness - Grade F (flux), Cooldown 1. #Magic E, #Appraisal F, #Feature [Darkvision]; #Magic School F (Affinity Darkness, Range E 30ft -> F 100ft, Target F 5x, Duration F 1hr), #Appraisal F (F grade or lower), #Feature [Darkvision].
    • Drawn from it’s forgotten prison in the Tower that is a Room an eye shaped void in the space above Vanta’s head ripples as the air, light and anything of substance is devoured. He sees what Byatis has forgotten, which is what is still known and not yet lost to the world, but within the domain of the great old one none the less. Through unforgetting, he learns not what is but what is not, detecting the relative levels of absence around him which lingers for an hour before reality heals itself and the distortion fades. Vanta is able to detect the difference between shadow, darkness, deeper darkness, and deepest darkness. If someone is lost, how lost they are. If someone is in debt, how in debt they are. If someone is cold, how cold they are. If someone is hungry, how hungry they are. This is a focused, channeled activity which is very distracting for both Vanta and those so appraised.

Grade F, Effectiveness 6 Spells - A Whisper of what will be lost.

  • Shadow Rejects the Steps of Others - Grade F, Effectiveness 6, Cooldown 0* multi-cast.#Magic F (self, immediate area, 5’ AOE), #Tangle F (Duration 1, 1 Action), #MagicSchool G (Affinity Darkness), #Energize F.
    • Shadows stretch out from all around Vanta, linking and binding the shadows who are much too close. Shadow’s nature will reconnect when called upon, each time the shadows are broken more lunge out so long as Vanta wills it.
  • The Blind Eyes of Greed and Hunger - Grade F, Effectiveness 6, Cooldown 0* multi-cast.#Magic F (immediate area 1 post duration), #Tangle F (Duration 1, 1 Action), #Appraisal F (F grade or lower), #Arcana F (signs of magic), #Energize F.
    • Vanta hurls out tiny black eyeballs that float and drift before fading from existence. He can pick upon signs of the arcane. They cling to the occult and the mana energies like a fine black dust. He can cast this rapidly and the tiny gleaming ice blue eyeballs can get everywhere but melt within a moment like new fallen snow.
  • The Cursed Whisper of Chaugnar Faugn - Grade F, Effectiveness 6, Cooldown 0* multi-cast.#Magic F (self, Range 5’, immediate area), #Tangle F (Duration 1, 1 Action), #MagicSchool G (Affinity Darkness), #Energize F.
    • Swiftly Vanta whispers the cursed name of Chaugnar Faugn, drawing it’s hunger towards those nearby. Shadows stretch out from all around Vanta, questing and crawling upon those who are much too close.
  • The Darkness of the Dweller’s Caress - Grade F, Effectiveness 6, Cooldown 0* multi-cast; #Magic F (self, Range 5’, 1 target), #Tangle F (Duration 1, 1 Action), #MagicSchool G (Affinity Darkness), #Energize F.
    • Vanta beacons the Dweller in Darkness to reach out and draw his target deeper into the darkness. The touch is cold and deathly arising from the nearby darkness, reaching out to grasp and rip.


(Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Catalyst E (-14) - The Empty Wand. Within this conical, black cylinder is nothing. It looks almost like a straw except nothing or rather everything entering it is lost forever. Thus it’s impossible to know what if anything or nothing is in the core.
  • Burnt Turkey Head (Consumable)
    Upon consumption, for one turn, be able to channel the great power of one of three great turkeys from the Turkey Mayhem 2022 Event once.

    Upon use, choose one of three abilities:
    • Punishment of Midas - Produce a very loud shriek that will incapacitate enemies below C grade for 2 turns.
    • Tears of Phantasmal Fowl - Bolster +1 to Intelligence, Strength, and Vitality, and heal up to C grade healing.
    • Charm of Giblets - Work up enough charm to be able to be further seductive in your actions...as long as you also make bird noises in your attempts of charming. (Narrator Discretion)


(These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Bedroll
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Book and Quill.


  • Dorm Room

Change Log:​

(list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 114
Points Spent: 203
  • 4/1/2023 - Earned 15 pts from
  • Post in thread '[Isekai Hell] February Event: Masquerade Ball'
    Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] February Event: Masquerade Ball
  • 02/22/2023 - Character Update 1 (total 98pts)
    • SPENT: 98pts.
    • Stats (28) - Grade E
      • Intelligence C (7)
      • Speed C (14)
      • Vit E (7)
    • Skills (63)
      • Fast E (7) - 24mph(max)/120ft per move
      • MAGIC D (7)
        • Magic Range E (7) - 100ft away
        • Magic Targets E (7) - up to 10 targets simultaneously
        • Tangle E (7) - Lasts 2 rounds or 2 damage.
      • Energize E (7): Reduce cooldown of F&E
      • Educated F (7)
        • Arcana F
        • Focus F -> D (14)
        • Perception F
      • Appraise E (free)
    • Equipment (7)
      • Catalyst D (7)

  • 2/1/2023- 7pts for Vanta from New Year's Resolutions
  • 1/26/23 - 49 pts from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Falling to Rise
  • 11/8/2022 - Character Creation
    • Stats (+7+7-14-7 = -7)
    • Skills (-7-14-35-7-7-7-7 = -84)
    • Equipment/Catalyst (-14 = -14)
    • TOTAL: 105-105 = 0.
  • 12/2/2022 - Turkey Reward, Burnt Head.
  • 12/30/2022 - saxon saxon from the-white-elephant-of-hyroth
    • Hello Kitty Doll
      • Type of Item: Magic Item
      • Special Effects: Boost to Intelligence D
      • Curse: boost strength of closest enemy by equal amount
  • 1/22/2023 - saxon saxon from the-sewertoriums-depths
    • Vanta - 43 points
      • Acquired Asset Ryken Adventurer's Guild F: Guild Apprentice (From Standing 7)
      • Acquired Optional Title [Ryken Adventurer F] - This character is recognized as a member of the Adventurer's guild capable of handling basic requests..

Last edited by a moderator:
Sariellon Albâtre d’Œillet / "Dulcifer""Just Sariel please."
Over Rainbow Tour

Height: 4'08" (142cm) | Weight: 88Ib (39.9kg) | TempArt
Rp'er Name: Aya
Post Frequency: Twice to Once a Week
Discord Name: Look for it. It's on my first character somewhere. :>
Current RP:
Acquired Titles:
  • Human: Sariel is a normal human being. That's it.
    [Mundane] Requirements:
    • Human Title
    • 2 Magic Skills/Affinities (Magic C + [Sugar] Affinity D)
    Born For This [Magic C] – Get a 7 point discount on a skill (Magic C) you chose for your Mundane requirements.​
  • [Order Initiate]: Sariel has been inducted into a lesser-known order of knights that pledges itself to serve people in need above any worldly reward or loyalty.
  • [Defender of Sootspire]: Dulcifer has shown heroism in the Thorne Barony. Sariel's alternate form will receive favourable treatment from residents when in the Thorne Barony.
  • [Friend of Sol Faith]: Sariel risked life and limb in hardship and trial on behalf of important people in Sol who made a request of them. Their actions directly benefited the faith in Leilosis the Sun god. Sariel can expect a positive reaction from followers of the faith. Aid if possible and requests for aid if not.
  • [Hero of Nan Gau]: Sariel's efforts on behalf of Nan Gau are recognized. Villagers are now more likely to be hospitable and accommodating to the character while in the Nan Gau area.
  • [Known to Clan Yamimoto]: Dulcifer, for better or worse, has caught the attention of the Yamimoto Clan and is now known to the clan if only by name.
  • [Reluctant Juice Sipper]: Character is known to be less enthusiastic about sipping juices. One might think a child is denied the chance to be an adult.
Equipped Titles:
Human, [Order Initiate],
A/N: 彼岸花

Character Profile #7 – 野原の苺
Date of Birth: 1956 February 27th
Height: 152cm
Favourite Food: Strawberry Parfait with Chocolate
Family: Mom, Dad, Little Sister
Hobbies: Sleeping, Journaling (about his enemies’ demise.)
Special Fact: Plasters stickers Shukuyu gives on his bat.

Hii~ Princess Aimi (愛美) here again~❤
A lot of you like 苺, and I can see why! He is just so cute❤ I’m sure he’d kill us all if he was real. @_@

He's so popular that I was hesitant to have him offed, but— >_<;; Sorry! It was necessary!! I find it most tragic that he could never bring himself to convey his heart to 祝融彦. As a poet once said, they were two hearts split in twine! My editor was very against ending the story with 祝融彦 zipping up his life, but I feel like it only made sense. What more is there to live for without your beloved? I think a lot of people dislike the bitter ending too… Honestly, you should expect it considering my previous works!! I’m bogus at writing happy endings.

I think it’s better than my earlier drafts, where 苺 choked on strawberry dango during the summer festival… It felt too comedic and trivial. Honestly, maybe I just wanted to draw pretty boys dying and getting hurt. ._.) You girls are the rotten ones for reading all this! >_<*

I wanted to draw super cool guys in leather jackets riding customized motorcycles. And then it devolved into reading a bunch of books about yakuza and autobiographies of former yakuza. And then I drew 苺 for the first time and totally loved his design! I wanted to draw a pure love type of story with lots of leather and motorcycles and zippers and stuff. Then homicidal tendencies took over and now my main characters are dead. >_>

People asked where 苺’s character came from, and honestly, I totally stole it from my memory of childhood. I knew this super pretty boy in elementary school, prettier than any of the girls. He was kind of a brat. He was constantly teased and always got into fights, he totes had a masculinity complex haha

His mom decided to invite some of the moms for a playdate party thing, and I was there too. All the moms invited only had daughters, so we watched an animation for girls. He seemed super interested and glued to the screen, more than me and the other girls. I thought it was really funny at the time, and brought it up in class once. He totally beat me up. @_@
I have never seen him since… ._.)

If I were to think of a happy end, 祝融彦 would take 苺 to Kagoshima and they would live in a cottage in the mountains growing strawberries and raising stray cats! (´ ω `♡)

Well, Thank you all for reading. I truly hope you enjoyed this journey! (≧▽≦)/”
Sariellon et la Cour de Beauté:
Before the character, was [God]. Why stood a figment of fiction before [God]? Simply for the fact that a writer puts heart and soul into the creation of their character, and this one even has a slighted form. Yet, as the writer decided, this character has sinned plenty. For his burdensome with enemies and blood upon his hands, thus he shall face a punishment befitting… Reincarnation as a dainty young girl!

Yes, the strawberry-eyed prince of Pen Name: Aimi’s esteemed “Inferno Prince And The Boy with Strawberry Eyes” has been reincarnated into his worst nightmare. As the 3rd daughter of Baroness Œillet of the Cour de Beauté’s House of Carnation, Sariellon Albâtre d’Œillet must appear especially dainty and lovely before the current and most eminent Lucifer Of Pearls... This was not the child’s strong suit, after all, how could an esteemed and most honourable lad like he supposed to stay in such gaudy and heavy dresses excessive in their use of lace, frills and ribbons every single day and hour?! It was insane.

So, on the 40th day after his 10th summer as Sariellon, on the night of a full moon, the young girl in denial of his situation escaped through the gardens of the Cour de Beauté. Security was not what this county was known for, after, security was simply the large pearlesce wall which encased the entire Palace of Pearls in a nice neat and eternally beautiful area of the Eastern Empire… Outside the walls was not of concern to the Lucifer of Pearls, the lowly ministers were to deal with such trivial things… Or so Sariel was taught. The constant opulent splendour was overbearing and unnerving to Sariel, so he decided to simply... leave. This was a medieval world from what Sariel could tell, he was basically an adult now!

Slipping through a crack in the pearlesce wall, Sariel had wandered into a wood of yellow trees. Far and further had he wandered, before coming across a warm and glittering red jewel embedded in a tree stump. He reached out to the halved stone, which seemed to thump like an organ… And then… A light, crimson and blinding washed upon him… Once he could make sense of his surroundings, he found that it was so very different from the yellow wood he wandered through before.

Fluttering out from the stone, was a creature he could not comprehend. The stone itself had transformed into a little brooch. The creature crept close to the boy, its soft iridescent wings beating like a cherub’s. “Little angel, are you not? Yes. Yes! You… You are special. A very special little angel!” The thing spoke in whispering voices, one like a child’s as its large, single red eye, stared from its forehead into the girl's own eyes. “A magical heroine, the little angel of love, justice and friendship. Purify… Purify all of Sin, Retrieve to one, yes, give to me the Seven Heavenly Feathers of Cardinal Virtues! To you, then yes, and to you! One will grant a Wish.” Was what the creature said.

The boy was simply going through with this for the [Wish], however, this was his new destiny and the contract was sealed. The lovely angel of fellowship and kindred shall trust that which should not be trusted and shall lose to him what is most dearest. For the thing the child had encountered was a creature of sin itself. Thus, now begins the once upon a time of the Heroine of fellowship and kindreds, Heavenly Seraph of Sweetness and Maiden of Love and Justice, the one and only; Dulcifer.
- (Atonement): Sariel must now atone for the actions of his first life, and become a better person.
- (Orphan): Find where he once lived and continue his peaceful existence as a maiden.
- (Become A Magical Girl!): Help others whenever necessary, and become the Angel of Sweetness! "Ugh, I'm gonna barf..."
- (Make a wish): Find the seven feathers, and wish to go back home. "But what are the seven feathers!?"
- (Transition): Somehow find a way to leave this cursed body and reclaim his masculinity
Points at Start: 105 (14)
Points Earned: 465
Points Spent: 553
Points Not Spent: 31
Character Standing: B
Strength - E (7)
Precision - A (35)
Intelligence - B (28)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - E (7)

Character Grade - D
[(7 + 21 + 28 + 14 + 7) = 77 ÷ 5 = 15.4 ≈ 14]

Companion [Mighty Mascot "Salboros"] E (70)
Every magical girl needs their lovely magical companion!... "And mine is an ugly demon squirrel."

Educated [Strawberry ♡ Yanki (苺の♡ヤンキー)] F(7)
Sariel, in his past life, was the leading love interest of a pure-love romance manga, which had themes of school life, coming of age, and yakuza and bōsōzoku aesthetics.​
  • (Maximum I) [Focus] (F >> E)- “I want him to be the type that gets hyper-focused on a thing his doing, so I could draw cute moments with [_ _ _ _] leaning closer while [. . . .] didn’t notice~!!”
    • [Focus] F is treated as if it were E grade, but [Focus] can only be used in abilities at its maximum grade.
  • [Athletics] F - “I loved chase or escape scenes, it’s so fun to draw the expressions of characters desperately trying their best to run away or catch someone!!”
  • [Intimidation] F - “Many readers and myself have concluded [. . . .] is the cutest character ever! [. . . .] trying to be intimidating and just being made fun of is sooo cute!!”
Stealth D (21)
Just casually hiding in an alleyway and transforming.​

Etiquette E (14)
The knowledge of the customary codes for polite, proper, and inoffensive behavior in social settings. Having this skill generally gives the character a pass on socially troubling behaviors that are not illegal but would otherwise leave a bad impression.​

Perception E (14)
The talent for spotting, hearing, or otherwise detecting the presence of something. It measures your general awareness of your surroundings and the keenness of your senses. While enhanced senses may assist in aspects of this, this skill covers the ability of the character to make sense of what they are picking up on in the environment. The difference between hearing a branch snap and a leaf rustle and knowing a humanoid is likely hiding behind that tree.​

Insight E (14)
The ability to determine the true intentions of a creature from body language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms. This includes a talent for searching out a lie or predicting someone’s next move. Animal Handling may be a more appropriate skill for discerning this type of information from beasts and animals.​

Alternate Identity E(14)
You may know me as a normal ordinary child... But I can also be the beautiful heroine of Love and Justice!... I am an embarrassment.
Identity Titles: Fae, [Angelic], [Heroine of Love and Justice], [Defender of Sootspire], [Hero Of Nan Gau], [Known to Clan Yamimoto]
Identity Description: The self-proclaimed, “Beautiful maiden who fights for love and justice,” and “Heavenly Seraph of Sweetness” the mysterious shining soldier in a white dress, Dulcifer, the supposed menace to evil villains and filthy criminals everywhere.

Language (Free On creation)
  • [Japanese]: Despite potentially being useless in this new world, Sariel can still fluently speak Japanese. Has a distinct Kansai Accent.
  • [Common]: “What is this horrible language? It’s so… odd.”

Magic C (21) (Born For This)
A magical girl without magic is just a girl!​

[Sugar] Affinity D(21)
Sariel can coalesce magical particles of crystallised sugar. These are as hard as sugar and as sweet as sugar.​

[Radiant] Affinity E(14)
Energy-based damage that manifests as literal heat or molecular undoing of "unholy" entities/matter through a divine signature​

Energized C (28)
Faster and quicker, shooting sugar at higher velocity!​

[Homing] Affinity F(7)
Try to dodge this loser!" Sariel's attacks can home onto a target and persists once after missing.​

Magic Augmentor: Selective D(21)
Character can shape or change the nature of their magic to avoid affecting allies or other undesired targets. Grade of skill must be equal to or higher than the grade of the magic aoe or magic range skill used in the ability.​

Magic Augmentor: Range D(21)
Angel of Sweetness, Miracle Girl Sariel coming at you from 30/100/1000 feet away!​

Magic Augmentor: Area of Effect E(14)
Angel of Sweetness, Miracle Girl Sariel now with an effect radius of 15/30 feet!​

Magic Augmentor: Targets F(7)
Sugar Heart ♡ Shotgun! (+5 Additional targets)​

Magic Augmentor: Spell Duration E (14)
So you're telling me I can be powerful for an entire day? wow!"​

[Activation I; Assisted I; Deplete I] Transformation [E>>B] (56)
  • Transformation E is treated as if it were Transformation B instead, this excludes when calculating the grade of an ability. However:
    • All abilities using this skill goes on and has its cooldown increased by 2 when the ability duration ends.
    • Requires 1 post to activate, during activation, Sariel starts a glamorous, sparkling and beautiful transformation sequence. Sariel cannot move or defend while transformation sequencing.
    • Requires the active assistance from [Salboros], who must be within at least 10 feet of Sariel to constantly transfer magical energy.
Height: 5'08" (174cm) | Weight: 88Ib (39.9kg) | TempArt
Makeup ☆ Action!

Transformation Point Allocation: 56 (+84 from Limiters)

Sariel Transforms into the powerful and most beautiful, Dulcifer, the Seraph of Sweetness. During the transformation, Sariel becomes one foot(30.48cm) taller. His body also ages by 6 years and rapidly loses the melanin in his body for the duration of the transformation. New clothing is also then coalesced from magic and various feathered appendages grow out of Sariel's body.
He also becomes physically stronger and is provided with a new suite of capabilities as per provided by the terms and conditions.

Strength: A (35)
Precision: A (35)
Intelligence: B (28)
Vitality: D (14)
Speed: E (7)

Character Grade: C
(35+35+28+14+7) = 98 ÷ 5 =23.8 ≈ 21

Skill Gains:
Fast F (7)
Catch Me ☆ Catch You ♡​

Flight E (42)
Soar on a wind, like the birds that freely fly in the sky.​

[Continuing (Lover’s Mark)] Affinity F (7)
Abilities with this Affinity apply a magical pink heart-shaped mark where the enemy was struck by the ability. This mark passionately combusts into a heart-shaped explosion roughly the size of a palm around the mark on the afflicted’s next post after it was applied.

[Tangle] Affinity F (7)
Ensnare a target for a single post! Causing them to become unable to move unless they expend an action to break the snares!​

Barrier F (14)
"Great! Now I don't have to block attacks with my face!"​

Healing E (14)
"They'll fall asleep and dream a dream they'll never want to awake from."​

Feature [Feathered Wings]
Sparkling white feathers which are attached to the back of Dulcifer’s waist. (cosmetic)

Feature [Feathered Ears]
Sparkling white feathers grew around Dulcifer’s ears. They’re really itchy. (annoying)

Feature [Feathered Collarbone]
Sparkling white feathers grew around the Half of the Witch’s Heart and around Dulcifer’s collarbone. (cosmetic)

Feature [Sparkling]
Dulcifer’s entire body sparkles as if glitter was puffed onto it. (cosmetic)

Fighting Style [Heart-Throb! Strawberry Sweetness] E(14)
A brutal, and the complete opposite of elegant, fighting style developed by Sariel in his past life. It utilizes blunt weapons, specifically preferring long sticks. Unfortunately, with Salboros’ magic, it has been modified with flowery flourishes, needless frolicking, cutesy poses and heart-fluttering strikes!​
  • [Pretty Power ~ Blunt] F(0) [Contact]
    • Sariel’s attacks are enchanted with shining fervour, creating shining sparks upon attacking a foe, lowering an Enemy’s resistance to [Blunt] attacks.
  • [Wreckin’ Violence] E (7) [Penetrating]
    • Sariel charges with his staff as if it were a lance, allowing him to deliver a powerful blow which helps penetrate defences by 2 letter grades.

Magic D, Energized D, Stealth D, Spell Duration E, [Activation I; Assisted I; Deplete I] Transformation [E>>B], Alternate Identity E:
Sariel takes 1 round to transform into the beautiful maiden and seraph of sweetness, Dulcifer. Gaining various benefits during the transformation.​
  • Transformation E is treated as if it were Transformation B instead, this excludes when calculating the grade of an ability. However:
    • All abilities using this skill goes on and has its cooldown increased by 2 when the ability duration ends.
    • Requires 1 post to activate, during activation, Sariel starts a glamorous, sparkling and beautiful transformation sequence. Sariel cannot move or defend while transformation sequencing.
    • Requires the active assistance from [Salboros], who must be within at least 10 feet of Sariel to constantly transfer magical energy.
This transformation lasts for up to 1 day. Rank D Spell, Energized 1(+2) Post cooldown.

Gone in a Flash
Energized D, Stealth D, Athletics F
Sariel attempts to get out of a situation quickly and quietly, whilst doing his best to avoid being seen.​
D Grade Ability, Energized 1 Post Cooldown

Sleuth Politeness
Energized E, Etiquette E, Insight E, Perception E
Sariel uses the advantages of being a polite child to draw out information from unassuming adults. Or anyone really.​
E Grade Ability, Energized 0 Post Cooldown

Magical Candy Creation
Magic D, Sugar Affinity E, Spell Duration E, (Maximum) Focus (F>>E):
Sariel using his magical power coalesces sugar particles into candy creations which last up to a day. Can cure world hunger for a day.​
Tastes like strawberries and bananas. D Rank Spell, 2 post cooldown.

Sugar Heart ♡ Machine Gun
Magic E, Sugar Affinity E, Energized E, Magic Augmentor: Selective F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Homing Affinity F, (Maximum) Focus (F>>E):
Sariel gathers the magical energy within him, launching up to [Ability Effectiveness = (10). Grade C Intelligence (4) + Grade C Magical Catalyst (4) + Grade E Spell (2)] Heart-Shaped Hardened Sugar Candies at high velocity which homes in on Sariel's target. These candies can reach up to 30ft away from Sariel before dispersing into nothing. If candy comes in contact with something it'll cause a tiny sweet explosion. Each heart deals 1 point of damage.​
Can only be used on up to 1 + 5 targets
Tastes like sugar and love! E rank Spell, Energized 0 post cooldown

Sugar Heart ♡ Cannon
Magic D, Sugar Affinity D, Energized D, Magic Augmentor: Selective E, Magic Range E, Homing Affinity F, Magic Area of Effect F, (Maximum) Focus (F>>E):
Sariel gathers the magical energy within him, launching a 5x5 feet Heart-Shaped Hardened Sugar Candy at a high velocity which homes in on Sariel's target. This candy can reach up to 100ft away from Sariel before dispersing into nothing. On contact. the candy will cause a 15 feet radial sweet explosion.​
Can only be used on one target.
Tastes like sugar and love! D rank Spell, Energized 1 post cooldown

Abilities Which can only be used during transformation.

Wide Amore ♡ Sweetheart's Screen
Magic E, Sugar Affinity E, Energized E, Magic Augmentor: Selective F, Magic Range F, Magic Duration F, Magic Area of Effect F, Barrier F, (Maximum) Focus (F>>E):
Sariel gathers the magical energy to put up a 10 by 10 feet flat heart-shaped hardened sugar candy screen anywhere within 30 feet. The sugar screen is effective against attacks weaker than E grade but is ineffective against attacks higher than E grade.​
Tastes like chocolate! E rank Spell, Lasts for up to one hour, Energized 0 post cooldown

Steps ♡' Sweetness
Magic E, Sugar Affinity E, Energized E, Magic Augmentor: Selective F, Magic Range F, Magic Duration F, Magic Area of Effect F, Barrier F, (Maximum) Focus (F>>E):
Sariel gathers the magical energy to create up to 5 sugary platforms which ascend upward up to 10 feet. This temporary staircase lasts for a minute and has a 10ft circumference​
The platforms look like daisies. E Rank Spell, Energized 0 post cooldown

Steps ♡' Sweetness Deluxe
Magic D, Sugar Affinity E, Energized D, Magic Augmentor: Selective E, Magic Range E, Magic Duration E, Magic Area of Effect F, Barrier F, (Maximum) Focus (F>>E):
Sariel gathers the magical energy to create up to 5 sugary platforms which ascend upward up to 30 feet. This temporary staircase lasts for an hour and has a 10ft circumference.​
The platforms look like daisies. D rank Spell, Energized 1 post cooldown

Pretty Girl’s ☆ Stock Intimidation ♡ Technique
Intimidate F, (Maximum) Focus (F>>E), Energized E,
Sariel does the obligatory magical girl stock introduction sequence in an attempt to intimidate his foes.​
"Shining on those who live in darkness, Behold! I am the beautiful maiden who fights for love and for justice! Be not afraid, for I am the Seraph of Sweetness, Dulcifer! In the name of heavenly law and holy order, I will cleanse all evil filth... and that means you! ☆" -Sariel's alter ego. Probably.​
E grade Intimidation, Energized 0 Post Cooldown

Love Me♡Chain (好き好き♡大好き)
Magic E, Energized E, (Maximum) Focus (F>>E), Magic Augmentor: Selective E, Magic Range F, [Sugar] Affinity E, [Homing] Affinity F, [Tangle] Affinity F
Sariel sends out a sugary chain with heart-shaped links which seek out a target within 30 feet of Sariel. Once it catches its target, it restrains them for 1 post making them unable to move without expending an action to break the chains. If the chains fail to ‘embrace’ its target the first time, it’ll try again before melting into thin air.​
E grade Spell, Energized 0 Post Cooldown, 30 feet range.

♡Prince of Hearts♡ (♡心の彦♡)
Magic E, Energized E, Barrier F, [Sugar] Affinity F, Magic Duration F, Magic Augmentor: Selective E, (Maximum) Focus (F>>E), Magic Range F, Magic Area of Effect F
Sariel creates a hardened pink sugar barrier around himself or another creature within 30 feet. The barrier is fitted to its subject, with a limit of a 15 feet radius of its subject. The barrier will move along with its subject, and also allows the subject to interact with things outside of the barrier, but does not allow things from the outside to interact with the subject inside.​
E Grade Barrier, Energized 0 Post Cooldown, Up to a 15 feet radius, Lasts for an hour.

Heavy ♡ Press
Fighting Style [Heart-Throb! Strawberry Sweetness] F, Energized E, Magic Augmentor: Selective E, [Pretty Power ~ Blunt] F [Contact], Magic E, (Maximum) Focus (F>>E), [Continuing(Lover’s Mark] F
Sariel attempts to violently strike a target, creating a magical heart-shaped explosion in a 2 feet radius around the target. The physical strike lowers an enemy’s resistance to [Blunt] attacks by one grade. Enemies which are caught in the magical explosion are applied with [Lover’s Mark].​
E grade Attack, Energized 0 Post Cooldown, 2 feet Radius.

Heart ♡ Pounding
Fighting Style [Heart-Throb! Strawberry Sweetness] F ([Wreckin’ Violence] F [Penetrating], [Pretty Power ~ Blunt] F [Contact]), Energized F
Sariel attempts a glitzing attack with his staff.​
F Grade Ability, Energized 0 Post Cooldown

Shangri♡La Sketch
Fighting Style [Heart-Throb! Strawberry Sweetness] E, Energized E, Magic Augmentor: Selective E, [Wrekin’ Force] E [Penetrating], Magic E, (Maximum) Focus (F>>E), [Continuing(Lover’s Mark] F
Sariel attempts to sweetly strike a target, creating a magical heart-shaped explosion in a 3 feet radius. The physical strike ignores 2 grades of a target’s item when it is used to defend. Enemies which are caught in the magical explosion are applied with [Lover’s Mark].​
E grade Attack, Energized 0 Post Cooldown, 3 feet Radius.

Shining ☆ Strike
Fighting Style [Heart-Throb! Strawberry Sweetness] E, Energized E, Flight F, Fast F, [Pretty Power ~ Blunt] F [Contact], Magic E, Magic Augmentor: Selective E, Magic Area of Effect F, (Maximum) Focus (F>>E), [Continuing(Lover’s Mark] F
Sariel flies up to 9ft into the air, and then suspends said flight, channeling magic into the end of his staff while coming down at an accelerating rate to create a heart-shaped magical explosion in a 15 feet radius around the area he lands. Enemies which are caught in the magical explosion are applied with [Lover’s Mark].​
E Grade Attack. Energized 0 Post Cooldown, 15 Feet Radius.

Screw ☆ Driver
Fighting Style [Heart-Throb! Strawberry Sweetness] E, Energized E, [Wreckin’ Violence] E [Penetrating], Magic E, [Continuing(Lover’s Mark] F, Magic Area of Effect F, Athletics F, (Maximum) Focus (F>>E), Magic Augmentor: Selective E,
Sariel charges forth, swirling his staff to create a magical vortex in a 15 feet radius around his staff to puncture his foes. Enemies which are caught by the magical vortex are applied with [Lover’s Mark].​
E Grade Attack. Energized 0 Post Cooldown, 15 Feet Radius.

Sugar ☆ Star ☆ Comet
Fighting Style [Heart-Throb! Strawberry Sweetness] E, Energized E, [Wreckin’ Violence] E [Penetrating], Magic E, [Continuing(Lover’s Mark] F, Magic Area of Effect F, Athletics F, (Maximum) Focus (F>>E), Fast F, Flight F, Magic Augmentor: Selective E,
Sariel, while in flight, charges forth swirling his staff to create a magical vortex in a 15 feet radius around his staff to puncture his foes with a flying strike. Enemies which are caught by the magical vortex are applied with [Lover’s Mark].​
E Grade Attack. Energized 0 Post Cooldown, 15 Feet Radius.

Shining Sweetness ☆ Super Stardust ♡ Sugar Stream!
Magic C, Magic Range D, [Sugar] Affinity D, [Radiant] Affinity E, Healing E, Energized C, Magic Augmentor: Selective D, [Continuing(Lover’s Mark] F, Magic Area of Effect F, (Maximum) Focus (F>>E)
"Oh, heart, a bloody-ruby radiant
Of fire in nature, Of love in spirit,
With noble passion, sweet-souled star of beauty
Sweep through the dawn colossal, swift aslant
Bless nonentity with every sacred virtue
Spice with glee the pure soul of love
Breathe end unto the fecund sinner
and with love and justice drive out guilt."
Sariel charges the magical sweet energy of Love, Justice, Hopes and Dreams into a sparkling magical 15 feet horizontal cylinder in a 1000 feet long heart-shaped laser to destroy everything in it's wake with the powerful magical energy of LOVE and JUSTICE, HOPES and DREAMS… And lots, and lots, and LOTs of Sugar. Enemies which are caught in the magical laser are applied with [Lover’s Mark]. Allies caught within the beam are rejuvenated and healed of their minor wounds.​
C grade Attack, Energized 2 Post Cooldown, 1000 feet line, 15 feet horizontal cylindrical radius

Sugar ☆ Star ☆ Supernova
Magic C, [Sugar] Affinity D, [Radiant] Affinity E, Energized C, Magic Area of Effect E, (Maximum) Focus (F>>E), Magic Targets F, Magic Augmentor: Selective D
Sariel charges the magical sweet energy of Love, Justice, Hopes and Dreams into a sparkling magical sugar explosion, bursting into a magical gust in a 50 feet radius of himself which destroys everything in its wake. Allies caught within the supernova are rejuvenated and healed of their minor wounds. Sariel is excluded from this as well as up to 5 additional others of his choice.​
C Grade Spell, Energized 2 Post Cooldown, 50 feet radius.
EquipmentWeapon ~ [Pretty Power ♡ Candy Cutie] Staff B(35)
A super cute long rod with various feathered adornments, gold accents and red jewels. It has a metallic sheen. It's deceptively heavy and quite sturdy. It's topped with Salboros' mark and supposedly has it's full name engraved somewhere on the staff.​

Magical Catalyst ~ [Half the Witch’s Heart] B(35)
A beautiful tear-shaped red jewel gleaming with magical energy. It's filled with the passionately furious ever-burning love of the Witch to who it once belonged to. It's strange and somewhat creepy, but the crystal is warm and almost feels as if it's pulsating. Salboros claims to have been trapped inside it.​
Divine Feather of Awful Sin – Gula
An awfully orange feather that smells like sulfur. Those who gaze upon it find themselves hungry. No matter how much you eat, it won’t ever be enough—meat, fibres, the plates, people and the soil; even if you consume the entire world, it won’t be enough. The only way to end the hunger is to fully consume one’s own self. Of course, that’s just a tall story… Salboros seems hungrier as of late.​

Asset ~ [Black Box]
A box which resembles a chest and is the size of a large jewellery box. Despite being called a black box, it somehow has an oddly realistic reflective night sky design. It's covered in various coloured talismans in assorted languages which don't seem to come off. It's relatively light and shaking the box makes some noise, as if some sort of hard object is inside. Asking someone with insight into [Academia], [Arcana] or [Religion] to appraise the talismans may be able to yield some useful information.​

Silken Clothing
Clothing made from a silky material. It has pockets!​

Satin Ribbons
A number of ribbons in various colours.​
Since when did children own things?


Height: 13 Inches (33 cm) | Weight: 0.88Ib ( 0.41 kg)

(7 Feathers): Regain the seven feathers which have been lost.
(Thousand-year hunger): After being sealed for so long, eat something delicious!
(Magical ♥ Mascot!): Turn Sariel into a powerful worthy hero!
Equipped Titles:
Monster - Evil, Vicious, Savage, Cunning, Vile, and much more. Monsters are the congealed chaos of the universe given form and a singular purpose of destruction. Monsters will consume all.
  • Mundane Perk: [Born For This] - Get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
Demon - Creatures born of a great malevolence; often embodying, in some way or form, one or more of the seven cardinal sins. They crave nothing more than the desolation of all things. They will see to it that every star in the sky burns out.
Small - How delicate and cute! I don't pose a threat at all.
Backstory: "Once upon a time, there lived a little demon, a great demon! This demon fed on the virtues and happiness of humans. The demon would disguise itself as a guardian angel, appearing before his unfortunate victim. As an angel, the demon would help its victim follow the right path, a path to everlasting happiness. And after all the tedious work, the journeys and the memories, the demon would take it all. The person's memories, heart, dreams, and happiness. The demon would eat it all up.

But the demon would one day make a mistake. He would devour everything of someone who was longed for. The demon devoured a loyal knight who devotedly pursued chivalry. A maiden who had fallen in love with the knight became swept by grief and rage. All her life she waited for her knight, only for him to be stolen away from her by some demon. And so, with her undying love, she tore the demon apart, sealing its seven powers in seven feathers, as she scattered them across the realm. She then crystallised her heart and tore it in twine, sealing the demon within half of her heart.

Stricken with grief, the maiden then ran away to a world of her memories. Where she could forever dream of happy endings with the one she longed for. Her philia for the knight would forever keep the demon at bay. Until one day, a child with just as much potential as the maiden would resonate with her heart and unseal the demon from its tomb. How could a cute thing like me be an evil demon? Hah! That young lady was just out of her mind."
Salboros is a demon. A demon who feeds on Happiness. Due to this diet of Happiness, Salboros cannot feel or show any other emotion but a constant exuberant, ecstasy. His face is constantly showing a wide smile, which only gets wider. When Salboros moves his head, it's almost always in a twitching and snapping manner, as if quickly turning the head of an old wooden doll. His tertiary eye always quickly looks at the thing he's talking to. It noticeably dilates when looking at things it likes, and narrows when looking at things it dislikes.

Even if he has been weakened, I wouldn't know what would happen to you in the very rare case that Salboros does not smile.

Salboros affectionately refers to Sariel as "Little Angel," but will often refer to another creature with their full name if he knows it. If he doesn't, he'll refer to their inherent appearance, occupation or race. Salboros comes off as eerily aggressive in a cheerful or nonchalant tone. Constantly giggling and laughing. He never speaks in full sentences, often repeating the same sentence three or two times but with different words or by extending it. (eg. "A fox? A fox with 3 tails? A beast with more skin than fur? A freak?") Salboros never answers nor asks questions, unless its to be condescending.

Salboros would avoid endangering himself at all costs, often fleeing when exposed to combat. Salboros is an eternally selfish and malevolent creature with a constantly overbearing cheerful attitude. If there is an opportunity to sow chaos or ruin something for someone else (including Sariel) he would do it.

Speech Colour:#c7001e
Acquired Titles: Monster, Demon, Small
Points at Start: 70 (14)
Points Earned: 35
Points Spent: 119
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E(7)
Precision - C(21)
Intelligence - E(7)
Vitality - F (0)
Speed - D(14)
Feature [Ears of a Fox] - They're cute? Aren't they? (Cosmetic.)
Feature [Blood: (Pitch Black)] - Salboros' blood and viscera are pitch black, as though staring into an empty space of reality. It smells like sulfur too. Yuck.(Cosmetic.)
Feature [A Horse's Tail] - Majestic and beautiful! (Cosmetic.)
Feature [Tiger-like Paws] - Too soft to pose a threat(Cosmetic)
Feature [Tertiary Eye] - Fear me, mortals, for I have triple 20/20 vision! (Cosmetic)
Feature [Shimmering] - Aren't I just outrageous? (Cosmetic)
Feature [Angelic Bird Wings] - Fluttery Flutter. (Cosmetic)

Feature [True Mouth] F (21)
  • Natural Equipment [Splitting Headache] F – Salboros’ head can split in quarters and expose his true mouth. A bleeding black void with jagged, pearlescent spines standing subtly curved on each quarter. It smells like sulfur.
  • Concealment F – If you were to look very closely at Salboros’ head, you may notice the strange, pitch-black vertical slits that stretch through it. Isn’t it kind of strange that Salboros’ smile never seems to move despite his constant chatter?
Sixth Sense [Malevolence] F (7) - Salboros can perceive any animosity, contempt or otherwise evil intent within an area immediately him.

Deception F(7) - How to pretend to be a doll 101

Flight F(21) -Flying at a leisurely pace of 12 miles per hour

Magic F(0) - The bases of all creation. Probably. (Born For This)

  • Fixed the mistake made with angelic bird wings regaining 7 points. Got rid of demon and natural weapons temporarily for 14 points.
    Added 14 points to Speed to raise it to D rank to be eligibly tiny. Added Deception for 7 points 18th of July 3:14 PM

  • Spent all 105 points
    • Gained 14 points from G Grade stats because Sariel is a child with child stats.
    • Added transformed image and did stuff.
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Neramo Blackwood
Rp'er Name: NeramoDJI
Post Frequency:
Planning on this guy being my main one, so decently frequent
Discord Name: Neramo#7557
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 6 Foot 1
Weight: 210
Backstory: Neramo was a college student about to enter into law school, his deep interest in law and justice keeping him well motivated to keep going into this path, as well as his high level of reading and writing comprehension. He died and was isekaid when a semi truck ran him over outside his favorite gym. Before hand, he lived a pretty standard life, his mother was a bank attendant and his father a policeman. His strong adherence to the law came from spending time around his father and believing that his father was dedicating himself to what had the most importance there was. And after hearing how many surely guilty criminals got away on techinicality, he determined himself to become a prosecutor to prevent such things. This is where he went to law school, and was subsequently Truck-Kun'd.
Current Life: Isekai’d into a family of farmers, Neramo was born with an odd curse, that his hands were naturally like weapons. His fingers could slice better than kitchen knives, and his fists could break stone, with his skin being almost like iron itself. He had a difficult life due to the fact that he couldn’t hold anything, lest he slice it to bits, he couldn’t hold his mothers hand, nor help his father in chores, leaving him to feel rather distant. He found a method to help, being in dragging his hands through the dirt, able to leave deeper and finer lines than a plow could. However, his love for the law persisted, wishing to become an enforcer of the court even in this new world, seeking to use his hands as weapons of the court and law. He has moved towards the city to this end, in search of a way to get noticed and rise through the ranks of the court.
Acquired Titles: Human, Imposter (sus)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 61
Points Spent: 161
Points Unspent: 5
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - B
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - A
Speed - E
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name and grade. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Fighting Style (Body Of Iron E) Neramo's body is supernaturally durable, with his hands being capable of slicing better than blades. He uses this in a sort of homemade street brawler style that involves rushes and blitzs on his opponents, with occasional haymakers.
  • Technique: Overruled - F - Tech Core: Penetrating - Neramo balls his fist into a straight punch while throwing his back into it, his blade curse piercing through defenses that he makes contact with.
  • Technique: Black Listed - F - Tech Core: Incurable - Neramo's Blade Curse has a corroding effect, preventing regeneration when he focuses his mind on his fists.
  • Feature (Tough Hide) F
  • Feature (Weapon Hands) E
  • Connection (Court) F
  • Law E
  • Weapon Hands E, Technique: Overruled F, Technique: Black Listed - Neramo Channels his blade curse into his right fist for a haymaker, piercing armor and leaving energy on the wound that prevents it from healing - Grade E, Cooldown 1
  • Weapon Hands E, Technique: Overruled F, Tough Hide F: Neramo throws his whole body into his punch, defending himself while also performing a devastating forward strike - Grade E, cooldown 1
  • Weapon Hand F
  • Weapon Hand F
  • Skin Armor C
  • Court Badge
  • N/A
Change Log:
Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Turnabout Underground - Gained 51 points, purchased Law F, purchased Vitality ranks from D to A, Upgraded skin Armor to C from F - 5/22/22
Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Let's Make Some Money - Gained 10 points, gained optional title [Imposter], purchased rank of Law to move from F to E (6/1/22)

Sage Litwile
Rp'er Name: NeramoDJI
Post Frequency:
Can do it Daily
Discord Name: See Neramo Blackwood
Equipped Titles: Fae, Tiny, Fairy, Ryken Adventurer E, Hero of Norroburry, Music Man, Vessel Cirche, Brazen Fighter, Zylf's Champion, Mountain Troll Slayer, Variant Path, Wanted [Woodland Cult]
Height: 6 inches tall
Weight: 5 Pounds
Backstory: Sage was incredibly young when his death occurred, a little kid playing in the street and chasing a ball without looking. There wasn’t really much to be said about his previous life other than that he had a few birth problems, such as hard Asthma and Brittle Bone Disease, all of which he didn’t entirely mind since as a child he didn’t understand what they were. When he was killed in that instant of a way, it sort of stunted his mental growth, so in some areas he’s still a child, and due to a speech impediment he talks like it as well, unable to pronounce R’s and instead says them like W’s
Current Life: Sage was reborn into the body of a fairy, an incredibly small creature with butterfly wings. He lived in a little flower for a while, being raised by a pair of human mercenary parents who found him one day. He was always in awe of them, wishing he could do the things they do, even if he were only 1/5th their size. One day when they went out for a mission, he tried to pick up one of his dads swords, finding it basically impossible with his small frame. However, this did not dissuade him, since he had seen his dad doing a lot of training, deciding he’d try it himself, starting by bench pressing pens and pencils, moving to bigger and bigger things, until eventually, he could hold an entire knife. He didn’t stop there, determined to pick up his dads sword someday, trying to keep it secret from them so he could surprise them. However, when the day came that he was ready to introduce the new talent to his parents, they never came home from their mission. Sage stayed in the home for days, before deciding he wanted to go look for them, beginning his journey into the wider world. However because he’s a stupid kid, he forgot to bring anything other than water food and the clothes on his back.

After a long journey, he has found himself at the pinnacle of might after a contest with the champion of a goddess, leading him to be trapped 20 years in a forest dimension, fighting for his life. He is now 28, and has been unleashed into the world once more with his new power.
Acquired Titles: Fae, Tiny, Fairy, Ryken Adventurer E, Hero of Norroburry, Ornamental, Ryke Military Associate F, Music Man, Brazen Fighter, Vessel Cirche, Zylf's Champion, Mountain Troll Slayer, Variant Path, Wanted [Woodland Cult]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 293
Points Spent: 309
Points Unspent: 173
Strength - S
Precision - A
Intelligence - A
Vitality - A
Speed - A
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name and grade. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Flying F
  • Lucky F
  • Mind Shield F
  • Appraise A
  • Fighting Style: God-Slayers Blade S [Specialized] - A self taught style where Sage uses his Zweihander in such a way where he swings it with his whole body moving with it, giving it a chaotic look, though every move made during this state is purposeful and pre-meditated to get the massive blade to move the way he wants it.
  • Sixth Sense [Attack] F
  • Blood Seeker: Blooderfly's Dervish: Accurate E, Penetrating E, Flying F, Blight E - Sage Grips his Zweihander, thrusting the blade with extreme force, enough to pierce most metal and fast enough to make it much easier to hit his target. - Grade E, 1 post cooldown
  • [*]Blood Flash: Blooderfly's Dervish: Accurate D, Penetrating D, Flying F, Blight D, Targeted [Zylf's Champion] F - Sage thrusts his blade fiercly, piercing armor and releasing quite a lot of blood from the way he angles the blade. - Grade D, 2 Post cooldown
    [*]Blood Let: Blooderfly's Dervish: Accurate C, Penetrating C, Flying F, Drain (Precision) C, Blight C - Sage tosses his Zweihander a moment, doing a spin himself in the air before grabbing the Zweihander with his new momentum and swinging it with his sheer strength and momentum, piercing armor and drawing out quite a bit of blood, leaving the victim rather languid for a moment - Grade C, 3 post cooldown
    [*]Blood Drink: Blooderfly's Dervish: Accurate B, Penetrating B, Flying F, Drain (Precision) B, Blight B, Incurable B, Multidimensional - Sage tosses his Zweihander a moment, doing a spin himself in the air before thrusting his Zweihander with his new momentum and swinging it with his sheer strength and momentum, piercing armor, striking faster targets and drawing out quite a bit of blood, leaving the victim rather languid for a moment - Grade B, 4 post cooldown
    [*]That Which Will Bleed The Earth Dry - Accurate B, Penetrating B, Drain (Precision) B, Target F (Zylf's Champion), Blight B - Sage's technique formed purely to kill Zylf the Horns Champion, where he thrusts his blade with enough strength to pierce through even a metal wall, before twirling the blade to eviscerate the target, leaving the target with explosive amounts of bleeding. - Grade B, 4 post cooldown
    [*]Sky Piercing Hunt - Accurate B, Penetrating B, Blight B, AOE C, Aura B, Incurable B, Multidimensional - Sage unleashes his newfound power in a brutal sword swing that echoes his power over 500ft, creating deep bleeding wounds on anyone caught in the area, friends and foe alike. - Grade B, 4 post cooldown.
  • Fairy Wings
  • B Rank Zweihander
  • B Rank Fairy Mail
  • B Rank Orichalcum Blade "Kleric's Will" - Zylf's Boon that Sage named Kleric's Will, now made as tattoos on his hands that can be summoned and unsummoned on command to bring forth this massive sword that glows a dark green.
  • Bark Patch
  • N/A
  • Village of Nisse Housing
Change Log:
  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Stones and Pulp Gained 20 points, Gained Title [Ryken Adventurer E], gained C grade Sword for free, purchased C rank Strength for 14 points (5/12/22)
  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Mysterious Disappearances at Norroburry Lake - Gained 30 points, gained Title [Hero of Norroburry]. Upgraded Strength to A from C for 14 points. Gained E rank Fairy Mail for 14 points, upgraded sword to B from C for 7 points (5/12/22)
  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] [Tribulation] Sage's Tribulation of Strength - Gained 30 points, gained title [Maimed- Zylf of Horns Remembrance], got 4 fighting style ranks for 28 points, accurate, Drain (Vitality) and Penetrating E, Gained Bark Patch (5/12/22)
  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Testimony of Truth - Gained 19 points, Gained Title [Ornamental], purchased additional rank of Fighting Style taking additional rank of Accurate, raising fighting style from C to B, costing 7. Bought two extra ranks of Fairy Mail, bringing it from E to C, costing 14. (5/29/22)
  • Took points refunded from removal of minuses received from Tiny, totaling in 28. Used 7 to move speed from B to A. Used 14 to move precision from C to A. used 7 to upgrade Fairy Mail to B rank (7/5/2022)\
  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Ruins Right Route - Gained 12 points and title [Ryke Military Associate F]. Used points to gain new fighting style, God-Slayers Blade, and gained Targeted Tech Core (7/15/22)
  • Other - [Isekai Hell] Summer Writing Comp - Gained 7 points and upgraded Vitality from F to E (8/7/22)
  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Summer Moon Festival! - Earned 31 points, spent 28 to upgrade Vitality from E to A, spent 7 points to upgrade God-Slayers Blade from F to E (8/16/22)
  • Fantasy - Isekai Hell Lore - Earned 14 points, gained Optional Title [Music Man], spent 7 on Lucky Skill, Spent 7 on Mentor Skill (9/6/22)
  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Home of the Nisse - Earned 64 points, gained Optional Title [Brazen Fighter], Gained Evolution Title [Vessel Cirche], Gained Asset [Nisse Village Housing] Grade E
  • Used 28 points to upgrade Mentor to B, and 35 to upgrade Intelligence to A, and 7 points to get a rank in Mind Shield, as well as upgrading every tech core to B with Mentors discount (Except for Targeted)
  • Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace Gained 7 points
  • Fantasy - [Tribulation] [Isekai Hell] Clash of Champions - Gained 42 points, Can now upgrade Strength from A to S, gained optional title [Zylf's Champion], gained [God's Boon] Kleric's Will - B Grade Orichalcum Greatsword - Zylf's Boon that Sage named Kleric's Will, now made as tattoos on his hands that can be summoned and unsummoned on command to bring forth this massive sword that glows a dark green. (11/23/22)
  • Used 28 points to upgrade Kleric's Will to S rank. Used 7 points to get S grade strength. Used 14 points to upgrade Fighting Style Blooderfly's Dervish to S rank, taking the tech cores AOE and Aura and using Mentor B to upgrade them to B rank. Re-allocated 14 points due to Fighting Style changes, as well as combining fighting styles into the same one, changing Blooderfly's Dervish's name to God-Slayers Blade. The cores acquired from partial scoop are Incurable and Multidimensional. These are both leveled to B due to Mentor. Created new abilities with the new cores. (11/23/2022)
  • 28 points refunded from Kleric's Will, reducing it to B-Grade. Targeted is now Targeted on Boggarts. Used the 28 points to get Transformation.
  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Tutoring Session with the Dead gained 17 points, gained optional title [Mountain Troll Slayer]. Purchased Sixth Sense F [Attack]
  • All tech cores reduced to original ranks due to Mentor changes, regaining 35 points from the removal of Mentor. 28 points regained from the loss of Transformation due to mechanic changes. Gained 14 points from Multidimensional not existing anymore. 95/15/2024)
  • 28 points gained from Wanted in the Variant Path, Became Intermediate Variant, Became Ascended Variant: Harem King. Regained 21 points from loss of tech cores due to partial scoop, regained 35 points from loss of Targeted B rank.
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Zeke “Mors” Valdain
Rp'er Name: NeramoDJI
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: See Neramo Blackwood
Equipped Titles: Human, Heavens Reject, Icarus, Undesirable Guest, Captain, Murderer E, Abuser F, Vandal E, Thief D,
Height: 6’7
Weight: 210 Lbs
Backstory: Once a resident of the far future when space travel was trivialized, Zeke was a space pirate put simply. He was an alien species, the sort with claws for hands. He was a terror across the stars, however he only ever stole from humans, finding them to be the lowest of all galactic species. He was brought low horrifically embarrassingly, when a mere cargo hover truck plowed into him because the driver wasn’t looking.
Current Life: The first realization Zeke came to when he awoke, was that he no longer had his carapace of his old self. He was fleshy, like those humans he so hated and stole from. His second realization was that being a human was no different than his own species mentally. Which led him to one last realization in that moment of birth. There was no reason to restrict himself to what he stole from, he should ravage all species regardless of what their moral standing was. Doesn’t mean he couldn’t make his own empire while he did so. As of now, Zeke is in the market for a ship and crew, and has started his search far from home in the southern fishing and lumber town of Bagold that is in the empire.
Acquired Titles: Human, Heavens Reject, Icarus, Undesirable Guest, Captain, Former Captain, Murderer E, Abuser F, Vandal E, Thief D,
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 231
Points Spent: 308
Points Unspent: 28
Points Total: 336

Strength - C
Precision - C
Intelligence - A
Vitality - C
Speed - C
  • Magic Affinity F
  • Portal D
  • Control Environment F
  • Companion F
  • Minion F
  • Dragon Breeder F
  • Heavenly Gate F - Magic Affinity F - Portal F - Zeke makes a portal to a heavenly plane, with celestial beings inhabiting it. - Post Cooldown 1
  • Homeward Gate F - Magic Affinity F - Portal F - Zeke makes a portal back home from whatever plane he is currently inside of. - Post Cooldown 1
  • Spirit Gate F - Magic Affinity F - Portal F - Zeke makes a portal to the Spirit Realm, a mirror of the material plane which allows him to view his surroundings and pass unseen, and appear where he wishes on the other end.
  • Cutlass F
  • Flintlock F
  • Oranges
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Cakes
  • Dragon Breeding Equipment
  • Living Wood
  • Underwater Apparatus
  • Skyship Engine
Stella Evren “Eleanor” Valdain
Rp'er Name: NermaoDJI
Discord Name: Neramo#7557
Equipped Titles: Monster, Baby Dragon, Small
Height: 2’6
Weight: 70 LBS
Acquired Titles: Monster, Baby Dragon, Small
Points at Start: 70
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 70
Points Unspent 0
Strength - F
Precision - C
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - C
    • Flying F
    • Feature: Claws (Cosmetic)
    • Feature: Fangs (Cosmetic)
    • N/A
    • N/A

    • Stella Snacks

    • Empty eggshell
Crooked Bladesmen
View attachment 1029032
Acquired Titles: Human, Crooked Blade Member F
Points at Start: 56
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 56
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - C
Precision - E
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Sword D

Change Log:
    • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - What Dreams May Come Gained 15 Points, gained and equipped Heavens Reject Title, Gained Fred's Sandal.
    • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Holy Draconis - Gained 22 Points, Gained and Equipped Icarus Title, Lost Fred's Sandals
    • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Schal's 11 - Gained and Equipped [Undesirable Guest], Gained 29 points, Gained the S.S. Moltres and crew. Upgraded Strength and Precision to E, gained F rank Cutlass and Flintlock. 5/21/22
    • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Grandmaster of Goldcrest - Gained and Equipped [Captain], gained 51 points (7/27/22)
    • Spent 49 points, upgrading 2 ranks of strength to bring from E to C, 2 ranks of Precision E to C, 2 ranks of Vitality F to D, and 1 rank of speed to bring from F to E.
    • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Forbidden City - gained 32 points. Upgraded Vitality from D to C, and Speed from E to C, and got Minion F (10/7/22)
    • Gained 7 points from Community Event [Build an Ability], and got skill Dragon Breeder [Artisan] F. (E Precision 7pts For 21 points, produce companion F or asset dragons F for 0pts. Companions get customized as normal and can be sold. Assets are narratively described and may be also sold but do mechanically less.)
    • Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace - Gained 9 points
    • Gained 7 Points from Isekai Hell Community Event (Build a Turkey)
    • Graded - [Marauder's Cove] Pirate Booty Job Gained 33 points and [Former Captain] role. Lost the Moltres asset and it's Crew
    • Upgraded Intelligence from C to A for 14 points
    • With Materials now being Assets, Living Wood, Underwater Apparatus, and Skyship Engine now added as Assets
    • Used 35 points to upgrade Portal from E to D, gaining Portal: Spirit Realm
    • Gained 26 points from Graded - [Zhaojun City] The Mile High Heist . Gained mandatory Titles: Abuser F, Thief D, Murderer E, Vandal E.
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Rp'er Name: NeramoDJI
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: See Neramo Blackwood
Equipped Titles: Monster, Woodland Demon, Plague Bearer, Bushwacker, Abuser F, Accomplice, Murderer F
Height: 7’3
Weight: 200 LBS
Backstory: Photosynthesis
Current Life: Moikaa was once just a regular tree seed, flowing in the wind after being knocked loose from her parents embrace. She ended up in a nice patch of recently turned and fertile soil. She was but a young sapling, spreading her roots into the earth. After 6 years of growing however, her roots were disturbed. Humans, disturbing the soil at her base, throwing one of their own into a hole beneath her. They covered it and left soon enough. But that was when something began to happen. Her roots began to slowly seep into a deep sustenance, drinking deep the fuel she was given, as her body began to change, feeling the flow of energy and power inside herself, and becoming aware. Truly aware of herself, she no longer felt the immovable skin around her, but rather when she twisted to adjust, she actually began to move. Looking at her hand, she realized… she had a hand. It was her familiar bark, but in the visage of humans. With sentience and no purpose, she began to set out, confused as to her existence.
Acquired Titles: Monster, Woodland Demon, Plague Spreader, Bushwacker, Abuser, Accomplice
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 72
Points Spent: 175
Points Unspent: 2
Strength - F
Precision - C
Intelligence - A
Vitality - D
Speed - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name and grade. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Magic C
  • Flora Magic Affinity E
  • Carpentry F
  • Agriculture F
  • Fletching F
  • Magic Duration F
  • Magic Range F
  • Life Flow - Flora Magic F, Magic Affinity F, Agriculture F, Magic Duration F - Maikoa makes a plant around her begin to grow spontaneously, before shriveling and returning to it's original size shortly after. - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • Tangling Roots - Flora Magic E, Magic Affinity E, Agriculture F, Magic Duration F - Maikoa summons thin plants from beneath the ground to restrain an opponent within 5ft of her for 1 minute - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Magic Fruit Catalyst C
  • Carpenter Tools
  • Fletching Tools
  • Agriculture Tools
  • Apples
  • Bark clothing
  • Homemade Tree Home
Change Log:
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Rp'er Name: Neramo
Post Frequency:
daily most likely
Discord Name: Neramo#7557
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Become stronger, find out what he should even be doing to change the world, Explore the world
Equipped Titles: Human, Lagombi, Ryken Adventurer E
Height: 6’2
Weight: 195
Backstory: Just a regular fellow for the most part, Matt was a typical salaryman fresh out of college working for a game design company, before one day he got hit by a truck in a small episode of him wondering if this was all there was to life.
Current Life: Rather than being born in a normal single family like most isekai'ers, he was born a small village with a sister in the form of Pamela. However, this little idyllic life of his was not to last, as the village was raided by a clan of bandits, leading to Matt doing his best to protect what he could, taking his now late fathers hunting bow and trying to fight off the bandits from the new family he had, and though he ran as far as he could with his sister, he fell down a sheer surface and when he awoke from a rock to his temple, his sister was gone and he was alone, leading him to try to get better with his bow and pursue monsters and criminals with it.
Acquired Titles: Human, Lagombi (due to horned Rabbit parts), Ryken Adventurer E
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 100
Points Spent: 203
Points Not Spent: 2
Strength - F
Precision - A
Intelligence - F
Vitality - B
Speed - A
  • Steady Hands F
  • Fighting Style: Monster Killer D
  • Fighting Style: Monster Killer: Achilles Killer - F - Hot Shot - Matt simply points towards his target silently, and fires an arrow, which pierces the point he points to
  • Fighting Style: Monster Killer: Longshot - F - Range - Matt can shoot up to 10 feet
  • Fighting Style: Monster Killer: Deadshot - E - Incapacitate - Matt points with two fingers, firing a shot into a debilitating zone into his target
  • Feature: Rabbit Ears
  • Feature: Catalyst: Horned Rabbits Horn
  • Slayers Shot To Achilles Heel - Deadshot E, Range F, Steady Hands F - Matt fires an arrow into a lethal zone of his target, allowing for an instant down while dodging away from them - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Slayers Aim - Range F, Deadshot E, Achille’s Killer F - Matt take’s a moment to hold still, breathing deep and loosing an arrow into a lethal zone of his target, able to aim extremely precisely for what lethal spot he wants to hit - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Slayers Eye - Achilles Killer F, Range F, Steady Hands F - Matt dodges to the side, firing an arrow towards a targets weakpoint to debilitate them. - Grade E - 1 post cooldown
  • Silver Bow B
  • Catalyst F: Horned Rabbit Horn
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Torch
  • Arrow Supply
  • Spare bowstrings
  • Carrots
  • Small Hut
Change Log:
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Rp'er Name:: Shadow Dancer
Post Frequency: Daily or weekly
Discord Name: Indicus#3583
Current RP:
Survive and figure out the secrets his body holds and perhaps who his parents are.
Equipped Titles: Dragonborn, Beast, Ryken Adventurer F, Loyal, Unwitting Catalyst
Height: 5 Feet 11 Inches
Weight: 180 Pounds
Backstory: Indicus was once a promising career criminal doing odd jobs to earn enough to eat another day in Lile, the technology capital of the Lindel Kingdom where the average citizen would slave away in some factory, join the Lindel Army and wake up to cannon fire, wizard ambushes or an enemy necromancers pet skeleton or join the criminal underworld where you did shady odd jobs in the hope of earning enough of a reputation that you could get jobs that earned enough for you to live comfortably. Unfortunately for most none of these choices will see you living past thirty. Indicus started his life of crime after his mother died in a factory accident when he was seventeen. It started as running drugs for small time dealers then five years later he was known by many small gangs and even some of the larger ones for his reliability. In another year he could have been on his way to becoming a household name in the criminal world of Lile. But like many before him his luck ran dry and he got ambushed by his employers rivals and received a sword through the chest for his troubles, dying at the age of twenty two.
Current Life: Indicus was quite surprised to find he hatched out of an egg in a cave in the middle of a forest and that he was not even human anymore. He quickly grasped the ins and outs of using his new body and set out to explore his surroundings, abusing his appraisal ability the moment he learned how to use it. After ten years of making barely functional clothing from plants or finding some off a dead adventure that was better than nothing Indicus grew capable enough to exit the forest and saw that about a couple miles in the distance was a city which he would later find to be called Ryken. Indicus is now eighteen and has been doing odd jobs for people for six years making enough to live and even make his cave home in the forest more homely. Over those years he has noticed an increase in his physical capabilities starting from fourteen when he found out in the most painful way possible that he could suddenly jump three yards strait up and even jump clear over some small rivers and later when he found he could run a speed of up to twelve miles an hour and jog half that speed for hours making his two our trips from his cave home to the city take much less time. After these discoveries he decided to find out his origins and what other surprises his new body held.
Acquired Titles: Beast, Ryken Adventurer F, Dragonborn, Loyal, Unwitting Catalyst, (Crouching Lizard, Hidden Gecko), Orc Friend?!
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 174
Points Spent: 278
Points Not Spent: 26
Strength - D(14)
Precision - D(14)
Intelligence - D(14)
Vitality - D(14)
Speed - D(14)
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)

Fast F (12mph MAX) (7)
Jumping F (vertically 3yrds/horizontally 10yrds) (7)
Flight F (3 miles per hour/ 30ft per round) (21)


Super strength E (28)

Magic E (14)

Appraisal E(0)
Sixth Sense(danger)(7)

Durable Skin/Hide(Scales)(7)
Wings (0)
Sharp Teeth(0)
Fire breathing (0)

Undetected (sound) F (14)
Regeneration F (7)

[Secondary Skills]

Survival F (7)
Stealth F (7)
Perception F (7)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Reflexive dodge F (Danger sense F + Fast F + Jumping F) (CD 0)- Through a rough life and living alone in a forest full of monsters Indicus has trained his body to react automatically to attacks letting him dodge without thinking. Marcus is unable to completely avoid damage from anyone faster then him, if the speed difference is too large (Two grade difference or S grade) the dodge will fail. If Indicus is unable to sense the danger for any reason this ability can not be used.
  • Fire breath F (Fire breath f) (CD 0): Breath a stream of fire at a target up to 5 feet away
  • Weak Magic protection F (Magic F) (CD 0): Protect one target (self or another) with in 5 feet with a weak barrier
  • Magic imbued attack (Magic F) (CD 0): Attack using claws teeth ect imbued with magic
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)

Natural weapons E (28)
Feature: Scales/Natural Armor (light) F
Feature: Fire Breath F (7)
Magic Catalyst E ( Orichalcum/ physical organ located next to heart) (28)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)

Fire Starter Kit
Basic clothing
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.

Joined RP Perilous Puddles 07/19/22
Received: (12 pt) from RP Perilous Puddles Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Perilous Puddles 10/15/22
Received Title from RP Perilous Puddles [Ryken Adventurer F} 10/15/22
Equip Title [Ryken Adventurer F] 10/15/22
Finally added Sharp Teeth to feature list 10/15/22
Clarified race title as Dragonborn (Thanks Clyvelle) 10/15/22
Added feature Fire breathing 10/15/22
Spent: (7 PT) to get feature: fire breath 10/15/22
Created ability- Fire breath F 10/15/22
Minor clarity corrections 10/16/22
Joined RP Falling to Rise 11/26/22
Joined RP Falling to Rise part 2 1/22/23
Received: (29 pt) from RP Falling to Rise 1/25/23
Earned Optional title [Loyal] - character has a tendency to honor agreements/relationships made despite changing circumstances or other options. Character is more likely to have their trust honored. But it will receive increased amounts of testing that may make it hard to endure. 1/25/23
Spent(7PT): Regeneration F 1/25/23
Spent(7PT): Stealth F 1/25/23
Spent(7PT): Perception F 1/25/23
Spent(7PT) : Speed E-----> Speed D 1/25/23
Joined RP Falling to Rise part 3 5/12/23
Received: (48 PT) from Falling to Rise part 2 5/29/23
Earned Optional Title [Unwitting Catalyst]- character served an unseen pivotal role in bringing about rp events. 5/29/23
Spent(7PT): Strength E ------> Strength D 5/29/23
Spent(14PT): Vitality F -------> Vitality D 5/29/23
Spent(28PT): Super Strength E 5/29/23
Received(20PT) from Falling to Rise part 3 8/1/23
Earned optional Skill: (Accepted): Magic F worth 7PT 8/1/23
Earned optional Title [Crouching Lizard, Hidden Gecko] - Character is a reptilian beastman with a growing knack for using their body in combat 8/1/23
Spent(21PT): Flight F 8/9/23
Created Ability: Magic Imbued attack 8/9/23
Created Ability: Weak Magical protection 8/9/23
Joined RP: Blood and Title 08/07/23
Changed Character Image and added link to full image
Received (66PT) from Blood and Title 1/19/24
Earned optional: Orc Buddy?!
Spent(7PT): Magic F ------> Magic E
Spent(28PT): Catalyst E (Internal organ/ Orichalcum)
Spent(14PT): Natural Weapons F------> E
Joined RP: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell]-Fairweather Alchemists 3/2/24
Finished RP Fantasy-[Isekai Hell]-Fairweather Alchemists 6/30/24
Received (12PT)
Spent(7PT): Inteligence E---> D (complies with new Magic requirements)
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Remy Silver

REMY 2.png


Rp'er Name: Slifer37

Post Frequency: Weekly/Biweekly

Discord Name: Slifer (Same as RPN)

Current RP: N/A

Goals: Short term: Get Stronger, Long Term: Summonmancer/Shadow User

Equipped Titles: Human, Necromancer

Height: 5'3

Weight: 110lb
Backstory: N/A – She's a native.

Current Life: Remy was born in an extremely rich family, in which she was spoiled rotten. Her father was a high-ranking East Empire official, her mother a stay-at home noblewoman. She was their treasure.

Her family home housed one secret. Their practice of the dark art of necromancy. An art said they'd need to win in their war against the See. Remy, although spoiled, was called upon to learn the 'magic of the dead' from a young age.

Nobody would ever expect just how she would end up using it. A few days after her nineteenth birthday, the See's raiders managed to break into their estate and killed everyone. Except for her. Unable to cope with the huge amount of sudden loss, she used her family magic on the servants of her own family themselves. She'd resurrect all those present the mansion's staff and visiting friends.

In her grief, she turned mad, unable to see them for the undead they were.

Yet her family members themselves were missing. Their bodies had been taken as trophies by the raiders. She swore she'd find them and 'resurrect' them so that they may life with her once more. She left most of the resurrected staff to 'rebuild' her mansion, but she took along her most loyal guards on her journey.

  • Find the remains of her missing family members and 'resurrect' them.

[Race] Titles
  • Human

[Race] Perks
  • Born For This, 7 point discount on a skill (Necromantic Affinity).

[Job] Titles
  • Necromancer – Raise Undead / Necromantic Affinity

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength – F
(0 points)
Precision – F
(0 points)
Intelligence – B
(28 points)
Vitality – F
(0 points)
Speed – E
(7 points)





  • Necromancy Affinity F (0 points, free from Born For This discount).
  • Raise Undead E (42 points)
    Type: Ability!, Utility!, Narrator!
    Pre-req: D Grade Intelligence!, corpses in scene
    Note: Cannot raise or control corpses already raised currently or in the past. Magic can enhance limits of skill.

    Allows user to compel a corpse to do their bidding for a post. Corpse must be within 5ft at the time the ability is used.

    Corpse becomes unraisable ash after ability to raise it expires (assuming it was not destroyed before time).

    Grade of Undead creature is equal to grade of raise undead skill. This means grade of dead creature may be too high to raise or that the creature raised is severely weaker than it was while alive (Narrator discretion).

    Capabilities of undead are determined by narrator.

    Undead raised are controlled by the Narrator but are directed by the player character that raised them.




  • Minions [Undead Guards] F (14 points)
    Type: Ability!, NPC!, Utility!
    Pre-req: E Grade Character!

    Character, for one reason or another, has garnered the attention of a loyal entourage. Gain up to 5 nameless creatures willing to loyally serve you. They all share the same character template which is made with 56 points. Minions may not have the minion or companion skills. Different types of minions will require acquiring the minion skill again. Minions never get stronger. Only more numerous. They are always obedient to character and narrated by character. Minions are assumed to be humanoids with F stats before points and features are applied.
    F - 5 minions
    E - 10 minions
    D - 25 minions
    C - 50 minions
    B - 100 minions
    A - 250 minions
    S - ???

    Strength F (7 points)
    Vitality D (21 points)
    Resilient [Fatigue/Suffocation] E (14 points)
    Sword F (7 points)
    Heavy Armour F (7 points)
  • Language [Terran] (0 points, native speaker)
  • Language [Common] (0 points, free upon creation)

  • [For the Love of All Things Dead] – Necromancy Affinity F, Raise Undead E, Minions [Undead Guards] F – Character channels their dark necromantic energies into their hoard, be it freshly summoned undead or her loyal undead guards (can be used to provide them a team-up bonus). - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown
  • [Harmful Touch] – Necromancy Affinity F, – Character channels their dark necromantic energies into an enemy to harm them. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown

  • Catalyst E (14 points)

  • N/A

  • N/A

Change Log:
  • Creation: Intelligence B (28 points)
  • Creation: Speed E (7 points)
  • Creation: Necromancy Affinity F (0 points, free with Born For This discount)
  • Creation: Raise Undead E (42 points)
  • Creation: Minions F (14 points)
  • Creation: Catalyst E (14 points)
  • Creation: Added abilities [For the Love of All Things Dead] and [Harmful Touch].



  • REMY 2.png
    REMY 2.png
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Rowan Thorn

View attachment 966291
Rp'er Name: Slifer
Post Frequency: Can range from daily to once a week, depending on what's going on in my life.
Discord Name: Slifer (Already on the Discord)
Equipped Titles: Human, Gallant Keeper, Ryken Student,
Height: 5'9
Weight: 125lbs
She's a native of this world- as far as she knows. For reasons unknown, she has no memory of her past life.
She was born into the Thorn family- regular humans born with a special power. The powers wildly vary, and only exist within the bloodline. To make ends meet, she'll sell her services to others- to help them out using her powers.
Acquired Titles: Human, Glyde's Crested: Bronze, Gallant Keeper, Ryken Student, Eastern Fugitive C, See Inquisitor, Singlularity Known, Monster Slayer
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 461
Points Spent: 505
Points Left: 13
Strength - E (7)
Precision - E (7)
Intelligence - A (35)
Vitality - A (35)
Speed - C (21)
  • Magic B (35)
  • [Barrier] B (42)
  • [Incapacitate] Affinity C (28)
  • Magic Range C- 1000ft (28)
  • Magic Targets C- 25 targets (28)
  • Magic Duration D- 8 Hours (21)
  • Control Environment F- (7)
  • Energized D- 1 Post Cooldown Decrease (28)
  • Mind Shield F (7)
  • AOE E (14)
  • Selective C (28)
  • Regeneration E (14)
  • Healing B (35)
  • Undetected F (14) (Sight based)
  • Domestic Arts E (No Points, was obtained through event)
  • Perk: Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements as a HUMAN
  • Languages Known: Common and Sylvan
  • Appraisal F- Native Perk
  • Deflect D- (21)
  • Illusion F- (-21)
  • Basic Barrier - Magic D, Barrier F Energize D- Create a barrier of F grade around caster or target can touch for a post - Grade F - Multiple Post Cooldown
  • Advanced Barrier- Magic D, Barrier E, Magic Range E, Energize D- Creates a E Grade around the caster or target they can see within 30 ft- Grade E- 0 Post Cooldown
  • Basic Force Choke - Magic D, Barrier F, Incapacitate Affinity F, Energize D - A Barrier appears around caster's head or target's head that the caster can touch. It creates a finite amount of air that chokes out the target of the same Grade or lower - Grade F - Multiple Post Cooldown
  • Basic Barrier Stairs - Magic D, Barrier F, Energize D - create an invisible force block in mid-air to support the caster - Grade F - Multiple Post Cooldown
  • Mass Blackout - Magic D, Barrier F, Incapacitate Affinity F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets E, Magic Duration F , Energize D- Up to 5 targets within 10 feet of caster have a barrier appear around their head to stifle their air and choke them out - Grade D - 1 post cooldown
  • Mass Blackout 2- Magic D, Barrier E, Incapacitate Affinity F, Magic Range E, Magic Targets E, Magic Duration E, Energize D- The Same as Mass Blackout, but with Barrier increased to E, Range up to 30 ft, and Duration lasts for an hour-Grade D- 1 Post cooldown
  • Mage Armor- Magic Range F, Barrier F, Magic D, Magic Targets E, Magic Duration F, Energize D: A barrier shaped to a person's body forms around, coming from the caster, up to 10ft away. Can affect up to 5 people- Grade E- 0 Post Cooldown
  • Mage Armour 2- Magic Range E, Barrier E, Magic D, Magic Targets E, Duration E, Energize D: The Same as Mage Armour but with increased barrier stregnth, range of 30ft, and Duration of 1 hour- Grade E- 0 Post Cooldown
  • Advanced Barrier Stairs - Magic D, Barrier F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets E, Magic Duration F, Energize D- Caster creates 5 platforms going upward, forming stairs, lasting for a minute- E Grade - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Even More Advanced Barrier Stairs- Magic D, Barrier E, Range E, Targets E, Duration E, Energize D- Advanced Barrier Stairs but with a 30ft range, Duration of 1 hour, Barrier Strength of E- Grade E- 0 Post Cooldown
  • Super Advanced Barrier Stairs - Magic D, Barrier D, Range E, Duration D, Energize D- Advanced Barrier Stairs but even stronger than before.- D Grade- 1 Post
  • Cover- Barrier F, Magic D, Magic Targets E, Magic Duration F, Magic Range F, Energize D, Control Environment F- A barrier designed to capture people without killing them in like a barrier wrapped around them- like a hard, dense plastic or plexiglass or something similar- Grade D, 1 Post Cooldown
  • Cover Barrier, but Stronger- Barrier E, Magic D, Magic Targets E, Magic Duration E, Magic Range E, Energize D, Control Environment F- Net Ability but with an increase in Barrier strength, Duration time increased to 1 hour, and Range increased to 30ft.- E Grade- 0 Post Cooldown
  • Barrier Wall/Dome- Magic D, Barrier E, Magic Range E, Energize D, Magic Duration E, Magic Targets E: 5 5x5 Barriers are stacked on top of each other tightly together to make a wall or a dome that's bigger than the individual barriers- D Grade- 1 Post Cooldown
  • Incapacitate Barrier- Magic D, Incapacitate F, Barrier D, Magic Range E, Energize D, AOE F, Duration E, Targets D- Grade D, 1 Post Cooldown- In an AOE range of 10 ft, at 10 different 5ftx5ft barriers, intending to knock peole out.
  • Personal Barrier Wall/Dome- D, Barrier D, Magic Range E, Energize D, Magic Duration E, Magic Targets D: 5 domes/walls are given to individuals- 10 10x10 barriers are divided among 5 people so each have a 20ft by 20ft dome/wall- D Grade- 1 Post
  • 10 little Barrier Uppercuts- Magic C, Barrier D, Magic Range E, Energize D, Duration E, Targets D- Grade D, 1 Post Cooldown- 10 smaller uppercut barriers can be sent to one person or dividied among many others.
  • Mage Armour 3- Stronger Mage Armour- Magic Affinity C, Barrier D, Magic Range E, Energize D, Duration E, Targets D, AOE F, Mind Shield F- D Grade- 1 Post- Mage Armour, but stronger and covers more people.
  • Mage Armour 4- Magic Affinity B, Barrier C, Range E, Energize D, Duration D, Targets D, AOE F, Mind Shield F, Selective C-3 Post Cooldown-C Grade
  • Barrier Wall Dome 2- C Magic, C Barrier, C selective, Range E, Energize D, Duration D, Targets D, AOE F, Control Environment F-3 Post Cooldown- C Grade
  • Personal Wall Barrier/Dome- C Magic, Barrier, C selective, Range D, Energize D, Duration D, Targets D, AOE E, Control Environment F -B Grade
  • SleepyTime Barrier- Magic B, Barrier C, Selective C, Range C, Energize D, Duration D, Targets C, AOE E, Incapacitate C- The barrier causes a KO to Occur- C Grade Barrier- 3 Post Cooldown
  • Ranged KO- Incapacitate C, Range D, Energize D, Duration D, Targets D, AOE F- KO people at long distances- C Grade- 3 Post Cooldown
  • Caveman Beatdown- C-E- Range C, Duration C, Targets D, Incapacitate C, Barrier C, Energized D, Barrier B,- Barriers are shaped into a large ass simple weapon like a club that beats people down and keeps them down for an easier beatdown.- Grades B-F.
  • Heal The Homies - Magic B, Range D, Energize D, Duration D, Targets D, AOE F Healing B, Barrier B- Grades B Through F- A barrier wraps around everyone, both protecting them, and emitting a healing aura that heals while protecting the person with a powerful barrier.
  • Healing but Without Barrier- Magic B, Range D, Energize D, Duration D, Targets D, AOE F Healing B, - Grades B Through F- A - How regular people heal
  • Movie Time- Barrier B, Illusion F, Energize D, Duration D, Targets D, AOE F, C Range- Rowan uses illusions to play out on a big barrier screen, similar to a movie theater- B Grade
  • Bat it Away- D Deflect Range D, Energize D, Duration D, Targets D- Attacks are magically swatted away.
  • Magic Catalyst B - necklace (26)[/B][/B][/B]
  • Leather Armour B Heavy (3 points and a trade from marketplace)
  • Nanobot Repair Kit B Grade
  • Bag of Consternation F Grade
  • How to Make Barriers Move For Dummies Field Manual
  • Compass of the Guide Type of Item: common item (a compass) special effects: Special movement: zen direction F. At narrator discretion, when the casing of the compass is opened, the most needed path for the character to travel will be shown. However, it may not always be the most desired path.
    Boon: An arrow helps guide you along the path.
  • Pie to Die for (D-Rank) Type of Item: Common Item Special Effect: A pie that smells, looks, and taste good... but its actually a bomb.
    Curse: The pie has a 50/50 chance of exploding upon touching it.
  • Name: Ornamental Cottage Type of Item: (Magic Item) Special effects: The Ornamental Cabin at first looks like any other adornment for a holiday tree. It’s a miniature looking cottage, that would fit well into any holiday scene. The type of cabin you would expect to see in a bucolic forest scene. What sets this item apart from most is after it is placed in a tree or bush and the owner says “Home Sweet Home.” The miniature cottage expands and becomes a real one! Whatever it was placed on is swapped into a tree-sized pocket dimension, which is oddly accessible from a closet door inside. The cottage comes with all the home furnishings to make for a comfortable evening. - [ ] Asset F (Cottage) - [ ] Gear F (House Equipment) - [ ] Barrier E (2hp) - [ ] Resilience E (Normal Environmental Conditions) - [ ] Pocket Dimension E (10 cubic ft) Boon/Curse: house is haunted. Things regularly break, move, or spook whoever is in the cottage in undesirable ways.
How to Make Barriers Move for Dummies Field Manual - Despite all the fire and destruction of the battle, one dead person caught in the fight had an only partially scorched manual Rowan found. The text of the manual acts as a tome for spells augmentation. While the Tome is used in conjunction with a catalyst, the wielder can create a barrier capable of movement. Movement can take one of the following forms: tank treads, 4 wheels, slithering, spider legs. Movement speed is 30ft an action or 15ft if small. Caster or someone designated as 'Pilot' may direct the barrier to move as an action. Manual will combust in flames as soon as this item is used to annoy​

    • Whetstone
    • Bedroll
    • String
    • Rations
    • Small Medical Kit
    • An Extra Change of Clothes
    • Tinderbox, Flint and Steel
    • Waterskin
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Disclaimer: My art is barred from AI Generation and will poison the ai generator upon you uploading it. So be warned. I have copyright over the art.

  • 9sLYSZq.png

    Image of pre-experimented Stormbreaker at the physical age of 25. She doesn't really age past that.
    Commissioned Art by Feerocomics. Art is credited here.

  • General Information
    Rp'er Name: Cutiefly Cutiefly
    Post Frequency: Depends on how busy I am with other rps. I post either between once a day, sometimes every two days and sometimes every three days to a week depending on motivation.
    Discord Name: Cutiefly

    Character Related Information
    Real Name: Arashi Sato
    36 (at the time of death in previous world)
    32 (currently)
    25 (physically)
    68 (chronologically)
    Stormbreaker stands at the height of 6"3, and has a heavily muscular build. She has light brown hair with blue highlights and lilac colored eyes. She has multiple draconic features on her body. Those include her tail, markings and sharp teeth. Most notable about her is the scar on her left side of her face, something she was never able to regenerate from.​
    Current RP: The forest, a chance meeting, and existential dread; or how we did a thing alone together in the woods
    6"3 (default)
    7"3 (Kaiju form)
    220lbs (default)
    470lbs (Kaiju form)
    Languages: Common, Japanese
    Gender: Female (She/Her)
    Character Goals:
    Long Term

    • Become the strong like she previously was, maybe even stronger.
    • Find a way back to her world just for one last time. Although she's debating it.
    • Protect innocents and save them from the villains. Kill criminals.
    • Stop people being experimented on. Find out about Amon's research completely and find some way to prevent this from happening to others.
    • Find somebody to settle down with.
    Short Term
    • Get stronger. Protect innocents.

    Character Build:
    This is mainly for the owner only to let you know what I'm doing and what I'm going towards. This is more or less future skills.
    • One for All User [Superstrength B, Bolster Speed/Strength/Vitality B, Smokescreen C, Blackwhip C, Fast B, Special Movement [Swinging, Balance, Speedburst 5x] B, Sixth Sense [Danger]]
    • Shadow the Hedgehog [Gun B]
    • Kaiju No 8 [Partial Dragon Transformation B]
    • Non-Lethal Protector [Non-Lethal Affinity B]
    • Martial Artist/Swordswoman [Fighting Style with Sword/Body]

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Lucius Gallicus
Rp'er Name: Conman2163
Post Frequency:
Current RP: None
Goals: Build a new Rome.
Equipped Titles: Human, Misfit, Delver, Sellsword
Height: 5’10
Weight: 200 lbs
Backstory: Lucius Gallicus was born in the era of the roman Republic, his father a prominent local in the province of Cisalpine Gaul. He lived as privileged a life that a plebeian could. He was sent to a local military academy and tutored on warfare and etiquette. Before long he joined the Roman military and spent his time working his way up the ranks before becoming the Centurion of the 3rd Centuria of the 10th Cohort of his legion. He served his time in command of the Century for several years before the legion was ambushed and destroyed while on the march. Lucius fought bravely in the battle with a few of his surviving men alongside him. Surrounded and isolated from the rest of the legion, they were about to be killed before they were all surrounded by a flash of light and taken away from the battle.

Current Life: Lucius could hardly believe the mission granted to him by a god he could only assume was Jupiter himself. Go and save a new world from itself. Lucius was to be the Romulus of a new Rome. He and the few men who survived with him were sent to the new world with what skills they had developed and the equipment they carried, dropped healthy and whole into the wilderness outside of a village. Thankfully somehow he could speak the language of the locals and he was able to buy some provisions from the locals, although they did give him some funny looks for the gold Aureus he payed with. His initial thoughts were of mercenary work so he set out to look for that type of employment in the new world. He would make a new Rome soon but he would need coin first to back it. He'd bring civilization to this world yet.

Acquired Titles:
[Misfit] - character obviously stands out in both way of thought, appearance, and action. Character is more easily preyed upon by opportunistic creatures. The degree by which they stand out is not missed by them. Makes them more likely to exercise caution more often than not in this foreign world.
[Delver] Optional title- Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark.
[SellSword] - Character has successfully sold themselves out as some hired muscle for another party. Character will have easier time selling their services and associating with others that do the same.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 146
Points Spent: 175
Points Not Spent: 79
Strength - D
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - D
Speed - E
  • Minions F, 14 points, E grade character (5 minions each with 56 points)
  • Academia F, 7 points, Intelligence E
  • Survival F, 7 points, Intelligence E
  • Traps F, 7 points, Precision E
  • Intimidation F, 7 points, E Grade Character
  • Educated F, 7 points, Intelligence E: A Roman military school covers a broad spectrum, but chiefly how to lead troops, how to prosecute a war properly, and the art of using architecture against the enemy in sieges. Some of the finest officers of the Empire were created that way. Covers the following secondary skills:
    • Warfare F, 7 points, Intelligence E
    • Leadership F, 7 points, E grade Character
    • Architecture F, 7 points, Intelligence E
  • None
  • E Grade Gladius [7 points]: A simple gladius kept in a wooden sheath and strapped across the chest
  • E Grade Heavy Armor [7 points]: Centurion’s Lorica Hamata, Galae, and Ocrea
  • Throwing Knives (Gear F)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Kit
  • Travel Rations
  • Waterskin
  • A short shovel
  • Cooking pot
  • [Town House Base] - A town house renovated to the needs of Lucius and his men.

Name: Armicustos Cassius Galba
  • Strength - F
  • Precision - F
  • Intelligence - E
  • Vitality - E
  • Speed - F
  • Business F
Backstory/Personality: The second oldest of the three officers in Lucius' Legion, Cassius is of a logical and bookish demeanor. He likes the facts of any situation clean cut and placed before him to be appropriately analyzed for maximum profit. He has served only a short time with Lucius, but he was a quartermaster with the legion before he was sucked into the new world along with them. His logical and overbearing demeanor frequently gets on the nerve of Titus Acisculus but the two have a deeper repour then their near constant bickering would suggest. He holds a great respect for both Marcus and Lucius.

  • None

Name: Optio Marcus Fabius
  • Strength - E
  • Precision - F
  • Intelligence - E
  • Vitality - E
  • Speed - F
  • Warfare F
Backstory/Personality: An old, gruff veteran of numerous campaigns. Marcus Fabius is of few words when not speaking on strategy. He is a get it done, no nonsense type character who does not take kindly to laziness, slacking off, or ill-discipline. While being second in command only to Lucius he acts more like a sergeant. He nearly constantly patrols and corrals the men and sets them to task. When he catches someone doing something stupid or ill advised he is often sarcastic with a dry whit to compliment the fact. He is the oldest and most experienced of the three main officers of Lucius' army.

  • None

Name: Architecti Titus Acisculus
  • Strength - F
  • Precision - F
  • Intelligence - E
  • Vitality - E
  • Speed - F
  • Architecture F
Backstory/Personality: A lax and fresh faced Immuni who was assigned to the cohort only shortly before it was destroyed. Titus Acisculus is no real fighter and is more used to lazing about when not doing his job. He is a near constant pain for Cassius and the pair frequently clash. The arguments are usually broken up by Marcus. He is the youngest of the three main officers of Lucius' little army. He is quite typically either drinking, drunk, or goofing off. The only time he seems to become serious is when there is a job to do that involved building something.

  • None


1st Cohort Legionaries
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - F
Vitality - E
Speed - F

Fighting Style [Roman Spatha] - F (Penetrating F) - weapon can ignore armors of similar or lesser grades and still hurt target.

Sword - Spatha - F
Heavy Armor - Lorica Hamata, Galae, and Ocrea - F
Shield - Legionary Scutum - F
Throwing Spear - F

Change Log:
  • Added 17 points and title "Misfit" from "Dude, Where's my Ladder?", equipped title "Misfit" 11/17/22
  • Upgraded Strength E to Strength D [7 points spent] 11/17/22
  • Upgraded Vitality E to Vitality D [7 points spent] 11/17/22
  • Added "Misfit" title and description to acquired titles list 12/01/22
  • Added 38 points and title "Delver" from "For Whom the Bell Tolls" 12/31/22
  • Equipped title "Delver" 12/31/22
  • Spent 35 points for Companion F 12/31/22
  • Added 20 points, Asset: "Town House Base" and title "Sellsword" from "Winters Warmth" 3/8/22
  • Upgraded Lucius' Armor and Sword to E Grade, 14 points
  • Upgraded Intelligence from E to D grade (7 points)
  • Added 14 points from partial grade of "May Even These Bones Find Rest!"
  • Added 60 points from grade of "Infection of the Flesh"
Last edited:
Retili Loxinofican

Looking at Retili you might be struck by several things. The sharp dull yellow pupils framed by black might be one. Another might be the angry black scar that runs down the right side of his face. Or the hair that shines silver in the light. Short in stature like most Zentai, Retili is one of the more "domesticated" of his kind. He stands straight more often then not, the black veil and cloak that covers his face and body shrouding him. You might be forgiven for mistaking him for a halfling, or maybe even a small child, but the lack of canines in his mouth, well groomed silver beard, and skin so pale you might think he was albino would tell you otherwise.
Rp'er Name: Conman
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: Conman2163#0258
Current RP: None (Links to be added in future)
Goals: To explore the entire world, Become a diplomat on the international stage
Equipped Titles: Zentox, Fae, Reporter, Advisor of Caelia, Firm, Bean Counter, Close Encounter, Enemy of Torrin the Fell, Intermediary, Churched, Outdoorsman, Lumberer, Project Foreman F
Height: 3'0"
Weight: 38 lbs
Character Grade: A
Class: Bureaucrat

Name: Zentox {Variant}

Prereqs: Small Size, 2 or more Secondary Skills, Precision C, Intelligence C, Has Zentail Title

Description: A Zentox is a Zentail who has, through a process of undergoing major stress and living outside of their natural environment, changed to a hardier form of life. They retain most of the physical attributes they previously had, but they will become slightly shorter, lose the sensitivity to sunlight previously possessed, and their eyes shift from the yellow color previously had to a darker red. Additionally the natural weakness of the Zentail will lessen and they can begin to build muscle that would have previously limited them. The natural intelligence of the Zentail often mean the Zentox have already become skilled craftsmen, tinkerers, or administrative officials.

Evolution Perk: Cashback (Gained 28 points back, Enemy of Torrin the Fell (): Former advisor to Count Linneus.)
Race Description:

Name: Zentail {Variant}

Prereqs: Fae Title, Strength G (Cannot Exceed)

Zentail are an underground race who are well known for their magical blood and exceptionally long lives but are physically weaker then other races. They are small slender humanoids marked out by their pale white skin, eyes that are nearly entirely black save for yellow orange triangles that serve as pupils, and teeth devoid of canines. Time spent underground has made the species sensitive to sunlight without exception. Even ten minutes in the sun can be enough to leave them with a light sunburn. Additionally they are unable to eat meat. The Zentail derive needed nutrients from a variety of herbs grown in their subterranean caverns but also have a slow metabolism leading them to only need to eat once every three days. Zentail are exceptionally long lived due to the concoction of herbs they consume regularly, however being deprived of this mixture can cause dangerous health issues for them. The herbs they use are found wild, so typically this is not an issue. It is said that a Zentail completely deprived of the nutrients needed will fall into a coma and die within three days, this is called the "Zentail Death Trance". Zentail will almost never be found rarely in cities, and their unique physique requires them to wear specially tailored clothes at all times.

Backstory: Retili was originally born the eldest of six siblings to a simple farm family. He stayed on and married, inheriting the farm as the eldest male in his family when his father died and taking over. He lived happily and had four children of his own. He lived long and happily before dying of old age in his bed surrounded by friends and family who sent him on to his eternal rest with tearful goodbyes. Not that he got to rest very long.

Current Life: Retili being reborn as a zentail was a bit of a shock, particularly since he retained memories of his old life. Being fully grown at 3'3" is enough to shock most people who had never seen a fantasy world in their life. He was amazed from a young age by the acts of magic his parents and other members of his tribe performed regularly. He was brought up as a proper member of Zentail society. He learned how to gather and grow the herbs necessary for their survival, clamber around in the dark cave dwellings they resided in, the danger of the sun, and about the history and culture of his tribe. When Retili was old enough he chose to leave home to explore. In his previous life he had never gone more then twenty miles from his farm at any time, and now he was fascinated by the prospect of exploring a new world of magic, adventure, and excitement. He had only learned roughly how to speak common initially, but a few years of walking, travelling, and speaking to others quickly taught him how to read and write common. He found he had a knack for reading people and picking up on their most basic intentions. Now Retili wanders the country of Ryke, exploring the country.

Acquired Titles:
  • [Fae]
  • [Zentail] - See race description
  • [Reporter] - character's displayed curiosity and initiative in trying to get to the truth in what is going on. Character will be able to pick up on a scoop more easily. More likely to be accused of Fake News at the same time.
  • [Unemployed] - character lost one or more positions/occupations.
  • [Advisor of Caelia] – Character is hired as an advisor to Baroness Regula Caelia. The title comes with a certain level of authority and responsibility towards her Barony.
  • [Firm] – character is able to state their words in a strict and firm manner, making them more likely to be remembered.
  • [Bean Counter] – character has a way with counting things. Can more easily count a group of things just by looking at it all together.
  • [Small] - They can generally still function in a normal humanoid settlement but may need a stool or a running jump. They still prefer the wilderness settings, homes, and dwellings tailored to their size. More vulnerable to the world than most, their dwellings are also a lot more secluded or hidden when possible.
  • [Zentox] - See race description
  • [Close Encounter] - This character had a very close encounter with death though he knew it not.
  • [Intermediary] – Character has served as a middle-man between two disagreeing parties. They're likely to be asked to solve issues between parties again in the future.
  • [Outdoorsman] – Character is known for being able and willing to spent their time out in nature.
  • [Project Foreman F] - character is gaining know-how in civil engineering projects. Still a ways off from adequate.
  • [Lumberer] - character collects timber
  • [Spokesman] - Character occasionally talks on behalf of his superiors and is trusted to convey their messages truthfully and clearly.

  • [Enemy of Torrin the Fell] - Through his actions in his time in this world Retili has made an enemy of Torrin the Fell. This NPC may be leveraged by any Narrator as opposition to Retili at any time.
    Last seen disappearing into the streets of Yemaya in an apparent attempt to bring word of the movement of the rescue camp outside of Yemaya. Presumed dead in the destruction of the city by Fell forces. Actually disappeared in an attempt to reach his sister who had unleashed the forces of a Fell invasion upon the city. Now back and corrupted by the taint of the Fell he is a cunning and intelligent adversary who has a single minded hatred for Retili.
    [*] [Busybody] - character shows a keen interest and probing effort into the lives and affairs of others.
    [*][Churched] - Character has become slightly more aware of the deities and the rituals to worship them.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 504
Points Spent: 555
Points Not Spent: 54 points
Strength - A (35 points)
Precision - A (35 points)
Intelligence - A (35 points)
Vitality - A (35 points)
Speed - A (35 points)
  • Insight C - 28 Points
  • Perception D - 21 Points
  • Attentive Student F - 7 Points
  • Academia F - 7 Points
  • Empathy C - 28 Points
  • Survival F - 7 Points
  • Persuasion C - 28 Points
  • Nature F - 7 Points
  • Minion B (Zentail Rifles) - 70 Points
  • Minion F (Zentail Pikes) - 14 Points
  • Minion F (Zentail Nobles) - 14 points (From Class Perk)
  • Warfare D - 21 points
  • Business E - 14 points
  • Law B - 35 points
  • Etiquette E - 14 points
  • Area Knowledge [Caelia Barony] F - 7 points
  • Developer F [Wood and Plant] - 7 points
  • Harvester F [Wood and Plants] - 7 points
  • Builder F - 7 points
  • Religion F - 7 points
  • Fast F - 7 points
  • Leadership C - 28 points
  • [Ryke Nobility C]
  • Caelia Savant C - Law C, Warfare D, Business E, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Baron] F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C, Leadership C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters.
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law C, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception D, Insight C, Business E - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.
  • Mithril Dagger [F Grade](7 points): A Mithril dagger forged out of a rusty blade found abandoned near an old city. It is simple in make, with a leather sheath to hold it at Retili's belt. Made by the Baroness Caelia as a gift for becoming her advisor. This blade is a reminder of the duties of his new office.
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Flint and Steel
  • Herbal Mixture
  • Waterskin
  • Paper
  • Ink
  • Ink Pens & Charcoal Pencil
  • Notebook
  • Discount Coupon E - Type of Item: Luxury Item Special effects: Can buy 1 Grade E equipment once. Boon/Curse: The redeemer’s gear grants E Grade cold resistance.
  • [Green Crystal Fragment] – A small, pebble sized fragment that gives off a greenish hue. When used in an ability that involves Magic E or greater, the ability will randomly spawn a [Dream Apples] (Incredibly tasty and sweet interdimensional/time-travelling apples that induce pleasant dreams of giant apple trees after having been consumed) somewhere within its affected area.
  • Stonewall Inn Room (Barony Asset) – A room in Stonewall's Inn, equipped with some materials to work on his duties as a Scribe.
  • Plot Forested Land - A plot of land with trees marked for woodcutting. It is located in the Caelia Barony of Sadek County, near Stonewall, Grade E
  • Harvester Land Caelia Barony Forest - A plot of land for cultivating useable lumber located in the Caelia Barony of Sadek County, Grade F
Class: Bureaucrat (Tier 2 Nomad)


Talented Friends - Caravan life for a nomad has led to the gathering of many capable friends. You have a group of 5 minions that will adapt as you do to new lifestyles. Each time the character classes up, the minions gain a secondary skill pertinent to the new class.

Friend of a Friend - Your friends within and without the guild will fight for you. The effective number of your minions can double once per rp.
Zentail 1st Guard Company - B

Description: A group of one hundred soldiers from the Zentail homeland. Sent specifically at the request of Retili to guard and protect him.

Strength - E
Precision - C
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - E


Fighting Style [Zentail Gunnery Practice] - F:
1. Technique: Bayonet Fighting (Penetrating F) - The guard's bayonet can ignore armors of similar or lesser grades and still hurt target.


Light Armor - Zentail Uniform - F - A sharp looking uniform designed to identify the tribal soldiers of the Zentail race. Rather similar to a Victorian British uniform, except jet black.
Gun - Zentail Breach Loader - F - A magic gun of Zentail make and design. Looks and operates similar to a Martini Henry rifle.

Zentail 2nd Pike Company - F

Description: A group of five soldiers from the Zentail homeland. Sent specifically at the request of Retili to guard and protect him.

Strength - C
Precision - E
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - E


Fighting Style [Zentail Polearm Practice] - F:
1. Technique: Pike Drills (Reach F) - The Zentail Pikes pride themselves on being the backbone of the Mountain home guard. They train daily on the field with their pikes.


Light Armor - Zentail Uniform - F - A sharp looking uniform designed to identify the tribal soldiers of the Zentail race. Rather similar to a Victorian British uniform, except jet black.
Pike (Polearm) - Zentail Pike - F - A long shaft of wood with a pointy steel tip. Made to poke people at a distance.

Zentail Nobles - F

Description: A group of five Zentail nobles from Retili's homeland. They have formed what is effectively a small court that advises the Zentail on matters of business and state.

Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - E


Warfare F
Law F
Etiquette F

Items: None


Change Log:
  • Picked up persuasion and Nature F rank skills (Done during character creation)
  • Removed the word oppressed (it was legacy to his background and unnecessary) (Done during character creation)
  • Gained 32 points for First Step Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The First Step on 9/19/22
  • Upgraded to Rank A Speed and Precision (Was Rank B), Upgraded to Rank B Intelligence (Was D) on 9/19/22
  • Added existing titles from First Step I forgot to add, equipped "Court Scribe" title on 9/21/22
  • Added points and titles from "A Prelude" (7 points and Courtier of Light title) 11/7/22
  • Added points from Worlds RP Event "Keep talking and No One Suffocates" (24 points) 11/7/22
  • Added Misc skill Minion E (28 points) 11/7/22
  • Upgraded Skill Persuasion to rank E (7 points, was F) 11/7/22
  • Added points and titles from RP "An Interlude Pt.1" (39 points) 12/1/22
  • Equipped titles "Courtier of Light" and "Reporter" 12/1/22
  • Added Misc skill Minion F (14 points) 12/1/22
  • Added points and titles from RP "Project 10" (15 points) 12/19/22
  • Equipped title "Champion of Light" 12/19/22
  • Upgraded to Rank F Vitality (14 points, was H) 12/19/22
  • Added Rank E Warfare (14 points) 12/19/22
  • Added gift from "The White Elephant of Hyroth" - Discount Coupon E - Type of Item: Luxury Item Special effects: Can buy 1 Grade E equipment once. Boon/Curse: The redeemer’s gear grants E Grade cold resistance 12/19/22
  • Added points and titles from RP "The Postlude" (11 points) 1/15/23
  • Upgraded to Rank D Vitality (14 points, was F) 1/15/23
  • Equipped title "Unemployed" 1/15/23
  • Added points and titles from RP "Forging for Tails", Equipped title "Advisor of Caelia", Unequipped title "Unemployed", (11 points) 1/20/23
  • Upgraded to Rank C Vitality (7 points, was D) 1/20/23
  • Added Mithril Blade from RP "Forging for Tails" 1/20/23
  • Added Points from January Community Event (7 points) 2/01/23
  • Upgraded to Rank B Vitality (7 points, was C) 2/01/23
  • Added Points, titles, and asset from "(Caelia Barony) The Start of Something New" (18 points) 2/16/23
  • Equipped title "Firm" 2/16/23
  • Upgraded Intelligence & Vitality to rank A (Was B, 14 points) 2/16/23
  • Added Secondary Skill "Business F" (7 points) 2/21/23
  • Added points from "(Caelia Barony) Our Battle Shalt Be Legendary!" (3 points) 2/21/23
  • Added points, titles, and a skill from "(Caelia Barony) Baroness, take flight!" (27 points, Area Knowledge [Caelia Barony] F) 4/10/23
  • Evolved race from Zentail to Zentox with assistance from Novama 4/10/23
  • Unequipped previous race title: Zentail 4/10/23
  • Added points from "February Event: Masquerade Ball" (1 points) 4/02/23
  • Upgraded Strength to rank D (Was H, 28 points) 4/10/23
  • Added points and titles from "(Caelia Barony) Kirkwall, Baroness Who?" (27 points) 4/24/23
  • Upgraded Strength to Rank B (Was D, 14 points) 4/24/23
  • Upgraded Perception and Insight to rank E (Were F, 14 points) 4/24/23
  • Added points from "(Caelia Barony) Treasure in Ruins" (25 points) 6/3/23
  • Created ability "Noble Bearing", Rank E 6/3/23
  • Added new skills: Law E (14 points) and Etiquette E (14 points) 6/3/23
  • Added points, titles, and upgraded skills from rewards from "(Caelia Barony) Mayor Trouble" (14 points) 6/30/23
  • Equipped new title "Intermediary" 6/30/23
  • Upgraded Minion E to D (14 points) 6/30/23
  • Updated Racial Traits to match most recent update to Racial Evolution. (Gained perk Cashback, gained title: Enemy of Torrin the Fell: Former advisor to the Count Linneus, (+28 points from Cashback) 8/29/23
  • Upgraded Minion from D to C (14 points) 8/29/23
  • Upgraded Strength from B to A (7 points) 8/29/23
  • Updated minion description to match the C rank amount of minions instead of the D rank. 9/15/23
  • Added 66 points and asset upgrade [Ryke Nobility +1] from [Isekai Hell] Golden Path (Ryke Nobility affiliation is now C) 11/13/23
  • Upgraded Minion from C to B (14 points) 11/13/23
  • Upgraded Persuasion from D to C (7 points) 11/13/23
  • Upgraded Perception from E to D (7 points) 11/13/23
  • Upgraded Warfare from E to D (7 points) 11/13/23
  • Upgraded Empathy from E to C (14 points) 11/13/23
  • Upgraded Insight from D to C (7 points) 11/13/23
  • Updated minion descriptions to include grade of minion skills to make it easier to identify which is which in the future. 11/13/23
  • Updated abilities to reflect the increases in the respective skills 12/11/23
  • Added 37 points and optional title [Busybody] from RP (Caelia Barony) Barony Reforged 12/21/23
  • Added skill Fast F (7 points) 12/21/23
  • Upgraded Business to E (Was F, 7 points) 12/21/23
  • Took Class Nomad, Gained Perk: Talented Friends - Caravan life for a nomad has led to the gathering of many capable friends. You have a group of 5 minions that will adapt as you do to new lifestyles. Each time the character classes up, the minions gain a secondary skill pertinent to the new class. 12/21/23
  • Updated title list to reflect current titles 12/31/23
  • Added 20 points, Skill [Religion] F and option title [Churched] from RP (Caelia Barony) It's a Matter of Faith 4/10/24
  • Added skill [Developer] F (Wood and Plants) (7 points) 4/10/24
  • Added skill [Harvester] F (Wood and Plants) (7 points) 4/23/24
  • Added skill [Builder] F (7 points) 5/7/24
  • Added 8 points from RP [Azuran City] *✧・゚Mystery at the Valeriana Manor*✧・゚ 5/15/24
  • Purchased Skill Leadership D (21 points) 5/15/24
  • Added 8 points and title: [Outdoorsman] from RP [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) - Seeing The Trees Through The Forest 6/12/24
  • Purchased Asset {Plot, Forest Land}, Grade E (14 points). 6/12/24
  • Added 7 points, title [Lumberer], and asset from RP [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) - How much wood would a woodchuck chuck 8/15/24
  • Added 14 points and title [Project Foreman F] from RP [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) - Building Bridges 8/15/24
  • Purchased skill Law C (14 points) 8/15/24
  • Upgraded class from Nomad to Bureaucrat and added perk [Friend of a Friend] 8/15/24
  • Added points and titles from RP "{Stonewall, Caelia Barony} How do you like them apples?" (39 points, Title: Spokesman, Item: Green Crystal Fragment) 8/15/24
  • Added points and titles from RP "{Stonewall, Caelia Barony} On the edge of Sootspire Village, Autumn leaves" (16 points) 8/15/24
  • Upgraded Skill Law C to B, 7 points 8/15/24
  • Upgraded Skill Leadership D to C, 7 points 8/15/24
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