• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Characters



Character Sheet below, feel free to use code but it is not required. Anything I mark as optional can be deleted from the CS. Anything in parentheses is user instruction so delete all that stuff too as you go along through the CS. If I missed something making the CS, DM me and I'll add it in.

Basic Information
Name: (here)

Age: (13-15)

Height: (here)

Weight: (here)

(I'm not part of the furry people RPN subgroup but animal/human hybrids are in the MHA world so if you want one you can)

Faceclaim description: (optional, add if your Faceclaim is missing something that you'd like to add or has something that you'd like to change like hair or eye color)

Scars/Markings: (optional)

Build: (how your character is built)

Outfit: (you will typically be in school uniform however out of school what do they wear? Include a photo if you'd like)

Personality information.
Personality: (In as much or as little as you'd like to say, explain who your character is at a basic level.)

Likes: (List five things they like)

Dislikes: (And five things they don't)

Motivation: (What makes them want to be a hero?)

Background Information
Personal History: (as much as you feel necessary)

Lineage: (Optional. If your character comes from a family of heroes list the family name here and give a brief explanation of who they are... or maybe they're the child of a villain? This is lineage history.)

One defining moment: (Optional, one moment that stands out among all others in their life)

Quirk Information
Quirk Name: (be off the walls creative if you'd like)

Ability description: (A practical description of what the quirk does and all the ways it can be used)

Current use level: (you don't need to be incompetent or anything, but we all have room to grow as 1st years)

Dream match ups: (If your powers permit, name two quirk types your character can defeat with ease)

Nightmare match ups: (Name two that they should run from if possible)

Drawbacks: (Health and fatigue risks? Recoil? Many quirks have a double edged nature when overused/used at the highest level.)

Strengths/Weaknesses: (Any less obvious strengths and weaknesses go here)

Quirk Science: (Optional. If you'd like to, you can explain the science of your quirk here).

  1. This section is optional
  2. As your character may not
  3. Have moves developed yet
  4. Put as many as you'd like
  5. Or as few

Theme song
(Optional... But feel free to put everyone on to a dope song! You can link YouTube videos with the chain icon next to the picture upload button.)

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Here is is Jet Jet ! =D Really excited, thanks for organizing this. Hope she's okay!

Basic Information
Name: Elizabeth Sharp

Age: 15

Height: 5'3

Weight: 125



Faceclaim description: She has sharp canines not shown in her photo.

Scars/Markings: A burn scar on her neck, usually hidden by a thick silver necklace. She also has stretch marks on her back, stomach, and upper arms.

Build: Small and athletic

Outfit: She generally dresses for comfort--she enjoys camouflage patterns, jeans, and sweats. Elizabeth also usually will try and cover the necklace she always wears with scarves:


Her necklace, which helps control her quirk, is made up of three silver chains that make one thick band.

Because her quirk is triggered by adrenaline, Elizabeth has become guarded and closed off in an effort to control it. She is extremely polite, follows rules, and will be nice to her peers, but always in a distant way. Her dream of becoming a hero despite the difficulties of her quirk have filled her with an incredible will to succeed, and she will often overwork herself to the point of injury rather than losing.

Despite her outward appearances, those who are able to get close to her would see a much different person. Elizabeth is loyal, protective of her friends, and will go to great lengths to please the few she has. Elizabeth is also very aware of the way she comes across, which fills her with a lot of insecurity only exacerbated by the self loathing she has over her quirk.

Her quirk also gives her some canine like tendencies, which she is very embarrassed about and tries to suppress. But she will growl when she is angry and does a lot of small things like pace in a circle before she sits or lies down.

Likes: Dogs, scented candles, soft music, outdoor activities, peanut butter
Dislikes: Loud noise, smoke, cats, uncooperative people, being compared to a dog, having her necklace called a 'collar'


Personal History:
Elizabeth was born in Alabama to a mother and father that were both 16. Richard, her father, joined the military to secure a good future for their family and Elizabeth ended up spending her childhood never living in the same place for more than a couple of years.

Her mother Helen was quirkless, and her father had a mutation quirk that made him look like a wolf. It was clear Elizabeth had a quirk similar to her father's with a more human appearance tempered by her mother, but it wasn't until she was five that the full extent of her quirk was revealed. They moved soon after an incident when her quirk first manifested, but Elizabeth was left with a feeling of self loathing she would carry for the rest of her childhood.

Despite her mother's insistence that it was dangerous, Elizabeth decided she wanted to prove that she could use her quirk to help others. She continued to hone her skills on her own, applying the knowledge she gained from her father's military career. At first she chose to follow his paw prints and go into the military, gaining top marks in her first year of high school at a military academy, when her father was transferred to Yokusuka Naval base in Japan. She applied to UA as soon as she got settled in Yokosuka, much to the chagrin of her father that wanted her to stay on a military track, though he accepts that it might be a good idea for her to have some specialized training to get her quirk under control.

One defining moment: When Elizabeth was five, she got into a fight with two older children during recess. She doesn't remember anything after she blacked out during the argument, but she knows that a patrolling hero had to be called to pull her off the two boys, who ended up with permanent scars from the incident. Elizabeth has been terrified of losing control of her quirk ever since.

Quirk Information

Quirk Name: Werewolf

Ability description:

'Werewolf' is similar to Tsuyu's frog quirk, giving Elizabeth wolf-like powers, with one major difference. When Elizabeth is in high stress situations, she can turn into a large, bipedal wolf like creature. Silver suppresses her quirk and stops the transformation from occurring, resulting in her quirk having 3 different 'stages' when she wears her necklace.

Normal: Elizabeth's quirk is not triggered, but she has many of the advantages and disadvantages of a wolf. She has heightened senses, a modest strength and speed boost, and a high level of stamina. Her senses are superhuman, but her strength and speed could be matched by a quirkless individual if they were athletic enough.

'Half Beast': Elizabeth's quirk is triggered, but is suppressed because of her silver. She retains a more canine appearance, with sharper teeth, nails, and eyes that will take on a glowing appearance in the dark. Her stance also becomes reminiscent of an animal standing on its hind legs. At this stage, Elizabeth's physical prowess is roughly that of an Olympic athlete.

'Beast Mode': Elizabeth allows herself to fully transform. She becomes a large, bipedal wolf like creature, able to run on all four legs. It is at this point that her strength and speed reach the level of superhuman and Elizabeth loses all human features. She does not have any control over herself at this point.

Current control level: She has almost no control of her quirk, which is why she always wears her necklace.

Dream match ups: Elizabeth works well against quirks that rely on close combat.

Nightmare match ups: Long range quirks are difficult for Elizabeth since her quirk is only good for close combat; she is also weak against noise quirks, like Jirou or Present Mic's. They can easily overwhelm her because of her sensitive hearing.

Drawbacks: Her heightened senses make her prone to sensory overload. Forcing herself not to transform is also incredibly painful. When she is in full beast mode she cannot control herself, which makes it very likely that she'll end up turning on allies or civilians in a battle if it is triggered.

Quirk Science: Like her father, Elizabeth's pituitary gland secretes a hormone called lycanthropin, which causes her wolf-like features. Adrenaline makes this hormone spike and causes Elizabeth's sudden transformation when she feels a rush of strong emotion. Her allergy to silver means that wearing it on her body will suppress the lycanthropin during a flare up.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Elizabeth, like wolves, is red-green colorblind. She's also...unnaturally good with dogs. She can't exactly understand what they're saying, but they tend to listen to her commands and can be called upon as allies. She is also allergic to silver, and wearing it on her body or ingesting it will make her unable to transform.

  1. Half beast--Elizabeth triggers her quirk, suppressing it with silver so she does not lose control of herself. It makes her faster and stronger at the cost of being in immense pain.
  2. Beast Mode--Elizabeth's quirk is fully triggered and Elizabeth turns into a large bipedal wolf, capable of superhuman strength. Because she has no control over it, Elizabeth will only pull it out as an absolute last resort, calling it the 'nuclear option.'
Theme song

'The Wolf and the Moon' by BrunuhVille
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Basic Information

Name: Kazuhiko Shimura (call him Kazu)

Age: 14

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 150


Faceclaim description: Eye color is a light brown. Other that everything is shown.

Scars/Markings: A faint web of scars checker marking the upper right side of his face to the side of his eye. It is difficult to notice under his hair, which he keeps swept down to the right in order to cover the wound.

Build: Wiry muscle, a naturally skinny build but trained.

Outfit: When not in uniform, he wears dark clothing, black and navy blue being his two preferred shades. His go to is hoodies, wind breaker jackets, track pants and jeans. When warmer he defaults to relaxed graphic T-Shirts and casual khaki/basketball shorts. He wears sneakers regardless of the weather conditions.

Personality information.
Personality: Kazu is an odd child, never predictable, full of contradictions and enigma.

For instance, he is quiet and intelligent, but loves loud head banging music, fast cars and late nights, preferring punk, grime and neon lights to white washed fluorescent, "arrogant" academia, book reading and debate. He loves the dark, but only to see the stars, the glow of the moon and a quiet breeze rather than something sinister. Thus a picture forms of a contradictory set of likes and dislikes that run perpendicular to the expected, I could go on but I risk rambling if I haven't already.

He is level headed much of the time, relaxed and easygoing, until set alite by something small. His anger, in these moments, can be an all consuming fire, tearing through those around him like an incendiary grenade. His passion in these moments can be all consuming, yet much of the time he is lackadaisical and apathetic, yet another backwards pattern.

Kazu runs on the quiet side, but loves meeting people and making friends, being oddly charismatic despite taciturn speech tendencies. It helps that his sense of humor is witty, dry yes, and sarcastic but timed well, often catching a room off guard for laughs. What one would expect of a quiet, high marked ninth grader is not what you get with the boy who understands himself as little as others do.

Likes: Cars, loud music, nighttime, peace, rain.

Dislikes: Loud people, flying, complainers, drug/alchohol abusers, cold, snow.

Motivation: To bring honor to his family once again, to bear his father's old hero name in an effort to redeem his failure.

Background Information
Personal History: Kazuhiko comes from a lower middle class workman's family from a mediocre portion of Hosu city. There isn't much to speak of until the age of six years old. This is when the family troubles would begin. Shinozu, Kazus father, was a well renowned hero with his own agency. He provided a great life for his wife and three children, everything you'd expect.

Shinozu had a drinking problem though, this much was well known by those close to him. However, it wasn't something that got in the way of his job, but this would change. Over time the hero would spike his coffee with vodka, or have a soda bottle with some whiskey mixed in, and maybe a couple beers here and there just for fun. Sooner or later he was running a hero agency and fighting villains on the stuff. For a time this continued, the hero dodging bad luck, until one day where he would accidentally strike a bystander while fighting a villain.

The bystander, a young woman with a fiance, was dead. Many times, mistakes like these could be forgiven with punishment, things do happen, but an investigation revealed that Shinozu had been drinking, a lot. This destroyed his career. To kill an innocent woman while drunk on the job is not something a hero can do and get away with it Scott free.

Within a day of the finding, Shinozu had lost everything. His title as a hero, his agency, his savings too, sent away to the family of the victim. He would serve no prison time for the incident, but his life was ruined.

Instead of reforming himself, instead of finding a job in the real world as a working man, Kazus father drank more, and more and more. A never ending faucet. Kazus mother, a woman named Temari, supported the deadbeat with her wages through this time, trying to understand his pain, to help him through it all.

Yet nothing mattered to the man other than the feeling of being numb. So Temari forced the deadbeat into rehab. When that failed she forced him into it again, and again, and again, but eventually she relented, and he stayed for years as a drunken loser, becoming progressively rougher with Kazus mother, often grabbing her and throttling her in a stupor.

She would have enough around Kazus 11th birthday, when she divorced him. Kicking him from the delapidated house they had moved to after Shinozu had lost his livelihood, raising Kazu and his two younger sisters by herself, working two jobs to put meager servings on the table.

Years passed on and the old man faded away into memory. Meanwhile, Kazu, the "Son of that man" now attempts his hand at joining UA where his father once went, to take the hero name of his father "Kinetic King - Battery!" as his own, to bring honor to his house.

Where his father is, it is not known. His mother still works her hands to the bone, and his younger sisters wish to follow in Kazus footsteps to become heros.

Lineage: Kazus father, Shinozu, was once the 22nd ranked hero in the world with a quirk similar to his son. However, his life as a hero ended in scandal with an accidental civilian casualty. When investigated, Shinozu was found to have a .17 blood alchohol level during the incident, ending his career and cursing the family name.

One defining moment: The day his fathers hero lisence was revoked. The image of Shinozu stumbling in drunk after court, staggering to the couch, finishing a handle of rum and passing out with haunts the boy still for what it represents. The was the day his father became truly lost, when the family name became stained.

Quirk Information
Quirk Name: "Battery"

Ability description: Kazu has the ability to absorb, store and channel energy through his body and out via physical attack.

There are three corners to his power triangle. Firstly, damage reduction, as the energy of incoming attacks/environmental source is absorbed by his skin, then sent into his cells.

The second is storage. His cells have a structure similar to the vacuoles found in plants. These reservoir spaces in Kazus cells expand as he absorbs more and more energy until reaching maximum capacity. As his cells expand, his damage reduction weakens because there is less room for incoming energy. In essence, as his offense increases, his defense weakens.

The third corner is an increase in energy output in everything Kazu does when he has a charge to work with. His movements are faster, strikes harder, and he can propel objects by focusing kinetic energy into them. This is the bread and butter of his powers. Taking the energy he gets from enemies or the environment, and packaging them into focus attacks where energy is concentrated with explosive result.

There are two gears he can go to above 100% capacity. Overdrive and Maximum Overdrive.

Overdrive works by expanding the cells to their breaking point, forcing in as much energy as possible, almost like a turbo system on a car. This raises his attack power but prevents any damage reduction. It also temporarily disables his powers for a couple minutes after use. It's buff is about double what he can normally do without Overdrive at max capacity. At his current state, he can only do this technique for thirty seconds before expending his reserves and it leaves him powerless for two minutes, unable to attack or absorb damage. Thus, it is currently an ace in the hole with no follow up, his last ditch attack.

Maximum Overdrive, currently unknown to the teen, forces his bone cells to expand along with his muscles by forcing energy into the pores of his bones. This is a last ditch attack that has a high risk of death, and at the very least will leave him with dozens of shattered bones. He has not discovered this technique yet, and it's potency is about 3X regular Overdrive.

Current use level: His body struggles to use contained energy in an efficient manner. He can drastically increase his power for short periods but he is wasteful. Because of this his fights drag on as he must go through multiple charge cycles. He is also in-efficient at damage absorbtion. Ideally, all incoming energy should be absorbed early in a fight, but he hasn't learned how to fully absorb attacks and so even early in fights he takes damage. What's worst is that to fight effectively he is required to take hits, which puts him at a disadvantage in the beginning of many battles.

Dream match ups: Brawler types that can provide kinetic energy to Kazu. Energy casters such as fire users and electricity users who can also provide energy to him mid fight.

Nightmare match ups: Blade users who can cut through his absorbtion defense by parting cells rather than clashing against them. Ice users who actively de-energize through cold. Intangible fighters are also an issue because his attacks are exclusively physical.

Drawbacks: Each time Kazuhikos cells expand and contract they cause hypertophy, aka muscle tearing like when you workout at a gym. They also lose charge elasticity until he can rest for a time. Therefore, the longer a fight, the more exhausted his muscles become and the worse his muscles accept charge.

Overdrive cripples his quirk for two minutes with less than a minute of time in the gear as of now.

Maximum Overdrive (still undiscovered) kills or severely cripples him, which one depends on use time and luck.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Very good in a physical fight, not very dynamic, as good as it is vs physical fighters and energy casters, against any intangible type of opponent its completely useless. Also terrible vs constricting/movement stoppers that use things like ice, or bindings.


  1. This section is optional
  2. As your character may not
  3. Have moves developed yet
  4. Put as many as you'd like
  5. Or as few

Theme song
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Basic Information
Name: Rosen (Raw-zen) Kline

Age: 15

Height: 5'7

Weight: 145

(Some quickie art I drew)
Headshot Rosen.jpg

Faceclaim description: One blue eye and one green, bags under his eyes

Scars/Markings: a scar on his forehead and another on the left side of his face.

Build: average/medium build

Outfit: Very unkempt style, both in uniform and without ((Too lazy to color the shoes bleh))

Personality information.
quiet and kept to himself for the most part. An outward appearance of annoyance and irritation and unhappiness, steering most people away from approaching him, but if they do, he's not as mean as he appears when sitting in the back of class. He hates that he has to wear glasses and feels as if it makes him weak, so unless in school/classroom he refuses to wear them. He barely gets any sleep but works hard day and night to learn to better use his quirk, do his homework, and works part time after school. He's a hardworker, but not any kind of prodigy at all and when people say that his skill comes naturally it tends to make him angry, or when people say he's lazy because maybe he fell asleep in class or slumps as he walks down the hall in a tired daze, that tends to piss him off as well.

Likes: He loves punching bags, baggy clothes, hot/spicy soup, playing rough and dare-devil activities, and money

Dislikes: thieves, lazy people, sweet foods, and sleep

Motivation: Rosen has wanted to be a hero since he was young, loving watching heroes on the news beating up villians and dreaming of accomplishing his own dare-devil activities that would save lives. He needed to make amends for something he did as well.

Background Information
Personal History:
Rosen was actually born as a conjoined twin, and premature, his twin died shortly after they were separated but he was the surviving half. He was never very smart and struggled in school through all his years, falling behind and repeating 1st grade, he worked extra hard afraid of that happening again. Still barely passing up until graduation of middleschool. He was always picked on by his 3 older brothers and taken advantage of, teasing him and such like brothers do. It caused him to have some anger issues that he would let out at school, pushing other kids around and getting in fights. He never knew his father much, as he moved away and lost contact, so he was raised by a single mother who didn't have the time to pay attention to what happened at home when he got picked on by his brothers and couldn't uphold many punishments when he or his brothers did something wrong at school. When he discovered his quirk to see the aura of his brothers, he started to know when they were in a bad mood and would try and pick on him. The manipulation of the aura not coming into play until a little later when he was tired, his older brother still had energy and he wanted some of that. So he reached out to grab it and felt it join with his own while his brother grew tired he had energy to run around again. He could avoid sleep in this way, and stop his brothers from picking on him when they were in a bad mood. However the anger would rub off and become visible in his own aura when he did, and he would learn his body still needed rest despite that and over working his body with energy to avoid sleep wasn't the healthiest thing. Being hospitalized with an IV because he refused to sleep while his brothers were sleeping a lot more than usual. His oldest brother would grow to become a teacher while the next oldest gave up in becoming a hero when he was only a month away from graduation. The hero license his brother had revoked as he become cynical and hated what heroes were today. His third brother joining the military and wanting to do something greater, believing military work was far more important and less bogged down by heroes.

He put in his application to UA despite not having very good grades, and barely passed the written test in order to get in for the practical.

Lineage: His father lived separately from his mother, had a simple slight levitation quirk, could float about 3 inches off the ground, nothing special, but he used it whenever he could to avoid walking. His mother also has a simple quirk, only able to create small 3 inches of an energy blade come out from her fingertip, and only one at a time, usually only used at home to cut vegetables or something during cooking.
His oldest brothers Quirk was kind of lame, but he was able to read and process information at fast levels, going through up to 5 books a day that had over 800 pages
His next brother could shoot small inch-sized bullets from his fingers, this brother had almost wanted to be a hero, but ended up on the side of villiany instead. Preaching about how heroes were falling from grace.
His next brother had an amazing ability of flight, could fly to almost any height, he decided to go into the military.
Then there was him.

One defining moment: After almost a month of him avoiding sleep by taking the aura and energy his brothers had for himself, he had felt energized and ran faster and felt adrenaline pumping through him, it was like an amazing high. His brothers anger they might have felt probably the cause of why he bullied so many kids at school as well. Then all at once his body started aching one day and he felt immense pain as he collapsed and his body spasmed, still wide awake as the energy and aura he still had kept him up. He couldn't even move to eject the aura as his body wouldn't do what he commanded. He was taken to the infirmary and the experience traumatized him slightly, worried about going to far with his quirk again. He started paying more attention to the differences in aura and what kind of aura he had and what he could handle. When he got back home from the hospital however his brothers weren't happy, telling him their grades were dropping because of him, they were too tired to do their work. They smacked him and pushed him around warning him not to do that again. Getting in more fights with his brothers he discovered he could use his aura as a weapon as well, when he was angry his aura could shoot out, knocking all his brothers back before he passed out as the aura he shot dissipated.

Then it wasn't much longer, he couldn't take his older brothers aura anymore, but then he had a younger sister, she had quite a bit of energy and he got really tired and didn't want to fall asleep. He took some of her energy, she fell asleep... he didn't think he took that much, but the next day it was discovered that she was dead. He took too much from her, she was too young. His brothers knew what he did, but his mother didn't and wouldn't accept it when his brothers told her. They took it upon themselves to punish him for that mistake themselves. He felt shame and regret and needed to make amends for her. That was what motivated him to put in his application to UA, despite not having the best grades.

Quirk Information: He can see the aura people let off, the color giving him a hint of their emotional state and the size giving off the power they have, only he could see everyone else's but everyone could see his. Soon finding out he could absorb the aura of others to power his own as well as donate the aura to another. He must be the catalyst however and if he wishes to control it, it must pass through himself first. Much like adrenaline, If he were to fill an injured ally with extra aura, their blood would move faster to block the wound and make them feel the pain of it less to allow them to stand up and continue on. It doesn't heal them however, merely stops the bleeding and makes them 'feel' okay. When he uses the aura as a projectile weapon, the aura dissipates and drains him quickly, so he can only use it a very limited number of times. Taking in too much of someones aura can jolt his body uncomfortably and becomes harder to maintain, sometimes resulting in psychical wounds as the aura rips through him, similar to an angry aura.

Quirk Name: Aura Manipulation

Ability description: Angry or emotionally disturbed aura's are the hardest to control and sometimes after he absorbs them, they immediately expel into a physical blast or tear through his own body, rarely, but sometimes both occur. He can shoot his aura out as a projectile, most commonly he uses his aura to boost his own performance, like a sudden boost of adrenaline, it helps him run faster, punch harder, and jump higher.

Current use level: He can shoot out aura only one time a day with his own aura, if he absorbs someone else's he can shoot it a second time, but wouldn't risk more than that. He can only absorb aura from up to 3 different people a day as well, depending on their energy levels before his own body goes into shock and rejects it. Even if the aura only passes through his body for a second, his muscles and body still have to have it pass through and send adrenaline like feeling through him.

Dream match ups: Those with high energy levels, such as an elemental quirk for example, they tend to have higher energy to take advantage of without worrying about killing his opponent by taking too much.

Nightmare match ups: Physical quirks, like a hardening quirk or a simple 'tail quirk' are harder to go up against because they usually have a smaller aura, he can't take much from them and only has his own to use which can drain quickly if he's staying back from those close range fighters and trying to win with a projectile hit.

Drawbacks: Angry or too much of someones aura can tear through his own body creating physical wounds. Expelling too much aura as a projectile can make him pass out immediately.

Strengths/Weaknesses: If he takes on both a sad aura of someone and then an angry aura of someone else, the conflicting emotions when he has them could cause problems and his own aura will start too look unstable as if attacking itself and slowly depleting on its own. His own emotions and actions appearing more rash and illogical as he struggles to make sound decisions in fights.

Angelic blast: He shoots a projectile of powerful aura out of his fingertip toward his target.
Last Chance: He draws in as much aura as his body can take and unleashes it all at once in a massive explosion around him-- takes a huge toll on his body, he'd pass out immediately and need immediate medical attention-- he's thought of this move, but has never put it into action for obvious reasons.

Theme song
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Name: Tori Azure (She's french)

Age: 15

Height: 5'6

Weight: 127


Faceclaim description:
(optional, add if your Faceclaim is missing something that you'd like to add or has something that you'd like to change like hair or eye color)

Scars/Markings: None

Build: Skinny

Outfit: Usually fancy clothes, fur coats, elegant dresses, expensive purses, jewelry.
Personality information.
Personality: Tori is quite odd and abit mischevious. She is quite playful and sometimes rather innocentlike. Although she is quite calculated and intelligent. This blend of personality makes her rather elegant but also rather odd. You'll see what I mean when she starts to be RPed.

Likes: Elegant Clothes, Music, Private Hangout Spots, Her parents, Company work

Dislikes: Being treated special, assholes,

Motivation: Tori wants to be a hero to both assume her role leading her father's company, aswell as clearing her mother's criminal record so they won't have to keep her mother being a villain a secret.

Background Information
Personal History: Tori is the daughter of a rich pro hero who owns his hero company. She is the current heir to the Azure Company. In order for her to take her place she must however become a hero herself. Tori was the daughter of a villain aswell, her mother, which her father in secret. They fell in love and the result was Tori. Something only the three of them know. I Being the heir of a rich company Tori has grown in the spotlight, and has been quite popular as a kind of celebrity. Despite this she tries to get as much away from the spotlight as possible and doesn't want to be treated differently.

Lineage: Father: Valentine Azure, Pro Hero Name: Repulsor.
Mother: Rosalie Mox, Villain Name: Mental Knife
Grandmother is a movie costume designer, it won't really come up in the rp other than as how she gets new clothes before they get trendy.

One defining moment: Tori promised her mother she would find a way for her mother to be cleared of her criminal record at age 11. Her mother told tori that that wasn't necessary and that she was fine with the way things were aslong as they were together.

Quirk Information
Quirk Name: Telekinesis

Ability description: By using her mind she can move or hold objects. The distance is limited to medium ranges, 20-30 feet maximum, and she struggles with heavier objects.

Current use level: Small to Medium Room Level Destruction, Able to lift moderate sized objects, desks, chairs, couches, beds, nothing too impressive. Able to levitate, although it's kinda slow.

Dream match ups: Physical type characters, slow or close range fighters.

Nightmare match ups: Long ranged, high destructive/powerhouse quirks. Elementals who can basically blow shit up and/or stay out of her range, people who just cause pure destruction generally overpower her. High defense characters that are capable of taking mid level destruction blows can tank her attacks. People that can get in somehow by having mobility can get it and harm her. Assuming they do so successfully.

Drawbacks: Full concentration of whatever she is moving telekinetically. Extended use causes nosebleeds. And then followed by blackouts.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Her quirk is limited to medium ranges, has a limited strength, can't move other people if they resist, flimsy or moving objects are too difficult usually although because she wouldn't resist herself she can levitate which ties into people resisting.

Quirk Science: N/A (I can come with something if necessary, but telekinesis isn't very scientific to begin with.)
Name: Kamakiri Akiyama

Age: 13

Height: Short, measuring at 152.6 cm. or just around 5" ft.

Weight: 89 lbs. (40.3 kg.)



Build: Short, slightly scrawny.

Outfit: She can usually be seen outside of school wearing a plain t-shirt or a white button-up, along with a modest pleated skirt, and a jacket worn wrapped around her waist.

Personality information.
Akiyama is what many would call "socially awkward," having little in the way of social grace.
She tends to see things from a simplistic point of view, which occasionally makes her sound foolish, or even childish when she expresses her views to others. When she has the chance to fully analyze something (usually small, trivial matters that catch her interest), however, she can show a surprising degree of insight.
Her greatest trait, however, is her unyielding determination, and a work ethic that will more than make up for her lack of natural talent.

  • Manga
  • Bug Collecting (her favorite is her pet horsehair worm)
  • Her sister
  • Boxing
  • Heroes
  • Painting her nails

  • Being called "stupid"
  • People that dislike bugs
  • Things that are difficult to understand
  • Chipping her nails
  • Chipping her claws

Motivation: A shared dream between sisters.
Background Information
Personal History:
Growing up without a father, Akiyama always idolized her older sister, and the heroes that served as both of their role models.
Even in their youngest years, they would dream of what life would be like, living among their ranks, and of course, being the inseparable sisters that they were, they vowed that if they were to follow the path to becoming heroes, they would work to do so together.
At the age of 13, Inoue passed her Entrance Exam with flying colors, and left for the hallowed halls of UA Academy.
Now, three years later, it's Akiyama's turn to prove she has what it takes to become a hero, and fulfill her part of the promise she made all those years ago.

Kamakiri Inoue: A smug, haughty, 3rd-year star student at UA academy, and Akiyama's older sister.
She originally wished to become a hero to fight villainy and rise through the ranks with her younger sister.
Her natural aptitude, work ethic, and charisma impressed many of her classmates and teachers, and earned her a great number of accolades.
As time went on, the constant showering of attention began to get to her head, and the idea of sharing her fame with someone else became less and less appealing.
Now, Inoue resents the promise she made to Akiyama, and only seeks to climb through the ranks by herself.
Akiyama is painfully oblivious to what's become of the sister that she looked up to so fervently, and would be hard-pressed to believe anyone who told her.
Her quirk gives her the characteristics of a grasshopper, namely an uncanny jumping ability, and devastatingly powerful legs.

One defining moment:
"You're gonna be the best hero around, sis! One day, I'll be right there with you, and we'll be the best hero team around! Promise!"
-Akiyama, age 10, saying goodbye to her older sister before her departure for UA academy.

Quirk Information
Quirk Name: Mantis

Ability description: A mutation-type quirk that gives Akiyama the characteristics of a praying mantis. The ends of her hair have hardened into hard, chitinous sickles and small, vestigial wings.
A pair of compound eyes and small antennae also rests on the top of her head.

Current use level: Her claws can extend up to 9 ft. (2.74 meters) in front of her, at a speed of 23 miles per hour (10.7 meters per second.)
She's recently taken up boxing as a way to improve her abilities.

Dream match ups:
  • Anyone who has trouble with close-range fights can be put in a precarious position, if she manages to get in.
  • Akiyama is also good at dealing with other close-range fighters, thanks to her own extended range.

Nightmare match ups:
  • Enemies that can easily shrug off strikes from her claws.
  • Anyone who can keep out of her range

  • Strengths
    • Long range. Can grab TV remotes from across the room
    • Compound eyes provide a near 360° view of her surroundings, allowing her to see attacks coming from nearly any angle.
  • Weaknesses
    • Range is limited to 9 ft.
    • The amount of information her compound eyes perceives sometimes makes her a little slow to notice smaller details.
  1. Akiyama's Mantis Trap Special!: A two-part attack: First Akiyama captures her opponent with her claws, then pulls them forward for a devastating headbutt.

Theme song
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Basic Information

Name: Tomoki Fuji

Age: 15

Height: 5'10

Weight: 149 lbs

Faceclaim: Screenshot_20181222-105533_Google.jpg

Build: Lean and muscular

Personality information.

Personality: Kind, caring, and protective.

Likes: Girls, no drama, eating, sleeping, fighting

Dislikes: People who hurt the people he cares about, messed up people, villains, written work, and cringy people

Motivation: His parents were killed by villains

Background Information

Personal History: Both Tomoki's parents were heroes and one day as the whole family was taking a nice stroll on a beautiful day, the parents were called to duty to a nearby reporting and came to find a villain harming innocent people. The villain was strong and killed both of Tomoki's parents.

Quirk Information

Quirk Name: Torchbearer

Ability description: Torchbearer bestows Tomoki with the ability to generate and manipulate fire, essentially being pyrokinesis. However unlike other variations, Torchbearer is centered around Tomoki absorbing solar radiation through his skin and converting it into the flames he utilizes for combat and supplementary usage. Referred to as "sun flames", these flames are unique as noted by their appearance, possessing a golden hue in contrast to the traditional orange.

Current use level: Small Building Class+ destruction level.

Dream match ups: Ice quirk or nature quirk.

Nightmare match ups: Water quirk or rain quirk.

Drawbacks: Using the quirk too much can result in burns. Has to constantly be out in the sun to charge up.

Strengths/Weaknesses: None that's not obvious.​
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[div style="background-color:darkseagreen; width: 50%; height: 700px; padding: 40px; margin: auto; border: 10px double bisque;"]
Reiko Kimura

Reiko Kimura
to be developed
April 12th
first year
143 lbs
light; speckling of freckles
body type
mesomorph; hourglass
long, straight black hair that reaches to her lower back
golden brown
typical outfit example
crop tops, high-rise skinny jeans, ankle boots, stacked bracelets
+ outgoing
+ friendly
+ ambitious
+ strong leadership skills
- prideful
- low self-esteem
- petty
- compulsive
» statues
» rom-coms
» animals
» doing makeup
» improving her quirk
» cowards
» soda
» being embarrassed
» large crowds
» surprises
Reiko's motivation comes from her family. The Kimura family has produced many high ranking heroes over it's multi-decade history, and Reiko wants to be able to live up to their expectations.

Reiko Kimura was born into the prestigious hero family on April 12th, 20XX. Growing up, her family was moderately rich, and in that aspect, Reiko's life was worry free. However, her younger days were constantly filled with thoughts of her father or grandparents never returning from a job. She quickly learned to appreciate what she had, and it is because of this early-life trauma that she cherishes her friends so very much. Reiko's years of elementary and junior schools were pretty normal, other than the occasional discrimination from her peers about the use of her quirk. In her family's eyes, her getting into Yuuei is a no-brainer, and she will be sure to follow this expectation through.
Eiko Kimura » mother; alive; civilian; quirk - Midas Touch (ability to turn the items she touches into gold; does not work on people)
Mamoru Kimura » father; alive; pro-hero: Clean Slate; quirk - Stone Protection (he can turn his body into stone; mobility is limited, but his defense is heightened)
Yuichi Kimura » younger brother; alive; civilian; quirk - Golden Body (ability to turn his body into gold; weak against heat-based quirks)
Hana Iwasaki » maternal grandmother; deceased; civilian; quirk - Gem Sense (she could find precious gemstones and metals when she focused)
Yuudai Iwasaki » maternal grandfather; deceased; civilian; quirk - Probability Palm (he could increase or decrease the probability of someone doing something when he touched them)
Kazumi Kimura » paternal grandmother; alive; pro-hero: Meltdown ; quirk - Meltdown (she can increase the temperature of materials to their boiling points)
Haruo Kimura » paternal grandfather; deceased; pro-hero: Ultimate Defense; quirk - Barrier Creation (creation of force fields)
one defining moment
One defining moment of Reiko's life was watching her grandfather pass away right next to her. He didn't die in combat, he was just old, but it really taught her how to appreciate what you have when you have it.
quirk name
Stone Senses
ability description
Reiko has the ability to turn anything she wants into stone.
current use level
Currently, Reiko has to either make eye-contact or touch the things she wants to turn. However, her control used to be so bad that she would turn anything she touched into stone, regardless of if she wanted to or not, so she has obviously improved.
dream match-ups
» anything that requires eye-contact to work (her quirk will cancel out her enemy's)
» close contact quirks (easy opportunity for her to grab people)
nightmare match-up
» heavily armored / well-clothed / masked opponents (her quirk has to touch skin or be able to see eyes)
» speed quirks (she can't catch them)
» Reiko will start to turn to stone herself the more she uses her quirk. If she goes even further than this, the stone will start to crack (could lead to loss of limbs or fatal injuries)
» Her quirk has to touch skin or be able to see eyes in order to work
» When making eye-contact with a target, there is a 5 second delay in which she has to hold in order for her quirk to be applied. While this part of her power may be useful in a staredown-type situation, it is easy for people to avoid, so much as they know how it works. For now, she uses this as a secondary application.
theme song

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Name: Luka Vonstro

Age: 15

Height: 5'10

Weight: 168 lbs.

Build: Average lean build


Personality: Luka is generally very laid back, keeping his attention to anything that catches it. He is very observant and isn't afraid to exert his own opinion, even if he is the only the one that agrees.

Intellectual Challenges
+ Logical Reasoning
+ JAPAN!!! He's always wanted to go, and he's been in love with the country ever since he stepped foot in it.
+ Chocolate
+ Girls

Empathetic reasoning. "Can't spell empathetic without PATHETIC." - Luka
- Bullying
- Loneliness
- People knowing about his family or past.

Motivation: Luka left the United States so that he could become a hero in a place where he would actually want to protect and save. Luka hates the political system that is in his home country, and while this is a very "grown-up" or "weird" reason for Luka to leave, this is what he tells people when he is asked why he wants to be a hero.

Actual Motivation: Luka has always wanted to save people. However, Luka did not believe that he could do it in the United States because of his and his sibling's past mistakes.

Personal History: Luka was born in San Elijio, California. He lived with his mother and father along with his two older brothers, Marko and Don. These three we're considered an inseparable trio, with Don, the oldest, being the leader of the jovial group. They would always spend time with each other, and since they were all one year apart, they were all mostly in school at the same time as the others. This bonding made Luka look up to his brothers for everything, even more so than his own parents. Luka would never question his two brothers, always listening and laughing with them, doing anything he was asked to do by them with no complaints or regret. This was quite surprising, as Luka generally was always very stubborn and high on his own opinion. His parents could never catch a break with him, as a simple request of even cleaning his room would turn into a full on debate about child slavery. This immovable devotion that he had would soon cost them more than what they originally wanted.

After a few years to current day, Marko was dead, and Don was nowhere to be found. Luka has already started to unpack his things into his apartment in Japan, excited for the entrance exams that were soon to take place.

Quirk Name: Urban Ocean

Quirk Info: Luka's quirk allows him to turn Urban land (dirt, metals, concrete, tar, basically any land natural or man-made) into liquid which he can then control and manipulate. This allows him to sink people into the ground as it is now a liquid instead of solid earth. He can control the ground to turn it into tidal waves of liquid earth, he could create whirpools that could suck people into the middle.

Current Use Level/Range: small to medium range destruction. Max Range - 45 square ft.

Dream Matchups: Any quirks that rely on close range to execute correctly. Also, fire quirks are essentially useless against him.

Weak Matchups: Anything endurance based, or simply an area of effect quirk that can cancel out his.

Drawbacks: If this quirk is used too much, Luka will start to have horrible cramps, and if he pushes too hard, diarrhea (Solids to liquids). Also, if his feet aren't touching the ground, then he cannot use his quirk.
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Basic Information
Name: Seth Gibson

Age: 15

Height: 6'

Weight: 152 lbs

Description: Seth towers over his peers at 6', but his poor posture drags him down to 5'9". Seth super lanky and has skin just warmer than a vampire's. Seth's most notable feature is that his head is a large skull with horns, sharp teeth, and spines that would suggest it would belong to a dragon.

Build: Very lanky.

Outfit: Hoodies. So many hoodies. Also, he wears suspenders, but usually lets them hang down instead of holding his pants up.

Personality information.
Personality: Seth is a major introvert, and will go to great lengths to keep to himself in public. If someone tries to interact with him, he gets defensive and almost curt. If Sethis trying to interact with someone himself, he is usually polite, but can get frustrated fast if the conversation doesn't go the way he wanted it to. Seth gets pissed off regularly due to minor anxiety that gets weaponized as impatience, but he's good at bottling up his emotions and usually forgets about them by the end of the day. Seth can become a different person when in private company. He'll readily join conversations that pertain to his interests, and does a good job of carrying them even if the subject changes. Seth has a good sense of humor, impressive book-smarts, and handy advice for those he considers his friends.

Likes: Milkshakes, dogs, fantasy novels, memes, making bone puns.

Dislikes: Extroverts, loud noises, being stared at, swimming, other people making bone puns

Motivation: Seth survived getting sucked out of a car by a tornado once due to activating his quirk before getting knocked out. He barely remembers what happened, but he figured a quirk that could do that would make him pretty good at hero-ing.

Background Information
Personal History: Seth was an outcast growing up. Part of it was self-inflicted, as Seth became absorbed in books at a young age to the point of being a "gifted child", but the larger part was from his peers. Most of them teased him for his oddball personality, causing him to get into fights with classmates bi-weekly, and the others were afraid of him because of that. Turned out he had autism.
Seth mellowed out in middle school, around the time he started experimenting with his quirk. Luckily for his classmates.
Seth initially applied to UA for the sake of a friend whose mother was an alumnus of the school and wanted him to attend as well. However, the friend couldn't go to UA and had to apply to an American hero school, leaving Seth on his own.
One defining moment: See Motivation.

Quirk Information
Quirk Name: Skeleton

Ability description: A Transformation-type quirk that lets him turn into, well, a skeleton. While in this form, his bones are much more durable, and he can remove and reattach them at will.

Current use level: Seth's quirk is toggled, so there's not much to practice with it, but he uses mixed martial arts to make it effective.

Dream match ups:
Glass cannons - Seth is basically indestructible with his quirk active, so they can't do much to fend him off.
Non-mobile targets - Seth is super fast while transformed.

Nightmare match ups:
Tanks - Seth has low stamina, and will run out of steam quickly if his target doesn't go down in a few strikes.
Loud quirks - They don't necessarily counter his powers, but loud noises make him super uncomfortable.

Drawbacks: Seth gets cut off from his energy reserves while transformed, so he gets worn out very fast while transformed. Also, his body has calcium reserves to repair his bones quickly if damaged, so he has to either eat lots of dairy or risk getting o s t e o p o r o s i s.

+Doesn't have to breathe while transormed
+Packs both speed and durability
+Unorthodox fighting style
+Bone puns
-Can't speak while transformed
-Falls apart if hit hard enough
-Can't fight for too long

Quirk Science: When Seth activates his quirk, his body gets stored in a pocket dimension while a "clone" of his skeletal system takes his place in the real world, with some of his senses bound to it so he can mind control it.

Basic Information
Name: Skylar Hale
Hero Name: Ink

Age: 15

Height: 5'1''

Weight: 120


Faceclaim description: (optional, add if your Faceclaim is missing something that you'd like to add or has something that you'd like to change like hair or eye color)

Scars/Markings: A lot of tattoos

Build: Petite

Outfit: Mostly all black, goth fashion

Personality information.
Skylar is kid of cold to people until she gets to know them. In general she is polite to people but she is very blunt and will tell you how she feels. She doesn't really have a filter and is very honest. She's pretty quiet as well. If she is close to you she would literally die for you, even if she doesn't show it regularly.

Cold weather
Serial Killer documentaries
Heavy Metal music
Combat boots

Large crowds
Smell of gasoline
Bubble gum flavored things
bees or wasps

Motivation: (What makes them want to be a hero?)

Background Information
Personal History: Skylar comes from a long line of for lack of better term "villains" . Growing up she was taught to hate people and to kill heroes, but something inside of her always thought that wasn't the "right" thing to do. When she would watch the news she would see all the heroes helping people...she wanted to do that too. Sensing how weak she was her family began beating and torturing her and tried to brainwash her. Eventually she finally escaped. Miraculously she was accepted at UA she until she moved into her dorm she had to live on the streets for a few months. She excited to start her new better life.

One defining moment: While living on the streets Skylar was walking down the street and witnessed a mugging, she knew the villains and she knew they were stronger than her but she didn't care. She ran up on them and somehow managed to run them off with her abilities, returning the person money to them. She felt so good after that, she knew she made the right choice.

Quirk Information
Quirk Name: Ink

Ability description: Skylar can manifest her tattoos into live objects. She can only manifest one object at a time.

Current use level: Not a master but can manage her powers relatively well

Dream match ups: She just hopes an prays she tattooed something useful on herself before a battle

Nightmare match ups: See above

Drawbacks: Every time she uses a ability the tattoo fades until it disappears. She constantly has to replenish her tattoos

Strengths/Weaknesses: Constant inner moral battle due to her past. She is powerless without her tattoos

Theme song

Bombshell from Hell

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Basic Information

Name: Ivan Zamorozka

Age: 15

Height: 6'1

Weight: 175



Faceclaim description: Scar over his left eye due to encounter with a villain at a young age

Scars/Markings: Scar over left eye

Build: Mesomorphic

Outfit: Long sleeve black shirt (sleeves about half an inch past his wrist) with loose fitting jeans (generally dark colored,) with any type of over shirt covering the black shirt (ranges from flannel to thin button-downs, always unbuttoned)

Personality information.

Personality: Ivan is a normal teenage boy under normal circumstances. When looking deeper into his character however, there are many things that are in ill condition. He tends to isolate himself from most people, keeping his group of friends to a minimum, a sort of "quality over quantity" mentality that gives him an excuse not to be social. Also, when annoyed or angered, Ivan becomes very aggressive. He won't outright start a fight with another person but he will become extremely rude and cynical in an attempt to aggravate and instigate whoever has annoyed him. When asked why he goes about confrontations this way, he simply stated "I don't start anything, but I'm fully capable of ending it." Aside from these flaws, Ivan can be a very kind and generous boy.

Likes: Music, Reading (Fantasy/Mystery genres,) and Playing the guitar​

Dislikes: Sudden loud sounds, arrogant people, Loud people

Motivation: (Personal reasons that will be fleshed out throughout the RP)

Background Information

Personal History: Ivan was born into a poor family in Omsk Russia to his father Dusan and his mother Raissa. He grew up idolizing his father, as he was a professional hero at the time. The idolization turned to worry as his father started coming home more and more beat up each night. The true danger of being a pro hero emerged in the time of Ivan's kidnapping at the age of 5 in order to lure out his father. He was kept in captivity and held for a ludicrous ransom. His father, being the bleeding heart hero he was, immediately went to where they were. It had been a trap set up by the villains who'd taken Ivan, and he watched as his father was killed before him. Having no more use for Ivan, they left the sobbing mess of a child where they'd held him. Showing itself for the first time and having no control over it, Ivan slowly dissipated into a cloud of smoke and drifted away. For about 2 months, heroes and police searched for Ivan before they received a call of a "Smoking Child" on the streets. When questioned on the terms used, they explained that the boy was literally smoking with no fore present. When police arrived to investigate, Ivan recoiled as they approached before pieces of his body began shifting in between a physical form and a cloud of smoke. After being coaxed back to a completely physical form, police took him to the station in order to find out who he was. For about a week he didn't speak, but instead went through physical an mental therapy until he was finally able to tell the police his name. When his mother arrived, she immediately broke down in tears and held Ivan. At first he had trouble recognizing her, but also broke down as soon as he realized it was his mom. From then life continued somewhat normally. Ivan was widely known as the "Smoking Child" in the area he lived in and continued to go through physical therapy until he was able to control his quirk enough to keep from shifting in between forms. Mental therapy also continued, which was able to help repair some of the pieces that had been damaged during the experience. In the end Ivan was diagnosed with a case of severe PTSD. At the age of 14, he still suffers from the disorder but is able to control it for the most part. His resolve to become a hero has only grown since the event, which worries his mother more than anyone. When asked why he wants to become a hero so badly even after all he's been through, he simply states that no one should have to go through what he did, and that he wants to be one of the people who prevent it from happening.

One defining moment: His reunion with his mom after his kidnapping

Quirk Information

Quirk Name: Blaze

Ability description: The user is given basically complete control over smoke. Along with being able to manipulate it freely, they can transform into it for limited periods of time, they can sharpen it to use as projectiles or weapons, they can create clouds of suffocating smoke in order to deal damage or create a smokescreen across widespread areas, and the user is able to create smoke from the pores on their body in exchange for hydration within the body. Also, the user gains a sort of omniscience when inside their own smoke cloud. To say basically, they know everything that is happening withing the cloud at all times.

Current use level: The user can only transform into smoke for 3 posts at a time, sharpened smoke is about double the sharpness of a steel sword with half the durability, clouds of smoke and smokescreens have a maximum diameter of 20ft, and the user can only create smoke from their hands.

Dream match ups: Sight based quirks, water based quirks, Fire type quirks,

Nightmare match ups: Wind type quirks, Heavy defense quirks

Drawbacks: The user is resistant to smoke, not immune. Effects of smoke inhalation will still effect the user, albeit at a slower pace.

Strengths/Weaknesses: This quirk is very good at breaking line of sight and then dealing damage to those inside the smoke.


(None at the moment)

Theme song

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  • Profile
    Nao Sakurai
    Age: 15
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 124 Lbs

    Standing at a whopping 5'5" and owning quite the skinny build, Nao isn't much of a fearful foe, to say the least. His somewhat longer hair is a light shade of blond (Thanks to his Canadian mother) and often kept messy at the lack of care he has for his hairstyle. Nao has large, light brown eyes and overall owns somewhat defined facial features. The blond boy happens to be rather expressive, making it easy to read his emotions off his face with relative ease. His angry expression, however, tends to be lacking an intimidating factor, instead just looking like a pouting child.

    Nao's wardrobe mostly consists of hoodies, sweaters and other warm clothing. Only during the heat of Summer does Nao reluctantly adjust his regular clothing style, cycling through a small number of simple shirts. Oddly enough, most of his clothes are blue, only differing slightly in shade. He does own a few white, green, yellow and other odd coloured pieces of attire.

    Possibly the most defining feature about his general appearance is the fact that he is rarely seen without some accessory resting on his head. Hats and plenty of beanies make sure his head stays nice and warm while simultaneously covering up the total mess that is his hair. He also has a snowflake-shaped marking on each of his hands' palms, an oddity formed through his quirk.

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Basic Information
Claire Sion Bishop
Age: 14
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 70 kg

Claire Sion bishop (BGM).png
Scars/Markings: Two black crescents under each eye.

Build: Small and tender, but flexible and athletic.

Outfit: Between looking good and being comfortable, Claire always chose the latter. Short pants that cut a bit above the knee, T-shirts, and Long-sleeve shirts are his usual digs. Formal attire needed or some event that requires more style, then a cool-looking T-shirt over a button-up shirt will do, and in this case he'll bother wearing longer pants. All of his clothes are colorful, and follow no particular theme.

Personality information.
(Rewriting this)

Likes: His amazing Quirk, His amazing parents, Teamwork, High-spirited people, Beating hard challenges, Pasta, Chinese food, Most Animals, Platinum, Most Ball Sports, TV Shows, Rainbows, The word "Amazing", Concept of variety, Bullies.

Dislikes: His amazing Quirk being insulted, His pride being sullied, Those who give-up easily, Efforts not being commended, Wasted potential, Jelly, Pudding, Fruit-based Desserts, Ice-cream, Popcorn, Most bugs, Sly/snide personalities, dishonestly.

Motivation: The need to become stronger with his amazing Quirk, and the want to help others just as much as his parents have. Figured being a hero was the perfect way to kill two birds with a low-ammunition shotgun.

Background Information
Personal History:
A chilly Summer night at a rammed hospital in England, a miracle was born on October 3rd. Wings shades of black and white, so gingerly close to his back they seemed afraid to make contact, so small they barely hugged the shoulders of his tiny frame. Such uncanny extremities left the experts in their fields baffled, and the parents with an odd mixture of gladness and confusion smiled through streaming tears like a million dollars. Their child was a Quirk owner, and while the ability had yet to be truly understood, all they could think about was the future. The father was Ryan Anomal Bishop, a hard worker in the church, and one known for his Quirk called Pain Pacifier. He traveled the country of England healing all of those he could within his power, spreading more joy in less time than Christmas did. He was a hero, and while not official, wouldn't change the minds of those who see him as such. Claire's mother, Maryweather Julie bishop was no different than his dad, sharing the qualities of working hard with her husband. She spent her days toiling over an orphanage/daycare/school with all her might, no child whether unhappy or happy could never bring themselves to hate her, or even utter a single bad thing about the middle-aged lady. Except, maybe that she worked really hard for them of course, and despite the work each parent did, their growing baby boy was never neglected.

Raised among those in the multi-purpose childcare center, he made several sibling-like childhood friends in an environment seemingly made just for him. At first he often went with his father on trips around his homeland. Meeting new people, and seeing his dad in action. These events and happenings really stuck with him from a young age, his father showing him every step and being the handrail. He wanted to give his son not a sense of justice, nor an aching heart for the weak, nor a righteous spirit that one supposedly got on their own. No, he wasn't putting the parental gun and puling the "for your own good" trigger. Instead, he gave Claire love, and values, showing him the importance of his roots, and letting him enjoy his life like the bundle of innocence he was.

At that perfectly symmetrical age of eight, Claire was the discovered cause of spontaneous blackouts and blinding light during classes. Normal was figuring out the thing that made you special, and honing it to be the best "you" you can be. Started on this journey, he'd been gaining badges of honor in every training session he and his pals came up with. They were "young and strong" as the elders selfishly put it. Only thing here was the desire to wield their Quirk with all they had. That, is when the stairs left by his father became a dusty trail cutting through a ghost-town. Everyday under fatherly eyes, he would fight with his fellow friends and rivals to get better, and to prepare himself for the goal set for the near future. This continued for years, sometime in between Ryan taking it upon himself to aide his son by healing him and his friends in their chase for better understandings of their Quirks, and in keeping their now shared secret.

Upon arriving in japan with his father, they sorted Claire out with the UA. For Ryan it was a request from a friend of his father. For Claire, this was a chance to enroll in a place that literally made Superheroes.

One defining moment: Ryan, Claire's father had failed a desperate man whom clutched a living corpse to his scarred naked chest. Feminine features weren't enough to tell apart the rotting girl, her holder's fiery language and use of pronouns confirming the past. This was a truth a misinformed father had to swallow, no matter how far down he was at the moment. Ryan's Quirk couldn't heal the dead. Even then, the way she died was still out of reach for the beloved Pain Pacifier. In a fierce roar of disbelief, the dead girl's father laid her remains to rest in a fashion contrasting the way he attacked Claire's father. One swift swing from the bulking muscle was all she could possibly have wrote, if not for the toddler with wings of night and day. Sunlight fell upon the damaged grounds of the marvelous garden that was. One wide line cutting through the field of expensive flowery arrangements and well-crafted armaments. Reminiscing the bright flash he shielded his eyes from, Ryan gawked at his panting child.

Quirk Information
Quirk Name:
Monochrome Libra

Ability description: Claire can absorb darkness and visible light respectively, storing them as two wings of black, and white, not actually connected to his back. The stored power can be materialized to interact with objects and people around him, whether in their raw untouchable state, or as a form of matter. Otherwise the wings themselves can swap between physical and ethereal; basically making them intangible. They can also be morphed into different constructs that aren't limited to objects. Like if skilled enough, Claire could use his Black wing to create portals to places within his vision, and even animate birds from his White wing to act like homing lasers. The Quirk itself is conditioned that each wing be used one after another, and that its most powerful when both sides are balanced.

When both wings are successfully balanced out with large quantities stored, Claire can boost his bodily functions greatly until they are completely drained of power. Depending on the user's skill-level, it will take time before the wings can be reformed again. For Claire, it would take forty-five minutes for his wings to recover, but it will take four hours for them to recover fully.

Current use level: Firing off solidified light beams of varying sizes and sinking targets partially into shadow abysses are his main things at the moment(Claire needs to remain immobile to keep the shadow abyss active). There is also the basics; releasing bursts of light or darkness, which is severely useful in enclosed spaces. He's also great at using his wings as shields and basic weaponry to defend himself. Of course, their sizes and overall power depend on how much the wings have absorbed, and his control over them.

Dream match ups: There are no truly favorable match-ups.

Nightmare match ups: They aren't any truly unfavorable match-ups.

Drawbacks: Only through focus can the power be efficient accessed, as such if hindered from thinking somehow, whether it be the conditions of the outside or his enemy, usage of the Quirk becomes a task. If the wings are damaged, there's a chance he'll get a mild headache or faint. The Quirk's condition that each wing must be used equally makes it harder to maintain as the more unbalanced it is, the faster the absorbed elements will be used up.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Claire's Quirk can be seen as a Jack-Of-All-Trades, but the only things that really stick out is its destructive power, and potential.

Quirk Science: Claire's brain fabricates two anomalies capable of absorbing light and shadow. While its unknown which parts of the brain does these jobs, it can be said that just like the beats of the human heart, it keeps the two wings in check as if a natural part of his body. Due to the clear similarities of this Quirk and others that depend on the mind, like telekinesis, damaging the mind or organ that embodies it, would ultimately shut down this power, and visa-versa.

Theme song
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Name: x
Gender: x
Age: x
Year: x
General Appearance: x
General Personality: x
Quirk Description: x
Ayame Yoshida - COMPLETE
Ayame Yoshida
First Year - 1A
General Appearance
General Personality
+ bubbly, + cheerful, + friendly, + romantic
- air-headed, - not very smart, - cowardly in high-stress situations
Quirk Description
Siren - when Ayame sings, she can create sound waves that control the targets around her.
When a target is affected, the control lasts up to 5 minutes, based on Ayame's concentration. However, she does not get to choose who her quirk affects, and it often catches up her allies as well. Because of this, she is hesitant to use her quirk. If she uses it on to many people at once, Ayame becomes lightheaded and has to sit/lie down.
Junichi Saito - COMPLETE
Junichi Saito
First Year - 1A
General Appearance
General Personality
+ ambitious, + intelligent, + good strategist
- malicious, - mean, - unrespectful, - detached
Quirk Description
Laser Eyes - a mix between Aoyama's and Cyclops' (marvel) powers, Junichi can shoot destructive lasers from his eyes. Currently, each blast only works for about 3 seconds. It is very painful for him to go over this limit. If he surpasses this multiple times in less than 24 hours, he runs the risk of going blind.
Kenji Fujita
Kenji Fujita
First Year - 1A
General Appearance
General Personality
Quirk Description
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Basic Information:
Name: Jean Glastonbury
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 140lbs

Jean stands, physically and aesthetically as what many would consider a beauty, resembling the ideal of many a young mind from her tailored approach. Holding a toned athletic frame yet ludicrous curves heaving outwards through the skin tight hero outfit she has taken to wear, and with how such hugging her features closely it is clear she is very aware of such despite acts to the contrary and has been known to take full advantage of such. The costume itself consisting of a Nomex weaved undersuit giving remarkable protection, with several layers on top to reduce the friction of her moves as well as steel support plating in the main locations she uses for strikes. Along her back rests a fitted backpack contaning a array of items for easier access

Silken strands of blonde hair flows down freely from her head to the neck, framing her clear complexion and youthful features foregoing makeup. Looking outwards with a confident expression, sparkling sapphire eyes pierce outward from below a thinly plucked brow and shaped into a perfect arch that follows their slight curves. A sleek narrow nose, a cheerful smile on full ruby lips and overall a idealized appearance.

Scars/Markings: Fingerprints themselves are more spirals than anything,
Build: Hourglass/Toned

Personality information:

High energy and motivated to a fault, she often heads into situations with failure the furthest thing from her mind. A paradox to those who know her well, she puts her all into everything yet comes across as lackadaisical, relentless working but seeming lazy, devoted yet uncaring, Insightful yet thoughtless. Loving to make a show of things and talk (oh the talking), she rarely goes for the subtle approach at least regarding her entrances often making people wonder if she ever has a actual plan, her tactics on the other hand are deceptively subtle to the point and indirect on times.

Never the less she has the preference for the spontaneus and adpting to the sitution, though it does come off as care-free and not taking the situations seriously at times regardless of the truth of the matter. Prideful and always seemingly putting on a show herself merely due to the enjoyment of it that others can recieve, though also perhaps the sheer attention plays a part too.

Likes: Comedys, Fashion, Moving, Music, Theatrics.
Dislikes: Bordem, Fish, Funerals, Smoke, Silence
Motivation: Theres the action and rush, but above all they just want to save at least on person the "real way".

Background Information:
Personal History:

The only child of a wealthy family, her sheer motivation has served her well throughout her life, moving past obstacles without slowing down. Jean grew up far from normal all things considered if somewhat pampered, never wanting or needing of anything as long as they kept up the grades and expectations, which unfortunately was no easy task. She rarely received praise as the absolute best was the bare minimum in her mothers eyes, she was nevertheless constantly pushed with high expectations it is likely what caused the development of their outwardly personality to be noticed. Despite the demanding nature she never did loose her smile at least.

When she expressed her desire to be a hero, that is when the expectations hit overdrive. She is not sure if this was her mothers way of to have her consider a diffrent profession as she dragged her from on private class to another or simply her way of supporting it. Whatever the reason, she would eventually be enrolled at the academy.

Aoife Glastonbury, 45, Fashion Designer, Quirk: Pathfinder
Jeans mother is a firey and determined fashion designer under her own brand. A perfectionist with high expectations of everyone including herself which has played a high role in her relationship with her daughter. While to some it may seem calous, she still cares for them dearly and only does so out of fear of wasting their potential. She also holds a obsession over organisation and cleanliness to a slightly unreasonable degree which while she has attempted to tame, does seem to still flare up quite often. This combined with her perfectionist nature has made her company very demanding to work for, even if the quality is consistantly flawless. Her quirk allows her to move small objects along a predetermined path by tracing it with her finger beforehand, such as with needlework or simply returning a item after its been used if the power is maintianed for that duration. There is however limits on both the distance and time this effect can take place, as well as contributing to minor OCD issues Aoife has.

David Glastonbury, 39, Writer, Quirk: Living Alphabet
Jeans Father is a dedicated if somewhat absent minded Journalist and Author working for the local newspaper. While he does care for his daughter dearly he can often get wrapped up in his writing to the point of completely forgetting events and passing out at his writing desk, this is sometimes followed by him recalling once awake and dashing towards what he has missed unless another physically pulls him away beforehand. When not Writing like hes running out of time he can be fairly relaxed, friendly and charming if slightly dorky in how he approaches certain subjects, never the less he is persistant in whatever he puts his mind to. His quirk allows him to take text from any surface and change it around, remove or even add his own while touching it.

One defining moment: ???

Quirk Information:
Quirk Name:
Ability description:
Put simply, by touching a target Jean is capable of imparting or stopping rotation with a stored energy. The level of effect depends entirely on the time spent in contact or the amount of stored energy expended, though various effects can increase this store. The amount of energy that can be gathered is limited by the users own stamina most commonly through their own movements, though the excessive act of converting such energy can be exhausting. Jean is currently attempting to refine the efficency of such actions over time through subtle movements and techniques as well as increasing her stamina. A Extremely versatile quirk, it was origionally believed to be fairly weak though has been pushed beyond its limits by her through her practice, she has even managed to gain limited control over the Magnus effect further expanding there capabilities to a variety of unique effects and incorperating her full body to produce the spins desired. One additional facet that seems to be related to her quirk is a increased sense of balance and equilibrium, not getting dizy with the heavy fotations as well as a increased durability in order to withstand the g-forces, friction and other resistances when incorperating her quirk.

She has used this to begin the development her own super move through own practice using a custom machined Gyroscope, capable of putting a insane amount of spin energy into a relatively small size. However the sheer collatoral damage and time this takes to produce has made it currently impractical for use in a actual fight.

Current use level: Capable of spins of most direct sources and large scale effects though lacking fine control. Higher Levels of force takes several moments to charge up.
Dream match ups: Direct/Energy based quirks, Slow Quirks
Nightmare match ups: Invisable/Indirect Quirks,
-Most advanced effects require full use of her limbs or movment to implimiment.
-Requires tools in order to extend her range beyond close combat, with 20 feet being her maximum without such.
-Level of damage can be difficult to contain should control be lost on.
Quirk Science: The true extent of her spinning ability has yet to be fully explored with the most notably being possible manipulation of the magnus effect and other scientific principle with rotations not adhearing to typical physical laws.

Theme song:
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Basic Information

Name: Purin Amai

Age: 15


Weight: 105 lbs

Build: Slight-build, Slender, Petite

Outfit: Aside from her school uniform, Purin often wears a graphic tee shirt of her favorite anime and a pair of jeans.

Personality information
Personality: Most people would call Purin Amai a pudding loving social butterfly, and Purin would agree.

Purin is the type of person to try and befriend everyone around her, even those who may hold contempt towards her, that’s just how's she has always been. She is especially fond of those who enjoy her cooking and share her sweet tooth. Purin is also someone who enjoys high-stakes situation and competitions amoung peers, and while she is a kind person she never holds back against a friend. Because of her quirk, Purin almost always has a little too much energy and struggles to keep herself still and quiet. She is known to go on rants while pacing around her room, but she always tries her best to hold any sudden outburst. Purin wears her heart on her sleeve and is always straightforward about her feelings.

  • Sweets (Especially Pudding)
  • Cooking/Baking
  • Being helpful
  • Competition
  • People

  • Coffee
  • Staying Still
  • Losing
  • Heat
  • Being Alone

Motivation: The strong admiration of a hero who once saved her life.

Background Information
Personal History: Purin had never really considered becoming a hero…

Purin had an easy enough life. Her competitive streak never allowed her to put less than 100% effort into anything. She helped with the family bakery. She went to school and got good grades. She had tons of friends who always had her back. There was just never a need to consider such a thought. At that point in her life, the future she thought about was one where she and her brother would end up running her parents bakery together. What problem couldn't be solved by a homemade creme caramel pudding? That was what she thought until the day that changed her life.

Purin was biking through the city. She loved bike rides because it was a good way for her to get rid of all her extra energy. She had just left school and was heading home like she did every other day, however it didn’t take her long to realize that today was not like any other day. A loud sound of clashing began to ring out through the city streets. High above her on the rooftops of skyscrapers, two silhouettes dashed back and forth at each other with blinding speed. A hero and a villain. It was Purin’s first time ever seeing a hero in the middle of a job, and though she couldn't see the hero’s face she was enamored by how fiercely they fought. She was so entranced by the fight she didn’t even notice that the two had shifted their fight to a rooftop construction site directly overhead. She watched in horror as shockwaves from above slammed into a nearby crane pushing it off the skyscraper and hurling it towards the ground. Screaming erupted as the large crowd around her began to disperse and she was right there with them. She would have continued running, but something was nagging at the back of her mind. As she turned around her eyes widened as she spotted a small child still standing where the crowd once was… he was sobbing and crying out. He wanted help… No… He needed help. Purin couldn’t even think before her body moved back towards the boy standing there seconds from being crushed beneath 10,000 tons of cold hard steel. As she made it to the boy Purin embraced him and began to form a crystalline shield around them both. However, she knew the facts of the matter… It wouldn’t be enough to stop them from being crushed she had no more time. In those moments the only regret she had was the fact that she couldn’t save that boy in her arms. She flinched as the loud crashing sounds of the crane hitting asphalt erupted through the streets. That should have been it… but it wasn’t. Purin open her eyes and looked up. There standing larger than life was the hero. With a single hand, he had caught the crane before it hit the ground. A wide smile beamed down on Purin. She couldn't believe it… was this what it meant to be a hero? After that day Purin had begun to have a reoccurring dream every night of herself, but as a hero helped people in the best way imaginable and every morning she would wake up with the same wide grin on her face. That was when Purin knew she had to be a hero.

  • Shiruko Amai -- Mother -- Crystallization: An emitter-type quirk that allows it user to crystallize the structures of non-organic matter.
  • Dango Amai -- Father -- Hypermetabolism: An emitter-type quirk that allowed the user to convert the sugar in their body into external heat.
  • Yukon Amai -- Older Brother -- Quirkless

One defining moment: The most impactful moment in Purin’s life was the day she nearly lost her life, but instead was saved by a smiling hero.

Quirk Information

Quirk Name: Crystallization

Ability description: An emitter-type quirk that allows that allows Purin to convert stored sugar into crystals. The crystals created by this ability can be shaped and controlled by Purin. She eats lots of sweets to replenish the sugars in her body.

Current use level: Purin can use her quirk for up to half an hour continuously before crashing. She can easily create small objects like crystal shards but struggles to create larger structures. She can form sugar crystals that are as hard as quartz rock (considerably harder than glass), and can propel her crystals up to 80 feet per second depending on the weight of its structure. Purin has full control over the coloration of her sugar crystals.

Dream match ups:
  • An easy matchup for Purin would be a close ranged fighter who she could attack from range and block their attacks if they were to close in on her.
  • She would also be favored against anyone with low defensive capabilities as she excels at shattering glass canons.

Nightmare matchups:
  • It would be difficult for Purin to fend off a combatant that was significantly faster than her because she can only create her crystal structures as fast as she can react.
  • She would struggle against anyone could deal high amounts of damage to her from long range as she functions best as a mid-range fighter.

Drawbacks: The more sugar Purin depletes the more lethargic she becomes, slowly losing cognitive function until she inevitably crashes from symptoms of hypoglycemia.


  • Strengths
    • Crystals can be formed into any shape Purin desires, allowing for lots of versatility and creativity.
    • Purin loves sweets so her sugar stores are often high.
  • Weaknesses
    • Crystals can only be created within 10ft of Purin, but after that are stable and can leave that range.
    • While she has a maximum firing range of 300 feet, she is also accurate with her quirk up to 60 feet.
    • Purin’s crystal structures are also susceptible to the element of fire and caramelize under high heat.

Quirk Science: Glucose is stored in supersaturated tissues beneath Purin’s skin. When her quirk is activated that glucose is secreted from below the skin molecule by molecule. These glucose molecules then combine and crystalize in whatever location Purin chooses.

  • Sugar Rush-Sweet Barrage!: Purin forms hundreds of tiny crystal shards in the air before circling them around her at high speeds creating a sugar crystal maelstrom for a few seconds.

Jet Jet

Name: Jane Delilah Delacroix
Gender: Female

Height: 5’ 2” Weight: 120lbs
On the surface Jane often appears as a quiet, dark and solemn individual with their feelings locked behind a passive face. Though it is her eyes that appear to captivate, always looking and almost burning with intensity it is often difficult to truly grasp the girl staring out like twin sapphires in the night. Loose locks of golden blonde hair are a stark contrast to the pale marble like skin, seemingly absent of any blemish as it wraps around athletic albeit short frame that barely passes 5 feet. Despite this she still holds a deceptive amount of muscle and although a times can com across as tomboyish or delinquent, it is still clear she places exceptional care into her appearance.

Normally clad in dark colors that contrast with her skin, they are never the less well made with many custom designs often with some form of cross or skull involved, never seeming to wear the same outfit twice and a good number of them appearing as if brand new. Jane carries herself with care and purpose, displaying a great deal of confidence in their stance each step and movement seemingly well placed and with thought, efficient and simple. The same can be said with her speech, a low yet firm tone with little obvious emotive inflection, though there can be found small undercurrents of curiosity, annoyance or interest depending on the topic in question.

There are a number of abnormalities clearly visible if someone would take the time to look, most notably the absence of any particular breathing, the coldness of her skin and should her mouth open a large number of sharper teeth than would be normal.

Quirk name: Zombie
Quirk description:
Zombie is a curious mutation quirk that has given Jane many of the qualities and capabilities of a Zombie, with a redundant physiology and wounds quickly healing with a muscle like fibre before being restored to normal.

Lacking many of the typical physical weakness or requirements has allowed her to constantly push her body beyond its limits in a self destructive if effective manner when combined with the raw willpower possesed. This changes have given her a host of immunities, even her mental state seems drastically alterted giving her mind unique properties. Unlike a normal person she can keep function with what would otherwise be fatal wounds, and shrug off a great deal of damage, all while performing feats beyond the normal capacity of a human by taking advantage of their healing and breaking through the self imposed limits a body normally places on itself to prevent damage. Through the process of this continued breaking she has continued to elevate her physical state, the lack of rest required to function has also allowed her to devote significantly more time to her studies and conditioning.

Likend to a advanced form of super regeneration it has been theorized that the thread like healing she possesses may hold further applications if correctly trained though somewhat macabre or disturbing in nature.

Quirk side effects:
Outside of the social implications of her abilities and the distress such injuries or feats may cause observers, the primary weakness of Janes quirk is it does not actually prevent feeling pain for actual damage and while possessing remarkable endurance, sufficient pain or damage will slowly degrade her mental faculties. Should sufficient damage or trauma be delivered to her brain, their tactical ability drops significantly becoming set on the single focus prior to the injury and operating more on instinct than logic, this can pose a extreme danger for those around her as all sense of morality or ethics are lost in favor of the purpose. This can potnetially result in them becoming more of a liability in the collateral damage caused.

If pushed beyond her limit, a large amount of heat will be generated as her biomass restores itself, to the point of steam and then straight up combustion if she does not rest. This ofcourse would require her to put herself out as the damage threatens to outpace her regeneration and will become fully incapacitated once enough damage is done while the damage is repaired, though due to the heat damage being on a cellular level it can take substantially longer than her normal healing rate.

Lesser issues though minor appear to be a distinct emotional numbness, or the fact her outfits are incapable of withstanding the same punishment she can, raising concerns with the lack of modesty she seems to possess.

Support items:
Outside the usual items expected of a student, Jean also carries both a stocked medical kit as well as two strange glove like gauntlets gifted by her mother. She has yet however to reveal their purpose.

As a result of being trained from a early age, in combination with her own efforts Jane has become quite proficient in a array of martial arts, most notably Savate, Baiquan and Akido. This was initially at the behest of her mothers desire to ensure she would not be at risk or taken advantage of, yet the passion and natural talent has had them support and encourage such further. To further this, has been Janes natural athleticism and desire for adrenaline that lead her to a number of extreme sports, though a preference for self taught parkour stating a fondness for the sensation.

Achieving high grades academically much to the annoyance of her teachers, she seemed to place little interest in the topics covered yet did so out of necessity. The exception of this has appeared to be a deep interest in biology, most notably medical fields. Holding a good aptitude and understanding of the topics, with sufficient training and study it is very possible she could become a accomplished doctor, yet her current focus remains set on the path of a hero.

Hero costume:
Hero name: Lifeline

Coming across as a delinquent to some, Janes words often carry a cold bluntness to them that can be jarring in their straightforward manner and lack of subtlety, some believing them as overly prideful or haughty with the amount of confidence they tend to display. While mostly passive and observant, they nevertheless show a almost inhuman determination for anything they put their mind to locked beanther there usual demeanor. This is most obvious in times of adrenaline, seeming to come alive such as when carrying out heroics, pushing herself or devoting themselves to a task they care deeply about.

Towards others they can be somewhat anti-social, mostly due to misunderstanding several emotional cues, though they do seem to want to help in their own way if somewhat haphazardly. It can also happen to come across as lacking respect as many of her prior teachers would often state, confronting them as a challenge and a refusal to back down when their mind was put to something.

Jane has had a number of philosophies deeply ingrained in her by her childhood and parentage, many that shape the way she behaves and drive her. A example would be from a few simple word she has taken a great deal ““Don't be sorry, Be better”, seeing be how a Failure only seeks to drive her onwards and her belief that the only true goal to overcome should be herself. Though this has been taken to a extreme degree such as her habit to purposefully confront her many of her dislikes as perceived weaknesses to overcome.

Despite all this, deep down Jane is deeply conflicted about her purpose, struggling to put thoughts to feelings and often questioning why she carries out some actions or feels the way she does. The emotions are clearly there to her, yet she lacks a clear understanding at times. The two strongest connections she holds is to her parents but for differing reasons, looking up to her father most of all despite many seeing them as the weaker of the two.

3 Strengths:
Physical Condition/Durability
Natural Instincts

3 Weaknesses:
-Emotional Connections/Social
-Disturbing familiarity/willingness for self-injury

Janes childhood was different to say the least, growing up a single if sickly child there would be grave concerns regarding her health by her parents. Born prematurely and anemic, she would often be treated like a porcelain doll, her parents worried she may break if they were not careful, more so her father than mother. This would come to the head with the emergence of her quirk being one of the scariest parts of her parents lives as they feared the worst until clarification was given by the hospital doctor. While changing her deeply, their quirk allowed them a new sense of freedom, but also new expectations as her mother's approach to them changed substantially, not wanting them to ever be as they were before now the option was available.

While some would assume her mother would drive them towards the path she took, Melissa was surprisingly firm on not given her daughter a direct answer or suggestion instead encouraging them to find their own way, yet the shadow of her parentage would linger with many faculty seeing her as a Villain in the making, the attitude seeping into the children from either them or parents. Though rather than submit to it, Jane would attempt to drown it out and focus on what was ahead of her….yet it was maybe the feeling this caused that sparked her desire to be a hero in the first place as well as shaped who they would become.

Fast forward several years and despite all beliefs, there application would be accepted and gain access to the UA academy, intent on forging the path forward onwards.

Melissa Delacroix, Janes mother is a fairly cold if successful business executive at the JCN Network. While she shows pride in daughters accomplishments, it always quickly follows with constantly expecting more from Jane next time. This has had a large impact on her views on how to advance in her life. Prior to career in business she was however known by her villain alias "Madam Mono" who flourished for half a decade, though this eventually ended with her capture, however rather than face jail time the quick thinking and abilities of her Lawyer managed to have her avoid such much to the dismay of the arresting heroes in a landmark case setting precedence to this day. Melissas quirk appears to allow her to create various prehensile threads from beneath her fingers which she has trained to terrifying effect.

John Delacroix, Janes Father is a fairly cheerful if meek lawyer at a large firm. Mostly supportive of his daughter efforts wanting them to find what they enjoy though still wishes they could slow down to socialize more. Perhaps the most understanding of her parents and this combined with other reasons is perhaps why Jane relationship with them is what it is. He was also the Lawyer who happened to get Diane off on several technicalities. Unknown to most he also holds a power himself, capable of manipulating his own blood when outside his body, yet his low pain tolerance combined with fears of needles and sharp objects has lead to such rarely being used. Despite a somewhat fearful nature at times, he can always be relied upon to do what he needs to do but usually while shaking the entire time.

Basic Information
Benjiro Ryuga

Age: 15

Height: 6'3

Weight: 160


Faceclaim description:
His hair has a blueish tint, and he has a black tail

Build: Tall, thin, and lanky

Outfit: Ben dresses casually and is best described as 'handsomely scruffy.' His clothes are always a little rumpled and you would never guess that he's a rich kid. However, Ben ALSO likes attention, and when he has the chance he'll dress in colorful clothes. These are his favorite pair of shorts that he will wear whenever he gets the chance:


He's never watched Dragonball. He just likes the pun because he has a dragon quirk. And his favorite color is orange.

Personality information.
He comes across as a bit dense and scatterbrained, but is a lot smarter than he lets on whenever he focuses enough to really apply himself. Benjiro is a slacker with a heart of gold, preferring naps and eating over his studies, but always up for a good time as long as it doesn't seem like too much work. He gets away with a lot because he's charming. He also has a tendency to flirt with any pretty girl he sees, though he secretly is a bit of a romantic.

Benjiro does have a heroic heart deep down, which comes out in the loyalty he shows his friends. While he can often be scolded for not taking his job seriously, it's that goofiness and ability to crack jokes even when the situation is dire that make him a great hero.

Likes: Naps; big meals; reptiles; puns; pretty girls; action movies

Dislikes: Exercise; studying; people who are too serious

Motivation: Wanting to find an excuse for his parents not to force him into business school.

Background Information
Personal History:

Benjiro's parents own a jewelry company called Dragon's Horde Jeweler's, named after the fact that Ben's father has a quirk giving him horns and the ability to breathe fire like a dragon. Ben's mother, Sara, has an appraisal quirk allowing her to immediately know the value of any item she sees, which is invaluable for making sure that only the highest quality jewels are being sold.

Because of their busy work schedules, Ben has essentially been raised by babysitters and himself as he got older. Since his parents' company did well, Benjiro was a rich kid with a quirk everyone fawned over and no one telling him what to do. His natural laid back disposition was the only thing stopping him from becoming completely insufferable.

When his parents told Benjiro they wanted him to apply himself and start studying to take over the family business, Benjiro was completely uninterested. He was saved when he was offered a recommendation to UA. Unable to object to Benjiro wanting to attend such a prestigious school or accuse him of being lazy, they allowed him to go.

With his powerful quirk, Benjiro is convinced that school will be a breeze.

One defining moment: Being told that he was recommended to attend UA.

Quirk Information
Quirk Name:
Dragon Soul

Ability description:

Benjiro can astral project a blue dragon from his body. The dragon is about the size of a large dog, with the ability to fly, pass through solid matter, and breathe fire. However, this leaves his body in a comatose state.

Injuring Benjiro's body can force the dragon to return. Hurting the dragon will also force it back into his body, without causing physical damage to Benjiro but leaving him exhausted.

Current use level: Benjiro can project his dragon fully for about ten minutes comfortably with only a brief period of rest before he can project again. If he pushes himself, Benjiro can go twenty minutes, but will need a full hour of cooldown.

Dream match ups: Close combat quirks that Ben can take on in his dragon form before they can get close to him.

Nightmare match ups: People with long range quirks that can hit his body from a distance. People with quirks that affect a large area also put him at an extreme disadvantage.

Drawbacks: Because Benjiro's 'soul' would naturally want to stay in his body, projecting it leaves Benjiro extremely fatigued. Moreover, there's the most obvious drawback of his body being left extremely vulnerable while his quirk is being used.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Benjiro's soul must stay within a certain distance to his body. This can make it easier to track down where his body is, since it has to be within the general area.

Theme song
Basic Information
Name: Shin Kamihara

Age: 14

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 158lb

Faceclaim description: Only his eyes are exempt from his mesh surface.

Build: typically a fit compact build (varies)

Outfit: A white t-shirt, a red scarf, a pair of blue denim jeans, and white socks and sneakers.

Personality information.
Personality: Shin is a hard worker. He has to be with all the expectations that have been placed on him due to the incredible potential of his quirk and his Pro Hero adoptive father. Moreover, he understands that heroes work best when they work together. He cares too much about what the people he admires think about him. He rationalizes things to an excess, almost obsessively trying to find objective answers. He enjoys spending time with others, but has a reluctance to trust others when it comes to personal details. He wants others to see his accomplishments for what they are, and not compare him to his adopted father.

Likes: stretching, being helpful, rock music, doing well on tests, hugs

Dislikes: being restrained, the dark, when it's too quiet, disappointing others, pain

Motivation: He wants to be a hero like his adoptive father and uncover the truth about what happened to his mother.

Background Information
Personal History: Shin was kidnapped at a young age, and spent several months in captivity. He remembers running from the facility after angering a villain within, escaping through a gap in the roof. He ran crying through the streets, chased by villains, but was thankfully rescued by his adoptive father Shinya Kamihara. At the age of ten he overheard an argument where he learned that his mother had been Shinya's deceased sister. He was trained by his adoptive father to prevent him from being helpless in the future.

Lineage: His uncle is Pro Hero Shinya Kamihara. His father is █████ ████.

Quirk Information
Quirk Name: Body Matrix

Ability description: His body is composed of a white matrix, the shape of which he can stretch, shrink, and otherwise manipulate so long as his volume remains constant. The sections become more durable the farther they are stretched (Allowing stretched legs the thickness of a broomstick not to snap under his own weight, not nearly to the extent of an actual durability quirk). He can also temporarily turn sections of his body into portals to other sections for up to five seconds, turning them black and unusable once it ends.

Current use level: He can currently use his quirk to enable quick movement through stretching his arms and legs, and can make large simple shifts easily. However, he has nowhere near the nimble and instant control of his adoptive father, with difficulty making multiple simultaneous and complex shifts rapidly. He is also currently limited in how effectively he can use his portals, and how many different entrance and exit locations he can focus on at once. He also hasn't mastered using the two aspects of his quirk together effectively, due to their drawbacks.

Dream match ups: powerful single shot quirks and quirks that need contact to activate

Nightmare match ups: Continuous, rapid fire, and/or wide area quirks and amorphous or gaseous body quirks

  1. Shifting: Overuse tires out the parts that are shifted, and even his normal motions require the use of his quirk. The more the shift differs from the original form, the more difficult it becomes to maintain.
  2. Portals: Once a section of his body has been turned into a portal, they cannot be shifted, damaged, or turned into a portal again for a current minimum of five seconds after the portal ends. He cannot close a portal while there is something solid within, and exceeding the current opening duration of 5 seconds is very harmful to the section. Turning a section with an injury on it into a portal worsens the injury.
(Examples: Stretched forearm portal-shield can't be undone for 5 seconds. Full body portal means he's a statue for 5 seconds after the portal ends.)

Strengths/Weaknesses: He has a decent level of combat training due to his adoptive father. He has not mastered his abilities yet.

Quirk Science: All of his abilities are actually a result of his ability to warp the space his body occupies. His body may seem as if it is changing shape when he shifts, but it is actually the space his body is occupying and the physical constants therein that are being manipulated (loosly based off of the spacial effects in Isaac Asimov's book fantastic voyage). His portals work on a similar principle, with the distance between the entrance and exit (where his his body would be) being reduced to nothing.


  1. Swatter: Stretches hand to have two large sections, whips arm out, and places two large portal sections on hand just before impact. Anything that enters one section is launched out of the second at twice the speed the hand was moving at, without having to touch it.
  2. Fourth Law: Portal is created at fist and foot, causing any subsequent punches to cause direct impact with the ground, with no rebound force felt by fist.

Theme song
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Basic Information
Akuma Onigatana
Hero Name: Pride

Age: 14

Height: 5'2

Weight: 120

Pride UA.png

Faceclaim description:
A small kid, not very muscular unlike most UA students having at least a little muscle, he has none. Never really took up training or physical excersize. Always tries too hard to dress 'cool in that not-caring' sort of way. His hair seemingly unkempt, but he actually puts some gel in it to force it to have that 'messy-look'.

Scars/Markings: Just his horns, tail, odd coloring of his eyes, sharp teeth, and those pointed ears.

Build: scrawny short kid.

Outfit: Typically likes to layer his clothes like in the picture, with a shirt over a long sleeve one or even a T-Shirt over a hoodie on cold days, because that's fashion to him. Makes him stand out and look cool.

Personality information.
He's an attention-seeker first and foremost. He wants to be accepted and liked by his peers and wants his teachers and role-models to be proud of him. He's not the smartest, but he works hard to get that C in math. P.E is still his weakness, but he'll put in his all if that's what the teacher wants, making sure to get a good grade. He wants girls to like him and have a crush on him the way he's crushed on them since he was in Elementary school.

Likes: Girls, music, boys, cartoons, singing/rapping

Dislikes: bullies, show-offs, getting lectures, being told to 'grow up', people making fun of his small size.

Motivation: He never really knew his real parents, was rescued from an underground Yakuza, only formed after Quirks started to develop in humans. So a younger Yakuza gang.

Background Information
Personal History:
His mother sold him when he was born, she had a similar mutation quirk to him. She worked as a stripper and didn't have the means to raise him and needed money, show she sold him off when she found out someone was interested. Perhaps she didn't know the persons connections and plans, but Akuma would never know. His name would be given to him by the gang, a manufactured first and last name with no connection or hint to who his real family was. Growing up he was trained to be part of the gang, his resistance quirk being one they could really use and take advantage of. As a young child, he'd use his tail to help rob people or catch them off guard for his older role models, who would laugh and give him high fives, giving him that approval he's always seeked. Using a child as bait was always a good way to get away with crimes, no one ever suspected the kid, until his face became more well-known, having one that kind of stuck out. His care-takers became more abusive as people began to recognize him more and not fall for their tricks.

Lineage: Koharu Ito - mother - owns her own pub called "The Drunken Demon Bar" , a rather famous place, plugged on the news after his rescue almost 6 years ago - her quirk being a simply mutation, giving her a similar look, with a long red tail, but much smaller horns, and thick skin, not much else to her quirk than that.
Father - unknown

One defining moment: He did everything he could for them, that was his family, his brothers. Trying to make them proud, he went out and lured some rich kid about his age at the time to the gang, allowing them to get a decent pay by holding a hostage. His brothers argued and called him stupid for doing such a thing for awhile first. Pushing him and smacking him for doing this, as it was sure to have heroes banging on their doors any moment, and they seemed to be right. As Akuma was about 8 years old at the time, that was when the number 2 hero, Endeavor came barging in through the door, capturing every member of the Yakuza. At the time Akuma was heartbroken and was crying, he had caused his brothers to be caught, he remembered hating Endeavor. Endeavor taking pity on his bruised face and scarred scrawny body, he got the kid that was kidnapped home and tried to search for Akuma's parents. No one would claim him however. Having 4 kid already, Endeavor wasn't going to adopt Akuma, but he did help him get adopted, just a couple of ads is all it took.

That was when his Akuma's birth mother came out from the woodwork, claiming the son she sold, unbeknownst to Akuma of course. It seems his mother was an attention seeker as well, because she milked the screen-time for the press, claiming her long-lost son. When he got home, it was clear his mother had put on that act to gain press, starting a business, the woman finally owned her own bar and had plenty of customers showing up. All it took was her son being rescued by the number 2 hero and claiming him.

It wasn't a bad life though, his mother let him do whatever he wanted, including keeping the name he was first given, not because he still cared about his 'brothers' so much as he didn't want his mothers name, some woman who claimed him out of selfish desire. She started to throw a party for him every year on his birthday, closing down the bar for just him and his friends, so it seemed she did care and was trying to make it up to him, the unfair life he had.

Quirk Information
Quirk Name:

Ability description: The obvious being that he has a tail and horns, he is hot-blooded and thick-skinned, making him resistant to blunt damage. He is resistant to fire and heat, it doesn't do anything to him. Slightly resistant to the cold, as the cold rarely bothers him, however an ice quirk or similar quirks could slow him down significantly. His own hands being able to sharpen like small blades, he can deal damage, but only in very close range obviously, unbeknownst to most, his tail also has the capability to sharpen this way, and with the hair that grows on the end, few end up knowing about this. He can hold his breath for up to 3 hours as well.

Current use level: His quirk being a mutation quirk mostly, he doesn't have much of a limit, when it comes to attacking however, his skills are far from pro, as he doesn't like fighting much. He wants to a rescue type hero, rescuing people from different disasters. His quirk making him perfect for going into certain disaster zones and coming out with the victims.

Dream match ups: Fire and heat centered quirks are quite easy for him to deal with, those being almost useless against him.

Nightmare match ups: Powerful ice quirks that could actually freeze him in place, or someone with a physical quirk.

Drawbacks: His tail can be quite sensitive if grabbed and yanked, it is an extension of his spine after all. If his horn cracks as well, he'll be in such severe pain it could put him out of commission since it's basically another bone.

Strengths/Weaknesses: As a strength, most people are unaware his tail can be utilized as a sharpened weapon like his hands, similarly, some people fail to realize his tail is another manipulated limb he can utilize and mistakenly assume it's like a dogs tail and just wags when he's happy or slouches when he's sad.


Theme song
Name: Amy Leii

Age: 13

Height: 4'5"

Weight: 58lbs


Faceclaim description:


Build: vary small

Outfit: usually wears vary cute clothing. vary childish fashion sense

Personality information.
Personality: Aloof, vary childish, usually a sweetheart.

Likes: candy, fun, messing around, eating sugary products, flying

Dislikes: boring fights, getting in trouble, loud noises, annoying people, bad guys

Motivation: she wants to be a hero because people have always thought her quirk was suited for a villain and she doesn't like that.

Background Information
Personal History: Amy was born vary small, her quirk manifested the day she was born, and she was immediately classified as having a vampire quirk. since she was young she had always enjoyed playing pranks on people, and with that added to her vampire quirk she was constantly losing friends because parents where afraid she'd grow into a villain. later it was learned that her vampiric teeth did not work to harvest blood, but rather sugar, and so she keeps herself energized by eating sugary products all the time.

Lineage: her mother was a fruit bat quirk, and her father had an energy manipulation quirk which allowed him to control the sugar content of anything (for instense he could increase or lower someones bloodsugar by touching them) this is why she is a sugar vampire.

One defining moment: once she saved a friend from falling but was punished because his mother thought she was attacking him. this is when she decided that she should prove she isn't a bad person.

Quirk Information
Quirk Name: Sugar vampire

Ability description: Amy has the basic appearence of a vampire, including a youthful look and her quirk is powered by an energy source like real vampires but she takes in sugar as power rather then blood. she also has bat-like sonar, slight super strength (could lift a car but not a truck or van.) and can fly. she can heal fast if she consumes enough sugar, but healing from her sugar dilutes her normal powers.

Current use level: she has a vary basic understanding of how to use her abilities.

Dream match ups: she isn't really tactful enough to think of who she could beat with no problem. maybe a donut quirk?

Nightmare match ups: energy draining quirks

Drawbacks: her quirk works better when she isn't in direct sunlight.

Strengths/Weaknesses: weak to low blood sugar.

Quirk Science: (Optional. If you'd like to, you can explain the science of your quirk here).

  1. This section is optional
  2. As your character may not
  3. Have moves developed yet
  4. Put as many as you'd like
  5. Or as few

Theme song
(Optional... But feel free to put everyone on to a dope song! You can link YouTube videos with the chain icon next to the picture upload button.)

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