Characters you've made (or want to) that are just too crazy to work...

So, I had this idea a while back as I looked over the Terrestrial Martial Arts...


Picture your Exalted Character, a Solar or Lunar, meets two other Exalted, they're an odd pair, an Immaculate Monk who is Dragonblooded and a quiet young woman. The monk is a young man, who is rather high strung, especially where his travelling companion, the glasses-wearing Yamato Nadeshiko, is concerned. As for the young woman herself? She's somewhat aloof and not all there, she pays enough attention to go about her daily business and help out with a number of things, but that's about it.

Until there are fights.

The first fight, she perks up some how, and the Monk fights, but he seems somehow desperate to end the battle right there and then. From the way she eyes the battle and seems to size up the opponents, you begin to wonder. The fight ends with the Monk's victory and as he nervously eyes the young woman, she...returns, that quiet, retiring girl is back, and the Monk seems relieved.

The next fight, the pattern happens once more, only this time, it's too much for the Monk. The girl takes a step forward as she slips on a pair of gloves, she somehow becomes a predator, eyeing her opponents like they were nothing more than prey. The fight that follows is indescribable, she just tears apart her victims and her face is completely and utterly blank. As it finishes, you see the Monk thanks.


The next fight...the Wyld Hunt had caught up to all of you, and as the Monk steps forward to do battle, the young woman stops him. She's smiling peacefully and the Monk's face...well, you've seen less terror from torture victims. She calmly walks to the leader of the hunt, putting on her gloves and her caste mark flaring, an empty circle, and, as the arrogant fool speaks. She strikes.

Her smile is unlike anything you've ever seen, much less expected from the serene, if somewhat martial, beauty, it's a vicious little smirk that proclaims a predator's victory to all those present, a little, "I have you now~ <3", to the man in front of her. As for the formerly boistrous officer? His body is slack, jaw hanging open as if crying to the gods above and all around "why?", but there is no least you don't think there is, the howling dogs in a far off neighbourhood beg to differ. With betrayed eyes wide and dilated, he has no choice but to sear the image of her anima into his memories, and later, his nightmares, a violet hued woman with wild hair and glowing insane eyes.

The soldiers of the hunt, all the men at the very least, draw back in fear as they witness the horrific scene. The Monk beside you, simply prays for forgiveness from the Immaculate Dragons, once he had failed to leash the beast the Order had unwittingly created. As you look on, a part of you, can't help but to agree.

All it took, was one kick, one...oh gods, she channeled her essence into her boots, making them as hard as metal...between his legs, raising him high off the ground.

The smile widens as she pulls back her leg and braces herself for...oh no, no, oh gods no.

His crotch is now in line with her fist, her glowing fist that her demonic anima is tenderly stroking...

The unenviable blow shattered the windows around the field, the spines of the young dragonbloods in the Hunting Party, and something much, much more precious. You feel a tear falling out of your eye as her victim hurtles into and through his comrades, colliding through a wall behind them. You saw his dead eyes as he flew back and then you remember the seemingly wild tales that were spread across the martial arts circuit, a tale of how a temple tried to create the ultimate martial artist from birth, about how they forced her to train day after day in the hope she would be the ultimate weapon for the Wyld Hunts. The Maidens apparently have a most twisted sense of humor, as she Exalted into one of the Anathema and not only used the skills they trained her in, but also a forbidden style to completely shatter their very spirit. she gleefully strides forward to the rest of the Hunt, and as the Monk beside you tearfully prays, you see her demonic anima look back at you and smile coyly. You realize that, for better or worse, you have been travelling with her this entire time, the demon that prostitutes pray to and martial artists ward against:

The Ghost of the Vengeful Woman.
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Zenith with Laughing Wounds MA and 8-devil screaming powder. On good days, she uses the powder to incapacitate criminals. On bad day, it's her own freakish powerup. That and she has compassion 5 and a very lopsided bet with the Lover.
1. Take a Scourge.

2. Equip Loom-Snarling Deception and Eldritch Secrets Mastery

3. Pose as a high-breeding Dragonblooded to gain some influence and explain your high essence pool.

4. Get sent to to one of the secondary schools in the Realm. The Heptagram works best for the high Occult requisite you'll need later and the influence with House sorcerers, House of Bells is good for the resulting military influence, and the Spiral Academy if you want to engage in the ol' "rule the bureaucracy" route.

5. Use Chirality Prohibition Index on said academy.

6. Phrase your rules so that the academy is now a manga high school (assuming your ST didn't write it such already), and include little phrases in their vocabulary that act as prayers to you.

7. Let the damn thing grow, take a well-paying position in the Realm, outshadow-rule the Sidreals.

I've played this two ways.

First as listed above, taking over the House of Bells and leading eventual hostile takeover of the Realm. Amazingly easy when more than half the population thinks the way you tell them WITHOUT spending motes.

The second way I've played with my two buddies as solars (Dawn John Wayne and Zenith Nick Fury). We started in the South, used the Index to make a little safe haven and proceeded to start freeing slaves to populate the base. We fed them with Spawning Pit Sanctification, and let the Index grow at ludicrous rate that comes with casting where there are no people. The Sidreals flailed impotently as they tried to root out patterns made of sand, and we laughed as their own troops began to succumb to the urge to worship the Unconquered Sun.

My favorite though is to use Crowned With Fury to tell the Incarnae that they are forbidden from playing the Games of Divinity.
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I got bored and looked around The Alchemicals, Adamant Smashfists are absolutely disgusting, 1/2 soak -4,

A number of charms to help.

The Piston Driven Megaton Hammer with Its submodule Triples Raw Damage with Unarmed attacks and Brawling Aids for 3 motes.

The Essence Irradiation Corona with both its submodules, make each post soak damage die an automatic success, 10's into 2 successes. adds 1 to post soak damage, and three to raw. all for two motes a swing.

Add this to your favorite Martial Arts Style(s) and enjoy.

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