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Fantasy Characters MAGE Academy

Name: Alis Shaw

Age: 20

Race: Half-Fae

Program: Mage - Conjuration and Enchantment

Alis is from the Outlands, so she is tougher than tough both physically and mentally.
With her half-fae blood, she has enhanced physical traits like speed, strength, and senses.
Her focus is on enchanting and conjuring spiritual weapons.
She is good in a crisis and can make snap decisions with ease.
In her hometown of Eryn she was known for vigilante justice against lowlifes and criminals.

Her temper often gets the better of her and she can end up making regrettable choices.
With enhances senses comes sensitivity to extremely loud noises or bright lights.
She can only conjure 2 minor weapons or 1 major weapon at a time, but can have up to 5 enchanted weapons.
Sometimes she can be rash and make decisions without considering all the options.

List 3-5 general personality traits:

What makes you worthy of MAGE Academy?:
Record of martial and magical prowess against criminals both mortal and supernatural.
From the Shaw line of Outland Hunters.
She is smart as a whip but more gifted in the physical arts.
Can conjure a major weapon (imbued with Major Magiks) without a magik circle.

What is your dream?:
To rid the world of evil, but more realistically to become the next leader of the Outland Hunters.

What is your biggest fear?:
Getting innocents caught up in her revenge justice.

Anything else you’d like to share?:
She hides her semi-pointed ears with her cowboy hat.
She has a secret that she is running from.

*Please provide a photo for your student ID below.
Name: Hiroto Sakemura

Age: 19

Race: Human with supernatural functions

Program: Mage: Exorcism and Witchcraft

-Hiroto has a natural talent for Exorcism. This can be tied with Spirit Medium, where he can communicate with spirits.
-He specializes in rituals, specifically summoning rituals.
-He is always striving for growth and expansion, and looking for new challenges to overcome.
-He is a kind-hearted soul who excels at creating clear visions and goals.

-Despite his talent for exorcism and spirits, his magic varies in power due to his contract. He tries to make up for that in hand-to-hand combat.
-Though he was surrounded by magic, he still does not know much of the subject.
-He is very naive and doesn't know much of the outside world due to having a sheltered upbringing.
-He never gives up and is willing to spend his free-time and resting periods for a goal.

List 3-5 general personality traits:

What makes you worthy of MAGE Academy?:
-Some parts of his body are considered supernatural.
-He made a contract to a higher being.
-Has a natrual abundance of wood energy.
-His birth place of the floating island.

What is your dream?:
-Protect his village by becoming an exorcist
-Explore the world

What is your biggest fear?:
-Losing everything/everyone that he loves.

Anything else you’d like to share?:
-His place of birth is on a floating island, however, his family desended down on earth for unknown reasons. This information is only shared between them, the government and MAGE academy.

Image ID:



the illusionist




lilliana clarke


lili, lil, anna, lils, nana






illusions and elemental magic



personality traits ⸺
⋆ optimistic
⋆ sociable
⋆ playful
⋆ competitive
⋆ sarcastic
strengths ⸺
⋆ lilliana is a natural at illusions, usually used for playful jokes with friends, but can prove to be a amazing asset when lilliana takes it seriously as she's quite literally getting into other people's head
⋆ she's knowledgable about most elemental magic, such as standard water, earth, fire, and air, but her most favorite to study is the light elemental, very dedicated to learning how to use it in a variety of ways. lilliana mostly uses it to blind foes, remove all light in one area, or solidify it to create barriers
⋆ is very focused on whatever she sets her mind to, she will complete it
weaknesses ⸺
⋆ knowledgable about elemental magic, however can only actually do magic with one element, light, and laser beams are hard for her to control
⋆ makes a competition with most things, whether it be studying, doing magic or whatever, she's very competitive and sometimes will get upset if she doesn't live up to her own standards
⋆ though proficent in casting magic, she runs out of energy fairly fast, therefore cannot fight for quite as long as everyone else
biggest fear ⸺
failure, not being able to succeed in terms of in school or even saving a loved one



what makes you worthy of MAGE academy?
⋆ lilliana was born in a family of magic users who are all very talented in their own right, which explains her natural affinity towards magic
⋆ very versatile in terms of magical abilities, and can be a useful ally
⋆ very dedicated to the magical arts, and she wants to take part in all activities at the academy

what is your dream?
⋆ to live up to her family's expectations, and to go beyond in her studies

anything else you'd like to share?
⋆ her aunt owns a cafe, where she sometimes works at for some money for herself



♡coded by uxie♡



the illusionist




lilliana clarke


lili, lil, anna, lils, nana






illusions and elemental magic



personality traits ⸺
⋆ optimistic
⋆ sociable
⋆ playful
⋆ competitive
⋆ sarcastic
strengths ⸺
⋆ lilliana is a natural at illusions, usually used for playful jokes with friends, but can prove to be a amazing asset when lilliana takes it seriously as she's quite literally getting into other people's head
⋆ she's knowledgable about most elemental magic, such as standard water, earth, fire, and air, but her most favorite to study is the light elemental, very dedicated to learning how to use it in a variety of ways. lilliana mostly uses it to blind foes, remove all light in one area, or solidify it to create barriers
⋆ is very focused on whatever she sets her mind to, she will complete it
weaknesses ⸺
⋆ knowledgable about elemental magic, however can only actually do magic with one element, light, and laser beams are hard for her to control
⋆ makes a competition with most things, whether it be studying, doing magic or whatever, she's very competitive and sometimes will get upset if she doesn't live up to her own standards
⋆ though proficent in casting magic, she runs out of energy fairly fast, therefore cannot fight for quite as long as everyone else
biggest fear ⸺
failure, not being able to succeed in terms of in school or even saving a loved one



what makes you worthy of MAGE academy?
⋆ lilliana was born in a family of magic users who are all very talented in their own right, which explains her natural affinity towards magic
⋆ very versatile in terms of magical abilities, and can be a useful ally
⋆ very dedicated to the magical arts, and she wants to take part in all activities at the academy

what is your dream?
⋆ to live up to her family's expectations, and to go beyond in her studies

anything else you'd like to share?
⋆ her aunt owns a cafe, where she sometimes works at for some money for herself



♡coded by uxie♡

Looks great! I think the only thing you missed was the biggest fear. Once it’s updated feel free to just into the RP thread!
Name: Melody Mockingbird
Race: Centaur
Program: The Understanding of Animal and Floral Energy

Age: 19

Nickname: Melo, Didi, Bird, Centaur Girl

The Understanding of Animal and Floral Energy is a course offering that delves into the power of the natural world and how to harness it. This course aims to provide students with a deep understanding of the natural cycle of life, the energy and magic that flows through the flora and fauna of the world, and how they can use that energy for their own benefit.

Face Claim: Jessica from Reverse 1999
Screenshot 2024-02-24 212115.png

Personality Traits:

-Melody is knowledgeable of the natural world, specifically the hidden and dark corners of nature.
-Melody is very caring and understanding and knowledgeable to both humans, plants and animals.
-Due to Melody being a centaur, she can run faster than a regular human.
-She can understand the needs of animals and plants.
-Melody is very airheaded and is quite oblivious on how other people feel. She is working to change that but it doesn't seems to be working for her.
-She can't move around like a regular human and needs additional support when walking up and down stairs, etc.

What makes you worthy of MAGE Academy?:
-Melody is a fantastic creature, a Centaur.
-Melody has the supernatural ability of understanding the natural world.
-Her parents were once MAGE students.

What is your dream?:
-Help others.
-Have as many friends as she can.
-Save the world, someday.

What is your biggest fear?:
-Seeing everyone else hurt or suffer because of her.
-Be discriminated because of her race.
-Being trapped.

Anything left to share:
-She was raised in a forested area near a crystal-clear lake. She hopped to see the world one day so her parents send her to MAGE Academy.
-Her parents and relatives are all astronomers or astrologers.
-She has an illusionary sphere that hides her centaur half in front of regular humans.
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Click Sushi!

  • Name: Melody Mockingbird
    Race: Centaur
    Program: The Understanding of Animal and Floral Energy

    Age: 19

    Nickname: Melo, Didi, Bird, Centaur Girl

    The Understanding of Animal and Floral Energy is a course offering that delves into the power of the natural world and how to harness it. This course aims to provide students with a deep understanding of the natural cycle of life, the energy and magic that flows through the flora and fauna of the world, and how they can use that energy for their own benefit.

    Face Claim: Jessica from Reverse 1999
    View attachment 1146624


I’m not sure if it’s because I’m on mobile but the pusheen cat blocks a lot of text.
sorry about that! Would this help?
Yes, everything looks great! Only one thing, how will she pass as mortal around the other students at the academy or in the village? Does she have a magic item or anything that can hide her centaur half? (Maybe a magic wheelchair like in Percy Jackson or an illusionary item?)
Yes, everything looks great! Only one thing, how will she pass as mortal around the other students at the academy or in the village? Does she have a magic item or anything that can hide her centaur half? (Maybe a magic wheelchair like in Percy Jackson or an illusionary item?)

Yes, she has an illusionary sphere that hides her centaur half. Do you want me to add that in the character profile as well?
Name: Minji Del Lune

Age: 18

Race: Nephilim (Half Demon/Half Human)

Program: Elemental Magecraft

- Has extreme control over the element of darkness
- Enhanced physically
- Intermediate Dagger wielding

- Large usage of her power damages her internal state (Coughing of blood, internal wounds, etc.)
- Insomnia
- Socially Naive
- oddly competittive when taunted

List 3-5 general personality traits:
- Tired
- Constantly Hungry
- Sarcastic
- Unbothered

What makes you worthy of MAGE Academy?:
- Nephilims are rare due to the liklihood of death of a Demon-Human child
- Higher understanding of darkness element
- Fighting prowess

What is your dream?:
- make friends
- become strong
- eat a lot

What is your biggest fear?:
- Seeing those she cares about get hurt again
- Being powerless
- Being looked down on

Anything else you’d like to share?:
- As in the world of demons, half breeds were considered impure and to be rid of, Minji was cast aside at birth

*Please provide a photo for your student ID below
Screenshot 2024-02-25 6.03.36 PM.png
Name: Minji Del Lune

Age: 18

Race: Nephilim (Half Demon/Half Human)

Program: Elemental Magecraft

- Has extreme control over the element of darkness
- Enhanced physically
- Intermediate Dagger wielding

- Large usage of her power damages her internal state (Coughing of blood, internal wounds, etc.)
- Insomnia
- Socially Naive
- oddly competittive when taunted

List 3-5 general personality traits:
- Tired
- Constantly Hungry
- Sarcastic
- Unbothered

What makes you worthy of MAGE Academy?:
- Nephilims are rare due to the liklihood of death of a Demon-Human child
- Higher understanding of darkness element
- Fighting prowess

What is your dream?:
- make friends
- become strong
- eat a lot

What is your biggest fear?:
- Seeing those she cares about get hurt again
- Being powerless
- Being looked down on

Anything else you’d like to share?:
- As in the world of demons, half breeds were considered impure and to be rid of, Minji was cast aside at birth

*Please provide a photo for your student ID below
View attachment 1146765
Looks great! Feel free to post in the RP thread!

  • I want to save everyone with my powers!





    123.7 lbs.

    hair c.


    eye c.


    hair styling

    Long and wavy


    Small and Petite

    body mods.



    Eri (MHA)

♡coded by uxie♡

Name: Kailey Honoriston. // Blessing Honoriston.

Age: 18---21

Race: Dragon/Half-dragon/Dragonshifter // Dragon/Half-dragon/Dragonshifter.

Program: Elemental Mage. // Witchcraft Mage.

Strengths: Night-time, full moon, high-adrenaline. // Daytime, sunny days, light.

Weaknesses: Blessing's strengths. // Kailey's strengths.

List 3-5 general personality traits: Singer, short-tempered, secretly cooperative. // Artist, long-tempered, active and always cooperative.

What makes you worthy of MAGE Academy?: Skilled in archery and sword attacks. // Skilled in magic spells and leadership.

What is your dream?: Being useful and succeeding in archery. // Being more skilled in magic spells and making everyone happy.

What is your biggest fear?: Losing Bless. // Losing Kailey.

Anything else you’d like to share?: Has tried assassinating and succeeded, useful for cursing people out. // Has tried the hardest spell that his grandfather made and succeeded, useful for calming Kailey.
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Name: Kailey Honoriston/Blessing Honoriston.

Age: 18---21

Race: Dragon/Half-dragon/Dragonshifter/Dragon/Half-dragon/Dragonshifter.

Program: {?}

Strengths: Night-time, full moon, high-adrenaline./Daytime, sunny days, light.

Weaknesses: Blessing's strengths./Kailey's strengths.

List 3-5 general personality traits: Singer, short-tempered, secretly cooperative./Artist, long-tempered, active and always cooperative.

What makes you worthy of MAGE Academy?: Skilled in archery and sword attacks./Skilled in magic spells and leadership.

What is your dream?: Being useful and succeeding in archery./Being more skilled in magic spells and making everyone happy.

What is your biggest fear?: Losing Bless./Losing Kailey.

Anything else you’d like to share?: Has tried assassinating and succeeded, useful for cursing people out./Has tried the hardest spell that his grandfather made and succeeded, useful for calming Kailey.
I’m a bit confused by the profile here. Are you playing two characters? And do you have a picture you can attach?

If you are playing 2 (which is fine!) please make 2 separate profiles (with images) please!
I’m a bit confused by the profile here. Are you playing two characters? And do you have a picture you can attach?

If you are playing 2 (which is fine!) please make 2 separate profiles (with images) please!
I'm sorry, I forgot the picturesss.

I'm playing two siblings, so I had an idea of using the same sheet for them. Should I seperate them?

Kailey: Blessing:

kaileyyy.jpg blessinggg.png
I'm sorry, I forgot the picturesss.

I'm playing two siblings, so I had an idea of using the same sheet for them. Should I seperate them?

Kailey: Blessing:

View attachment 1146930 View attachment 1146933
Thanks for the pictures! I guess it’s okay that they share a profile, but would you mind separating the lines a little more (even just adding more spaces on either side of the “/“) for readability? Otherwise it looks good and you can join the RP thread!
Thanks for the pictures! I guess it’s okay that they share a profile, but would you mind separating the lines a little more (even just adding more spaces on either side of the “/“) for readability? Otherwise it looks good and you can join the RP thread!
Mkmk, I'll soon be on my way to Mage!
You see.. I couldn't understand what Program is, so I just threw a question mark-
Program is what their focus will be. I’m assuming they will be in the mage program, but what kind of magic will they specialize in? For example: healing, enchantment, elemental, conjugation, exorcism, witchcraft, plant and animal, etc etc
Program is what their focus will be. I’m assuming they will be in the mage program, but what kind of magic will they specialize in? For example: healing, enchantment, elemental, conjugation, exorcism, witchcraft, plant and animal, etc etc
Ohhhhh, I'll go edit my sheet rq.
Also, I'll be leaving due to Ma's order, I'll be back tomorrow to introduce Kailey and Blessing. See you soon!

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