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Fantasy [Characters] Hell Lining Heaven

Lady Warlock

Anime RN
Character Skeleton

Birth Name

This is the name that would’ve been on their birth certificate.

Chosen Name

Within the rp, your character will be given a chance to choose a new name should they wish.


Male or Female - This is completely biological.


This should include hair color, hair length, eye color, general height (I don’t need an exact measurement), complexion, clothing description and any other outstanding features. Write in sentence form. Pictures are optional and should not be anime pictures although they may be drawings or fantasy-esque images. If you have questions about this, please ask. Pictures do not exclude you from needing to write about your character’s appearance.


What was your character good at when they were alive? Keep in mind we are coming from a modern era.


What is your character like? Describe them on a personal level. This should be two paragraphs minimum.

Character Strengths

What makes your character a good person?

Character Flaws

What makes your character a bad person?


What was your character’s life like? Tell me the fun details. Keep in mind that your character comes from a completely modern world. This should be three paragraphs minimum.


Concisely tell me how your character died. This should be described in the bio further.

Writing sample

Respond in character (this character - the one you’re writing right now) to the following prompt. Feel free to describe as you see the scene; it may look different to everyone and that is perfectly ok. Your writing sample should meet the standards established within the rules.

Prompt The last thing you remember is dying. The details of it are clear within your mind as though they just happened. Somewhere along the way, you blinked. Opening your eyes, you are sitting upon a cold ground with a clear line on the ground in front of you. You feel the heat of fire on your face. There’s a burning village in front of you; buildings on the verge of collapse. Yet where you are sitting, everything is freezing.

You know that if you stay where you are, you will freeze to death. You know that if you cross the line, you won’t be able to come back. You don’t know how you know this, but you do.

A swarm of black shadows flies up and out of one of the burning houses like a cloud of black. It charges towards you and stops just at the line. The shadows cannot cross it. Within the crowd, you hear one voice as it snaps.
“Name!” It demands this of you.

Things to Consider

If you have not read the rules, I will not accept your character sheet until you have.

If your character sheet does not meet the minimum lengths for the personality, biography and prompt, I will completely ignore its existence.

I will PM you with any questions I may have in regards to your character. Don't bug me about it in the OOC or via your own PM until I've had at least two days to look at it.

If you post a work in progress, it is your job to let me know via the OOC when it is finished. I will NOT recheck at any point to see if it is finished.

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Character Skeleton

Birth Name

Ender Deathridge

Chosen Name

Raven Morningstar




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Raven has long tumbling black hair with hazel eyes. She is 5'6 with skin a tad bit lighter than Milk Chocolate. She has a mole at the end of her left eyebrow and lots of scars, each tell a different story. She likes to wear darker, gloomier clothes like black and dark grey. Her general style is skinny jeans, a band muscle shirt with a leather jacket, beanie and combat boots. She has a tattoo over her heart that says James and below it is a tattoo that says "You can't save everyone."


Prior to death, Raven was very skilled with many weapons including her hands, out of her quadrant she excelled in hand to hand combat.

She was incredibly sharp and observant, she was one of the best liars in her quadrant, making her an excellent Agent.


Raven might not be the poster child of good people, but she certainly did not deserve to burn in hell.

She may be one of the most reckless, stubborn, self sacrificial, smartass people you've ever met, but underneath all the BS she would feed everyone, she genuinely cared about others and it killed her to do the things she had to do in her occupation. As a leader, she sometimes had to make tough calls for the good of the team, and sometimes those calls were terrible, but if she lived long enough to become a mother, she would probably be one of the best. One of her best factors was also the thing that got her killed. Loyalty, she was loyal to the end and it cost her life.

She has many redeeming factors, but she had to admit, the most fun part of her job was lying. She could lie her way out of strong evidence if she wanted to.

Okay, to be fair, she didn't see this as a bad thing. She was the poster child of lust. And was that such a bad thing? She never really knew what a stable relationship was and she didn't care enough to find out. She never had boyfriends. Just one night stand after one night stand. The only time she was close to someone romantically was when she was on a mission and she had been faking it the whole time.

Character Strengths

Her willingness to help others, her loyalty, trustworthiness and her overwhelming empathy at times.

Character Flaws

She is probably one of the most dishonest people you will meet. She lies about how she feels, how she wants to feel, what she's wearing. Honestly at some points its ridiculous.

Her blatant disregard for a stable, healthy relationship.

She has had to do many things in her life, she wasn't a murderer really. But sometimes she had to make a choice that ended up in someone getting killed or hurt.

She would try to control it, but sometimes she would do things out of spite. There it is folks, she could beat
lucifer himself in revenge and pettiness. She was a, "If you cheat on me, I will not only ruin your life, but I will ruin your familys name, and then ship your dog out to the Middle East. Try me." Type chick.


Raven was born as Ender Deathridge on August 13th. She was a pretty happy child and she wanted to be a Doctor when she grew up.

Years passed and that dream still didn't fade, despite being told that she should think of another career path when she failed Human Biology three times. If there was one thing she was, it was stubborn. She refused to even consider another career path until she decided on her own without outside influence that she wanted to do something different.

When she graduated from High School, she was the top all of her classes. She could have went straight into college if she wanted to, it wasn't like there wern't dozens of scholarships on her countertop, she just wanted to do something different.

So. She joined the Marienes.

Yea, didn't expect that did you? Neither did her parents. Origionally. They were livid. Less because it was a bad thing, more because the girl they raised might die in the front lines of a war she was forced to fight. And no, they weren't wrong. But they underestimated her abilities.

When Raven joined the Marienes, it was everything she expected. The training was hell, the superior officers were hell and her head felt like hell after the parties.

She met someone by the name of James Barnes during her time. They first met by getting in a fight.

James was mad about something and Raven accidentally bumped into him on the way to the Mess Hall. He threw some insults and so did she. To be exact, I have the dialoge from that fight.

James: Aye, watch it clumsy bitch.

Raven: Well, who stuck a gun up your ass Barnes? It'll be me in a second if you call me a bitch one more time.

James: As if you could. You probably can't even handle a gun.

Raven: Oh, you better watch yourself Barnes, those are fightin' words

James: Betcha can't even throw a punch, bet you're a little sissy just like the rest of em-

That was as much as he was able to get out before Raven punched him so hard in the head that he blacked out.

Her superior officer was about to make her go into the tear gas chambers but James stopped him because 'I said she couldn't throw a punch and she proved me wrong."

They were really good friends after that.

After her year ended , she planned on going back to Medical School. But she was stopped on her way out and asked to follow someone.

They asked her to be an Agent, a Spy. At first she thought this was a joke but it wasn't. She decided it came down to saying yes, or no with consequences.

If she said no, she would be under constant secret monitoring and her children probably would too. If she said yes, she would still be under monitoring but at least she would have fun with it.

She thought it was going to be like the movies, but it was so much worse. The day she lost her best friend was the day she gave up.

They were on a mission, after the nuclear threat from North Korea to infiltrate the Government there to see what they're up to.

Things went South a few months in. James had gotten found out when they saw his mic glow red in his hand. Raven either had to feign innocence and get her team out of there or try to save James, but that would probably mean the rest of them would get found out.

It was for the good of the team. James would kill her if she chose him over everyone else.

"Rule number one of being a spy Ender. You can't save everyone."

So that was when she just gave up on everything. She got her team out of there, asked to work solo from then on and became the reckless smartass you know today.

Her last hoorah

She went back into North Korea a few months later, feigning a story that "The Americans had kidnapped her."

This one lasted longet than the last. She was in for two years before she was found out, and she was only found out because she needed more info.

She was being questioned on top of a roof 13 stories high. She had gained information by letting that idiot talk for what it seemed like hours. He basically gave everything away do her except the launch codes in a shiny platter. Once she knew that they knew that the roof was tapped, she started to think back at all of her best memories. Because they weren't going to let her live, she was of no use since she wouldn't talk, and her team was too far away to save her.

The last thing she saw was an image of James in her mind and the feeling of the air rushing through her hair.


She was killed on a mission by the North Korean government because she wouldn't give up any information.

Writing sample

James. His laugh. When he giggled over childish things like fart jokes. When he would do the dumbest things just to make me laugh when I was sad.

She loved him, he was like the brother she would never have.

Her skull cracked against the earth and with that. Ender Deathridge was gone.

Or not.

Ender slowly opened her eyes to see a snow covered ground. The last thing she remembered was that fat asshole pushing her off a goddamn rooftop.

She sat up and then the cold began to register. First in her fingertips, then her hands, then suddenly her whole body.

Damn. I knew North Korea wasn't the sunniest place but is this not a bit excessive? She thought to herself. Cold sweats rolling down and freezing on her face.

It took her a moment to realize that there was a burning village in front of a weird looking line, she was honestly too busy pondering what would happen if she sneezed right now.

She did eventually take notice though, first, furrowing her eyebrows in concern and then upon noticing that the flames stood still instead of licking up the houses and markets with its heated touch, confusion. Where the hell was she?

Years of training in the Military taught her that a human body can only live for 30 minutes outside of homeostasis, and this cold was way below 96.8 degrees.

So she could either freeze to death, or she could go into what looked like the first five minutes of Supernatural only to never return.

Great options.

Wait, How did I know that? Why do I know that? You know what who cares, I got nothin better to do anyway.

Ender took a step towards the invisible line when suddenly shadows plume out from behind the line. She stepped back, going into defense mode.

What the hell is this, what is going on and wHERE ARE MY GUNS GODDAMMIT.

That was fine, she could still kick ass with only her hands. And hell, she would if she needed to.

She waited for them to cross over and thats when she realized something. They couldn't.

"Ha. Ya'll tryin' to look all big and scary but you can't even cross a line? Pathetic if you ask me." She said, mockingly, sticking her tongue out.


"Well aren't you a bit grouchy."


"My mommy said not to talk to big scary shadow demons."


"A little bit louder, I don't think melting city can hear you."


"Alright, always so touchy. Its Raven, Raven Morningstar."

Prompt The last thing you remember is dying. The details of it are clear within your mind as though they just happened. Somewhere along the way, you blinked. Opening your eyes, you are sitting upon a cold ground with a clear line on the ground in front of you. You feel the heat of fire on your face. There’s a burning village in front of you; buildings on the verge of collapse. Yet where you are sitting, everything is freezing.

You know that if you stay where you are, you will freeze to death. You know that if you cross the line, you won’t be able to come back. You don’t know how you know this, but you do.

A swarm of black shadows flies up and out of one of the burning houses like a cloud of black. It charges towards you and stops just at the line. The shadows cannot cross it. Within the crowd, you hear one voice as it snaps.
“Name!” It demands this of you.

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Character Skeleton

Birth Name

Paul Hastings

Chosen Name

Jack Hayes





Jack is best described is a man of average height, broad stature, and fair complexion. He isn't an imposing individual by any stretch of the imagination, but his body is considerably sturdier than it appears at first glance. His hair by birth is a deep black, but has lightened over the years due to both age and constant exposure to the sun. He has a thick salt and pepper beard that has the habit of getting unruly when not properly maintained. His eyes appear to be hazel, but are really more of a light green. There are no tattoos or other distinguishing characteristics to speak of outside of the normal maritime scarring and a few deep scars on his back. When questioned about them, he'll merely wave it off as an old 'war wound'. When meeting his final fate, he was wearing an old flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up, an unbuttoned jacket with fade away collar for warmth, a set of old jeans, and his usual waterproof boots.


An excellent sailor with an above average intuition regarding navigation and changing weather patterns. With him at the helm, his fishing vessel never once got lost or lodged upon a reef. Due to his time in the army, he was also regarded as a highly-experienced cook and decent hand-to-hand fighter (though he eschewed guns due to personal distaste). Though it is not exactly an acquired skill, Jack was also able to lift up to 230 lbs of gear upon command and hump up to 70 lbs over a distance.


An intensely private individual bent on keeping his past under lock and key for obvious reasons. He dislikes nosy individuals and attempts to keep himself at arm's length from people he doesn't know or trust. In spite of this, he tends to come off (a bit hypocritically) as the ever gruff 'Dad' figure to a lot of individuals that are under his age. He won't hesitate to give out advice where he thinks it's needed, nor will he censor his opinion even if it isn't a popular one.

Due to competing with his brother over the years, Jack thrives in a place where his abilities are challenged. Even if he comes out the loser, his unwillingness to let his pride be dampened even further will often see him continuously rising to try again. It is also because of this pride that he doesn't take criticism well in the slightest - especially from "snot-nosed kids". Though he's coming out of his prime (or at least was before he died), he still considers himself able to hang with the young guys while simultaneously having the experience of age.

Character Strengths

Tenacity and resilience are probably his two strongest traits following his exodus from prison. He also exhibits compassion and a certain degree of selfless altruism, but his experiences have taught him that this not exactly something to wear openly upon one's sleeve. His mental toughness could also count as a strength, though it is sometimes drowned or mixed with blatant cynicism.

Character Flaws

Jack's continual self-denial is perhaps his most fatal flaw. One major act of goodness has since perverted itself into an inferiority complex that gave way to self-destructive recklessness for a long time period in his life. It could be said that pride plays a motivational factor into this as well as any criticism leveled at him will be met with hostility.


Jack was originally born as Paul David Hastings on a cold October morning roughly 37 years ago. The eldest of three children, Jack had a lot of expectations placed on his shoulders from an early age, but was continuously outshone or placed into direct competition by his younger brother at every opportunity. It was a constant battle between the two of them that would carry over into their high school years in which they competed for starter spots in sports as well as grades in academics. Jack would eventually lose the academics rankings, but win at sports enough to get scholarships.

After an informal visit by a recruiter during his senior year, Jack eventually decided to reject his sports scholarships and try his hand with the Army. While initially very excited about the prospect of enlisting, he didn't take it seriously enough and got hammered the night before the aptitude tests. This caused him to fuck up enough that he effectively removed himself from any of the 'glory' specialties down to just being a simple cook. In comparison, his brother decided to take a crack at enlisting just to see if he'd do better, and made it right into infantry on his first try. Jack was pretty much livid as hell.

The years from there passed with both re-enlisting when the opportunity came around. Jack never went up from his cooking position, but learned a lot of interesting things (and found that he actually enjoyed some of the work even if it wasn't glamorous). His brother, on the other hand, had been promoted up the ranks to sergeant, had gotten a girl, and was waiting on the birth of his first child. By this point, the brothers had somewhat matured enough to reconcile their differences ... but things suddenly changed abruptly without any warning whatsoever. A few careless words over a drop of strong drink followed by the pulling of a knife was enough to burst the tranquility and pull them both down to their knees. In the end, though Jack hadn't been the one to act in that bar on that night, he was the one who stood up in the inquiry and confessed to the whole thing. It was him, not his brother, who had pulled the knife and murdered one of their own guys in that run down bar just off the base. After all, he had no alibi. Who wouldn't believe such a confession? Though his selfless act earned him gratitude from his white-faced brother, it earned curses and damnations to hell from his former comrades in arms. With his confession out of the way as well as enough evidence to place him at the scene of the crime, he was convicted and given a reduced sentence of 15 years.

Prison for Jack was a hell of a place. He made sure to keep on the good side of the right people, but he occasionally did things such as smuggle in contraband in order to make his stay easier. The only bright spots were the occasional visits from his brother and niece. Once he was finally eligible for parole, Jack took the opportunity to skip town as soon as he was out and leave everything behind. All communication to his family was dropped for his own security as well as theirs. It was during this time period that he remade his identity into Jack Hayes and used his cooking skills to get a position on a deep-sea fishing vessel off the coast of Maine. He stayed on board for two years and found himself respected and well-liked by his comrades. Then, one frosty November shortly after his 37th birthday, his ship experienced engine trouble and drifted right into a strong nor'easter moving up the coast. The boat ended up capsizing and Jack as well as several others went into the water. The sailors attempted to hang on to one another, but the waves and wind proved to be too strong. Many died within the first few hours. Soon, few, including the Captain and Jack were left. They'd managed to get hold of some floating wreckage from the boat, but it couldn't hold all of them. Jack was one of those left in the water when a wave carrying several pieces of debris swept over him and caught him a glancing blow to the top of the head. Though an effort was made to retrieve him, Jack never resurfaced. The few sailors that managed to hang on long enough to be retrieved has placed him in the official log book as missing and presumed dead.


Drowning in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Writing sample

Respond in character (this character - the one you’re writing right now) to the following prompt. Feel free to describe as you see the scene; it may look different to everyone and that is perfectly ok. Your writing sample should meet the standards established within the rules.

Prompt The last thing you remember is dying. The details of it are clear within your mind as though they just happened. Somewhere along the way, you blinked. Opening your eyes, you are sitting upon a cold ground with a clear line on the ground in front of you. You feel the heat of fire on your face. There’s a burning village in front of you; buildings on the verge of collapse. Yet where you are sitting, everything is freezing.

You know that if you stay where you are, you will freeze to death. You know that if you cross the line, you won’t be able to come back. You don’t know how you know this, but you do.

A swarm of black shadows flies up and out of one of the burning houses like a cloud of black. It charges towards you and stops just at the line. The shadows cannot cross it. Within the crowd, you hear one voice as it snaps.
“Name!” It demands this of you.

[i'll get this done in the morning. I'm falling asleep at the keyboard at the moment.]


Birth Name

Jude Vesheriah Ambrose

Pronounced Jewd Vesh-shur-eye-ah Amh(like "ham")-brosz(like "dose")

Chosen Name

Kept his birth name. Answers by Jude or Ambrose.




((I may add a picture later))

Jude is wiry, lanky, and built for running. He is only 5"8 but his slim frame makes him appear taller. He has a thick shock of near-black brown hair. It is curly but usually not out of control, crowning his head like a dark, fluffy halo. His face is slim and angular, but youthful, with a long straight nose and high cheekbones. His skin is a deathly pale pallor. He has bright, medium gray eyes, shadowed by his deep eye sockets. His eyebrows follow his brow bone nicely and make him appear pensive and concerned. He has a Lichtenberg figure (which are typically from lightning- his was from an electrical accident that he survived as a toddler) that spreads from the underside of his left wrist, wrapping around his arm when it reaches his elbow, covering his shoulder and fraying out across his collar bone and shoulder blade. It is blood red in color and stands out starkly from his skin. (similar to these https://www.google.com/search?hl=en...&ei=vvwuUZKoJsPI2AWJkYCYBA&gws_rd=ssl#imgrc=_ ). He has small raised scars on his upper legs and across his hip bones, as well as fresh marks on his wrists from self harm.

His fashion sense is simple, practical, and warm (some may say hipster-esque, but he doesn't shoot for fashionable). When he died he was wearing a black t-shirt under a blue-gray button up shirt, a black pea coat, fingerless blue gloves, a gray and blue plaid scarf, black jeans, and worn, lace-up combat boots.


Artistically and musically talented. Knowledgeable of nature (botany was his strength, though he also enjoyed animal biology). He is a very fast runner and was even in track for a short time. Trained briefly in basic self defense. Knows practical survival skills, as he grew up in very rural, isolated small towns. Pretty good at first aid.


Jude is good at the core of his soul, but is not good at expressing emotion. If he is intimidated by someone, he comes off as weird, shy, and wary. Otherwise, he is friendly, but in an awkward way. He lives in his head. He is nonjudgmental and empathetic, and this causes him to be too trusting. He is pretty even-keeled outwardly, and tries to be stoic (though sometimes his heart gets in the way). He is endlessly curious and very intelligent. He struggles with communication and doesn't understand social norms, so he doesn't always make friends easily, but he is willing to do anything for those he believes in. It takes a lot to get him angry- outside of violating his moral principles, that is. He is quiet and soft-spoken, but when he does speak, its usually at the wrong time.

Jude has a very optimistic outlook when it comes to giving advice to others, but he is quick to tear himself down. He tries to act lighthearted, a little joking, and passive most of the time. He is generally a private person, leading him to be misunderstood. However, it is clear to anyone around him that he is hurting deeply for some reason. You could say that he wears his heart on his sleeve, but nobody can really tell what's going on inside that head, including himself.

Character Strengths

He is incredibly loyal. If he is earnestly dedicated to a cause, he will face hell or high water to carry out orders. He values morality and fairness very highly, and usually acts logically. He seems softer than he really is; he is actually very resilient. Hopeful, honest, smart, and compassionate. Though he is usually lonely, he can handle being independent.

Character Flaws

Many have taken advantage of his helpful and obedient manner. He is accustomed to caging his intense desire for free will, so he is susceptible to abusive relationships. He has idealistic, oversimplified moral principles that he stands by, and if he ever fails his own standards, he can get very depressed, guilty, and self critical. Because of this, his seemingly unbreakable spirit has an acute tipping point into utter self-destruction. Sometimes naïve and easily embarrassed. Spacey, escapist, forgetful, and generally distracted. He couldn't tell a lie to save his life.


Bastard. Little brother. Head case. Liar. I'm uncultured. Dead.

Bastard. Jude's short and troubled life began in Southend, Saskatchewan, Canada the night of March 13th, just 18 years ago. He was very premature, but survived. His parents were Ana Ambrose and her "boyfriend", who was only with her as a formality after knocking her up. He left them for his "actual family" two weeks later. From then on out their family was only him, his mother, and his half-brother Kieran, 4 years his senior.

Little brother. The Ambroses were very poor. His mother struggled finding work as a music teacher and ended up working at a fish canning factory. She tried to be a good mom, but was always working, so Jude and Kieran spent a significant amount of time with one another. They were best friends, and nothing could shake their relationship. Jude spent most of his time playing in the woods with his brother, or alone with books.

Head case. When Jude reached the age of 13, his mother got a job offer and they moved to Ely, Minnesota, United States. His brother adapted well to his new high school. Jude, despite being gifted for his age, was barely passing his middle school classes. He could not concentrate. And for some reason, his happy-go-lucky attitude had quickly faded.

Liar. It was because between the ages of 13-15 he was being abused by his P.E. teacher, who was also the respected and admired coach of the school's champion hockey team. When he came forward his Freshman year, the community was split. She was sentenced to 15 years in prison, but lingering doubt and viscous rumors ruined Jude's reputation.

I'm uncultured. During the subsequent fallout, he was outed as gay and viscously bullied. His mother and brother supported him, but didn't know how to help him heal. By Jude's sophomore year, Kieran joined the Air Force as a commissioned officer with a full ride. His brother had a bright future ahead of him, but Jude was devastated. He became more withdrawn than ever. He desperately wanted to be anywhere else. To be anyone else. By senior year, the bullying and gossip had become too much for him to bear.

Dead. Jude came home from school one afternoon and slit his wrists on the kitchen floor. He desperately needed help without knowing how to ask for it. He panicked when he realized he had cut too deep and scrambled for the phone. The only number he could remember clearly was Kieran's. He was only able to speak a few words before passing out. He went into a coma and was pronounced dead at the hospital 4 hours later. His mother is still convicted that foul play was involved.


Nature of death: Suicide. Cause of death: Blood loss.

Writing sample

Once, it was -50F and Jude insisted on being let outside to make snow candy. His exasperated mother eventually obliged, but not before wrapping him up in every layer of clothing in the house. The moment he stepped out the back door, he could feel the liquid in his eyes begin to ice over. The wind slapped him in the face like the fins of a muskellunge. It was so cold that it hurt to breathe. Needless to say, he settled for a mug of hot chocolate inside.

He was colder than that now.

His first thought was that he was wrongfully in a morgue. Maybe, the kitchen floor was just that cold, or his revived body wasn't pumping enough blood yet. So cold. Mom accidentally flooded the sink again... I need to.... scream for help... I need to... tell Kieran... tell Kieran I'm alive...

It took effort, but he opened his eyes. Every movement hurt when it was this cold. There was no dreary hospital fluorescents. There was no familiar yellow linoleum and kitschy chicken-themed kitchen decorations. There was only a dazzling swath of light that stretched across his periphery, like the aurora borealis- or maybe, more like kristallnacht. As his pupils focused on the dancing flames, he began to recognize the ruins of a village. A growing sense of horror gave Jude the energy to break from the permafrost beneath him and stand. He held his forearms up to the strangely ambient light. No hospital tags, no streaks of blood, no stitches, no IV's. Just two clean lines, like seams on white satin sheets. He swayed slightly and took a step back.

There's no way I've healed this quickly. There's no way I am alive. Kieran wouldn't have left me to wake up alone. That one Baptist girl from orchestra was right- suicides do go to Hell. Or maybe it's just for being a queer all along! Ha-ha Becky, you get the last laugh!

"NAME!" Jude was too busy staring at his wrists to notice the shadowy apparition, and he almost fell backwards. His breath caught as he realized he was actually facing judgement. Every minor mistake he had ever made broadcasted in his brain.

"J-Jude Vesheriah Ambrose." His voice barely came out, but he couldn't help it; his teeth were chattering uncontrollably, "Are- are you S-saint Peter?"

Because if this is Heaven, and over there is Hell, I'd rather freeze than burn. You have a delusion of warmth before you die of hypothermia, at least. If I guess, I really am dead.

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