Characterization, Plot, and Multiple Paragraphs (Seeking anyone interested in all three to RP)


New Member
Hello and good day/night.

I'm looking for anyone who would like to join me in a FULLY LITERATE Role Play, based on any topic, to create characters and a plot around them. Got an OC you really want to use? Tell me about your ideas and we'll get right on it! I love plot and story ideas, so let's hear 'em! I'm up for any relation between the characters; GuyxGuy, GirlxGirl, and all of those in between and around. Let's make learning fun again and make some characters while doing it!

As for some of my own topics, should you find yourself at a loss for one, or if you just like what I suggest, here's a few examples:

  • Poor/rich dynamic: A low-town boxer and a person who benefited from the stock-market crash in the great depression/modern era.
  • War time dynamic: Viking/Anglo-Saxon or English British Isles relation, where two characters interact in the midst of raiding, fighting, and understanding.
  • Supernatural/Mob Dynamic: Detroit (or other unnamed crime-ridden city/state), one of the most crestfallen places of our modern time, and how the mobs are run and employed by demons/monsters and how the turf wars are raged between themselves and the resident demon hunters trying to keep what little balance there is in the city. Again, mostly a two character dynamic, surrounded by these politics of their respective sides.
  • Pirates/Monster in the woods/fantasy world/etc.

Now tell me what YOU want! I want to see where this can go and what stories we can make here.
GoddessOfGod said:
i would love to do the poor and rich one
Wonderful! Do you have anything you'd like to suggest/add to the description? If not, that's fine too, I just want to be as inclusive as possible.

Would you be able to type up/copy+paste an example of/an excerpt of one of your posts?
My idea on the poor and rich is similar to yours but instead of him being a low boxer i was thinking of him being a pesisent who was kicked from his home because of the market crash and yes here is one of my post

Sitting on the ledge of a rocky mountain, far from his burnt down cottage, and the borders between him and the dragon kingdom, the oracle looked down toward the river, taht flowed downwards, the rocks sitting there as if they were nothing, The oracle smiled, happy with his play time, he loved to tsee the king tormented and the daughter lost within her own dream. The symbols that lied for each laid withi him, the crimsson in his lap to make sure the boy he placed in the king's room was still asleep.

The oracle was at peace, till he heard footsteps within the forest. His mind jumped as he thought about the king's gaurd, but then again, the wouldn't be able to find him; not here. He relaxed again till his ears twitched. The snapping of twigs beneath a boot, was coming ever so closer. He tilted his head, but only a little to let his hearing take over. "one, two , one two." HHe spoke as if it was a song. Skipping maybe, somone out for a stroll. "one two two three." No he thoguht, this was a dance. A dance of the crows. He rembered from when he was a child. He would step forward onece then again twice with his other foot. Then once mroe he would step forward , but instead on the same foot, three times. He became cautious, hiding the symbold within his cloak. Slowly he began to move, slowly he began to stand, but was interupted by acvoice, so familiar, it almost made him lose his balance. This tender, yet scary voice. This cool calmed voice.

"oh brother orc..if it isn't you." A tall man stepped from the forest, doing the smae movements he thoguht about in his head. " it is I hamin..i came for justice." The oracle could only laugh to this absurd words. He stood to his feetm his back and sholders cracking from him pushing them back. " Judgment..for what , i have done nothing wrong." HHe stepped forward toward his brother, his body as built as his but not as tall." oh , ireckon with in the books of the crow nesters, you shall not tamper with those minds who have done nothing ill, you shall notabuse your power unless your master deems it so." The oracle shrugged as he looked away, brushing off his cloack from the dirt on the ground. " i have done no such treason." HHHHamin only smiled as he stepped closer. His face hitting the rays of moonlight as he smiled, closing his eyes and tilting his head. " brother ..i am the none and only, hamin. Tje one feared by most , wanted by all..betrayer to his kind..and the darkenss taht overwhelms the light, and the light that slaughters the you think you can lie to me."

"brother i have done no such wrong." Hamim opend his eyes a little. " being away from the family, gave you lack of english..but no worries , you wont be with the family much longer." HHamin pulled his blade from its seeth and walked closer to him. " brother ..hamin please, reconsider..i can give you gold, a head anything." Hamin only laughed as he stood infront of his brother. " i dont not wish for yur useless gold, or the head you promised me when i was six. I don't particulary care for the councial, or this treason of yours had tampered with my messed with my son and Kanin..and please dont make me remind you of the king." The oracle stepped back but hamin incehd forward. " cain..your son." Hamin smiled as he took his blad and held onto the oracle's shoulder. " yes my son." Not enough time to scream, hamin drove the sword through the oracle's neck. The sword piercing even his bones as they craked. "if they are in pain..more than they will not even live in the after life." He kept driving the sword through his throart. An evil smirk crossing over hamins dark sikin. "bye bye." HHHamin then kicked him off the ledge, his body falling into the river that only moved down. With a touch of the oracle's body, the river turned black as a ravens wing. hhamin chuckeld as he walked away. " one tow.." one two three."

"CCAIIN" Cain still locked in his dragon form, looked around, his name being called from all directions. This worried him as the voice was distressed. He quiklyuntransformed back into his human one. Walking around frantically, he didn't realise he had stepped on kanin. A small groan cmae from with in the caccon as it unraveled itself. A small sweet liquid falling from he body as she quickly stands to her feet. Grossed out by this cain backed up alittle, unwatning to touch her. " Kanin." Kanin looked up and gave a pout. " how disgusting..this thing ..liquid juice whatever it is." SHe tried to wipe it off but instead, sepped into her skin. Cain who was first oconcerned with her drew his attention else where. " kanin there goine..archer and lavedor..rei and them." Kanin walked over and hit him lightly on the head with the back of her hand. " no thier just lost..and we need to find them" She went silent as she looked away. " i remeber now..everything, up untill that night..everything" Cain looked at her and carefuly embraced her with a smile. " this is not your fault..i am just happy you have returend to us." Kanin quickly pushed him away, blushing from his actions. " um yea whatever..lets just fine them and go." CCain clapped his hands with joy as he began to folow the trail archer had left. " so,,you and dad." CCain looked up. " haha so you remebered." Kanin smiled as she looked away again." how could i forget." Cain sighed as he walked closer to kanin. " my deepsest concern was that he wasn't that way." Kanin shrugged off the question. " will gifure that out later..but right now we have more issues on our hand..i feel inthe pit of my stomache that somethin's bad going to happen."

cain gave her a sarcastic look when he pointed to the two thathad just landed. " don't theyseem like a problem to." Kanin looked voer, and gave a weird look."kanin..thm..ah wait why were you making fun of the were in one to" HHe walked over, his memory a little hazzy after his rampage. " im fine need to worry."

((((this is my max post my minium is tow to three paragraphs ))))
Oooh, fantastic! You have no idea the noise I just made out of happiness when I saw the size of that post. I also range around that size, usually 3-4 paragraphs minimum. Since the president/CEO was your idea, would you like to play that character? Maybe, now that the market has crashed, he has no idea how to live life otherwise, and so character B (originally poor), under some turn of events, shows the former CEO how to survive without all their money, or something along those lines.
sounds good a spoiled ceo president who live life with maids doing his biding now has to figure out how to live with a budget , i saw that you do guyxguy i personaly am a fan of that do you mind if we do that and if so can i be the uke since i work best with that and lol glad your happy with the paragraphs
perfect lol can't wait oh do you want me to create one to , sorry for late reply i have schoo land everything
Hm. Well, to start off, would you mind clarifying what you had in mind for the fourth one? You didn't give as much of an explanation for that one, so I'm curious.
Oh the fourth one was more of just a list, rather than a collaboration; just some suggestions to get the brain going and see if anyone wanted to expand on those topics. They're all just things I skimmed off the top of my head. (Sorry for the late response, I was doing some research and lost track of the time.)
In regards to four... I have a fantasy world real world mash up I've been dying to try and I was wondering if you'd be interested in it, since you did have fantasy in that list of yours at number four...

You see, I play a number of fairy tale characters who I have living in our world without aging from the point their story was first told on - so basically fully self-aware characters walking around in modern day. Prince Charming might hit on you in a club and you'd never know it, and maybe you got your coffee in the morning from Rose Red (though most people don't actually know who she is, anyway, sadly enough). The humanoid ones can pass pretty easily, though life has gotten harder for the likes of Puss and Boots and other animal type characters. And I've really,


wanted to roleplay in this world, a sort of fairy tale meets human mash up - perhaps a professor at a local college or museum who teaches/specialises in folk lore (better yet with a bent for Germanic folk lore) runs into one (or many?) of the fairy tale people who inhabit our world, having left the Black Forest of Germany where they were originally written to live in. Does s/he recognise them from the fables s/he studies? Who knows?

Or perhaps a completely normal human being gets rescued, probably without need, (or run over by) a knight whose just trying to carry out his role in the story he was written for. That sort of thing.

I've really wanted to let my fairytale characters run amok (especially Rose Red because she


gets let out, as so few people remember her story, choosing instead to only recall her sister Snow White. Or Prince Charming because he's


and I love writing him) and have a few ideas for a loose plot line, if you're at all interested?

If you don't mind writing multiple characters we could probably divide up some classic fairytale characters and some humans and go from there? I know I have at least three who have really wanted to get out lately, myself.


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