Character Submission!


One Thousand Club

Read the rules please!


Appearance:(Picture or Description)




Date of Birth:


Species:(No gods or demigods. If you are gonna make up a species, add a description)

Power(s):(5 or less)

Weapon(s): (2 or less)

Strengths:(2 or more)

Weaknesses:(2 or more) 

Personality:(At least 5 sentences)

Backstory:(At least 5 sentences)



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Name: Mark Averson

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 03/05

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Superhuman


Weapon(s): None



Good at planning




Personality: Mark is a kind but sometimes unspeaking person. He likes to help out people and make them smile. He has a huge hatred of secret societies because they took away his parents. He can't tolerate people who judge his actions. He doesn't fight often but does when he needs to.

Backstory: He lived with mother and father in a apartment complex. Once a secret society found out superhumans lived in a apartment. The secret society kidnapped every single superhuman in it. But Mark escaped before it happened. It became hard to live because of secret societies monitoring the city, so he deiced to make a hotel disguised as a abandoned building to humans.






-Secret Societies


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Appearance:View attachment 149274


Legendname:Star Searcher

Age: 16


Date of Birth:(RLY?) 29.7

Sexuality:(You mean who he likes?Well he isnt a romance guy but still he looks beautifull) Female


Power(s):Can craft mostly everything like Bows laser ETC.

Weapon(s): Matter Manipulator (Can like Minecraft but with an laser instead of Pickaxe that can also place blocks) and an Deagle ( Am i allowed to put in the Bulletproof vest? He can craft mostly everything sooooooo....)


Weaknesses:Basicly Weak in combat and health, fears death

Personality:Brave, Heroic, nice

Backstory:Alex is an Boy from the future where Earth is destroyed. An Doctor far  behind the universe sended him into the OTHER past. He lands in this Timeline where Monsters and etc are. He tries to hide from the gouverment because they whold use them to craft supernatrual weapons.

Likes:CATS!!!And Animals.

Dislikes:Little Creatures

Extra:He COULD craft anything, but he needs an proper Workbench to.


Sorry if that is godmodding here, correct me if anything is so.

Sexuality means if he's straight, gay, bisexual

Alex's ability is a little overpowered. 

Please do at least 5 sentences with personality.
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Name: Serena

Age: Appears to be in her early 20s but is much older

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: Unknown

Sexuality: Straight prior to her death, currently somewhat asexual as she is intangible as a spirit.

Species: Spirit

Powers: Telekinesis, Astral-Manipulation (control over spiritual energy & posession), Teleportation, Invisibility, Semi-Immortality (as in she is physically intangible and does not age, she can still be hurt or killed as explained below).

Weapons: She can possess objects and other non-spiritual beings and use them as weapons, she can also manipulate spiritual energy.

Strengths: Her powers are stronger when in areas of high spiritual energy or when under large amounts of emotional stress (although in this latter scenario she runs the risk of becoming a malevolent spirt/poltergeist).

Weaknesses: Necromancy & Soul-Manipulation.

Personality: Before her death Serena was always a lighthearted and bouncy person. These days however she initially comes across as cold, uninterested and often openly hostile. Years of clinging onto existence in the mortal realm have began to slowly erode her memories and aspects of her previous personality. Despite this, she has never allowed herself to lose her humanity fully and has avoided ever becoming a malevolent spirit like so many others. The more time she spends with other people the more aspects of her previous humanity seem to return and for those who get to know her properly she can be said to come across as a lot more friendly, open and often somewhat air-headed in contrast to her initial frigid appearance.

Backstory: Serena can't actually remember the moment she died. This isn't like the erosion of some of her other memories however, this was instantly apparent upon her first re-entering the mortal realm as a spirit. Due to this she believes that her purpose as a ghost is to find out the true circumstances of her death as she believes foul play was likely to blame. She can hide well in the outside world as a spirit, but with humans become more aware of the supernatural, many are coming up with ways to detect spiritual energy and technology that can counteract the ethereal. With this being the current state of the world, she decided it would be safer residing within the hotel.
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Name: Serena

Age: Appears to be in her early 20s but is much older

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: Unknown

Sexuality: Straight prior to her death, currently somewhat asexual as she is intangible as a spirit.

Species: Spirit

Powers: Telekinesis, Astral-Manipulation (control over spiritual energy & posession), Teleportation, Invisibility, Semi-Immortality (as in she is physically intangible and does not age, she can still be hurt or killed as explained below).

Weapons: She can possess objects and other non-spiritual beings and use them as weapons, she can also manipulate spiritual energy.

Strengths: Her powers are stronger when in areas of high spiritual energy or when under large amounts of emotional stress (although in this latter scenario she runs the risk of becoming a malevolent spirt/poltergeist).

Weaknesses: Necromancy & Soul-Manipulation.

Personality: Before her death Serena was always a lighthearted and bouncy person. These days however she initially comes across as cold, uninterested and often openly hostile. Years of clinging onto existence in the mortal realm have began to slowly erode her memories and aspects of her previous personality. Despite this, she has never allowed herself to lose her humanity fully and has avoided ever becoming a malevolent spirit like so many others. The more time she spends with other people the more aspects of her previous humanity seem to return and for those who get to know her properly she can be said to come across as a lot more friendly, open and often somewhat air-headed in contrast to her initial frigid appearance.

Backstory: Serena can't actually remember the moment she died. This isn't like the erosion of some of her other memories however, this was instantly apparent upon her first re-entering the mortal realm as a spirit. Due to this she believes that her purpose as a ghost is to find out the true circumstances of her death as she believes foul play was likely to blame. She can hide well in the outside world as a spirit, but with humans become more aware of the supernatural, many are coming up with ways to detect spiritual energy and technology that can counteract the ethereal. With this being the current state of the world, she decided it would be safer residing within the hotel.



Name: Illusius 

Age: Unknown 

Gender: Male 

Date of Birth: Unknown 

Sexuality: Heterosexual 

Species: "Species? What a funny question. What do I look like? Do I look like a demon? A human?"

Where am I? - Illusius just disappears. He can reappear in any spot near 100 meters. Or he can just not reappear immediately and do so later. His choice. 

There you are! - Illusius can create anything not alive, not unique out of thin air. He could just create money. Or a atom bomb. But why SHOULD he? He just wants to make people happy and have fun. 

Dead and Alive - Illusius can bring back to life any person HE killed. That is good for some cool tricks. 

None. He just wants to play.

Knows every card trick there is 

A net (he can't use magic when a net touches him)
A fear of heights  

Illusius is both, a very open yet secretive person. He talks openly and friendly with everyone and always is up for almost anything (maybe because he'll just disappear when stuff gets unpleasant). However, he oftenly says things that sound like out of a fortune teller. It could mean anything, yet nothing. He hates talking about himself and usually keeps dodging those questions or just changes the subject. (Or, again, disappears.)

Not much is known bout the mages past. Known is, that he was working at a circus. Known is, that one day, the people realized he wasn't doing tricks at all. That was when he disappeared. He came to the mansion seeking shelter and offering entertainment for the others.


Name: Marx Kaeul.

Age: 17.

Gender: Male.

Date of Birth: 07/06/1999.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Species: Superhuman.


Amplification: May amplify or weaken physical and non-physical properties.

Strengths: Efficient strategist, excellent at teamwork, works well under pressure and very intelligent.

Weaknesses: Terrible at leading others and often a little too logical.

Weapons: A short iron bar, about forearm-length.

Personality: Cool-headed, street-smart and just regular smart, Marx is generally an okay person to be around, although he has an odd sense of humour and can be quite serious at times. Marx will often take the route that's most efficient to the current task, no matter the consequences or sacrifices. This can make him quite problematic when leading others as they will often disagree with him, especially if the answer to their problem is the cost of someone's life for example. As a result, Marx refuses to lead anyone, but instead offers his opinions as an adviser, even if they don't want him to. One could call Marx persistent, others call him a genius and some call him annoying, the opinions vary.

Backstory: After having lived lived the first part of his life in relative luxury, Marx soon found himself abandoned and alone when his family's house was blown up in an assassination attempt on his parents, who both died. Living in the slums with no one, Marx learnt to survive by whatever means necessary, eventually recovering his family's funds from the Government, of whom had held for security reasons, and establishing himself in one of the prestigious schools of the city for a high school private education, having missed out on his primary school life when living in poverty. During his time studying, he found he also possessed strange abilities that had before been unknown to him. After testing them out thoroughly back in the slums, he finally realised the extent of his new powers. Combined with his street experience, his expensive education and his newfound skills, he roamed the slums looking for more opportunities to test them, often playing around with scenes of crime and violence from behind the scenes, or assaulting gang hideouts and criminal lairs. Soon people began to recognise him in the slums as he grew a name for himself, much to Marx's amusement and worry. He soon began wearing disguises or staying completely hidden when going out to his vigilante work, but some had already cottoned on to he Marx might really be. In an attempt to escape that, Marx fled deeper into the slums, through territory he hadn't explored when he was younger, until he finally found an abandoned building to which he could hide out in for a while until things died down.

Likes: Winning, bread-sticks, a good fight, testing his abilities, punishing local gangs and criminals and his studies.

Dislikes: Unintelligible people, people who disagree with him, leading others, the irony of his killing whilst hiding - much like his parent's assassins and poverty.

Extra: Is often seen eating bread-sticks.
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Name: Marx Kaeul.

Age: 17.

Gender: Male.

Date of Birth: 07/06/1999.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Species: Superhuman.


Amplification: May amplify or weaken physical and non-physical properties.

Strengths: Efficient strategist, excellent at teamwork, works well under pressure and very intelligent.

Weaknesses: Terrible at leading others and often a little too logical.

Weapons: A short iron bar, about forearm-length.

Personality: Cool-headed, street-smart and just regular smart, Marx is generally an okay person to be around, although he has an odd sense of humour and can be quite serious at times. Marx will often take the route that's most efficient to the current task, no matter the consequences or sacrifices. This can make him quite problematic when leading others as they will often disagree with him, especially if the answer to their problem is the cost of someone's life for example. As a result, Marx refuses to lead anyone, but instead offers his opinions as an adviser, even if they don't want him to. One could call Marx persistent, others call him a genius and some call him annoying, the opinions vary.

Backstory: After having lived lived the first part of his life in relative luxury, Marx soon found himself abandoned and alone when his family's house was blown up in an assassination attempt on his parents, who both died. Living in the slums with no one, Marx learnt to survive by whatever means necessary, eventually recovering his family's funds from the Government, of whom had held for security reasons, and establishing himself in one of the prestigious schools of the city for a high school private education, having missed out on his primary school life when living in poverty. During his time studying, he found he also possessed strange abilities that had before been unknown to him. After testing them out thoroughly back in the slums, he finally realised the extent of his new powers. Combined with his street experience, his expensive education and his newfound skills, he roamed the slums looking for more opportunities to test them, often playing around with scenes of crime and violence from behind the scenes, or assaulting gang hideouts and criminal lairs. Soon people began to recognise him in the slums as he grew a name for himself, much to Marx's amusement and worry. He soon began wearing disguises or staying completely hidden when going out to his vigilante work, but some had already cottoned on to he Marx might really be. In an attempt to escape that, Marx fled deeper into the slums, through territory he hadn't explored when he was younger, until he finally found an abandoned building to which he could hide out in for a while until things died down.

Likes: Winning, bread-sticks, a good fight, testing his abilities, punishing local gangs and criminals and his studies.

Dislikes: Unintelligible people, people who disagree with him, leading others, the irony of his killing whilst hiding - much like his parent's assassins and poverty.

Extra: Is often seen eating bread-sticks.



Name: Marx Kaeul.

Age: 17.

Gender: Male.

Date of Birth: 07/06/1999.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Species: Superhuman.


Amplification: May amplify or weaken physical and non-physical properties.

Strengths: Efficient strategist, excellent at teamwork, works well under pressure and very intelligent.

Weaknesses: Terrible at leading others and often a little too logical.

Weapons: A short iron bar, about forearm-length.

Personality: Cool-headed, street-smart and just regular smart, Marx is generally an okay person to be around, although he has an odd sense of humour and can be quite serious at times. Marx will often take the route that's most efficient to the current task, no matter the consequences or sacrifices. This can make him quite problematic when leading others as they will often disagree with him, especially if the answer to their problem is the cost of someone's life for example. As a result, Marx refuses to lead anyone, but instead offers his opinions as an adviser, even if they don't want him to. One could call Marx persistent, others call him a genius and some call him annoying, the opinions vary.

Backstory: After having lived lived the first part of his life in relative luxury, Marx soon found himself abandoned and alone when his family's house was blown up in an assassination attempt on his parents, who both died. Living in the slums with no one, Marx learnt to survive by whatever means necessary, eventually recovering his family's funds from the Government, of whom had held for security reasons, and establishing himself in one of the prestigious schools of the city for a high school private education, having missed out on his primary school life when living in poverty. During his time studying, he found he also possessed strange abilities that had before been unknown to him. After testing them out thoroughly back in the slums, he finally realised the extent of his new powers. Combined with his street experience, his expensive education and his newfound skills, he roamed the slums looking for more opportunities to test them, often playing around with scenes of crime and violence from behind the scenes, or assaulting gang hideouts and criminal lairs. Soon people began to recognise him in the slums as he grew a name for himself, much to Marx's amusement and worry. He soon began wearing disguises or staying completely hidden when going out to his vigilante work, but some had already cottoned on to he Marx might really be. In an attempt to escape that, Marx fled deeper into the slums, through territory he hadn't explored when he was younger, until he finally found an abandoned building to which he could hide out in for a while until things died down.

Likes: Winning, bread-sticks, a good fight, testing his abilities, punishing local gangs and criminals and his studies.

Dislikes: Unintelligible people, people who disagree with him, leading others, the irony of his killing whilst hiding - much like his parent's assassins and poverty.

Extra: Is often seen eating bread-sticks.

Both accepted!
Ahaha, I thought my character was just double accepted. Lolz, I feel honoured. xD
Lynne Aqua



Name: Lynne Aqua

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 27 February

Sexuality: Heterosexual (straight)

Species: Half-Dragon


  • Able to shapeshift into a water dragon (look in extra)
  • Able to control water

Weapon(s): A simple staff


  • Stronger than the average human
  • Flexible
  • Agile
  • Gets empowered by water 


  • Susceptible to fire
  •  Paranoid easily, especially with strangers 
  • If she doesn't have water each hour, she starts to become weaker (e.g. slower, clumsier). Without water in 24 hours, she dies.


Lynne is a sociable being, loving to talk and make friends. She tries to make a conversation whenever she isn't busy or bothered by something, making her quite the chatterbox. However although she talks a lot and loves to socialize, she avoids questions about herself. Especially if it's about her dragon half. Lynne prefers to keep her opinions on topics that are personal to her, but if confronted about her views she may tell her opinion. She will tell lies upon lies to cover her opinions if she believes that they will offend the other person, but she usually lets out a nervous laugh when lying making it rather easy to tell when the girl is lying. Along with this personality she is greedy, extremely greedy. It is her main flaw in her character, preferring to go for the gold than to protect her friends. Lynne herself hates this trait but can't help the wonderful feeling of getting more and more, so much so that you could call her a hoarder.


Lynne was born by the coast in a little village where only a couple people reside in. Her father loved the little girl, even more so after her mother passed away from a flood. The two lived a happy, calm life away from the urban population. Before Lynne knew about her more reptilian side she was popular among the few children in the coastal village, making great memories by the sea. However one day, a traveller came by, spending a night at Lynne's house. This traveller was obviously wealthy as he flaunted it, gaining respect from the villagers. As Lynne watched the traveller go about his business, she felt a deep jealousy that she was never hit with before. Soon enough a rampaging sea serpent was raging around the village, with Lynne nowhere to be found. Her father whisked her away to the city where no one knows her true nature, and sent her to the summer house where people like her stay.  



Colour blue, moderate temperatures, anything that looks expensive


Fire, hot temperatures, fights



This is the serpent she transforms into, ranging at about 6.7m in length. She cannot control whether she transforms into it or not, only when she feels jealousy for possessions or fright does Lynne change. When transformed, Lynne cannot control when she changes back. She does not breathe fire or liquid, but she does gain the ability to change water into ice.

Raven Aura

Age: 99

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: October 20th

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Vampire

Power(s): Shape-shift and darkness manipulation (Raven also has increased senses, speed and strength due to her vampireness)

Weapon(s): A pocket knife just in case any human gets too crazy, not like she uses it though

Strengths: Darkness/ Night 

Weaknesses: Sunlight/ Morning, 

Personality: Raven is quite the vampire, she is very kind to others and even humans. She lives everyday to her fullest and will never have a frown on her face, she also doesn't like frowns on others faces. She is quite the fighter so don't ever make her hate you as she will end lives that ruin other peoples lives (abusers, killers, etc.) Raven can be serious only when she has too but she is quite the lady. She actually doesn't really hate humans, unless they attack her first. 

Backstory: Raven was first bitten when she had recently turned 16 as she was diagnosed with brain cancer two years before. Her "real" family had thought she died but in reality one mysterious nurse that had worked in the hospital had taken an interest in Raven and had decided that she wanted Raven to live. The nurse wanted Raven to have a full life and boy she did as she went from nearly dying to feeling the best she ever has.

Raven at first denied but then gave in as she didn't want to die young, she joined the nurses family and they soon moved away from her real family and moved over to the UK, Raven has been traveling ever since. She's gotten to know the world and through the eyes of many animals as she got the power of shape shifting. Now Raven has decided to move from her UK home and spend some time in the United States as she's never been before.

Likes: Art, reading, tea, travelling, red wine, thunderstorms

Dislikes: Mean people, people that don't care for life, abusers, most humans

Extra: You can always find her drinking tea and drawing 

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