Character Sheets










Power Source:






Theme and why:



( All characters posted on pages 1-26 are for the previous generation run off of a seperate character sheet. Do not look to them for reference. )

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Name: Ashlyn Van Fen'rir

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Species: Deity of Chaos

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/AfuroTerumicute.jpg.10d5760b259f91c44cd074f9040b6dc9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93412" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/AfuroTerumicute.jpg.10d5760b259f91c44cd074f9040b6dc9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She's a dreamer type of girl. She zones out all the time thinking of a distant world. She dislikes participating in violent matters unless highly necessary. She cares deeply about her other split personalities even though most of them are out to take her life. Ashlyn loves to paint and experience the calm aspect of adventure. She's no stranger to jokes and people who don't take many things seriously, in fact she likes them. Though at times she can get serious herself.

Physiology: Transcendent Physiology

Chronolock/Freedom/Reality Separation Divinity

Ethereal Physiology

  • Cosmic Awareness
    Energy Perception. Extrasensory Perception. Enlightenment

  • Higher Consciousness Immortality/Absolute Immortality Invulnerability. Quintessence Force. Shapeshifting. Supernatural Condition. Healing/Resurrection. Sanctification. Smite. Superpower Manipulation. Telekinesis. Teleportation.

Powers and Limitations: Divine Slayer

Absolute Defense- A field in which all possible threats are detected and deflected if needed.

Absolute Strength- A field that converts all forms of energy such as mana inside of it into limitless physical strength. Unfortunately it drains from her own energy and mana as well unless she takes physical strength and converts it into mana.

Death Inducement- She can raise a field that slowly kills and destroys all things within it using a time limit based off of the targets leftover power as well as her own. The more leftover power the target has within them, the longer they last within the field. If her leftover power is high the target dies even faster. Extremely tiring.

Divine Ingestion- She would actually have to eat the target. Like, put them in her mouth and swallow to gain their powers.

Divine Power Negation- She creates a field that negates all Divine powers from being used in the field. The field also negates all separate powers of a being made up of a divine species.

Immortality Negation- The way this field works is the same as the divine power negation field.

Chaos Manipulation

Limitation: Her powers are sealed away and she only has access to 1/4 of her mana pool. She can currently use Absolute Defense. Once the first seal breaks she can use Absolute Strength and gains half of her mana pool. When the next seal breaks she can use her entire mana pool, Death Inducement, Divine Ingestion, Divine Power Negation, and Immortality Negation. Once her last seal breaks she can use Chaos Manipulation but she gains no additional mana. Once her life is threatened the first seal will break and continue on. She can only use two fields at a time. The absolute defense field makes it harder and harder to break a seal the more she uses it. She always needs a 5 minute recharge in between using each field.

Weaknesses: Deity Slayers.

Theme: Celldweller- Solaris

Extra: Ruler of the Deity realm and the leader of Dragon's Roar.



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Name: Jackson

Rank: Epsilon

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Phoenix with a dash of Ziz

Sexuality: Hetero


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Kevin.jpg.c54c8d7c72337c29a60053ebe4810486.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107604" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Kevin.jpg.c54c8d7c72337c29a60053ebe4810486.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Heartless killer who attacks when he feels threatened. He will attack without remorse. You stay out of his way and he'll stay out of yours. Will only ever have one true friend.

Physiology: Phoenix and Ziz

Powers: Phoenix


Light manipulation


Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ): Best friends with Alice. Recently went through a death game with Alice in another dimension.

Extra: Has a sword that is infused with dragon slaying magic.

Name: Reed

Age: Who Knows

Gender: Male

Species: Living Anomaly

Sexuality: Hetero


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/18yzyo.jpg.f558ac7bda5110314a46c8e6f25e19bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93424" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/18yzyo.jpg.f558ac7bda5110314a46c8e6f25e19bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Childish and loves to have fun. He is always happy and let's very little get to him. He is usually never serious and jokes around.

Physiology: Living Anomaly

Powers: Living Anomaly

Absolute teleportation manipulation

Aether manipulation


Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ): Reed rarely tells his true species to anyone. He travels through multiple dimensions and realms. (Other rps)

Extra: Has a baby dragon named Newt.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Salamander-wallpaper-10623241.jpg.902e6764e56b3a54e545e8ddffae62f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93421" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Salamander-wallpaper-10623241.jpg.902e6764e56b3a54e545e8ddffae62f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Juliette

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Siren

Sexuality: Bi


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/anime_render__12___mary_by_ditzydaffy-d8pxsvm.png.f83f48836eaabcc500f7c28fe5f15677.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93422" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/anime_render__12___mary_by_ditzydaffy-d8pxsvm.png.f83f48836eaabcc500f7c28fe5f15677.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She is a lustful hypnotist who likes to trick people for her own amusement.

Physiology: Siren

Powers: Siren

Sound manipulation

Weakness: Cramming wax in your ear will block out the sound.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):

Extra:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/306839e5d74d3ef2525d52127f05e9b6.jpg.ff8163bacec062faf45e3e9c7f7d8a97.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93423" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/306839e5d74d3ef2525d52127f05e9b6.jpg.ff8163bacec062faf45e3e9c7f7d8a97.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Sarah

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Bankeneko

Sexuality: Bi


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Cat-Girl.png.57c1a625b832b8885bf09bab138ad121.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93426" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Cat-Girl.png.57c1a625b832b8885bf09bab138ad121.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Sarah is a happy upbeat person. She sees the good in everything and is never in a bad mood. She loves to socialize and help other do so as well.

Physiology: Bankeneko Physiology

Powers: Bankeneko Physiology

Weakness: Like all cats she hates water and is weak to it.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):


(Sorry didn't have all the things for it)



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Tazmodo said:
Name: Jackson
Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Phoenix with a dash of Ziz

Sexuality: Hetero


View attachment 207964

Personality: Heartless killer who attacks when he feels threatened. He will attack without remorse. You stay out of his way and he'll stay out of yours. Will only ever have one true friend.

Physiology: Phoenix and Ziz- Only happens when life is threatened other then that he can't use most of its power

Powers: Phoenix

Ziz- dormant abilities

Gravity Manipulation

Darkness manipulation

Light manipulation

Limits: Can't use his Ziz powers unless in a do or die situation. His darkness and light power can't be used at the same time or they cancel each other out and injure his body.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ): Best friends with Alice. Recently went through a death game with Alice in another dimension.

Extra: Has a sword that is infused with dragon slaying magic.

Name: Reed

Age: Who Knows

Gender: Male

Species: Living Anomaly

Sexuality: Hetero


View attachment 207965

Personality: Childish and loves to have fun. He is always happy and let's very little get to him. He is usually never serious and jokes around.

Physiology: Living Anomaly

Powers: Living Anomaly

Teleportation manipulation

Limits: Reed sealed his living anomaly powers so that they could always be a secret.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ): Reed rarely tells his true species to anyone. He travels through multiple dimensions and realms. (Other rps)

Extra: Has a baby dragon named Newt.

View attachment 207962

Name: Juliette

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Siren

Sexuality: Bi


View attachment 207963

Personality: She is a lustful hypnotist who likes to trick people for her own amusement.

Physiology: Siren

Powers: Siren

Sound manipulation

Weakness: Cramming wax in your ear will block out the sound.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):

Tazmodo said:
Name: Sarah
Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Bankeneko

Sexuality: Bi


View attachment 207974

Personality: Sarah is a happy upbeat person. She sees the good in everything and is never in a bad mood. She loves to socialize and help other do so as well.

Physiology: Bankeneko Physiology

Powers: Bankeneko Physiology

Weakness: Like all cats she hates water and is weak to it.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):


(Sorry didn't have all the things for it)
All accepted.


Inaro Silver


Older than Earth (Looks 25)




Dark God/ Silvermane








Wears a silver cloak with howling wolf emblem on the center back of the cloak. Has on a grey T-shirt with a black lightweight battle vest, black combat jeans with a chain accessory, and black and grey boots


Happy, go lucky asshole


Dark God Physiology

  • Transcended Condition
  • Gravity Pressure
  • Dark Soul form
  • Chronolock

SilverMane Physiology

  • Werewof Senses
  • Metal bones and claws


Bio Metal Physiology

Body is entirely made of malleable living metal, which grants them superior physical strength, high resilience to most kind of attacks and first rate regenerative abilities (no structural weakness). They can harden/soften and mold their body to fit the needs of every situation, shapeshift all kinds of bladed weapons, strengthen their defenses via additional layers, conceal themselves by mimicring their environment, or even scatter their body to cover more ground without attracting attention. Some users may also grow more powerful by consuming metal, and even gain a variety of new abilities by consuming exotic metals with unique properties. (Inaro's Bio-metal changes properties to resemble skin)

Cant turn attack while in camouflage

[*]Elemental Shapeshifting

[*]Metal Mimicry

[*]Shapeshifting Combat

[*]Metal-Eating Growth


The user can shapeshift their form, transforming and reshaping themselves potentially down to the genetic and cellular structure. They can impersonate others or enhance one's body for combat, either by turning into animals, monsters or make the body stronger. Users with particularly flexible abilities can manipulate their form at will, combining abilities, traits, etc, even being able to form limbs into weapons and reforming after being blown apart by explosives.

Rank points used on all.

  • May revert back to original form when unconscious or asleep.
  • May require visual or genetic source material for a copy to be made.
  • May be limited on how long transformation can last.
  • May be unable to add mass, thus maintaining the physical capabilities of it's original form.
  • May have trouble with returning to original form.
  • May be limited to humanoid shapes (human, werebeasts, etc).
  • May retain characteristics of their original form in their new shape (i.e., color scheme, birthmarks, scars, etc.).
  • May only be able to partially imitate personality traits, thus people acquainted with the person being impersonated may get suspicious.
  • May not be able to change genetic coding (meaning blood type, gender and DNA coding), though this does not limit the user from changing into an animal, liquid form, and such.
  • Staying extended periods in single form may start affecting the users behavior or even make them forget their true self.
  • Some users may be able to change forms (categorized as humans, cats, weapons, a body of water, etc.), but cannot shape that form into their own customization; instead, it must match their original form's shape.
  • Users of Shapeshifting Awareness will see their real forms.
  • Users of Shapeshifting Negation may forcefully revert the user to their real form.
  • Users of Mind Reading can read the user's mind and know who they truly are.
  • Process may be painful.
  • May be involuntary; user has no control over their transformations.

Esoteric Energy Manipulation-Mastered

The user can manipulate the esoteric energy that causes a physical effect on oneself, an object, or a person which can also effect the environment. In some forms of the force , it is what surrounds all things, which flows through all things (organisms, objects, and even elements) can be used by master manipulators of the force to move them and, attack enemies with, etc.

Can only use one ability at a time.

Can't attack while creating a force-field

Can only use up to the advanced level of telekinesis.

Vulnerable to powers that do not have vectors.

May be vulnerable to instantaneous attacks




Inaro was born with silvermane blood from his father side and Dark god powers from his mother side. Inaro's mother is a dark goddesses that travels throughout space trying to breed the perfect queen heir. Luckily she only had boys. Inaro grew up training and expanding his silvermane abilities with his father and trained his other abilities with his master Natalia.


Inaro's Sword (Kazuni)


Werewolf form


Dark Soul Inaro

DsI is Inaro's dark god form. This form allows him full access to his powers. In this form Inaro's bodied turns to carbon black metal, his hair is similar to ssj3 and is pure white. his eyes are glowing orange. His spine grows out of his body and is very visibly. Both his tail and spine are metallic silver. This form is powerful and dangerous to his allies and foes. DsI is similar to a hollowfication so he'll have a mask.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/___hollow_mask_concept____by_neee_san-d4o3wef.png.f5cb4cd6f557d06df41ef6c0edafbb49.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105052" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/___hollow_mask_concept____by_neee_san-d4o3wef.png.f5cb4cd6f557d06df41ef6c0edafbb49.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Elder State

This form was created by his father.

his state allows Inaro to access a new ability called Seal Release. Seal Release is an ability that allows him to place a seal on someone's that has numerous effects. The effects depends on the user. In order to place a seal the user must infuse it's energy onto something or someone. The higher the amount of energy is used the stronger the effect. The seals take on the image of this.

But the color of the seals are silver. Another limitation is that, it's draining when trying to do destruction type seals, because those require more energy. But the use of seals for restoration, traps, and barriers are less draining.

Egg Hatchling

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/44e5017294205944cbfe83c7688ca3b8.jpg.96ca60b9a4f6a2aaf36001100f52cb1b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123647" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/44e5017294205944cbfe83c7688ca3b8.jpg.96ca60b9a4f6a2aaf36001100f52cb1b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Kavael Annesworth.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Wrath Demon

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/o7BpOkd.jpg.ff04f9a7dff7a80e387948d1a7c43b47.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93616" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/o7BpOkd.jpg.ff04f9a7dff7a80e387948d1a7c43b47.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Kavael is completely silent unless a strong opponent is worth answering. She has a mostly bland expression and the only emotion she ever displays is anger. She does what she has to and nothing else, no matter what the cost is.

Physiology: Physical Demon

[*]Weapon Creation

[*]Wing Manifestation/Elemental Wings Manifestation

Powers: Army Manipulation & One-Man Army

Limitations: She has to have some form of information about the army she's manipulating. Her one man army ability doesn't work against people she deems weak even if they have great numbers.

Weakness: Holy water, bibles, priests, the opposite of wrath. Angels. Holy beings.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):




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Name: Kinziel Annesworth

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Pride Demon

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/nTJbrIT.jpg.cc1a4506100f806767361d2097b0b756.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93642" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/nTJbrIT.jpg.cc1a4506100f806767361d2097b0b756.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/hVx5VnZ.jpg.538d8bb2c3c2ee8eedf483c49fe1e462.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93643" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/hVx5VnZ.jpg.538d8bb2c3c2ee8eedf483c49fe1e462.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Personality: She's much more in your face about her 'superiority' than her younger sister. She refuses to accept help from all others except for her sister in some cases and believes she can overcome any challenge alone. In her eyes, anything she puts her mind to or desires can be easily done. She's sadistic and will do anything as long as it doesn't result in shame to get the task done.

Physiology ( Optional ):

[*]Weapon Creation

[*]Wing Manifestation/Elemental Wings Manifestation

Powers: Weapon Manipulation.

Limitation: When manipulating a weapon she needs to focus on it at all times if she wants it to have up to date directions. If she creates a weapon, it's entirely made out of her energy and mana.

Weakness: Holy water, priests, the bible, reverse of pride, angels, and holy beings.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):




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Name: Sapphire

Age: (10 000 years but looks 15)15

Gender: female

Species: vampire

Sexuality: straight



Personality: quiet,nice,peaceful,smart,loyal,dependable,introverted and unsociable

Physiology ( Optional ): light footed,agile,skinny and tall

Powers :dark magic,invisibility,regeneration,improved hearing smell and sight and can talk to animals

weaknesses: sun,cutting off her head,holly water blessed anything and holly water

Theme ( Optional ):


History ( Optional ): 9 985 years ago she was just a 15 year old princess it was the day of her 15th birthday actually and on that day her life changed forever . that very morning at exactly the break of dawn she was kidnapped from her castle. she was kidnapped by a group of bandits that wanted lots of gold in exchange of the they were traveling to there bass when the sun started to set so they decided to set up camp for the night.but when they put out the fire so they could go to sleep they were not alone in the camp anymore.the vampires charged into camp killing every of the men vampires came up to her to kill her.but he saw that she was not a bandit but yet a princess and he was tired of killing humans but he did have to kill he gave her a choice for her to die or her to become a vampire and live forever but for the cost of drinking blood every 2 weeks and never seeing her loved ones she chose to become a vampire and the vampire bit her but did not suck her wail she was going throw the process of becoming a vampire the vampires that had attacked the bandits carried her back to their lair.when they got their they buried her so that her mortal body could die for her new one to take place.when she woke up as a vampire she had to dig her way out.when she did she found that she was different and she felt strange.she and the man that had saved her named Robert went out to hunt but instead of humans Sapphire asked if they could hunt animals.when they got back from the hunt they found the dead bodies of all the vampires.she and Robert were looking at one of the bodies when Robert did not hear that someone was right behind them and they chopped of Robert's head and were going for her.she smelled them and found out that they weren't vampire hunters but vampires them self.they had come to kill this lair because they failed their mission to kill all the bandits and the bandits prisoners and let alone turned one into a vampire.they were angry at them and the only way to punish them for failing the mission and breaking the law about not turning humans into vampires is treason.she managed to escape them and run to a near by cave and hid.she stayed in this cave for 20 years only going out every two weeks to feed on animals.after so long she got bored and thought that it had been long enough for the vampires to think she was long gone so she left the cave in the middle of the night.she was exploring when she ran into a dragon knight named Arwyn that soon became her only friend.
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Name: Arwyn Hartwood ( Her real name is Hottie Hartwood )

Age: 600+ years (looks like she is in her mid 20's)

Gender: female

Species: human (Dragonknight)

Sexuality: Heterosexual



she has a highborn face with gold-brown hair and amber eyes.

(She uses sword and shield)

Personality: Arwyn's most notable traits are: her endless (and often stubborn) will power and her often somber and serious demeanor towards others.

When she is with Syrax, however, she shows more emotions and can even be humorous.

Physiology ( Optional ): Human. Aww yeh


Dawn's Heart is an unusual artifact that has been guarded by the members of the Order of the New Dawn for centuries. This responsibility has now fallen to Arwyn and Syrax, who were chosen to protect the artifact when the order fell during the Dark Ages. After awakening from a hibernation-like state induced by the artifact it now appears that they are the last remaining guardians of her order (as far as they know)


Even though it has been around for thousands of years, the guardians of the artifact still are uncertain as to what this relic is and what it can do at its full potential. Unfortunatly something happened during the time the artifact and its guardians were inactive that has left it drained of its full power. It is now Arwyn and her dragonoid companion's job to restore the relic and protect it and its people.

Healing: Dawn's Heart can heal the wounded or sick. However it will not work on anyone who has been corrupted with dark forces (ex. demons, vampires, etc.) and will instead cause pain.

-It cannot heal whoever wields it (Arwyn & Syrax).

Smite: Thanks to the god of Death, Life, torture and other unsettling things, Arwyn's soul has been permanently bound to this mysterious artifact (for better or for worse). Arwyn's own fury now affects the artifact during combat and she can harness its energy to smite down enemies with holy magic.

-effective against demons and any who practice or are born from dark magic

New!Shield: The power of Dawn's Heart grows. It now can shield Arwyn or Syrax from harm.





-The Heart appears to get its energy from the living things around it and the sun. It must be recharged after using abilities but can store a surplus for later.

-if it runs out of energy and there is no sunlight it will then use the life-force of Arwyn and Syrax or other living things around.

New! -Arwyn and Syrax's souls are bound to the Dawn's Heart, meaning if you damage the artifact or destroy it, they suffer the same fate.

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

Dragonfire: Arwyn's link with the wyvern Syrax has granted her the ability to conjure dragon flames to aid her in battle in the form of a blast of fire or a cloak over her sword. *Dragon fire is an excellent weapon against demons because of its purifying properties.


-This is weakened and in extreme cases nullified if she is separated from Syrax. It is most powerful when she is near him.

-Arwyn can not use this for extended periods of time.

The bond: Because she is a bound human, Arwyn can communicate telepathically with her dragon companion and can call upon his heightened senses to aid her (Smell, hearing, etc). Also, if either is in a pinch, they can help each other by siphoning energy to the other, at the cost of their own energy of course.


-Syrax is easy to enrage when Arwyn is not near. (he gets his calm from his human half)

-Arwyn is weaker when Syrax is farther away from her. (She gets her strength from her partner)
(--you may have noticed that Arwyn is much more emotional when Syrax is away.--)

-Both experience physical and mental strain and distress when they are separated for a long time or the distance is great between them.


The bond: both of the bound pair feel the pain of the other and must protect the other. For this reason, if you are able to capture or gravely wound one of them, the other must aid the other or risk their own demise

Also, a powerful blow to either of them can work as a temporary stun for the other.

Dragon rage: Arwyn is vulnerable to losing her temper and being blind in her rages. Syrax is the same, but very unstable if he is not around Arwyn or is his companion has been wounded.

Theme ( Optional ): [media]
History ( Optional ): Hundreds of years ago, Arwyn was the 5th child of Lord Hartwood. Destined for nothing more than becoming the brood-mother to a flock of squealing kids for some lowly lord, Arwyn's life changed entirely when fate snatched her up one day in the form of a dragon. The dragon was a mother whom had seen the lady Arwynn as an easy snack for her hungry hatchlings and dropped her in the nest. But as fate would have it, instead of killing her one of the hatchlings approached Arwyn and curled up beside the shaking young woman. Unsure of what to do and scared senseless, she found herself reaching over to rest her hand on the young dragon's head. A searing pain was the last thing she remembered before the world went black.

When she woke up, the baby wyverns were nestled all about her and the most astounding thing of all was that the mother dragon's head was resting peacefully to her left, her would-be meal forgotten.

Some months later when the mother dragon allowed her hatchlings to wander the world on their own, Arwyn was permitted to leave the nest with her nest-mates and her dragonoid companion, Syrax. However, instead of returned to her old and ill-fated life Arwyn decided to change her stars and sought out the Order Of The New Dawn which was a prominent guild known for working outside of the influences of the church and state to defend the people from corruption in any of its forms (Demons especially). She took her vows and over the years she was able to rise through the ranks and carried out a variety of missions alongside her dragon companion.

It was on one of these missions when she met the vampire Sapphire while searching for the source of the disappearing livestock in an area. The vampire seemed free of most corruption that plagued her kind and Arwyn was compelled to bring the undead child to her leader. To her surprise, her leader deemed the vampire worthy of the order but entrusted the darkling under Arwyn's watchful eye. Eventually Arwyn warmed up to the somber vampire and they unknowingly became close allies.

--(Note: After she awakened, Sapphire left to tie up some loose ends. It is uncertain if the vampire is coming back anytime soon.)--

But when her guild needed them most during the year of the Fallen Dawn, Arwyn and her companions were commanded to flee from the threats their guild faced and instead hide away from the world in order to protect the relic of their order, Dawn's Heart, lest it fall into enemy hands. Arwynn and the few selected to guard the relic hid the Heart in the mountain range of the Himalayas away from the world. Using The Heart's power, the defenders were able to seal up the tomb they hid in and went into a sleep-like state until the Heart needed their aid or was in danger in some way.


Syrax The Wyvern

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Fluffykitty9000 said:
Name: Sapphire
Age: (10 000 years but looks 15)15

Gender: female

Species: vampire

Sexuality: straight



Personality: quiet,nice,peaceful,smart,loyal,dependable,introverted and unsociable

Physiology ( Optional ): light footed,agile,skinny and tall

Powers :dark magic,invisibility,regeneration,improved hearing smell and sight and can talk to animals

weaknesses: sun,cutting off her head,holly water blessed anything and holly water

Theme ( Optional ):


History ( Optional ): 9 985 years ago she was just a 15 year old princess it was the day of her 15th birthday actually and on that day her life changed forever . that very morning at exactly the break of dawn she was kidnapped from her castle. she was kidnapped by a group of bandits that wanted lots of gold in exchange of the they were traveling to there bass when the sun started to set so they decided to set up camp for the night.but when they put out the fire so they could go to sleep they were not alone in the camp anymore.the vampires charged into camp killing every of the men vampires came up to her to kill her.but he saw that she was not a bandit but yet a princess and he was tired of killing humans but he did have to kill he gave her a choice for her to die or her to become a vampire and live forever but for the cost of drinking blood every 2 weeks and never seeing her loved ones she chose to become a vampire and the vampire bit her but did not suck her wail she was going throw the process of becoming a vampire the vampires that had attacked the bandits carried her back to their lair.when they got their they buried her so that her mortal body could die for her new one to take place.when she woke up as a vampire she had to dig her way out.when she did she found that she was different and she felt strange.she and the man that had saved her named Robert went out to hunt but instead of humans Sapphire asked if they could hunt animals.when they got back from the hunt they found the dead bodies of all the vampires.she and Robert were looking at one of the bodies when Robert did not hear that someone was right behind them and they chopped of Robert's head and were going for her.she smelled them and found out that they weren't vampire hunters but vampires them self.they had come to kill this lair because they failed their mission to kill all the bandits and the bandits prisoners and let alone turned one into a vampire.they were angry at them and the only way to punish them for failing the mission and breaking the law about not turning humans into vampires is treason.she managed to escape them and run to a near by cave and hid.she stayed in this cave for 20 years only going out every two weeks to feed on animals.after so long she got bored and thought that it had been long enough for the vampires to think she was long gone so she left the cave in the middle of the night.she was exploring when she ran into a dragon knight named Arwyn that soon became her only friend.
Juju said:
Name: Arwyn Hartwood
Age: 600+ years

Gender: female

Species: human (Dragonknight)

Sexuality: straight



(She uses sword and shield)

Personality: Arwyn's most notable traits are: her endless (and often stubborn) will power, aggressiveness, bold, and domineering demeanor.

Physiology ( Optional ): Strong, athletic and has the tenacity of a bull

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

Dragonfire: Arwyn's link with the wyvern Syrax has granted her the ability to conjure dragon flames to aid her in battle in the form of a blast of fire or a cloak over her sword. *Dragon fire is an excellent weapon against demons because of its purifying properties.

The bond: Because she is a bound human, Arwyn can communicate telepathically with her dragon companion and can call upon his heightened senses to aid her (Smell, hearing, etc). Also, if either is in a pinch, they can help each other by siphoning energy to the other, at the cost of their own energy of course.


The bond: both of the bound pair feel the pain of the other and must protect the other. For this reason, if you are able to capture or gravely wound one of them, the other must aid the other or risk their own demise

Dragon rage: Arwyn is vulnerable to losing her temper and being blind in her rages

Theme ( Optional ): [media]

History ( Optional ): Hundred of years ago, Arwyn was the 5th child of the late Lord Hartwood. Destined for nothing more than becoming the brood-mother to a flock of squealing kids for some lowly lord, Arwyn's life changed entirely when fate snatched her up one day in the form of a dragon. The dragon was a mother whom had seen the lady Arwynn as an easy snack for her hungry hatchlings and dropped her in the nest. But as fate would have it, instead of killing her, one of the hatchlings approached Arwyn and curled up beside the shaking young woman. Unsure of what to do and scared senseless, she found herself reaching over to rest her hand on the young dragon's head. A searing pain was the last thing she remembered before the world went black.

When she woke up, the baby wyverns were nestled all about her and the most astounding thing of all was that the mother dragon's head was resting peacefully to her left, her would-be meal forgotten.

Some months later when the mother dragon allowed her hatchlings to wander the world on their own, Arwyn was permitted to leave the nest with her nest-mates and her dragonoid companion, Syrax. However, instead of returned to her old and ill-fated life Arwyn decided to change her stars and sought out the Order Of The Dawn which was a prominent guild known for working outside of the influences of the church and state to defend the people from corruption in any of its forms (Demons especially). She took her vows and over the years she was able to rise through the ranks and carried out a variety of missions along her dragon companion.

It was on one of these missions when she met the vampire Sapphire while searching for the source of the disappearing livestock in an area. The vampire seemed free of most corruption that plagued her kind and Arwyn was compelled to bring the undead child to her leader. To her surprise, her leader deemed the vampire worthy of the order but entrusted the darkling under Arwyn's watchful eye. Eventually Arwyn warmed up to the somber vampire and they unknowingly became close allies.

But when her guild needed them most during the year of the Fallen Dawn, Arwyn and her companions were commanded to flee from the threats their guild faced and instead hide away from the world in order to protect the relic of their order, Dawn's Heart, lest it fall into enemy hands. Arwynn and the few selected to guard the relic hid the Heart in the mountain range of the Himalayas away from the world. Using The Heart's power, the defenders were able to seal up the tomb they hid in and went into a sleep-like state until the Heart needed their aid or was in danger in some way.


Syrax The Wyvern


Both accepted. To slip into the Role play is super easy. You don't even need to go to the guild yet unless you want to. You can be anywhere and I'll have a character ready to interact with you to immediately throw you into the plot.

  • Name: Malren Belrond

    Age: Appears to be 17-21 in human years, 10 in tree years.

    Gender: Male

    Species: Forest Druid

    Sexuality: Bisexual.

    Rank: Omega -> Tau -> Pi -> Omnicron -> Mu -> Eta -> Alpha



    Personality: As a druid raised in the deep forest, he is reclusive but quite friendly once his shell is broken. Due to his upbringing, his voice has a different quality to it, like a branches whistling in the wind, but a bit higher. He's a shy guy, and often tries to opt for the less violent option. Loves to sing, and knows many ancient chants. While mostly kind-hearted, he never tolerates the defiling of nature. Depending on his animal form, he can range from brutally stupid to viciously cunning.

    Necessary edit: Ever since Kinziel's death and the revelation that she was not pregnant, Malren has become much more withdrawn and cold, many steps away from his old shy and stuttering self.

    Powers (Weaknesses in Red):

    He has six animal forms, each with different set of strengths and a large fan weaknesses. None are as powerful as dragons are demons, and are really just powerful creatures with a human mind in them. Together, these ordinary creatures are a force to be reckoned with. He's able to shift between these forms at will.

    Mid-RP Edit: He can now talk in animal form, thanks to a power-up.

    Shape: Falcon

    Becomes a bird of power, with a limited skill set.

    Advantages: Sharp sight and the ability to fly. Additionally, it's talons are fatally sharp, making it one of the deadlier beasts he can become.

    Weaknesses: Inability to walk or swim properly. Easy to spot, very loud, and extremely weak.

    Shape: Grizzly

    Becomes a brutish bear with a powerful drive and an even more overwhelming size.

    Advantages: Brute strength and intimidating size. It's extremely resilient, and can take and deal a lot of punishment.

    Weaknesses: Least intelligent of all the shapes. Unable to keep up a consistent sprint. Unable to scale steep hills or even certain inclines. Usually driven by hunger. Very lumbering and a large target

    Shape: Jackrabbit

    Becomes a jackrabbit. Really, that's all there is to it.

    Advantages: Pure speed, extremely slippery and hard to catch. Unpredictable. It's hard to catch, hard to find, and harder to kill. It's sprinting speed can barely be matched, but sprinting is tiring.

    Weaknesses: Extremely weak, bones can easily break. Driven mostly by fear, and can be easily spooked and hunted.

    Shape: Large Tortoise

    Turns into a tortoise as big as a bed. No, he's not a turtle. Mostly keeps his head tucked in his shell.

    Advantages: Intelligence. While a fox may be more cunning, a tortoise has more time to think, to calculate. Time slows down for everyone in his eyes, so he has more time to think out a decision. The shell is a sturdy substance, able to stop even bullets and most magic. His stance is completely defensive, and it even blocks out the head hole. Only beasts with enough strength can flip over this massive tortoise.

    Weakness: Without his shell, he is dead meat. Flipping him over leaves him helpless, though that'd need a bit of strength. Can't swim, moves slowly, and can't climb very well. His size makes him very easy to hit.

    Shape: Fox

    Advantages: Cunning never before seen. Any kind of trickery will be easy for this one. He can slide away, camouflage, and even set up traps.

    Weaknesses: Very weak, like most of the other shapes. If outsmarted, it can do nothing. More nimble than other shapes, but still hit barriers that it cannot climb past/ wade through.

    Shape: Nemean Lion

    Advantages: A beast of pride with an impenetrable hide and a powerful attack. The strongest out of his forms, with the ability to withstand heavy punishment. This is the only one of his animal forms able to use the one-man army ability.

    Weaknesses: He can only transform into this form once (now twice) per battle, and when he does, he becomes corrupted with a lion's pride.

    Hybrid Shapes:

    A new idea came to Malren, specifically in the form of these Hybrid shapes. Now, utilizing the powers given to him, he can manifest powerful combinations with his magical beasts.​

    Hybrid Shape: Griffin (Lion-Eagle)

    Advantages: The ability to fly, while simultaneously keeping all the strength of the lion and the deadliness of the eagle's claws

    Weaknesses: Lion loses its impenetrable skin, making it vulnerable to attacks again. Very large target, easy to spot.

    Hybrid Shape: Bergman Bear (Bear-Tortoise)

    Advantages: The Bergman is a gigantic, lumbering bear with a fierce and strong pelt. It has an intense amount of strength, and a huge resistance to many climate dangers, since it originated in Siberia. Its pelt mimics a tortoise's shell in it's toughness.

    Weaknesses: Though the bear is powerful, it can only move so fast, making Malren a lumbering tank of a target. Additionally, it can't take heat, espeically fire, very well due to the nature of its pelt.

    Hybrid Shape: Al-mi'raj (Fox-Jackrabbit)

    Advantages: A mythical beast from Islamic poetry, the Al-mi'raj is a rabbit with striking feature: a horn. The Al-mi'raj is quoted to use its docile appearance to its advantage, letting out a quick paralyzing strike with its horn before fleeing entirely.

    Weaknesses: Though the form is powerful, it still maintains the fragile body of the rabbit. Additionally, it's horn can only paralyze once per transformation.

    Final Shape Mastery:

    This is it. The ultimate mastery. As by @Light's suggestion, his rankup to Eta puts him on the top row, making this very change possible. He's not able to manifest any real animal, though most of them aren't magical. For example, he could become a cat or a fearsome Komodo Dragon.

    Weaknesses: As expected, there will be a ton. First off, limitations by size. Malren can only hold each form for so long, depending on its size. At his best, he can become a Komodo Dragon for five minutes, or a cat for half a hour. Additionally, he can't manifest magical or alien species, and he must have distinct knowledge of each animal that he thinks of transforming into.

    Other powers (Obtained from sins):

    Power: Pride's Essence

    After defeating Pride (through words, ofc) Malren was washed with an essence, that, according to Light, give him the ability to summon and master any weapon. Go Mal!

    Limitation: Just like Kinziel, it always eats through his energy every time he summons one.

    Power: One-man army.

    Taken from Kavael (Wrath), it allows him to fight off an entire army - all by himself. The law applying here is the Inverse Ninja Law, namely, his strength apparently increases as his amount of enemies does.

    Limitation: Though it is powerful, the One-man army cannot be activated in one-on-one fights, making it useless for solo duels.

    Power: Enhanced body.

    After achieving Alpha rank, Malren retreated into hiding, training himself up like never before. With his last few points, he has steeled his body to become fast, stronger, more durable, and much, much more agile, making him an over strong fighter. Since it took six points, you can bet he's an extremely strong fighter now.

    General weaknesses:

    Fear of water: Mal has always kept a large fear of water within him. He cannot swim, cannot go into marshy areas, and doesn't like to be around water other than drinking it.

    Pollution: Any unhealthy substance will destroy Malren. Smoke, haze, disease, or even dying plants around him is his ultimate weakness.

    Still a man: Though he is born from a tree, he still has every weakness of a man. He needs food, shelter, and is subject to his climate.

    History ( Optional ): Malren was born from a tree, and was raised by a company of druids and talking animals. He grew a strong kinship with all the creatures of the forest. At 4 tree years, he was bestowed his jackrabbit shape, and one more shape every year after that. The druids would teach him the ways of tending to the forest, and the animals taught him the powers of each shape. He was happy, until civilization started encroaching on his home forest. Humans sent an army to clear out the "bewitched forest", and fought with his community. The bloodshed was intense. At the last battle, Malren's very home was attacked. As he was fleeing, two bloody and injured soldiers tried to kill him. He fought, until he was dragged into a lake, where he was choking on the bloody water. Malren kicked his way out of the bloody mess. His escape was quick, as a jackrabbit he fled away from his now-burning forest. Malren soon collapsed, but was saved by a human. He fled, but had new conflicting views on other humans. He wandered from door to door, town to town, and is now currently looking for a companion and a new path in life.


    Human form:
    Human Physiology. As a human, he's just about as susceptible to attacks as any other.

    Animal forms: Magical beast physiology. The bear and tortoise's shell are extremely durable, the eagle's talons are extremely sharp, and the jackrabbit can run extremely fast, though they are all mortal. The lion is the Nemean Lion from myths, so his skin is impenetrable. The Bergman Bear has a strong pelt, while the Al-mi'raj has a terrifying paralyzing horn.

    (Note: While Malren seems powerful, this is due to his constant rank-ups in the RP. See CS w/ Changes for details.)​

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Lotusy said:

Name: Malren Belrond

Age: Appears to be 17-21 in human years, 10 in tree years.

Gender: Male

Species: Forest Druid

Sexuality: Bisexual.



Personality: As a druid, he is reclusive but playful once his shell is broken. Due to his upbringing, his voice has a different quality to it, like a branches whistling in the wind, but a bit higher. Loves to sing, and knows many ancient chants. While mostly kind-hearted, he never tolerates the defiling of nature. Depending on his current form, he can range from brutally stupid to viciously cunning.


Powers (Weaknesses in Red):

He has five animal forms, each with different set of strengths and a large fan weaknesses. None are as powerful as dragons are demons, and are really just ordinary creatures with a human mind in them. Together, these ordinary creatures are a force to be reckoned with.

Shape: Falcon

Becomes a bird of power, with a limited skill set.

Advantages: Sharp sight and the ability to fly.

Weaknesses: Inability to walk or swim properly. Very instinct driven, is the second least intelligent of all of his shapes. Easy to spot, very loud, and extremely weak.

Shape: Grizzly

Becomes a brutish bear with a powerful drive and an even more overwhelming size.

Advantages: Brute strength and intimidating size.

Weaknesses: Least intelligent of all the shapes. Unable to keep up a consistent sprint. Unable to scale steep hills or even certain inclines. Usually driven by hunger. Very lumbering and

Shape: Jackrabbit

Becomes a jackrabbit. Really, that's all there is to it.

Advantages: Pure speed, extremely slippery and hard to catch. Unpredictable.

Weaknesses: Extremely weak, bones can easily break. Driven mostly by fear, and can be easily spooked and hunted. Can only sprint for a certain amount of time, then can only plod along.

Shape: Large Tortoise

Turns into a tortoise as big as a bed. No, he's not a turtle. Mostly keeps his head tucked in his shell.

Advantages: Intelligence. While a fox may be more cunning, a tortoise has more time to think, to calculate. Time slows down for everyone in his eyes, so he has more time to think out a decision.

Weakness: Without his shell, he is dead meat. Flipping him over leaves him helpless, though that'd need a bit of strength. Can't swim, moves slowly, and can't climb very well. His size makes him very easy to hit.

Shape: Fox

Advantages: Cunning never before seen. Any kind of trickery will be easy for this one.

Weaknesses: Very weak, like most of the other shapes. If outsmarted, it can do nothing. More nimble than other shapes, but still hit barriers that it cannot climb past/ wade through.

General weaknesses:

Fear of water: Mal has always kept a small fear of water within him. He cannot swim, cannot go into marshy areas, and doesn't like to be around water other than drinking it.

Man's designs: Being very tied in with nature, Malren has a strong dislike of man. He prefers not to use most man-made items, including weapons.

Limited shapeshifitng: Without the aid of outside strength-enhancing magic, he can only shapeshift 7 times a day. (Each shift from human is one, to human costs none). Additionally, he can only shift away from human once every 10 minutes.

Pollution: Any unhealthy substance will destroy Malren. Smoke, haze, disease, or even dying plants around him is his ultimate weakness.

Still a man: Though he is born from a tree, he still has every weakness of a man. He needs food, shelter, and is subject to his climate.

History ( Optional ): Malren was born from a tree, and was raised by a company of druids and talking animals. He grew a strong kinship with all the creatures of the forest. At 4 tree years, he was bestowed his jackrabbit shape, and one more shape every year after that. The druids would teach him the ways of tending to the forest, and the animals taught him the powers of each shape. He was happy, until civilization started encroaching on his home forest. Humans sent an army to clear out the "bewitched forest", and fought with his community. The bloodshed was intense. At the last battle, Malren's very home was attacked. As he was fleeing, two bloody and injured soldiers tried to kill him. He fought, until he was dragged into a lake, where he was choking on the bloody water. Malren kicked his way out of the bloody mess. His escape was quick, as a jackrabbit he fled away from his now-burning forest. Malren soon collapsed, but was saved by a human. He fled, but had new conflicting views on other humans. He wandered from door to door, town to town, and is now currently looking for a companion and a new path in life.

Extra: So, this character was accepted into the old Dragon's Roar, but he never made his way into the plot. May I re-use him?​
Accepted, yes. If you want to jump in the plot just have him appear anywhere and I'll have a character integrate him into theology or walk up to the Dragon's Roar building.


" And the abyss stares back at you. Resist its pull, or else you'll fall. "


  • Name: Zalgo

    Age: 28 / No longer ages

    Species: Deity of the Void

    Sexuality: Asexual

    Appearance: A man that does not look his age, for his hair is devoid of any colour but simplistic white. One eye no longer sees ahead, but it knows, whilst the other continues to hold his vision and sees only what the human eye can. The one that gazes but does not see is the dark brown orb in which is his left half-lidded eye, and the one that can see is the pale blue eye that remains open. Two scars upon his face flaw his brown skin, and each represent his greatest mistakes.

    His wear is old but kept clean regularly, the turtle neck sweater is always his choice of garment, along with the brown coat that's buttoned up, no matter the weather.

    Both of his hands have bandages wrapped around them, hiding another set of mistakes, though they were minor, engraved into his palms.

    Brown leather shoes are worn, pointed at the tips.

    Personality: Zalgo speaks in a voice of feathers; soft, fluttery and gentle, for he means no harm, but only advice and guidance if needed. He tends to act as a elder figure due to his experiences within the Void; having endless glimpses at the foreboding and ominous resulted in the habit of hiding his details to others, but the curiousity that haunts him does not stop him from prodding and discovering at whomever he's speaking to or accompanying's own histories and such. He also speaks and answers in an odd fashion.

    Zalgo is easily fascinated by nature and what others can do, no matter how simple or irrelevant they are. His emotions are easily influenced (not manipulated by a power, just reacting normally) by others and the mood he most reverts to is self-loathing and anxious.

    However, if frightened or threatened to an extent, the man ends up "dispersing" into what it could be described as small cubes/pixels, thus disappearing physically--though remaining to linger to observe quietly.

    Physiology: Mental Physiology

  • N̸a̵m̷e̶

    Voices spoke but these ears could not hear nor understand anything. It was not time yet.

    "...I know what they are, okay, so quit on repeating yourself, "

    A rumbling sensation was felt.

    " I know, I know. It's just--isn't he just a beautiful thing? A baby boy, and he's ours. A boy! "

    Air was exhaled nearby.

    " You've said that a couple of times already love. Maybe you should think of a name for him instead of saying his gender-"

    " -And another one's on their way! So I have to think of two. Hmm... "

    " Well I'm here if you need any help, you know, "

    " Thank you dear, but I think I already have one. Try think of one for the other. "

    The sounds around them began to die down until...

    " Are you sure you want to name them that? The poor kid's gonna stay with it for the rest of their life, "

    " I don't hear you suggesting anything better! "

    " Ha, yes, you're right on that. "

    " S̸̪̳͉͕̬̝̜̜̤͇̉́̅̆̑͑̃̆́̓ę̴̡̛̛͓͖͕͎̺̥̫̟̊́͒͐̏̓̎͝ṟ̷͚̬̣̜̙̭͍̊̑͐́̅̈̃̀͗͆͜ͅi̶̢̠̠͉͕̙̻̮̼͂̅̃̈́́̐̉͒̄͝ͅf̶̬͎̟̰̭͇̹͔̺̪͛͋̓̃̈́̉͆̃̈́͝ it is then. "


    " Baby "

    " Boy "

    " Gender "

    " Name "

    " Kid "

    " Poor "

    " Beautiful "

    " Love "



    Filler #2


    Every-time they neared a glass that allowed entities to view their reflections, their image would sport of youth, white arrogance and two unspoilt pale blue optics. Until one day, during their life, a few peculiar events occurred. In which all was curiosity's doing.

    They were a bright one with their calm and playful attitude. Though underneath such an exterior laid a fierce, demanding and selfish soul. Their elders saw it within their gaze but they did not act on their unpleasant feeling.

    Sounds of footwear echoed across the hallway, sending chills up their spine and tingling their ears. Shallow breathing was heard from behind them.

    " Why did I think this was a good idea to tag along...? "

    " Curiosity, obviously, "

    " I guess--but how come we're here after our classes are over? The lights are all out and it's so dark in here "

    " Heh, it masks our presence pretty well "

    " This isn't even a bit unsettling for you? "

    A shushing noise was emitted from their lips as their hand grasped a thin frame: a doorway.

    They resumed their stealthy advance; the noise from their footsteps becoming nothing as it was drowned out from the 'drip-drip-dripping' nearby.

    After a few moments, a gasp escaped them as a hand that was not his own brushed against his neck.

    " R̸̤̍ȁ̸̮l̷͔͠v̴̨͒e̴̹̓ḧ̷̝!! "

    " Eh? Oh sorry. It's really dark in this room... "

    " So dark that you couldn't even see me in front of you?! "

    " I said I was sorry, okay! "

    They uttered a tsk, before halting their movements. Slightly bent legs straightened themselves as they tried to peer at the equipment on surface of the shadowed table.

    Behind them was shuffling and soft whisperings. They ignored it and concentrated as their pale blue gaze over the beakers filled with unknown liquids; their colours were difficult to make out.

    " The teachers never allow us to inspect these things yet...they say we have to wait until we're older "

    " Well thats very reasonable! Some of us might end up spilling or breaking 'em "

    " Ouch, so you're calling me irresponsible? "

    " I never mentioned names "

    A rumbling sensation travelled up their throat at that, and out came a stifled laugh. Their hand then picked up one of the beakers on the table, holding it close to his left eye.

    " Still can't see what's in the thing, maybe turn on-- "

    Another set of footsteps suddenly was heard, and it sounded close. Their eyes widened as they felt their composure beginning to melt. A force behind them racked their body and the object he held was tipped towards him, the liquid colliding into their eye.

    " !!!!!! "

    Pain, pain. They felt the floor give way beneath them. Their ears rang but they heard no sound. Incinerating pain...

    " O̷͙͋h̷̪̍ ̸̥̀m̶̳͆y̴̫͂ ̸̞̈́Ǵ̸̺Ȍ̴̜D̵̼̏!̷̺̊!̷̫́ "

    " S̸̖̈́ṱ̷̆a̵̦̓y̵̪͝ ̴̦̔w̸̼̏ĭ̸͍t̶̹͑h̸͙̀ ̷̧̚m̶̯̾e̶̮̔!̵̗͘!̴̩̋ "

    " Í̵͖ ̴͓̕a̶͔͘ṃ̶̋ ̵͔́s̸̥͘o̶̟̓ ̵̬̂s̵͕̀ȍ̴̩r̸̜̔r̸̗̊y̷͖̿!̶̤̕!̸͇͘!̸̲̂"

    " S̵̡̖̫͚͒̍̔̑Ę̵̞̞̼̐́̏̂R̷̨̼̞̥͒̏͒̚Ḯ̷̺̞̗̈́͌̀ͅF̸̞̪̋̎̓̋ͅͅ!̴̳̫̬͔̆̈̒͊!̸̞͇̱̼͋͛̓͐ "

    ...Every-time they neared a glass that allowed entities to view their reflections, their image would sport of youth, white arrogance broken brown eye.

















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Austria said:


" And the abyss stares back at you. Resist its pull, or else you'll fall. "


  • Name: Zalgo

    Age: 28 / No longer ages

    Species: Deity of the Void

    Sexuality: Asexual

    Appearance: A man that does not look his age, for his hair is devoid of any colour but simplistic white. One eye no longer sees ahead, but it knows, whilst the other continues to hold his vision and sees only what the human eye can. The one that gazes but does not see is the dark brown orb in which is his left half-lidded eye, and the one that can see is the pale blue eye that remains open. Two scars flaw his brown skin, and each represent his greatest mistakes.

    His wear is old but kept clean regularly, the turtle neck sweater is always his choice of garment, along with the brown coat that's buttoned up, no matter the weather.

    Both of his hands have bandages wrapped around them, hiding another set of mistakes, though they were minor, engraved into his palms.

    Brown leather shoes are worm, pointed at the tips.

    Personality: Zalgo speaks in a voice of feathers; soft, fluttery and gentle, for he means no harm, but only advice and guidance if needed. He tends to act as a elder figure due to his experiences within the Void; having endless glimpses at the foreboding and ominous resulted in the habit of hiding his details to others, but the curiousity that haunts him does not stop him from prodding and discovering at whomever he's speaking to or accompanying's own histories and such.

    Zalgo is easily fascinated by nature and what others can do, no matter how simple or irrelevant they are. His emotions are easily influenced (not manipulated by a power, just reacting normally) by others and the mood he most reverts to is self-loathing and anxious.

    However, if frightened or threatened or an extent, the man ends up "dispersing" into what it could be described as small cubes/pixels, thus disappearing physically--though remaining to linger to observe quietly.

    Physiology: Mental Physiology

Accepted. Try not to abuse the deconstruction power.
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Name: Olivianna Annesworth

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Sloth Demon

Sexuality: Homosexual

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/xnQmf2h.jpg.130c5f1bbb0661d79318554e1b5f9c26.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93900" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/xnQmf2h.jpg.130c5f1bbb0661d79318554e1b5f9c26.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She's a lazy girl who barely cares enough to remember the names of others. She likes to experience things at her own pace and would rather sit alone and contemplate life than do important tasks as a group. She likes animals but hates it when they get all rowdy. Prefers sleep over basic necessities to live.

Physiology ( Optional ):

[*]Weapon Creation

[*]Wing Manifestation/Elemental Wings Manifestation

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

Sleep Inducement

Kinetic Energy Manipulation

Energy drainage field.

Limitations: The sleep inducement may put her to sleep as well.

She can only affect those she makes contact with with kinetics.

The energy drainage doesn't allow her to absorb it.

Weaknesses: Holy water, priests, bible, opposite of sloth, physically enhanced beings, angels, holy beings.

Theme ( Optional ):

History ( Optional ):

Extra: She doesn't tag along with the other deadly sins much.



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Name: Chance Annesworth. Now Lust.

Age: Physically 22

Gender: Male but can shift

Species: Deadly Sin, Lust itself.

Sexuality: Changable. Pansexual.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/1007005088a0ebd208_large.jpg.3db5f5f05707d2a149afdd532925e1d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94039" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/1007005088a0ebd208_large.jpg.3db5f5f05707d2a149afdd532925e1d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Overconfident in his fighting ability on the field and in bed. He doesn't take others emotions into consideration unless he's manipulating them. He's usually straight to the point and doesn't beat around the bush.

Physiology: Lust Embodiment.


[*]Sex Magic

[*]Sex Specialist

[*]Sexual Instinct

[*]Sexual Orientation Manipulation

[*]Supernatural Beauty

Powers: Light manipulation.

Limitations: All limitations were lost when he became the embodiment.

Weaknesses: Angels, holy artifacts, opposite of Lust, chains of hell, bible, holy water. Sloth.






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Name: Jasmine/Darek

Rank: Theta

Age: Whatever she/he wants

Gender: Female/Male

Species: Amorphous

Sexuality: Bi


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c69025009_a293340cb9ca02e4773b7174fee6602f-Copy.jpg.8dc33304b0298efa0e9ac24bec396a16.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94066" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c69025009_a293340cb9ca02e4773b7174fee6602f-Copy.jpg.8dc33304b0298efa0e9ac24bec396a16.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/ba0a5e468c04747d1f913472b62573dd.jpg.728baee19b1612ff7fd71b666f9cb0a6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94068" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/ba0a5e468c04747d1f913472b62573dd.jpg.728baee19b1612ff7fd71b666f9cb0a6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/c8c11dfe4900c83d397b097e5e931164.jpg.fbb880cb4c6185607fe081e1a198b69d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94070" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/c8c11dfe4900c83d397b097e5e931164.jpg.fbb880cb4c6185607fe081e1a198b69d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Jasmine, Darek, true form)

Personality: Split personality disorder

Jasmine: Like to play and is very defensive. Making her the more peaceful one of the two.

Darek: A serious buzz kill who can't take a joke. Is the offensive one.

Physiology ( Optional ): Amorphous physiology

Powers: Can morph into anything and use the ability of what she/he morphs into.

Weakness: If her core is destroyed she/he will die.

Theme ( Optional ):




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Jacqueline “Jackie” Sapienti

Go fuck yourself.

  • Name

    Jacqueline "Jackie" Sapienti






    Straight, but shit happens


    Fledgling Demon


    Jackie, plain and simple, is a bitch. Her temper isn’t something to scoff at; she’s got a revenge streak a mile wide, and she isn’t afraid to shoot someone in the face if they really piss her off. If you want her respect, respect her. She doesn’t care who or what you are, what you look like, where you're from, whatever; if you don’t give her respect and give her reason to, she will either give you the cussing out of your life, or she will will knock your teeth down your throat. She isn’t worried about pulling verbal or literal punches; she would rather be completely and brutally honest and make enemies than lie through her teeth and have friends.

    It is hard to gain her true loyalty, but once you have it, she’d follow you to hell and back. Once you get passed her sharp, hard exterior, she is actually capable of kindness, albeit a bit dry and sarcastic, and is a very loyal friend to people who earn it. She tends to tease people she cares about.

    Her life has molded her into a master manipulator. She has a bias towards seduction, and uses this to get something she needs/wants from someone, or use it to lull them into a false sense of security. This doesn’t mean that she’s more gentle with her enemies or her targets - it’s actually the opposite. Jackie is capable of immense cruelty and savagery, leading her to be able to do inexplicably violent and horrific acts with a completely clear conscious. Her criminal upbringing has made her very ambitious, and as a downfall, has made her constantly reach for a higher standard.

  • hqjSLxHdBR6CgcimQZZeIJJqct5vKdXJCGAdIklV_Sggq7fEnoE5U1cvGSZLa-tmRYhTvt6azN9rY8T3gx7k942Q_KwJJMcHBSWnwLPSC6dvdIFPFkM9hy19-ghzuZ5DBmn3oyk



    Supernatural Condition

    Due to her being a demon, Jackie is stronger and faster than a human, and also has sharper senses, which allows her a farther range of sight and wider range of hearing. She is capable of taking a much larger amount of damage before dying than most people. Her condition is further increased by Sanctum’s power.


    Loud noises tend to disorient her if they take her by surprise, and high frequency noises can knock off her equilibrium.

    Without Sanctum adding to her power, she grows physically weaker, and will move more slowly.


    Jackie is an experienced combatant, due to a life working with her family’s mafia and time on the streets, running with gangs. Her hand to hand combat experience, while slightly unrefined, is very effective in beating the ever loving shit out of someone. She is an excellent marksman, able to easily hits most targets within her range of sight. She has practice with many types of firearms, though she is most comfortable with snipers or compact bows.

  • Name









    God of Corruption, Amorality, Malevolence, and Dishonesty

    Embodiment of Corruption


    He’s really fucked up, okay?



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Tazmodo said:
Name: Jasmine/Darek
Age: 17

Gender: Female/Male

Species: Amorphous

Sexuality: Bi


View attachment 209317 View attachment 209319 View attachment 209321

(Jasmine, Darek, true form)

Personality: Split personality disorder

Jasmine: Like to play and is very defensive. Making her the more peaceful one of the two.

Darek: A serious buzz kill who can't take a joke. Is the offensive one.

Physiology ( Optional ): Amorphous physiology

Powers: Can morph into anything and use the ability of what she/he morphs into.

Weakness: If her core is destroyed she/he will die.

Theme ( Optional ):

CelticSol said:
Jacqueline “Jackie” Sapienti

Go fuck yourself.

  • Name

    Jacqueline "Jackie" Sapienti






    Straight, but shit happens


    Fledgling Demon


    Jackie, plain and simple, is a bitch. Her temper isn’t something to scoff at; she’s got a revenge streak a mile wide, and she isn’t afraid to shoot someone in the face if they really piss her off. If you want her respect, respect her. She doesn’t care who or what you are, what you look like, where you're from, whatever; if you don’t give her respect and give her reason to, she will either give you the cussing out of your life, or she will will knock your teeth down your throat. She isn’t worried about pulling verbal or literal punches; she would rather be completely and brutally honest and make enemies than lie through her teeth and have friends.

    It is hard to gain her true loyalty, but once you have it, she’d follow you to hell and back. Once you get passed her sharp, hard exterior, she is actually capable of kindness, albeit a bit dry and sarcastic, and is a very loyal friend to people who earn it. She tends to tease people she cares about.

    Her life has molded her into a master manipulator. She has a bias towards seduction, and uses this to get something she needs/wants from someone, or use it to lull them into a false sense of security. This doesn’t mean that she’s more gentle with her enemies or her targets - it’s actually the opposite. Jackie is capable of immense cruelty and savagery, leading her to be able to do inexplicably violent and horrific acts with a completely clear conscious. Her criminal upbringing has made her very ambitious, and as a downfall, has made her constantly reach for a higher standard.

  • hqjSLxHdBR6CgcimQZZeIJJqct5vKdXJCGAdIklV_Sggq7fEnoE5U1cvGSZLa-tmRYhTvt6azN9rY8T3gx7k942Q_KwJJMcHBSWnwLPSC6dvdIFPFkM9hy19-ghzuZ5DBmn3oyk



    Supernatural Condition

    Due to her being a demon, Jackie is stronger and faster than a human, and also has sharper senses, which allows her a farther range of sight and wider range of hearing. She is capable of taking a much larger amount of damage before dying than most people. Her condition is further increased by Sanctum’s power.


    Loud noises tend to disorient her if they take her by surprise, and high frequency noises can knock off her equilibrium.

    Without Sanctum adding to her power, she grows physically weaker, and will move more slowly.


    Jackie is an experienced combatant, due to a life working with her family’s mafia and time on the streets, running with gangs. Her hand to hand combat experience, while slightly unrefined, is very effective in beating the ever loving shit out of someone. She is an excellent marksman, able to easily hits most targets within her range of sight. She has practice with many types of firearms, though she is most comfortable with snipers or compact bows.
Both accepted
Lotusy said:

  • Name: Sergio Protegat

    Age: 32

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human

    Sexuality: Bisexual




    On the outside, Sergio seems to be a spicy, exotic guy who's a bit of a flirt. Sometimes he's happy, sometimes, he's emotional, but most of the time, he's pretty sassy. He's got a fiery temper, and he's a bit hot-headed. If someone passes him by on the street, chances are he won't be modest towards them. He's very bold when it comes to impressions, and will never hesitate to strike up a conversation. Sergio is a very heart-driven man, and can usually be manipulated by words. He's also got a raging, alcohol problem, and he's extremely slippery and hard to handle when drunk.

    However, his job as a defender belies a different side of him, one that's more defensive, protective, and even loyal or friendly to an extent. He'll never use his outside personality when conversing with the defendees in question, and always tries his best to protect his clients and friends.

    Physiology: Human Physiology.

    Extra: I won't introduce him just yet, he's for later.

  • Accepted!
Lotusy said:

  • Name: Sergio Protegat

    Age: 32

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human

    Sexuality: Bisexual




    On the outside, Sergio seems to be a spicy, exotic guy who's a bit of a flirt. Sometimes he's happy, sometimes, he's emotional, but most of the time, he's pretty sassy. He's got a fiery temper, and he's a bit hot-headed. If someone passes him by on the street, chances are he won't be modest towards them. He's very bold when it comes to impressions, and will never hesitate to strike up a conversation. Sergio is a very heart-driven man, and can usually be manipulated by words. He's also got a raging, alcohol problem, and he's extremely slippery and hard to handle when drunk.

    However, his job as a defender belies a different side of him, one that's more defensive, protective, and even loyal or friendly to an extent. He'll never use his outside personality when conversing with the defendees in question, and always tries his best to protect his clients and friends.

    Physiology: Human Physiology.

    Extra: I won't introduce him just yet, he's for later.

  • Damn, @Light beat me to the punch. I'm excited to see him being brought in, though; he seems very interesting!
@Light You still accepting?

Name: Vance Hawthorne

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Bisexual



(Vance without his full getup, blame @LokiofSP. Also if anyone gives a crap, he has brown eyes) (Idk even know if this is the right picture, that I had before. But, I tried)

Personality: Vance is normally quiet due to his stealthy nature. Vance is mostly emotionless. He also has a hatred for other people and doesn't mind killing

Physiology: Human Physiology

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ): ShadowStep: Vance can go invisible inside shadows, completely disappearing from sight. If vance leaves the shadows there is a 1 minute cooldown until he can go invisible again.

Muffle: Vance can muffle sound on his body, if Vance ever deactivates it then he has to wait 3 minutes until he can use it again . Muffling would also make it so his thoughts would be unreadable unless they really focus on reading Vances thoughts, this would also require that they know Vance is there in the first place.

Level up Edit: Vance can now muffle himself and another person completely. He can Also muffle a small area instead (Bit bigger than a phone box) no one on the outside of the area can hear what's going on inside it

Level up edit 2: Vance's muffle now works as a sort of firewall for telepathic attacks, so if someone tries to overload his brain with voices or something like that, it would take longer or require more effort on their part.

Level up Edit 3: Vance can now muffle anything and everyone for however long he'd like. He could muffle several entire countries if he wanted to

Enhanced perception: Vance notices things that other people wouldn't normally, this means that he can work out what someone is going to do from less information. E.G. if someone were to slightly move their foot to get into an attacking stance before attacking he could notice that and know what they were about to do just before they did it. Vance can't turn this ability off so he always has it on

Mid RP power edit: Darkness manipulation Vance can do everything listed there but he can't manipulate the shadow of a living being without massively straining himself. Vance can also now nullify the powers of people if they're in his darkness realm

Enhanced Power Endurance: Able to do more without losing as much power and energy.

Increased manipulation of Darkness: Able to do a lot more at the same time. Like tendrils out of a city building, while handling people in the darkness realm, while casting absolute darkness out of the same area with the city building while shadow traveling away. (Vance now has complete mastery over Darkness, so he can now use all his powers in the darkness realm while keeping other people nullified among other things

Improved Reaction Time and Improved brain processing time: Vance can now react to things as a speed that is faster than a normal person. This also means that Vance's brain processes things much faster, allowing him to figure out things much quicker.

Enhanced Durability: Vance can now take a lot more damage than a normal person, this also means all his bones are harder to break (No more broken ribs all day

Speed: Vance can now move a lot quicker than a normal person, meaning he can dodge a lot more attack (And combined with the other upgrades he'd be able to dodge a bullet if he sees it coming)

RP Power Edit 2: Light manipulation Vance can do everything Listed there(Mastered)

Rp Power Edit 3: Dream Walking

Extra: Vance is kind of a kleptomaniac, if he likes something he'll take it. Vance is also quick on his feet and can parkour.

Rank: Alpha. Unused points: 0

Vance doesn't remember anything about his childhood, the earliest proper memory he has is from when he was 18. Vance remembers waking up in a room with a dead person next to him and a dagger in his hand. He had no idea what to do when he heard police forces charging down the hallway, Until a small thought went through his mind and told him to use his powers to hide. Vance felt like he was going off of instinct when he found himself stepping into the shadows and becoming invisible and becoming deathly quiet. He stayed in the room until the police forces had left. He then fled from the building and tried to get as far away from it as possible. He ended up ducking into an ally to catch his breath when a man approached him and congratulated him before handing him a wad of money. This told Vance all he thought he needed to know about what he used to do. Vance carried on killing people for money, at first it was from fear that if he tried to do any other job he'd get caught for the murders he thought he must of committed in the past. Vance didn't feel the slightest bit of remorse for But Vance soon found that he was great at getting in a building, killing someone and then getting out undetected, his powers helping tremendously in this feat. Vance continued killing people for money until it became a sort of routine for him.


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GingerBread said:
@Light You still accepting?
Name: Vance Kastner

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Bisexual


View attachment 210134

Personality: Vance is normally quiet and never communicates to people unless he needs to due to his stealthy nature. Vance is stone faced and never gives away what he is thinking or feeling, though he might open up more if he starts trusts/cares about someone

Physiology: Human Physiology

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

ShadowStep: Vance can go invisible inside shadows, completely disappearing from sight. If vance leaves the shadows there is a 1 minute cooldown until he can go invisible again.

Muffle: Vance can muffle sound, he can only muffle one part of his or another persons body at a time, E.g. if he's muffling his feet his hands would still make sound if they touched something.

Enhanced perception: Vance notices things that other people wouldn't normally, this means that he can work out what someone is going to do from less information. E.G. if someone were to slightly move their foot to get into an attacking stance before attacking he could notice that and know what they were about to do just before they did it. Vance can't turn this ability off so he always has it on

Extra: Vance is kind of a kleptomaniac, if he likes something he'll take it. Vance is also quick on his feet and can parkour.
Since people are of a high power level here I will allow you to take the one body part only limit off of Muffle and make his whole body lack sound but it must have a 3 minute recharge. Accepted.
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