• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Character Sheets for Mafia Boarding School RP (Temporary Title)


New Member
This is the character sheet associated with the recruitment thread “Mafia Boarding School RP.” It will be renamed once the title of the RP is finalized.

:bishiesparklesr: Please only post completed profiles here. (Note: Players are always welcome to come back and update or add more information to their character's profile at any point.)
:bishiesparklesl:If you have any questions about the template or the RP itself, please ask in either the recruitment thread or the group conversation.
:bishiesparklesr:The format is not strict. Feel free to adjust the template to your character’s specific needs.
:bishiesparklesr:Details can be filled in as paragraphs, bullet points, or a combination of the two.

Age: (Student age range = 16-20. If the student is younger than this, please be sure to explain in the backstory how or why they got into the program despite their age.)
Nationality: (Note: Characters can come from any real-world nation.)
Languages Spoken: (Side Note: English is the common language that students and teachers use for communication)

Affiliations: (Is the character part of a crime family? The oligarchy? Royalty? A wealthy non-criminal family, etc.)‎
Criminal Activities: (If relevant, in what criminal activities does your character commonly partake?)
Appearance: (Text and/or image)
Additional Notes: (Anything else about your character that you’d like to share can go here!)

Mafia Family/Group Description: If the character is part of a crime family or organization, please provide a brief overview of it with whatever details you think that we should know, such as where it operates, who is in charge, what is the group’s main focus, etc.


Index of Characters:
:bishiesparklesr:Adán Criado, Dr. (Teacher - Portugal)
:bishiesparklesl:Ainara Zayna (Student - Egypt)
:bishiesparklesr:Emil Andersen Jr. (Student - Norway)
:bishiesparklesl:Emil Andersen Sr. (Parent - Norway)
:bishiesparklesr:Iliriana Makolli (Secretary, Parent - Kosovo)
:bishiesparklesl:Kirilo Tepavac (Teacher - Serbia)
:bishiesparklesr:Lidija Bogatović (Student - Serbia)
:bishiesparklesl:Ratko Bogatović (Parent - Serbia)
:bishiesparklesr:Saoirse Fallon (Student - Australia)
:bishiesparklesl:Yara Deremer (Student - Denmark)
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Name: Emil Andersen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Norwegian
Nationality: Norwegian
Languages Spoken: Norwegian, Icelandic, English, some French, a functional grasp of German

Affiliations: Emil Sr.’s assassination business/protection racket

Criminal Activities:
Assassination, a number of related crimes
Money laundering

Appearance: Platinum blonde, deep blue eyes, pale as ice, and very, very beautiful. Emil is lean, with jutting ribs and sharp cheekbones, delicate and spidery fingers, and surprisingly strong muscles. Emil has a few piercings, such as earrings and a tongue stud. He tends to dress in a loosely androgynous style, favoring crop tops and short shorts when not required to dress more sensibly for classes. Has a fondness for red and black, and most of his outfits incorporate his father’s black raven symbol in a blood-red moon. A number of scars litter his body, mostly knife scars and cigarette burns.

He has an uncanny resemblance to his father.

Personality: Emil is a very calm, intelligent young man, who does not start fights. But if pressed, he’ll gladly demonstrate why his father is considered the most lethal assassin in the northern hemisphere, and Emil does not relent. He’s always willing to party, and loves entertaining various (exclusively male) “friends”. Emil de-stresses with long ice baths, and is a strong swimmer. He also enjoys running early in the morning.

He’s aggressive when provoked, and prefers to fight with knives- he has several in hidden sheathes. Emil seldom respects authority, but although he strongly distrusts adults he is rarely willing to do something brazen enough to risk alerting his father. Emil has a particular fear of being caught in his father’s wrath, and this fear has recently evolved into a desire to kill him. He doesn’t sleep much, preferring to get his sleep in naps rather than the recommended eight-hour stretches.

Backstory: Emil Sr. is a womanizer, and especially prior to his son’s birth he frequently entertained women in his mountain cabins. His favorite fell pregnant, and he lavished care upon her in his best cabin until his son was born. Emil Sr. promptly drowned his paramour in a frozen winter lake, so his son would only love him.

Emil Jr. was primarily raised by Ms. Hyde, his father’s terrifying assistant, hired to take care of the weeping infant. Emil Sr., always an impetuous and easily distracted man, ended up seldom caring for his son aside from teaching him everything he needed to be molded into a miniature version of himself. But he left an indelible mark on his son, particularly after an incident when Emil was eight years old. Emil Sr. tied a rope around his son’s ankle, and made him walk across a frozen lake in his shorts to “toughen him up”. The ice broke, and Emil Jr. nearly drowned before his father dragged him to dry land.

Emil Jr. had more and more of his father’s influence on his life as he aged, and became more “interesting” to his father. It fostered more and more fear, and more hatred.

Additional Notes:
  • Loves bourbon and whisky
  • Excellent knife fighter
  • Has a thing for tall guys
  • Learned to drive at ten
  • Loves ice skating
  • Really tolerant of cold
  • Can sing

Mafia Family/Group Description: Emil Sr.’s business is murder- aside from the assorted shell companies and employees charged with taking care of his wealth, Emil Sr. is largely a one-man murder machine. He is more than smart enough to control a crime syndicate, but such businesses bore him to tears- he’d burn it all down less than two weeks after setting it up. Emil Sr. also engages in blackmail and general espionage, stealing and selling secrets to facilitate his career as an assassin. Emil Sr. plans to install Emil Jr. as his successor in murder, being all too aware that people, even himself, eventually die.


  • req.

    #Ivory Wraith

    * n.name(s)
    Princess Ainara Zayna
    * d.o.b.
    August 10 (19 years old)
    * p.o.b.
    Muslim (Arab-Israeli)
    Oligarchy (Secretly Mafia Head)





    * height
    5' 2"
    * weight
    110 lbs
    * build
    dancer-like & lithe - hourglass figure
    * hair colour
    Ebony black with a blue inky sheen
    * eye colour
    emerald green (rare in her country)
    *Faceclaim & Voiceclaim
    Naomi Scott & Zubaida Tharwat

    *description & clothing style
    Ainara stands at a small (but average) height of five feet 2 inches and has sun-kissed tanned skin. Her hair is ebony black with an inky sheen to it when light hits it. Her hair falls to her thighs and is lightly curled in loose ringlets. She has an hourglass-type figure with long legs. Her clothing style is floral but practical. She likes jewel-toned and desert-toned clothing. This means she enjoys wearing skirts with slits, heeled boots, and of course she has leggings or jeans she wears too. Tank tops, sports bras, and anything that is fitted at her waist but flowy on the sleeves is perfect for her.





♡coded by uxie♡

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  • phys.

    #Little Winter

    * n.name(s)
    Yara Deremer
    * d.o.b.
    September 14 (18 years old)
    * p.o.b.
    Heir apparent to the Deremer family





    * height
    5' 4"
    * weight
    108 lbs
    * build
    Thin and slender with little muscle
    * hair colour
    * Eye Colour
    Storm grey
    Ai Image





♡coded by uxie♡

Name: Lidija Bogatović (Лидија Богатовић)

Age: 16

Ethnicity: Albanian-Serbian

Nationality: Serbian

Languages Spoken: Serbian, English

Mafia Affiliations: Đavolji advokati (Boss’ daughter)

Criminal Activities: Coercion, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, bribery, extortion, fraud, illegal gambling, smuggling, theft, vandalism, catfishing
(The joke here is that Lidija's mischief tends to inadvertently parallel less nefarious versions of the criminal activities listed above.)

Theme Songs: Loša devojka (NORA MYSTIC), Lambo (Marko Vanilla feat. Goga Sekulić)

Lidija Profile Picture.png

“The boss’ sweet and innocent daughter who does all the bad things whenever daddy isn’t looking.”
  • Height: 164 cm
  • Weight: 54 kg
  • Build: Slim feminine figure with narrow shoulders and a low muscle mass & body fat percentage. A bit shorter than average.
  • Eyes: Dark brown
  • Skin Tone: Olive
  • Hair: Straight bangs and shoulder-length hair that has been dyed platinum blonde. Hints of natural dark brown can be seen at the roots. Usually worn in pigtails or as a side ponytail.
  • Loves to incorporate pink into her outfits whenever she can.

    ((Note: The image above was created using a combination of Clip Studio Paint and Rinmaru Games' Semi-realistic Avatar Creator. I plan to draw some concept art for her eventually. For now this is close enough to what I was thinking.))

  • Positive Traits: Affectionate, Friendly, Energetic, Playful, Extrovert, Accepting, Brave, Free-Spirited
  • Negative Traits: Dishonest, Irresponsible, Lazy, Naïve, Impulsive, Reckless, Duplicitous, Mischievous

  • Mlada i zelena
    Lidija may think she’s hot shit with her bad girl attitude, but beyond all the cursing, threats, and cringeworthy sexual commentary, she is still just a naïve and inexperienced teenage girl. She arranges terrible drug deals, sleeps in a bed full of stuffed animals, frequently forgets to close the gate to her flat, and tends to share self-incriminating photographs where she has neglected to blur out details such as street names and license plate numbers whenever engaging in acts of mischief and misconduct. Lidija is not particularly interested in organized crime; she just wants to have her own personal life outside of the mafia.

  • Lazy
    Lidija is far from the academic type. She is always getting in trouble at school for her inattentiveness and lack of effort to succeed. It doesn't help that her father never punishes her.

  • Friendly
    Lidija is not afraid to approach strangers or initiate a random conversation with them. She is affectionate toward those she admires and can be rather clingy at times.

  • Immature
    1.) Lidija attempts to put on an air of maturity for her internet persona Vera, but this is not something she successfully maintains while out and about. She defaults to her childish antics very quickly whenever she finds herself in the presence of someone she admires. Those with younger siblings tend to see through her schemes a lot sooner than those without.

    (2.) Lidija thinks the number 69 is the most hilarious thing on the planet. She jumps at the opportunity to make jokes about it to the dismay of literally everyone else around her. On top of that, she finds it amusing to vandalize parked vehicles and public property with crude statements and doodles.

  • Duplicitous
    (1.) Lidija may talk all cutesy and nice in the presence of her father, but she is truly just a vulgar little brat who overuses the word “fuck,” especially around her bodyguards.

    (2.) She pretends to be someone she is not for attention, especially in online communities.

  • Mischievous
    Although Lidija is not an active participant in her father’s clan, she still has a reputation in the local criminal underworld as a đavolica. She spends much of her time fooling around with boys, taking selfies, smoking weed, and getting into bouts of mischief instead of studying for her classes because she knows her father can and will pay off the school in Belgrade to ensure she receives good marks in all her subjects. Little does she know that this may not be the case with her new school in Switzerland.

  • Reckless
    While Lidija has no intention of harming civilians, her recklessness tends to drag others down with her. Lidija’s bodyguards don’t particularly enjoy cleaning up after her for a reason.

  • Dishonest
    (1.) Lidija often lies about things, like her age and her name, both to impress and mess with others. She does not necessarily keep her lies straight, however. It is common for her to forget how old she claims she is.

    (2.) She makes up sob stories to her father to cover up all the bad things she does and even goes as far as attempting to get her bodyguards “fired” with her lies.

  • Poor Listener
    (1.) Lidija tends to talk at and over people, especially when bored. She seldom listens to what others have to say unless it benefits her.

    (2.) When it comes to relationships, Lidija can be very demanding and disrespectful toward others’ boundaries. She does not take “no” for an answer and throws tantrums whenever she doesn’t get her way.

Lidija was born as an accident in Belgrade, Serbia to mafia boss Ratko Bogatović of the Đavolji advokati and his Albanian mistress Iliriana Makolli of the rival Muka Clan. When she was conceived, her father Ratko was overjoyed, as his legitimate wife Slađana was unable to have children due to infertility. Her mother Iliriana, on the other hand, had little interest in raising a child. With some persuasion, Ratko convinced Iliriana to carry the pregnancy to term, assuring her that he would take full custody and raise Lidija himself to protect them both should anyone ever find out about their illicit relationship.

During Lidija’s early years, Ratko did everything he could to shield her from the mafia. He arranged for her to stay in his villa in Dedinje (south of downtown Belgrade) with a nanny, who he paid generously to look after her whenever he was too busy to do so himself. Unbeknownst to him, this nanny was a rude middle-aged woman who constantly smoked indoors and only really cared about receiving her next paycheck, often leaving Lidija with no other choice but to entertain herself on days where he wasn’t available to spend time with her. This caused Lidija to treasure the moments her father was around even more. Whenever Ratko returned home after being gone for extended periods, he’d shower her with affection and spoil her rotten with gifts and toys purchased using his ill-gotten wealth. Sometimes, he would even take her on trips with him.

Once Lidija hit puberty, Ratko moved her into an apartment at the center of the city and tasked two of his best bodyguards to keep watch over her. Lidija hated this arrangement and did whatever she could to escape it. She started to spend more time on social media, chatting with local strangers online and occasionally meeting up in secret with the ones who piqued her interest. Around the same time, Lidija saw a change in how her classmates were treating her at school: It was almost as if they were afraid of her. After years of denial and several conversations on the matter with Iliriana, Ratko finally acknowledged that Lidija might be struggling to fit in with her classmates due to her upbringing. He decided to send her off to complete her secondary education at a wealthy boarding school in Switzerland where she would be surrounded by other children from mafia families.

  • “Volim te, tatice!”
    Lidija almost exclusively refers to her father as “daddy.”

  • Ema, the Miniature Pinscher
    Lidija’s favorite family pet is her dog Ema. Most people do not realize that she named her dog after the Estonian word for "mom" in honor of the mother she never met.

  • “Arranged Marriage My Ass!”
    Her father believes in arranged marriage, so Lidija is constantly seeking ways to get out of it before it’s too late. She hates the idea of somebody else deciding her fate.

  • Good at Sneaking Away
    Lidija often finds ways to use casual conversations as a segue into her getaway. By the time her assigned bodyguards realize what she is doing, she’s already on her way down the street. She makes a game of leading them on wild-goose chases through crowded spaces, like nightclubs.

  • Recreational Drug User
    Although Lidija shows little interest in hard drugs, she does enjoy smoking weed every now and then. She sneaks out after dark to obtain it from local dealers that she meets online.

  • Steals Daddy’s Guns
    Lidija steals her father’s guns all the time with the intention of protecting herself from bad drug deals and members of rival gangs, but that does not mean she knows how to use them correctly. She holds them upside-down because it’s what she saw in American films. Needless to say, Lidija is not taken very seriously by the drug dealers who frequently meet up with her.

  • Daddy-Assigned Personal Protection Service
    Lidija’s father assigned two of his best bodyguards to protect her around the clock in Belgrade from his enemies. Both are middle-aged men because he does not trust younger guys with his daughter. Unbeknownst to him, Lidija is always doing whatever she can to get these guards “fired.” She hates having overgrown babysitters keeping tabs on everything she does.

  • cutiepiexXxXx is typing…
    Lidija is a member of several local online chat groups and social media platforms. She uses these spaces to drama dump, sext, and meet up with people outside the mafia. She enjoys the anonymity of chatting online because other users treat her like a regular girl instead of the daughter of a powerful mafia boss.

  • Vera Togetić, the Face Behind cutiepiexXxXx
    Lidija's internet persona Vera Togetić (Вера Тогетић) was born on June 9th and ranges in age from 21 to 24, depending on whether Lidija keeps her own lies straight. She is known in the local Belgrade chat groups for her private messages, photos, and bad girl antics. Meeting Vera in person often leads to misfortune...

  • Selfies
    Whenever Lidija is out on the town, she likes documenting everything that she does regardless of whether it is good or bad. She maintains a handful of social media accounts to which she uploads these photos and videos for others to share and leave comments.

  • Plushie Enthusiast
    Lidija loves to collect cute plushies so much that her bedroom back home is completely full of them. Dog-themed and pink plushies are her favorites.

  • Money, Money, Money
    Lidija carries around wads of cash stolen from daddy’s wallet that she throws at people around the city to get what she wants.

  • “Oops~ ♥”
    Oops or Opa! almost always precedes her doing something on purpose.

  • "We’re Gonna be Best Friends!"
    Due to the various rumors and fears surrounding Lidija’s father, the other students at Lidija’s school in Belgrade are reluctant to associate with her, leaving her with little to no outlet to rant about her teenage problems. This lack of peer support has driven Lidija to treat her bodyguards as if they were her friend group instead. Much to their dismay, Lidija often discloses far more details about her personal life than they would ever need or want to know.

  • "That’s Fucking Right!"
    Lidija frequently speaks in a vulgar manner. Even as a young child, she would sometimes insert phrases like, “holy shit” and “what the fuck?” into her responses aimed at adults telling her what to do or not do. She was seldom corrected for it.

  • Dog Lover
    Lidija loves dogs so much that she keeps biscuits in her purse to hand out to strays whenever she encounters them.

  • Throwaway Phone
    Lidija has a burner phone that she uses to contact people outside of the mafia. This is both to avoid alerting her father to her whereabouts and to give herself some sense of personal life.

  • Trivia: Name Etymology
    (Лидија) > λυδία (ludía; "beautiful one")
    -Bogatović (Богатовић) > bogat (богат) “rich, wealthy”
    -Vera (Вера) > verа (вера) “faith, truth”
    (Тогетић) > Corruption of the English Pokemon name “Togetic;” also the English infinitive "to get" (as in Vera "plays hard to get.")

Lidija Bogatović > Iliriana Makolli
“I have so many questions for mommy if I ever meet her!—Like what’s her name and if she loves dogs! Daddy tells me that she passed away a long time ago, but I don’t believe him for a second!”

Lidija Bogatović > Ratko Bogatović
“I love daddy so much, but I wish he’d take more time off work so that we can play together with all the things that he buys me!”

Lidija Bogatović > Kirilo Tepavac
“Boooooooring with a capital B! Solves all his problems with his fists. Like, who even does that these days?!”

Đavolji advokati is the name of a Serbian gang that operates within the Zemun district of Belgrade. It is a relatively new mafia clan, having been formed after its parent organization dissolved when the original founders’ brotherhood and unity met the same fate as the Yugoslavia in which they once thrived. Its members are especially aggressive toward rival organizations that dare come within proximity of the Great War Island, and toward individuals who owe them money.

Đavolji advokati are comprised exclusively of ethnic Serbs, though the clan’s boss Ratko Bogatović has been known to task other ethnicities with secondary jobs whenever it’s most convenient for him. The clan's primary criminal activities are arms trafficking, drug trafficking, and extortion (i.e. protection racketeering).
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Freedom is for all
Basic Information
Full Name
Her Highness Saoirse Eabha Fallon
Irse, Princess, Her Majesty (by subjects)
Princess of Australia / Oligarchy
She/Her (Bisexual, Biromantic)
17 years old
Date of Birth
August 2nd
Hair Color
Copper with highlights of ginger in it
Eye Color
Mercury-dipped silver blue
5'3" (160.02cm)

Saoirse is a lithe female with a gorgeous sun-kissed tan color to her skin. Her hair is copper with hints of ginger highlights when the sun hits it. It falls to her waist in soft, silky waves. Her eyes are almond-shaped and a gorgeous silver-dipper silver blue color. She stands at 5 feet 3 inches with an hourglass figure. Lightly muscled, she resembles a delicate dancer (don't let that fool you, her parents made her learn kung fu for safety reasons). She has mainly delicate outfits ranging from skirts and dresses though her passion for the outdoors and wildlife show through during the times she enjoys hiking and visiting parks around her.

She has hiking boots, jeans, regular shirts (she hates bodices with a passion) and she has bracelets and earrings that are feathers or beaded. Her neck hosts a necklace of a tiger lily in topaz and emerald gemstones. Her tiara is one she has with her but she doesn't wear it often - it is a gorgeous delicate tiara made out of silver metal, blue sapphire, and blue-green amazonite gemstones.
FC: Jessica Green
VC: Orla Fallon
Saoirse is a polite girl, she is delicate and more times than not she is diplomatic and gentle. She hates violence and is exceptionally intelligent despite most believing her to be 'too pretty' to do things. She is loyal and honest to a fault - though this can make her extremely blunt a decent chunk of the time ironically. She is sweet-tempered to those who know her and can be timid at first though. Despite this, she is empathetic and respectful - believing that the key to ruling successfully is to be kind to others as much as possible. She is a bit... eccentric to some though and despite her compassion, she is open-minded and fair. She will not take anything for granted.

With those traits in mind, this princess is cautious and closed off when you first know her. She is a bit...outgoing for some and while her honesty can provide a blunt edge to her personality - she is also judgemental of others at first. She has been betrayed before, which has made her a bit more closed off than she would like. Saoirse is a bit on the quiet side at first (until you get to know her) and then she can end up being a sassy and sarcastic brat of all things. She acts a lot older than she truly is (thanks to her parents geez).
Saoirse was born and raised on Bruny Island off the coast of Australia, she wasn't introduced to her subjects until a bit later on in life when her parents brought her to the mainland castle thinking she was ready to take the throne and train to become queen. Of course, this wasn't her favorite thing to do (heck she was only 10 when she was introduced). She had 10 years of her life surrounded by wilderness, nannies, and nothing to do with the princess life - she was hoping to become a wildlife conservationist/veterinarian for those first few years before everything was turned upside down when she turned that 10 years of age. Her parents tried so hard to get her to take her duties seriously, and when she reached the age of 12 years old she finally tried to do so as best of her ability.

However, after that 12-year birthday, things became rocky for her country. A war had broken out between a few mafia groups (if you are interested in being a mafia group that wants to play a role in her backstory feel free to let me know) which had caught the oligarchy in the middle. Saoirse was kidnapped successfully when she was 14 years old, and her parents had to rescue her in secret (while trying to distract the group with the ransom demanded) that is what decided her future - her parents were horrified by the fact she had been kidnapped and decided the best bet was to send her to a school far away from their country in hopes to provide her safety. When she reaches her final year, Irse is going to have to decide what she wants to do - step up and take the throne in rule like the benevolent rulers her parents were, or hide away and pursue her dreams - because she can't have both.

Aine Eabha Fallon: The Queen of Australia and mother to Saoirse. These two are close as thieves and should something happen to Aine, you can bet that if Saoirse finds out she will do anything in her power to help. She and her mother are so close that one could imagine one dying without the other. Sadly Aine was wounded and killed in action during the war Australia took part in - the news has yet to reach Irse at the school.
FC: Chloe Agnew
Ruairi Fallon: The king of Australia at the time, he is the father to Saoirse. He was killed a bit before his wife and love of his life Aine. He was over-protective of his only daughter and heiress to the point that he recommended she be sent away after she was kidnapped. The relationship between the two was extremely tense at times and for a long time Irse and Ruairi weren't talking, sadly since he has been killed Irse wishes she had been more open to talking with her parents. The news should end up reaching the school soon to explain that the two ex-rulers of Australia have been killed.
FC: Chris Hemsworth
Dr. Criado: As the professor of the academy - Saoirse will respect him and honestly enjoy his classes, but she honestly has so many questions as to how the heck he even got to teaching this unusual school. She isn't sure if she will end up telling him the truth about herself. She is excited to learn from him.
Languages Spoken

Gaelic, English, Hebrew, Icelantic, and Nepalese

Likes, Dislikes, & Fears

  • Likes Hiking
  • Loves Astrology
  • Loves solitude
  • Despises Cruelty
  • Dislikes disrespect
  • Dislikes Ruling/Responsibility
  • Fears: Arachnophobia, Claustrophobia, Social Anxiety

Coffee 100% is her go-to breakfast drink (coffee over tea)
She has a blue macaw that is a 'pet' but she rescued it from an exotic pet trade when she was younger on Bruny Island.
She leans towards females over males romantically.
code by nano
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~violence begets violence~


    Dr. Criado remained in contact with the staff and students from his university, one of whom became a respected and highly qualified professor at a prestigious boarding school in Switzerland. Dr. Agueda Pereira was later grilled by the school when she took an unexpected and sudden leave of maternity. The school demanded she find an immediate, temporary replacement.

    In came Dr. Adán Criado on a flight from Portugal, having scheduled leave from work, bidding farewell to his wife, her local coffee shop, and their two cats: Faro and Leão (professional sales-cats at the shop). Adán would be a first-time professor of Homeopathic Pharmacology - a first time professor of anything.

    A pacifist professor. To mafia kids.

    Oh boy.

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Name: Kirilo “Kit” Tepavac (Кирило Тепавац)
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Serbian
Nationality: Serbian
Languages Spoken: Serbian, English, Italian, Romanian

Mafia Affiliations: Đavolji advokati (Consigliere)
Criminal Activities: Drug trafficking, arms trafficking, protection racketeering, coercion, extortion, fraud, illegal gambling

“The unfortunate soul who was dragged along to be Lidija’s bodyguard because the other two weren’t deemed responsible enough to keep watch over her in another country.”

• Build: Broad shoulders, defined chest, muscular arms
• Eyes: Dark brown
• Skin Tone: Olive
• Hair: Jet black with hints of graying due to age. Hair is parted off to the left side as a natural side part with scissor crop.
• Facial Hair: Van Dyke style beard
• Has off-white strips of cloth wrapped around the hands, wrists, and knuckles on both sides. Wears these at all times, even with his black business suit.
• Arms and chest are covered in tattoos, though these are usually concealed beneath his suit during the day, except when training.
• Has an elaborate tattoo of a whale swimming up his left upper arm.

• Arrogant. Has an inflated ego due to his placement on the mafia hierarchy.
• Confident
• Easily provoked. Always eager to pick fights with other people.
• Is a lot more intelligent than the others give him credit for. Is good at planning and strategizing when the boss needs him to.
• Surprisingly gentle toward pets. Has a soft spot for Lidija’s dog Ema.
• Presents as calm in the presence of the boss, or at least tries to.

Childhood (0-11)
Kirilo exhibited signs of defiance and rebellion as a child, often clashing with teachers and other authority figures. He hated sitting for hours on end in front of dusty chalkboards in stuffy classrooms, regurgitating line after line of text only to forget what he memorized the moment his teachers decided the information was no longer relevant to the lesson. To him, the whole process was pointless. During breaks, Kirilo would often hide to avoid returning to the monotonous routine of the classroom.

Then followed an era of upheaval: the breakup of Yugoslavia.
The country was hit with crippling sanctions for its involvement in the wars, triggering a total economic collapse. Kirilo dropped out of school entirely at age 12 to help his mother make ends meet while his father and older brothers were away on the frontlines. He managed to find a job hawking smuggled goods for the local mafia, including cigarettes, clothing, and food staples. With Kirilo’s earnings, he and his mother were able to scrounge up just enough hard currency to get by whenever they were unable to receive care packages from relatives abroad.

Even after his family's situation started to improve, Kirilo continued earning a living for the mafia instead of returning to the education that bored him tirelessly. As a teenager, he harbored a lot of pent-up rage from the hardships he and his mother endured over the years, so to cope, he turned to boxing in his free time as an outlet. The mafia took notice and used this to their advantage, tasking him to harass and intimidate people who owed the clan money. In his 20s, he was known as a fearsome brawler in an underground fight club where illegal betting matches were frequently held.

Kirilo’s boss Ratko approached him with an unusual request: to protect his daughter Lidija under the guise of a teacher at a renown boarding school in Switzerland. Far from amused, Kirilo reluctantly accepted the job, knowing there would be severe consequences if he refused. Fortunately, Ratko was kind enough to secure him a position as an “astronomy” teacher of hand-to-hand combat, though it's only a matter of time before his cover is blown...

  • Learned to speak English primarily through watching television while growing up.
  • Picked up Italian and Romanian over the years while dealing with allied gangs. Is nowhere near fluent, but speaks well enough to communicate back and forth with allies.
  • Crowbars are his favorite weapon.
  • Prefers to acquire knowledge through hands-on experiences.
  • Insulting his mother is a very bad idea.
Trivia: Name Etymology
-Kirilo (Кирило) > κύρος (kýrios) "lord, master"
-Tepavac (Тепавац) > "Оne who beats/strikes;" also “оne who coos/babytalks”
-Kit (Кит) > “Whale”

Kirilo Tepavac > Ratko Bogatović
“Wait. Let me get this straight: You want me to protect your daughter? Rak, I highly suggest you reconsider for both our sakes. I’m a brawler, not a babysitter…”

Kirilo Tepavac > Lidija Bogatović
“I don’t like looking after you and you don’t like being looked after by me. That’s at least one thing we can both agree upon, no?”

Kirilo Tepavac > Iliriana Makolli
“‘Leave nothing behind, not even the ashes of the men you will burn during this operation.’
…The hell even is this note?! Has the boss finally gone mad?!”

Đavolji advokati is the name of a Serbian gang that operates within the Zemun district of Belgrade. It is a relatively new mafia clan, having been formed after its parent organization dissolved when the original founders’ brotherhood and unity met the same fate as the Yugoslavia in which they once thrived. Its members are especially aggressive toward rival organizations that dare come within proximity of the Great War Island, and toward individuals who owe them money.

Đavolji advokati are comprised exclusively of ethnic Serbs, though the clan’s boss Ratko Bogatović has been known to task other ethnicities with secondary jobs whenever it’s most convenient for him. The clan's primary criminal activities are arms trafficking, drug trafficking, and extortion (i.e. protection racketeering).
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Name: Iliriana “Ilja” Makolli-Bogatović (Илириана Маколи-Богатовић)
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Albanian
Nationality: Kosovar-Albanian
Languages Spoken: Albanian, Serbian, English, Italian, Romanian

Mafia Affiliations: ‎Muka Clan (Blood brother); Đavolji advokati (Mistress)
Criminal Activities: Arson, murder, extortion, corruption, drug trafficking, arms trafficking

Theme Songs: Zla barbika (Ana Nikolić), Play with Fire (Cover by Kelvetia)

  • Eyes: Dark brown
  • Skin Tone: Olive
  • Hair: Very dark brown to jet black shoulder-length hair. Usually worn in a messy updo.
  • Build: Tall, slender, Lady-like. Nimble, but not athletic.
  • Additional Info:
    - Spends far more time and money on her makeup than she probably should.
    - Chandelier earrings are her absolute favorite accessories to wear.
    - Would have wanted to dye her hair blonde, but her daughter had already done it first.

    For those who require visuals, Iliriana would probably have a similar badass Balkan mom energy as the singer Selma Bajrami, but with very dark hair instead of blonde.

    Image Credit 1
    Image Credit 2
    Image Credit 3

  • An introvert. Keeps to herself for the most part. Often mistaken as cold and uncaring. Most open and affectionate whenever she’s with her lover Ratko.
  • Passive-aggressive and petty. Engages in sabotage for attention whenever someone upsets her.
  • Scrutinizing. Does not trust just anyone. Pays close attention to details and holds grudges.
  • Determined. Possesses the will to survive no matter how difficult the situation.
  • A bit more on the classy side. Seldom curses, though she tends to glare and roll her eyes a lot.
  • Is very good at masking the fact that she struggles internally with post-war trauma.

Age 0-19

  • Born in Kosovo to an Albanian family living in former Yugoslavia
    Growing up, Iliriana’s family consisted of herself, her mother, her father, and two younger brothers. They lived peacefully with their neighbors and possessed no fear or ill will toward others even as tensions rose throughout Yugoslavia. Iliriana was seventeen when conflict inevitably erupted in Kosovo.

  • Lost her family to a military raid
    Her family was brutally murdered in their own home when their village was suddenly raided in the middle of the night. Iliriana managed to survive the horrific event because the not-so-distant sound of shelling woke her up, giving her a chance to hide in her wardrobe. When the men who stayed behind to ransack the home realized that the family was poor, they withdrew without thoroughly checking all the rooms for survivors. Instead, they tossed a match and a canister of gasoline into the house as they left, burning the smell into Iliriana’s memory for the rest of her life.

  • Fled to Albania to escape the war
    Iliriana fled to Albania, where she eventually met Fatos Muka and his wife, who welcomed her and other refugees into their home. With nowhere else to go, Iliriana gladly accepted their support, unaware that they were a powerful crime family.

  • Offered a “job” as a barista
    Fatos, who treated her like a younger sister, eventually offered her a job as a barista at one of his many cafes, in exchange for food and shelter, and new personal documents… but there was a catch. To receive the position, Iliriana was required to swear upon a blood oath.

  • Took a blood oath with Fatos Muka
    With no documentation to prove her real identity, Iliriana agreed to leave her old life behind out of need for her own survival. She was indoctrinated into the Muka Clan via blood oath and reborn a criminal. Fatos made sure to teach her how to defend herself and the business with a gun if it ever became necessary.

Age 20-23

  • Relocated jobs to Fato’s restaurant in Belgrade
    Because Iliriana grew up speaking Albanian and Serbian, she was later promoted from her barista job in Albania and given the opportunity to travel abroad to act as a manager in Fatos’ restaurant in Belgrade once she was deemed a loyal member of his clan. At the same time, however, Fatos was unaware of what Iliriana had been through, and was blind to the festering grudge in her heart toward the group that attacked her village and family. Iliriana gladly agreed to relocate to Belgrade, for she had suspicions that the individuals responsible for her family’s murder were hiding somewhere in the Serbian mafia. She swore to hunt them down and make them suffer the same fate as her family.

  • Operation Honeytrap
    Iliriana honeytrapped Fatos’ rival Ratko Bogatović, boss of the Serbian gang Đavolji advokati, hoping to use him as a source of intel, but her plan backfired when she developed feelings for him.
Age 24

  • Accidental Pregnancy
    To Iliriana’s surprise, Ratko was ecstatic about the situation and even convinced her to carry the pregnancy to term. He revealed it was because he could not have children of his own with his legitimate wife due to her infertility. Ratko gave the child the name Lidija and agreed to take custody of her and raise her on Iliriana’s behalf to protect them both should anyone ever find out about their illicit relationship.

Age 24-40 (Present)

  • The two continued to remain close over the years. Ratko even gifted Iliriana her own apartment in Belgrade and eventually shoehorned her into his clan above his consigliere. Iliriana still works for Fatos at the restaurant, checking shipments and engaging in smuggling operations, though her primarily role in the present day is that of a ghost employee. At the same time, she also exerts her influence and power over Ratko's operations as an unofficial consigliere to ensure both clans remain fighting with each other to further distract their attention from her and her personal agenda.

  • When word got out that Ratko wished to send their daughter to a boarding school in Switzerland, Iliriana jumped on the opportunity to weasel her way into the system. Because of her more passive role in Fatos' restaurant, she was able to secure a job at the school as a secretary without creating a conflict of interest. She uses her position to keep an eye on the other mafiosi and her daughter for personal reasons.

  • Distant Mother
    Iliriana was not involved in Lidija’s upbringing at all, nor did she want anything to do with being a mother at the time of Lidija’s birth, but that has not stopped her from watching Lidija at a distance, or from backseat parenting Ratko in the present day.

  • Maybe Cares After All
    Unlike Ratko, Iliriana is far more critical of their daughter’s shortcomings because she has witnessed first-hand how mischievous Lidija becomes the second she’s unsupervised. Iliriana knows, for example, about Lidija stealing small amounts of cocaine from Ratko’s shipments to trade for weed because a mule for the Muka Clan has mentioned exchanging contraband with a young blonde girl fitting Lidija’s description more than once. Whenever situations like this occur, Iliriana urges Ratko to correct Lidija’s behavior by making subtle suggestions for him to teach her basic life skills, such as using and properly calibrating a scale. Iliriana never explains her reasoning behind such odd requests. She knows Ratko’s adoration for their daughter is strong, so she tends to exclude all the unpleasant details she learns about Lidija’s personal life. Ignorance is bliss, after all.

  • "Call me Ilja!"
    Iliriana’s given name is Iliriana Makolli of Albanian origin, but she prefers to go by the East Slavic masculine name Ilja. This often leads to confusion whenever she must arrange a meeting in person for the first time with members from allied clans because they are not expecting a woman to show up.

  • Borrowed Surname
    The name Ilja Bogatović is what Iliriana uses on her fake Serbian IDs and documents. The surname Bogatović is borrowed from her lover Ratko Bogatović, usually without his permission. She uses it to her advantage to obtain what she wants, especially while smooth-talking others into believing that she is allied with specific groups. Ratko does not seem to mind too much, however.

  • Pet Name of the Past
    During her childhood, her family frequently called her by the nickname Liri. She stopped going by that name shortly after fleeing to Albania as a teenager.

  • Pockets Full of Pity
    Iliriana has a habit of handing out pocket change to women she sees begging on the streets, no questions asked. They remind her of the days she had to do the same as a teenager after fleeing her homeland.

  • Polyglot
    Albanian is Iliriana’s mother tongue, though she speaks Serbian just as well. She learned English in her 20s and later picked up on Italian and Romanian from dealing with allied gangs. Iliriana is nowhere near fluent in these two languages, but she speaks well enough to communicate back and forth with Ratko and Fatos’ allies. Her English on the other hand is very good (i.e. without noticeable grammatical errors), but her accent is quite thick.

  • Somewhat of a Pyro
    While Iliriana presents herself as mostly stable, she has an unsettling fascination with fire despite her fear of it. Her signature form of revenge on her enemies is a match in a gas can.

  • Trivia: Name Etymology
    -Iliriana > liri "freedom" > "one who is free"
    -Makolli > Origin unknown, common surname in Kosovo
    -Ilja (Иља) > Elijah "The Lord is my God"

    Iliriana Makolli > Lidija Bogatović
    “Your father has raised you poorly. I don’t think I could undo the past 16 years of your upbringing even if I tried. If we ever meet face-to-face, I hope it isn’t as enemies. The mafia isn’t the right place for a girl like you, my dear.”

    Iliriana Makolli > Ratko Bogatović
    “Iliriana Bogatović – it suits me well, don’t you think? … You’re shaking your head at me again, Rado dear. Might I remind you that I gave you my child, so at the very least, you should let me use your surname every now and then. We’re like a married couple anyway with how much time you spend around me instead of your real family, so why not seal the deal already? I know you love me more than her, my dear.”

    Iliriana Makolli > Kirilo Tepavac
    “A total musclehead, yet Ratko somehow thought it wise to appoint him as the brains of this operation.”

The Muka clan is a very bold and very proud Albanian mafia family that thrives in the shadows of political unrest and social strife. Its members share a common negative sentiment toward rivals in the political sphere who toy with them and their homeland. Corruption and arms/drug trafficking are the clan’s main criminal activities. In some regions of the Balkans, especially those with strong separatist interests, the clan is referred to more casually as Luftëtarët e lirisë.

Unlike the traditional Albanian mafia family set-up, which emphasizes strong blood relations, the Muka clan is comprised of ethnic Albanians born or married into the Muka crime family and a handful of displaced Kosovar-Albanian refugees that the clan’s krye Fatos Muka took in under a blood oath. These blood brothers rank lower than the marriage-related clan members and are generally tasked with secondary jobs. The Muka crime family does not accept other ethnicities to perform tasks for them.
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Name: Ratko "Rak" Bogatović (Ратко Богатовић)
Age: 55
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Serbian
Nationality: Serbian
Languages Spoken: Serbian, Albanian, Italian, Romanian

Mafia Affiliations: Đavolji advokati (Boss)
Criminal Activities: Drug trafficking, arms trafficking, protection racketeering, coercion, bribery, extortion, fraud, illegal gambling, money laundering, murder

  • Eyes: Dark brown
  • Skin Tone: Olive
  • Hair: Short, evenly trimmed, dark, graying hair that was originally solid dark brown back in his youth. Slightly receding hairline.
  • Build: Balanced, relaxed, slight belly. "Dad bod."
  • Additional Info:
    - Professional and put-together. Well-groomed, clean-shaven. Often wears a suit and a tie.
    - Slightly overweight from his laid-back lifestyle
    - Has a round face and naturally curved lips, which give him an especially gentle expression whenever he smiles in the presence of his daughter, but don't let this trick you. He can be quite volatile at times.

This model's facial expression/features and hairstyle have the same sort of energy I had in mind for Ratko.

  • Extrovert. Tends to recall and ramble about mundane conversations he has with his wife, especially when drunk. Sometimes even references her medical advice. His go-to casual conversation starters around other men often involve food, drinks, football, his radio, and the weather—and if he trusts the listener(s) enough, his women and cars.

  • Carefree but not reckless. Generally easy to get along with from a business standpoint if you are not his rival Fatos. Usually friendly toward allied foreigners. Sometimes perceived as a little too trusting because of this. Absolutely brutal toward his enemies on the other hand.

  • Oblivious, especially to the needs of others. Thinks money, gifts, and guns will solve everything. Sometimes difficult to tell whether he is straight up oblivious or acting this way on purpose just to mess with people. It’s honestly both.

  • Volatile. Has sudden and drastic changes in emotion and mood. Is the most dangerous to be around after he gets into a fight with his daughter. Can become extremely defensive or even violent over other men giving him certain looks while he is showering his daughter with affection.

  • Minds his own business. Does not pry for information from others like his mistress does.
  • Very boisterous and handsy when drunk.
  • Likes to wait until the very last minute to make decisions.
  • Very food and drink motivated.

A carefree mafia boss who is very sweet toward his daughter, mistress, and wife, yet somehow manages to conduct himself in a manner that comes off to the rest of society as very ‘unhinged criminal’. He decided to send his daughter to a renown boarding school in Switzerland after noticing her struggling to fit in at her regular school in Belgrade.

*See profile backstory for "Lidija Bogatović" for more details on Ratko's past.

  • Spoils His Daughter Rotten
    Ratko is totally blind to Lidija’s flaws. He talks her up all the time to others and inadvertently encourages her bad behavior by rarely punishing her and showering her with gifts.

  • Believes in Arranged Marriage and Only in Arranged Marriage
    Ratko does not trust younger guys with his precious little angel. He only wants the best for her!

  • Bambo the Lambo
    Ratko drives a black Lamborghini which he affectionately calls “Bambo,” after the pronunciation Lidija used as a young child in response to him asking her to say, “Lambo.”

  • Slađana the Mafia Wife
    Ratko’s wife Slađana is a very modest and traditional Serbian woman who lives 70 kilometers northwest of Belgrade in the apartment that he bought her. She is aware that Ratko is a mobster, but she is not aware of the details. As long as the bills get paid, she does not ask any questions.

  • "Women Trouble? Not me!"
    Ratko is well aware that Iliriana is one of his rival Fatos’ subordinates, but he does not care because he thinks he is powerful enough to get away with keeping her as his mistress. He openly talks about his wife around Iliriana and vice versa, though in the case of his wife, he finds her innocent replies particularly amusing because she thinks he is talking about another one of his male business associates.

  • "Keep Women Out of This!"
    He will not handle disputes with rival female gang members, nor will he allow his hitmen to capture or torture them. The thought of even doing so makes him extremely uncomfortable.

  • Rich, But Still Cheap
    He can be a cheapskate over the weirdest things. For example, he continues to wear socks and underwear until they are practically falling apart. Iliriana argues with him about this all the time.

  • It's All in the Music
    His lackeys know when not to bother him based on the music he plays while he’s sitting alone in his office. For example, the song "Lidija" (by Jasmin Stavros) is a telltale sign that one should steer clear of him for the entire day because he only listens to it whenever he gets into a fight with his daughter.

  • Weirdly Wholesome
    When Lidija was a child, Ratko would make up bedtime stories for her about her mother Iliriana that would inevitably devolve into an aggrandized version of his illicit relationship. He did this because he wanted to make Lidija feel like part of a normal family even though Iliriana was not present in her life. His other favorite bedtime epic The Crab and the Scorpion is a homage to his life as a criminal during Yugoslavia.

  • Polyglot
    Ratko and Iliriana mostly communicate in Serbian. He likes to flex random Albanian phrases on her every now and then, especially when they are alone together. He speaks Italian quite well and appears to have a decent grasp on the Romanian language whenever communicating with his allies. Outside of cursing and a few random words & phrases, Ratko does not speak or understand English.

  • Trivia: Name Etymology
    -Ratko (Ратко) > rat (рат) "war" > "the one who fights, warrior"; Radko (Радко) rad- (рад-) "care, joy" > "the joyful one"
    -Bogatović (Богатовић) > bogat (богат) “rich, wealthy”
    -Rak (Рак) > "Crab"
Ratko Bogatović > Lidija Bogatović
“My sweet little Lido Lido Liduška, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me!”

Ratko Bogatović > Iliriana Makolli
“My dearest Iliriana gave me the greatest gift a man could have ever asked for: Fatherhood.”

Ratko Bogatović > Slađana Bogatović
“You haven’t truly met my wife Slađa until you've tried her cooking!”

Ratko Bogatović > Kirilo Tepavac
“We've sure been through a lot together these past 30 years, eh, Kit? It would be a shame if you disappointed my daughter, so don't mess this one up, you hear?"

Đavolji advokati is the name of a Serbian gang that operates within the Zemun district of Belgrade. It is a relatively new mafia clan, having been formed after its parent organization dissolved when the original founders’ brotherhood and unity met the same fate as the Yugoslavia in which they once thrived. Its members are especially aggressive toward rival organizations that dare come within proximity of the Great War Island, and toward individuals who owe them money.

Đavolji advokati are comprised exclusively of ethnic Serbs, though the clan’s boss Ratko Bogatović has been known to task other ethnicities with secondary jobs whenever it’s most convenient for him. The clan's primary criminal activities are arms trafficking, drug trafficking, and extortion (i.e. protection racketeering).
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