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Fantasy Character Registration

First, to address the EMP issue. I specifically mentioned something to protect against that. As for destroying computers, I specifically mentioned the program is stored on a server. As for master hackers, you have a point there, they can destroy a program. But that's why there are regular backups. That way, even if one, or even a hundred back ups are destroyed, they can go back to the one from a hundred prior.


Name: Rami Ray Wilson

Nickname(If Applies): None

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of high school you're in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Human

Powers/gifts: Healing factor. That's it. She can regenerate pretty much all wounds. Think Deadpool. No other powers. As squishy as a normal human. She still ages like a normal one too.

Likes: Puns, Music, Synthesizers, Comic Books.

Dislikes: Edge, Anime, Your mom, Thin-skinned people.

Personality: Rami is a joker and she is an optimist. She always has a smile on her face despite the many times her arms and legs were blown to bits. It made her a little reckless since then and it's not out of character for her to injure herself sometimes.

Bio: She was born on Earth and lived a normal life for as long as she can remember. That is if you don't count her natural ability to heal almost every wound. She has been stabbed, shot, set on fire and electrocuted among other things, but every time she just came back.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else:


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DankestArtificalMeme said:
First, to address the EMP issue. I specifically mentioned something to protect against that. As for destroying computers, I specifically mentioned the program is stored on a server. As for master hackers, you have a point there, they can destroy a program. But that's why there are regular backups. That way, even if one, or even a hundred back ups are destroyed, they can go back to the one from a hundred prior.
allllright what if i made a character who magic is Pure Fucking Chaos. which means that an EMP Insulator could easily be broken AND just saying, Sanctums in this RP, probably the highest beings possible if i dont know any other that Akira has mentioned.
HimeragiSeiker said:
allllright what if i made a character who magic is Pure Fucking Chaos. which means that an EMP Insulator could easily be broken AND just saying, Sanctums in this RP, probably the highest beings possible if i dont know any other that Akira has mentioned.
My dank memes are stronger :^)
@HimeragiSeiker I never said he couldn't be killed. If you manage to get past the EMP insulator, and destroy all of the files in the server, then his program would be completely wiped and the scientists would have to start over, remake the program. It's simply much harder for him to be killed. Also, he meant me, with my name. As for being new to RpN, I didn't just join rpn today, I've been on for almost two years on a different account, I simply made a new one so that my main one isn't clogged with alerts from this. But thank you for trying :D
DankestArtificalMeme said:
@HimeragiSeiker I never said he couldn't be killed. If you manage to get past the EMP insulator, and destroy all of the files in the server, then his program would be completely wiped and the scientists would have to start over, remake the program. It's simply much harder for him to be killed. Also, he meant me, with my name. As for being new to RpN, I didn't just join rpn today, I've been on for almost two years on a different account, I simply made a new one so that my main one isn't clogged with alerts from this. But thank you for trying :D
alright then. yknow, i have characters going around killing human scientists who experiment on supernaturals and making drones just to hunt down supernaturals. and the fact that these scientists are going mass production of clones means a little suspicious meaning my characters would probably have to kill the scientists, destroy all files and clones and done. your character is pretty much destroyed and deader than dead. and if i wasnt hungry, i probably wouldnt have to try to go against ya. but im waiting for the moment you and Akira start to argue and my bet is going to Akira.
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They're not making clones, they're making robots. They're not experimenting on supernaturals, they're building an AI system. They're not building drones to hunt down supernaturals, they're trying to create something to protect normal humans in the event of an attack. Non-hostile supernaturals are ignored. As for suspicious activity, is mass production of cars or computers suspicious? They're just robots. Granted, they look human, but they're robots with an AI. They qualify for none of what you described. So again, can't you just let it be? I've done nothing expressly wrong, even according to the rules, nor anything that would bother your characters. Why are you even arguing it, it's Akira's roleplay.
DankestArtificalMeme said:
They're not making clones, they're making robots. They're not experimenting on supernaturals, they're building an AI system. They're not building drones to hunt down supernaturals, they're trying to create something to protect normal humans in the event of an attack. Non-hostile supernaturals are ignored. As for suspicious activity, is mass production of cars or computers suspicious? They're just robots. Granted, they look human, but they're robots with an AI. They qualify for none of what you described. So again, can't you just let it be? I've done nothing expressly wrong, even according to the rules, nor anything that would bother your characters. Why are you even arguing it, it's Akira's roleplay.
DankestArtificalMeme said:
If this is supposed to be a fantasy roleplay, what if I wanted to be a vampire? Vampires can't die of old age. What then? What about angels? They're immortal. They're fantasy creatures, and they're not "Sanctums".
@Fukushima Akira

DankestArtificalMeme said:
Additionally, no where in the rules you have written does it say that ONLY Sanctums can be immortal. It specifically says "any humanoid or shape shifting..."

DankestArtificalMeme said:
That's entirely unfair and illogical. A program can be backed up onto a server and then re-uploaded onto another computer, and mass production accounts for clones. All he is is a program in a robot, and robots can be remade, and even mass produced.
uhh...*cough* *cough* hypocrite...
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How is that hypocritical? I was personally trying to explain my reasoning for those abilities, as well as how it was unfair and illogical to force me to get rid of them. I wasn't asking you, I was talking to him. I said he could be killed, it's just more difficult than age, or just a simple EMP. I meant when I said "why are you even arguing", I meant why are you arguing with me when I very clearly was making my points to the creator of the roleplay. I'm sure you been in the roleplay for a while, and good for you, it's nice to see people stick around roleplays for a while, and I understand that Sanctums, according to this roleplay, are the most powerful things. I never argued agains that.
DankestArtificalMeme said:
How is that hypocritical? I was personally trying to explain my reasoning for those abilities, as well as how it was unfair and illogical to force me to get rid of them. I wasn't asking you, I was talking to him. I said he could be killed, it's just more difficult than age, or just a simple EMP. I meant when I said "why are you even arguing", I meant why are you arguing with me when I very clearly was making my points to the creator of the roleplay. I'm sure you been in the roleplay for a while, and good for you, it's nice to see people stick around roleplays for a while, and I understand that Sanctums, according to this roleplay, are the most powerful things. I never argued agains that.
explaining is also another form of argument. or a way to spark one. and more likely you are asking me the question "why are you even arguing" probably cuz you want me to shut up after i tore down your wall.

but the main reason was, its just fun to fuck with people that go like "why is sanctum an exception? vampires can be immortal, angels can also be immortal, this thing can be immortal" etc...and honestly, truly was fun fuckin with ya. gave me something to do since ive done all my classwork and homework. nothing else to do.

and another reason why i hate mentioning immortals. cuz to me, its just kinda lame to go with immortal..
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You didn't tear down my argument, I made my points to counter all of yours, and they do. And I asked why YOU in particular were arguing because this isn't your argument to have, it's the GMs. And yes, I guess I was technically arguing, so I will concede that. But, my points still stand. As for fucking with people, that's rude, and improper conduct for rpn. I will concede that all of those things can be killed, however they do not age, which was again the original argument.
DankestArtificalMeme said:
You didn't tear down my argument, I made my points to counter all of yours, and they do. And I asked why YOU in particular were arguing because this isn't your argument to have, it's the GMs. And yes, I guess I was technically arguing, so I will concede that. But, my points still stand. As for fucking with people, that's rude, and improper conduct for rpn. I will concede that all of those things can be killed, however they do not age, which was again the original argument.
but robots cant age. since they are just robots. they however catch rust. and now im gonna go to my next class. at least arguing with you about something like this is better than trying to make a moron understand how a bullet works and how gravity affects it.
DankestArtificalMeme said:
If this is supposed to be a fantasy roleplay, what if I wanted to be a vampire? Vampires can't die of old age. What then? What about angels? They're immortal. They're fantasy creatures, and they're not "Sanctums".
@Fukushima Akira
In this RP's universe, all living beings eventually die of old age.

Vampires have a limited life span, however they live longer than Humans due to them having a blood only diet.

Angels do not live forever, and nowhere in historical texts does it state that. In the Bible, Death apparently says that he too will eventually claim God's life, as only he is truly immortal, because he does not live, he is the absence of life.

DankestArtificalMeme said:
Additionally, no where in the rules you have written does it say that ONLY Sanctums can be immortal. It specifically says "any humanoid or shape shifting..."
It actually states: "Your character can be any humanoid or shape-shifting being.". It does not say that they are immortal. The main problem with your character is the fact that Death is literally no consequence to him. So you could have your character mess with someone else's, your character gets killed as a result, then comes back as if nothing ever happened, with no consequences. The RP isn't immersing if characters can come back from death almost right away with no adverse affects. If your character only had two clones/bodies, meaning he could only be brought back twice, I could allow that.

DankestArtificalMeme said:
I will concede that all of those things can be killed, however they do not age, which was again the original argument.
By old age, I meant through the passage of time. For instance, metal eventually rusts, which in turn would make your character die, hence, nothing lives forever. Angels, Vampires and all other life forms -artificial and natural- eventually die from old age in this RP. The only exception are Sanctums, and that's because they don't reside within The Existence -See image below to see how this RP Universe works-, and are the creators of all Gods and Goddesses -God included-. Sanctums aren't bound by the constraints of Time, given that they're the ones who created it.

The RP's Universe:

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DankestArtificalMeme said:
Alright, so if I limit the number of clones, its fine? I'll do that. Simple enough
Yes, to two.

Jacket said:
What about my character?
Jacket said:


Name: Rami Ray Wilson

Nickname(If Applies): None

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of high school you're in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Human

Powers/gifts: Healing factor. That's it. She can regenerate pretty much all wounds. Think Deadpool. No other powers. As squishy as a normal human. She still ages like a normal one too.

Likes: Puns, Music, Synthesizers, Comic Books.

Dislikes: Edge, Anime, Your mom, Thin-skinned people.

Personality: Rami is a joker and she is an optimist. She always has a smile on her face despite the many times her arms and legs were blown to bits. It made her a little reckless since then and it's not out of character for her to injure herself sometimes.

Bio: She was born on Earth and lived a normal life for as long as she can remember. That is if you don't count her natural ability to heal almost every wound. She has been stabbed, shot, set on fire and electrocuted among other things, but every time she just came back.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else:


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Hello there, I am interested in this roleplay!

But before that, I just have to explain somethings (since @HimeragiSeiker talked about it)!

A bullet is affected by the velocity of which it was fired, but also gravity, etc. We all know that energy is not constant, and thus conserved (but momentum can be ;) IN SPACEEEEE). And a bullet's momentum isn't constant either. Whilst the effects of gravity may not seem very severe at first. Gradually, as the energy of the bullet's velocity begins to fade under the air's resistance, the effects of gravity will become more and more noticeable. Therefor only three real factors are involved in the act of firing a gun - energy (momentum), gravity, and finally air resistance.

(It can all be very easily explained with the Law of Conservation of Energy, aka the first law of thermodynamics. It states that energy within a closed system must remain constant- that it can neither decrease or increase without influence by foreign forces. Imagine the energy; and thus momentum of the bullet as an enclosed system. It would go on forever. But it isn't, it's influenced by foreign powers such as gravity and wind resistance)

So, to simplify. You fire a gun. It's affected by the energy of the weapon (I could go further in-depth, but it's redundant for this). The energy propels it forwards through momentum, but the energy is gradually lost as the bullet is subject to air resistance. Due to the breaking effect of this resistance, as time passes the bullet will be pulled harder and harder to the ground much like any thrown object, merely with a wider and far more extended arc. Why is this? Because gravity is constant. A feather and a baseball fall at the same speed, after all.

(Roughly drawn explanation)


Ah, that was fun! But with that done and over with, I'll go ahead and try myself at writing up a character sheet!!!
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@HimeragiSeiker[/URL] talked about it)!

A bullet is affected by the velocity of which it was fired, but also gravity, etc. We all know that energy is not constant, and thus conserved (but momentum can be ;) IN SPACEEEEE). And a bullet's momentum isn't constant either. Whilst the effects of gravity may not seem very severe at first. Gradually, as the energy of the bullet's velocity begins to fade under the air's resistance, the effects of gravity will become more and more noticeable. Therefor only three real factors are involved in the act of firing a gun - energy (momentum), gravity, and finally air resistance.

(It can all be very easily explained with the Law of Conservation of Energy, aka the first law of thermodynamics. It states that energy within a closed system must remain constant- that it can neither decrease or increase without influence by foreign forces. Imagine the energy; and thus momentum of the bullet as an enclosed system. It would go on forever. But it isn't, it's influenced by foreign powers such as gravity and wind resistance)

So, to simplify. You fire a gun. It's affected by the energy of the weapon (I could go further in-depth, but it's redundant for this). The energy propels it forwards through momentum, but the energy is gradually lost as the bullet is subject to air resistance. Due to the breaking effect of this resistance, as time passes the bullet will be pulled harder and harder to the ground much like any thrown object, merely with a wider and far more extended arc. Why is this? Because gravity is constant. A feather and a baseball fall at the same speed, after all.

(Roughly drawn explanation)


Ah, that was fun! But with that done and over with, I'll go ahead and try myself at writing up a character sheet!!![/justify][/centerblock]
no it was more like an argument about like the question was:

"is it better to shoot upward or downward on a ramp?"

i said "well either way, you shoot the person"

then somehow the person who asked the question said that i'd be shooting the ramp or a wall or i dunno. his way of logic is off.
HimeragiSeiker said:
no it was more like an argument about like the question was:
"is it better to shoot upward or downward on a ramp?"

i said "well either way, you shoot the person"

then somehow the person who asked the question said that i'd be shooting the ramp or a wall or i dunno. his way of logic is off.
It's better to shoot downwards, that way the force of gravity is severely reduced in comparison to shooting upwards. :)
[QUOTE="Kami no Chikara]It's better to shoot downwards, that way the force of gravity is severely reduced in comparison to shooting upwards. :)

but either way, all it counts is that you hit your target..
HimeragiSeiker said:
but either way, all it counts is that you hit your target..
Well, that depends on if you're a good aim or not <(^.^)> it's unconditional and absolute that it's easier to aim shooting down hill than shooting upwards. >8P

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