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Fantasy Character Registration

View attachment 492883
Lunari Quintess

Nickname(If Applies):
Luna or Tess

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Moral Standing: Good.

Current Residence: Dorms

Highschool Year: Freshman (she doesn't have as much knowledge needed so she's in the lower year)

Race: Mermaid

Powers Or Gifts:
-Voice-She has the ability to sing very well and is almost enchanting, although it does not match a sirens power.
-Manipulation of her tail to legs.

Likes: colourful things, helping lost boats, sharks, the sun, watching over families in the sea, surfers, animals, human food, teaching humans to swim.

Dislikes: spicy food, artillery, scary/dark people, being bored, unnecessary fights, rock music, technology.

She's kind and bubbly and always curious about human etiquette and their lives. Lunari is always looking for the next adventure and enjoys doing just about anything, she's a total thrill seeker and constantly smiling. The mermaid is careful and precise and is very slow to anger and a patience like none other.

Lunari has been surrounded with humans only recently and still learning their various cultures and languages and the people themselves. Being brought up in the hotter climates of Oceania, Lunari is mostly familiar with offshore communities and the people of the islands. Lunari spent her younger years teaching children how to swim in the ocean and helping human surfers who got caught in a hairy situation, unlike other races, Lunari has luckily been welcomed in and around Oceania so she'll be very new to the conflict at school.

She has spent her previous years at a basic human school but only since she was about 10 before transferring to 'Fantasy High' for obvious reasons.

However she is really clueless on human customs and their way of life in general, despite being able to walk on land she didn't do it very often and is still wobbly every now and then.

Relationship Status/Crush: None at all, although most guys she thinks are absolutely dazzling.

Any other information?:
-Human clothing still confuses her? Like why all the holes and the cuts, what do you mean I can't wear my bras out and about?
-Not caught up at all on history of the human world and above.
-She absolutely hates human rock music.
Accepted :)

Ayano Shogami & Bao

  • Name: Ayano Shogami & Bao

    Nickname(If Applies): Demon Queen (Self titled)/Ancient Evil Bao (Completely embarrassed of name)

    Age: 17/6000

    Gender: Female/Female

    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual/Pansexual

    Moral Standing: Chaotic Evil/Neutral Good

    Current Residence: Lives in an apartment complex near the school

    Highschool Year: 2nd

    Race: Human/Demon


Ayano Shogami & Bao
View attachment 495131

  • Name: Ayano Shogami & Bao

    Nickname(If Applies): Demon Queen (Self titled)/Ancient Evil Bao (Completely embarrassed of name)

    Age: 17/6000

    Gender: Female/Female

    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual/Pansexual

    Moral Standing: Chaotic Evil/Neutral Good

    Current Residence: Lives in an apartment complex near the school

    Highschool Year: 2nd

    Race: Human/Demon

Abo Kofuyu

Case Seven, Polly, Abby, Abs, Boku, Fuyu



Sexual Orientation:


Moral Standing:

True Nuetral

Current Residence:
Ti-Neppin Apartment 312

Highschool Year:

Genetically Modified Human


Monster Polymorphism- Abo has been mutated into an amalgam of human and monstrous limbs. With an extremely durable endoskeleton and oddly built legs which provide her uncanny speed. She can actually grow parts of insectoids and reptilians at will, though only uses this to replace lost limbs. The one exception to that would be a spider abdomen she sometimes grows specifically to weave traps and the like. She can form mandibles or turn her tentacle arm into a snake. Sprouting from Abo's waist are long bug arms which she uses more than the arms connected to her shoulders, from movement to fighting to operating small tools, her bug limbs are often the first unusual thing people notice about her appearance. It is this ability to adopt strengths and abilities from the animal kingdom that makes her capable of superhuman traits of strength and speed, but the only thing that goes beyond that is her regenerative properties.

Demonic Regeneration- Abo's demon, despite staying hidden deep within its host and hardly doing anything, is determined to keep her alive at all costs. To this end, it has bolstered the regenerative properties she's already obtained from her mutations to a demonic degree. As such, while she isn't exactly able to heal wounds right there on the spot, the polymorph is capable of surviving wounds more fatal to most lower races. That being said, this healing factor is easier to overtax than most.

Bugs, Animals, Sugar, Feasting, weaving, sleeping upside down,

Noxious fumes, hunger, staying stationary, speaking, excessive hair

Anyone who interacts with Abo could tell immediately that the polymorph isn't all quite there, and that isn't just because of the lack of talking and constant wide-eyed staring. Abo seems to live in a purely reactionary state of being, as she acts more on instinct than any intrinsic coordination. After being adopted by the Kofuyu siblings, Abo's been learning how to go about living as an everyday student. However, anyone with eyes can notice that she's not exactly quite there. Between her constant attempts to gorge herself on whatever stray animals or bugs may come her way, and her blatantly bug like manner of moving, anyone would convince her for an alien before seeing her as a human. Lucky for her, Abo doesn't really have a manner of reacting to such things, her blank expression is the result of simply not being able to easily express or empathize with others.

This inability to react like a proper person is perhaps why most assume the demonic presence inside her is actually possessing her. What many come to realize however, is that whatever resides in the amalgam's body seems far too weak to exert much control over the oddball. In fact, despite knowing that a demon has snuck its way into her body, Abo doesn't seem to mind due to its general inactivity. In fact, Abo's inability to properly emote often makes it seem like she doesn't really care for anything. And while this is only partially true, Abo definitely has a passion for one thing: eating. Perhaps its that animalistic part of her brain asserting control or some kind of weird biproduct of the experiments she underwent, but Abo will often spend her free time finding random wildlife she can devour whole. She isn't picky either, the polymorph will use her abilities to hunt birds, wild dogs, fish, bugs, anything really.

Despite her simplistic looking-mindset, Abo is by no means idiotic. Her brain is sponge-like, capable of soaking up information with elasticity. However, the misconception of her intelligence seems to stem from just how little she seems to be willing to put things like mathematics or understanding of the sciences to use. And yes, the many struggles she has adapting to the contemporary world also play a role in that. For the sake of her caretakers, the polymorph has been attempting to learn and acclimate to everyday life. Her attempts have generally centered around mimicry of others. If she doesn't understand a scenario, she will often merely mimic how others react to it. And even though there's vast improvement each and every day, the polymorph still has far to go.



Abo was one of many unfortunate cases of illegal human experimentation. Sold as an infant by unknown parents, Abo barely had a year as an average human before she was subjected to the research of a paranoid Researcher who had convinced himself that Humanity needed to rapidly evolve in order to avoid being annihilated by stronger races. To achieve this end, the Researcher made a deal with a demon to aid him in his experiments. The Demon, craving the suffering of the researcher's subjects, became integral to their work as time went on. However, perhaps too emboldened by the success of their operation, the Demon grew more risky with his counseling of the researcher. They began kidnapping more noticeable individuals and subjecting them to experimentation, culminating in the taking of a Nephilim child to try and recreate their inherited abilities.

Unfortunately, the Demon's increasing desires didn't account for the Nephilim child's parents too track them down and finally put an end to their experiments. Among the dozens of children who were saved that day was Abo, whose body had been used as testing grounds for potential improvements to mankind. Many of these 'improvements' had failed or crippled her over time, only for others to work and restore her and even make her better in some instances. With mutations being added and removed left and right, there was only one true power that managed to withstand the years of experimentation, and that was her polymorphic abilities. Perhaps since it was one of the earlier aberrations she'd been given, it molded to her far more easily than the others. However, the slight regenerative properties given to her by these experiments are probably what made her an easier target for more testing.

Suffice it to say, that when it came time for officials to figure out what to do with her, they were more stumped than with the other children. At first they'd assumed her tortures had left her mentally deficient and put her in the care of a mental hospital, however it was only two weeks later that the hospital staff reported her actions as being more intentional than their other patients. In response a pair of Nephilim siblings who were doing studies into super human abilities adopted Abo in order to try and reintroduce her to contemporary society. It was as she was learning under the Kofuyu siblings that Abo's greatest hurdle became apparent, her lack of verbal communication. Though they were able to teach her most common mannerisms by her teens, the two realized that they had not once heard their charge speak. They were sure she could comprehend them at that point, but Abo never seemed to vocalize anything on her own. In fact, as they allowed her more and more access to contemporary society, they realized that a lot of Abo's actions revolved around two core desires, one for hunger and one for...well, for being present.

It was while they were looking into this that the Kofuyu siblings found faint evidence of a demon's presence their charge. At first they'd been understandably horrified, but soon realized that the reason they couldn't identify the possessor was because it was actually being repressed heavily by its host. Against one of their better judgements, the Kofuyu siblings began passively examining this as well as their charge, tracking much of her developmental record until they deemed her fit to be introduced to the education system. Even then, they had to pick somewhere that would be able to properly handle her uncommon case.

Relationship Status/Crush:


Any other information?:

The true identities of Abo's parents is a mystery.
Though incapable of forming her body into plants, Abo has tried mimicking certain aspects of them in order to more easily feed herself.
Abo hardly ever seems to acknowledge the demonic presence inside her, and will often shrug when having it pointed out.
For whatever reason, every so often a small, oddly colored slug will form on Abo's forehead. This is suspected to be the workings of her demon, but to what end is not known. Most of the time the slug either dies when its far enough away from her or is consumed by the polymorph once spotted.
Abo Kofuyu

Case Seven, Polly, Abby, Abs, Boku, Fuyu



Sexual Orientation:

Moral Standing:
True Nuetral

Current Residence:
Ti-Neppin Apartment 312

Highschool Year:

Genetically Modified Human

Monster Polymorphism- Abo has been mutated into an amalgam of human and monstrous limbs. With an extremely durable endoskeleton and oddly built legs which provide her uncanny speed. She can actually grow parts of insectoids and reptilians at will, though only uses this to replace lost limbs. The one exception to that would be a spider abdomen she sometimes grows specifically to weave traps and the like. She can form mandibles or turn her tentacle arm into a snake. Sprouting from Abo's waist are long bug arms which she uses more than the arms connected to her shoulders, from movement to fighting to operating small tools, her bug limbs are often the first unusual thing people notice about her appearance. It is this ability to adopt strengths and abilities from the animal kingdom that makes her capable of superhuman traits of strength and speed, but the only thing that goes beyond that is her regenerative properties.

Demonic Regeneration- Abo's demon, despite staying hidden deep within its host and hardly doing anything, is determined to keep her alive at all costs. To this end, it has bolstered the regenerative properties she's already obtained from her mutations to a demonic degree. As such, while she isn't exactly able to heal wounds right there on the spot, the polymorph is capable of surviving wounds more fatal to most lower races. That being said, this healing factor is easier to overtax than most.

Bugs, Animals, Sugar, Feasting, weaving, sleeping upside down,

Noxious fumes, hunger, staying stationary, speaking, excessive hair

Anyone who interacts with Abo could tell immediately that the polymorph isn't all quite there, and that isn't just because of the lack of talking and constant wide-eyed staring. Abo seems to live in a purely reactionary state of being, as she acts more on instinct than any intrinsic coordination. After being adopted by the Kofuyu siblings, Abo's been learning how to go about living as an everyday student. However, anyone with eyes can notice that she's not exactly quite there. Between her constant attempts to gorge herself on whatever stray animals or bugs may come her way, and her blatantly bug like manner of moving, anyone would convince her for an alien before seeing her as a human. Lucky for her, Abo doesn't really have a manner of reacting to such things, her blank expression is the result of simply not being able to easily express or empathize with others.

This inability to react like a proper person is perhaps why most assume the demonic presence inside her is actually possessing her. What many come to realize however, is that whatever resides in the amalgam's body seems far too weak to exert much control over the oddball. In fact, despite knowing that a demon has snuck its way into her body, Abo doesn't seem to mind due to its general inactivity. In fact, Abo's inability to properly emote often makes it seem like she doesn't really care for anything. And while this is only partially true, Abo definitely has a passion for one thing: eating. Perhaps its that animalistic part of her brain asserting control or some kind of weird biproduct of the experiments she underwent, but Abo will often spend her free time finding random wildlife she can devour whole. She isn't picky either, the polymorph will use her abilities to hunt birds, wild dogs, fish, bugs, anything really.

Despite her simplistic looking-mindset, Abo is by no means idiotic. Her brain is sponge-like, capable of soaking up information with elasticity. However, the misconception of her intelligence seems to stem from just how little she seems to be willing to put things like mathematics or understanding of the sciences to use. And yes, the many struggles she has adapting to the contemporary world also play a role in that. For the sake of her caretakers, the polymorph has been attempting to learn and acclimate to everyday life. Her attempts have generally centered around mimicry of others. If she doesn't understand a scenario, she will often merely mimic how others react to it. And even though there's vast improvement each and every day, the polymorph still has far to go.

View attachment 496884View attachment 496885

Abo was one of many unfortunate cases of illegal human experimentation. Sold as an infant by unknown parents, Abo barely had a year as an average human before she was subjected to the research of a paranoid Researcher who had convinced himself that Humanity needed to rapidly evolve in order to avoid being annihilated by stronger races. To achieve this end, the Researcher made a deal with a demon to aid him in his experiments. The Demon, craving the suffering of the researcher's subjects, became integral to their work as time went on. However, perhaps too emboldened by the success of their operation, the Demon grew more risky with his counseling of the researcher. They began kidnapping more noticeable individuals and subjecting them to experimentation, culminating in the taking of a Nephilim child to try and recreate their inherited abilities.

Unfortunately, the Demon's increasing desires didn't account for the Nephilim child's parents too track them down and finally put an end to their experiments. Among the dozens of children who were saved that day was Abo, whose body had been used as testing grounds for potential improvements to mankind. Many of these 'improvements' had failed or crippled her over time, only for others to work and restore her and even make her better in some instances. With mutations being added and removed left and right, there was only one true power that managed to withstand the years of experimentation, and that was her polymorphic abilities. Perhaps since it was one of the earlier aberrations she'd been given, it molded to her far more easily than the others. However, the slight regenerative properties given to her by these experiments are probably what made her an easier target for more testing.

Suffice it to say, that when it came time for officials to figure out what to do with her, they were more stumped than with the other children. At first they'd assumed her tortures had left her mentally deficient and put her in the care of a mental hospital, however it was only two weeks later that the hospital staff reported her actions as being more intentional than their other patients. In response a pair of Nephilim siblings who were doing studies into super human abilities adopted Abo in order to try and reintroduce her to contemporary society. It was as she was learning under the Kofuyu siblings that Abo's greatest hurdle became apparent, her lack of verbal communication. Though they were able to teach her most common mannerisms by her teens, the two realized that they had not once heard their charge speak. They were sure she could comprehend them at that point, but Abo never seemed to vocalize anything on her own. In fact, as they allowed her more and more access to contemporary society, they realized that a lot of Abo's actions revolved around two core desires, one for hunger and one for...well, for being present.

It was while they were looking into this that the Kofuyu siblings found faint evidence of a demon's presence their charge. At first they'd been understandably horrified, but soon realized that the reason they couldn't identify the possessor was because it was actually being repressed heavily by its host. Against one of their better judgements, the Kofuyu siblings began passively examining this as well as their charge, tracking much of her developmental record until they deemed her fit to be introduced to the education system. Even then, they had to pick somewhere that would be able to properly handle her uncommon case.

Relationship Status/Crush:

Any other information?:
The true identities of Abo's parents is a mystery.
Though incapable of forming her body into plants, Abo has tried mimicking certain aspects of them in order to more easily feed herself.
Abo hardly ever seems to acknowledge the demonic presence inside her, and will often shrug when having it pointed out.
For whatever reason, every so often a small, oddly colored slug will form on Abo's forehead. This is suspected to be the workings of her demon, but to what end is not known. Most of the time the slug either dies when its far enough away from her or is consumed by the polymorph once spotted.

Name: Min Ohno

Nickname(If Applies): Mini

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Hetro

Moral Standing: Good

Current Residence: School Dormitory?

Highschool Year: 10

Race: Superhuman / Low-tier Angelic Vessel

Powers Or Gifts: Immunity to most weak-moderate poisons and resistance to powerful poisons, Everything that comes with being an Angelic Vessel
Min appears mostly human aside from the occasional times her angel takes control and wings form on her back.

Likes: music, reading, people watching, sweet foods, photography

Dislikes: large crowds, violence, scary movies or dangerous situations, being trapped in a situation she can't get out of, has claustrophobia

Personality: When not controlled by the Angel who possesses her, Min is a shy, quiet girl who avoids confrontations or arguments at all costs.
She often interacts with the world from behind the protection of her camera. She's quick to please people and secretly gives gifts to those she's likes from a distance.
It takes time for her to trust people and open up.
When her angel takes charge, she is the exact opposite. She becomes a bold confident protector, not flinching from a fight and usually winning.
The angel usually only takes charge when it feels its vessel is in danger or when its been given a mission to complete.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)

Backstory: When Min Ohno was just a young orphan in a crowded orphanage in Japan, she was taken by a scientific group
who were competing with other companies to create the next superhuman. She found herself as a guinea pig of many painful
experiments that were mostly just prototypes for human enhancements and weren't supposed to work. They did.
By the time Min was 14 she was immune to a huge number of poisons and had an advanced immune system.

It was around this time an angel offered to rescue her from a life doomed as a science experiment in exchange for using her as a vessel.
Min readily agreed and the two have been together ever since. In order to help Min interact with the world more normally
the Angel buried her past memories, giving her the vague impressions that she'd just been in an unpleasant foster home instead until she joined Fantasy High at age 16.

Relationship Status/Crush: Single

Any other information?: Not at this time​

Name: Min Ohno

Nickname(If Applies): Mini

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Hetro

Moral Standing: Good

Current Residence: School Dormitory?

Highschool Year: 10

Race: Superhuman / Low-tier Angelic Vessel

Powers Or Gifts: Immunity to most weak-moderate poisons and resistance to powerful poisons, Everything that comes with being an Angelic Vessel
Min appears mostly human aside from the occasional times her angel takes control and wings form on her back.

Likes: music, reading, people watching, sweet foods, photography

Dislikes: large crowds, violence, scary movies or dangerous situations, being trapped in a situation she can't get out of, has claustrophobia

Personality: When not controlled by the Angel who possesses her, Min is a shy, quiet girl who avoids confrontations or arguments at all costs.
She often interacts with the world from behind the protection of her camera. She's quick to please people and secretly gives gifts to those she's likes from a distance.
It takes time for her to trust people and open up.
When her angel takes charge, she is the exact opposite. She becomes a bold confident protector, not flinching from a fight and usually winning.
The angel usually only takes charge when it feels its vessel is in danger or when its been given a mission to complete.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)

Backstory: When Min Ohno was just a young orphan in a crowded orphanage in Japan, she was taken by a scientific group
who were competing with other companies to create the next superhuman. She found herself as a guinea pig of many painful
experiments that were mostly just prototypes for human enhancements and weren't supposed to work. They did.
By the time Min was 14 she was immune to a huge number of poisons and had an advanced immune system.

It was around this time an angel offered to rescue her from a life doomed as a science experiment in exchange for using her as a vessel.
Min readily agreed and the two have been together ever since. In order to help Min interact with the world more normally
the Angel buried her past memories, giving her the vague impressions that she'd just been in an unpleasant foster home instead until she joined Fantasy High at age 16.

Relationship Status/Crush: Single

Any other information?: Not at this time​
CS Update: Himeragi Seiker

Himeragi Seiker
Nickname(If Applies):
Sexual Orientation:
Moral Standing:
Current Residence:
Her house.
Highschool Year:
Powers Or Gifts:

Resembling a human gun, its bullets are infused with her magic, with the help of her daughter figuring out the tech of biometrics.
Her main weapon, semi-automatic rifles with a blade attached under the barrel that's long and sharp as a katana. Light in weight, shoot magical bullets of condensed energy.
Demon Blaster
A cannon-like blaster able to fire condensed energy rapidly or charge up condensed bolts that pierces through its target. Highly durable making it an excellent shield, and strangely light to Himeragi.
Gauntlets/Armored Boots
Magical gauntlets and boots that enhance Himeragi's strength, able to create craters in the ground and bust down tall buildings.
Transformation: Madness State
Her dormant demon blood reawakening and taking control of Himeragi forcefully when Himeragi is in a critical state. This turns her into a blood thirsty demon of death who uses others' blood to enhance her powers further, obtainable through her sword. She goes insane, wishing for nothing but the destruction of her enemies. She may have some sense of what she's doing, but she's still in a state of madness. Upon transforming, she will erupt in eternal flames, healing herself and burning into her true demon form.
Thorns taken from the demon realm in which are filled with an energy that even a scratch would be life threatening to most humans.
Summon: Crimson Soul

A mysterious scythe formed by condensed eternal flames and demonic crimson energy. The power of the scythe causes it to move on its own, in the hands of a phantom apparition of Himeragi. This apparition only appears when she wishes for a special attack with the scythe as the scythe only follows behind her.
Summon: Crimson Calamity(4x)
Crimson Calamity.jpg
Four dragon heads, born from eternal flames appear to aid Himeragi. Either they are remnants that will only surround Himeragi and also a smaller version of their true form. Their true form is giant enough to coil around a sky scraper. Usually summoned to protect something and as a last resort.
Living a normal life (as much as possible)
Her friends

Pointless Fights
Madness State
Anything that stinks
Spicy Food

A caring mother towards Makoto, as well as keeping Assana and Miyuki in mind as their 'used to be' maid, she wants to live a peaceful life without any real and dangerous conflicts. However she does recognize that these conflicts could happen so she stays prepared for it. However, a little rusty.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)

Closers Jisu Seo Clone.pngClosers Jisu Seo.png
Madness State
Born in the demon realm, given birth from an angel who was kidnapped by a cruel demon noble and was raised by a father who would always abuse their mother, his mistress. She also had a half sister, Neo who was born from another mother, her father's former wife, but died giving birth. Himeragi had a blue and red eye, not exactly knowing the purpose of both eyes. She later learned her red eye gave her power. She called it the crimson eye and was able to call upon eternal flames, a pink flame that burns hotter than any flame in the demon realm. But she never learned its full potential. When they turned nine, they both had learned to take in the cruelness of their father and use it as a drive to kill him. Once they did, they made sure he was dead by burning him in Eternal Flames. Himeragi's mother took them to the human world and raised them up to be better people. However, at some point during Himeragi's early teen years, she had joined up with an demon fanatic group and became an assassin. She carried out many successful assassinations in the demon realm and in the human realm. By this time, she started attending FHS to better her skills even more. Then everything changed, not to her expectations...
Relationship Status/Crush:
Dating Kuroh Fukushima Akira Fukushima Akira

Any other information?:
Originally an Angel and Demon Hybrid, but reborn as an Intoner after conflict between her blood.
Originally had a blue and red eye, but due to her demon trait awakening, her eyes changed to a golden orange color because of the surge of demon energy.
Has a daughter, Makoto Seiker, whose father is Kuroh.​
Last edited:


*Emiko Hirano*
Nicknames: Em, Emi, Hex (Self-given)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Questioning
Moral Standing: Chaotic Neutral
Current Residence: School Dorms
Highschool Year: 1st
Race: Superhuman

What can go wrong, will go wrong
Emiko can bewitch things so that whatever malfunctions or misfortunes that can happen to them have an extremely high chance of happening. The duration and strength of misfortunes vary on Emiko's emotional state at the moment, but with some more training, she may be able to control these aspects. (Somewhat similar to Milo Murphy's Law, if you know what that is.)

Curse Placement
Emiko can place a temporary negative effect on an object or living being. So far it's only minor stuff like slowness and weakness, and they don't tend to last longer than a few hours.

Emiko can teleport to any location she has seen.

Emiko can move things with her mind, up to weights of 5 tons. Don't ask her how she found the latter out. It's a long story.

Emiko can read people's thoughts and feel their emotions, as well as communicate with people via thoughts and ideas and transmit her emotions to others.

Palm-Reading/Minor Future Sight (Emiko does not know she has this power)
By reading the lines of someone's palms, Emiko can see visions of some of their most probable futures.


+Drowning her food in gravy/salt
+Windy days
+Pulling pranks
+Getting away with pranks
+Using her powers

+Truth or dare

-Being cold
-Sour candy
-Getting caught
-Being alone
-Chalky candy (I.e. Smarties)
-Decorative bells (reminds her of her father)

-Bitter chocolate

Emiko is quite a wildcard. She puts on a polite, well-behaved facade when with adults and authority figures, but when their backs are turned, she's a completely different person. Playful, mischevious, and mostly does things for the pure fun of them, Emiko is the near opposite of who she pretends to be. Emiko is definitely a planner, usually crafting a complex plan to hide a whoopie cushion under someone's cushion while acting like a decently nice person to strangers and acquaintances. Due to a long childhood of never really having her father that involved in her life, with uncles that were a little too caught up in their criminal work to really keep her company, Emiko is very clingy and has a tendency to do unnecessary favors for friends and people she cares about. She can't stand the idea of being horribly lonely again and really doesn't want to lose a relationship with anyone. Despite this, she's a pretty happy person, purely doing pranks to get amusement and laughter out of herself. Emiko also has a tendency to do things without being cautious or thinking through consequences, but in her defense, it makes her way more fun.

Emiko was born from a one-night stand between a very skilled psychic, and a criminal calling himself Jester. She would've likely lived as normal a life as the child of a psychic could be with her mother, had her father not stolen her away as an infant. Her uncles who went by the criminal aliases Clown and Fool tried to give her somewhat of a childhood, kidnapping teachers and tutors to give her an education, and stealing things to keep her cared for and happy. Jester, on the other hand, did very questionable experiments on his daughter, made her participate in his less-than-legal activities, and often neglected her in between the former two activities. After one particularly horrific experiment when she was 12, Clown left his niece on a doorstep with an envelope, telling her to give it to the lady who answered the door. Unbeknownst to her, Emiko had been brought to her mother's house with a letter explaining the situation. After some DNA tests and a lot more confirmation than needed that this child was indeed hers, Emiko's mother welcomed her missing daughter back into her life. A rough few months dealing with the wild girl who’d been raised with little discipline and morals proved to be a difficult but doable task for Emiko’s mother, and eventually, she tamed her daughter. Well, sort of. Emiko never quite lost her wild streak, finding joy in pulling all sorts of pranks. She was homeschooled for roughly 3/4 years, but then her mother decided the academy might be a good choice for her to help her make some proper friends, and here we are now.

Relationship Status/Crush: None yet!
Other: Is very skilled at yoyo tricks and carries an expensive, high-quality one with her at all times.

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Name: Jasmine Brown

Nickname(If Applies): floater

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Moral Standing: She is not really good or bad.

Current Residence: A cloud

Highschool Year: 11

Race: human

Powers Or Gifts: She has air manipulation.

magical creatures

Other people

distant and shy

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)
Image result for anime girl

She was born to a wealthy family, however they kicked her out because she was strange. She floated off to a cloud to dwell in for the rest of her life until now.

Relationship Status/Crush:
She is single and maybe will have a crush.

Any other information?:
She does not need food or water to live.
Yea, don’t exactly expect a response to that. I’m still waiting after over a month.
Yea, don’t exactly expect a response to that. I’m still waiting after over a month.
My bad, haven't received any notifications from here for some reason xD


*Emiko Hirano*
Nicknames: Em, Emi, Hex (Self-given)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Questioning
Moral Standing: Chaotic Neutral
Current Residence: School Dorms
Highschool Year: 1st
Race: Superhuman

What can go wrong, will go wrong
Emiko can bewitch things so that whatever malfunctions or misfortunes that can happen to them have an extremely high chance of happening. The duration and strength of misfortunes vary on Emiko's emotional state at the moment, but with some more training, she may be able to control these aspects. (Somewhat similar to Milo Murphy's Law, if you know what that is.)

Curse Placement
Emiko can place a temporary negative effect on an object or living being. So far it's only minor stuff like slowness and weakness, and they don't tend to last longer than a few hours.

Emiko can teleport to any location she has seen.

Emiko can move things with her mind, up to weights of 5 tons. Don't ask her how she found the latter out. It's a long story.

Emiko can read people's thoughts and feel their emotions, as well as communicate with people via thoughts and ideas and transmit her emotions to others.

Palm-Reading/Minor Future Sight (Emiko does not know she has this power)
By reading the lines of someone's palms, Emiko can see visions of some of their most probable futures.


+Drowning her food in gravy/salt
+Windy days
+Pulling pranks
+Getting away with pranks
+Using her powers

+Truth or dare

-Being cold
-Sour candy
-Getting caught
-Being alone
-Chalky candy (I.e. Smarties)
-Decorative bells (reminds her of her father)

-Bitter chocolate

Emiko is quite a wildcard. She puts on a polite, well-behaved facade when with adults and authority figures, but when their backs are turned, she's a completely different person. Playful, mischevious, and mostly does things for the pure fun of them, Emiko is the near opposite of who she pretends to be. Emiko is definitely a planner, usually crafting a complex plan to hide a whoopie cushion under someone's cushion while acting like a decently nice person to strangers and acquaintances. Due to a long childhood of never really having her father that involved in her life, with uncles that were a little too caught up in their criminal work to really keep her company, Emiko is very clingy and has a tendency to do unnecessary favors for friends and people she cares about. She can't stand the idea of being horribly lonely again and really doesn't want to lose a relationship with anyone. Despite this, she's a pretty happy person, purely doing pranks to get amusement and laughter out of herself. Emiko also has a tendency to do things without being cautious or thinking through consequences, but in her defense, it makes her way more fun.

Emiko was born from a one-night stand between a very skilled psychic, and a criminal calling himself Jester. She would've likely lived as normal a life as the child of a psychic could be with her mother, had her father not stolen her away as an infant. Her uncles who went by the criminal aliases Clown and Fool tried to give her somewhat of a childhood, kidnapping teachers and tutors to give her an education, and stealing things to keep her cared for and happy. Jester, on the other hand, did very questionable experiments on his daughter, made her participate in his less-than-legal activities, and often neglected her in between the former two activities. After one particularly horrific experiment when she was 12, Clown left his niece on a doorstep with an envelope, telling her to give it to the lady who answered the door. Unbeknownst to her, Emiko had been brought to her mother's house with a letter explaining the situation. After some DNA tests and a lot more confirmation than needed that this child was indeed hers, Emiko's mother welcomed her missing daughter back into her life. A rough few months dealing with the wild girl who’d been raised with little discipline and morals proved to be a difficult but doable task for Emiko’s mother, and eventually, she tamed her daughter. Well, sort of. Emiko never quite lost her wild streak, finding joy in pulling all sorts of pranks. She was homeschooled for roughly 3/4 years, but then her mother decided the academy might be a good choice for her to help her make some proper friends, and here we are now.

Relationship Status/Crush: None yet!
Other: Is very skilled at yoyo tricks and carries an expensive, high-quality one with her at all times.

Name: Jasmine Brown

Nickname(If Applies): floater

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Moral Standing: She is not really good or bad.

Current Residence: A cloud

Highschool Year: 11

Race: human

Powers Or Gifts: She has air manipulation.

magical creatures

Other people

distant and shy

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)
Image result for anime girl

She was born to a wealthy family, however they kicked her out because she was strange. She floated off to a cloud to dwell in for the rest of her life until now.

Relationship Status/Crush:
She is single and maybe will have a crush.

Any other information?:
She does not need food or water to live.
Both characters are accepted ^^ Sorry for the massive delay xD
My bad, haven't received any notifications from here for some reason xD

Both characters are accepted ^^ Sorry for the massive delay xD
Alright, since Emiko is accepted, how should I bring her in? What's happening right now?

Wait, should I be asking someone else..?
Ah okay. Is everyone still at the school or...?
Considering how wacky this roleplay had gotten, most characters had started dating, working, training (combat type of training), got married, started a family, had kids and those kids have kids... basically slice of life that's been amplified to all the way up.
Considering how wacky this roleplay had gotten, most characters had started dating, working, training (combat type of training), got married, started a family, had kids and those kids have kids... basically slice of life that's been amplified to all the way up.

Name: Arthur Joseph Jones

Nickname(If Applies): Arty

Age: 16

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Moral Standing: Good. (Don't get on his nerves)

Current Residence: Dorm

Highschool Year: 1st

Race: Human

Powers Or Gifts:

Able to completely understand/ feel anybody's mood

Speak any language (although it is not fluently)

Substance Mimicry:
Mimic the object he touches at will

Animal Manipulation:
Ability to manipulate animals (including insects)

Impersonates another person's voice/looks

When things get serious, his "Apathy" keeps him calm.

Superhuman strength:
When times get rough, he uses his superhuman strength.
(Be able to pick around up a 5 ton at most)
The downside of this is that it eats stamina really quickly.


Any type of gift.
People who empathy
Writing stories
Telling jokes...
Goes to gym
(trying) To draw
(trying) To play piano
(trying) programming


People who are just jerks

Too nice. Astute. Will try hard when it is something he loves, like playing piano.
Tend to get way quicker mad at family than at friends (Split faced personality. Friendly in front of friends)
Might also be annoying.....

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)

 on Twitter.jpg


He and his brother (Adam Jerod Jones, Age: 24) usually fight together. They aren't rivals or anything, they basically bought a dojo in Japan.
He has had quite peaceful. He lived with his parents his entire life, he and his parents moved to Japan for his dad's job.
He got into Euphorian High.
And the rest of his life awaits him.

Relationship Status/Crush:
Never had, never will

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