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Fantasy Character Registration

LunaCrosby said:
Name: Misaki Ishida

Nickname(If Applies): Big sis, obviously only for Alejandro, if anyone else called her that it'd be weird.

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live: In a mansion with her family and many other's

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Special Human


*Fire Manipulation


*Can summon weapons

*Can summon most spirit's, but hasn't quite mastered it yet.

*to be developed :3


*Her brother

*Her Parent's

*Sneaking up on people

*being unnoticed


*Being alone

*Getting talked to like she's weak

*Admitting she's wrong

*being spotted when she's trying to be secretive

Personality: Misaki can get stubborn sometimes, but that's just because she believes in her decisions most of the time, and hates admitting she's wrong. She can be goofy sometimes, but that's just around her family or close friends (not that she has any). Misaki can be pretty serious most of the time but that's because she's forcing herself to 'grow up' and be responsible faster then she should be and needs to. She will most likely keep any promise she make's, which often ends up with her over working herself most of the time so she can help out other's when asked, and refuses to take a break.


Bio: Misaki is the Daughter of Mal and Roman, and Older twin of Alejandro. She's spent most of her time training to become stronger and reading to gain more knowledge, as well as working in her free time, doing thing's for anyone she see's that might need help.

Dating/lover/crush: none, she hasn't even talked to any other boy's then Alejandro and her dad.

Anything else: @Roman

Is it accepted? If it is not Accepted :^)
Name:Kiri Kyoto

Nickname(If Applies):Kirishi



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)House

What Year of highschool your in:junior

What kind of being you are:Angel/demon


Likes:Fighting,Sand, hot girl,And ramen.

Dislikes:Evil,and nasty stuff,banna's.

Personality:Serious,never smiles,and fights for friends.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/download.jpg.641f197001bb8e1ebfabb463aa75d5d4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114205" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/download.jpg.641f197001bb8e1ebfabb463aa75d5d4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio:When kiri was a kid his mother was killed by giving birth to him.He had something called the one tail he got it extracted from his body he died and a elder ladie died in place for him.his father tried to kill him many times and sooner a person or thing killed him.Kiri didnt make any friends when he was a kid a he tried to give them medical stuff but they just called him a freak.

Dating\lover:none yet

@Roman and @Fukushima Akira



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Kansuke Alchaeon

Nickname(If Applies):






Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):


What Year of highschool your in:

Sophomore transfer

What kind of being you are:

Human - Embodiment of Courage


Kansuke is skilled with a wide variety of weapons. Link does have inherent magical ability, but most magic used by him is via magical items. As the embodiment of courage, he is gained other such powers as well. Though, this is not to be confused with being the God of Courage, as Kansuke is most definitely human. (Including all of them because why not xD )

  • Reincarnation: When Kansuke dies, he is reincarnated into a new version of himself. No memories are retained, but as he turns into an adult all the powers he had of his previous reincarnations are compounded on top of the skills he has now.
  • Guardianship: In the land that Kansuke is from, every reincarnation is blessed or tasked with the same duty: protect the people of the land from evil.
  • Enhanced Swordsmanship: Kansuke is a master swordsman, with his main weapon being a sword. It's like an extension of his own arm, and can wield swords, specifically the Master Sword, as easily as breathing or walking.
  • Sword Beam Emission: When Kansuke and thus the Master Sword is fully powered, he can focus his strength into the blade. When he swings, a beam of energy is released in a forward direction, causing both physical and magical damage.
  • Slash Projection: When Kansuke is not at full strength but still mostly powered up, a slash from his sword can visibly slice things directly in half, and this slash is visibly projected.
  • Counter: If Kansuke waits for the right moment, he can counter an enemy attack with his sword. Not all attacks can be countered, though.
  • Sealing Slash: By using the power of the Master Sword, Kansuke can seal others for an indeterminate amount of time. Usually this lasts less than a day, and he can control how long this lasts, unless the opponent is strong enough to break out of it.
  • Spinning Attack: If Kansuke spins his body and holds out his sword, he can do a spin attack and cover all directions around him. This can be done while moving, though he gets kind of tired afterward and cannot attack right away when the attack is finished.
  • Energy Redirection: If a magical energy is sent in his direction, Kansuke can use his sword to collect and redirect the magic back at the caster. This works for only select types of magic.
  • Dual Wielding: Kansuke can dual wield a sword and shield at the same time.
  • Enhanced Shieldsmanship: Kansuke is very proficient with using a shield in combat, and can use it for offensive capabilities as well as the obvious defensive ones.
  • Deflection: If Kansuke times it right, Kansuke can use his shield to deflect attacks away from himself. Sometimes this deflects the attack back on the attacker to deal damage.
  • Shield Penetration: If his attack is done right and with the right equipment, Kansuke can pierce shields, though this doesn't work all the time on all shields.
  • Enhanced Archery: Kansuke is more than skilled with a bow and arrow, with his accuracy being near perfect. It's one of his most used weapons aside from the sword and shield.
  • Magic Arrows: In his quiver, Kansuke has fire-, ice-, and light-infused arrows at his disposal to use
  • Enhanced Boomerang Proficiency: Along with the bow and arrow, Kansuke is skilled at using a boomerang, and is able to use it to hit far-away targets as well as bring back items to him. The boomerang always returns back to him when he throws it.
  • Blunt Weapon Proficiency - Hammer: Another weapon in Kansuke's arsenal is a hammer. Along with being a strong attack, it can create shockwaves upon impact. However, due to its weight, it is a slow attack to use.
  • Critical Impact: Kansuke can spot vulnerabilities in his enemies, and exploit those weaknesses to his advantage. This works better on bigger enemies with more obvious weaknesses, and not all enemies have a spottable weakness.
  • Charged Attacks: If Kansuke focuses his strength and power, he can charge up his attacks and make them stronger.
  • Temporal Weaponry: Kansuke wields the Master Sword, which is imbued with the ability to affect time.
  • Empathic Weaponry: Kansuke is the only one that ever has and ever will be able to wield the Master Sword.
  • Mask Power: By donning different masks, Kansuke can use their powers for his own advantage. Some masks change his appearence and bodily structure, other masks simply offer supportive abilities, but as long as he wears the mask the powers are at his disposal.
  • Courage Embodiment: Through every reincarnation, Kansuke has been the embodiment of courage in his land, as any chosen hero should.
  • Courage Inducement: Kansuke can inspire others to have courage as well, either through speech or by others seeing his courageous actions. This isn't some magical ability, more of just an admirable trait that inherently inspires courage in others.
  • Courage Empowerment: Being courageous and using the courage at his disposal gives Kansuke strength to overcome any obstacle in his way.
  • Strong Heart: Because of the fact that he embodies courage, Kansuke's heart is strong, and is one of the reasons he never gives up and is why he will go out of his way for others as often as he does.
  • Indomitable Will: Due to his endless courage, Kansuke doesn't know when to give up. He won't let adversity get him down, and always completes what he sets out to do.
  • Music Magic: By playing different songs on his ocarina, or conducting different songs using his Wind Waker, Kansuke can use different magical abilities/effects.
  • Sonoportation: Some of the songs that Kansuke conducts/plays allow him to teleport from place to place. This cannot be used to travel through time.
  • Musical Spell Casting: Some of the songs that Kansuke conducts/plays can cast magical spells. These abilities are mainly offensive.
  • Musical Empathy: Some of the songs that Kansuke conducts/plays can grant him various physical buffs to himself. These abilities are not offensive.
  • Time Travel: Using the master sword and some songs, Kansuke can travel through time, though recently he hasn't used this at all. He cannot use it for combat, only travelling from place to place.
  • Circadian Manipulation: Using a song, Kansuke can manipulate the day and night cycle. This means he can travel between day and night. This does not mean that he is actually affecting day and night for everyone else, this simply means he can travel from his current position to any time during the day. Everything happens around him like normal between when he travels and when he reappears, the time of day just changes for him.
  • Temporal Protection: Simply stated, Kansuke isn't affected by travelling through time. He retains memories and age and keeps all of his items.
  • Light Infusion: Kansuke can ask the goddesses who deemed him to be the embodiment of courage to temporarily infuse something with light. More often than not, this just includes his sword, though he has used it for other things. The infusion goes away after a little while.
  • Light Slash: If Kansuke slashes his sword while it is infused with light, it creates a light-magic-enhanced slash, dealing light damage.
  • Magically Enhanced Physiology: Kansuke can ask the goddesses to enhance his body with magic, giving him a range of abilities, but this is even more temporary than the light infusion. Kansuke doesn't really use it, even though he can. Half the time the goddesses don't answer his call anyways.
  • Damage Reduction: If Kansuke has asked the goddesses to enhance his body with magic, or if Kansuke uses a magical item, he can temporarily reduce damage that is being dealt with him. But this doesn't last that long, and Kansuke doesn't really use it anymore now that things in his land have gotten peaceful.
  • Supernatural Survivability: Throughout his many reincarnations, Kansuke has survived things he probably shouldn't, and this luck/ability has come in handy even on accident. This doesn't mean he cannot die, and he has definitely died multiple times, but it just has helped him more often than not.
  • Pain Suppression: If Kansuke focuses, when he's heavily injured he can suppress the pain to continue fighting, or to escape out of sticky situations to be able to recoup and come back.
  • Idiosyncratic Manipulation: Considering that Kansuke is the only one that can use the Master Sword, it means a lot to him every time he finds it again, and that bond only increases his strength in using it.
  • Rider's Aptitude: Kansuke grew up with Esuna in many of his reincarnations, and is thus very gifted at riding horses. Due to his skill, he can use items while simultaneously riding on horseback to almost the same skill as if he were standing still.
  • Animal Empathy: Kansuke can connect on an empathic level to many different animals, and is the reason why he is able to ride his horse and his loftwing with such skill.
  • Pure Wind Manipulation: Using the Wind Waker, Kansuke can control wind in its purest form. This wind isn't hindered by the normal limitations of air manipulation. He doesn't know many uses for it, but it is at his disposal to use.
  • Esoteric Element Manipulation: Some songs give Kansuke the ability to manipulate the elements of the goddesses: Din's Fire, Nayru's Water, and Farore's Nature. These are strong abilities but tire him out to use, so he doesn't use it that often.
  • Temporary Invincibility: One of the songs that Kansuke can play on the Ocarina gives Kansuke temporary invincibility. That is to say, any attack against him won't work and he won't take any damage. This lasts for less time than Damage Reduction and there is a very long cooldown period between uses.
  • Cape Manipulation: By focusing his energy into a cape, Kansuke can use it to jump gaps wider than he normally can. He can't do this with every cape though.
  • Flat Body: Kansuke can flatten his body against flat surfaces and travel along them for short periods of time. This is useful for travelling across gaps otherwise uncrossable or to travel behind or in front of objects that otherwise would be inaccessible.
  • Dimensional Storage: Kansuke can access a small pocket dimension where he stores all of his items. He can easily access his items during combat from this dimension as well, and it can hold a ridiculous amount of stuff as well.

Other Appearances:



  • Doing what's right
  • Helping others
  • Exploring
  • Riding horses
  • Blacksmithing
  • Swordfighting
  • Archery
  • Blowing things up
  • Playing musical instruments
  • Sailing on the ocean
  • Wolves
  • The seasons
  • Paintings
  • Breaking pots
  • Masks
  • Swimming


  • Bad people
  • When others are in trouble
  • Chickens
  • Zombies
  • Masks


Kansuke is quiet, and fairly serious, but this doesn't take away from his kindness. He has a soft spot for children, and will go out of his way to help those who need or ask for it. He enjoys relaxing days and spending time with those he cares about, but won't hesitate to jump into action if the need arises. Because of this, he has explored many places to accomplish various tasks, causing him to have an innate desire to travel and see as much of the world as possible. Kansuke has a huge sense of justice in the fact that he will go to extraordinary lengths to make sure bad things are extinguished. He has a bad habit of sleeping in, however. He always carries around a magical instrument called the Ocarina of Time and a magical conductor's baton called the Wind Waker, and gets very protective of those items in particular. He and his horse (name: Esuna) and a special type of bird called a loftwing are inseparable.


Kansuke was born a long, long time ago. He's a typical village kid, good kid, kind to everyone. But the kingdom needed saving, and Kansuke was the only one that could do it. Eventually he would save the kingdom, and everything would be peaceful. Kansuke would grow old and die, and eventually be reborn as a new version of himself. He wouldn't know this, at least not at first, but his skills that he learned in each reincarnation were slowly being compounded. During every one of these reincarnations, Link would be reunited by a magical time-magic-infused sword called the Master Sword, a sword only he could use, and this would be the deciding factor in his victory against the evil he was fighting. By the time the present time came around, when Kansuke reached 18 he was pretty dang skilled. But, the kingdom doesn't need saving now, it's completely peaceful, so what's a boy to do? Travel! Eventually this travel led him to FHS, and now he's interested in enrolling in a highschool, something he's never been able to do before.



Anything else?

If Kansuke focuses, he can transform his appearance into any previous reincarnation of himself.
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Name: Rose Smith

Nickname(If Applies):


Gender: Male, identifies female

Sexual Orientation:Demisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Not sure we don't call it highschool in the UK

What kind of being you are: Angel

Powers/gifts: Manipulation of light/dark, multiple forms

Likes: Cats/food


Personaliy Light: Bubbly Dark: Shy

Appearance: Winged, Light: Pale blue skin/eyes Dark: Like a 3D shadow

Bio: Found on the streets at age 12, seemingly after appearing from nowhere

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Name: ali (AI lifelike infantry unit)

Alias: night shade

Age: time since she's been activated 3 years (looks to be at least 19)

Sex: looks and acts female

Sexual Orientation: programmed to be bisexual

Personality: truly she is a perfect combination of every personality, she can choose which personality she uses weather its absolutely adorable and innocent, completely cold and ruthless, or even down right seductive.

Alignment: at the moment evil

Occupation: assassin

were do you live:


Height: 5"11

Weight: 134 pounds

Hair Color: a deep blue

Eye Color: sky blue

Power/s: super strength, master of hand to hand combat, master marksman, enhanced vision hearing and other sensory functions, master of melee combat with weapons


not easily manipulated

never intimidated

emp's dont really work


can be hacked

her optics can be fried by electrical pulses

Background: tbr?

Relationships: none atm


integrated flight suit on her back (completely hidden when not in use) her feet also have booster in the bottom's for propulsion


sniper rifle


dual revolvers stored in her upper legs


dual swords hidden within her legs (swords in picture)

throwing stars held in her hips

Lumina said:
A sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage.
Hero's Shade

  • latest


    Kansuke Alchaeon

    Nickname(If Applies):






    Sexual Orientation:


    Good or Evil or Neutral:


    Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):


    What Year of highschool your in:

    Sophomore transfer

    What kind of being you are:

    Human - Embodiment of Courage

Hawkmoon said:
Name: Rose Smith
Nickname(If Applies):


Gender: Male, identifies female

Sexual Orientation:Demisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Not sure we don't call it highschool in the UK

What kind of being you are: Angel

Powers/gifts: Manipulation of light/dark, multiple forms

Likes: Cats/food


Personaliy Light: Bubbly Dark: Shy

Appearance: Winged, Light: Pale blue skin/eyes Dark: Like a 3D shadow

Bio: Found on the streets at age 12, seemingly after appearing from nowhere

Dating/lover/crush: N/A
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]

Name: ali (AI lifelike infantry unit)

Alias: night shade

Age: time since she's been activated 3 years (looks to be at least 19)

Sex: looks and acts female

Sexual Orientation: programmed to be bisexual

Personality: truly she is a perfect combination of every personality, she can choose which personality she uses weather its absolutely adorable and innocent, completely cold and ruthless, or even down right seductive.

Alignment: at the moment evil

Occupation: assassin

were do you live:


Height: 5"11

Weight: 134 pounds

Hair Color: a deep blue

Eye Color: sky blue

Power/s: super strength, master of hand to hand combat, master marksman, enhanced vision hearing and other sensory functions, master of melee combat with weapons


not easily manipulated

never intimidated

emp's dont really work


can be hacked

her optics can be fried by electrical pulses

Background: tbr?

Relationships: none atm


integrated flight suit on her back (completely hidden when not in use) her feet also have booster in the bottom's for propulsion


sniper rifle


dual revolvers stored in her upper legs


dual swords hidden within her legs (swords in picture)

throwing stars held in her hips


  • tumblr_inline_nszlbugxdq1sayifg_500.gif

    Nickname -


    Alias -


    Being -

    Human (Special)

    Age -


    Gender -


    Sexual Orientation -


    Morality -


    Residency -


    Grade/Year -

    Senior - Soon to graduate


Nickname(If Applies):none



Sexual Orientation :( heterosexual )

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral/good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):dorm

What Year of highschool you're in:senior

What kind of being you are:human

Powers/gifts: alchemy activated through snapping (ex.turn a iron into a sword) good with tech "Polt" teleportation , energy blaster and more

Likes:video games,gadgets,fun stuff,hanging out,adventuring,using polt to just float around, talking to polt and examining

Dislikes:his past,"Polts" constant reminders and maintenance,evil people(stands up for friends )

Personality:energetic,happy, and dark at times,kind

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)brown hair brown coat light brown dark brown striped scarf white skin gray eyes that sometimes change color always wearing "Polt"

Bio: raised in an unknown city. His dad was a great inventor and he build a dimension traveling device called the "Polt" which is in the form of a watch.then his dad got lost in the dimensions and Wub followed in his father's footsteps and at the age of 16 he had redone his father's work using his father's books and blueprints and now has his own Polt now but now with its own AI and through a failed test he gained alchemy but still needs to work on it and his dad has been traced to this dimension

Dating/lover/crush: none (for now?)

anything else:nope
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Update-Yoshino Komgata

I love you so much because of the way you are.
Stella Vermillion

  • latest


    Yoshino Komagata


    Yoshi or Shino


    Crimson Princess




    T.A. and worker at a cafe



    Sexual Orientation:








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"Hope brings people together. People change people. The secret of life."

Name: Evan 'Tahoma' Zhujiao

Alias: Carp

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Chaotic Neutral

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Senior


Evolved Human

An evolved human is.. A human. That evolved. Evolved humans are humans that have they're DNA shifted and changed. Whether born with it or synthetically given to them. Both make the same results however Synthetically given powers can be made to give a certain ability. Evan isn't synthetic. He was born with. But. Shhh. He doesn't know that.


~Power Replication~

Evan, being able to copy other's ability with their consent and or permission. It's a simple power. But at that point, he can only hold onto one power at the time. Having an old power, absorbing a new one, and the old one just.. poofs away. However, when it comes to gods, goddesses, and others, he can't copy they're ability or power. As if he tried to, he could explode or die, seeing as it is too powerful for Evan to handle.












-Being awake


Evan is.. Different. He is often tired. That's all there is. He's tired. But when he's not. He's still tired. Evan, being able to copy other people's powers with permission, he can easily manipulate someone to allow him to use that power. Or ask an ally to borrow the power, stuff like that. Evan, being manipulative and tired, he often strays off fights, and only goes in when he feels,
not tired. And so, he's always sleeping in a fight or in the middle of class. Because when he's not tired, he still is.

Appearance: (It'll be in a spoiler)


Raised in Hell's Kitchen, NYC. He got jacked a lot. That's all that he knows. He doesn't remember his family, only where he's from, a nickname of his and getting jacked all the time. Like, that was the one of the many things he can remember.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else: N/A

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/8f8b1953ce02c547f6c6e4f9965f326a.jpg.4a57a4c4c8b2831dc5b88c5019755433.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114717" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/8f8b1953ce02c547f6c6e4f9965f326a.jpg.4a57a4c4c8b2831dc5b88c5019755433.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/bdcca5e6f79e7f3b1d5a9bb0b5eb73c1.jpg.a58c876cdf9b8ac996694fb4c224e661.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114718" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/bdcca5e6f79e7f3b1d5a9bb0b5eb73c1.jpg.a58c876cdf9b8ac996694fb4c224e661.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/large.jpg.7b359ec31f048362534d359ab9eb1eed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114719" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/large.jpg.7b359ec31f048362534d359ab9eb1eed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Is this okay? PM me or Tag me (Maybe Quote) to tell me to fix or add anything at all! I hope my Character isn't that OP, cause he can replicate others' abilities so it seems very OP. Okay than, see ya! (gun)(^U^))



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BlankName said:

"Hope brings people together. People change people. The secret of life."

Name: Evan 'Tahoma' Zhujiao

Alias: Carp

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Chaotic Neutral

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Senior


Evolved Human

An evolved human is.. A human. That evolved. Evolved humans are humans that have they're DNA shifted and changed. Whether born with it or synthetically given to them. Both make the same results however Synthetically given powers can be made to give a certain ability. Evan isn't synthetic. He was born with. But. Shhh. He doesn't know that.


~Power Replication~

Evan, being able to copy other's ability with their consent and or permission. It's a simple power. But at that point, he can only hold onto one power at the time. Having an old power, absorbing a new one, and the old one just.. poofs away.












-Being awake


Evan is.. Different. He is often tired. That's all there is. He's tired. But when he's not. He's still tired. Evan, being able to copy other people's powers with permission, he can easily manipulate someone to allow him to use that power. Or ask an ally to borrow the power, stuff like that. Evan, being manipulative and tired, he often strays off fights, and only goes in when he feels,
not tired. And so, he's always sleeping in a fight or in the middle of class. Because when he's not tired, he still is.

Appearance: (It'll be in a spoiler)


Raised in Hell's Kitchen, NYC. He got jacked a lot. That's all that he knows. He doesn't remember his family, only where he's from, a nickname of his and getting jacked all the time. Like, that was the one of the many things he can remember.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else: N/A

View attachment 255286 View attachment 255287 View attachment 255288

(Is this okay? PM me or Tag me (Maybe Quote) to tell me to fix or add anything at all! I hope my Character isn't that OP, cause he can replicate others' abilities so it seems very OP. Okay than, see ya! (gun)(^U^))

Characters that are Sanctums, Half-Sanctums, and gods and goddesses can't have their abilities copied. They're powers would be above and too much for a human to handle. For a description ln Sanctums, please read the first CS made by Fukushima Akira.

Other than that accepted.
BlankName said:
...Okay.. I guess I have to go back reading. I did skim through it so. First CS? I'm now gonna go back to reading.
Thank you :) And welcome to FHS!


"I'm, Jonik Aemys, it's very nice to meet you."

Nickname(If Applies):

"Um, I don't believe I have one, sorry."


"I'm 16 years old."


"I've been called out with female pronouns before, but believe me I am a boy."

Sexual Orientation:

"Ah, it's always hard to say it out loud because it's a little embarrassing to say. I'm um, gay."

Good or Evil or Neutral:

"Ah, it's always hard for me to make decisions, I'd have to say neutral."

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

"You can find me living at the dorm."

What Year of highschool your in:

"I'm a Sophomore."

What kind of being you are:

"I'm a mutant, sort of like what you would see in marvel comics, ha ha."


"I don't like saying control, so lets just say that I can talk to plants and that they kindly aid me when I need them."


"I love anything sweet, and plants as well, talking to them makes me happy."


"I hate fire, the screams the plants make when they are burning is very traumatizing."


Kind, indecisive, shy, obedient, gullible.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)



As a child he became blind, he was always made fun of for talking to the plants around him, and people teased him by stomping on them. As he grew older the bond between him and the plants became stronger and he learned how to control them. The plants help tell where to and not to go, some like to tease him though and tells him to go a certain way, making him run into obstacles and such, which is why you would usually see him hurt. (Kinds short, sorry.)


"Wh-What?? Of course n-not." (?///?///?)

Anything else:

"D-Does me being blind count?"
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xxxxxxxxERRORxxxxxxx said:


"I'm, Jonik Aemys, it's very nice to meet you."

Nickname(If Applies):

"Um, I don't believe I have one, sorry."


"I'm 16 years old."


"I've been called out with female pronouns before, but believe me I am a boy."

Sexual Orientation:

"Ah, it's always hard to say it out loud because it's a little embarrassing to say. I'm um, gay."

Good or Evil or Neutral:

"Ah, it's always hard for me to make decisions, I'd have to say neutral."

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

"You can find me living at the dorm."

What Year of highschool your in:

"I'm a Sophomore."

What kind of being you are:

"I'm a mutant, sort of like what you would see in marvel comics, ha ha."


"I don't like saying control, so lets just say that I can talk to plants and that they kindly aid me when I need them."


"I love anything sweet, and plants as well, talking to them makes me happy."


"I hate fire, the screams the plants make when they are burning is very traumatizing."


Kind, indecisive, shy, obedient, gullible.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)



As a child he became blind, he was always made fun of for talking to the plants around him, and people teased him by stomping on them. As he grew older the bond between him and the plants became stronger and he learned how to control them. The plants help tell where to and not to go, some like to tease him though and tells him to go a certain way, making him run into obstacles and such, which is why you would usually see him hurt. (Kinds short, sorry.)


"Wh-What?? Of course n-not." (?///?///?)

Anything else:

"D-Does me being blind count?"

Character Update: Fuyumi


...?Fuyumi Shizuki?...

Nickname(If Applies):






Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Snow Goddess



Self explanatory. She can disappear in blizzards she makes, modify her body using ice and snow is just used along with the blizzards.



Video Games




Very Hot places


She's the type of person to play games with and go to a snowy place with. She could be helpless sometimes. She gets emotional sometimes. Or she's just cold. Though around whoever she loves, she seems average

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



She somehow became the Snow Goddess. Though she sometimes wonder why her? Out of all her family members and the others of her race or anyone really, why was she the one to be picked?


Nanami Short

Anything else:

She is rarely seen without a lollipop in her mouth

She hated a certain movie (The Titanic)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8cf312ad_AnimeRVMizorestaringatherownchest.png.04213c403f07f1e5f60bf40eab991434.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115221" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8cf312ad_AnimeRVMizorestaringatherownchest.png.04213c403f07f1e5f60bf40eab991434.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Update- Charlotte Mizutani

It may be a grudge that drives me to slay you, but regardless, it is my duty to bring justice to all evil!

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    Elementary School Teacher



    Sexual Orientation:








Name: Moth Silver

Nickname(If Applies): known to humans as "Mothman"

Age: how many years they have lived is unknown, but they are young for their kind

Gender: genderless

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral, would like to be Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) in the forest outside the school

What Year of highschool your in: freshman year

What kind of being you are: not even Moth knows

Powers/gifts: flight, very good night vision, superhuman strength

Likes: reading, forests, nighttime, and people

Dislikes: conflict, loud noises, being the cause of discomfort, and themself

Personality: Personality: A life of isolation has made Moth very sociably awkward and gullible. They're easy to scare and easier to push around because they loath confrontation and will avoid it at all cost. A kind soul, Moth hates to be the cause of anyone's suffering and will always put others first. They have a very low opinion of themself and don't expect to excel in school or in their personal life.


humaniod form;

true form;

Bio: For as long as Moth can remember, they've been alone. They grew up in the Appalachian wilderness with only the the singing of the birds and the chirping of the crickets to keep them company. They expected it to always be this way until one night when they found a cemetery in the farthest part of the forest. Moth was fascinated with the strange sculptures and mysterious markings on them, so fascinated that they over time taught themself how to read them. Fearful by nature, Moth was for a long time to afraid to interact with the humans that frequented the sight. But one cold November night, a mix of loneliness and curiosity drove them to make contact. They lost their nerve after beginning seen for only a few seconds, but this would mark the first in a series of interactions that would end in tragedy. On December 15, 1967 Moth attempted to perch on a suspension chain of the Silver Bridge, but when they landed to hard the chain snapped. This caused the bridge collapsed, killing 46 people. Horrified at what they had done, Moth retreated home into their woods and swore to never interact with anyone again out of fear of hurting someone. Moth grew depressed, feeling nothing but intense guilt and crushing loneliness. Years pasted by like this, until one day another creature passed through their woods. Moth wanted to keep their vow to never make contact with anyone ever again, but it had been so long and they where so very lonely. For a moment their loneliness overwhelmed their guilt and they met the traveling creature. The traveler told them about a school for supernatural beings like Moth, a school where they could finally stop being alone in safety. Even though Moth felt they didn't deserve to, they decided to attend. They took the name of the Silver Bridge as their own as a constant reminder of the deaths they had caused and for first time in decades left the woods.

Dating/lover/crush: no one yet

Character Theme: Snow Owl by the Mountain Goats

Anything else: Moth was given a humaniod form by the school so they could fit in better.

CS Update: Kristako Ten Seiker


...?Kristako Ten Seiker?...

Nickname(If Applies):

Kris-chan, TenTen





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Battle Intoner


Songs/Revolvers/Hand-cannons/Auto-Pistols/Muskets/Massive Mechanical Sword

Weapons that are similar to Himeragi's. And songs are common among the Intoners...

Though she does have 4 sets of duel wielded weapons...and various other weapons...For Instance, revolvers, muskets, auto-pistols, and hand cannons. Also a flamethrower, and a minigun that is able to pierce armor of a tank



Crimson Bloodia




Veteran Commander/Engineer Hacker


Hand-held Cannon used by Veteran Commander and Engineer

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8f609523_ElswordTacticalTrooperCannon.png.05656d238634d7f6646701a4f3b24ce9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116629" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8f609523_ElswordTacticalTrooperCannon.png.05656d238634d7f6646701a4f3b24ce9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

An indestructible cannon that is hand held and very light. It can still serve as a shield and fires explosives. Like missiles. It also comes with its grenades.

Transformation Weapons

Weapons that depend on which form shes using.



Ice Cream




''My mother didn't answer this, so why should I?''

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d3d2919_HimeragiSeiker(Alt6).png.f47af15ce5e12a5c2b7ead0ec6a98099.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115412" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d3d2919_HimeragiSeiker(Alt6).png.f47af15ce5e12a5c2b7ead0ec6a98099.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d3dc030_HimeragiSeiker(Alt4).png.6040b6daa23989ab8e27d41c77ef18c7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115413" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d3dc030_HimeragiSeiker(Alt4).png.6040b6daa23989ab8e27d41c77ef18c7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Transformations(Combat Forms(More coming soon when Elwiki - Rose Classes are being updated)

Base Battle Mode


Additional Weapons: Enhanced Weapons

Additional Effects: Less Innocent personality. Much more brave and likely to put up a fight


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d3ce58c_HimeragiSeikerHeavyBarrel.png.31918bb829b26f86390580a7cc00bc54.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115411" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d3ce58c_HimeragiSeikerHeavyBarrel.png.31918bb829b26f86390580a7cc00bc54.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Additional Weapons: Extremely Heavy Artillery, Plasma cannon

Additional Effects: Seems to just go over kill when it comes to her opponents


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d3c9b09_HimeragiSeikerStormTrooper.png.12eeac273c07b44a4f805555ed9861d8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115410" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d3c9b09_HimeragiSeikerStormTrooper.png.12eeac273c07b44a4f805555ed9861d8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Additional Weapons: Heavy Artillery, OR-DX, Enhanced Explosives

Additional Effects: Desires explosions and destruction. Especially armored vehicles. She would love to blow them up to fragments and bits

Crimson Bloodia

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d3c475c_HimeragiSeikerCrimsonRose.png.14fb8c14b285c2399eff062fba8e09d6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115409" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d3c475c_HimeragiSeikerCrimsonRose.png.14fb8c14b285c2399eff062fba8e09d6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Additional Weapons: Enhance Kicks, Chain Gunblades, Remodeled Revolvers with attachments of a saw blade

Additional Effects: Desires blood and pain towards the enemy along with a desire to torture. Though she does want to hold back on it but she can still be sadistic sometimes


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d3bfd2b_HimeragiSeikerBloodia.png.532af7e2f3a46debb62bd08d34d4c05f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115408" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d3bfd2b_HimeragiSeikerBloodia.png.532af7e2f3a46debb62bd08d34d4c05f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Additional Weapons: Better Revolvers

Additional Effects: Her kicks seem to improve as well as her aim. Tends to rapidly pull the trigger and fire rapidly

Freyja(Leaked Appearance)

Additional Weapons: Bow Gun (basically like a cross bow and can use magic arrows), Rocket Pack (works like an AoT Three Dimensional Gear) Enhanced Precision

Additional Effects: Desires to see the sight of combat and fight along her comrades. Encourages others to fight and thirsts for the death of her enemies

Sniper(Leaked Appearance)

Additional Weapons: Armor Piercing Bullets, Long ranged rifles

Additional Effects: She seems to have improved eye sight during this form


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8f606cbf_HimeragiSeikerMetalHeart.png.d3187107674b58a5834d68c2427bdce3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116628" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8f606cbf_HimeragiSeikerMetalHeart.png.d3187107674b58a5834d68c2427bdce3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Additional Weapons: Enhanced Auto guns, drones, E.M.P. Weapons, Hand-held cannon

Additional Effects: Seems to be the smartest out of all her forms that she can almost pass every academic test with few errors. And she's especially great in coding and taking away viruses

Veteran Commander

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d3bb27f_HimeragiSeikerOptimus.png.c378e0f6b09a45052beca8fa9388f190.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115407" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d3bb27f_HimeragiSeikerOptimus.png.c378e0f6b09a45052beca8fa9388f190.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her Ultimate Form. Its all of her forms combined. Though it requires a lot of power and strength for her to access it


She's just Kuroh's and Himeragi's daughter.



Anything else:

Her right eye is red. Just like her mother's. No matter what.

Kuroh/Himeragi's daughter



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"Well Im Samantha Short"

Nickname(If Applies):

"Call me Sam"


"Im 19"


"Well you see I have these things on my chest called.... breast so yea..."

Sexual Orientation:

"Im Straight"

Good or Evil or Neutral:

"Well im Neutral.."

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

"I live with my sexy Husband marcus and my two adorable kids Riley and Noah "

What Year of highschool your in:

"Im done with highschool "

What kind of being you are:

"Im a Succubus... And a Demi-God mix breed "


*Seductive magic

*Dark magic

*Light magic



*Her family

*Her friends

*Being able to be free

*Having a blast


*Being told what to do

*People risking their lives for her

*Strict people

*Annoying people

Personality: "Im Bipolar, Im strong, brave, and independent, Im protective over the things I love, Im stubborn...very stubborn. Oh let me just say this....I have a wild personality"

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

"Yea Im cute"


(Check page 63 to make sure I had this appearance first)



Bio: "I dont want to talk about it.."

Dating/lover/crush: "Im married to Marcus Short, Hes mine! <3 "

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