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Fantasy Character Registration

Character CS Revamp: Emiko Ara Haan


...✿Sayori Fahrmann✿...

Nickname(If Applies):






Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Celestial Fox / Megitsune


Haan Family Techniques

Basically advanced weapon techniques taught to her by her family who is now dead.

Spirit Energy Manipulation

Exactly what it sounds like. She uses Spirit Energy Manipulation to use as a weapon against her opponents or as she could, summon spiritual wolves or foxes to help recon

Exorcism Techniques

Basically she can summon Eun to fight for her or become it and fight or just plain being a fox


Could get mischievous, lively, wise, and could get emotional a little

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)




Celestial Fox






Anything Else

''Do you want to grow stronger? Accept me if you desire growth…! Together with me…. You'll be able to overcome your destiny and trials!''

~ Eun

Judging from this, she used to be human but accepted a Kitsune's spirit into her body and became a Megitsune

Her entire family was killed when she was 12

Last edited by a moderator:

This is actually an update from my previous profile on the original group.

Princess of the Dragon Blood Drifters; Clave Heiress

Ravynne Vivian Clave




Sexual Orientation:


Living Space:


Blood Drifter



[blood Manipulation] User can create, control and otherwise manipulate blood of oneself, others or from their surroundings (blood-bank, hospital, battlefield, etc). Blood cloning is also involved allowing the user the ability to clone themselves.

The user can teleport, ie, transfer of matter (beings/objects, including themselves) or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. This can be achieved by various means, including causing the atoms/molecules to travel at light-speed, warping the space, or use quantum superposition, in which the user teleports by replacing and restocking energy in a spatial behavior.While teleportation may seem like it is simply for travel, it can actually be a valuable ability, as it can be used offensively (and quite powerful, as a spatial attack), while offering superiority in terms of movement speed and distance coverage, and a skilled strategist/tactician can use it for many innovative manners.

The user's magical abilities revolve around manipulating the dead, death, the life-force and/or souls for good (i.e., resurrecting the dead), evil (in various ways) or neither. Users can also use communicate with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge. Many practitioners find a way to cheat death one way or another, whether by becoming some form of undead creature or by bypassing their own ability to die.



*Dark Chocolate

*Katanas and kunais

*The colors black and violet




*White Chocolate


*Not succeeding the first time she tries.

No one at the moment.


Ravynne is a calm and composed young woman; she thinks everything through before acting and is in no way rash or impulsive. She's loyal to those she cares about, but she doesn't trust very easily. In fact, only those she considers family or friends are allowed to use her nickname. There is always a seed of doubt within her until she's positive of a person's motives. Ravynne is also cunning, sly, and ambitious, but she uses her mind rather than tactics to get what she wants. She's in no way arrogant- spoiled, yes. What rich kid isn't?- but she's funny and enjoys time with her friends.

She doesn't particularly like playing sports but has no problem watching; she prefers running just for the sake to feel the wind on her hair. When there is nothing to do and her friends are busy, she's either reading, studying, double checking homework, writing songs, or planning ways to torment others with her ingenious pranks. Ravynne doesn't dash head-on into a situation without preparation. Once a person becomes important to her, she'll protect them with a fierceness that's rare for her to display. Her temper is one thing she's famous for, and she has no qualms in using sarcastic and witty remarks before her powers to teach those against her a lesson.

Her quick mind, sharp tongue, and observant eyes makes her a force to be reckoned with. She's not the type to take lies or betrayal kindly, and she always lashes out retaliation ten times worse than what was issued to her. No matter who the culprit. Something that can be a slight fault when it comes to her unbridled anger if directed to a teacher.


Ravynne was a miracle child for her parents. It had been predicted that Selene (her mother) wouldn't have children after her accident two years after her marriage to Nicholai (Ravynne's father). For that reason, Selene had been shunned from her family. Due to that event, the couple had moved to Britain to begin their lives anew. The only person who even continued to correspond with her was her twin brother. After hearing of Ravynne's unexpected conception, Selene's family wanted to become acquainted with the Clave heiress. Despite past tension between them, Ravynne brought them all together. She was spoiled by her relatives, even more so by her parents and favorite uncle.

At the age of five, she was able to read books far beyond what they had believed she'd be capable of. However, it soon became known that Ravynne had an eidetic memory which made it easier for her to contain the information she studied. Her uncle Alfonse began teaching her how to control her powers and what they were. She fell in love with the subject of blood manipulation and perused every book within her family's library. It wasn't long before they began teaching her other subjects so she would be well-versed.

On the eve of her eleventh birthday, Ravynne accidentally teleported to the front yard which generated much enthusiasm from the young girl and her uncle (who had been there to witness the event). They decided to celebrate the young girl’s show of power and began to further teach her how to use them. Over the years, she became thoroughly drowned within the knowledge she received. It didn’t help her tutors that she was insatiable to learn more than they could ever teach her. So, her parents decided to send her to school

On her first day, she was as eager as any other new student should have been. And as the year went by, Ravynne found herself slightly dispirited by how awfully bored she became. It didn’t help that a few older students hassled her the first week due to her slight accent. Considering her heritage, she had a slight Romanian timbre with a soft French accent dimmed within. Whenever she became angry, she tended to spout of curses in both languages unintentionally. Within weeks, her temper was known amongst her peers. Protecting herself and her friends became a daily issue for her. Not that it mattered to Ravynne in the slightest. It soon became common knowledge not to cross the young woman. Despite not openly evil, it was no secret that she was indeed malicious. She was known for her pranks, most not even intended towards anyone. It helped to ease her boredom incredibly. There was not much she could complain about. The only thing she could possibly protest was how routine her life had become.

During her sophomore year, she had vanished, her presence being needed within the Blood Drifter clans. She had left way before the school had been destroyed. All four Blood Drifter Clans: Dragons, Falcons, Ravens, and Griffins had been present to assist with the issues the minor clans had been having. Had it not been for her arrival, she would have been forced into an arranged marriage in order to secure her position in the clan. As it was, a simple battle was enough to determine that she had the ability and determination to lead the Dragons. Now, with all her affairs in order, she has returned to Fantasy High School. Once again, she she's keeping her status within the Blood Drifters a secret.

[QUOTE="Ravynne Clave]

This is actually an update from my previous profile on the original group.

Princess of the Dragon Blood Drifters; Clave Heiress

Ravynne Vivian Clave




Sexual Orientation:


Living Space:


Blood Drifter



[blood Manipulation] User can create, control and otherwise manipulate blood of oneself, others or from their surroundings (blood-bank, hospital, battlefield, etc). Blood cloning is also involved allowing the user the ability to clone themselves.

The user can teleport, ie, transfer of matter (beings/objects, including themselves) or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. This can be achieved by various means, including causing the atoms/molecules to travel at light-speed, warping the space, or use quantum superposition, in which the user teleports by replacing and restocking energy in a spatial behavior.While teleportation may seem like it is simply for travel, it can actually be a valuable ability, as it can be used offensively (and quite powerful, as a spatial attack), while offering superiority in terms of movement speed and distance coverage, and a skilled strategist/tactician can use it for many innovative manners.

The user's magical abilities revolve around manipulating the dead, death, the life-force and/or souls for good (i.e., resurrecting the dead), evil (in various ways) or neither. Users can also use communicate with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge. Many practitioners find a way to cheat death one way or another, whether by becoming some form of undead creature or by bypassing their own ability to die.



*Dark Chocolate

*Katanas and kunais

*The colors black and violet




*White Chocolate


*Not succeeding the first time she tries.

No one at the moment.


Ravynne is a calm and composed young woman; she thinks everything through before acting and is in no way rash or impulsive. She's loyal to those she cares about, but she doesn't trust very easily. In fact, only those she considers family or friends are allowed to use her nickname. There is always a seed of doubt within her until she's positive of a person's motives. Ravynne is also cunning, sly, and ambitious, but she uses her mind rather than tactics to get what she wants. She's in no way arrogant- spoiled, yes. What rich kid isn't?- but she's funny and enjoys time with her friends.

She doesn't particularly like playing sports but has no problem watching; she prefers running just for the sake to feel the wind on her hair. When there is nothing to do and her friends are busy, she's either reading, studying, double checking homework, writing songs, or planning ways to torment others with her ingenious pranks. Ravynne doesn't dash head-on into a situation without preparation. Once a person becomes important to her, she'll protect them with a fierceness that's rare for her to display. Her temper is one thing she's famous for, and she has no qualms in using sarcastic and witty remarks before her powers to teach those against her a lesson.

Her quick mind, sharp tongue, and observant eyes makes her a force to be reckoned with. She's not the type to take lies or betrayal kindly, and she always lashes out retaliation ten times worse than what was issued to her. No matter who the culprit. Something that can be a slight fault when it comes to her unbridled anger if directed to a teacher.


Ravynne was a miracle child for her parents. It had been predicted that Selene (her mother) wouldn't have children after her accident two years after her marriage to Nicholai (Ravynne's father). For that reason, Selene had been shunned from her family. Due to that event, the couple had moved to Britain to begin their lives anew. The only person who even continued to correspond with her was her twin brother. After hearing of Ravynne's unexpected conception, Selene's family wanted to become acquainted with the Clave heiress. Despite past tension between them, Ravynne brought them all together. She was spoiled by her relatives, even more so by her parents and favorite uncle.

At the age of five, she was able to read books far beyond what they had believed she'd be capable of. However, it soon became known that Ravynne had an eidetic memory which made it easier for her to contain the information she studied. Her uncle Alfonse began teaching her how to control her powers and what they were. She fell in love with the subject of blood manipulation and perused every book within her family's library. It wasn't long before they began teaching her other subjects so she would be well-versed.

On the eve of her eleventh birthday, Ravynne accidentally teleported to the front yard which generated much enthusiasm from the young girl and her uncle (who had been there to witness the event). They decided to celebrate the young girl’s show of power and began to further teach her how to use them. Over the years, she became thoroughly drowned within the knowledge she received. It didn’t help her tutors that she was insatiable to learn more than they could ever teach her. So, her parents decided to send her to school

On her first day, she was as eager as any other new student should have been. And as the year went by, Ravynne found herself slightly dispirited by how awfully bored she became. It didn’t help that a few older students hassled her the first week due to her slight accent. Considering her heritage, she had a slight Romanian timbre with a soft French accent dimmed within. Whenever she became angry, she tended to spout of curses in both languages unintentionally. Within weeks, her temper was known amongst her peers. Protecting herself and her friends became a daily issue for her. Not that it mattered to Ravynne in the slightest. It soon became common knowledge not to cross the young woman. Despite not openly evil, it was no secret that she was indeed malicious. She was known for her pranks, most not even intended towards anyone. It helped to ease her boredom incredibly. There was not much she could complain about. The only thing she could possibly protest was how routine her life had become.

During her sophomore year, she had vanished, her presence being needed within the Blood Drifter clans. She had left way before the school had been destroyed. All four Blood Drifter Clans: Dragons, Falcons, Ravens, and Griffins had been present to assist with the issues the minor clans had been having. Had it not been for her arrival, she would have been forced into an arranged marriage in order to secure her position in the clan. As it was, a simple battle was enough to determine that she had the ability and determination to lead the Dragons. Now, with all her affairs in order, she has returned to Fantasy High School. Once again, she she's keeping her status within the Blood Drifters a secret.

already sounds like a very cool character. itd probably be cool if your character met my character Kikuri.
Ravynne Clave] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23570-himeragiseiker/ said:
Thank you so much! Who is Kikiuri?
shes...my character. shes dating a Lamia named Myuki though. and shes a Demon Intoner. just look into her CS thats in one post with the other 5 intoners.
Ravynne Clave] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23570-himeragiseiker/ said:
I'll be sure to do that. How does my character get accepted?
just waited until someone says accepted...



Nickname(If Applies):

Pervy Sage/Guru

Toad god


A few thousand years younger than Nature.



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

Usually in various hotel rooms, or on the road.

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Nature deity of toads and toad magic.


Natural Energy Manipulation

Elemental Sealing

Oil Generation

Oil Manipulation

Mud Manipulation

Comakinetic Constructs


Enhanced Condition


The ladies.


Large/flashy entrances.


Clear Loyalties.



Sappy endings.

Loud brats.

Flat chested girls.

Those whom hating writing and reading.


Matsuno generally light-hearted and gregarious, making jokes at his own expense and giving a mirthful laugh about it afterwards, though he likes to pretend to be smug or selfish. Matsuno is a self-proclaimed super-pervert with no equal, a passion he flaunts openly and in fact takes pride in because of how infrequently he's caught. Despite all of that, Matsuno, so seemingly irreverent, can in actuality be an extremely competent: he is deeply loyal despite how often he is away from anyone, not hesitating to threaten to kill if someone betrays the those he trusts.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



Matsuno awoke upon what he could only assume was the day of his birth or creation. From there on out he learned many things till he was found by another with powers and shown his paths. He chose the path of helping others, becoming a guardian for many, and somewhere along the way gained a grand taste for the female body, openly declaring it for everyone to know. Over the year Matsuno's personality became more humble though, taking on students if ever the possibility arose. Through the many he had taught, Matsuno has passed on his love for peace and his disdain for conflict.



Anything else:

@Fukushima Akira

Name: Harumi

Nickname(If Applies): haru, umi

Age: infant for the moment

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: undecided

Good or Evil or Neutral: neutral for noW

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) with her parents myuki and kikuri

What Year of highschool your in: none

What kind of being you are: lamia


Can speak to snakes, super strength and senses


Will like teddy bears




Being bored

Waking up

Personality: childish, inoccent, happy, caring, bashful, shy, easily embarased, loves her sister to death


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.bfa7295e4fc3c00a71d8dd6962fa11e6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110081" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.bfa7295e4fc3c00a71d8dd6962fa11e6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: just born

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: daughter of myuki (me) and kikuri (@HimeragiSeiker)



  • image.jpeg
    194.8 KB · Views: 61
Character remake - Keiji





Dragon Boy





Sexual Orientation











Fire Manipulation


Electricity Manipulation

Super Strength

Indomitable Spirit

Sharing - He's able to allow someone to use his abilities for a short while



-Lack of food


-Moving vehicles





Keiji is a really outgoing guy. He likes to be around people and make friends. He's usually all loud and happy and looking for ways to get rid of his extra energy. Just don't mistreat people in front of him and never, ever harm his comrades.


He doesn't really talk about it. Only thing special is the fact he was raised by a dragon, and his abilities have the strength to fight them head on.



Anything Else





Natural Energy Manipulation[/URL]

Elemental Sealing

Oil Generation

Oil Manipulation

Mud Manipulation

Comakinetic Constructs


Enhanced Condition


The ladies.


Large/flashy entrances.


Clear Loyalties.



Sappy endings.

Loud brats.

Flat chested girls.

Those whom hating writing and reading.


Matsuno generally light-hearted and gregarious, making jokes at his own expense and giving a mirthful laugh about it afterwards, though he likes to pretend to be smug or selfish. Matsuno is a self-proclaimed super-pervert with no equal, a passion he flaunts openly and in fact takes pride in because of how infrequently he's caught. Despite all of that, Matsuno, so seemingly irreverent, can in actuality be an extremely competent: he is deeply loyal despite how often he is away from anyone, not hesitating to threaten to kill if someone betrays the those he trusts.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



Matsuno awoke upon what he could only assume was the day of his birth or creation. From there on out he learned many things till he was found by another with powers and shown his paths. He chose the path of helping others, becoming a guardian for many, and somewhere along the way gained a grand taste for the female body, openly declaring it for everyone to know. Over the year Matsuno's personality became more humble though, taking on students if ever the possibility arose. Through the many he had taught, Matsuno has passed on his love for peace and his disdain for conflict.



Anything else:

@Fukushima Akira

Name: Giselle Tsukuyomi

Nickname(If Applies): Quiet rose, Lady Blue Rose

Age: 14

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: Confused/ not sure yet

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Enhanced Super.

Powers/gifts: Enhancements - strength, Natural durability increase, and able to sustain life in an oxygen deprived environment (she does not require air to live.), and also mass alteration:

Mass alteration: She can form simple weapons or tools using her own body. However, if the tool or weapon would be destroyed, it removes that much mass from her. She is required to eat at least every 4 hours to make full use of this ability.

-Natural Abilities:

Disarm - People feel safe around her. She can be holding a severed head and no one would think it was odd. The draw back is, those not directly affected will react to it as though she was being coquettish.

Soft Spoken - Her words carry enough weight to crush inhibitions or resistances. But she cannot dominate someone, only change their mind.

Unaging - She ages slowly.

Saving Grace - This ability kicks in when she is in danger. Anyone who is not directly threatening her will assume she is in danger and has to protect her. The down side is, she cannot control who it affects or how they save her.

Push - The most taxing of her abilities. It allows her to completely dominate a single person. The effect is weakened over multiple people. She can force her target to bend to her will completely. But the down side is, she has not mastered the ability, so it drains her, and she has to remain with her target for the effect to continue. Once the time runs out, the target is immune to further control and will turn hostile towards her.

Likes: candy,Gothic Lolita fashion, poetry

Dislikes: mean people and people who want to hurt her

Personality: She was a budding Gothic Lolita fashion model, when she accidentally triggered her powers, which landed her on Randall's slab. He enhanced a few of her features to make use of her beauty. She is shy, and introverted, most likely found hiding from crowds or reading a book.


Bio: She was a shy girl, who adored the Gothic Lolita fashion scene. However, people discovered that she looked very good in the Gothic Lolita fashion style, so she was pushed into being a model, but on her first photo shoot, she stubbed her toe, which triggered a mental wave, which brought the Corporation upon her in short order. After her complete reworking, she has no memory of who she was, but some memory of her tastes. So she follows the orders of her "Father" and "Mother" without fail. But she is prone to aimlessly wander around.

Dating/lover/crush: none yet.

Anything else: nope.
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]Name: Giselle Tsukuyomi
Nickname(If Applies): Quiet rose, Lady Blue Rose

Age: 14

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: Confused/ not sure yet

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Enhanced Super.

Powers/gifts: Enhancements - strength, Natural durability increase, and able to sustain life in an oxygen deprived environment (she does not require air to live.), and also mass alteration:

Mass alteration: She can form simple weapons or tools using her own body. However, if the tool or weapon would be destroyed, it removes that much mass from her. She is required to eat at least every 4 hours to make full use of this ability.

-Natural Abilities:

Disarm - People feel safe around her. She can be holding a severed head and no one would think it was odd. The draw back is, those not directly affected will react to it as though she was being coquettish.

Soft Spoken - Her words carry enough weight to crush inhibitions or resistances. But she cannot dominate someone, only change their mind.

Unaging - She ages slowly.

Saving Grace - This ability kicks in when she is in danger. Anyone who is not directly threatening her will assume she is in danger and has to protect her. The down side is, she cannot control who it affects or how they save her.

Push - The most taxing of her abilities. It allows her to completely dominate a single person. The effect is weakened over multiple people. She can force her target to bend to her will completely. But the down side is, she has not mastered the ability, so it drains her, and she has to remain with her target for the effect to continue. Once the time runs out, the target is immune to further control and will turn hostile towards her.

Likes: candy,Gothic Lolita fashion, poetry

Dislikes: mean people and people who want to hurt her

Personality: She was a budding Gothic Lolita fashion model, when she accidentally triggered her powers, which landed her on Randall's slab. He enhanced a few of her features to make use of her beauty. She is shy, and introverted, most likely found hiding from crowds or reading a book.


Bio: She was a shy girl, who adored the Gothic Lolita fashion scene. However, people discovered that she looked very good in the Gothic Lolita fashion style, so she was pushed into being a model, but on her first photo shoot, she stubbed her toe, which triggered a mental wave, which brought the Corporation upon her in short order. After her complete reworking, she has no memory of who she was, but some memory of her tastes. So she follows the orders of her "Father" and "Mother" without fail. But she is prone to aimlessly wander around.

Dating/lover/crush: none yet.

Anything else: nope.

Name: Kiba Inuzuka

Nickname(If Applies): none

Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) dorm

What Year of highschool your in: senior

What kind of being you are: human with special abilities/ ninja


Kiba's fighting style revolves around collaboration techniques alongside his companion Akamaru. He also likes to use ninja weapons such as military pills to increase his chakra and that of Akamaru's; smoke bombs to blind his enemy and make a precise attack or set a trap such as a fake Akamaru that explodes throwing dozens of kunai.Kiba mostly relies on the use of his clan's ninjutsu in battle. He can also use the Shadow Clone Technique, which he learned in order to use his clan's more powerful techniques. He is also proficient with the Transformation Technique and its more advanced version to use his clan's more advanced techniques with Akamaru. Kiba has some skill in the nature transformation's of Earth and Yang Release.

Kiba fights and attacks with the ferocity of a beast, utilizing his sharp claws and other attributes he gains from his Four Legs Technique. He can also turn Akamaru into an identical clone of himself so they can use the Fang passing Fang, attacking the target at high-speed with excellent coordination. In dire circumstances, they can transform together into a two-headed wolf, and attack by using the Fang Wolf Fang, which is almost impossible to avoid, let alone block. By adding a shadow clone, they can transform into a three-headed wolf and use the more powerful Tail Chasing Fang Fang Rotating Fang.

As an Inuzuka, Kiba has enhanced canine-related senses, his most powerful being his sense of smell, surpassing that of a ninja hound's. By concentrating his chakra in his nose, Kiba can make his sense of smell a thousand times more sensitive than average, allowing him to easily distinguish people by their scent. His sense of smell can clearly determine the physical condition of an individual, even from a considerable distance. Naturally, Kiba is the ideal choice to be included in all reconnaissance and tracking missions, as he can actively keep track of targets, identify traps that others would miss, and detect any nearby enemy.

However, Kiba's powerful sense of smell can a double-edged sword, as being exposed to strong odours can incapacitate him. In his two-headed wolf transformation, his revolution speed is so fast that he cannot see anything, but he can target his enemy with his sense of smell after Akamaru uses Dynamic Marking.Because of his clan's practised fighting style, Kiba has a quick reaction time, honed reflexes, and great physical strength and speed. He practises his clan's famed "hit-and-run" tactics where he delivers powerful attacks to the opponent, moving at speeds that they can hardly keep up with.



*Helping people






*annoying people

Personality:Playful, Childish, Teasing, Funny, protective, easily angered.


Bio: His life was pretty normal for a ninja, as far as he remembers anyway's.

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: this is @Mayyflower character but she was busy so she asked me to do it for her ^~^
LunaCrosby said:
Name: Kiba Inuzuka
Nickname(If Applies): none

Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) dorm

What Year of highschool your in: senior

What kind of being you are: human with special abilities/ ninja


Kiba's fighting style revolves around collaboration techniques alongside his companion Akamaru. He also likes to use ninja weapons such as military pills to increase his chakra and that of Akamaru's; smoke bombs to blind his enemy and make a precise attack or set a trap such as a fake Akamaru that explodes throwing dozens of kunai.Kiba mostly relies on the use of his clan's ninjutsu in battle. He can also use the Shadow Clone Technique, which he learned in order to use his clan's more powerful techniques. He is also proficient with the Transformation Technique and its more advanced version to use his clan's more advanced techniques with Akamaru. Kiba has some skill in the nature transformation's of Earth and Yang Release.

Kiba fights and attacks with the ferocity of a beast, utilizing his sharp claws and other attributes he gains from his Four Legs Technique. He can also turn Akamaru into an identical clone of himself so they can use the Fang passing Fang, attacking the target at high-speed with excellent coordination. In dire circumstances, they can transform together into a two-headed wolf, and attack by using the Fang Wolf Fang, which is almost impossible to avoid, let alone block. By adding a shadow clone, they can transform into a three-headed wolf and use the more powerful Tail Chasing Fang Fang Rotating Fang.

As an Inuzuka, Kiba has enhanced canine-related senses, his most powerful being his sense of smell, surpassing that of a ninja hound's. By concentrating his chakra in his nose, Kiba can make his sense of smell a thousand times more sensitive than average, allowing him to easily distinguish people by their scent. His sense of smell can clearly determine the physical condition of an individual, even from a considerable distance. Naturally, Kiba is the ideal choice to be included in all reconnaissance and tracking missions, as he can actively keep track of targets, identify traps that others would miss, and detect any nearby enemy.

However, Kiba's powerful sense of smell can a double-edged sword, as being exposed to strong odours can incapacitate him. In his two-headed wolf transformation, his revolution speed is so fast that he cannot see anything, but he can target his enemy with his sense of smell after Akamaru uses Dynamic Marking.Because of his clan's practised fighting style, Kiba has a quick reaction time, honed reflexes, and great physical strength and speed. He practises his clan's famed "hit-and-run" tactics where he delivers powerful attacks to the opponent, moving at speeds that they can hardly keep up with.



*Helping people






*annoying people

Personality:Playful, Childish, Teasing, Funny, protective, easily angered.


Bio: His life was pretty normal for a ninja, as far as he remembers anyway's.

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: this is @Mayyflower character but she was busy so she asked me to do it for her ^~^

Should have made him the young version like the rest. We seem to be recreating their lives anyway xD . @Mayyflower
Roman said:
Should have made him the young version like the rest. We seem to be recreating their lives anyway xD . @Mayyflower
If that's the case then Masahi needs to royally screw over a certain orange wearing persons life~
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]If that's the case then Masahi needs to royally screw over a certain orange wearing persons life~

I said recreating, not reinacting their lives xD
Roman said:
I said recreating, not reinacting their lives xD
Still, it could be interesting, Masahi showing up and trying to steal away a certain deity and angel's child.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Still, it could be interesting, Masahi showing up and trying to steal away a certain deity and angel's child.

He's like 13 now xD It's too late.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]No, i mean the next one, Slaxt's next character~ I'm sure they would look the same as babies > :D

Why come after him though? xD He doesn't possess the power his brother or father has.
Roman said:
Why come after him though? xD He doesn't possess the power his brother or father has.
No, but he'd make one hell of a bargaining chip, plus he could potentially snatch the power away from either his father or bother :P
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]No, but he'd make one hell of a bargaining chip, plus he could potentially snatch the power away from either his father or bother :P

He wouldn't be able to get to Satoshi so easily considering Roman would be there to protect him, and Roman is also an old friend of both Thana and Hayate. He'd fight for them if need be xP

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