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Fantasy Character Registration


Amelia & Carrys & Lorna

Nickname(If Applies):

A & Car & Lory


19 & 18 & 17


Female & Female & Female

Sexual Orientation:

Bi-sexual & Straight & Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:

Neutral & Neutral & Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

A dorm near the school & Rent's a big house & Rents with Carrys

What Year of high

freshman & Sophmore & Sophmore

What kind of being you are:

Godess of the sign ( Gemini ) & Godess of the sign ( Virgo) & Godess of the sign (Libra)


Amelia being a Gemini can control the Air. She can do most things with the currency of Air.

Carrys Being a Virgo means she can control the element of Earth. She can basically do anything with the currency of earth.

Lorna Being a libra means she can control Air like Amelia. She can control anything to do with Air.





Reading, Eating and most things sweet.


Lorna enjoy's most things. she will happily eat at anytime. She can sleep for hours on end. Lorna may be accustomed to sport at times.







Lorna hates rude ignorant people. She does not like Blood and will most likely faint at the sight.


Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)




Anything else:

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xXMiaXx said:
Nami & Gi

Nickname(If Applies):

Nam & T


17 & 17


Male & Female

Sexual Orientation:

Straight & Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:

Neutral & Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

House; A basic and friendly house, Approachable but Big. & House; A Basic and friendly house, Approachable but big.

What Year of highschool your in:

11 & 11

What kind of being you are:

Fallen God & Godess of the Sign (Cancer)


Nami is able to gow wings, He is the average looking guy. His eye colour changes with his mood and he Can use the Fire Element. He is not allowed to touch a pure blood of any kind, if he does the person who made contact can conrtol him with words. Gi is the controller of all Cancerian's, If she is met by a cancerian she has total control over them, unless they are a supernatural being. She controlls the water element. Gi can controll all animals with shells such as Crab's, Turtles, Sea snail and more.


Nami is a fan of Manga, Reading, food and sleeping. He will happily enjoy a meal with one of such in pleasure to have dinner with him. He is known to either be Reading or sleeping in his spare time. The books that he reads consists of Manga, Comics, Novels and Fiction. Although Nami is known for his lack of activities he is a fan of Sporting.

Gi is known for a love of reading, food and sleeping, such as her brother. She is a fan of most sports and also will enjoy anything with her friends. She is a fan of having walks on the beach in the morning and she is also likely to ask to go for a drive in the city during a storm. She Has been a fan of gaming for quite a while and is quite fond of it. Gi is also fond of surfing, she can catch small waves but struggles to catch bigger waves.


Nami is a hater of most sports but as said he does like some sporting. He is never likely to eat anything with broccoli or asparagis in it. Nami hates Waves But it's ironic because that's what his name originally means. Although he is the lazy type Nami is disgusted by people who take gaming seriously and people who make a living out of it.

Gi is not so fond of Bigger waves, as said. She preffers to game on a irregular basis but is still not so fond of it that she wil, play every day. Gi is like her brother, is very unlikely found eating anything to do with Broccoli or asparigis. Although Gi's name means blood she will likely faint at the sight of it. She has a disliking for people with to much self asteem.


Nami is known to be lazy. He is quite kind but also acts to be a snitch for her sister, Gi. He has never been found to be a rude person but is likely to become if he is having a bad day. Nami quite enjoys his sleep, as is and will rarely move from slumber unless his classes are awaiting his presence. He is never known to be in a rather bad mood but if so, he is probably awaiting the beauty sleep that is needed.

Gi is known to be a little bit of a rude person on the outside. If you were ever to come in contact it'd be best to stick on the inside and try not to disturb her from anything that she is doing. Gi might come across as the annoying type at first but once you get to know her she is probably one of the best people you will ever meet in term's of qaulity. She is quite the lazy type like her brother and she enjoys her sleep.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


View attachment 196303







Anything else:

Nami owns a Pet dog/Wolf.


Gi own's a cat





Nickname(If Applies):

Ai - by Chrona





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

doesn't have one right now

What Year of highschool your in:

Freshman, probably.

What kind of being you are:

Goddess of the Zodiac


Power over the zodiac. Her form shifts based on which zodiac she is controlling at the moment. Each form has different powers that she can use.


+ Animals

+ clocks

+ humans

+ Cheeseburgers


- Storms

- annoying people

- Pretentious idiots

- people who don't believe in the zodiac


A sweet girl, who just likes to help everyone. It's gotten her hurt a few times, but that's what Chrona is for. Despite this, she is reluctant to let anyone get close to her, for fear of rejection or getting hurt.

Zodiac Appearances and Abilities:



- healing abilities

- can cast advantageous buffs on allies

- light magic

- best dancer



- increased strength and endurance

- earth magic

- manipulation of metals

- best at household chores



- Aion gains a twin, Chrona

- expert martial artists

- complete synchronicity between the twins

- best at sports



- Can talk to any and all animals

- fire magic

- expert gardener



- transforms into a pink lion

- can store things in its fur

- can create portals

- increased sense of smell

- warmest



- Support abilities to allies

- Morality sensor

- Electricity magic

- best artist



- Analyzing targets

- can extend sight up to a mile radius around herself

- plant manipulation

- best memory and handwriting



- Darkness magic

- can create illusions

- Poison magic

- expert cook



- Master Archer

- Near perfect aim

- increased stealth

- expert piano player



- increased speed

- increased agility/reflexes/flexibility

- increased defense

- best video gamer



- Water magic

- can create shields

- can breath underwater

- can sing extremely well



- Wind Magic

- Master of bladed weaponry

- Can master machines with ease


The zodiac has been around for thousands of years. But Aion only came into being when humans first began to organize it. She's been here ever since, watching over the zodiac, granting people their sign when they're born. Curious about the world, and the people who live in it that are granted the different signs, Aion decided to don a human form and enroll in Fantasy High, wondering who or what she might come across.


None yet

Anything else:

She doesn't prefer one Zodiac to another.

Her twin in her Gemini form is named Chrona. (Named after Chronos, not to be confused with Kronus.)
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Character Update:


"Hello, Im Rin"

Nickname(If Applies):

"I don't have one I'm sorry.."


"Well... You see I dont know..."


"I'm a female"

Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:

"I'm neutral"

Where you live (House, dorm, etc):

"I live in a dorm"

What Year of highschool your in:

"I dont really go to school"

What kind of being you are:

"I'm a... Angel/ Demon mixbreed and because of that Im a Fallen angel"


"Okay let's see... I can control the weather which all depends on my mood, I can control fire/water/the air pressure... I can do a lot more I promise I.. Just.. Can't name them all.. Ya know?"


"Oh gosh...Okay lets see I like animals, Art, Music, Singing, Dancing"


"Rude people, Perverts... if I continue you would be here all day"


Rin is a Strong, Outgoing, Brave, Sensitive, Independent women. She will say the first thing that comes to her mind.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/117035.jpg.3dc1b860814987ce6aa55cead8610528.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89192" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/117035.jpg.3dc1b860814987ce6aa55cead8610528.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





(She has a familiar named Nona)



"Leave me alone, I dont need anyone.. Im fine on my own"


"Dont want to talk about it!."



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Name: Maria Victoria Clarke

"Please call me Maria or MV. Don't call me Victoria though."

Nickname(If Applies): MV

"Not very creative I know, but I'll react to it."


"I at least think. I don't know how long I stayed dead..."

Gender: Female

"I hope that did not change recently "

Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual

"I'm more the classical type of girl, you know."

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

"I'm quite nice. Except you provoke me, I can be pretty harsh if I'm angry..."

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


"I live in a dorm, can't afford a house though."

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Half a demon, half a human

"I died, woke up half a demon...So am I undead as well?"


There is more where that came from:

Maria is able to get small things like daggers and other stuff of that size from no actual source. This makes her being able to throw her daggers nearly permanently and also makes her getting her chocolate cheaper.

Now you see me, now you don't:

Maria is able to vanish for a short time, giving her the possibility to change position.

Just a little bit closer:

Maria is able to teleport over short distances (5 yards/ 5 meters, whatever you prefer). This gives her, just as the prior mentioned ability does, a chance for a quick position changewhile fighting.



+Being around friends




-Getting underestimated

-People shouting at her

-Getting called Victoria


For those, who don't know her, Maria may seem arrogant. But if you get known to her, you find her to be a very playful and jocular person, who cares about her friends and would give everything to protect them. No matter what situation she's in, Maria will never loose her humor. There is always a fitting joke in her eyes. She seems to take nothing really serious, which is not true and makes others sometimes underestimate her.

"That's basically me. Any questions? "

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/sakuya_by_atom_ix-d39r9z9.jpg.01362b6d4ba04a808085fca191c6d026.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89216" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/sakuya_by_atom_ix-d39r9z9.jpg.01362b6d4ba04a808085fca191c6d026.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Maria was born in a noble family and risen under good conditions. Shortly after Maria turned 14, there was a raid on the coach she and her parents were travelling in. She had to watch her father being killed cruelly and her mother getting ravaged and killed. After that, Maria actually got killed herself, but found herself waking up later in a brush. She felt stronger than before and quickly learnt, which new powers were within her body. Later she found out, that her in her thirst for revenge she defied the death and turned to a demon partially.

"I don't like to talk about my past..."

Dating/lover/crush: None yet

Anything else: She is a pretty good piano player



  • sakuya_by_atom_ix-d39r9z9.jpg
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"I don't have any."

"Neither do I."


"I'm 16."

"I'm a year older. 17."


"This question is irrelevant. I'm a female."

"I look like a guy... Don't I?"

Sexual Orientation

"Whatever appeals to me the most."


"I'm straight."



"Point me at the bad guys!"



"Same here."






Enhanced Human Physique

High Intellectual Intelligence

Super Human Speed

Enhanced Strength

Master Swordsmanship


Austin has one ability that allows him tto become a giant fifteen foot Titan.

This also grants him the aability to regain limbs lost before turning and any wounds healing.



"I like to keep a serious demeanor. You have no need to know what's going on the inside."

"I'm more outgoing, but I like to keep to myself also."


The two had a rough childhood and prefer not to think about it.


"I have a slight crush on, Austin."

"I got nothing."

Anything Else

@Fukushima Akira

Fuck logic....



[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]
Name: Maria Victoria Clarke
"Please call me Maria or MV. Don't call me Victoria though."

Nickname(If Applies): MV

"Not very creative I know, but I'll react to it."


"I at least think. I don't know how long I stayed dead..."

Gender: Female

"I hope that did not change recently "

Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual

"I'm more the classical type of girl, you know."

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

"I'm quite nice. Except you provoke me, I can be pretty harsh if I'm angry..."

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


"I live in a dorm, can't afford a house though."

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Half a demon, half a human

"I died, woke up half a demon...So am I undead as well?"


There is more where that came from:

Maria is able to get small things like daggers and other stuff of that size from no actual source. This makes her being able to throw her daggers nearly permanently and also makes her getting her chocolate cheaper.

Now you see me, now you don't:

Maria is able to vanish for a short time, giving her the possibility to change position.

Just a little bit closer:

Maria is able to teleport over short distances (5 yards/ 5 meters, whatever you prefer). This gives her, just as the prior mentioned ability does, a chance for a quick position changewhile fighting.



+Being around friends




-Getting underestimated

-People shouting at her

-Getting called Victoria


For those, who don't know her, Maria may seem arrogant. But if you get known to her, you find her to be a very playful and jocular person, who cares about her friends and would give everything to protect them. No matter what situation she's in, Maria will never loose her humor. There is always a fitting joke in her eyes. She seems to take nothing really serious, which is not true and makes others sometimes underestimate her.

"That's basically me. Any questions? "

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

View attachment 199537


Maria was born in a noble family and risen under good conditions. Shortly after Maria turned 14, there was a raid on the coach she and her parents were travelling in. She had to watch her father being killed cruelly and her mother getting ravaged and killed. After that, Maria actually got killed herself, but found herself waking up later in a brush. She felt stronger than before and quickly learnt, which new powers were within her body. Later she found out, that her in her thirst for revenge she defied the death and turned to a demon partially.

"I don't like to talk about my past..."

Dating/lover/crush: None yet

Anything else: She is a pretty good piano player

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Is there something I need to care for when jumping into the play or can I just say she's new at school and walks around, hoping someone will help me out and start talking to her?
Roman said:







"I don't have any."

"Neither do I."


"I'm 16."

"I'm a year older. 17."


"This question is irrelevant. I'm a female."

"I look like a guy... Don't I?"

Sexual Orientation

"Whatever appeals to me the most."


"I'm straight."



"Point me at the bad guys!"



"Same here."






Enhanced Human Physique

High Intellectual Intelligence

Super Human Speed

Enhanced Strength

Master Swordsmanship


Austin has one ability that allows him tto become a giant fifteen foot Titan.

This also grants him the aability to regain limbs lost before turning and any wounds healing.



"I like to keep a serious demeanor. You have no need to know what's going on the inside."

"I'm more outgoing, but I like to keep to myself also."


The two had a rough childhood and prefer not to think about it.


"I have a slight crush on, Austin."

"I got nothing."

Anything Else

@Fukushima Akira

Fuck logic....




That image, though xD
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Is there something I need to care for when jumping into the play or can I just say she's new at school and walks around, hoping someone will help me out and start talking to her?

It's generally a good idea to say you're new, and then see if anyone's free.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]It's generally a good idea to say you're new, and then see if anyone's free.

So i will just do that. Thank you for your help
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]So i will just do that. Thank you for your help

No problem :)
Name: Relrih Floda

Nickname(If Applies): Rehref

Age:17 (assumes the age of 56)

Gender: Demiagender

Sexual Orientation: asexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Chaotic Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Mysterious underground bunker from years past.

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Angel Lord

Powers/gifts: Can turn demons to ash, throws yellow 6 prong stars

Likes: Power, Control, Order, Blond hair and blue eyes

Dislikes: People who are greedy and/or have big noses (he doesn't find it attractive)

Personality: Rehref is mostly understanding but can get quite heated if his angel generals fail to accomplish orders.



Bio: Ever since he was young Reltih wanted to be an artist. He hopes to conquer nations through the use of advance technology and flying mechs. He has thought of a brand new type of strategy with his general Blitz. His life long ambition is to rid the world of evil and greed.

Dating/lover/crush: He is currently dating a classmate named Jo Stalin but plans on dumping him because he has caught him in the act of cheating with another friend Win Church.

Anything else: He just really doesn't like people who are obsessed with money, especially wealthy bankers.
Name: Ignatz Horset

Nickname(If Applies): "Blitz"

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Chaotic good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of high school your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Fallen Angel


Black fire, claws, poisonous fumes, wings, tough skin.


Justice, helping those held down by other, flying, organisation, book keeping, books, black coats and caps and others like himself.


Greed, winter, men in hats, the color green, those who are not like him. People who hide and those who try and hide their faces.

Personality: Horset is a very calm boy but can have loud and very commanding like outbursts, he see's himself a leader while acting like a follower. He keeps his friends close and attempts to keep his enemies closer. He is also very organized and is a good planner for large scale events. Great at finding solutions.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Regular form


War form:


Bio: Horset fell from the heaven's with a purpose. He felt a need inside of himself to improve himself and the world, but he couldn't do it alone. Thats when he come under the service of Floda, he found himself passionate in the same fields as him. So he became one of Flodas many close allies and eventually came here with him.


Anything else:

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