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Fantasy Character Registration

Roman said:
You don't know what flying is? XDD I shall hurt you now. Everyone knows what flying is
What is flying? I don't understand is that like walking or something. cx


Masaru Arashi

Birth Name:



None as of yet


Demon Sanctum, Black Death



-Looks eighteen due to suspended ageing-





Sexual Orientation:


Good, Evil or Neutral:


Where you live:



Demon Sanctum.




Masaru is an intellectually cruel and unloving man, he often addresses subordinates by their surnames, he is a man that does not talk so much. He rarely shows any sign of alarm, surprise or anguish. In normal situations, Masaru is casual and uncaring, attempting to draw a conversation and make small talk, which often infuriates those he is talking to, primarily among Sanctums. However, he still a very cruel man with his subordinates, he is not honest with other people. Due to his power that he has over his members, he is very selfish and does not care about anyone's life and even his own. He shows no sympathy for his subordinates, he is a kind of person who does not like to repeat the same thing twice. Masaru brutally tortured his servants after questioning his orders. Under normal circumstances, he acts honestly and respect his subordinates, even if that opinion is being arrogant with them due to his manner of speaking and his cocky smile, as if he was being arrogant, but the conditions in which he finds something interesting that draws attention to him he becomes an arrogant, selfish, and a person who has a supernatural mind, the person he becomes is like a business man with extremely cruel ambition. He does't care about things like people's lives, as long he achieves his goals, or rather, he does not care about any of these things. Masaru is able to do anything to achieve his goals, he will destroy the whole life of the planet only to achieving his ambitions or kill any person if necessary. In fact this could be his "dearest-realization". He is obsesses in making the world die and rule the future world according to his image, and nothing will stop him to achieve his "dream".

He has a very sadistic and cold personality, he seems to take pleasure in the worst possible types of torture, such when he considered various types of cruel physical, mental, emotional, and sexual tortures to torture his female lieutenant that only the most twisted of individuals could think of. The definition of Masaru is a complete and utter obsession with war and destruction, and obsession with Imperius Vi Euphoria's power. By his own admission, he loves all kinds of evil that mankind can evoke over the world, and clearly shows that he hate any form of pacifism. His insane devotion to war and destruction is evident in the great affection with which he refers to the destruction of the planet slowly with wars, deforestation, death and any other public chaos.


Black Hole Manipulation:

Masaru can create and manipulate black holes, a region of space time where gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping. With this, he can control the size of his black holes, and move it around in space to suck up everything in it's path. Manipulation of black holes can allow Masaru to Time Travel to the future, as the closer he gets to the event horizon of a black hole, the slower time gets. Meaning that a few minutes or hours may pass for him near the event horizon, and when he leaves, he may find it's hundreds of years in the future.

Gravity Manipulation:

Masaru can create, shape and manipulate gravitation, natural phenomenon by which all physical bodies attract each other, and gravitons, hypothetical elementary particles that mediate the force of gravitation. He can bend gravity to make the environment very “heavy” or “light”, cause objects to “fall” toward another object instead of the earth -“nexus inducing”-, flatten objects, and generate miniature black holes to compress objects into oblivion. They can repel and attract matter and energy regardless of it's mass or move objects in a manner similar to telekinesis.

Offensive uses of this power include repulsing people or objects with such force to shatter practically anything, increasing gravity to crush or immobilize opponents, decreasing it to render them defenceless, or his body in a gravitational field to amplify physical strength. Defensive uses include creating a gravitational force-field to repel all manner of attacks or anchoring himself to the ground.

White Hole Manipulation:

Masaru can create white holes. Whereas a black hole "sucks" matter in via gravity, a white hole spits it out.

Gravitational Singularity Generation:

Masaru can create exposed singularities, (centre of a hole) a situation where matter is forced to be compressed to a point (space-like singularity) and a situation where certain light rays come from a region with infinite curvature (time-like singularity).

Usually, this attack destroys any target made of energy or matter through a black or white hole. Through a black hole, it will destroy anything devouring the matter and energy, allowing the opponent to be ripped apart when they enter into a Gravitational Singularity and be erase to nothingness as body molecule, matter and energy will be absorbed causing instant death. Through a white hole, Masaru can let matter and light escape, releasing a blast of energy and matter allowing it to create exposures.

Sanctum Inheritance:


Supreme Strength

Supreme Stamina

Immune To All Diseases

Supreme Endurance

Immune to all powers and affects

Supreme Teleportation

Absolute Immortality


To be revealed.



Anything Else?:

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Name: Sinta

Nickname(If Applies): Sin

Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) house

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: human

Powers/gifts: Fire manipulation

Likes: no one

Dislikes: no one

Personality: sometimes angry



Bio: Sinta doesn't speak for himself much

Dating/lover/crush: no one

Anything else: No.
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[QUOTE="Omega 116]Name: Sinta
Nickname(If Applies): Sin

Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) house

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: human

Powers/gifts: Fire manipulation

Likes: no one

Dislikes: no one

Personality: sometimes angry



Bio: Sinta doesn't speak for himself much

Dating/lover/crush: no one

Anything else: No.

Accepted. Try to post at the minimum two lines of text.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]


Masaru Arashi

Birth Name:



None as of yet


Demon Sanctum, Black Death



-Looks eighteen due to suspended ageing-





Sexual Orientation:


Good, Evil or Neutral:


Where you live:



Demon Sanctum.




Masaru is an intellectually cruel and unloving man, he often addresses subordinates by their surnames, he is a man that does not talk so much. He rarely shows any sign of alarm, surprise or anguish. In normal situations, Masaru is casual and uncaring, attempting to draw a conversation and make small talk, which often infuriates those he is talking to, primarily among Sanctums. However, he still a very cruel man with his subordinates, he is not honest with other people. Due to his power that he has over his members, he is very selfish and does not care about anyone's life and even his own. He shows no sympathy for his subordinates, he is a kind of person who does not like to repeat the same thing twice. Masaru brutally tortured his servants after questioning his orders. Under normal circumstances, he acts honestly and respect his subordinates, even if that opinion is being arrogant with them due to his manner of speaking and his cocky smile, as if he was being arrogant, but the conditions in which he finds something interesting that draws attention to him he becomes an arrogant, selfish, and a person who has a supernatural mind, the person he becomes is like a business man with extremely cruel ambition. He does't care about things like people's lives, as long he achieves his goals, or rather, he does not care about any of these things. Masaru is able to do anything to achieve his goals, he will destroy the whole life of the planet only to achieving his ambitions or kill any person if necessary. In fact this could be his "dearest-realization". He is obsesses in making the world die and rule the future world according to his image, and nothing will stop him to achieve his "dream".

He has a very sadistic and cold personality, he seems to take pleasure in the worst possible types of torture, such when he considered various types of cruel physical, mental, emotional, and sexual tortures to torture his female lieutenant that only the most twisted of individuals could think of. The definition of Masaru is a complete and utter obsession with war and destruction, and obsession with Imperius Vi Euphoria's power. By his own admission, he loves all kinds of evil that mankind can evoke over the world, and clearly shows that he hate any form of pacifism. His insane devotion to war and destruction is evident in the great affection with which he refers to the destruction of the planet slowly with wars, deforestation, death and any other public chaos.


Black Hole Manipulation:

Masaru can create and manipulate black holes, a region of space time where gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping. With this, he can control the size of his black holes, and move it around in space to suck up everything in it's path. Manipulation of black holes can allow Masaru to Time Travel to the future, as the closer he gets to the event horizon of a black hole, the slower time gets. Meaning that a few minutes or hours may pass for him near the event horizon, and when he leaves, he may find it's hundreds of years in the future.

Gravity Manipulation:

Masaru can create, shape and manipulate gravitation, natural phenomenon by which all physical bodies attract each other, and gravitons, hypothetical elementary particles that mediate the force of gravitation. He can bend gravity to make the environment very “heavy” or “light”, cause objects to “fall” toward another object instead of the earth -“nexus inducing”-, flatten objects, and generate miniature black holes to compress objects into oblivion. They can repel and attract matter and energy regardless of it's mass or move objects in a manner similar to telekinesis.

Offensive uses of this power include repulsing people or objects with such force to shatter practically anything, increasing gravity to crush or immobilize opponents, decreasing it to render them defenceless, or his body in a gravitational field to amplify physical strength. Defensive uses include creating a gravitational force-field to repel all manner of attacks or anchoring himself to the ground.

White Hole Manipulation:

Masaru can create white holes. Whereas a black hole "sucks" matter in via gravity, a white hole spits it out.

Gravitational Singularity Generation:

Masaru can create exposed singularities, (centre of a hole) a situation where matter is forced to be compressed to a point (space-like singularity) and a situation where certain light rays come from a region with infinite curvature (time-like singularity).

Usually, this attack destroys any target made of energy or matter through a black or white hole. Through a black hole, it will destroy anything devouring the matter and energy, allowing the opponent to be ripped apart when they enter into a Gravitational Singularity and be erase to nothingness as body molecule, matter and energy will be absorbed causing instant death. Through a white hole, Masaru can let matter and light escape, releasing a blast of energy and matter allowing it to create exposures.

Sanctum Inheritance:


Supreme Strength

Supreme Stamina

Immune To All Diseases

Supreme Endurance

Immune to all powers and affects

Supreme Teleportation

Absolute Immortality


To be revealed.



Anything Else?:


Can I poke him?... He seems like haxor.

Update #1

Asuka Fukushima

Asuki, Suki, Suka, or Asu




Sexual Orientation


Where you live
Fukushima Estate



Base form


Second base form


Third base form

Saint of Blades Form



Explosives Saint Form

God Form


Flames of Judgment:

A type of purple flame that she uses to extinguish evil. Can create a large ball of fire to throw at enemies or fire a string of them with the same amount of power as the large fireball.


Can manifest food and other items

Electric Shock Wave:

Can make blue sparks come out of her hand and can create a staff out of it to shock enemies. If angered, she'll send shock waves towards her opponent and results in them knocking backwards.

Yellow Aura:
Asuka doesn't know how to use this power yet, all she knows is that she can create a star like staff with it. The powers of the staff are unknown as of now

Santen Kesshun ( or Three Sacred Links Shield):
is Asuka's defensive technique. It repels attacks by placing a shield between the enemy and Asuka. A 'shield' is raised between her and her enemy, and they repel the attack she receives. Because the barrier rejects negative events, it can also function as an airbag of sorts, allowing Asuka and anyone else nearby to survive a potentially lethal fall unharmed.

Sōten Kisshun (or Twin Sacred Return Shield):
is Asuka's "healing" technique. It surrounds something and returns it to the way it was before it was destroyed. It rejects, reverses, and reconstructs phenomena that have occurred, even phenomena that Asuka hasn't witnessed. When Sōten Kisshun is used, she can reject and reconstruct subjects that are covered in her shield. Her ability is to limit, reject, and negate any kind of event that has happened to her target. It is an ability that returns her target to its former state, no matter what has happened to them. Large amounts of foreign spiritual pressure around a wound makes her power to reject ineffective.

Koten Zanshun (or Solitary Sacred Cutting Shield):
is Asuka's offensive technique. It rejects the fusion of matter and splits it. The incantation summons Tsubaki, who has the ability to repel "both sides of the shield." He breaks through the enemy, puts up a shield inside, and repels the combined substance, splitting the enemy in two. While Tsubaki can cut through basically anything, Asuka's general dislike of combat and hesitance to use lethal force degrades the effectiveness of the technique, making him easy to counter and equally easy to injure.

Shiten Kōshun (or Shield of Four Heavens' Resistance):
is one of Asuka's techniques. It combines Shun Shun Rikka's offensive and defensive properties. The incantation integrates Tsubaki into the center of her Santen Kesshun ability, creating a triangular shield which, at the very instant of receiving an attack, disperses the resultant force as a concentrated explosion which is automatically returned along the attack's opposing trajectory.

Having recently becoming a Sanctum, she doesn't know the full extent of her powers and only knows the basics of what she can do. There is still more to find out


Asuka is a friendly girl who likes to protect her friends. She fears of being alone and going back to that dark place where she was trapped. She cherishes her time with her friends and others, because she's never really around enough to officially bond with them. The witch world had always kept her busy, so she's spent most of her time away from Earth. Asuka finally took care of that problem that she was dreading and is now bubbly and happy to have come back to Earth.


+Food in General

-Being Alone

+Making friends

-Bad people

+Akira Fukushima

+Her daughters Hikari and Kioko

-Scary things

Asuka came to the high school to further her knowledge in things other then Sourcery. She rarely every talks about her past, it's much to touchy for her to explain so she likes to keep it to herself. Anyways, along the school years Asuka has said to have met wonderful people. Though she rarely ever see's one of them and doesn't have any type of knowledge as to what happened to the other. Upon her first day of Fantasy High, she was lucky to have met two nice people, one of them being her future husband ( though she didn't know it at the time. ) A lot of stuff has happened over the year, meeting new people, dating Akira, the Witch World, getting kidnapped, defeating an evil tyrant in the Witch World, coming back home to then run away as a little self trip ( which didn't work out so well seeing as how Asuka wanted to go back after one day ), she also ended up getting proposed to on the same day as the trip ( somehow she couldn't put two and two together when Akira was hinting at it and remained clueless until the end ), there's way to many things to list. Though in the end, Asuka was happy to have been married to Akira and now has two beautiful daughters named Kioko and Hikari. Though before that Akira turned her into a Sanctum and blah blah blah, let's not get into that! Anyways, that's all about Asuka. If theirs anything else you'd like to know, go ask her yourself. She's always happy to talk to other people.

Happily Married to Akira Fukushima

Anything else?
Asuka has multiple forms that she can change into​
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Character CS Revamp: Himeragi Nine Seiker


Himeragi Nine Seiker

Nickname(If Applies):

Hime-Chan, Hime, Himmy, Nine





Sexual Orientation:

Bisexual but mostly Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

A Really big Mansion...

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:




Her songs come from her now adapted Intoner trait from being reborn as an Intoner after she died since hell no longer is alive. Her songs as an Intoner are buff-based powers. This means she can sing a certain song which can make her allies have an advantaged while the enemy is at a disadvantage. She can also just summon a rune which does the singing for her in her voice

''Sore!'' (Tso-yeh)


A light-weight cross-shaped blaster that can be summoned and can also shield her from any attack and also used for offensive ranged attacks. It has 4 modes, chain-gun mode: where Abbadon fires off bullets rapidly, Sniper mode: where Abbadon can be charged up to fire a long ranged piercing attack that can reach as far as Himeragi wants it to reach. Cannon-Destroyer: where Abbadon is able to fire rockets and missiles and it can also fire off bullets like a shot gun with a strong force. Abbadon's strongest form, Castle Mode: where Abbadon is implanted into the ground by Himeragi and gets lifted up to mid air to make a runic wall as Spirit Spears come out from it and home into Himeragi's opponents. There is a mini-version of it called ''wall mode'' is when shes shielding and going offensive at the same time. Abbadon can only be wielded by Himeragi or else if someone holds it, it will be really heavy as Himeragi can move it with ease. It can be fired from 2 ends as well (which means the front and the back of Abbadon)

''Castle, Abbadon!!''

Gun Blades

Himeragi is able to summon Gun Blades at will which they are very durable and contain the sharpest blade and strongest blade ever. Stronger than an average katana. Her gun blades only fire angel mixed with demon magic and infused into a sharp arrow which is the same bullets used in Abbadon. It can be charged to shoot a somewhat piercing bullet but it's semi-automatic which means she couldnt fire rapidly. Unless she pulls the trigger rapidly...

''Wolf Fang!''

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c45b9758a_ElswordDLGunBlades.png.b78337432e05a0218265dc6dc7f3354e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72630" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c45b9758a_ElswordDLGunBlades.png.b78337432e05a0218265dc6dc7f3354e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Pretty straight-forward, she summons then and throws them. Sometimes a 10 dozen appear from behind her and are flung at her not hitting her as they go for you. Some of her Kunai can explode, or create smoke for escape

''Gliding Strike!''


Common and brutal weapon are her gauntlets. They pretty much make her stronger as she also can scratch you and beat you down


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c45b9e991_ElswordChilliarchGauntlets.png.9278ef360676700250c1dd10482abbee.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72631" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c45b9e991_ElswordChilliarchGauntlets.png.9278ef360676700250c1dd10482abbee.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Spirit Spears

And even sometimes she can just summon Spirit Spears with angel and demon magic infused in them

''Specter Spear!''

Demon Assistance

Basically summoning a powerful demon to assist her


Megitsune: I'll be the last thing you'll see...So take a good look, before you fall into an eternal sleep...

Abbadon: Never used chains before as a weapon? Hahaha. I'll show you how much pain chains can inflict on your fragile body...


Kuroh (Of course)

Her Friends

Assana, Miyuki

Ice cream

Blue Butterflies

Cute things

Her little sister Neo





Dirty/Smelly places



Shes just...her

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c45babf0f_HimeragiSeikerFinale1.png.15de32d5a0e0c5a79ef7ed4f3db79e91.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72632" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c45babf0f_HimeragiSeikerFinale1.png.15de32d5a0e0c5a79ef7ed4f3db79e91.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


''It's a long one...besides, I kinda hate doing bios so, fuck it. Ahaha~''



Anything else:

Works as a maid at a maid cafe and a maid for Assana and Miyuki

She somehow liked taking care of the children in her household

She can kick that is able to break steel and even a prison wall


Next Character CS Revamp: Yuki Eve Seven

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c45bb5d3b_ElswordCBSTeaser.png.b8d5d5dd09ff666b495554f4a9a8b4e7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72633" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c45bb5d3b_ElswordCBSTeaser.png.b8d5d5dd09ff666b495554f4a9a8b4e7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Young Savage15]Name:

Nickname(If Applies):






Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

A dorm

What Year of highschool your in:

1 first year

What kind of being you are:



-Super speed

-Super strength


-Jaw widens


-Nice people



-Mean people



Romeo is a sweet, caring young boy, he protects the ones he loves, he is loyal and he is funny

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

View attachment 162849


He doesnt like talking about it


None yet

[QUOTE="Zero Drakon]Name: Zero Drakon
Nickname:The Dark Berserker




Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:Evil

Where you live:In a cave facing a lake.

What Year of highschool your in:Senior

What kind of being you are:Werewolf

Powers/gifts: Immortality, Super Strength and Speed, Razor Sharp Claws and Teeth



Bio: A lone werewolf. Who was once a skilled warrior before his village was burned and the people he cared about were slaughtered in front of his very own eyes.

Personality:Dark, Mysterious, Merciless, Cold.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Name: Zero Drakon

Nickname:The Dark Berserker




Appearance:Standard form.

Fully Powered Form.

Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:Evil

Where you live:Dorm

What Year of highschool your in:Senior

What kind of being you are:Werewolf

Powers/gifts: Immortality, Super Strength and Speed, Teleportation, Hell Fire Manipulation, Penance Stare, Demonic Magic, Demon Ice Manipulation, Demonic Attacks, Demonic Aura, Apocalypse Inducement, Demon God Physiology, Demon Manipulation, Hell-Fire Breath, Hellish Ice Breath, Hell-Fire Infusion, Demonic Beam Emission, Time Manipulation.

Likes:All things dark.

Dislikes:All things good.

Personality:Dark, Mysterious, Merciless, Cold.

Bio: Zero was born from the fires of hell. He far more talented and far stronger that any other demon. He rapidly grew stronger and stronger from devouring the souls of angels spirits and other demons. He became so powerful that he over threw both Satan and God. Zero did not enjoy the life of being God or Satan so he left the throne. Zero has come back to civilization to try to live a normal life.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A


Bear in mind, Heaven and Hell have been destroyed and Akira killed Lucifer. So if you'd like to change the bio slightly, you can. Either way, your character's accepted~
Name: Esh Aligtar

Nickname(If Applies): Astrus

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): House

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are: Humanized Star.

Powers/gifts: Shapeshifting, Light manipulation, Heat generation, gravity field, Wish granting. Manifestation of the False: Shining Example Messiah

Likes: People,



Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: Sometimes, when people wish on stars, they choose to grant them, even in the smallest way possible. A sick young girl wished upon the night sky a long time ago. She wanted a friend. Esh chose to grant the wish, or rather, couldn't not do it, but was troubled how to do it. Esh could not influence people to be her friend nor could one be created spontaneously. Finally, at great risk, Esh descended from the night sky one quiet night in the form of a glowing orb and befriended her. Soon, Esh grew attached to her and in order to prevent her death, let her take Esh' place in the sky.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else:None

Name: Xev Aligtar

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): House

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are: Humanized Star.

Powers/gifts: Shapeshifting, Light manipulation, Heat generation, supernova creation. Manifestation of the False: Grand Deviator Dante

Likes: People,



Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: Seperated from Esh due to certain events, she is a version of Esh that fulfilled her life to the fullest but was turned into a child.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else:None

Name: Aon Aligtar

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): House

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are: Humanized Star.

Powers/gifts: Gravity, Black Hole, World Eater, Manifestation of the False: Blighted Arbiter Fay

Likes: People,



Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: Seperated from Esh due to certain events, she is a version of Esh that was neglected and deprived of her emotions. She is a battle loving harbinger that is now a child.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else:None

Name: Evangel Gott

Nickname(If Applies): Eve, Eva, Angel



Sexual Orientation:Pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):Nowhere.

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: God, but she doesn't know it.

Powers/gifts: God's powers(Restricted unless in peril), command over Angels(But she doesn't know it)

Likes: Books, Life

Dislikes: Endings

Personality: Cheerful, Innocent

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred):


Bio: Has no recollection exept for a few things.


Anything else:
Metaphysics said:
Name: Esh Aligtar
Nickname(If Applies): Astrus

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): House

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are: Humanized Star.

Powers/gifts: Shapeshifting, Light manipulation, Heat generation, gravity field, Wish granting. Manifestation of the False: Shining Example Messiah

Likes: People,



Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: Sometimes, when people wish on stars, they choose to grant them, even in the smallest way possible. A sick young girl wished upon the night sky a long time ago. She wanted a friend. Esh chose to grant the wish, or rather, couldn't not do it, but was troubled how to do it. Esh could not influence people to be her friend nor could one be created spontaneously. Finally, at great risk, Esh descended from the night sky one quiet night in the form of a glowing orb and befriended her. Soon, Esh grew attached to her and in order to prevent her death, let her take Esh' place in the sky.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else:None

Name: Xev Aligtar

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): House

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are: Humanized Star.

Powers/gifts: Shapeshifting, Light manipulation, Heat generation, supernova creation. Manifestation of the False: Grand Deviator Dante

Likes: People,



Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: Seperated from Esh due to certain events, she is a version of Esh that fulfilled her life to the fullest but was turned into a child.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else:None

Name: Aon Aligtar

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): House

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are: Humanized Star.

Powers/gifts: Gravity, Black Hole, World Eater, Manifestation of the False: Blighted Arbiter Fay

Likes: People,



Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: Seperated from Esh due to certain events, she is a version of Esh that was neglected and deprived of her emotions. She is a battle loving harbinger that is now a child.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else:None

Name: Evangel Gott

Nickname(If Applies): Eve, Eva, Angel



Sexual Orientation:Pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):Nowhere.

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: God, but she doesn't know it.

Powers/gifts: God's powers(Restricted unless in peril), command over Angels(But she doesn't know it)

Likes: Books, Life

Dislikes: Endings

Personality: Cheerful, Innocent

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred):


Bio: Has no recollection exept for a few things.


Anything else:

Update #2


Celia White


Cel or Lia



(( Is really 9 years old
xD Succubus have some pretty quick aging ))





Sexual Orientation




Where you live





Base Form


Second Base Form




Fire weilding form


Close Range Form


Angel Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.47b3e96da5e2df6de3d8356ed1a35b34.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72709" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.47b3e96da5e2df6de3d8356ed1a35b34.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Angel/Succubus Form combined

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.0ef732fa2074eee8a83a29425bf1670c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72710" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.0ef732fa2074eee8a83a29425bf1670c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Flying- Self explanatory

Enslavement Kiss- The ability to control and enslave someone through a kiss

Desire Inducment- The power to induce desire into others

Enhanced Strength

Kiss of Death- Has the ability to be able to kill someone with a kiss

Sexual Inducment- The power to induce sexual arousal, lust, bliss and pleasure in others.

White Fire Manifestation- Can create, shape and manipulate mystical fire of a pure, benevolent nature, which ignore most of the limitations and weaknesses of the normal fire. This fire is manifestation of the life-giving and sustaining aspect of the fire.


Wing Manipulation



Enhanced Combat


Celia has a rather bubbly personality, she's always seen happy or smiling. It's rare to ever get her mad or sad... unless someone does something stupid. Celia enjoys joking around and can be sexual (obviously) with the jokes as well. Though at times she can be a little clueless.








+Cute things

+Making friend

-Rude people


-Sometimes Ulquiorra if he's being mean and moody


"I'll just say I'm married now and I have a daughter! She's so cute... I wish she stayed as a baby."



Anything else

Has multiple fighting forms depending on the situation​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.056742abd98dc50789a3ebd00f14bb9e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72707" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.056742abd98dc50789a3ebd00f14bb9e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...☬Ariadne looked at Celia and spoke☬...
“ Copying my pose~ ”


Didn't even know that, let's just say she's cosplaying xDD
CS Update: Taylor White~

-Taylor White-


Base Form~


Fighting Form~







Sexual Orientation



Chaotic Good




A apartment with Celia and Talia




Teleportation - Self Explanatory

Transformation - Has two, but only has accessed one at the moment.

Speed - He is one of the fastest humans alive, other than his father, Emiya.

Strength - Taylor is incredibly strong, lifting up to about 100 tons.

Intelligence - Taylor is pretty smart. Not the smartest, but smart.

Flying - Self Explanatory

Weapons Expert - Tends to use guns, melee weapons, and anything at his disposal to win.

Strategist - He usually comes up with a plan, which plays into his 'Intelligence'.



-His dad

-Sweet foods




+Peace and quiet


Taylor is normally a cold person, but he sometimes has his moments of a happy person. He is mainly happy around his wife Celia, and daughter Talia.


You'd have to ask him


Celia White - Wife

Talia White - Daughter

Roman and Ayen - Good Friends

Emiya White - Dad

Nai White - Brother

Anything Else

"Fuck off already..."​
Name: Pure-as-Crystal

Nickname(If Applies): Crystal

Age: 1 and a half years of wolf age or the equivalent of 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bi

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: first year of being in a human folk school

What kind of being you are: Garou (Werewolf)

Powers/gifts: Well besides the fact she can turn into a murderous death tank of doom and destruction nothing really yet, I'll post more as she learns more.

Likes: Cake, Steak, Chicken, doughnuts, Pepsi

Dislikes: Lawn Mowers ((They scare Crystal, Crystal no like scary human folk devices make Crystal scared yes yes))

Personality: Generally friendly unless you attempt to hurt her human folk friends.

Appearance: Human


Appearance: Wolven


Bio: Crystal lived a pretty normal wolf life until she shifted for the first time and found herself in a world that was so strange and foreign after she shifted for the first time, after hunters killed her parents she basically turned into a big fluffy murderous death tank and murdered every hunter in front of her. Shortly after she found her way to Highschool.


Anything else:

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