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Fantasy Character Registration

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Name: James
Nickname(If Applies):

Age: 10

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) the woods

What Year of highschool your in: not in high school

What kind of being you are: God of animals

Powers/gifts: control over all animals. Ability to create animals and talk to them


His pet tiger

Having fun



People who don't like tigers

People who don't like animals

The dark

Personality: James is the most inoccent boy you will ever meet with a sweet and carrying look

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

View attachment 146534

(His tiger navi)

View attachment 146535

Bio: James was only five when he had found out about his powers. Making him an out cast in his small town im the middle of nowhere. When he was seven he had found an injured tiger I'm the woods of the Amazon when his parents had taken him there. Feeling sorry for the cub he healed the tiger and took it in naming it navi. Navi quickly became attached to James and grew up quickly because of him being around james so much.



Anything else:

We have the goddess of animals too xD Accepted.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]What's? There's already a goddess of animals ;-;

Yeah, she is also 10 xD
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]FUCK xD

Your character can stay the way he is though xD
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]I'll just remove the God part

Name: Jane Ann Tyler

Nickname(If Applies): Jane

Age: 100, but looks 17

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) In a small apartment

What Year of highschool your in: senior

What kind of being you are: shapeshifter

Powers/gifts: Only can shapeshift into a dragon

Likes: Nighttime, stars, flying, clouds, painting and playing the cello

Dislikes: having all attention focused on her, being embarrassed, heat

Personality: Jane is a very closed person, and it takes a lot to get her to open up to anyone else. Once you do get her open, she will be one of the most loyal people you will ever meet. She has a lot of issues with herself, so she can be quite sad at times.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: Jane lived in a family of shapeshifters, and she was the only one that had the ability to turn into a dragon. One day in a fit of rage, she lost control and completely obliterated her family. She has never forgiven herself for that. Now she resides alone, and decided to continue with school.

Dating/lover/crush: She has none currently.

Anything else: She has the markings that are on her dragon form on her shoulders, back, and a small one on her forehead, but her bangs cover it. Her dragon form looks like this:

Name: Murasaki

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live: He lives alone, practising his abilities

What Year of highschool your in: He is sorted as a freshman

What kind of being you are: Sorcerer

Powers/gifts: Raising the Dead, Illusions, Telekinesis, Enhanced Speed and Strength










Personality: Murasaki is self entitled, thinking that he is what the school needs to control order. He works on his own schedule and only looks out for himself. He is cold and ruthless, willing to do anything and kill anyone to get the order he craves


Bio: Murasaki grew up in a life of chaos, nobody listened to anybody and there was not authority figure. He chose to step up and originally tried to do it the honest way with speeches and campaigns, but quickly realised to his dismay that it would never work that way. So he harnessed his energy to better develop himself, and took control through violence and a small army of the undead. His face began to change for the worse, becoming a skeletal being. He recently caught wind of more chaos happening at a nearby school, and set out to bring the order they need.

Dating/lover/crush: No

Anything else:

He has a robotic left arm that enables his psychic abilities and illusions
MistyWinds said:
Name: Jane Ann Tyler
Nickname(If Applies): Jane

Age: 100, but looks 17

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) In a small apartment

What Year of highschool your in: senior

What kind of being you are: shapeshifter

Powers/gifts: Only can shapeshift into a dragon

Likes: Nighttime, stars, flying, clouds, painting and playing the cello

Dislikes: having all attention focused on her, being embarrassed, heat

Personality: Jane is a very closed person, and it takes a lot to get her to open up to anyone else. Once you do get her open, she will be one of the most loyal people you will ever meet. She has a lot of issues with herself, so she can be quite sad at times.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: Jane lived in a family of shapeshifters, and she was the only one that had the ability to turn into a dragon. One day in a fit of rage, she lost control and completely obliterated her family. She has never forgiven herself for that. Now she resides alone, and decided to continue with school.

Dating/lover/crush: She has none currently.

Anything else: She has the markings that are on her dragon form on her shoulders, back, and a small one on her forehead, but her bangs cover it. Her dragon form looks like this:

BlueHawk said:
Name: Murasaki
Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live: He lives alone, practising his abilities

What Year of highschool your in: He is sorted as a freshman

What kind of being you are: Sorcerer

Powers/gifts: Raising the Dead, Illusions, Telekinesis, Enhanced Speed and Strength










Personality: Murasaki is self entitled, thinking that he is what the school needs to control order. He works on his own schedule and only looks out for himself. He is cold and ruthless, willing to do anything and kill anyone to get the order he craves


Bio: Murasaki grew up in a life of chaos, nobody listened to anybody and there was not authority figure. He chose to step up and originally tried to do it the honest way with speeches and campaigns, but quickly realised to his dismay that it would never work that way. So he harnessed his energy to better develop himself, and took control through violence and a small army of the undead. His face began to change for the worse, becoming a skeletal being. He recently caught wind of more chaos happening at a nearby school, and set out to bring the order they need.

Dating/lover/crush: No

Anything else:

He has a robotic left arm that enables his psychic abilities and illusions
Name: Nanami; Ayaka

Nickname(If Applies): Nana, Nami; Aya

Age: 6; 6

Gender: Female; Female

Sexual Orientation: "What's a sexual orientation? Is it food?"

Sexual Orientation: "Y-You can't ask that! We're only six!"

Good or Evil or Neutral: "Good...like food."

"Why do you always have to bring up food?"

"Because I'm always hungry.... And hyper..."

"We're good. Please Excuse her."

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) "We're gonna live in the large mansion with Aunty Snow and Uncle Roman!"

"That's only if one of them decides to ever tell mommy..."

"Oh yeah..."

What Year of highschool your in:

"What's a high school?"

"We're six...have you ever heard of a six year old go to high school?"

"What's a high school?"

What kind of being you are: "I don't know."

"Do you know anything?"

"I know people's names! Does that count?"

"We're fairies...I think. I don't know what dad is..."

"Ha! So you don't know either!"

"Be quiet..."



  • Can control the elements
  • Has Fae wings so she can fly
  • Beginner at Teleportation
  • Rest are unknown and will be figure out


  • Can control the elements, but has a better control of fire
  • Has Fae wings so she can fly
  • Easily able to teleport
  • Rest is unknown and will be figure out


Mom (Nora)

Dad (Al)


Nigou ( Our puppy! He's so cute!)

Animals in general


Flying! ....or at least trying to fly

Stuffed animals!

And cosplay!





Nanami (I see how she doesn't like me...
No I like you! I'll put you in the list! )

Making friends

Cosplay is okay I guess... (
You like it (>u>) Don't lie )

Uncle Roman is cool, mommy told stories about him ( She used a lot of bad words too.... I don't know if it's good or bad... )


People being rude to either of them

Not getting candy (Nanami)

Being left behind or being alone

Personality: Nanami is a very energetic girl who's always talking and laughing. She loves being around people and can be slightly embarrassed, sometimes a little weird like her mother Nora. Whenever she's sad, Ayaka comes out. Ayaka is a rather shy girl and is hard to talk to. She gets easily embarrassed at anything and blushes a lot. When she's overly happy, Nanami comes out.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)




16 year old self

"Look I'm hot!"



"Oh um....hello..."


16 year old self:

"W-What are you looking at?"


Bio: Unknown...because they haven't lived yet xD

Dating/lover/crush: "I love dad! Does that count?"

"D-Don't ask such questions!"

Anything else: Nope! Oh besides the fact that these two are going to need to be split up at some point...they can't be stuck together forever xD


Ayaka knows she's fabulous and can't help showing it.
Last edited by a moderator:
WeirdPrincess said:
Name: Nanami; Ayaka
Nickname(If Applies): Nana, Nami; Aya

Age: 6; 6

Gender: Female; Female

Sexual Orientation: "What's a sexual orientation? Is it food?"

Sexual Orientation: "Y-You can't ask that! We're only six!"

Good or Evil or Neutral: "Good...like food."

"Why do you always have to bring up food?"

"Because I'm always hungry.... And hyper..."

"We're good. Please Excuse her."

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) "We're gonna live in the large mansion with Aunty Snow and Uncle Roman!"

"That's only if one of them decides to ever tell mommy..."

"Oh yeah..."

What Year of highschool your in:

"What's a high school?"

"We're six...have you ever heard of a six year old go to high school?"

"What's a high school?"

What kind of being you are: "I don't know."

"Do you know anything?"

"I know people's names! Does that count?"

"We're fairies...I think. I don't know what dad is..."

"Ha! So you don't know either!"

"Be quiet..."



  • Can control the elements
  • Has Fae wings so she can fly
  • Beginner at Teleportation
  • Rest are unknown and will be figure out


  • Can control the elements, but has a better control of fire
  • Has Fae wings so she can fly
  • Easily able to teleport
  • Rest is unknown and will be figure out


Mom (Nora)

Dad (Al)


Nigou ( Our puppy! He's so cute!)

Animals in general


Flying! ....or at least trying to fly

Stuffed animals!

And cosplay!





Nanami (I see how she doesn't like me...
No I like you! I'll put you in the list! )

Making friends

Cosplay is okay I guess... (
You like it (>u>) Don't lie )

Uncle Roman is cool, mommy told stories about him ( She used a lot of bad words too.... I don't know if it's good or bad... )


People being rude to either of them

Not getting candy (Nanami)

Being left behind or being alone

Personality: Nanami is a very energetic girl who's always talking and laughing. She loves being around people and can be slightly embarrassed, sometimes a little weird like her mother Nora. Whenever she's Ayaka comes out. Ayaka is a rather shy girl and is hard to talk to. She gets easily embarrassed at anything and blushes a lot. When she's overly happy, Nanami comes out.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)




16 year old self

"Look I'm hot!"



"Oh um....hello..."


16 year old self:

"I'm ready...I think..."


Bio: Unknown...because they haven't lived yet xD

Dating/lover/crush: "I love dad! Does that count?"

"D-Don't ask such questions!"

Anything else: Nope! Oh besides the fact that these two are going to need to be split up at some point...they can't be stuck together forever xD

My splitting services will cost you though xD
Name: "It's Ivenn, so yeah, you interested in me?"

Nickname(If Applies): "Just call me Ivenn, plain and simple, sweetie"

Age: "17. But it's fine... I get into bars just fine. We should go out for a drink sometime, yeah?"

Gender: "I'm a guy, but if you aren't too sure, I'll let the ladies testify"

Sexual Orientation: "It's a shame I'm so boring when it comes to my sex life, but I make things interesting enough for the girls out there. Straight, amigo"

Good or Evil or Neutral: "Neutral, compadre. Whoever gives me the best bang for my buck has got my help. Careful though, mate, I can switch things for you imat the drop of a dime"

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): "I've got a dorm. Any of you ladies want to take a tour of my room?"

What Year of highschool your in: "I'm a junior, amigo. In the prime time of highschool"

What kind of being you are: "Demigod. My pops is the god of blood. Well, it seems I've got the same powers. What can I say, it's in my... blood. Get it?"

Powers/gifts: "I don't really feel like telling you about it. I'd rather show you but, ah, what the hell. I can control blood, blood spears, turn into blood, reappear as a normal human looking person and well... I guess my only weakness is my heart. But don't worry, I can move it anywhere in my body so don't always aim for the chest, mate"

Likes: "I love sweets, I love girls and flirting, I love excitement, and fun, and I absolutely LOOOOVVEEE to kill. I'm a sadistic b*tch ain't I? Yeah, but I've got to be in the mood. Just don't piss me off"

Dislikes: "People that are boring, hotshots, call me a hypocrite, I don't care. Bitter food, it's got no flavor. And I'd hate it if I lost a fight. But being that the only way you could get to me is through my heart, I won't go down easily... at all"

Personality: "Mm... I'm sly, I play risky games, compadre. If you want my loyalty, you've got to have the rewards to keep me interested. But don't worry, ladies, I'm faithful. I'd hate to see a girl all alone. Besides, actions speak louder than words so I'm gonna cut the autobiography here"

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/125a51c81aafcdedf379397b69a43887.jpg.e7de467b54281e77b93a6cf62c87f734.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/125a51c81aafcdedf379397b69a43887.jpg.e7de467b54281e77b93a6cf62c87f734.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/ac78cc6d4d06f60c33d3cdb06db58cf0.jpg.556570380ae4a66e1b337a82ddfc108e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/ac78cc6d4d06f60c33d3cdb06db58cf0.jpg.556570380ae4a66e1b337a82ddfc108e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "Don't mind the guitar in that magnificent picture of myself... I don't own one. I borrowed it"

Bio: "I suppose this is the part where most people rant about their sobstory? Not for me, my pop was busy with whatever gods do and my mom raised me. Simple as that, nothing interesting. Nope, we're all done here"

Dating/lover/crush: "No one right now, but trust me, this spot is gonna get filled up reeeaaaallly quick"

Anything else: "Got any sweets on you? I've got quite the sweet tooth"



  • 125a51c81aafcdedf379397b69a43887.jpg
    70.4 KB · Views: 51
  • ac78cc6d4d06f60c33d3cdb06db58cf0.jpg
    60.4 KB · Views: 52
Roman said:



"Maybe Kaz or Yoshino will give me one!"


"I'm 8!"



Sexual Orientation

"Never heard of it..."


"Whatever, Kaz and Yoshino are!"


"A house with Yoshino and Kaz!"

What kind of being?

"Kaz says I'm a fairy and a human! Just like him!"


"I can go to high school? But I'm not that smart! Know a lot, but not high school stuff!"

Translation: No xD


Magic - She can use high powered magic abilities.

Fairy - Just like Kaz, she now has the ability to turn into a fairy at will.

Flying - She has wings that are both visible and invisible. They show or appear whenever she wants them to









Minako can be a smart mouth sometimes, but she knows how to behave. She tends to step out of line when people interrupt her sleep or just happens to sometimes be Kaz.



( Fairy )


( Human )


Minako was a fairy for Kaz when he was turned into a fairy using magic. Though somehow Minako has become both human and fairy just like Kaz and now she's here.

Anything Else?

Minako used to be a NPC

She likes Kaz's pockets, Yoshino's too.

Instead of referring to Kaz and Yoshino by their names, she now calls them, "Mama/Mommy" and "Dad/Daddy"

@Fukushima Akira


I love it xD Its like they had their own child, just without Yoshino giving birth xD
WeirdPrincess said:
I love it xD Its like they had their own child, just without Yoshino giving birth xD
That was the point
rapjack123 said:
Could someone get me up to speed so I could hop in :3
The only thing I know is that Heaven and Hell are both destroyed, neither exists. And everyone is kind of doing there own thing, some are getting or are drunk (don't ask xD ), some are at their house, others are in the school courtyard and some characters are just either inactive or already busy. If you need anything else, I can help! I'm not a moderator for the thread...just an overly friendly person who wants to help xD
WeirdPrincess said:
The only thing I know is that Heaven and Hell are both destroyed, neither exists. And everyone is kind of doing there own thing, some are getting or are drunk (don't ask xD ), some are at their house, others are in the school courtyard and some characters are just either inactive or already busy. If you need anything else, I can help! I'm not a moderator for the thread...just an overly friendly person who wants to help xD
Thanks a ton. I needed that cause I have no idea what's going on and I assume there was this huge plot climax where heaven and he'll get destroyed. Man, I guess I missed all the fun :( oh well xD I guess I'll just hop in a go with whatever seems to get my character up and moving. I might head to the school courtyard and see who wants to interact unless you're character isn't doing much lol. Whatever works is fine
rapjack123 said:
Thanks a ton. I needed that cause I have no idea what's going on and I assume there was this huge plot climax where heaven and he'll get destroyed. Man, I guess I missed all the fun :( oh well xD I guess I'll just hop in a go with whatever seems to get my character up and moving. I might head to the school courtyard and see who wants to interact unless you're character isn't doing much lol. Whatever works is fine
I have multiple characters so I can bring one of them out to yours :) don't worry though, cause I missed it too xD I wasn't in the last thread where I think it got destroyed
rapjack123 said:
Oh cool, haha where is your character so mine could just drop by there
I have Yumi, she's a new one I made and haven't used yet and she's actually in the courtyard xD

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