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Fandom Character Log for "Undertale Surface RP"

OC Form
Here's a simple form for those who want to RP as their OC! You can add as much as you'd like to it! You can have up to 3 main characters, canon and OC. (This does not include little side characters that do not have official names.)

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Bluette Raven

77 (16 in human years)


Anthropomorphic Wolf (Monster)

Heterosexual (Straight)

Kind and loving, Blu has a big heart that tries to see the positive in everyone, and becomes attached to those who she considers close friends. Sometimes this attachment goes a little far, resulting in her becoming clingy and jealous when said friends hang out with others. To try and distance herself to avoid this, the wolf will act aloof, even if she's longing for attention subconsciously. Comedic and sarcastic, Blu will go the distance to make people laugh, or at the least, smile. This includes (un)funny voices, bad jokes, and continuing jokes that died 10 minutes ago. She is also honest and constructive, and will tell you what she thinks - that is, only if you ask for her opinion (Most of the time...).

When the barrier broke, Blu and her family moved into a quiet apartment to try and make a living for themselves. When she found out she could make money by live-streaming herself playing games, you'll never see her move as fast as that again as she made and account and started right away. Juggling school, her job, and her "social" life is difficult, but she'd do anything for family, blood or not.

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I'd probably take Asgore as well, but then again idk how many people are going to be interested in this so I might hold off for now.
One thing I'd like to ask, is your OC built only around Undertale or did you adapt it for Undertale?
Let me also ask, is there some sorta driving force? a villain, event or drive or strife that pushes the plot is is it sorta just slice of life? things happen as it happens?
Let me also ask, is there some sorta driving force? a villain, event or drive or strife that pushes the plot is is it sorta just slice of life? things happen as it happens?

I like to come up with drives with the other RPers on the spot, as it creates a sense of unknown and unexpected. If someone would like to play a villain, OC or not, I'd be good with that too.

But a good basic sense in this particular RP is that, while monsters are accepted by most, there are some who hate them, in every instance of the word. Just like some hate groups today, there are some human-oriented organizations out there who will not stand for them.
mhhh not sure if using Monsters and humans as an allegory for whatever viewpoint you subscribe to is a good idea, sorta sucks out the nuanced existential plot and replaces it with something rather drab.

but that's just my take, I'll be happy to quip bone puns till my heart bursts and stand in the background until something interesting needs to happen.
I also wanted to ask if we're following any specific headcanon or AU? Because if not can I request one or two?
mhhh not sure if using Monsters and humans as an allegory for whatever viewpoint you subscribe to is a good idea, sorta sucks out the nuanced existential plot and replaces it with something rather drab.

but that's just my take, I'll be happy to quip bone puns till my heart bursts and stand in the background until something interesting needs to happen.

Well, what would you suggest? I'd love to hear any more ideas! (And do you think we could take this to the OOC chat? The character logs are getting a bit clogged.)
Aaaaaaaaa <3
Though I’m going to sleep in a bit so if I suddenly disappear it’s cause time zones suck
Hi there. Are you still allowing others to join? If you are, then....

Name: Melody
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Sexuality: Unknown, even to her
Personality: Gloomy and doesn't open up easily but protective and quite easily manipulated, but stands up for friends
Background: She and her mother used to (And still do) live on the surface, with quite a normal life, except she could use magic and had a rather unusual soul. She was/are bullied occasionally but wasn't too much of a pushover. She was not a loner, but alone most of the time, and still is. She enjoyed watching the sunset. She tries to help everybody, and often blames herself for things. This makes her easily manipulated, but she can definitely stand up for her friends. She thinks everybody can change and everybody deserves a second chance. She is not as determined as most, however.

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