Character Forms

Ironic Waffle

obnoxiously sarcastic




Height: (ft. & inch)

Appearance Description: (optional)






Powers: (if any)





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Name: Wisteria Flora Locklear.

Age: 15.

Height: 5'0".

Appearance Description: Wisteria is a beautiful girl, She isn't the normal type of beautiful, but she really is very pretty. Her hair is a light pink shade, similar to her skin. It's very wavy and slightly messy, with an I-just-woke-up type of style. She makes it look cute, though. Her eyes are a darker, prettier shade of pink. Her eyes make her skin and hair pop, and are almost mezmerising. She's very short, standing at 5 ft., with a very slim build, not many curves at all.

Gender: Female.


? Being Alone.

? Music.


? Sleeping.

? Battle Training.


? Loud People.

? Lazy People.

? Annoying People.

? Bugs.

Personality: Wisteria is the opposite of most teenage girls her age. Wisteria is the one to sit there

without laughing or smiling when a joke is made, unable to get it. Not that she's stupid or flaky, not at all. Wisteria is the opposite of flaky. when she's sitting around tuning everyone around her our, she's spendingthat time deep in thought about many different things. Some could describe her as odd,quiet,antisocial,weird, unattentive, uncaring, very kuudere, creepy, mysterious, and cold. She rarely ever speaks.Ever. Sheonly speaks when 100% necessary, and only answers logical questions or requests. If youask her her favorite color or say hello, don't take it personally if she doesn't respond or evenlook back at you. She hates being secluded in a room, so you will often find her

sitting on a bench somewhere on campus.

Species: Demigod. Her father is Apis, the Egyptian Bull God.

Her mother is a bartender in New York named Katarina Locklear.

Powers: Staff Summon Wisteria is able to summon a staff with a spell that makes her eyes turn dark red for a moment. It's a long black staff with opal jewels encrusted along the side, and a long, sharpened, diamond bull horn on each end of it in a double-ended scythe shape.

Enhanced Senses She has amazing sight, hearing, and speed.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend: None.

Crush: None.

Orientation: Straight.


? Hard to warm up to.

? Hates her dad.

Name: Akechi Sutorimu.

Age: 17.

Height: 6'2".

Gender: Male.


? Girls.

? Music.

? Flirting.

? Chocolate.

? Seducing.

? Roses.

? The Color Red

? Girls who play hard-to-get.


? Demons.

? Uptight People.

? Mysterious People.

Personality: Akechi is basically the #1 heartthrob of the campus. He's very popular, especially with the girls, and loves to flirt. Akechi is veru charismatic, funny, and sarcastic. Some may describe him as romantic, loud, rebellious, flirty, popular, talkative, persuading, interesting, attentive, good listener, and sneaky. Get closer to him, and he has a sincere side.

Species: Demigod, son of Hathor, Egyptian Goddess of Love.

His father is a Japanese man names Oreki Sutorimu.


Seduction He tries not to use this power often, but he can control anyone with his bright yellow


Girlfriend/Boyfriend: None.

Crush: Everyone~ ?

Orientation: Bisexual.


Easy to warm up to.
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Picture: Later

Name: Shaun

Engonós ti̱s vías (Grandson of violence in Greek)

Age: 17

Height: 6"5

Appearance Description: All in the picture

Gender: Male

Likes: Enjoys the company of demons, a drink or two, violence, and strategy

Dislikes: Weak people, and many other things

Personality: Shaun is a bit sarcastic but if you're his friend he'll treat you like gold.

Species: Demi-God, Son of Ares and APHRODITE

Powers: I'll add that later

Girlfriend/Boyfriend: None

Crush: Nope

Orientation: Straight

Extra: I will add the picture later
You're supposed to post this in the topic for character forms.

A demigod means one parent is human, and one is a God.

Also, I specified that the God cannot be Greek or Roman.

Fix these & post it in the character threads, and I will accept.
Picture: Later

Name: Shaun Dan-Ku

Age: 17

Height: 6"5

Appearance Description: All in the picture

Gender: Male

Likes: Enjoys the company of demons, a drink or two, violence, and strategy

Dislikes: Weak people, and many other things

Personality: Shaun is a bit sarcastic but if you're his friend he'll treat you like gold.

Species: Demi-god, son of the hawaiian god of war, Ku

Powers: The priests who worship his father practice the ritual of praying someone to death. Very intense stuff. His father was very powerful.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend: None

Crush: Nope

Orientation: Straight


I'll try to get a better picture of him
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Name: Elizabeth Blackwell

Age: 17

Height: 6´1

Appearance Description: Elizabeth has a long dark brown hair and brown eyes. She likes to wear dark clothes.

Gender: Female

Likes: Her powers, books, movies, theatre

Dislikes: Jerks, death, spiders

Personality: Elizabeth is rebellious and will break any rule if she thinks that rule is stupid. She can be a bit cold at first but if you befriend her she is very loyal and a great friend

Species: Half demon half Angel

Powers: Elizabeth has dark energy manipulation powers. She can make dark energy attacks, dark energy force fields and flying by riding dark energy

Girlfriend/Boyfriend: No one

Crush: No one

Orientation: Straight



Lilith (R$D) Nirvana

-(Red, like Pink, the artist... get it?)-



Lilith doesn't think think she's special. Yes, she is undoubtedly beautiful, the kind of beautiful that seems to grab anyones attention. However, she's oblivious to it.

Lilith's hair is of a silvery, white colour that is silky yet thickly wavy and cut with razor layers, with short bangs at the front that extend lengthily down to her thighs. However, because there is so much of it (she refuses to cut it for the hell of it) she usually has it in a sloppy high pony tail to keep it out of the way, but is out when she goes to bed. Somehow she wears her hair, instead of her hair wearing her. Lilith's eyes are a pure, blood colour red, usually changing in shade depending on her mood. She's also of 'medium' height, sporting nice curves and a small waist. She doesn't like to exercise, but long hours in the recording studio keeps her fit and healthy.



*Anything associated with Music

*Her Band



*Sweets in general

-- ARTS --

*All things Deadly - Roses

*All things Red - Roses


*Rebelliousness "No one has time or patience for rules"


*School, Academics

*Anything annoying - stuff that randomly pisses her off


*Obnoxious Jerks and Uptight People/The IT crowd

*Horrible Music "No music is horrible... just intolerable"

Lilith is a person who is compassionate, dependable, loyal, reliable, and also being strong both physically and emotionally. Stubbornness, aggressiveness, sensitivity and a dislike when faced with change are all weaknesses. She is strong and silent, but until you really get to know her personally, if your successful in breaking down her mental and physical walls to protect herself, you will probably not see her true self or who she really is behind her hard exterior. She is very stubborn and once her mind is made up, swaying her even a little is next to impossible. Although, she is incredibly indecisive to coming to that decision. If you do not try to push, She will come across as being laid back and reserved. Take heed though because if you anger her, it is likely that you might find a violent temper. However, her tempers generally will not flare until she is pushed to a point of feeling uncomfortable and/or provoked to act. She makes a wonderful friend, and whenever you need her she will certainly be the first to help. She knows exactly how to brighten the day of friends in need. Don't count on her to ever calling on you to return the favour. She is very in tune with her emotions and rarely display them. She is loyal and will stand beside a friend until the bitter end. Although, despite this, it is rather hard to become a friend with her in the first place. If she is in a situation where someone needs to stand up, she will.... eventually. She is capable of being a leader and all round nice person, but it's the emotional walls that keep her back.

While usually she is rather quiet, she is able to fascinate listeners by striving to create music that speaks her thoughts and feelings.

She is very focused to making music to the point that only her friends are the only ones who are able to talk to her (Her best friend, band mate); she is usually described as a "music nut" by her bandmate. Even so, her usual conversations with him are composed of plans for a new song for their next performance.

Lilith also feels uncomfortable when interacting with other people as she experienced being gossiped behind her back as a younger girl, and has once showed a facade to people to actually talk to her, hiding her true feelings inside.

She can be seen to have a rather comical attitude towards her band mate and best friend.

Lilith is a purebred (and very important) Siren

Her parents are the leaders of the Sirens

You could consider her 'royalty' of sorts, but she doesn't want anyone knowing of her past and heritage. In her opinion, it's bad enough that everyone asks her what she is, and she always ignores them or lies out of it

Nirvana's powers include:

*Enhanced Agility

*Enhanced Balance

*Enhanced Beauty

*Enhanced Senses

*Enhanced Reflexes

*Siren's Songs

-- Beacon Emission

-- Hypnotic Music

-- Mind Control

No Boyfriend... yet

(PM me if your interested in a relationship)

None... at the moment


But would be willing to experiment depending on who it is


*Tries to run away from her past

-- however it's difficult... considering the school in which she dwells in underwater

--- if you know anything about sirens, they're like mermaid/bird/human hybrid things -- just look 'em up

*Relatively rounded person

Full Form:



Theme songs:





I'll post a second character later, if need be.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/4.png.a8abd806460710b707278968a1cdb5cd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30185" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/4.png.a8abd806460710b707278968a1cdb5cd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Acalia Verrise Felidine Roosevelt





Appearance Description:

In her human form is a beautiful young girl with flowing

silver-white hair, milky white skin and and a distinguishable

face with violet eyes.





?Stuffed animals and toys

?Chocolates and sweets


?Beautiful scenery





?Daddy long legs (spiders)

?Loud speaking people





Her most distinguishable physical traits are her gentle kind expression giving her a lovely approachable aurora. Her hair occasionally curls at the ends, she is usually seen with her hair tied up on a ponytail, often being tied up in different types of ways. In her usual appearance she usually wore pastel colored clothing, which doesn't really suit her taste but had grew up into getting used to wearing so. She also has noticeably large breasts despite her figure, which often surprise people whenever she wore a school uniform.

When she was first introduce to others, she was appeared as shy and quiet to everyone. This is because she was already used to being far away from other people, she was born to stay away from them, which made it hard for her to have friends by her age. Not only that but she was also naive, because of her changing schools every half of the semester she would often clueless when it come to social experiences. Unlike whenever she was by her brother side, she would feel no worries at all.

However she also has a different side of her personality, loyal, patient, and hardworking. When it comes to her friends she'll do anything to help them, even if it is to end up hurting herself. She also was a well known prodigy in her old schools.She is a master at chess and has one most games she played.


Demigod, daughter of Seshat, Egyptian Goddess of Wisdom, Knowledge and Writting

Powers: (if any)

Enhance Knowledge

Enhance Senses

Enhance Beauty

Enhance Truth Speaking

Enhance Persuading/Charm Speak


No one to be exact


No one to be exact




//I'll add a male character later to balance the genders. >~<



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Daniel Tyde






5ft 6in






Shady trees,

Mechanical Pencils,





and martial arts.



Eating Fish(Or any Marine animal, Generally hates eating any meat but occasionally will.),


and disorganized noise.






But gets uncomfortable around new people and is anti-social.


Son of

Apollo: God of music, arts, knowledge , and Healing.


Nesoi: The goddesses of the islands and sea.


Can bring his drawings to life or make them into objects,

Speed, Reflexes, Skill, and Senses,


Martial Arts,

Can breath underwater,

Can sing when touching water to heal physical wounds,


Is Immortal(Age).


Pshh Yes! Her name is!.. Her name.. Uh.


Daniel Tyde

has a crush on

Lilith Nirvana(October Falls)




-Has a Hidden back-story.

-Is Part Asian, But mostly Caucasian.

-Has a Curse where Any MORTAL he gets close to dies in some unnatural way. This is why he avoids people.
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