Character Discussion


I was just reminded of a character that I had. She simply could not feel fear and couldn't panic. (It was amazing how long she survived given how she was curious as well to try and find fear)

From RPing her, I managed to find two interesting things to explore: 

1. "FEAR" stands for "F*ck everything and run". It's the gift from god that tells you to run away when there is danger. 

2. Consider the case where someone is in trouble, and your character doesn't panic or can't feel fear. Being composed in such a situation is good, but at the same time it might seem that you don't really care about them. //potential drama there LOL. 

Prosthetic eyes, hm... gotta think about that one, but that sounds pretty cool. 

Forget the eyes, that'll ruin my idea and originality xDDDDD
O3O Cold even when not meant to be.
@Quark Yeah, I read about Tremki so I can see that happening. I can likely see team-ups, if the hunter exam allows that to happen.

Also, I was giving more ideas for what the medicine can be used for besides just giving your character the "helpless personality." Basically, my character can say something hopeful, or of the like that there is a potential cure. I wasn't specific, because I was just giving suggestions for what would happen, if a relationship were to form. Maybe, my character wants to help you get better? So they can set off for a cure of some sorts? These are all just ideas, and ways for my character to interact with your character.

Oh man, those tablets so expensive but I really want one. Though I've only been doing digital art since last year, so probably should get some more practice before that. 

Oh dodgeball xDD. Greed Island? 

But yeah, I think given how we have a good team of RPers, I think we should be fine. Dedication is the other thing. 

Right? I keep eyeing them off every time I see one for sale but I just can't afford it. The dodgeball was actually part of our hunter exam, the first test split all the examinees into two teams and had them hurl like ten kilogram dodge balls at each other. Eliot was trying to shortcut it by getting someone stronger than her to break all of the balls while their team was ahead but  we didn't get to that. Yeah I think things are shaping up pretty well in terms of the players we have so far, everyone's characters seem cool.
@The One Llama to Rule All

Teams sounds like fun. Could even be like how they arrived at the hunter exam site. 

Oh right, I see what you mean now. Yeah, at this point, her medicine just like "handy poison" or "escape ticket to the afterlife" for Loki. She'll definitely appreciate it if there is some sort of 'cure' for her .... mental problem? (not too sure what to call it). I'm prepared for her to never get over it, or she might die from it. The most ideal good end of that is she finds a good reason or obligation to not want to die even when everything seems bleak. 

I'm going to keep these ideas at the back of my head, since it sounds really good to me. One other way of interacting, is I think Loki might be able to provide some alternative view on "being a burden" to someone. I don't know whether it can challenge Geist's fear though. 


Oh right. Dodgeball sounds fun. Trust Eliot to be the brains of the group, and to use alternative ways. 

I can imagine in a fight, or crime thriller, she would be the one to use resources around her to give herself unfair advantage. By that, I don't mean cheating, but by playing by different rules. 
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Oh right. Dodgeball sounds fun. Trust Eliot to be the brains of the group, and to use alternative ways. 

I can imagine in a fight, or crime thriller, she would be the one to use resources around her to give herself unfair advantage. By that, I don't mean cheating, but by playing by different rules. 

Well I don't know if it was going to work or not, it was more her going "This is boring and there are too many people, how can I end this quickly?" Yeah that's how I picture her, she would creatively interpret rules but outright cheating would annoy her because she doesn't like to think she would have to resort to it to beat anyone less intelligent than her, which is most people by her estimation.
@Quark I'll probably add more to my bio to explain why he doesn't want to feel like a burden. I'll probably do a patriarch dynamic in the family, were Geist's father constantly told Geist to act like a man, and never be a burden to others. It may be difficult for him at first, but I'll definitely allow other characters to challenge this fear, or alleviate this fear.

If the GM lets us meet up in teams to the Hunter's Exam, we can think of an idea were we came to the site in teams. Maybe he/she will let us do a prologue (not related to the main RP, but explains why we came as a team to the hunter's exam)? @Sullivanity
If the GM lets us meet up in teams to the Hunter's Exam, we can think of an idea were we came to the site in teams. Maybe he/she will let us do a prologue (not related to the main RP, but explains why we came as a team to the hunter's exam)? @Sullivanity

If you guys want, feel free to PM each other and do some more individual RPing. You don't have to include me, but at some point send me some bullet points describing what happened. 
If you guys want, feel free to PM each other and do some more individual RPing. You don't have to include me, but at some point send me some bullet points describing what happened. 

Just to check, did you want individual RPing somewhere in this project forum? 

Otherwise I just realised we could make individual threads in the 1x1 section. 
Yeah, I think it'd be cool @Sullivanity if we could add our RP (Quark and mine) into a thread. It's pretty detailed, with funny moments and action. It can be on a 1x1 thread, but can we provide a link somewhere? Or can you create a side-arc forums, or maybe it can go under missions?

If we can post or link it here, it would also give some of the roleplayers something to read, or do, since they can write their stories with other peeps before the exam starts and the like.

I also just realized it can go in the "others" thread, where we post the link, or maybe post the details. But either way, we're waiting for your confirmation.
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Yeah, I think it'd be cool @Sullivanity if we could add our RP (Quark and mine) into a thread. It's pretty detailed, with funny moments and action. It can be on a 1x1 thread, but can we provide a link somewhere? Or can you create a side-arc forums, or maybe it can go under missions?

If we can post or link it here, it would also give some of the roleplayers something to read, or do, since they can write their stories with other peeps before the exam starts and the like.

I also just realized it can go in the "others" thread, where we post the link, or maybe post the details. But either way, we're waiting for your confirmation.

I've moved and renamed the extra "Other" forum that I accidentally requested. Fun fact, you have to ask for more forums if you want more than five, so keep that in mind if you ever make one of these. Anyway, post away!
@Sullivanity Thanks for the tidbit of information. Also, we just posted the first 1x1.

A link for you. Tell us if you need anything retcon, fixed. If you don't have time to read it, once the arc is done, we'll give you a summary. But it really shouldn't affect the Hunter's Exam.
I've moved and renamed the extra "Other" forum that I accidentally requested. Fun fact, you have to ask for more forums if you want more than five, so keep that in mind if you ever make one of these. Anyway, post away!

Thank you very much o/
So is anyone else planning to meet up prior to the actual Exam? I'd be interested in teaming with someone.

@Phineas Forge You can team up with Geist/Loki, if @Quark is cool with it. Or we can just do a scenario, where we meet up, but don't team up until the exam.

I'm perfectly fine with it if it's within our characters to mesh well together. somehow 

EDIT: just that it's a little too early for my little bodyguard to get unnerved Q_Q
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Yeah I agree with Quark. As long as she's  friendly, or opened to friends/teammates that are kids, it could work.
I guess I was sort of looking at the people who haven't started forming teams or making friends yet.

Not to say that I'm opposed to teaming with them, I just figured it'd be a little fun if there were more than one group of people working together.

Sooth doesn't care who she works with (as far as age), as long as they can pull their weight (and maybe some of hers xD ).
Ah. You may have to PM other individuals @Phineas Forge. Try looking at the character threads, and message individuals who would best fit your character, if you would prefer forming a different/other team.
I guess I was sort of looking at the people who haven't started forming teams or making friends yet.

Not to say that I'm opposed to teaming with them, I just figured it'd be a little fun if there were more than one group of people working together.

Sooth doesn't care who she works with (as far as age), as long as they can pull their weight (and maybe some of hers xD ).

I like it when people take initiative to include others (OuO)b

Oh yes, gotta be of use to our Sooth xDD. 

Look forward to seeing a thread with the one you team up with =DDD

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