Character sheet
Hit Points: 26/26
Armor Class: 22
Touch Armor Class: 16
Spell Points: 3/3
Hero Points: 1/1
Mighty Blow uses: 1/1
Interpose uses: 1/1
Color code: 3399ff
Hit Points: 26/26
Armor Class: 22
Touch Armor Class: 16
Spell Points: 3/3
Hero Points: 1/1
Mighty Blow uses: 1/1
Interpose uses: 1/1
Color code: 3399ff
Bren nodded. "All right. Then to maintain surprise, the rest of you attack first, with spell and arrow," he said, noting that Otiorin had prepared his bow first as well. "As soon as you do, I'll charge up and try to keep them where they are. Start with the one on the left, as Luna indicated. Keep to cover as much as you can and be wary of the spittle." He lowered his hand and nodded, readying his shield and axe but careful not to move his feet until the others cast or shot.