- Dice
It's not even a real question, of course. Can't really leave a Wild Card behind, can you? Wordlessly, the little one is scooped up, not without a pat on the head. Sure thing, trouble. Always glad to have you around." The Broadsword is certainly full of marvels, but nothing quite compares to the mecha-kitten. "Ever met a fellow named Buffett? A musician?" As good of a question to pass the time as any while she makes her way towards the bridge.At Ylva's feet, a certain little bit of Trouble stands expectantly on all fours in front of Ylva as if to bar her way. "Mrrooo? Reeeeew? " In Ylva's mind, that familiar boyish voice returns in clarity no ear can match. "I kin comes wif you, right? Will you carry me?"
If Ylva agrees, she has a flopped-over napping MechaKitten on her shoulder in moments.
Well, kind of. Ylva's barely there when she's already gone, offering the two guards a friendly nod before hurrying along with Piper. "Science Officer, yes. Though it feels like I'm lost here more often than not. Let science run wild for a couple of years, and suddenly the results feel more like magic. I mean... the Broadsword. The Broo. Traversing. Trouble here." Her thumb points out the fellow on her shoulder.Piper moves like she has a purpose and that leads her right back down the hall Ylva just came down. "Sammy says you're the Wild Card Science Officer, huh?" As you walk together, Piper's green eyes give Ylva a once-over. "C'mon down with me to the battle bay. Sammy said you want Buffett's guitar. Any particular reason? No way you could'a known him - he died in the future." This last, Piper says not with the youthful grimace of someone unused to losing friends but as one who seems to know the feeling all too well - perhaps more than a person her age ought to.
What does Ylva do?
"Anyhow, nothing that I won't adapt to, in time. But I thought I'd get my mind off the chaos for once, use the spare time to play a few tunes. Just turns out that two of three guitars aboard are in use, and the third... well, as you said, I never knew the man, though I wish I did from all I've heard thus far. Maybe I should've just looked for an electric guitar, or something. Was mostly just wondering whether there's someone who'd like to pick up that one. You know, maybe someone closer to him, or... I dunno. It's just that instruments tell stories. They're all unique. All special. I've had mine for decades, right until they captured me on my way south. Before I got here. Anyhow... figured that with hell straight ahead, maybe a couple of songs wouldn't hurt. Even if it's just to remind people of the past. Y'know, I'm not that great of a player. Honestly, I mostly played at the labs at night, waiting for the computers to run some analysis or something. So maybe there's someone else who should rather pick it up. It's just that... maybe someone should. You said you wanted Commander Kirin back, at the cost of moving the actual mission forward. Maybe I didn't agree back then. Maybe I don't agree now. But you're right that it'll take more to get this done. More than just a good meal every once in a while, and death straight ahead. And a guitar... I don't know if you've ever played by a campfire, or something, but people forget the world around them for a moment."
"Well, guess that's enough non-sense. Sorry for that. Just... maybe think of someone who'd want to play that guitar. It's been locked away for some time, and good memories with it. Where are we actually headed?"