Chapter One: Set Fire to the Rain

Field Marshall

Eight Thousand Club

The 4Th division from the Land of Iron had landed in a small nation of the other side of the Earth country. They had sailed from the Land of Iron a day earlier with one goalto reach the Land of Rain, secure it, and then find or erect a stronghold in Land to be used as a staging area to assault the Earth Country, Fire Country, and Wind Country. The Land of Rain connects to all three making it rhw perfect place and the worse place. This wasn't going to be an easy or quick fight, but in the long rain it'll be worth it. 

This was decided at by the Shogun Mifune during a War Council with the Daimyo who hold the highest rank under the Shogun. The Daimyo leading the 4th Division was named Mugen Asakura, along with the 4th division was also a squad of anbu who for now were kept as his close guard including their leader. Only Anbu and high ranking officers below Mugen were even allowed on his ship. And now they were with him as he mounted his horse and began to march the 4th Division from the coast of the Land of Waterfalls. 

There were reports that hostiles were present in these smaller nations trying to take them over sometimes but most times just passing through to somewhere else. It was these smaller nations who had been begging for aid from the Land of Iron for a long time. Being sandwiched by two large warring nations certainly can't be easy. Now the Land of Iron is coming the rescue, at least that's what 4th Dan Raikou Kaminari thought as his platoon rode behind him.

@JPTheWarrior  @Pyromancer88
Kamiya stood behind his platoon watching his surroundings, checking for possible traps. He sighed and kept his guard up. This was a dangerous mission but he was sure he could do it. The Land of Rain was a place Kamiya didn't like. Too much rain and water. He prefered forests and gardens, a place where it was sunny and calm. The Land of Rain was the opposite of it. It rarely stopped raining and when it did, the clouds would still cover the sun.

Kamiya smiled. He was excited for leaving the Land of Iron. New places, new enemies and new abilities were waiting for him. He put his hood up so when it started raining, his hair wouldn't get wet. He was ready to get ambushed and had already a substitution technique ready, in case of an attack.

"How long will it take for us to reach our objective?" he asks to his leader.

@Pyromancer88 @Raikou Kaminari
Wet and dark was the words that Shinokage would use to describe the Land of Rain. They had arrived there on a mission from the Shogun to secure a place to construct a base for ground assault on the surrounding nations. Shinokage and his squad of Anbu warriors were assigned to protect the Daimyo at all cost and make sure he returns safely from the mission. They currently sat astride horses  in a diamond formation with Shino being at the right side of the daimyo. They had just finished discussing the strategy for any surprise attack. Shino was ready with a darkness jutsu that would conceal everyone in shadows and give Shino a chance to formulate an attack. He decided to go speak to the Dan in charge of the current platoon that was with them. He rode to the front of the line where the commander was speaking with a member of his troop.

"Excuse me commander Kaminari,we must speak for a second."

  @Raikou Kaminari  @JPTheWarrior
The Daimyo turned his head slightly as one of the platoon leaders asked them how long it'll take to reach their destination. "The plan hasn't changed since this morning 6th Dan Kamiya, we are to march towards the Land of Rain and hope the boats found a way down the river which we'll recieve word about soon. Hopefully we can get back on the boats and ride them all the way to the Land of Rain. But of course they had to send for more smaller boats so boarding will take longer because there will be more of them  We'll likely be in for a fight if one of the other factions takes notice of them." The Daimyo explained turning his head back towards the front as he watched the vanguard march ahead  main formation. 

Raikou swivled his head to the Anbu squad leader as he approached him and asked to speak with him. His platoon was the platton directly behind the Daimyo's guard so he assumed it might be about that. Raikou steered his horse off to the side to lessen the chance of eavesdropping. "What calls for the Lead of the Anbu squad to talk to me privately?" Raikou asked.

@Pyromancer88  @JPTheWarrior
Shinokage strayed to the side on his mount with commander Kaminari. He stopped and stared off into the dense forest until he felt it was ok to speak. He waited to a count of ten and then looked at the captain with a firm gaze.

"I assume you know that there is a high chance of being attacked within the coming hours. I want to know what measures you are taking to make sure that you are prepared for a surprise attack.", He said with a steel tone to his words.

Shino did not make it to be head of the anbu by being nice. He needed to know what the commander planned to do in case of any surprise attack that would come. The one thing Shino hated was being ill prepared. He knew that the other Anbu would be ready to remove the daimyo from the attack immediately. After that the job became as easy as taking out the threat. Shino was dying to test his new shadow blade release jutsu. He would eliminate any obstacle in his way. He turned his focus back to the commander keeping his other senses on alert.

@Raikou Kaminari
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"Well we have rhe standard sensory warriors spread out and connected so we'll know, but realistically any sneak attack worth it's salt will find a way around them. The likelihood of sneak attacks are unlikely considering no one knows the Land of Iron has even mobilized much less has an army marching to the Land of Rain. Most likely if we do have a fight it'll be a random encounter along our journey or a defensive battle to the river. Our enemies are the Five Great Nations, all the smaller nation support us and hopeuflly we'll get whatever is left of their forces when we move to liberate them." Commander Kaminari replied.

He gave his truest thoughts on the matter considering the current situation. He watched a a messenger bird carried a message to the Daimyo who promptly opened it and then motioned for the formation to speed up the pace. "Guess boats have found their way through afterall all we have to do is get to them." Commander Kaminari said.

@Pyromancer88    @JPTheWarrior

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