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Completed Chapter III: Scales of Justice

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Dina Ailsa

"Yes.", Dina said seriously, "And do not take it as if I undervalue your lives.", she looked around the table at each of her companions, "Also, apart from the trust I have in her, she owes me hers.". Dina cut herself another piece of meat and savored it. That should be a good enough reason for anyone. she thought while chewing.
Eltheron Delioss

Eltheron again nodded slowly, he watched Dina for a moment as he thought, Strangers gathered by an ancient force, sent on a journey to save the world... I suppose i shouldn't be too surprised at the appearance of a savior in our time of need... We shall see what fate has in store for us yet. Again he drank from his pint.
The young soldier glanced at the unexpected distraction from his thoughts - a Shadow Elf woman. He looked tired and sounded to match. "There isn't a man in Ridge who hasn't at least heard of Captain Raynard. You must be new here." Then he directed his gaze at the center of the square again, and added: "And after tomorrow there's gonna be only one thing to hear."

At that moment, back inside the restaurant, Meric rose to his feet with a glass full of red wine. "A toast, friends! To our fellowship, and the task at hand!"
Dina Ailsa

Dina laughed lightly at the surprise toast Meric proposed, but raised her glass. "And to this place with great food.", she added. Dina looked at Eltheron then, her lips, still slightly curved upward from her earlier laugh, curving a little bit more in a charming, warm smile.
City of Ridge, September 25th


The following day, 'round nine o'clock in the morning, the fellowship is already up and running. After waking up at the tavern Meric had picked for them at the square nearby the restaurant, it didn't take them long to break formation and venture off in groups to pursue different goals.

The largest party was led by Dina - well, it should have been Dina as the future queen to be but it was her friend Violet, in fact. Or to be completely honest Meric was the one leading them. Yes, since he knew the town better than anyone else in the company. Long story short: Violet's conversation with the young soldier last night was somewhat fruitful. Apparently the deputy commander of the City Watch was murdered two days ago, and captain Raynard was arrested as the murderer. The soldier was unwilling to discuss details but directed Violet to speak with the investigator in charge of the case. So now the three of them; Dina, Violet, and Meric stood in front of the gates to the Lord's Quarter. The chief investigator's office was located at the barracks beyond. Soldiers were posted on either side of the gates, but passage was seemingly free. Very few of the passersby from the road actually turned to go that way, though.

But there was no destination more fitting for the scholar, Henvei, than the famous Academy of Ridge - the South's bastion of knowledge. Eltheron tagged along, hoping to perhaps learn more about the Shadow Realm to which he was now forever bound. Prudent. The two of them had just reached the first steps leading to the Academy gates. It was a grand building, larger than Aboran's library but not nearly as old. Also it was far from abandoned - crowds of people made their way in and out of the structure, unlike the Great Library.

Laurolf Fangür on the other hand set off on his own for Market Square in the West Quarter, hoping to inspect the local wares for provisions and whatnot. He arrived just in time for the biggest rush hour. Endless crowds of people streamed between the market stalls and shops built in a circular fashion around the square Mostly men and elves, but there were also some dwarves and the occasional drakkar. One could probably find just about anything here - if you knew where to look.

Local weather was sunny and partially clouded, much like the day before. There was no wind. Favorable conditions for exploring.
Violet Robbins

"So Meric," Violet asked, stretching, a number of cracks heard as her body adjusted itself from its previous configuration. It had been so long since she had slept somewhere comfortable, her body wasn't used to it. ", how much farther till we get to the barracks. This whole case seems suspicious, based on what I know so far. The sooner we can get to the bottom of this, the better I'll feel."

While they walked, Violet glanced toward Dina. Such glances had become a bit of a habit for her now, due to how protective she felt of Dina, now more than ever. The girl already was closest thing she had left for family and she wouldn't be able to bear it if she lost her. She had lost so much, this time she was determined to do all she could to prevent it happening ever again.
Henvei Relkor vech Daltzen


With a jump and a twirl, the scholar hopped onto the first step of the stairs. He almost lost his balance, or rather, he lost his balance, using it as an excuse to twirl around with his hands lifted and his fingers stretched. In true scholastic fashion, he had dressed himself as any proper library-going gentleman ought to dress, in a traditional scholar's fine dress. Long, twirling ribbons of blue cloth followed his hands as they flew, glittering with brilliant patterns of icy weaving, which continued all down his loose sleeves, across his front, and to his boots: stitched tales of scholastic prowess.


The scholar stopped to catch his breath, caught up in the happiness of the moment. Ah! AH! Finally back to a true, proper atmosphere, where brutish impulses make way for the fine functions of higher thought! Finally, a place where a sharp mind meant much more than uncivilized smashing. Finally, a place where a Folk would find the respect he deserved!

Truly, this was an exciting moment. So exciting, in fact, that the scholar had celebrate that morning with a Folk tea ceremony, preparing himself for his library excursion with a brief indulgence. True, that he had little left of his pine leaves left...but a trip to the library! A sharp mind certainly could hold its own, but think of the things to be accomplished when the animal inside hungers for books, and not meat! A good enough reason, then, to delve into his dwindling supply of the tea, said by scholars to trick the inner body into savage ferocity, and to fool it into hunting books, not animals.

And the scholar was starving.

"Ahaha! Onward!" He hissed, jumping up again. With more energy than he ought to have, Henvei dashed off, ribbons trailing behind him, and forgetting completely of his companion at the bottom.
On impulse, Meric waited until the three of them were past the guards before he replied. "I've never actually been inside the Lord's Quarter to be honest, but it's relatively small compared to the rest of town. There's little in it beside the castle and the barracks. We should have no trouble finding the man we need." Deyan, the young soldier from last night, instructed them to speak with Inquisitor Herondale who was in charge of local criminal investigations. His quarters were in the main barracks and since today was the day of the trial, he would most likely be found there making final preparations. "From what I heard of Captain Raynard," the elf continued, "He's a man of integrity - honest and just. I myself find it unlikely that he's a murderer. Now imagine what the average resident of Ridge would think. We'd have to speak with the good captain first of course, but I take it we've decided to help him?" They haven't yet said anything officially, but they wouldn't be here otherwise, would they? And it couldn't hurt to make a few allies on their quest to the throne.

Once they were through the gates of the quarter, they could immediately see the barracks slightly to the left. The cobblestone road went straight, and on the side opposite the barracks was the extra line of walls that made up the lord's castle. There weren't many people around, and most of them were soldiers. This far south from the capital their allegiance was closer to their lord than the Queen, especially given her violent ascension to the throne, but one would still be nervous around so many uniforms - Resistance members in particular.

*** *** ***

Meanwhile Eltheron followed in Henvei's footsteps. Well, maybe not exactly in his footsteps - the Folk made quite a unique entrance after all, much to the puzzlement of passersby. When the elf caught up with him, the scholar was already engaged in conversation with another man. In fact, their conversation had barely gotten past the introductions.

"My dear sir, welcome once again!" the man was saying in a high voice. He looked like a scholar himself, old but still very much alive, grey-haired. "It has been such a long time since we've had a visitor of your kind - no, forgive me, caliber! It will be our pleasure to accept you and provide whatever you need." He waved his hands around. "The Ridge Academy is your home as much as it is mine. If it's knowledge you thirst for, our libraries are open to you. If you need a room, we have a few available. And of course," he smiled gently, "There's a number of people here who I imagine would relish the chance of speaking with an individual such as yourself."

The reception room of the Academy was much more spacious than the Great Library in Aboran. High, wide, door-less hallways led off into different wings of the structure. It was well lit, and quite populated. And of course the Frigid Folk were clearly a pleasurable sight in this place.
Dina Ailsa

There must be some mistake at hand, and we will reveal it. There is no man who deserves to be a victim of a misled justice. I hope we'll find some leads quickly. Time isn't on our side....as usual. Dina thought advancing with her companions toward the barracks. She had stayed awake for the most of the night, her imagination running wild with possible, or less possible, scenarios that had to have led the good captain in this mess. "Every life is precious. If there is a way to save one I'm all for it.", Dina said looking at Meric, "Of course I mean the innocent one. There is no question about it that the wrong-doers have to be punished." Even though I'd like death to be the last punishment on the list. Life should never be taken lightly. There was determination in Dina's steps, her face serious. To her this was beginning to resemble fighting every drop of blood about to fall from the wound. Delicate work, only one wrong step and the outcome could be fatal. Dina glanced at Violet. I should just back her up on this, her experience will be the most precious card we can play on. And I should learn from her while at it. She is the Resistance's second in command, she knows how to lead and how to deal with this kind of matter. Once again I'm stepping in my favorite pair of shoes. The follower shoes. But it will be different this time, this time I'll have an apprentice eyes with me. There is the future Dina has to prepare for, even this early in their quest. One does not change over night. She now had a responsibility toward the people all over the Kingdom. It was for them that she had to become what was unfamiliar to her so far. Hopefully she can live up to the expectation written in her blood.
Laurolf Fangür

Dwarves and Drakekin, in an elven market square - "Now 'at's a bloody sight, ye' ain't seein' e'ery day." Laurolf thought, as he stood at the 'entrance' to the market square itself, watching the bustle and hustle of local townspeople and foreign travelers alike. Merchants shouting out their offers, trying to top one another, luring in curious passersby and potential customers, with tall tales of them having the best merchandise in all of the land. And it indeed appeared this market place had everything to offer, even without browsing the stalls, Laurolf could see fine silks, spices, foodstuffs, tools and just about everything from A to Z, on sale. "Maybe one of 'em 'as the ol' Amaranth.." He thought grinning underneath his hood, "Would make me life bloody easier!" Wishful thinking, no doubt, but one could always hope, eh?

Taking a step forth and joining the crowd of people, Laurolf was almost instantly approached by all sorts of peddlers, there was talk of fresh fish, garments from distant lands, spices that would steal away even the most hardened of Drakkar tongues - Only one offer caught his ear, however, there was Töllweed on sale in one of the booths and that's where Laurolf decided to head first. Already before the specters had summoned him and the rest of the Fellowship, Laurolf had been short on things to smoke. While there were all sorts of plants, Töllweed was special- For it was one of the rare plants, grown by Dwarves. It was a little known fact, that the Dwarves had ways of growing flora even in the deepest chasms of their underground domains. While true, your everyday vegetables and such wouldn't grow without the use of magic, there were rarer plants that could grow within, and even require, the deep underground to flourish. One of these plants was Töllweed, which was unfortunately rare on the surface of Asgard.

The stall he now approached, appeared to specialize in.. exotic plants. Weeds and roots from the northernmost peaks of Fangïr, to the southernmost wastes of Daskárd. "A fine collection ye' 'ave, 'ere, lad! I'd be likin' to buy this pouch's worth o' Töllweed." Laurolf said, as he dug a small leather pouch from his satchel and put it onto the table. The merchant tried to offer Laurolf something more "potent" (and pricier), but he turned the man down and payed for the Töllweed, thanking him politely as he turned and walked away. Hemming, he dug out his pipe and shook off what ashes were left in it, then he refilled it and lit it. "Mmm, now that is some quality, Töllweed!" He thought, smiling as he blew out some smoke.

Laurolf's attention was now caught by the sound of a hammer clanking against metal, he turned and saw a blacksmith's. "Might as well be visitin' it.. Perhaps they 'ave somethin' o' interest.." He figured, starting to walk towards the smithy.
Violet Robbins

Violet only half listened to Dina. It wasn't so much that she didn't care about what the girl was saying, but more so that she couldn't help but be distracted by the heavy presence of the guards. The Resistance and lawmen didn't always mix well, especially when you break their nose when trying to escape capture. Needless to say, Violet did her best to be inconspicuous, shifting what hair she did have in front of her face. She made a mental note to buy some sort of cloak to aid in blending in to the crowd. Definitely not something exotic or white. Probably something in a charcoal or a deep purple. Either way, it'd have to wait until they had finished this leg of their investigation.

Speaking, or well, thinking of, Violet brought herself out her thoughts it time to catch the last few words. The way she spoke on the value of life, it made Violet miss the time when she would have been so revved up about justice. Nowadays, justice seemed like a distant thing. Occasionally, Violet wondered if such and idea could really come true. Still, she forced a brave face through her morose thoughts and said "Its good to see you so involved and so excited, Dina. Just be careful not to wear yourself out with all that zeal of yours."
Dina Ailsa

Not really excited, just dutiful. I was always fighting for lives. Dina thought to herself looking at Violet. It was indeed embroidered in her nature. "I'll leave it to you to alarm me if I overdo it." she smiled at her friend.
The trio was halted at the entrance of the barracks, but only briefly. Meric eloquently explained the nature of their visit and got them inside without unnecessary questions. One of the guards escorted them through the interior of the building all the way to the Inquisitor's office, where he announced them and returned to his post.

Inquisitor Herondale was a human apparently in his late forties, which of course meant he could easily be a decade or two older. A tall, dark figure with short black hair and trimmed beard. His eyes were a piercing blue, returning a gaze which, coupled with the lines of his face, returned a strict, calculating gaze. Attired in a military uniform but without armor, he looked exactly like the Inquisitor was supposed to look. Intimidating. But when he spoke, however, his voice sounded friendlier than expected, if somewhat cautious.

"I don't believe we've met, though I assume you already know who I am - otherwise you wouldn't be here." he said while standing behind his desk. He had been staring out the window overlooking the eastern walls before the company entered. "Now, who are you and to what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting?"
Violet Robbins

Violet stepped forward, drawing on her powers of persuasion; honed from being the right hand of the Resistance. She adopted a friendly air and expression, and said "We're interested in the impending trial here in Ridge. We've heard some of the details, but thought it'd be to go directly to the source. Word of mouth can be so unreliable, and we'd hardly want to go around with such shoddy information. So, what can you tell us?"
The Inquisitor laughed. "Being interested in a case does not entitle you access to private case-sensitive information. Not unless you're either with the defense or prosecution office." The man sat on his chair and began clearing up the mess. "I already know you're not a prosecutor, and no one was crazy enough to defend the accused... Not even that fellow who invoked the trial." Seeing the confusion in their eyes he added: "Oh, yes. There wasn't going to be a trial at all. But this man came out of nowhere, a local unless I'm mistaken, and called upon the Law of Honorable Right. Afterwards he went around investigating. What a joke. Of course he turned up nothing. Merely prolonged the inevitable."

The Inquisitor didn't seem to be taking them seriously, but he seemed fairly open with information that wasn't classified. Still, if they had any intention of helping Captain Raynard, they needed access to all case files. The Inquisitor was authorized, but he lacked motivation.
Dina Ailsa

Here goes nothing. Dina thought and took a deep breath. "Every man deserves a fair trial. We have come here hoping to get some leads on the case." she said firmly. I wonder who is it that has everyone dancing in their palm. The fear-factor concerning the case is palpable. Dina's face was serious. She stood still there, in front of this figure of law. Facing those piercing blue eyes.
Inquisitor Herondale turned his attention to the young girl. "A Tribunal is only invoked when the need arises. Most cases are clear enough not to demand a trial. That is the law. Does a guilty man deserve a trial? Perhaps. Does he require it? No." The sudden frown on his face passed as swiftly as it formed. Then he spoke to the entire group again, glancing at everyone one more time but finally resting his eyes on Violet. "So..." he smiled, suppressing a laughter. "You want... to defend the accused? Seriously?" All they needed to do was agree, and the case would apparently be theirs along with all the benefits and responsibilities.
First that laugh, then a smile. Then a look of genuine surprise finally ended by a much more relaxed smile. Like he was faintly entertained. But his words were calm and his tone professional when he spoke.

"Alright. The law allows it, so I can't stop you." He took a piece of paper and started writing on it. After a short while he handed the note to Violet, saying: "As the Inquisitor of Ridge, I hereby grant you the status of defenders in this particular case. The note says as much, should you need it during your... investigation." He turned all serious then. "I'm afraid you haven't much time though. The trial starts at noon, which is to say, in two hours or so. I suppose you'll want the official report? Alright."

He fiddled with some papers and read sections out loud, while filling the gaps with his own chosen words.

"The murder took place two days ago, on September 23rd, in an abandoned warehouse by the river in the West Quarter, just north of Lord's Bridge. The victim's name is Ferndow. He was a Lieutenant in the City Watch. The accused, Captain Raynard, who was in fact the victim's subordinate, was caught immediately after the murder took place, at the crime scene. He was arrested around half past eleven in the afternoon. The cause of Ferndow's death was a stab wound from a long sword, through the torso. That about sums it up." finished Herondale. "Now, if you'd be as kind as to be on your way..." he said, smiling, "Investigators."

"Dina. Violet." said Meric in a half whisper. "We got what we came for. But we'll never conduct a proper investigation in two hours. We need more time. I think we should speak with Captain Raynard. There's no time for anything else. Maybe we can learn enough to postpone the trial."
Dina Ailsa

There is some logic in the statement that a guilty man doesn't deserve a trial, but the one who we think as guilty might not be so. Dina thought, but said nothing. The man laughed, smiled. Yes, have a good laugh. Maybe you'll have another one the next time we see each other, maybe not. Either way, at least justice will be served. She had a hunch that this case was more than it meets the eye and since she witnessed some passionate defense by someone who've known him...there just had to be more to it. True, one opinion wouldn't be worth much once the sentence was reached, but it was worth looking into. And taking into account that everyone seems to be afraid to speak up...shady indeed. Dina's attention was shifted to Meric as he whispered to Violet and her. She nodded slowly. "I agree." We must act quickly.
"Oh, and one more thing." the Inquisitor rose up again. He moved to the shelf by the window and picked up a heavy looking book. He then offered it to Dina. "You should take this. Not saying it will help. Regulations say that as the defense you must possess a copy." He maintained a neutral expression as he said it. "It's about the justice system in general, but there's a special section for the Tribunal. Also..." he paused to think. "I guess you should talk to the good Captain. He's being held at the other barracks, up at Justice Square. For convenience I guess. Normally you would also need to investigate the crime scene, examine the body in the morgue, incidentally also at the other barracks, and speak with witnesses but... You've hardly the time now. That would be all."

It looked like they were done in the Inquisitor's office. Herondale made the effort to make it look like that. The book he gave to Dina wasn't as heavy as it looked after all. The front cover was illustrated with the symbol of the Tribunal: golden scales with a shield on one side and a sword on the other. The shield had the royal crest on it.
Having finished with Inquisitor Herondale, Dina, Violet and Meric set out for the guard barracks at Justice Square to talk to the man they were supposed to defend on the trial. They had no idea what kind of a surprise awaited them there.

*** *** ***

Meanwhile, on the opposite side of town at Market Square, Laurolf was about to meet a familiar face. He just didn't know it yet because the other person was facing the other way, arguing with a blacksmith at his own shop. A tall, broad figure hidden by a heavy-looking, long black cape and a hood thrown over its face.

"Lying bastard! Tell me what I want to know, or I'll rip your throat out!" People say that one drakkar's growl is like any other, but Laurolf knew better, if only barely.

The blacksmith was held by the drakkar by the collar of his shirt, visibly afraid as he muttered a response. "N-no! We're in the middle of M-Market Square! There's g-g-guards! You can't just -"

"Wanna bet?" The threat sounded realistic. And, for some reason, there were absolutely no guards around as far as Laurolf could see. But it was crowded, so one or two might have been in the next row of stalls or around the corner. Even so if the drakkar wanted to, he could realize his threat in a second and be gone in a few more.

Eltheron Delioss

Eltheron had to admit, the reception Henvei garnered at their arrival to the Academy was indeed impressive, Eltheron kept to his silence as he generally preferred, but couldn't help the slightest roll of his eyes. You'd think they were admitting royalty...

As Henvei and himself began their walk into the building proper past the reception area Eltheron made humble gesture to the scholar to gain his attention, his question was simple, and it was to the point, "I have an interest in a type of shadow magic I've recently encountered, is there some tome, or perhaps someone I could consult? A specialist of likes, if there is one."
All caught up in giving Henvei an appropriate welcome, the host didn't even notice Eltheron until the elf adressed him.

"Ah, and your elven companion! Welcome, good sir! We don't get many of your kind through Ridge anymore, aside of course the locals." he said, striking his grey beard. He smiled pleasantly. "You speak, of course, of the Shadow Realm." The old man paused a moment as if remembering. "The Academy is foremost a place for a different type of knowledge. We study mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, history, astronomy, and of course all the cross-breeds in between. However!" he suddenly added, just when the elf must have lost interest. "The Shadow Realm is studied here from a scientific aspect by our resident expert whom you will undoubtedly want to meet in that case. Might I inquire to what you owe your interest? No, on second thought don't tell me. I know next to nothing on the subject I'm afraid. You should go talk to Marin Szentcz in the east wing." He pointed out the large doorway to the left. "Straight down the hall, then turn right at the first intersection. You can't miss it."

The old man stood there with his arms locked behind his back and a look of satisfaction on his face. Around them people came and went, humans and elves in scholarly garments. Voices echoed through the grand reception room. Some mentioned the today's trial, others experiments and classes. None sounded too worried.
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