Senior Member
Growling with agitation, Xenthriss pointed at the Council and accused them "And what... you want use to get this... device... so that you can abuse it as you see fit? I may not be a friend of your Creator, and I hate my people's enslavement to this kingdom of man, but I assure you that I will destroy the artifact if I find it. Divine or not, it is too dangerous to let fall into anyone's hands or, indeed, allow any being to use. If we are to fight for this rock than we should prove that we are worthy of it without anyone else's power, I would rather ally myself with the human scum and their malignant royalty than use another god's power.". Pausing for breath before continuing to rant, the Drakkar's eyes seemed to be practically ablaze with whatever hellish magic he knew. "What? Didn't think I'd realize just how powerful I have become or that you seem far too eager to give up your own powers? I will be my own entity, if these fools... and the dwarf... want it, then so be it. Oh, and before I forget, you might want to explain to them who and what every one of us are instead of sending us out to know neither our enemies nor ourselves.". He shook his head before grumbling "Damn immortals, not having any sense of what their 'playthings' prioritize.".