Bren does likewise without hesitation, shaking firmly. "Aye," he agreed in turn, and looked at the others. "Stand down, please, and remain at peace until I give the word.""Aye, then! And may all the gods of Asgard curse the first of us to break our word to each other!" Tarros spat into his hand and offered it to Bren clearly expecting him to do the same.
Bria's suggestion had taken Bren quite as much by surprise at it had Tarros, but he gave it serious consideration before offering his reply. "If there is nothing in your contract that prevents you from handing it over now, then you are free to do so," he said slowly. "And I think it cannot be denied that Barathus knows its location now, and therefore his search for it is ended. Would you give it to him?"Tarros could not believe what he was hearing. "You!" he aimed a finger at Brendoran. "You are a paladin! Laws are your thing! Am I just to hand it over then?"