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Chapter Fourteen: Stoking the Fires of Preparation

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"Aye, then! And may all the gods of Asgard curse the first of us to break our word to each other!" Tarros spat into his hand and offered it to Bren clearly expecting him to do the same.
Bren does likewise without hesitation, shaking firmly. "Aye," he agreed in turn, and looked at the others. "Stand down, please, and remain at peace until I give the word."

Tarros could not believe what he was hearing. "You!" he aimed a finger at Brendoran. "You are a paladin! Laws are your thing! Am I just to hand it over then?"
Bria's suggestion had taken Bren quite as much by surprise at it had Tarros, but he gave it serious consideration before offering his reply. "If there is nothing in your contract that prevents you from handing it over now, then you are free to do so," he said slowly. "And I think it cannot be denied that Barathus knows its location now, and therefore his search for it is ended. Would you give it to him?"
.:|Nivirea Varelys - The Sorceress |:.

Still hidden, Nivirea observed the development with great interest. Just moments ago she'd been on the edge, much like Tarros, when things looked like they could go either way, but Bria's sensible suggestion seemed to have put a swift end to that. Yet still she chose to wait and see what happens.
(Note: This is longer than usual. Jus' sayin'. =) )

Bren does likewise without hesitation, shaking firmly.

Bren discovered Tarros's grasp to be as cold as the winters Bren had ever known. His breath too formed small white clouds akin to the breath of frost-Gaels in Highwind. But the fierce spirit in his stare while they shook hands was anything but cold.

"And I think it cannot be denied that Barathus knows its location now, and therefore his search for it is ended. Would you give it to him?"

Tarros turned toward Barathus with a wry grin. In answer, he reached without looking behind him and withdrew from the pouch a handsome jawbone that appeared to match the wide-eyed skeleton that now staggered towards it as if possessed by a spell. Tarros stood his ground and held it before him. Barathus's hands began to shake as he inched close enough to touch it. But at that moment, grinning Tarros suddenly pulled the jawbone away.

"500 pieces of gold first."

Lord Vareyls paused in shock. Then Barathus's stance changed immediately as he saw straight through the barbarian's taunting ruse. He planted his feet and put one hand on his hip as the other shot out in demand. If Barathus's stare could have burned Tarros, the man would have been reduced to a pile of smoldering ash.

Tarros saw that engraged look and laughed gustily. "Here!" He stepped forward and returned Barathus's jawbone to that outstretched hand. Like a cat snatching a mouse, Barathus grasped the jaw with both hands and set it back in place where it stayed.

Then lord, adventurer, traveler, and master merchant Barathus Varelys put both hands on his hips and in a powerful voice, both clear and commanding, Nivirea's great-grandfather let Tarros have it.

"Tarros, you blasted spawn of a crotch-diseased ogre! If you think I am going to pay for the very bones my mother bore me, then you are more stupid than the dullest goblin this side of The Golden Valley!"

This verbal beating only drew more laughter from Tarros who gazed at Barathus as if he were someone dear. "So that's what you sound like! It is good to finally hear your voice, old one!"

"I hope you like it because you might not ever hear the end of my beratings, you orc-witted pile of titan droppings!"

This caused Tarros to laugh harder for their camaraderie was becoming clear to all. The tones that Barathus was using were those of a teasing friend. There was no real malice in them anywhere. Barathus's servants, however, were not at all quick to join in the humor.

"Master!" Ricci exclaimed from behind her stall. "How can you be so friendly to Loviatar's Tormentor?"

Tall Obba looked pained and confused. "He threatened to have us scour the dungeons for our lack of business and you joke with the fiend as if he were your drinking fellow?"

Lord Barathus turned proudly toward his servants. "I do!" He paused as his proclamation drifted through the cavern. "You, my servants, have wisdom! You have education and goodness in each of you, but... what of Tarros?"

Ricci spat hatefully. "After what he did? Who cares about Tarros?!"

Barathus raised his hands. "Precisely! No one cares about Tarros the Tamer!" He stepped toward Tarros as if they were brothers.

"I do," Bria raised her paw.

"You are different," Barathus smiled. "As for the rest of you, you have the benefits of knowing what care is! You have had loving parents... and relatives... and friends! You each possess the wisdom of your travels and educations! You know what care is! But Tarros? Has it ever occured to you that he never has? All those hours I spent listening to his tales brought me to an understanding. He is on no one's side because no one has ever been on his side! And you wonder why he trusts only blades and coins!"

"And rare men," Tarros interjected quietly.

Barathus folded his arms and turned his back to his confused servants. "You know better! And so... I will be his friend even if it means the rest of you leave my services." This statement, so mountainlike in its solidity, caused Lord Barathus's servants to suddenly break from their stalls and mouth apologies, some in different languages but all of them sincere and pleading.

Barathus continued to scold his servants who were now every bit willing to do as he said, for they loved him too.

Meanwhile, Bria reached into her pack, unraveled something, and calmly approached Tarros. She smile to him. "Here. For you, Tarros!"

"What is it?"

Bria made a confused face while managing to look cute at the same time in the manner of Brias. "It's a cookie. Chocolate chip. I like to create food."

"No," Tarros said. "I mean, why are you giving me this?"

"Because that's what friends do - give without wanting anything in return."

"You'll want something. Everyone wants something."

Bria's brown eyes gazed peacefully. "Think you're brave?"

"What?! Lass, I'll have you know I have bested fire giants for less!"

"If you're so brave, then try me." She offered the cookie again.

Tarros gazed dumbfounded, not only at Bren this time, but all of you. He clearly did not know what to do with this Ko monk or her sweet gift.

"Is this a jest?" he said to anyone who would listen.

What do the Wayward Wanderers do?
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Otiorin Taletreader

As Tarros returned the merchant's property, the transmogrified Half-elf felt the tension in the air lessen and his lips curled in pleasure to see the exchange between erstwhile captor and captive. Quietly, he returned arrow to quiver and bow to his shoulder. As Bria offered the cookie, his ears perked up and he watched intently the interaction between monk and barbarian.
"If you don't want it, I'll have it.", he spoke up, waggling his eyebrows.
Luna allows her guard to slowly drop as she watches the play-by-play between the group and Tarros. She says, "You can take comfort in the fact that Bria is the most giving and honest person you will ever come by. If she says the cookie is safe to eat, the only question that should be on your mind is, 'Where's the milk to go with it?'" The mage offers up a smile, trying to reassure the barbarian.
Cantrips - 4
Detect Magic
Mage Hand
Read Magic

Level 1 - 6 +1 Evoker spell
Mage Armor x1
Burning Hands x2
Magic Missile x3
Unseen Servant x1

Level 2 - 6 +1 Evoker spell
Blur x2
Scorching Ray x2
Mirror Image x1
Protection From Arrows x1
Web x1

Level 3 - 4 +1 Evoker spell
Displacement x1
Fireball x2
Haste x1
Lightning Bolt x1

Level 4 - 4 +1 Evoker spell
Ball Lightning x1
Remove Curse x1
Scorching Ray, Empowered Metamagic Feat x2
Shout x1

Level 5 - 3 +1 Evoker spell
Cone of Cold x1
Fireball, Empowered Metamagic Feat x1
Hold Monster x1
Lightning Bolt, Empowered Metamagic Feat x1

Level 6 - 2 +1 Evoker spell
Chain Lightning x1
Disintegrate x2
With the threat of violence seeming to be fading away, Oreleth lowers her bow and slips the arrows she had in her hand back into their quiver. "They all speak truly. If you have any concerns, I will sample any of the offered cookies you choose, even if there is no milk to be had with them."
Unable to help himself, Bren grinned broadly when Tarros returned Lord Barathus' jawbone and the old lord proceeded to scold more or less all of them by turns, according to their (presumed) deserts. The paladin found himself rather in sympathy with his confusion at Bria's offer, for surely he'd never met anyone like the peaceful healer. "It is no jest, Tarros," he replied, quietly but firmly. "Bria of the Ko is perhaps the one person in all the worlds who will offer even an enemy a gift without wanting a single thing in return -- except friendship. And you've shown yourself to be no enemy of ours, at least under the present circumstances. Suspect any of the rest of us you please, and you may or may not be right, but you need never suspect her."
"If you don't want it, I'll have it.", he spoke up, waggling his eyebrows.

Bria gasped as she spun to see who had made the remark. Then her peaceful eyes became softer as she saw it was her own man. "You've had them before, Oti-Goof! Tarros knows not their taste. Besides, it's the last one!"

HIs thick tail swishing, Powerpaw leaned easily against his propped-up maul and nodded. "Finawwy, sumbuddy else gets da Goof treatment!"

"It is no jest, Tarros," he replied, quietly but firmly. "Bria of the Ko is perhaps the one person in all the worlds who will offer even an enemy a gift without wanting a single thing in return -- except friendship. And you've shown yourself to be no enemy of ours, at least under the present circumstances. Suspect any of the rest of us you please, and you may or may not be right, but you need never suspect her."

Tarros's wild gaze turned from Wanderer to Wanderer as they spoke before resting on Bria. He swiped the cookie from the Ko Healer's grasp. "What have you done to deserve such praise from your friends, catling?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary for me, I suppose."

He stared suspiciously at her as he chewed. Then he brightened. "Odin's beard! 'Tis the best I've ever tasted!" Bria closed her eyes and quietly beamed at his appraisal.

Then Count Barathus's voice filled the cavern once more. He shook his hand at his still-pleading servants. "Oh, don't talk like that! No matter how angry you make me, I would never restore myself and leave you in this state, no matter how much you deserved it! Have you lost your senses?"

"Well," heavyset Ricci counted on her bony fingers. "I haven't touched anything that felt good since the curse since I lack skin, my vision is still swarmy with disgusting things, I continue to hear the voices of the dead, I probably smell worse than the bonepile but I can't tell since I don't have a sense of smell anymore, and I'd give anything to remember what a fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie tasted like again! Oooh! That answer your question, Master?"

Count Barathus nodded in answer but it was Bria who hopped in surprise. "Oh no! I don't have any more cookies to share!" This truly seemed to unravel the peaceful healer as she looked into her empty snack pouch and fretted nervously at its emptiness. Bria looked lost and worried.

Count Barathus addressed his servants. "With my true voice restored, let us finally be done with this last curse and put Pohjola behind us once and for all!" Barathus pulled forth some mighty magic from his learned depths and, now armed with the works to speak the words of power, he incanted as his fingers traced invisible sigils of power into the air.

The sounds of five unholy horrors fleeing Count Barathus and his servants was both a terrifying and liberating thing to hear. The shrieking curse-spirits fled speedily out of their bodies restoring each to their living forms of flesh and blood.

"Oh, Ra be praised! I am whole again!" Obba clutched his arms and chest feeling the muscles within them with amazement. He was now a tall, ebony-skinned youth with beautiful eyes and teeth with a wide smile that filled his face.

Ricci appeared to be about Obba's age. She gleefully patted her plump belly and put her hands through her long curly brown hair. "Oooh, this is the best day of my life!!"

Count Barathus watched proudly as all four of his servants danced and hugged each other. He stood regally in an aged multicolored robe looking every bit a king dressed in unkingly clothes. His long white beard and hair gave him the look of someone wandered and wise. He clasped his hands behind his back and seemed quite content to watch.

Tarros crossed his burly arms and grinned. "You are restored. Thus ends the terms of my contract. I am a free man again though I doubt my former employers will be grateful of the terms." He turned to Oreleth. "So, cat-lass! What is it you wanted to hire a fighting man for? You seem like you can handle yourself, fellowship or no."

Powerpaw raised a claw. "Hey, guy. Dey iz Kitty-faces in form onlies. In troof, dey iz humans an' elfies. I'm de only real Kitty-face here."

"Vili's bones!" Tarros swore. "There is more to you creatures than meets the eye!"

"Tarros?" Count Barathus asked. "May I see your list of goals now that we are done?"

"Aye," the barbarian handed the merchant-adventurer a yellowed scroll. "You've earned the right." He turned back to the Wayward Wanderers as Count Barathus's eyes seemed to devour the contents of the scroll. "So, adventurers? Where do your travels take you now?"
Tarros crossed his burly arms and grinned. "You are restored. Thus ends the terms of my contract. I am a free man again though I doubt my former employers will be grateful of the terms." He turned to Oreleth. "So, cat-lass! What is it you wanted to hire a fighting man for? You seem like you can handle yourself, fellowship or no."
Oreleth looks over at Tarros, saying, "I was more hoping to find a way to get the jawbone back to its owner without resorting to conflict than looking to hire you to join our party. Just because I am a warrior does not mean that I go to seek out a fight if I can avoid one. It was something taught to me by my mentor and friend, Dendarian, and I would be a poor student if I did not keep up on his teachings."
This, but with blue eyes

Credit: gugu-troll - Professional, Digital Artist | DeviantArt

Bren smiled, watching Barathus return himself and his people to their true state. It was a double joy to behold; firstly for the wonder of removing any curse, and second for that curse having been placed by his divine lady's nemesis. He was a paladin, after all, not a saint, and he did enjoy spiking Loviatar's wheel or seeing someone else do it.

He turned back to the Wayward Wanderers as Count Barathus's eyes seemed to devour the contents of the scroll. "So, adventurers? Where do your travels take you now?"

Bren nodded his temporarily-furry face towards the keep. "Into the dungeons, I think," he replied. "Unless Count Barathus first wishes to reopen his stall, and my friends to reconsider his wares." He grinned, then became more sober. "It's my understanding that the breaking of our curse, at least this last part of it, involves solving the dungeons under Castle Anguish -- is that not it? -- and recovering whatever it's protecting."
As Count Barathus's continued to eagerly devour the contents of Tarros's scroll, Tarros nodded to Oreleth. "Mentor and friend? Chances are, you must be an elf when you are not prancing about as a cat-person. Even as a cat, your accent is not one I can readily place among humans, wild or otherwise."

Count Barathus continued to listen to you as he read. "Paladin, my wares will always be open to you and your fellowship! You have but to request! As for the dungeons under Castle Anguish, you are under Castle Anguish as we speak! You have but to make the climb to reach them and you will find yourself among the ruins left from the Wizard War." He pointed upwards toward the spiraling bridge-strewn tunnel above your heads that continued high into pitch darkness.

"We can honestly attest that none who have entered have returned. In fact," he snifffed, "I doubt any of them have gotten past the greatest of challenges, the--"

Tarros interjected and sounded annoyed. "Speak not of him, old one!"

"Oh Tarros, you are just sore because he laid you low and defeat is not something you can easily digest. I imagine it is one of the reasons you wanted to fight these good people before you so eagerly!"

"Heimdall's balls, it's true! My pride has taken a hit for never have I been beaten so soundly or surely. But speak of this no more! To talk of him is to invite him into your midst!"

"Hah! Barbarian superstition!"
* * *​

Just then, a great glow of sunlight soft and warm fell upon most of the Wayward Wanderers, especially Paladin Brendoran, just as it had when Paladin Bria had dispelled the evil snows when the Wayward Wanderers had first arrived, confused and cursed, upon Pohjola. But what embraced Brendoran was no curse.

"What da face?!" Powerpaw meowed.

"Oh!" Bria exclaimed, reaching her hands up to give the sunlight a friendly wave. "This is good!"

The fresh smell of evergreen came comforting along with the distant singing of songbirds unseen and the happy howling of wolves from beyond.

Oscar and Sparkle looked up and smiled. Tarros bowed his head in respect. "'Tis Mielikki, whom all creatures who live and walk the land owe."

Brendoran was encased in this glow for long moments, and then it faded leaving a shine to the paladin's being, a touch that all of you had seen firsthand, but from whence it had come, you could only guess. Each of the present Wayward Wanderers could swear they heard the giggling of tiny girlish voices - then all was silent again.
Luna is both filled with joy at the presence of Mielikki, and a bit of chagrin that her own god, Boccob, has not blessed her with an appearance. Get a grip, girl. You are hardly the only wizard that calls to him for guidance, and you are not a paladin like Bren is. Just be thankful that we are not alone in this journey, and that both Bastet and Mielikki are with us.

She does ask, "Count Barathus or Tarros, do either of you know the path that we need to take to gain entrance into the castle? And what can you tell us about the threats ahead of us on our path? What can we do to be the most prepared for them?"
Cantrips - 4
Detect Magic
Mage Hand
Read Magic

Level 1 - 6 +1 Evoker spell
Mage Armor x1
Burning Hands x2
Magic Missile x3
Unseen Servant x1

Level 2 - 6 +1 Evoker spell
Blur x2
Scorching Ray x2
Mirror Image x1
Protection From Arrows x1
Web x1

Level 3 - 4 +1 Evoker spell
Displacement x1
Fireball x2
Haste x1
Lightning Bolt x1

Level 4 - 4 +1 Evoker spell
Ball Lightning x1
Remove Curse x1
Scorching Ray, Empowered Metamagic Feat x2
Shout x1

Level 5 - 3 +1 Evoker spell
Cone of Cold x1
Fireball, Empowered Metamagic Feat x1
Hold Monster x1
Lightning Bolt, Empowered Metamagic Feat x1

Level 6 - 2 +1 Evoker spell
Chain Lightning x1
Disintegrate x2
Oreleth walks up, and says, "Aye. I am a elf in my natural form, blessed by Solonor Thelandira as one of his own. I have a question about something else that perhaps one of the two of you can answer. Long have I been questing for a weapon, a bow known as the Soulsinger. It has so far eluded me in my search, but I wonder, do either of you know of this bow and where it may be found?"
Mage Hand

Level 1 / 5 spell slots
Burning Hands x1
Gravity Bow x2
Shield x2

Level 2 / 4 spell slots
Flaming Sphere x1
Glitterdust x2
Concerning Boccob,

Luna recalled from her many years in Summerset just what kind of god Boccob was - neither goodly like MIelikki the blessed Forest Maiden nor despicable like Maglubiyet, the terrible god of goblins. Boccob the Uncaring was the God of Magic and it was only knowledge and magic that he desired.

To gain the favor of any god was to do right by them in their name. Luna could recall many of Boccob's own followers who devoted themselves to finding answers to long-unsolved riddles, the finding of lost spells and enchanted items, or the creation of new magic - all of these they gave willingly to Boccob either in the desire to gain his favor toward other greater mysteries or in just gratitude for what the God of Magic had already provided them. Many went further and regularly provided gold, provisions, or other means to Boccobite churches.

They didn't just pray to him when they were in trouble but spread his word and ways amongst others that they might know of his greatness. Many did so out of sheer awe of Boccob. They took action in his name.

Put another way, nothing came from nothing. Those followers who prayed not to him or gave nothing gained nothing (but neither did they lose anything except the chance at earning his favor). Luna's own father who many said was high in Boccob's eyes, sometimes gained additional benefits to the very spells he thought he knew so well. Lord Callen knew then as he knew today that a deity was not some kind of merchant where one traded riches for favors, but instead they were truly higher powers with means and ambitions and personalities of their own. They were people, each with their own dreams.

Boccob was always a hard god to get the attention of, but for a being that knew every spell, every magic item, and nearly every wonder Sharseya and other planes of existence had to offer, his rewards were great for those who did right by him.

Doing right required action in his name. Similar to what Brendoran and Bria were doing.
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The paladin's eyes flitted up, to one side, and then to the other, and his feline ears followed suit, as if ears and eyes both were focusing on something unseen by the rest, and something quite close to his face at that. His whiskers leaned a little forward as he listened intently, mouth curving upward in a sweet smile. "Thank you, dear messengers," he murmured as Mielikki's glow faded.

He turned to the party. "Friends, Mielikki has sent a message for us! This cat-form that Bast has granted us is more of a blessing than I first thought. Please, don't any of you choose to regain your true form until we've passed the dungeons, for I'm told that if we do, we'll join yonder pool of bones and never return home." He looked apologetically at Nivirea. "Except you, of course, who've already regained yours, but surely we can keep you safe between us."

Bren then looked at Barathus. "Whether it's superstition to speak of him or no, my goddess's messengers have told me that none of us possesses the means to fell him, and that he is both near and angry. Have you aught among your wares that would help us?"
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When Brendoran turned to the hiding spot where the fey-blooded sorceress had been, his cat-eyesight told him without doubt...

...Nivirea was gone.
As Brendoran made his dsicovery, Tarros replied to Luna.

She does ask, "Count Barathus or Tarros, do either of you know the path that we need to take to gain entrance into the castle? And what can you tell us about the threats ahead of us on our path? What can we do to be the most prepared for them?"

"Yes. Up." Tarros pointed up above your heads. "One entrance to the Dungeons of Castle Anguish lie at the top of that climb. But for felines of your size, it should be less than treacherous. As for the dungeons," he jerked a thumb at Count Barathus who had just finished reading Tarros's scroll, "neither of us have entered them. Best you should get whatever gear you need from Varelys here for you'll likely need it."

* * *​

Long have I been questing for a weapon, a bow known as the Soulsinger. It has so far eluded me in my search, but I wonder, do either of you know of this bow and where it may be found?"

Count Barathus chuckled to himself as he handed the scroll back to Tarros. Then he quickly turned to Oreleth as if wanting to avoid conversation with the barbarian. Barathus went so far as to turn his back to Tarros. There, Oreleth caught the old fellow undergo a mild coughing fit. But Oreleth saw what what happening and grasped the truth of it - Barathus had discovered something and it tickled him so that he was disguising his laugher under this feigned coughing fit.

"Oh, do you mean this?"

Count Barathus escorted Oreleth to his table marked, "Odds and Ends" where his potions and papers were arranged. There was a sign beside the papers which read, "Recovered from the Dungeons! - 10 gold pieces per clue!"

"I believe that one is the one you're looking for." The restored merchant-adventurer pushed aside his bushy beard and pointed at one of six miniature papers, each rolled and tied like a tiny scroll. Each of the mini-scrolls were tied with a different ribbon - the one Varelys had indicated was tied shut with a bright purple ribbon.

Then he continued to chuckle quietly while glancing toward Tarros and Luna.

* * *​

He turned to the party. "Friends, Mielikki has sent a message for us! This cat-form that Bast has granted us is more of a blessing than I first thought. Please, don't any of you choose to regain your true form until we've passed the dungeons, for I'm told that if we do, we'll join yonder pool of bones and never return home." He looked apologetically at Nivirea. "Except you, of course, who've already regained yours, but surely we can keep you safe between us."

Powerpaw chatted with Obba in a language most of you could not recognize, but he turned his furry head and listened to Brendoran. "Dat's good news, 'cause dis Kitty-face can't turn inta a human!"

"Fine by me too," Bria chimed in. "It's not every day you get to experience something like this!"

I'm fudging time a little here as if Bren had gotten to ask his questions prior to addressing Nivirea and therefore noticing her disappearance. I'm doing so because otherwise I don't see how Bren's question could be answered. =)

Bren then looked at Barathus. "Whether it's superstition to speak of him or no, my goddess's messengers have told me that none of us possesses the means to fell him, and that he is both near and angry. Have you aught among your wares that would help us?"


Count Barathus froze. All manner of humor fled him. He turned to Brendoran gravely and Tarros paused in his conversation with Luna and watched the merchant-adventurer closely. "I... near, you say?" he quieted a little with every passing moment. "Who... who pray tell is your goddess again? Bastet, the Goddess of Cats, was it?" Count Barathus was no coward, but now his eyes glanced this way and that as fear draped its terrible cloak about his aged shoulders.
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Bren shook his felane head. "My lady is Mielikki, the Forest Maiden, but some of my allies worship Bastet, and petitioned her aid for us, hence our current forms."

Nivirea's disappearance had him looking more than a bit nervous too. "Did anyone see where Nivirea went?"
Please hold on in-game posts until I hear from Wolf again. You're welcome to discuss in Adventurers' Table. =)

Location: The Varelys Trading Post (Pohjola location)
Time/Date: Who can say? Last you knew it was mid-afternoon, Monday, 22nd September in the year 1118. Perhaps now it's... Wednesday?
Weather: Probably still snowy with that strange cursed-evil-Loviatar-brand-of-Pohjolan-snow. But who wants to go out and see =)

* * *​
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus (Tag!)

"Nivi-face?" Powerpaw swung his head and looked back to where he had last seen her. "Naw! Where'd she go?" He began to call out. "HAY! Nivi-faaaace!"

Bria clenched her paws together. "Wait! You mean, she's missing? Did she wander off? Nivireaaaa!!"

And then... it happened!

The Wayward Wanderers, Oscar, Tarros the Tamer, and all of Count Barathus's crew (himself included), heard a powerful and terrible bellowing. It came not far from around the corner from whence they had entered (which is now about 50 feet away from where you are now). This male shouting was unlike any that you had heard before. For no creature on Pohjola had a shriek quite like this one. Such was his power that his voice alone rattled the tunnels where you stood. Stalactites and stalagmites quivered. Some of the lichen on the walls and ceiling fell and drifted down creating pretty green clouds. Elsewhere, bats vanished, goblins shrieked and fled for their lives, and all things that heard it ran the other way. Even the army of bones in the bone pit seemed to shake with the rest of the clamoring cavern in a feeble attempt to flee!

The voice constantly shifted from guttural and low to high and piping. There was no sign of sanity in his maniacal shouting as all of you heard something terrible and angry cry,


Count Barathus, Obba, and the other servants froze as if petrified. Such was their fear that they were all momentarily rooted to the spot. "Oh, no..." quivered Count Barathus who was no coward, "No no no no! Not him! Not him!! Fly, my servants!" He turned and waved his hands and his servants scattered, but where was there to go? You were still in the cul-de-sac where the only way to proceed was up onto cracked wooden bridged that humans could barely navigate.

Tarros the Tamer's wild face fell. This apparently was the last thing he had expected or wanted to hear. "By the sword of Sif! It is he! But what does he here?!" Without conscious thought, Tarros with his greataxe in both hands, moved to put himself between the dangers and Bria of the Ko, still the taste of chocolate in his mouth. It seemed even sweeter now.

And of Nivirea? None could see her for it seemed clear that she was nowhere near you to be seen.

What do the Wayward Wanderers do? Ohh myy goshhh... =)

Count Barathus Varelys
(Image credit: thereaderwiki.com)
GAME DETAILS Location: Varelys Trading Post
Mode: Exploration
Click Blue Box for Ambiance =)
"D&D Ambiance - Dark, Dank Cave" by Sword Coast Soundscapes

Luna's mind races, going to the various spells that she has prepared from her book. "If we need to run, I can cast a Haste spell on us. It will boost our movement rate to be able to get away if we have to run. But if we can, defeating any ally of Loviatar could not be a bad thing."
Cantrips - 4
Detect Magic
Mage Hand
Read Magic

Level 1 - 6 +1 Evoker spell
Mage Armor x1
Burning Hands x2
Magic Missile x3
Unseen Servant x1

Level 2 - 6 +1 Evoker spell
Blur x2
Scorching Ray x2
Mirror Image x1
Protection From Arrows x1
Web x1

Level 3 - 4 +1 Evoker spell
Displacement x1
Fireball x2
Haste x1
Lightning Bolt x1

Level 4 - 4 +1 Evoker spell
Ball Lightning x1
Remove Curse x1
Scorching Ray, Empowered Metamagic Feat x2
Shout x1

Level 5 - 3 +1 Evoker spell
Cone of Cold x1
Fireball, Empowered Metamagic Feat x1
Hold Monster x1
Lightning Bolt, Empowered Metamagic Feat x1

Level 6 - 2 +1 Evoker spell
Chain Lightning x1
Disintegrate x2
Oreleth once more pulls out her bow and readies for battle. One way or another, things were about to happen.

She looks over at Brendoran. "I can move quickly and quietly to see what it is that we are dealing with, hopefully finding Nivirea, and come back to report what I have seen, if you wish."

Kaerri Kaerri
Mage Hand

Level 1 / 5 spell slots
Burning Hands x1
Gravity Bow x2
Shield x2

Level 2 / 4 spell slots
Flaming Sphere x1
Glitterdust x2
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