Somewhat disappointed, Luna lets out a sigh. "It would have been good to know what we are going after, but it is hardly a requirement. Alright everyone! We watch for friendlies out there; so no going nuts with firing arrows (or spells) until we know our targets. That goes just as much for me as it does for anyone else. The two potions of Bull's Strength have been doled out, but hopefully we won't be needing them. If we do run into a nasty fight, don't hesitate to take them. Any advantage we can muster to end this fight quickly will be in our best interest, especially since our healer," she motions over at Bria, "has used up many of her healing spells on the wounded already. I want all of us to come back from this trip in one piece. Any questions? If not, we must get going before its too late and all we are doing is collecting up bodies of the fallen."
Cantrips: Read Magic, Ray of Frost, Mage Hand, Detect Magic
Level 1: Burning Hands x2, Shocking Grasp
Level 2:
Level 3: Fireball
Level 4:
Force Missile x8
Mage Armor active - 3 hours left
Level 1: Burning Hands x2, Shocking Grasp
Level 2:
Level 3: Fireball
Level 4:
Force Missile x8
Mage Armor active - 3 hours left