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Chapter Five: Melshaef and the Lost Mother

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Wolf's satisfaction at seeing at least a couple of his intended targets slowed down by his control over Nature quickly wanes in the destructive, fiery face(s) of the Craven. The ranger stands in shock and awe, whispering something inaudibly.

"By the gods, what manner of beast is this?!" he shouts to no one in particular, but his expression seems more fascinated than scared. "Remarkable...!"
Luna looks up in shock at the creature. "Great Boccob! Its a hydra!"

Can I make a Knowledge check to see what Luna would know of the monster?
Dannigan said:
Hearing this, she turns to get a good look at Otiorin before saying, "Did you say half-elf? This dragon-slaying Sarabina lord stooped so low as to take on a filthy, roach-ridden half-elf? Hah! I would not hire him to wipe my ass!*"
"Your research is as incomplete as your prejudice is ignorant," Bren calls back contemptuously. "I married a half-elf - I've no problem with another in the party!"
Dannigan said:
It is in this moment that the forest shakes and the Road of Kings rumbles.
Bren watches the appearance of the hydra with surprise and awe. Whatever he'd expected the "Craven" to be, it wasn't this!

Dannigan said:
"What do I do?!"
"Run like hell ta safety an' puts all yer money on us, Mom!"
Bren endorses Powerpaw's advice to his mom. "Aye, ma'am, make for the wagon. We'll handle this."
"That's right, Gerran, you soft-skinned, yellow-livered coward, flee for your life. But know this, once this overgrown gecko is dead, I'm coming for you. There won't be a hole deep enough, nor a shadow dark enough for you and your whore to hide from me. Keep looking over your shoulder, Gerran the Feeble, because one day I'll be there and my knife will be descending between your shoulder blades.", Otiorin snarled ominously, as he turned to face the Craven.

Otiorin's snarl freezes in place as his body from head to toe ceases to function. He cannot speak or otherwise communicate. Action is a word denied him. His heart still beats, he keeps breathing, and each of his senses work all too well as the woman with the whip's magical paralysis takes effect, rendering the half-elf completely helpless. The Craven cacophony of roaring is enough to scare your horses into near-frenzy. The Craven seems to loom over you all as Otiorin's form begins to topple to the ground--

"Kosayris, kosairis!"

Suddenly, there is the sound of metal chains breaking and Otiorin's body bursts free from the terrible hold upon it. Freedom to act is his once more!

(Bria has moved two squares to her west, putting her to the east of the southern-most horse pulling the Adventurers' Wagon and just north of Gerran's toxic cloud).

Luna, nearby, sees Otiorin freeze. Bria gasps and take immediate action. She runs up 10 feet, apparently to close the gap in distance, and lets loose an effect that appears spell-like in nature, but definitely is not a spell. It is not something Luna has ever seen a Cleric do.

It is Luna's turn to do as she will.
With her mind racing, Luna quickly realizes that this particular foe is going to be immune to her magical fire. Lucky for me, I have other elements at my disposal. She yells out, "Beware! The hydra can breathe fire from each of his heads! Don't bunch up!" With the warning given, she focuses her energies on a new spell. "Ball Lightning!" With an outstretched hand, she directs the twin orbs of energy towards the hydra, hoping for the best.

The Ball Lightning has a duration of 7 rounds, using Luna's Move action to steer it to its target. Two orbs are created, each doing 3d6 in electrical damage, both are currently directed at the hydra.

Level 0 - Message, Mage Hand, Detect Magic, Ray of Frost

Level 1 - Shield x2, Enlarge Person x2, Unseen Servant, Gravity Bow

Level 2 - Extended Mage Armor, Scorching Ray x2, Blur

Level 3 - Flame Arrow

Level 4 - Extended Displacement

Force Missile x8

Current Damage 15pts out of 39


  • A pair of powerful and violent orbs of crackling electricity come forth at Luna's command. Unerringly, the twin orbs strikes and shocks the Craven to fullest effect, causing it to roar in anger and outrage. Twenty seething eyes aim in Luna's direction.

    Powerpaw decides to try to change that.

    Maul high and swinging, the furry blood-mad warrior goes running straight into melee range with the Craven while his fearful mother goes running in the opposite direction, looking over her shoulder to him.

    "Please be careful, son!"

    "Can't, Mom! I put my party inta dis; I gotta doez my best ta get 'em outta it!"

    One of Powerpaw's favorites... especially because of the lyrics.

    "Besides, I haz alwayz wondered sometin'!! I gotta knowz!!"

    "What is it?!"

    "Dis is gonna hurt!" As Powerpaw runs in, he takes 10 attacks of opportunity as the Craven tries to munch him (doing so frees up the rest of the Wanderers to enter melee freely, or so he hopes). Mamapaw shrieks as he runs in, but not too loudly - she is aware of what he can do and she knows where he comes from.

    Powerpaw is no stranger to pain as he explains, "Mom, dis Multi-face haz 10 heads! Dat means 10 minds, right?"


    "But it only haz one ding-ding!"

    (Powerpaw calls a Called Shot - Ding-ding, on the Craven)

    Despite the bloody chewing he receives, Powerpaw's armor and fighter tenacity keep him in the fight. He swings his hammer with all the force he can muster upon that sole, vulnerable target, and with a double-handed, uppercut-like swing, he connects... and looks up!

    (Storyteller here: Wanderers, it is safe to say that you are first adventurers in all the wide world of Sharseya, that get to see 10 heads... on 1 creature... simultaneously... make this face...


    (Image credit: www.mirror.co.uk)

    The Craven is now suffering from the Sickened condition for a number of rounds.

    Sickened: The character takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

    Powerpaw's face is one of total delight, for he has struck the Craven's ding-ding for maximum damage (he rolled two 8's). "I knew it, I knew it! Dey all felt it! C'mon, guys! Let's get da Flaming Multi-face!!"

    For the first time since you have met her, Mamapaw smiles at Powerpaw with a mixture of bewilderment and total love. Her eyes are no less wide and distressed with worry, but despite her fear and danger, she knows as only a mother can - her child, in this moment, is so happy. She doesn't understand him, and perhaps never will, but she knows pure joy upon her son's face when she sees it...

    "You have not changed, son!" is all she can think to say.

    "Tanks, Maw!" Powerpaw glances over his shoulder to Otiorin. "Stab him, Oti-face! Stab him a good one fer Mom!"

    It is Otiorin's turn to act.
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Momentarily snared then freed of the Elf-woman's spell, Otiorin took to his heels, flanking around the side of the creature. Moonlit Edge hummed in his hands, he could feel her confidence leaking through his glove and infusing him with a heart-pounding desire to see the beast laid low. After all, he reasoned, he needed to survive so he could make good on his promise to Gerran. A knifes between the shoulder blades was difficult to deliver if one were a shade. Otiorin came up alongside The Craven and lashed out at one of its lower heads. Perhaps ice could counter fire.


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Through their mental link, Luna sends to familiar, Sparkle! Get out here! I need you! We're in trouble!
  • Bren just shakes his head in amusement at Powerpaw's antics. While the big Kitty-face chose a target he wouldn't have thought of, he does make a good point - there's plenty of vitals on this creature that it only has one of, and those are probably the best to aim for. Ignoring the ogres (whom he fully expects to return the favor, in their mad dash for far-away safety), he moves in to attack, calling out to all the party as he does so. "All right, everyone, this is going to be tough but we can do it. Don't let up, it heals fast. Target the body unless you have acid or cold, else the heads'll regen double! Melee, mind the 15-foot cone of firebreath. Archer and casters, stay out of its range - Luna, it's immune to fire, but that lightning seems to work just fine!" Reaching his own range, he swings on the multi-face beast, using all the benefits of the so-useful Haste spell.
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Otiorin's whistling decapitation attempt cuts in and through one of the Craven's thick necks, lopping it off and replacing it with a bloody, steaming stump!

Short sword damage (4) + doubled cold damage (6) + Strength bonus (1) = just over the amount of damage needed to decap'. =)

"Hey, Mom! Lookit dat!" And, clinging to her greatclub while trying to calm your horses, she looks!

Then Bren hacks it once in the chest with his axe and it cuts deeply! The Craven lets out a 9-headed clamorous combination of roars and staggers, weakened. And then Brendoran's axe makes way once again into the same wound with a blow that would fell an ogre!

The Craven writhes and shrieks in its death throes, forcing you back lest you become its last prey. After much thrashing, the Craven finally lands dead at your feet with a tremendous crash that sends up dust everywhere. Gallons of fiery ruby blood ooze all over the Road of Kings and into the ugly tunnel underneath it from whence it came. Steam and stench rise in voluminous amounts into the night sky.

And you remain alive to tell the tale.

We now move out of combat time. Well done, Wanderers. =)

A repeat, but it is so very fitting....

"Is it over?" Mamapaw calls out fearfully.

"Yeah, Mom! It iz! We did it!"

Mamapaw drops her greatclub and rushes across the highway. Powerpaw sees her coming, lowers his steaming maul, and runs straight to her. They unite in the kind of unstoppable embrace that even the Gods themselves might be hard-pressed to deny. Powerpaw vigorously licks blood out of his mother's dirty fur while she holds him with ruined paws, crying tears of red down her cheeks and whiskers.

"What iz you doin' here, Mom? Yer not supposed ta be here! Home iz a continents away!" Noting her bloody tears and his own, he adds, "Aw, Mom, ya turned da waterfalls on. It'z O.K., Mom! We won!"

"Oh, my son! I cannot lose you!" she confesses, clutching him close. "The hour I hear of your death is the hour I follow you!"

Nearby, Bria watches them, trembling, her hands over her mouth.

"Aw, Mom, don't sez dat! Iz so good ta see you again! You alwayz let me be me! Never judged me! Never teazed me fer talkin' funnies! I wuv you so much!"

"You are my last! My little runt! I will never have another child! Especially one like you!"

"I missed you, Mom! Really did!"

"You too, my son! You too!"

"Oh, someone get them to stop it before I burst out crying!"

But they don't. Mamapaw looks Powerpaw in da face. "You are my only baby here! My last! There will be no more!"

"Wha?! Wha hoppen ta everybody back at homes?!"

"They live, but... without you! Your self-exile was too much for my heart to bear, and so... I have traveled many months and crossed great distances and lived a different life to come here to be with you! Or at least, near you! Or if nothing else, just to hold you once more if I must return home without you. Is that all right?"

"It iz wif me, Mom, but I haz friends here now! Not like home! One way or anothers, you'll be O.K. becauze yer my Mom! I wuvs you!"

Bria is sweetly weeping at this point. She can close her eyes but she does not close her ears.

"Without you, my son, I am all alone here... No family..."

"But, but--"

"Oh, I just can't take it anymore!" Bria runs over to Mamapaw and jumps in her paws. Tears streaming down her soft cheeks, the Ko healer looks to Mamapaw and folds her hands over like little kitten paws. "I'll be your cub too! Won't you take care of me? Mew mew!"

"Ohhh!" Mamapaw's mouth drops and her motherly instincts quickly and unstoppably take over at the sound of Bria's mewing. It is as if Mamapaw has no choice, being is who she is. Without so much as a pause, Mamapaw is cuddling Bria like a newborn and licking her dusty arms. She looks to Powerpaw. "Why is she crying?" She turns to Bria. "Don't worry!" it becomes her turn to say, "the danger is past, little one..."

"Just stop crying... When it is just the two of us, he... he talks about you all of the time..."

"I-- will try!"

Powerpaw waves and wipes away his bloody tears. "Hey, guyz! You gotta come over an' meet my Mom! We just freed my Mom!" Then he adds, "Mom, turn da waterfalls off already..."

Mamapaw looks around to all of you; her son's new friends. She says, "I am trying..." But this time, she says it with the warmest, most-hopeful smile.
Luna lets out a cheer and pumps her fist in celebration. "Yes! We did it!" Walking around the fading cloud of fumes, she goes over to where Powerpaw and his mother are enjoying their reunion. "I wasn't sure we would be able to drop that monster so fast, but we did it, working well together." She offers up a polite bow to Mamapaw. "Ma'am, I am Luna Kaftan, and I have the great honor and pleasure to know your son and call him a friend, along with the rest of our companions. Please, tell us, is there is anything you need? You have been so badly treated at the hands of the Painless; have you eaten recently? I would not want to see this reunion turn sad if you collapse for want of a good meal." Luna offers up a genuine smile, trying to put the large feline-woman at ease.
With a dose of disbelief enough to match the initial shock, Wolf watches silently as the great beast is slain. He lowers his longbow slowly and then just stares ahead and around him for a minute. Glad to see everyone he cares about safe, he makes his way past the others and pauses on the edge of the now tainted ground and the behemoth body of the felled monster.

He examines the scene of death for anything interesting that might catch his eye.

  • Wolf examines the area and besides the rocky, bubbling pit beneath the corpse of the Craven, the fallen ogre corpses, and the yellow slow-to-dissipate cloud before the Adventurers' Wagon's door, finds little amiss... The trees dance in the nighttime breeze as the moon and hundreds of bright stars shine down upon you all. A tremorous boom sounds in the distance. The insistent breeze upon his face does not comfort him. Wolf knows that a thunderstorm is hurrying their way.

    Mamapaw listens to Luna and looks to her son. "Honor? Pleasure? To call him a friend? Your father would be proud!" She turns back and down to Luna and slowly reaches out her paw, palm-first to Luna. "I am called--" and then she pauses in horror as she sees the ugly, ruined paw she has offered Luna with its bent finger-bones and twisted nails. It is truly awful to look upon the results of a most-painful torture.

    "Ah!" she cries and pulls the paw behind her, and the hurtful memory along with it. She glances at Luna, embarrassed and sad. "I cannot even offer my paw to one such as you..."

    "Hey! What da HELL did dey do ta yer paws?!"

    "They did it to stop me from trying to flee. I will never play again... never cast..."

    Powerpaw's anger drives him yet again as he draws his maul and slams the dead Craven with a loud crack so hard the whole body shudders. *WHAM!* "Jus' wait til we meets again!! Half-elf-face an' I are gonna kill 'em! KILL KILL KILL!!"

    Mamapaw gasps at her son's actions. "You have gone partly mad!"

    Powerpaw gulps with a hint of sadness.

    Then Bria's soft, concerned voice comes from Mamapaw's shoulder where she is gently held. She slides down to stand on the highway again and moves with great resolve. "Wait... Let me see." Then she brightens and looks up confidently to Mamapaw and Powerpaw. "This is within my power to heal."

    "It is?!" Mamapaw shouts in surprise, daring to hope again. "These wounds... they said they were beyond even a cleric's ability to restore. How--"

    "I'm no cleric, friend; I'm a healer."

    "A healer?"

    "The last." Bria sighs longingly before reaching into her spirit and calling on long, long years of lawful and dedicated practice. With excellent form, she places her hands upon Mamapaw's paws and her hands move in an intricate dance of magic-calling. "Asteallo verris kosayris eliami!"

    A momentary golden glow covers the feline. "Bast's brightness!" Mamapaw exclaims as she looks down upon her perfectly healthy, beautifully-brown paws. With some hesitation and trepidation, she unsheathes and sheathes her claws and finds each one of them as sharp as her digits are strong. "Oh my goodness! Thank you, oh,
    thank you! Bast and Mielikki's blessings upon you always!" She picks Bria up with a cradling hug and swings her around twice before setting the breathless and smiling Ko monk to the highway.

    "I'm not quite done yet!" Bria continues to work her magic, first upon Bren, casting twice upon him and restoring his health and removing the black bruises the ogres gave him. She then pokes Bren in the ribs, right where the wounds were worst, as if to tease him, for pain exists there no longer. It has been replaced by a rush of vigor and the body's own knowledge that it functions as terrifically as its age and condition allow.

    Then she walks over to Powerpaw who kneels quite humbly.
    "Recent insanity, right?"

    "Yah... Especially whens--"

    "Hush," she whispers confidently. "Put it out of your mind, fuzzy goof. Instead, look how happy your mother is." He looks. She casts. It is the very same spell she placed upon Mamapaw. Powerpaw glows with magical energy and when it fades, he stands to his full height and looks at the Craven, and then his mother. There is no longer any confidence-stealing uncertainty there. She casts two more smaller spells and his vicious, burning wounds from the Craven vanish.

    "You da best, Bria!" He picks her up and hugs her. She giggles in response. It is the cheeriest sound the night yet knows.

    Mamapaw turns back to Luna, her posture stronger, her mood much brighter. In greeting, she holds out her paw, palm-first again, about level with Mamapaw's chest. "I have many names now. I was born
    Sabrefang. Some know me as Mamapaw. I answer to either." Then she timidly adds, "I-- I could really use a good meal and a warm bath if you have them?"

    And then... it happens.

    Luna hears a frantic voice in her mind.
    I am coming, Pyri! Stay alive! The door outside is just before me- GAAACK!

    Everyone else sees Sparkle zoom out of the Adventurers' Wagon's sole door and straight into the yellow cloud. What happens next is downright comical. First, she nose-dives straight into the cushion of the driving chair. Bouncing off, she falls on the floor. Then she writhes around hacking and gasping, flopping on the floor and twisting in ways only little psuedo dragons can, seeking the quickest way out of the cloud.

    Everyone hears, "Bahamut's teeth! Could
    someone have warned me about this nasty mist before I was called to fly into it?! Need my help indeed! I cannot see! Get me out of this cloud, this instant! *cough* *hack* *mental glare at Luna* *gasp*"

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Otiorin walked the perimeter of the dead creature's pool of blood, a stalking, brooding form. Moonlit Edge hung ready from his hand, the Pyrohydra blood on her blade crystalized into crimson fingers of frost. He looked from the fallen beast, felled by the actions of his fellow Wanderers and himself, back to the forest.

"This beast was diverted from another task.", he said simply, "Gerran the Spineless said so. It was tasked to some mischief at something called Melshaef's Tree. They planned to use it to kill someone."

He knelt and carefully wiped the icy blade clean with a fistful of grass.

"While we've removed one danger from the world, another exists. The Painless. They have some scheme to bring harm to someone, and I believe that that person is most likely someone good to this world, otherwise monsters like the Painless would not devote such a beast as this to that person. We have to find this place and foil the plans of the Painless. Quite besides that, I have a promise to keep with Gerran."
Luna looks over in surprise as Sparkle hits the ground hacking and coughing. "Oh dear! I forgot that she would be flying right out into that nasty stuff! I'm coming, my friend!" Squeezing her eyes nearly shut and holding her breath, she dashes into the cloud to scoop up the tiny dragon, then she beats a hasty retreat out into the fresh air again. "I'm so sorry! I was so focused on the hydra, and the need to make sure that everyone was going to be ok, that I forgot about the fumes. No need to worry, though. With a great team effort, we defeated the evil beast and saved Powerpaw's mother from slavers!" Luna puts Sparkle up on her shoulder in her customary perch, then returns to the happy reunion of mother and son. "Now that you are healed, I will be happy to take your paw in friendship." She looks over with concern at Wolf, and smiles when she sees that he's not hurt. "Now that we have properly met, let us get you something healthy to eat. I'm sure that we can find something to tempt your pallet."

When Otiorin mentions the location known as Melshaef's Tree, Luna turns her thoughts to the many days of study that she has put in, hoping that she can remember some nugget of useful information on it.

Will try a Knowledge: Geography and Knowledge: Nature to see if I know anything about this place.



Apparently, Luna was absent that day in school. ( O.o ) Any other rolls that might apply? Arcana, perhaps?

  • Dannigan said:
    The Craven writhes and shrieks in its death throes, forcing you back lest you become its last prey. After much thrashing, the Craven finally lands dead at your feet with a tremendous crash that sends up dust everywhere. Gallons of fiery ruby blood ooze all over the Road of Kings and into the ugly tunnel underneath it from whence it came. Steam and stench rise in voluminous amounts into the night sky.
    Bren blinks in surprise and then grins as the Craven's death throes send him jumping backwards. "Well, then! Good job, everyone! Really, good job overall. Circumstances--" he glances at Powerpaw "--may have caused a change in our original plan, but everyone stayed focused and worked together, and all has come out right. More than right." He smiles when Powerpaw goes running for his mother. "Luna, that lightning ball was wonderful. Otiorin, nice work getting a head off so quick! Bria, well done on healing, as always." His survey of the battlefield is rather interrupted by the emotional waterworks from Powerpaw, Mamapaw, and now Bria. Absently he pats his fellow ranger's shoulder. "Good shooting on that ogre, Wolf." He nods in response to Otiorin's summary of the situation. "Indeed. Melshaef's Tree was to have been our next stop in any case, but if the horses are up for it, I think we'd best make our way as quickly as we can. Wolf, have you any spells that would hasten the dispersal of that cloud? A strong wind, maybe? Or perhaps we can just lead the horses forward and the wagon will leave it behind."
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Luna would recall as much as anyone present (all of you know the following). Melshaef's Tree (sometimes known as Melshaef's Refuge to the needy) is three days north of the Wellspring of Change, using the Road of Kings. This place is very new to the area. Whether it be forest-fortress or humble outpost is not known, but it seems the latter is more likely. It is not that there are many refugees from the Highwind War this far south, but it remains a terrific spot for the few there are. In the years to come, the place might grow into a bastion of good, or such are the hopes of many in your area, especially those living in the wild (like Skaagenrackner)...

Leonard Wolf is almost certain he knows where Melshaef's Tree is.

He (and Brendoran) know this:

Melshaef's Tree is not hard to find, nor is it meant to be, and his studies in Knowledge: Nature tell him why. Whomever this Melshaef is, he entered mild fame in the area by taking in some 45 bedraggled travelers (out of 50) on their way from Highwind to Summerset. The travelers were young holy men and women belonging to Saint Cuthbert's order on holiday who were beset by gnolls and bandits on the road. Their men-at-arms were ill-prepared to handle the numbers against them. The tale says that the survivors fled into the woods and it was there that Melshaef somehow guided each and every one of them to safety, while using his Druidic powers to scare the living daylights out of the cowardly bandits and gnolls who attempted to follow.

Melshaef did more than prevent a massacre. Evil had won the day and had stolen nearly every last possession on the caravan including the food and gear the travelers were depending on to survive. Melshaef brought them all together and in a day's time had gathered enough food for all. Melshaef also provided solace and safe places down to even the smallest child. In time, another Summerset-bound caravan came down the Road of Kings, and in exchange for fresh forest-born food and items, offered to escort the survivors to Summerset.

Wolf knows nothing about the tree itself, as he has never seen it. It is supposed to be a grand landmark in the woods just off the Road of Kings, a triumph of a tree with great branches providing soothing shade and much beauty. These are things that young rangers and druids typically long to see and Wolf may be among them.

Wolf or Bren (or both) might impart this information to the rest of the Wanderers by writing something to that effect in an IC post. Being rangers, they would be used to civilized folks not knowing these things.

"Thank you, Bren!" Bria replies before reporting to him in a very monk-like fashion, as if Bren were some superior in her order. "I am out of my fourth-level spells and two of my second-level spells. I have used my Remove Paralysis ability for the day, and my channeling remains at full strength, sir." She turns her attention to her next patient, Sparkle. Sparkle regards the healer with eyes that are not amused. "Are you all right, ma'am?"

Sparkle gracefully but curtly bows her gratitude. "I will be once we get inside." Sparkle looks over his familiar's lack of dress and gasps. She taps Luna's shoulder admonishingly. "Luna! Don't you think it is time to put something on a little more lady-like? Especially in front of new company! What would your father think?"

Mamapaw/Sabrefang nods politely as Powerpaw excitedly introduces her to each of you. "An' yer new cublet here iz my best friend, Bria, an' over here wif da white an' black hair an' eyes iz Bronze-face!"

"No wonder you two get along," Mamapaw points with a shiny new claw, "you both have similar colors in your fur!"

"Over here iz Bren-face! He iz our new leader an' a buddy of Bria's!"

"Pleased to meet you, brave leader! Thank you for rushing into battle to save me! All of you! I owe my life to you!"

"An' dis here iz Wolf-face! He iz not really a wolf (at least, I don't tink he is!). He likes birdies, bows, an' Lunas!"

"Hello there, good ranger!" She looks over Luna's not-so-clothed figure and without missing a beat, she tells Wolf, "You will have fine-looking cubs someday!"

"An' over here iz Otiorin-face! He iz a half-elf! See his ears? He likes ta talk smooth an' cast spells!"

"Oh, my!" Mamapaw smiles in wonder down at Otiorin, pleased to see him but her eyes have many questions.

"Dat dragon-face on Luna's shoulder iz Sparkle! She's like a gran'ma. See how she's treatin' Luna? She's like dat."

"She reminds me of my own grandmother. But who are they?" Mamapaw points at your team of near-panicked horses.

"Dey iz horsies, mom. I don't knowz dere names!"

"Can't we help them? They are so frightened, just like I was!" She takes a few hesitant steps toward them while smiling meekly at each of you.

"Yer such a mom!"

As Mamapaw and Powerpaw slowly walk toward the great and terrified horses, Bria turns to you. "If the Painless were willing to send something like this Craven to kill Melshaef, perhaps we should find and warn him? I know I would want to know they're coming. And besides - we have horses and wagons while the Painless appeared to be on foot. We can get there ahead of the Painless!" Bria looks around for opinions.

  • Dannigan said:
    "Thank you, Bren!" Bria replies before reporting to him in a very monk-like fashion, as if Bren were some superior in her order. "I am out of my fourth-level spells and two of my second-level spells. I have used my Remove Paralysis ability for the day, and my channeling remains at full strength, sir."
    Bren laughs, but it's clearly from amusement and not at all mocking. "And well-spent they were! May we not need your healing abilities again until they are all renewed."
    Dannigan said:
    "Over here iz Bren-face! He iz our new leader an' a buddy of Bria's!"
    "Pleased to meet you, brave leader! Thank you for rushing into battle to save me! All of you! I owe my life to you!"
    Bren smiles and bows with a courteous grace at odds with his bloodspattered armor and axe. "My pleasure, lady Sabrefang."

    Dannigan said:
    "But who are they?" Mamapaw points at your team of near-panicked horses.
    "Dey iz horsies, mom. I don't knowz dere names!"

    "Can't we help them? They are so frightened, just like I was!" She takes a few hesitant steps toward them while smiling meekly at each of you.
    "Yes, of course. Bronze, Bria, have you any carrots, apples, or sugar cubes on you? That will help remind them that we're friends." Without waiting for a reply, he quickly wipes the worst of the combat mess from his armor and weapons. He answers Bria's last question as he approaches the lead pair of horses, but in a gentle, soothing tone aimed at the frightened equines. "Aye, that is why I'd like to be moving on as soon and as quickly as possible. It's still a good couple days' journey from here, but as you say, we can travel faster, all the more because they were heading south when last seen. Assuming they haven't any magical means of getting there sooner, that is." He then turns his full attention to the horses, intending to calm their fears.
"The tale of Melshaef's tree is one of hope and comfort." Wolf said as he approached the cluster of the party. He bowed his head slightly at Sabrefang and smiled playfully at Luna. "It is often told among rangers and druids. Little is known of Melshaef other than that he was a druid, and the good that he'd done. A caravan of Saint Cuthbert's order traveling from Highwind to Summerset was beset by gnolls and bandits - they were robbed of their equipment, their provisions, and would have undoubtedly parted from their very lives as well, if it weren't for Melshaef. For when they fled into his forest it was he who drove the attackers off and ensured the travelers' safety. He kept them alive until another caravan happened upon to escort them South."

"I can't speak of the tree itself for I have not seen it," he continued, "But it is supposedly a great landmark just off the Road at one point. A place of serene beauty, they say. I would like to see it. I am fairly certain I would find it without trouble, just from what I've heard." As he finished talking he joined Bren in an attempt to calm the horses.

"Hum, how about leaving my wagon here with me, you could hitch up the other horses and take the Ward Wagon on faster?" ponders. "With you guys moving around so much there isn't much I can do about The Forgewagon anyway, not to mention I need to make some armor and weapons for Miss 'Paw."

Being concerned with Miss 'Paws well-being Bronze hands over a cup of cool water, and hands her a warm blankie, and fluffy pillow.
When Sparkle reminds her about how she is dressed, Luna quickly takes a quick break from the discussions to go and get into her own clothes once more. She brings Bria her glamored armor back to her, "My thanks for letting me borrow that."
Bria, Powerpaw, and Mamapaw all listen to Wolf's story; the two Wanderers with the interested postures of people who had not before heard the story. Mamapaw instead listens with a fond grin and folded paws as if Wolf's telling reminds her of some favorite tale held somewhere deep in her own long years.

"I don't understand," Bria shakes her head to Wolf. "What do the Painless get out of harming Melshaef and his tree? Does he possess treasures or secret knowledge? Is it the itself, perhaps?"

Powerpaw and Bria look to Wolf and Bren for answers, but Mamapaw points with some concern. "This conversation does not help these poor, frightened horses..."

"Oh, silly me! Bren? If this doesn't work, I have Calm Emotions memorized."

Mamapaw places her hand on her son's armored chest. "Son, hold a moment. You come with a love of killing - a thing any animal can detect. Perhaps we should stay here and let your ranger-friends do their work?"

Powerpaw raises his eyebrows, but then they relax in understanding. The savage Kitty-face knew well he was a born predator. "Good tinkin, Mom."

Bren and Wolf slowly and expertly approach with soothing words spoken in calm tones and no sudden movements. To a keen eye, Wolf is clearly the stronger ranger, though in contrast, Bren definitely possesses some serious life-experience with horses and therefore knows just how to approach them. By the time the pair of rangers are done, the team of eight equines are calm enough to listen, but are not happy enough to be touched by anyone present (the horses are not looking for noms or friends; they very seriously just want out of the danger).

By this time they are finished, the sickening yellow cloud Gerran provided dissipates, leaving the front of the Adventurers' Wagon safe.

Sherwood sez,

When Sparkle reminds her about how she is dressed, Luna quickly takes a quick break from the discussions to go and get into her own clothes once more. She brings Bria her glamored armor back to her, "My thanks for letting me borrow that."
And that means Luna falls right for it... =)

Everyone notices the following: With Sparkle on her shoulder, the fire-mage quickly heads straight for the front door of the Adventurers' Wagon, and through the cloaking, ever-present wall of purple mist before it. Sparkle hops off her shoulder at the very last second and Luna... gets ambushed!

"NOW!" Stewart shouts. All becomes chaos! The old fellow, remembering his first "visit" with Otiorin, leaps the same way the half-elf had and sacks the unsuspecting Luna around the waist and takes her to the floor before he realizes who he has in his grasp. The hobbits yell, "For Hobbitcrest!! Chaaaarge!" and latch themselves on Luna's ankles with rope in their small but fast hands! Pecker appears and pecks aggressively at her hair, chirping angrily.

Then immediately follows loud and toothy chaos as out storm three ferocious and near-mindless creatures with gaping maws and giant licking tongues.




They fall upon or surround Luna, snapping and chomping threateningly in a way only killer mimics can.

Vardadraug comes running out last, teeth bared and howling high before he skids to a halt across the wooden floor. He alone has the wisdom to identify his target prior to striking.

Wait! That is no enemy! It is Luna!

"For Lunaaaaaa!!" the hobbits cry, misunderstanding the Wolf of Ancient Winters. The snarling, kicking hobbits start tying Luna's ankles together. Luna feels one of them savagely gnawing on her ankle.

Vardadraug covers his face with his tiny paws. "Rawrrrrr!" (Translation: "Oh noeeees!")

Stewart's reaction is utterly priceless. "Did you say, 'Luna?!' He releases her long enough to look down and see her face. The poor steward gasps in surprise and abject horror before blushing redder than the Craven's hide as he realizes he is lying right on top of Luna, in front of God, Shandra's Evergreen, and all of you.

So here Luna is... under all this mess... oblivious hobbits, screaming mimics, and all... and who comes strolling casually by past all of them on her way into the Adventurers' Wagon?


(Image credit: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com)

Sparkle! Or She-who-is-not-above-playing-a-prank-on-her-familiar-for-forgetting-her-into-a-yellow-stinking-cloud. =)

The little elder dragoness gloats in a manner worthy of a true dragon. "I told you once, my dear - I don't get mad; I get even. And now we are even. See you inside, Pyri!" And with that, she sashays inside with a proud, superior grin on her face. =) =) =)
Once she has freed herself from the overexuberant antics of the attacking horde, Luna sits there for a moment, trying to decide if she is going to be mad or laugh at the whole scene. Laughter wins out, and soon she has tears running down her face as she looks around at the embarrassed expressions of the Meadowsweets and Stewart. "Oh, Sparkle! You are one conniving little witch! I said I was sorry for the gas cloud, but really, you have let out nastier farts than that, so why get so worked up over it?" She grins widely at her little jab. "Its not like its a big deal, right? Stinker!"
Sparkle chuckles. "We are even; now I am happy. Shall we celebrate our evenness over some strawberries?"

After Sparkle plays her draconic prank on poor Luna, Mamapaw looks down to see Bronze looking up at her. She notices his cup of cool water, warm blanket, and fluffy pillow, apparently retrieved from the Adventurers' Wagon once the going-in was clear. She glances, rather ashamedly, at the dirty rags the Painless forced her to don and then at the clean items. Her fur, too, is bloody, dirt-ridden, and matted from her abuse. Clearly cheered by Bronze's offer, she takes the cup and downs it quickly. She sighs, momentarily refreshed, but she hesitates at the clean items. "You are so kind, Bronze, but I would rather those nice warm things after..." She trails off, a cloud of shyness enveloping her.

"'S O.K., Mom! We haz baf! Biggest baf you ever seen!"

"It's actually a swimming pool. Please feel free to use it to your pleasure, Miss Sabrefang? And don't worry about dirtying it up; Stewart says it cleans itself."

"Ohh! Really?" Mamapaw eagerly looks back to Bronze, apparently for permission. "You don't mind?"

"Mom, go on in dere an'- Mrrrowr?" Powerpaw looks down to find Bria suddenly pulling on his arm.

"C'mon! While she is distracted!" she urges him. "This is the perfect moment for the both 1of them!"

"What iz you talkin' about, Bria? Both of who? Where iz we goin'?" Powerpaw allows her to pull him along and she does so. With uncharacteristic haste! Pulling him by the paw, she heads straight to Wolf.

"Leo-, er, Wolf! (almost slipped there; whoops!) Wolf, please come with us! It's important and it won't take but a few minutes. Really!"

(Storyteller here: If Wolf agrees, please read the following spoiler. If he does not, please skip it.) Either way, Bria disappears into the woods with Powerpaw who curiously pads along, her huge paw in her little guiding hand.

Bria leads both warrior and ranger into a wide patch of forest where the trees are a little farther apart and the moonlight illuminates nearly everything. Shadows dance as you approach, the grass folding gently under your feet. "Where is it? This way, I think." The barely-clad Bria searches the forest, apparently by the use of a few landmarks she has noted in her mind. Finally, she finds what she is looking for:

"Here they are!"


(Image credit: miriadna.com)

"Uhh," Powerpaw scratches his head while Bria kneels down, smiling. But when she notices his hesitation, her smile is replaced by a look of utter confusion.

"Goodness! Don't you Outsiders pick flowers for people you like?"

"Oh, yah! Sure we doez!" Powerpaw finally gets it and starts picking flowers he thinks his mother will like. "Ooooh! Mama will wuv dese! Moar!"

Bria appears happy about this and brightly continues her search for a particular special something. "Wolf, what kind of flowers do you think Luna would like most? Give them to her immediately before something else happens, won't you?"

When Bria and Powerpaw (and perhaps Wolf) return from their forest foray, they wear expressions both pleased and hopeful.

Bria then pulls Otiorin aside...

"Otiooooorin!" she skips up with one hand behind her. "Hey! I didn't get to thank you for saving me from that evil fellow with the darts. So this is for you."


(Image credit: commons.wikimedia.org)

"They didn't come in silver, so I went as close as I could get. Thank you again, brave sir!" And with that, she looks at him admiringly, kisses him warmly on the cheek, and skips away to ready for their departure.

Powerpaw hands something to his mother.

He looks boyish as he offers her something special. "Uh, Mom? Iz so good to sees you again, Bria told me ta pick some flowerz for you."


(Image credit: www.4freephotos.com)

"Ohhh!" She takes the flowers and holds them as if they were more precious than gold. Then she looks into his hopeful face and wraps her arms around him again. "Ohhh my son!" she sniffs.

"Aww, Mom! Ya turned da waterfalls on again!" Powerpaw smiles and hugs his mother lovingly.

Soon, the moment must come when you make for the Road of Kings again. What will the Wanderers do before they begin their journey to Melshaef's Tree?
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