Art by Peritwinkle
Character sheet
Hit Points: 99/99
Armor Class: 27
Touch Armor Class: 17
Shadow Illusion: 3/3
Shadow Call: 2/2
Shadow Jump distance: 80/80 feet
Defensive Roll: 1/1
Rogue Talent Resiliency: 1/1
Stinger -- uses of Slow remaining: 3/3
Charm of Bastet -- uses of Cat's Grace remaining: 1/1
Action Points: 14
"Getting away, mostly," Kaerri admits wryly. "Away from the stares (and the careful not-stares), the patronizing, the way certain conversations were dropped when they noticed I was there. But also, I wanted to see more of the world than just trees. They're very nice trees and all that, but they aren't everything, and I wanted to see it all for myself, not just hear or read about it." She laughs. "Thing is, I've discovered that the more I see, the more I want to see. The world's huge, y'know? And then I came to Highwind, and it's pretty much my second home now. They're good people here. So I go places, but I always come back here, and if they call on me for something, I'll probably do it if I'm not already committed elsewhere."