Princess Psychie
Oreleth would nod in greeting as Brenoran introduces her to the half-elf. "Greetings, and well met, Otiorin." She offers up a slight smile to him, trying to get a feel on how he is going to respond to her.
0 - Ray of Frost, Flare, Light, Mage Hand
1 - Shield, Shocking Grasp, Burning Hands
Force Missile x5 (1d4+1 damage)
Hit Points: 61
Action Points: 9
Armor Class: 24
CMD: 26
Fort Save: +8
Reflex Save: +9
Will Save: +4 (+9 vs Fear)
Perception: +13
1 - Shield, Shocking Grasp, Burning Hands
Force Missile x5 (1d4+1 damage)
Hit Points: 61
Action Points: 9
Armor Class: 24
CMD: 26
Fort Save: +8
Reflex Save: +9
Will Save: +4 (+9 vs Fear)
Perception: +13