After receiving a friendly clap on the shoulder from Stewart, Otiorin hops up to the top of the wagon. Given the amount of activity in progress, the roguish half-elf is at first unnoticed, but this does not last long.
Bria giggles as she spars. "Bren! You can really talk to horses? Ooooh, that's... that's so very Sarabina!" Then a thought grasps her attention as she shifts and dodges in an attempt to get Sabrefang to overbalance herself in another lunge. "Uncle Glider, do you think he--" Bria stops her sentence when she realizes something, but she does not share what it is.
Still, Glider appears as perceptive as ever. "Very likely, Little Rainbow." And leaves it at that.
Bria smiles, quite pleased with the elder monk's answer. At one point during her spar, Bria catches Bren's eye and mouths, "Tell you later!" About that time, Bria spots Rin. She looks at him long, at least until Sabrefang's scimitar comes a'slashing. It is enough for her to smile all over again. "Rin! Hi hi!"
"Bright morning to you, Otiorin!"
"Heya, face!"
Mielikki's blessings upon you, twinblood! comes Vardadraug's thoughts into Otirin's mind. Or do you call her Ehlonna as the elves do?
Glider then moves about the sparring partners and clapping sharply, signals the team to pause. "O.K. Switch off. Powerpaw, Bria. Bren, Sabrefang. Sabrefang? I want you to watch how this human opponent fights. Your centers of gravity are different, and though you're a cat, Bren's balance is something I want you to learn from. Bren? Sabrefang has a lunging problem and relies too much on her strength. Care to help her with that?" As Bria and Powerpaw bow toward one another and assume fighting stances, Vardadraug takes a safe corner atop the wagon and watches.
Glider then turns to Rin, his incredibly-muscular body appearing gold in the sun as you ride along. There is a thoughtful light in his blue eyes. "So... Otiorin, I really enjoyed our conversation last night. How would you like to open your mind this morning? I bet we can find something in there. We certainly did just now with Bren."
Glider beams a wide smile in congratulations. "Oh, that's wonderful! I felt that there was something inside there ready for freedom! I'm so happy for you!"Kaerri said:Then his eyes widen further and his jaw drops. "I can hear them!" he whispers. "I can understand what he's saying!" He looks back and forth between King and Glider, finally settling on the horse. "Lady of the Forest!"
Bria giggles as she spars. "Bren! You can really talk to horses? Ooooh, that's... that's so very Sarabina!" Then a thought grasps her attention as she shifts and dodges in an attempt to get Sabrefang to overbalance herself in another lunge. "Uncle Glider, do you think he--" Bria stops her sentence when she realizes something, but she does not share what it is.
Still, Glider appears as perceptive as ever. "Very likely, Little Rainbow." And leaves it at that.
Bria smiles, quite pleased with the elder monk's answer. At one point during her spar, Bria catches Bren's eye and mouths, "Tell you later!" About that time, Bria spots Rin. She looks at him long, at least until Sabrefang's scimitar comes a'slashing. It is enough for her to smile all over again. "Rin! Hi hi!"
"Bright morning to you, Otiorin!"
"Heya, face!"
Mielikki's blessings upon you, twinblood! comes Vardadraug's thoughts into Otirin's mind. Or do you call her Ehlonna as the elves do?
Glider then moves about the sparring partners and clapping sharply, signals the team to pause. "O.K. Switch off. Powerpaw, Bria. Bren, Sabrefang. Sabrefang? I want you to watch how this human opponent fights. Your centers of gravity are different, and though you're a cat, Bren's balance is something I want you to learn from. Bren? Sabrefang has a lunging problem and relies too much on her strength. Care to help her with that?" As Bria and Powerpaw bow toward one another and assume fighting stances, Vardadraug takes a safe corner atop the wagon and watches.
Glider then turns to Rin, his incredibly-muscular body appearing gold in the sun as you ride along. There is a thoughtful light in his blue eyes. "So... Otiorin, I really enjoyed our conversation last night. How would you like to open your mind this morning? I bet we can find something in there. We certainly did just now with Bren."