Chapter 2f: Godspeed [Fire and Water]


One Thousand Club
"New lock on target acquired. The Animus is refocusing."

"Oh good. Hopefully, paradoxes aren't gonna be quite so bad this time around." Arcanix Darsonnia says.

The Animus focuses on Bones Tiberius stepping off the gangplank of the merchant ship he's chartered to Antipater. It is high-noon, on Moonday, Second of the Month of Ascending Fire, and a whole new city awaits.
Bones pulls out a flask for one last swig to calm his nerves after sailing on that rickety barge they called a ship, but to no avail, for it's empty. Disgruntled, he puts it back into his satchel, cramming it in with his assorted medical supplies and pouches of jade, which he hoped would be enough to rent space for a half-way decent lodgings and place to run his practice. He strolls down the pier, hoping to find a tavern to wet his brow and poke around for info, powerbow slung over his back and under his cloak, his bracers sticking a bit under his sleeves. It is obvious to anyone nearby that he's in a cantankerous.
You notice a fair amount of the noonday traffic heading towards a specific building, with a sign posted on it. "BJ's Inn"
As you walk in the door, you see the usual tavern noontime merriment, lots of people chatting away over plates of food at the tables. Place's actually pretty crowded, but you spot an open barstool. There's also a help wanted board nearby.
Bones takes an attentive look at the board, thinking it wise to line up a job before paying for a cup of ale. Business before pleasure, he thought to himself.
You see several fliers. None of them really mention anyone looking for a doctor, but two of them really stand out.

The first one reads as follows:

"Staar Shipyards is looking for you! Positions available on first and second shifts, training provided, competitive benefits! Shipwrights needed, as well as engineers and some security personnel. Essence users especially wanted! Apply today!"

Below that is a few tear-off tabs with Staar Shipyard's office number and address on it. There's a couple left.

The second one isn't really a job offer, but it stands out just due to its contents.

"Worried about the city's future? Concerned with the presence of Anathema in our fair city? Concerned Citizens for the Safety of Antipater is holding a meeting at the Hoses Kostes Warehouse at 12:30PM on the second Moonday of the Month of Ascending Fire. Those concerned for the safety of our great city are welcome to attend.

P.S.: Those fools who worship the Anathema Resplendent Edge and his gal-pal, need not apply."

That date is today, and the time's not too far off.
Bones pulls a tab off the job flyer and pockets it, while examining the second flyer with a raised brow. He goes to the empty barstool, pulls out some money, and orders a cup of wine. When the bartender brings him his drink, Bones thanks him and takes a swig.

"That's mighty good wine there my man. Say, what's up with the Anathema flyer?"
"Glad ya like the wine my friend, fine year. As for the Anathema poster...It's only up there because this Dove fellow insisted on putting it there. Charged him triple the usual fee, he still accepted it. I insist that Resplendent Edge is a good man, and I've no intention of hearing him maligned in my bar. At least, I won't make it cheap for them." He says, mentioning that last line with a chuckle.
"Tell me about this Resplendent Edge. Where I'm from, people labeled "Anathema" aren't tolerated so well. He must've done some good deeds to be trusted so readily by people here. Well, some at least."
"Resplendent Edge? He's lived here his entire life, born and raised. Even before this place became the hustle and bustle it was today, back when we were just a small fishing village. Course, he was a lot smaller then, and didn't have that sunburst on his forehead, whatever happened to him on that boat full of zombies changed him in a good number of ways. Sure, strange things've happened since, what with this Renna girl comin' by and swiping him right off his feet, but at the end of it, he's still the same ol' Edge. Sure, he can do things that seem downright impossible, but he's still a good man at the end of the day. Plus, that mayor of ours, Kala, trusts him, so, he's fine by me." he says.
"Thank you for obliging me." Bones flips an extra coin of jade as a tip to the bartender and heads out the inn towards the location of the meeting. It's good to keep your friends close and your enemies closer, Bones mused to himself, as he would probably find both there.
As you start running towards a warehouse for a company you've never heard of in a town you've only just arrived in with absolutely no familiarity, the Animus begins to refocus.

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