Chapter 1: The Maiden Sends Her Regaurds [Indiana Jones and the Book of Three Circles]

"I do. I..."

Iris trailed off, still uncertain of what to say even after all that had happened. She merely leaned back into Aria's arms, basking fully in the feeling of the embrace. She was shocked to realize that she was crying. She had truly never felt like this before, and has never experienced such happiness to merely be in the presence of another.

"...Thank you."
Aria kissed the girl's tears away. Before sighing. "I must be back to directing the men. Have you a need for anything that I might aquire for you before we are away?" Aria soothed Iris by running her hands up and down the the solar's arms. She kept her smile light, though in truth she too was feeling stunned, she just seemed to be able to hide it better.

Their time for departure was growning short and there was much yet to do.

"If so, please, take what you need from my stores." The tall blond then motioned for her village women. "This is Iris, she will be joining us. See that she has all she needs." Aria's voice rang with command. Thinking a moment she added, "Assign her a place in my tent."

The woman, tall and dark, nodded and bowed, "Yes Madam." Then looked to the girl to follow her.

Bowing, the servent woman waited patiently for the silver haired girl.

Aria gave Iris one more kiss, this time on the forhead, "I look forward to knowing more of you." Her words were innocent, but the look in her eyes promised more.
Iris pulled away from Aria only reluctantly. She felt as though she could have spent an eternity in the woman's embrace, but she knew that they all had a job to do. She knew she was being foolish for hesitating over what would undoubtedly be a short parting, but she didn't care.

Iris didn't speak, but looked into Aria's eyes for another moment before turning away to follow the servant. Her expression spoke for her clearly enough, that she returned the anticipation, any way it was meant. She couldn't bring herself to jump to conclusions, but the promise of even being able to stay in Aria's tent this night lightened her heart considerably.
The next three days were a time of eerie peace and alien beauty. The paddes broke the water like whisks of silk. Mist and light rain were near constant, and no umbrella or tarp coud keep off the mist. Colorful fish swam abudanly in the river, some reconizable trout and koi, others freshwater eels, and luminous fish, and raveous red carnivores seemingly half mouth. Tiny treefrogs sang all ngiht long. One man nearly died trying to pick up a beautiful red and blue amphbian that could pass through the hole in a coin, and finding it horibly poisonous.
Aria saw her bonded's look and smiled. The corner of her eye's tilted up to match the curve of her lips. "Hold a moment." Aria called out as she strode to catch up with her towns woman and bondmate. She stroked the side of Iris's cheek as she looked down into her eyes. In a voice loud enough only for her to hear she promised, "Beautiful girl, I look forward to embrasing you. I will not hurt you, I seek only our mutual pleasure. Should you desire, you may say no at any time." She kissed her again on the forehead and stepped away before motioning them onward.

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