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Fantasy Chaotic Coffee Shop


Being a dick wont make yours any bigger.


In a world where monsters such as Ghouls, Vampires and Werewolf's are not appreciated, there is one safe haven where those alike can come in and have a coffee with their fellow blood spreaders. But be careful on what you tell each other, because other humans come into the shop. We need to learn about them after all.

When you leave the coffee shop, don't feel to safe. There are monster investigators around this part of town.

[[ Rules:

1. You can roam around town.

2. You can play as either Ghoul, Vampire, investigator or Werewolf.

3. Respect every character

4. This is a free roaming RP, meaning you can create places around town. Malls, clubs, schools. Anything like that.

5. Respect RPN rules.

6. Nothing, that's it.. Have fun!



The ghoul sat in his office, rubbing his forehead as he thought about the day he had in the coffee shop. It was a busy day today.

I expect as much. This is the only safe Haven for them."

He leaned back in his seat, sighing at the thought of the company trying to kill off those of his kind. Monsters in this world had no place in a society full of humans. Anything that they find different, they try to get rid of. In this world it's basically kill or be killed.

Closing time soon.."

He thought, looking at the wooden door that was separating him from the coffee shop, waiting for something to happen or for someone to come in and interrupt his boredom.

Nai ran through the streets trying to get away from the investigators. He had only lost them a few minutes ago and was looking for a place to hide, where he could be safe, at least until he was healed. He had several injuries the worse in his thigh preventing him from being able to go too far without them catching up again. He saw what looked to be a coffee shop and prayed that they would let him stay, at least until he was healed enough to hide somewhere else. He uses the rest of his strength and ran towards the coffee shop opening the door before collapsing to the ground.


He had heard a thud on the other side of the door and then footsteps rushing over to the area, so he quickly stood and walked to the door, opening it and looking over at the two people who worked at the shop.

What's going on here?"

He immediately asked, looking over the shoulder of the first worker (Jack) to see a collapsed person. He'd then order the other worker (Sarah) to get the first aid kit while Jack cleared the counter to place him on top. Once he received the first aid kit he asked for the two to hold him down in case he woke up

This might sting a bit."

He thought, before beginning to stitch up the wounds on this stranger.

Nai woke up to a sharp pain in his leg. He was being held down by one.... No two people. He looked around and saw three people, had he been caught by the investigators? Another sharp pain shot through him a he cried out looking around to see where the pain was coming from, and what it was. He saw a needle going in and out of his skin, almost like.... They were fixing his wounds? Another sharp pain came and he cried out once more before looking towards the one who was stitching him together and asked, "where am I?"

Arai sighed, feeling a raindrop hit her face. She re-adjusted her glasses, before leaving the shelter of the over hanging roof. It began to drizzle, making her sigh again as her sweatshirt began to get wet. She didn't k ow really what she wanted to do at the moment, but knew she wanted to get out of the rain. The green eyed girl smiled as she remembered that she had seen a coffee shop on the way to the book store. She could really go for a hot drink right about now.

"You're at my coffee shop and you're lucky that you came here before closing time."

He replied, almost finished with the stitches. He felt sorry for this guy, but if he didn't get fixed immediately he could be in danger. He had hoped that his smile reassured him into knowing that they weren't the enemy. He needed to hurry up though, in case a human came through the doors and saw what was happening.

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Nai sighed glad he had made it into the coffee shop. The pain came again and he clenched his teeth trying not to cry out. "You guys aren't investigators are yoU." He asked looking around the shop trying to ignore the constant pain. The smile that the man working in him was giving him made him think otherwise. If he was an investigator he wouldn't have helped him like this. "I'm sorry you couldn't possibly be an investigator it was a foolish question." He said looking back at the man.

Gwen sat in her car: a beat up old white thing she's had for years. It wasn't suspicious, allowing her to camp out unnoticed pretty much anywhere, and it was quicker than it appeared, able to keep up with anyone trying to make a speedy getaway. The car was parked across the street from a small coffee shop.

She sat, scowling, eyes darting between the store and her small notebook in her lap. Having just got a promotion, she should be overjoyed. However, her new job entailed staking out this little cafe. Supposedly, this is where the freaks hung out. Vampires, ghosts, and other spooky creatures were reported to habit this area. She didn't believe in fairy tales though, she hadn't since she was a little kid. She wanted to be out, chasing down real criminals, not playing watchdog for a coffee place.

Nevertheless, she had a duty and she was sworn to do it. Short skinny blonde kid, blue eyes, looked messed up she hastily scribbled down in her notepad, her eyes following the kid as he entered the store. She clicked the pen impatiently, waiting for something exciting to happen.
The brunette walked down the sidewalk, avoiding other commuters, though she was looking at her phone. Arai was surprised that she remembered where the coffee shop was, and really hoped they were still open. Maybe even hiring, I mean, rent is a bit late.... she thought with a shudder. She didn't really want to ask Madem Freely for another loan. The young woman was already about 3 grand in debt. Once she finally found the ahop, she took a breath and walked in. She stopped however when she saw what was going on. "Oh....bad time?" She asked.

@Kippers @JayKuro
Nai turned his head as the door to the shop opened revealing a girl with brown hair.

"Is this a bad time?"

She said looking up from her phone at the situation at hand. Another pain shot through him and he cried out having forgotten that he was getting stitches.
"Is it almost done?" He asked the man biting his lip to keep from crying out again.

@Kippers @FireMaiden
Arai just walked in, and sat down. "The hell happened to you?" She asked with a cocked eyebrow. Almost immediately she could tell this kid wasn't human, neither was the guy working on him. She also knew that the rain had probably dulled her sent a little, so, she wasn't sure if they could tell she was a goul. She then noticed how damp her sweatshirt was, and decided to take it off. Underneath was a sleeveless shirt that cut off at about her waist. It was a bit flowly, and showed off her assets a but more than she liked, but it was the only clean shirt she had at the moment.

@JayKuro @Kippers
"The hell happened to you?"

She asked looking at him with a cocked eyebrow.
"The investigators found me." He said looking at her as she took off her damped sweatshirt. He could tell she was a ghoul, he scent was a little dull but it was still strong enough for him to smell. He looked down at his leg where the stitched were, it didn't look as bad anymore. At least there was blood oozing out everywhere.

"Since when have they been around here?" Arai looked up from folding her sweatshirt, her face holding a confused expression. "And what kind of weapon could do that? I mean, we are kinda hard to hurt."

"You mean you haven't noticed them?" He asked giving her a shocked look. "They're all around here recently, I don't know why though." He said looking up at the bright lights trying to take his mind off the pain. "I'm not sure what kind of weapons they used, but whatever they are they're dangerous." He said glancing back in her general direction as she folded her sweatshirt.

"Well, I don't really pay attention to the people around here," She replied with a shrug, leaning on the table. She let out a sigh, her eyes following the path of a passers-by. "There's one close by in fact, trying to be sneaky, but I can smell her."

"She must've followed me..." He said looking across the street from where the smell came from. He put his arms across his eyes blocking out all the light, and from people seeing his face. He gad gotten stitches before, plenty of times, but never without anesthesia to numb the pain.


"And you're done."

He said, then looked across from him and saw the new person sit down. It was clear that she was a ghoul, because she smelt like one.

What brings you to this little shop?"

He asked, sounding surprisingly calm at the situation, even though he just played doctor and their was investigators near the coffee shop. The reason he was asking why she was here, is because she might want to just hang around or even find a job here.

I'd recommend staying here for a few nights. Just until the stitches settle. We have a nice guest room upstairs."

He'd then adjust his eye patch and wait for an answer.

@JayKuro @FireMaiden
Nai sat up looking at the stitches, he could be a doctor if he wanted to, he thought. "Are you sure I can stay? I wouldn't want to cause you guys trouble." He said looking at the man with the eyepatch closely. He was good at telling when someone was lying after have been lied to almost his whole life.


"Don't worry about it. We want to help all of our customers."

He replied, with another smile coming into view, before he looked to the two workers and then back at him once again.

So, how's about it?"

He asked, whilst turning to make a few coffee's for the two new arrivals. It was unusual to have people stay at the shop for even one night, but there is a first for everything.

Nai realized he was still sitting on the counter and awkwardly slid off it sitting next to the girl folding her sweatshirt. "Um... Sure I'll stay but only until I'm healed again.....I don't want to cause you guys any more trouble than I already have." He said as the man with the eyepatch started making what looked like coffee. When the man wasn't looking Nai gave him a small smile in return before putting his head on the counter.

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"Pardon me, is this establishment still open?"

The muffled voice of a young girl broke through the door. With the sudden sound of the door creaking open, and a whiff of flowers, and perfume would follow. An brunette haired girl peered through the opening, allowing her self in. The striking emerald eyes would be the first thing anyone noticed about her. Carrying an umbrella, she closed it once entering the establishment. Anyone taking a quick glance at her would simply mistake her for an average girl. However to the trained eye something more menacing would be found deep within her body. Taking a moment to gander at the spectacle before her, she paid it no mind, and once again ask a similar question.

"I'm rather parched, I know it's late but perhaps I could still trouble for a drink..?"

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