Chaos vs Law


Lawful Evil.. Or Chaotic Good...
Full Name:




Place of birth:






Main weapon: ( If police)


Gang: (if gang member)


Rank: ( in police or Gang)


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Full Name:

Samuel Leon Shepard






Oct 30

Place of birth:

Toronto, Canada







(Shall be told in the story)


Father- Rayman Shepard

Mother-(left when he was 3)


Flash Step

use bursts of speed allowing the user to move faster than the eye can track, making it appear as if they have teleported.



Main weapon:



Samuel has very deeply held convictions. He knows himself and his own values very strongly, taking his father’s morals and internal code and applying it to his own life. He has a strong sense of right and wrong, and a clear idea of what his values are, even if he does not always know the best way to express them. He latches into the code of the police, remaining committed to those values for a very long time before straying. He also is very passionate about who he is loyal to - Creegan City. He knows what is right or wrong and what he wants, and acts on that no matter what other people think.

Samuel is a physical guy. His primary way of interacting with the world is observation and living in the present moment. He takes into account the situation immediately present. Although he has fond memories of his childhood, that time feels far away from him, and his values and allegiances change based on his observations. Samuel is also very athletic and enjoys getting out into the wilderness. Although he has a respect for tradition, he is not afraid to change customs to suit the immediate needs of the time.

Samuel can be very single minded and focused when he needs to be. When Samuel gets an idea in his head he starts to use information to relate to that one concept, building on his internal system of universality. This is not his most developed function, so he sometimes struggles to see what the consequences of his actions are or how events are important in the long run.

As a leader, Samuel is called on to command different groups. Planning is something he often looks for help with, but can be done when he needs to. He organizes and classifies the world around him, marshaling troops and executing plans. When leadership was thrust upon him, Samuel rose to the job, using this underdeveloped function. He has a very difficult time making objective, strategic choices, letting his introverted feeling side lead his course of action or his extroverted sensing side that only sees the situation at hand.

If anything, Samuel behaves according to his principals. He is always fighting for the greater good, and honestly believes that he is making the world a better place. He is loyal, but not blindly so. He challenges customs and acts on his own strong set of values. He is brave, chivalrous, and has a very high regard for honor.


High school Education and Police Academy




Attention to details

Knows a few martial arts

Gang knowledge


Reading books

Watching films

Playing American football for fun
Full Name: James Rayleigh Hanningway

Nicknames?: shadow,smokey,johnny boy, the rat,snake


Birthday: october 5th

Place of birth: louisiana


history: not much is known about his past however information will be given as the story continues.

Relatives?:(deceased) uncle

Powers: James has the ability to control, and turn into shadows.

Personality: James is a immoral and dishonest thrill seeker; motivated by his own self intrest. as a matter of fact, He works as a secret informant for the police, and does it just for the excitement. aside from his cocky,rough, and unruly personality; James is shrouded in a cape of mystery, and its the very aura that he emits that earned him the nick name smoke.

Gang: (if gang member) Skars

Education/occupation: He is a college drop out, and when not doing jobs for his family; he works as a musician in a old bar.

Rank: ( in police or Gang)associate

Talents/skills: musician, manipulation, intelligence, skilled street fighter,spontaneous

Hobbies: playing guitar, starting fights, and contemplateing new ways to create chaos.
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Full Name:

Spade Ace Mills






Dec 23

Place of Birth:

Chicago, Illinois






Spade was born into a loving family with a loving father, mother, and an energetic older brother who would play with him every chance he got to. Although his family was rich in love they were far from wealthy, but were happy and functioned as long as they had eachother. When the war started his father enlisted, his mother did not want him to go but knew he had to because his current job was not enough to support the family. Without the father times were not as energetic as they always were. Spade's brother was in a different phase of his life and was not spending as much time at home, he would arrive at home four hours after school ended. His mother would just stare out the window all day and say to Spad'e brother "You better quit your habit of coming home late before your father comes back." The war ended and days passed but Spade's father never came home, distraught and confused his mother called to inquire information about the father's disappearance in searches his name came up in enlistments and did not come up in the list of the deceased, The family never received money for the father's service. Spade's brother changed at this point he who had failed at academics started a gang managed to get their hands on only two chips from a larger gang on terms that the two who were receiving the implants would be tests to see if they could perform a successful surgery. Spade who still looked up to his big brother was convinced into doing it with him despite being a bright kid. While his elder brother died during the surgery Spade had survived. He stopped going to school, and ignored his mother's pleads and continuing to go to school and to be positive. On an average morning like any other Spade and his mother was eating breakfast when a storm of bullets ripped through the walls of the house. While Spade was stunned and shook with fear and surprise, his mother. in the blink of an eye wrapped her arms around him in effort to protect him. Spade closed his eyes when the sound of bullets stopped he opened his eyes and found himself unscathed while his mother's tattered and hole riddled body draped around him like a scarf. While in aghast a group of men entered the house full of broken glass and debris "we know we gave you the chip and all as part of the deal kid but we have to be careful of loose ends" the men all raised their guns with grins on their face and fired. Spade was so scared he couldn't even close his eyes and watched the perplexing sight as their bullets were ricocheted off of what appeared to be a film of green light back at the men, and watched as their bodies fell to the floor. He looked around then down at his mother who was in his arms and while her eyes were closed she said murmured her last words "Keep smiling no matter what, protect what's important and... I Lo-..." She dies in his arms, and with her so does his heart. After the incident he joins the gang blur and through speech skills he quickly gains favor of many of the members and for the sake of creating a "family" he killed the current leader and is now in charge.


Father - Ace Mills (missing possibly deceased )

Mother- Carol Heart Mills (deceased)

Brother- Jon Heart Mills (deceased)



Can create force-fields out of thin air he can create two at max sacrificing quantity for quality and size for quality.

Personality: (Somewhat explained in the history so this is gonna be short)

Spade has a negative to the government seeing them as the reason for his fathers disappearance, while he knows they are necessary he believes there will always be good and evil so there is no point in what side your on. Spade is sometimes quiet and at other times over talkative, he is protective and understanding to people within his gang but is ruthless to enemies. Spade's strongest area of expertise is science while he is only average in other areas, while he was enrolled in high school he took advance classes. He is mild tempered and not easily angered, but is also impatient. Spade is not needlessly violent to civilians and somewhat fond of children, but he also does not tolerate opposition. He is always smiling following his mothers last words and protects anyone in his gang as he considers them important. Spade is confident in his Force field capabilities also using it as a blunt object which to hit people with. Spade is strong in his beliefs but is able to understand when he has been beaten or is wrong about something. He has a lingering desire for family which is why he killed the previous leader of blur to make a what he considers a "family"




standard level high school and college level science information




Speaking, Estimations, and is adept at Kick Boxing


Working out


Listening to music
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