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Fandom Chaos in Hoenn


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b8dfca1_Muffet1.jpg.e562d15d4db2c3302c26f664e7b8c8a6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114410" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b8dfca1_Muffet1.jpg.e562d15d4db2c3302c26f664e7b8c8a6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

{Age} 19

{Gender} Female

{Group} Unaffiliated; travels around with Cross

{Height} 5'4

{Hair Color} Purple

{Eye Color} Green

{Appearance} Madelyn is a tiny girl. Height-wise, she is considered average, but her incredibly thin body structure leaves her with a very bony and spindly-like figure and absolutely no feminine curvature. She has very narrow shoulders and inward pointing hips to match. She has light, yet unmarked skin—except for a few random moles here an there like anyone—with short and bobbed purple hair that she tends to tie up in the back into small, flared pigtails. Madelyn is nearly all skin and bones, with no real extra fat on her body, thus explaining how the tiny girl weighs only something around a mere seventy pounds; a true lightweight. She has very angular features, with all sharp edges. Her skin is the only soft feature about her. Her hands are creepily thin, being literally nothing except for bone. Despite her overall distant personality, Madelyn often dresses very cute, actually being able to wear little girl's clothing due to her tiny body frame.

{Personality} Madelyn is a true enigma. She is strange, with an odd and twisted sense of humor. She is usually pretty quiet when around others, but can also be incredibly judgmental in a very cynical sense that many people often do not like. The only real things that she is actually kind and caring for are her beloved Bug type Pokémon. They mean the world to her, and she will fight for their happiness more than her own. That being said, many people may view Madelyn as cold and deceptive, but an entirely different person when around her Pokémon. She is cruel and sarcastic for the most part, and enjoys to watch the misfortunes of others, doing so with a sadistic and plenty amused smile. She has also proved to be deceptive as well as a somewhat compulsive liar to people that she either wishes to mess with or those whom she does not trust. As a result, Madelyn does not trust easily at all, whatsoever. She is even quite indifferent around Cross, her traveling partner, although does have a small bit more of trust towards the freckled teen than any other human being. She actually finds it very amusing at the fact that Cross is terrified of Bug type Pokémon.

{Biography} Madelyn Inkspell was born with a moderate to mild form of mitochondrial syndrome. Given her present stature and underdeveloped womanly bones structure, it is a debilitating disease that eats away all body fat as well as not allowing the development of bodily muscle. This left Madelyn weak and home-schooled, because her physical body did not allow her to live life as a normal child. Given such an experience—locked up inside of a little house for most of her life—she never gained the social skills that all the other children had, thus explaining her trust issues as well as her overall distrust and animosity towards others. She was born in Johto, in the vibrancy of Cherrygrove City, but could not at all experience what the foresty city had to offer, as she was the one to be stuck inside of her house for the entirety of the day and childhood, with only a small Spinarak named Cora as her only real friend at that point in her life.

Living with only her Pokémon—that easily came around due to her naturally Bug-loving vibe—forced Madelyn to have an overall liking towards Pokémon rather than people, due to her limited exposure to other people. It was nice and serene with just her pets, but somewhat lonely with no one else to really talk to whom would actually respond. Being an only child was definitely not fun, especially when Madelyn was not at all allowed to have other humanly contact other than her occasional parents who would come around sometimes. This all changed, however, when a young teen named Cross came around Cherrygrove and deliberately wished to help Madelyn out in her lonely endeavors.

Due to a request from Professor Elm, he had sent his sixteen-year-old adoptive daughter—who had recently defeated the Johto champion and had finally come back home to New Bark Town—to introduce herself to the mysterious Bug girl named Madelyn and show her what it was really like to be allowed to venture around the world and experience all that nature and the Pokémon world had to offer. What Professor Elm had failed to mention, however, was Madelyn's profession of Bug type Pokémon. Cross was terrified when she had met Madelyn, but it was already far too late to back down from helping the girl with the natural talent of training Bug types to the Ace Trainer level.

Time went on as Cross trained Madelyn the ways of a champion trainer, and Madelyn blossomed under her teachings in a matter of months. Now, her and Cross had traveled overseas to Hoenn for yet another adventure that was new for the both of the young trainers.


Male | Drapion


• Cross Poison

• Night Slash

• X-Scissor

• Toxic


Female | Ariados


• Bug Bite

• Sucker Punch

• Double Team

• String Shot


Male | Galvantula


• Thunderbolt

• Agility

• Bug Buzz

• Electroweb


Female | Volcarona


• Fiery Dance

• Hurricane

• Quiver Dance

• Signal Beam



Female | Scolipede


• Megahorn

• Toxic

• Poison Jab

• Iron Tail



Male | Yanmega


• Giga Drain

• Silver Wind

• Hypnosis

• Shadow Ball

{Specialty} Dark, Poison, and Bug. (mainly Bug)

{Tactical Overview} Madelyn believes that the best offense is in insane speed and horrendous status afflictions. Using speedy Pokémon makes it so the first hit is dealt with enough speed to quickly dodge any incoming attacks. That, and status afflictions soon drain the enemy down to fainting as they continue to miss and miss time and time again against incredible finesse and agility of her Pokémon. A high offense is also key, but not entirely necessary to end the enemy, but does give a sense of power and superiority. Going into specifics, Madelyn's Volcarona, Scolipede, and Drapion are the ones who deal out the most damage in a battle, with powerful blows based on super-effective moves as well as those with high STAB. Her Galvantula is the one to afflict status ailments upon the enemy, while her Ariados and Yanmega join in to fly/run circles around the enemy by slowing them down and lowering their overall accuracy. All of her Pokémon may inflict status ailments on an enemy to hinder them, however, not just her Galvantula specifically.

{Dream} Madelyn's dream is to give all Bug types a nice, loving home away from all the chaos of the world.

Oh my gog, I'm such trash. Dx



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8c920067_BaelokMaefric.png.2b1fa024998fc1dcdaeeb6a1a7c7d7ed.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114998" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8c920067_BaelokMaefric.png.2b1fa024998fc1dcdaeeb6a1a7c7d7ed.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Baelok Maefric- Subject 87

Region of Origin: Hoenn

Age: 24?- uncertain

Group: Unaffiliated, Project S.W.A.R.M. (GM let me know if you want that to be rocket or WPF or something else entirely, or if i need to scrap the idea)

Personality: Baelok is constantly stuggling between seeing himself as a man and seeing himself as a drone. In his human moments he is cautious, distrustful of himself, sarcastic, but genuinely kind-hearted. When he thinks like an insect he is determined, quiet, meticulous, and willing to do anything to serve what he views as his "hive". Baelok doesn't use pokeballs, which is ok as most of his pokemon are relatively small.


Project S.W.A.R.M.

Symbiosis With Abnormally Retained Mutation

Entry 702- by Victor Karrian

We have a new batch of subjects today from Asset Obtainment. Genetics tells me that they all have compatible genomes, which is what they said the last time. Data and Analysis of the last batch shows that 83% of subjects die in the initial phase of the gene-splicing, 12% die before the variable can manifest, and the remaining 5% die without showing anything that could be considered a success. This will be the last batch. This research is too costly. Without a successful modified semi-human this project will be shut down in favor of more... reliable war efforts. I feel that we're close though. Many of the results from the last batch looked promising. I just need one person to survive the alteration and show us something worth looking at.


Project S.W.A.R.M.

Symbiosis With Abnormally Retained Mutation

Entry 716- by Victor Karrian

Of the 100 subjects that underwent genetic modification, three have survived long enough for the transcribed genome to have an effect. Subject 23 has been modified with wurmple DNA, subject 87 has beedrill DNA, and subject 94 has been genetically modified with Scyther DNA. The subjects appearances remain mostly unchanged. The inside of Subject 23's mouth has been altered considerably, with a rounding of the teeth and a drying of the mouth. Subject 87 has visible scarring over his entire body and covering half his face, although that may be from the splicing. The beedrill gene has given him a bright yellow eye. Subject 94's metabolism has increased exponentially, making him light and faster than any human should be. They have been moved to an isolated and controlled forest environment to assess their physical and behavioral changes as the variables continue to apply themselves.


Project S.W.A.R.M.

Symbiosis With Abnormally Retained Mutation

Entry 720- by Victor Karrian

Over the past few days the subjects have established their own unusual patterns of behavior. Subject 23 refuses to eat meat, although there are no records of vegetarian tendencies. Quite the opposite, he used to enjoy a hearty steak every week. He eats what we give him and spends the rest of his time foraging for food. He has difficulty breathing, perhaps a side-effect of the new DNA. I suspect that he will die soon. Subject 87 has established territory that he watches all day. He never moves from the place, just eats everything we give him and guards his patch of dirt. Subject 94 looks promising. He has fashioned something sharp for use as a knife, and hunts with a pair of Scyther that he has bonded with, giving coordination and accuracy to a feral group of hunters. It's worth noting that all subjects have a different response to a local Fearow that patrols the area. Subject 23 does his best to hide from it, ducking quickly into whatever foliage he can. Subject 87 stiffens a bit, and curls over a specific spot of ground. Subject 94 stops whatever he was doing and watches the Fearow, taking note of everything.


Project S.W.A.R.M.

Symbiosis with Abnormally Retained Mutation

Entry 750- by Victor Karrian

We may have a success. Subject 94 set an ambush for the Fearow, darting out and killing the beast before it had a chance to react. That of itself, while interesting, was not unforseen. He killed it in an area that is fiercely guarded by a swarm of Beedrill, and took the body back to the clearing with Subject 87. An argument broke out between them, Subject 87 was furious that subject 94 had "stolen from the hive". The argument turned violent, and when subject 94 drew his blade his head fell to the ground. Sensors show that pheromones were released from subject 87 and one of the Scyther responded to the call of distress. I'm going to run some more checks with Data and Analysis, but this could be what ends the war.


Project S.W.A.R.M.

Symbiosis with Abnormally Retained Mutation

Entry 751- by Victor Karrian

I've been betrayed. I don't know by who but I'm going to find out. The war has recently ended- we're just now getting word of it here. I and my team are to be tried for crimes against humanity, and sentenced to death. I am going to leave before that happens. I am currently erasing all files related to project S.W.A.R.M. from the database. I can't say for sure, but I think it worked. I am leaving the subject here.




Baelok continued to watch over his small territory. They had stopped giving him food. The body of Jarrex, subject 94, had been taken away piece by piece by a swarm of vengeful beedrill. For reasons that he didn't understand, they completely ignored Baelok. It was as if he were one of their own. The Scyther that saved him never went far and Baelok understood him. The Scyther needed him as much as he needed the Scyther. And finally, there was a long anticipated scritch nearby. The thing he had protected for so long began to crack and break. The hardened nincada husk shattered as a small insect crawled out- a fully grown ninjask. It spread it's wings and buzzed cheerfully, whizzing around the clearing faster than the eye could follow. Baelok took the time to carefully remove the empty husk and hide it in his coat pocket. It too, needed to be protected.


"Token" the Shedinja (genderless)

"Effort" the Ninjask (male)

"Trust" the Scyther (male)

"Given" the Weedle (female)

Specialty: Bug communication.

Tactical Overview: Setup. By the time he or any of his pokemon decide to attack, you've already died- you just don't know it yet.

Dream: to keep his humanity as well as his sanity



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Elysium said:
@Onikmey - I love the charter concept, but I'm not sure how it would fit into the lore of this RP.
If I may offer a suggestion for your consideration:

A few years after Team Rocket's big offensive, Giovanni came to realize that the war was taking too long. He started project SWARM in complete secrecy to develop a secret weapon that could eliminate the biggest threat to Team Rocket's Supremacy: The Five Kings. The Five Kings were the five trainers and their teams that seemed to change the entire flow of battle on their own. Dante and Alaric were two of the Kings. (leaves three spots open for other war heroes). Odds are, the WPF would never have found out about Project Swarm, and it would have just faded into secret obscurity, except for Giovanni making a critical slip. One of the Kings was captured as a Prisoner of War (Alaric). Giovanni realized that most of the test subjects weren't sturdy enough to survive the testing. One of The Five Kings though may just prove a successful test subject.

In a moment of post-eyegouging gloating, he revealed his plans for Alaric before departing. Luckily for Alaric, a rescue team arrived and got him out before he could be transported to the secret bunker where Project SWARM was being performed. With Alaric's intel, they were able to find the base after the war and shut it down. The scientists were all charged with crimes against humanity, and many have since been executed for their crimes.

The concerning aspect is that the one successful test subject was never found.... To this day, there is no information regarding his whereabouts.

Just a possible option to squeeze him into the Lore for your consideration.

Gregor Heartway


Region of Origin: Hoenn

Age: 30

Group: Unaffiliated (Private Eye.)

Personality: Gregor has always been the charismatic sort. He's frequently used his charms to get what he wants, which becomes increasingly useful when trying to pry information out of pretty lass. Beyond his suave ways, Gregor is also a very calm individual. Never letting his emotions get the better of him the man tries to use his brain more than his heart, which can sometimes be hard considering he is such a passionate man. Gregor is full of hopes and aspirations which complements his poetic behavior. He is

widely considered to be an optimist and prefers to give people the benefit of the doubt.


Gregor was born in Slateport city but was given away to an orphanage before the age of two. His father was a drunk and consistently beat his mother, who had crippling bipolar disorder. So naturally Social Services stepped in and put him in an orphanage. As a kid, growing up in the orphanage wasn't bad but Gregor had decided that, that life wasn't for him. When Gregor was around the age of ten he come up with a plan to leave, so he took of into the night. He was traveling up route 110 to Maulville town when he was met by a group of exceptionally mean Gulpin. Looking back on the memory the situation was quite laughable seeing as he could have easily punted the creatures out of his way, but back then before he really understood Pokemon, something so simple as a Gulpin terrified him. Luckily for him, before anything to terribly nasty happened he was saved by a black Electrike. The two quickly became friends and after that, partners in crime. Justice (the aforementioned Electrike) and Gregor became regular vagabonds. Traveling the regions, seeing the sights, living the ideal life in their opinion.

By the time Gregor had turned 16 Justice had evolved into a Manectric. The two had a bonded so much that at times it seemed they could talk to each other despite Justice not knowing human language. The two had been through a lot together, but one fateful day there strengths were really put to the test. Gregor had found himself hiking up some mountains in the Sinoh region, purely because he wondered what lay over yonder. By the time Gregor and Justice made it to the top the two were exhausted. But before the duo had anytime to rest, they heard an incredible, ear shattering roar. Turns out the two had stumbled into an Aggron's territory and said Aggron was pretty pissed. Being a fairly cocky teenager, Gregor stupidly challenges the Agrron. After a very short battle Justice is knocked out. Feeling terribly about his decision Gregor rushes to help his friend but is greeted by a pair of Agrron jaws and has his right arm promptly removed. Luckily enough for him a Starly had seen him climbing the mountain and known trouble was a foot. The Starly had flown off, and found some nearby trainers to help out. For the second time in Gregor's life, he is saved by a Pokemon purely by random circumstance. After the trainers dealt with the Agrron, Gregor was rushed to a hospital where he was brought back to normal condition... or as normal a condition you can be without your dominant arm. Justice was also saved but managed to sustain a scar going down his left eye. After Justice and Gregor were released from the hospital (or snuck out so they wouldn't have to pay the bill) Gregor came across a Starly waiting for him. The small bird Pokemon seemed to fancy the idea of looking out for the two and forced its way into Gregor's party. He was given the nickname of Spyglass. After about another year Greagor found a woman who worked for Devon Corp and after saving her from a wild Absol offered to pay the with a prosthetic arm. A sleek black robotic arm was custom made for Gregor and it the young man finally felt whole again.

Eventually Gregor had made his way to the region of Kalos, the city of Lumiose to be specific. He had turned 20 recently and war had broken out. Deciding living on the open road was to dangerous Gregor decided to settle down and started his own business as a private eye. Gregor had always romanticized the idea of being a detective and thought it would be a great way to apply himself and provide justice to people who felt justice was not being served. Little did he know being a Private eye was very intense work. Heartway Investigations wasn't (and still isn't) a terribly successful company due to the time period and the fact that there were more professional companies already established. But all in all he has made it through alright. Both Spyglass and Justice are his business partners and together they have solved quite a few crimes. Only occasionally did Gregor have to pull a gun on a perpetrator, but those assignments tended to pay well so he didn't mind it to much. In fact one of those missions had payed him in a Megastone for Justice which has become a very useful tool. As time went on the war finally came to a close but it didn't effect Gregor as much as it had effected everyone else. He knew the horrors of war as he had witnessed a few of them before deciding to settle down but he hadn't had anyone close to lose to those horrors. Either was Detective Heartway was glad it was over and that Team Rocket had disbanded. Or so he thought. Just a week ago in fact he had received an anonymous tip saying that team rocket was planning something, reforming in the shadows. It seemed they were starting something, something big. The Jane Doe who had given him the information said the it would all start at the Memorial. At first, Gregor wasn't sure he believed this. Team Rocket had lost the war after all. but that got Gregor thinking. Did they really lose the war, or did they just lose the battle? Was Team Rocket really gone? Filled with a new sense of curiosity Detective Heartway, Justice and Spyglass set off to find the truth.



Item: None

Moves: Voltswitch, Thunder, Flmaethrower, Ice Fang


Item: None

Moves: Wing attack, Sand attack, U-turn, Steel wing

Specialty: Pokemon with strong bonds

Tactical Overview: Calm, collected and calculated.

Dream: To become the greatest Detective who ever lived.

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(Me being lazy and not drawing the damn char like I always do xD )

Name: Dagger (Real name is referred to as Issac Dergus)

Region of Origin: Kanto

Age: 15-20 age group. True age is difficult to pinpoint.

Group: Unaffiliated- former Rocket Member

Personality: A dark and sketchy fellow. He takes pride in his natural ability as a Con Artist and a Liar. He is usually quiet and likes to enjoy a moment of silence before he speaks. He is a casual gentleman at times but mostly uses the persona to gain trust of passerby's. He grows incredibly defensive if anyone has their hands close to his face or head. He insists to wear coats/cloaks indoors and perpetually wears his mask. He is also a great negotiator when it comes to terms of arguments or covering up one of his heinous acts. A true criminal prodigy.

Bio: Grown into a abusive household, Issac Dergus ran away at the age of seven and never returned. Along the years he found his way through bartering and stealing. As he grew he mastered these skills and allowed him to steal a few Pokeballs from an unwitting trainer and he began to catch Pokemon. Team Rocket was impressed when they saw reports of him popping up and recruited Dagger to their ranks. When Team Rocket fell, Dagger disbanded finding out that "They were too imperceptive" for him. He now still roams but doesn't steal as much as he used to when he started saving up wages.


Zoroark(M)- Moveset: Night Shade - Night Daze - Focus Punch - Dark Slash

Noivern(M)- Moveset: Aerial Ace - Dragon Claw - Flamethrower - Fly

Umbreon(F)- Moveset: Nasty Plot - Tackle - Bite

Lampent(M)- Moveset: Ember - Flamethrower - Night Daze

Specialty: Dark and Dragon Types. He uses mainly Pokemon of that nature but he also uses other types if he is up against a Trainer that has Types Supereffective to Derg's.

Tactical Overview: He uses Umbreon, his weaker Pokemon, to scout the enemy at first. If the opposing Pokemon is weaker or has a weakness to dark types, Dagger will use Umbreon as a fighter Pokemon at first. If the Opposing Pokemon's type says otherwise, he may engage or retreat Umbreon and use his stronger Pokemon. (Zoroark / Noivern) If all else fails, he may forfeit. (Something he absolutely hates doing. So he usually fights until the bitter end)

Dream: He wishes to be a Gym Trainer, but first he has to find a way to bribe out or eliminate the probability of him being the 'Rocket Thief' as he is known as.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-11_22-13-31.png.6d6d9a6eff4de8d1f226a989be065987.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117848" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-11_22-13-31.png.6d6d9a6eff4de8d1f226a989be065987.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name Nickolas William.

Region of Origin Hoenn

Age: 31

Group: Currently unaffiliated. Previously Pokémon League.


Biography: Nick was never much of one for others. He frequently went off on his own to explore or befriend Pokémon near his hometown of Sootopolis. Eventually he managed to save up to buy a Pokémon which ended up being a mudkip. He trained in the waters that surround his hometown and managed to evolve that mudkip into a swampert. During his training he acquired his second pokemon, a wailord that allowed him to begin travelling larger distances away from the city. He first visited Mossdeep city, making his way through the northern reaches of Hoenn and travelling around before finally setting off to explore new lands with his team now consisting of Wailord, Swampert, and Slaking.

The first area he visited was Sinnoh, challenging the elite four and actually being relatively successful despite having only 3 Pokémon, making it to the fourth member before finally losing. After this Nick decided to keep travelling and collecting Pokémon, adding a large number of Sinnoh region Pokémon to his collection as well as meeting a traveler who gave him a Shuckle. Eventually Nick decided to settle on a team of Shuckle, Wailord, Swampert, Slaking, and a Bronzong he captured before moving to the next area, which was Unova.

Unova was largely uneventful for the trainer as he only captured a handful of Pokémon, most notably being his Golurk. Though at the time team plasma was ravaging Unova, Nick largely remained uninvolved. Strangely enough, team plasma left him alone, though this was likely due to the fact that by this time Nick was travelling mostly on his Wailord, which kind of freaks people out when they spot a nearly fifty foot floating whale with a trainer on its back. With his team now assembled and plenty in reserves, Nick headed back for Hoenn where he successfully beat the elite four and managed to win the champion title. But, as it turns out, Nick didn't really enjoy all the official business. Instead, he frequently wanted to explore the open world on the back of his Wailord as he previously did, now with flight possible thanks to the assistance of Golurk. So, Nick left. Choosing instead to wander the country on the back of his Wailord, with Golurk acting as a rudder, steering the massive leviathan across the sky when need be and when water is present Wailord acting as a mighty ship.


Swampert (With Swampertite)

Ability: Torrent



-aqua jet

-Ice Punch

Wailord (With Leftovers)

Ability: Water Veil

-Rain Dance


-Aqua Ring

-Water Spout

Slaking (With Eject Button)

Ability: Truant

-Giga Impact

-Shadow Punch


-Sleep Talk

Shuckle (With leftovers)

Ability: Sturdy

-Rock slide

-Shell Smash

-Power Trick


Bronzong (With Heal bell)

Ability: Levitate

-Wide Guard

-Trick room


-Skill Swap

Golurk (with choice band)

Ability: Iron fist

-Shadow Punch

-Ice punch

-Thunder Punch


Specialty: 2 v 2 battles.

Though Nick has a certain love for a few of his Pokémon, he largely trained to be a 2 v 2 fighter. As such many members of his team synergize well with each other, such as Shuckle and Bronzong, Swampert and Wailord, and Slaking and Golurk. This being said, he can still handily do quite well in one against one situations.

Tactical Overview (A brief, one sentence description of your style)

Dream (optional): To see the world.



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Iudyr Belarose "The Undertaker"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/NightofThePlague.jpg.83b0a26433069035801abb48fc2ff904.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118037" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/NightofThePlague.jpg.83b0a26433069035801abb48fc2ff904.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Region of Origin: Sinnoh

Age: 37


Team Rocket Admin

Gender: Male


Iudyr used to be pretty normal, but after some particularly nasty things he's taken up the persona of the Under Taker. A sadistic sociopath with no human emotion what so ever. Slowly he lost himself more and more into this Persona until Iudyr Belarose became a myth, whispered among the Team Rocket grunts. The Under Taker feels nothing, he is nothing. Just a silent ghost that haunts the dreams of those who have met him.


On the streets of Jubilife city lived a woman. Recently in her life, she had lost her house to the bank and was then forced to live on the streets. Seeing no other way to survive, she began to sell herself as a prostitute. Eventually she was able to afford an apartment which doubled as her "office" for "business transactions". After many, many, many encounters with men eventually this woman had a child. This was the conception Iudyr. Birthed from the scum of a low life, who had given up her soul to the devil. Life had only gotten worse with the birth of Iudyr. However, no matter how hard life had become the woman still loved her child. Not wanting to give up her only kid (and her legacy at that point) to social services she left her apartment and instead lived in a hotel room as she could no longer afford rent.

Iudyr grew up isolated from most of the world, as his mother rarely let him go out. So instead he stayed inside and read. He read as much as he could to make up for the education he wasn't receiving. Through the magic of literature he discovered the wonders of the world. He learned about Pokemon and the stories of trainers that traveled through the regions training them, history and theory on creation and much more. And because of all this something began to grow inside of Iudyr. With all his knowings of the outside world he suddenly realized that he had missed out on so much. He was already twelve and he still had never even caught a Pokemon. Inside of Iudyr, a fantasy arose. A fantasy that was composed of him and friendly Pokemon traveling the world, helping each other grow. When he confronted his mother about this fantasy she became furious. She pleaded for him to promise to her. Promise her that he would never leave her. Never seeing his mother break down like this, Iudyr felt a pang of guilt go off in his heart. Not wanting to hurt his mother he promised he would never leave, though he kept his fantasy close to his heart.

Two years later while Iudyr read a book in his room, his mother had taken a group of men into her room for a "businesses meeting", nothing out of the ordinary for the boy's life. But as the night progressed he heard his mother cry out in pain, and then a scream followed by pitiful please to stop. Hearing his mother in pain, the child ran into her room, even though mother said never to do so when she was working. When he opened the door he was taken aback. His mother was tied up, bleeding, battered and bruised while one of the men held a baseball bat tightly in his hands while the other carried either a gun or knife of sorts. Upon entering the room he was greeted with a swift beating. The men savagely whacked, kicked, punched and cut Iudyr until he was barely even in the mortal world. The boy blacked out eventually, but unexpectedly, hours later he had awoken. Iudyr should have been dead and covered in wounds but miraculously, he wasn't. After he finished examining himself he then noticed the stench, the stench of death. He looked at what once was his mothers room and did a double take. The men and his mother were smeared on the walls, a visceral display of corpses laid about like dolls that had been tossed aside. On the ceiling, written in blood were the words "The Undertaker". This was the day that Iudyr began his steady decline into insanity.

After those events had passed Iudyr finally began his dream of travelling the world and meeting Pokemon. But this was different. Technically the child didn't exist (as far as legal matters go) so he was already off the grid, which meant his actions had no repercussions. He was free to test his ability's as the Undertaker. He had discovered he could harm people without even needing to touch them. This was because his first Pokemon (a Gastly) was literally his soul removed from his body, parading what once used to be Iudyr. On his journey he met many Pokemon and manged to find some that were equally as insane as him, keeping those ones for his team. Eventually he met Team Rocket and realized his torment could be distributed on a much larger scale. So after joining he slowly worked his way up to be an admin.





Smooth Rock


Stealth Rocks, Stone Edge, Pursuit, Fire Blast






Shadow Ball, Sludge Wave

Focus Blast, Substitution






Dark Pulse, Giga Drain

Sucker Punch, Spikes




Black Sludge


Brave Bird, Toxic, Taunt, Roost


The Undertaker is adept with Pokemon who are mentally unstable. His craziness seems to complement their's and together him and his team become a ruthless killing machine.

Tactical Overview:

As far as tactics go The Undertaker only beliefs in one thing; leave nothing breathing. Do what ever it takes to be the one on top even if it involves sacrifice.


The shadow of the Undertaker creeps across your floor.

Go lock up all your children and paint blood upon your door.

These hills are filled with whispers of a man all dressed in black.

At the toll of death's knell, he climbs from Hell to drag some poor soul back.

The Bible speaks of angels doing service unto the Lord.

The Undertaker knows no master.

He drinks from any cup poured.

Just as banshees wail their warnings that someone that day will die,

the Undertaker states the same and I'll be goddamned if he tells a lie.

Some falsely say that whippoorwills are the harbingers of death.

It's the Undertaker's murder of crows that'll seize your living breath.

You'll see him riding into town all dressed up like a tomb.

When you see him that eve on the outbound street,

you know some poor soul met their doom.

The Undertaker raises no hand but all fear him just the same.

His presence foretells both blood and death yet he shoulders not the blame.

Like the shadow of the vulture circling blackly overhead,

the Undertaker's drawn to death like a knife is drawn to red.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-12_22-19-21.jpeg.8678c7f18b0bf9e24e396d74aa1636a4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-12_22-19-21.jpeg.8678c7f18b0bf9e24e396d74aa1636a4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Zenith Lackaday

Region of Origin: Sinnoh; Eterna City; In the shadow of the ruins of the old Team Galactic building.

Age: 30

Group: The World Pokemon Federation; Captain #2 "Mr.Reconciliation"

Personality: While nowhere near a "morning" person by any standard, Zenith follows a strict regimen that he's followed nearly all his life. This regimen, unfortunately, causes him to be a bit grumpier than most people would like, but even so, he keeps his wits about him, and is always up to crack a joke, or have a joke cracked at him. Despite this, he still manages to grump out a tad, even while he's having a good time. He supposes it's just in his nature. He has a loose set of morals, and sometimes, though it's rare, he seems to revel in the taboo and the illegal. Ever since joining TWPF, his sense of justice had been very, very hardened. To the point where mercy, besides when it's given to those he feels deserve it, is not an option. Overall, he's a realist with a sense of humor, no mercy, and a grump streak a mile long.


This kid is born to a single mother and doesn't have enough money to get a Pokedex and trainer's license, so he has to work in order to get one of them (he chose the license). During work, he was saved by a Gligar that eventually became his first Pokemon and best friend, and they went all around Sinnoh exploring ruins and collecting a total of 5 Badges, along with capturing a Drapion. They joined Team Rocket in the hopes of finding his father, but after that failed, he joined TWPF in order to amend for his screw-ups and try and make his friends not evil.

Zenith was born to a single, working mother, as his father had disappeared on grounds of "work", and had never returned. This has bothered Zenith all his life, as even though he never really knew his father, he still envied the children in Eterna City who had them, and constantly asked his mother where he was. She never responded, and would always get an envious, sad, and empty look in her eyes, and so Zenith learned that asking that question was probably a terrible idea. Instead of wondering where his father was, as a child, Zenith instead found himself in awe of the Fossil Man in Eterna; growing up around a man world-renowned for his adventures in the Underground made Zenith grow to have a deeper appreciation of life's mysteries. As such, as a child growing up in a runic city, he naturally became a more and more naturally curious young man.

By the time he reached the ripe age of eleven, he was ready to go on his adventure; of course, such things weren't meant to be, as his family was too poor to afford sending him halfway across the region to Prof. Rowan's lab, so instead, in order to pay for the trip, he took up a paper route between Eterna and Oreburgh. However, one evening, after a particularly tiring route and a downpour earlier that day, he was heading back up to Eterna, when his bike hit a wet patch that'd iced over with the crisp night air. Crying out, he plummeted off of the road, and in his horror and fear, cried out for help as he careened towards the hard, rocky ground below.

Thankfully, his cries were answered. A small Pokemon, which had come out in the night to hunt, heard his screams, and though it was a predator, felt a connection to his fear, as there was once a time where it too feared the fall that came with one's mistakes. So, sweeping out of the night, Gligar came to his rescue. It swept him up, and together, they glided to safety. From there, they stayed together throughout the night, becoming more accustomed to one another. There wasn't enough chemistry to say they were really friends, but they certainly liked one another. However, as morning came, Zenith had to go. However, he wasn't going to forget that Gligar that saved his life. So, he named it Zacharai, after his father- as the Gligar had done what he imagined dads do for their kids: protected him. From there, he returned home.

Five years later, after saving up enough cash to have his own official trainer's license delivered to him from Rowan's lab, he and Zacharai met up once more, this time, long-time friends having a much needed reunion. Not one to give up, he made Zenith chase him for hours, until he finally caught him. From there, they became even better travel buddies, traveling the Sinnoh Region, and hunting for ruins. They first visited Oreburgh, both to show off their being Trainer and 'Mon, and to take on Roark (after exploring the nearby caves). They had a hard-won victory, but it was a victory no less. They re-visted Eterna, but when they tried to take on Gardenia, they were defeated handily. Deciding to return at a later date, he left to explore some more.

Eventually finding himself in Hearthome, after failing to make it to Spear Pillar, he took on Fantina, and won, despite her powerful Mismagius. It was a mix of luck and careful planning, as being used to hardship, Zenith had the right mindset to keep planning ahead, and to come out on top. From there, he spent a long, long time in Solaceon, both exploring its Ruins, and investigating the Spirit Tower nearby. Many times, he wondered if his father was buried here, but if he was, Zenith never found the headstone. Time passed, and Zenith found himself in Pastoria, exploring the Marsh to see if the Galactic Bomb from some time ago had uncovered any ancient ruins, which, of course, is where he found Laiper, who was a pain to catch, but was worth it. After all, who would turn down a Drapion? It was thanks to this Drapion that he was able to take on Crasher Wake and win, before winning Veilstone's Badge comparatively easy. Despite the lore behind the meteors in and around Veilstone, he didn't stay long, and instead returned to Eterna to take on Gardenia.

He would've earned more than five badges, but it was at this point his connections to Team Rocket began. He was recruited in the Celestic Town ruins after he defeated a Grunt easily in battle, and was offered a position as a Grunt. Now, normally, Zenith would never stoop so low, his pride would never let him do so (also, despite his losses, in his youth, Zenith was quite the braggart). However, under the guise that perhaps, perhaps, he could find his father and re-unite his family, he decided to join.

Having refused to talk about his past during the times he was a Rocket, out of a mix of shame and guilt, not much besides the fact he was as big a braggart there as he was outside of it and the fact he was once an Executive of high order, is known. What is known is that in this time, he grew to revere Giovanni, and see him as the father he never had, even if the things he did and executed were horrible. His death destroyed him, for a time, but during imprisonment, and time away from his Pokemon, he had a change of heart, and returned to his old way of viewing the world. Eventually, due to his knowledge of Team Rocket, and how they work, he was allowed a position into the TWPF, and like with Team Rocket, worked his way up to becoming a high ranking official. Now, he is not only hunting for his father, but also, his friends. Not to harm either, but instead, try to bring them all back. He's grown more optimistic in his time outside of Team Rocket, and with the belief that all people can change (after all, he himself did), he plans on making Team Rocket come forth peacefully.


GLISCOR - (M) - Zacharai - Not Shiny - Aerial Ace, Earthquake, U-Turn, Guillotine - It was his first Pokemon, having captured it outside of Eterna City, below the Biking Route and by Gible Cave. His Ace.

DRAPION - (F) - Laiper - Not Shiny - Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Poison Fang - His second Pokemon, caught while he was in Pastoria City, investigating the aftermath of the Galactic Bomb. His Back-up.

WEEZING - (M) - Petrol - Not Shiny - Smog, Explosion, Venomshock, Toxic - His third Pokemon, which was given to him as a Koffing when he joined Team Rocket. By evolving it, along with his Gligar, he was shown to be an incredibly powerful Trainer. His Lead.

HIPPOWDON - (F) - Solga - Not Shiny - Sandstorm, Slack Off, Yawn, Earth Power - His fourth and final Pokemon, caught while investigating Sinnoh's Solaceon Ruins, searching for the Unknown's potential to make the already incredibly powerful Team Rocket even more powerful. His Situational.

??? FOSSIL - (N/A) - N/A - Not Shiny - N/A - Discovered in the Mt. Pyre ruins within the mountain itself. Supposedly some kind of key to a set of doors. However, after using the other fossil to open the Gate, it's now but a stone waiting to be reborn as a Pokemon. An odd, malevolent power emanates from it, and simply holding makes Zenith feel very, very anxious...

Specialty: Scorpion-like Pokemon, along with ones that might share their attributes. (Being poisonous and extremely resilient/loving the desert.)

Tactical Overview: Being as he is, regimens control Zenith's life. He follows them to a "T", so if one knows him well, they know how to counter his (usually) predictable style of battle, which is lead with Petrol to weaken his opponent's Pokemon, and if the going gets rough, make the thing go BOOM! and hope for the best. From there, he usually lets Zacharai smash his opponent to dust. However, with the capture of Solga, he's switched up his style a tad, and every now and again, he slaps her in, just to throw off familiar opponents. Either way, depending on the Pokemon, it's either stall-burn, or full-out offense. Like the desert wind, he's very sporadic.

Dream: To bring his old Team Rocket allies from darkness and into the light of justice, as he respected them quite a bit while he was a part of their organization. If he can do that, then he can die happily.

Other: Themes? He has three. His main/general theme, his battle theme, and his dramatic theme.

Main Theme: Melancholy of Apex - "Battle! Zinnia" Remix by Mewmore (Pokemon OM/AS OST)

Battle! Theme: Battle! Zenith / A Staggered Battle - Team Rocket Admin Theme (utuber6061; Fanmade Theme)

Dramatic Theme: CLIMAX / "No time to lose!" - Lorekeeper Zinna Battle Music (Pokeli Remix/Mashup)
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Name Blair McCarthy

Region of Origin, Sinnoh

Age: 30

Group: Rocket, Project S.I.L.E.N.C.E

Personality: Cold and ruthless, Blair enjoys toying with her enemies before finishing them off. Nothing brings her joy like breaking those that have been put under her 'care.' The stronger they start, the more satisfying the end result.

Biography: Born and raised within the organization, Blair was no stranger to the inner workings of Rocket. The life of a Rocket member is really all she's ever known. Having known her prior to his rise in power, Giovanni knew about her talent for breaking even the most stubborn of subject. When the war finally began Blair was placed in charge of Rocket's interrogation corps.

As the years went on, various projects were started to help gain an upper hand over the Allied Armies. Blair had been given command over project SILENCE. Their main objective was to turn even the most stubborn being -human or pokemon- into a loyal follower. Many would consider their greatest success the capture and subjugation of Mewtwo, the legendary pokemon that soon became responsible for the death of two Kings. Blair, however, say their new loyal followers are a greater success. These former POWs would even end their own lives if she asked of it now. To transform some of the Allied Army's feared members into loyal pets . . . that was their greatest achievement.

Over the years, Blair's come across only two people who could look her in the eye without fear. The infamous Demon King and the mastermind of Rocket. One she'd follow until the end of time, the other . . . to break and turn that one, that would spell the end for the Allied Nations.


Specialty Interrogation

Tactical Overview: Toy with and shatter her opponent's spirit before killing them.
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Shade Form:

Human Form:

Name: Nyx Shade

Region of Origin: ??

Age: ??

Group: Rogue (Project N.I.G.H.T.)

Personality: Quiet and reserved. He appears withdrawn, and is almost eternally stoic. He seems slow and methodical, whilst being quick at the same time. Mischievous and intelligent to a scary level. All of these qualities could make a wonderful hero... or a horrifying villain. I might add he's also completely insane.

Biography: Nyx doesn't remember anything from before the incident. He'd been a scientist for Team Rocket. It was unwilling, he remembered that much. He'd worked on some projects here or there... a Project S.W.A.R.M, he thought he remembered the name. He also recognized a name... Project S.I.L.E.N.C.E. He knew it was the reason why he worked at Team Rocket, though what caused that and how it related he wasn't sure. He just knew he didn't enjoy his job.

There's only one part of his life he remembers vividly before his reawakening. He remembered he was against Project S.I.L.E.N.C.E. Whatever it had done that forced him to work for Team Rocket was failing. They noticed this. Some Rocket members had approached him, said they'd need him to work on a new project: Project N.I.G.H.T. He very reluctantly agreed, and they held a gun up to his head and fired.

He doesn't remember anything himself, but he'd later learn what had happened in between. He'd survived, in very critical condition. This is what they'd wanted. Evidently, Rocket was looking for a way to raise the dead. That was their initial goal, anyway, though it changed multiple times throughout the course of the experiments. They tried a multitude of options, the specific experiments being unimportant, but what DID matter is when, after remembering the success of Project S.W.A.R.M, they decided to attempt fusing dying or dead humans with ghost pokemon. For the most part, it failed. However, Nyx was, for one reason or another, a success. He was fused with a Ghastly and reawokened. Their spirits were intermingled, living as one in the same body.

Nyx hated it.

He'd gotten strange and wonderful powers, but the prescience of another in his soul was unbearable. He couldn't stand it. So, he did the logical thing. He simply killed it.

When the Team Rocket scientists saw that he had found a way to kill even that which was intermingled in his own soul, that he'd found a way to essentially kill the dead, they realized the mistake they had made. This was a creature who's power... well, they couldn't guess. Its powers were mysterious, and it was uncooperative. It HATED Team Rocket. So, after a few scientists died attempting to egg him on, they gave up on the project and left him contained. When the WPF broke in, however, the containment field was broken, allowing him to escape unnoticed by anyone.

There have been a strange series of deaths ever since the war ended. Its difficult to describe what links them though. Some victims died with their throat being slit, or... well, some victims they don't even know HOW they died. Others were brutally mutilated. The only thing they have in common is that all of the perpetrators left without a trace. They couldn't find the killer, no one knows who it was to this very day.

Well... Nyx knows.

Pokemon: Gengar, Chandelure, Drifblim, Trevenant, Spiritomb, Aegislash

Specialty: Ghost Pokemon

Tactical Overview: Strike methodically and brutally.

Powers: Nyx is capable of becoming incorporeal. He can fly, walk through walls, people, et cetera. He is also in touch with the spirit world. He can see and hear the dead, and travel to the spirit world. Perhaps his most terrifying ability, as no one understands it, is that he can even kill the dead. Finally, he can perform certain ghost type moves as if he were a pokemon.

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I don't recall ever calling myself a hero...



Genesis Xalhyme

Region of Origin





The Unaffiliated

Personality & History


Silent and perceiving, Genesis is the type of person who watches in the sidelines with the urge of pulling the strings. He is slightly rude to others, irritating them until they decide to battle only if he wants to train.

His kindness towards Pokemon is normal as he treats them as partners instead of pets or war machines. All of his Pokemon bounded with him for a long time, he treats them all as unique and can identify them anywhere.

Genesis hates to talk to anyone he hasn't befriended yet. He understands and sympathizes with others when he knows the person he is talking to. During rough times where he is at a disadvantage or in danger, he may call out for help aggressively. Inside, he is in pain of being alone and being left alone, wherein he just wants someone to be his friend.

A unique feature of Genesis is that he can see Aura. It's still quite unknown to him to why he is able to see it but he still knows what it is.


It was a clear day in Sinnoh, birds were flying, people were having fun. In this strangely happy day, Genesis woke up in a place he didn't recognize. His memory was completely wiped, however he knew about this world entirely. The origin of this knowledge is unknown to him. As he searched his supposedly backpack, he found a Pokedex that seemed to be Professor Rowan's possession alongside six other pokeballs, one containing a Ralts.

His trip was short as the lab was quite near. When he confronted the professor, he found out that he himself visited him and introduced his name and occupation. Genesis couldn't recall these events but accepted the situation that he is in. He explained it to the professor, and he reacted by showing him how to capture and battle a Pokemon. It was at least a week when Genesis finally decided to leave the town in order to restore his own memories.

In his trip, he successfully captured 3 more Pokemons. A Mareep, Gible and a Larvitar. Within this trip, he gained the information of Gym Leaders, powerful trainers that give badges to whomever defeat them as a sign of recognition. Hearing this, a certain feeling burnt inside him. He wanted to defeat them, it was sudden but it seemed to have been related to past events or even his memories. He began to form a plan, by becoming the strongest trainer alive, his own memories may be restored and he might unlock his own past.

After this, he defeated every trainer that came in his way, capturing a two Pokemon during this venture. Sableye and a Houndour. During his first match against the rock-type gym leader, he was overwhelmed by their Pokemon. It was a surprise, he thought he could easily conquer gym leaders but he forget two things; Training and the trust of his own Pokemon. This failure first led to anger but soon, realization. He decided to bond with his Pokemon for at least a month, they all grew to like and trust each other, some even evolved.

With the training and bonding that they did, Genesis defeated the first gym leader. A long time afterwards, he defeated the others as well, learning a lot of things in his journey. He evolved most of his Pokemon to their final forms, gained a mysterious egg and also received Mega Stones corresponding to his Pokemon's species. The Elite Four and the Champion were the only ones he needed to fight.

However, one day. Whilst he was walking up Spear Pillar, a trainer approached him aggressively. It was something he experienced a few times, he wasn't afraid of an angry attacker, sending out his Pokemon to counter his enemies' own. But, something strange happened. All of his Pokemon didn't listen to Genesis' commands and only followed the enemy, perhaps it was a powerful psychic type controlling them which is why only his Gallade was able to follow Genesis. Once he realized that all of his Pokemon are turning against him, he quickly tried to escape, not because he was a coward but because he had no other choice. He ordered his Gallade to teleport them out as a final measure before his team could finish them both off, as a result of this he also accidentally dropped all of his Pokeballs.

It was a clear day, just like in Sinnoh when Genesis and Gallade woke up in Lilycove. Unlike last time, he retained all of his memories. He couldn't store Gallade into a Pokeball because he dropped it in Sinnoh, even though, he also deduced that the attacker took his own Pokeballs. But, they weren't alone, the mysterious egg hatched into a Pichu. Confused and slightly angered, he decided to stay in Hoenn for a bit. There's a small chance that the attacker may be here... Maybe...

Pokemon Specific


Pokemon capable of Mega Evolution

Tactical Overview

Genesis first tries to identify the stats of the opponent and their moves. He avoids attacking at the beginning, waiting until the opponent attacks. As his Pokemon tries to delay the opponent's Pokemon, he will identify the weak points of the enemy and exploit them until he is defeated or he wins. He may also use the surroundings as both offense and defense such as giant rocks, tiny puddles and more.


To become the strongest trainer in the world and restore his memories.



Teleport | Psycho Cut

Leaf Blade | Protect


Thunder Wave | Volt Tackle

Sableye (Unavailable)

Shadow Sneak | Fake Out

Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball

Garchomp (Unavailable)

Earthquake | Dragon Claw

Crunch | Slash

Tyranitar (Unavailable)

Rock Slide | Dark Pulse

Hyper Beam | Roar

Houndoom (Unavailable)

Fire Blast | Nasty Plot

Giga Impact | Double Team

Ampharos (Unavailable)

Thunder | Rain Dance

Confuse Ray | Thunder Punch


Relevant Things


Grunt E

Region of Origin





Team Rocket (Grunt)


(Side Character)

OtheR Things


A person who loves to take orders from people above his own rank. He likes to steal things from others, ending up in terrible situations because of his inexperience with thieving. Just like any other grunt, his mouth kind of gives it all away, spouting out secrets concerning the organization by accident. Grunt E is also a bit lazy.


(He is a side character who I do not care for unless I magically encounter him. So uh, have this fun bio instead.)

Just like any other grunt, he was once a part of the notorious Rocket Gang, or just Team Rocket. Grunt was very hardworking, stealing Pokemon with the Pokemon he was given. He was first promoted to D-rank... Then C-rank... And eventually, he was next in line for becoming Team Rocket's new admin! But then one day, he was struck with bad luck.

The Pokemon that he mainly uses whilst stealing Pokemon and combating others died. It was unknown to him why, but the fall of this one Pokemon led to him also falling down the ranks. It wasn't too long until he fell back to his original E-rank. Other members spited him, and the people above him treat him like dirt for being such an idiot.

In order to go back to the top, he thought that he could get another Pokemon to fight alongside him. This led to his travel to Sinnoh. Whilst journeying along the sides, three Beheyeem took interest on him. They followed him secretly, watched as he was caught stealing, sent to prison for a small time and a few more failures.

By the time he knew it, he got to a place called "Spear Pillar". It was quite an interesting place, Grunt heard that some legendary Pokemon lives there. But what he found was something more interesting, a kid who seemed to have a tough crew of Pokemons. It was his chance, he immediately charged at him, but instead of jumping him, the three Beheyeem decided to stop this chain of unluckiness. They attacked the kid's Pokemon, used their abilities to mess with their memories and mind, and ended up making them attack their own master. The boy escaped, but the five Pokemon were left behind.

This was his big day to shine! He took the Pokeballs from the floor and recaptured the 5 Pokemon. Grunt also took the Beheyeems, they complied to him and decided to join his squad. After getting news from another grunt about a secret plan happening in Hoenn, Grunt decided to be in the center of the spotlight once more.

Pokemon Related



Tactical Overview

Grunt E is quite aggressive, ordering his Pokemon to only use moves that damage the opponent. Unfit for a trainer, I say.


To conquer the world?



Confusion | Synchronoise

Psychic | Pain Split


Confusion | Synchronoise

Psybeam | Recover


Confusion | Synchronoise

Psybeam | Recover

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Eddie Simmons

Region of Origin:



Turned 15 not too long ago




Eddie is...diffrent. He takes his job as a poketuber very seriously, not hesitating to defend his fans or team if necessary. He loves to make people laugh and hates seeing people sad or upset, which is the reason why he is spontaneous and hyperactive, believing that it makes anyone laugh.

He's also childish, being as naive as a toddler sometimes and would do the most dumbest things if he deems it (and he always does) necessary. Long story short, he is kind, outgoing, random, and devoted to his job, making him the perfect role model...to some.


Eddie was always a lonely child back then, always inside the house due to his mother's distrust of the outside world, leaving him with no friends or human contact besides his mom. At the age of nine, his mom had bought him his own PC in order to give him something to do with his time, leading him to not only discover pokemon and pokemon trainers, but a very special group of them who vlog their daily lives as trainers...a poketuber.

Amazed by all the adventures and friends they made throughout their journey, he had finally decided to ask his mom if he could become a pokemon trainer, yet she refused, due to outside world influences. It took 5 whole years of begging and pleading before his mother finally thought he was ready. With help from an old friend from her school days, she gave him two pokemon, who immediately fell in love with the boy's kindness and enthusiasm.

It had been one year since she had sent them off, and he's been working to set a name for himself since then. He has took up his long awaited poketuber career and has traveled all around sinnoh, managing to obtain a gym badge and a pokemon he caught all on his own. As a special thanks to his subscribers for reaching 100,000 subscribers, he decides to vlog his time at the festival, not only to meet any fans in the area, but also celebrate with his pokemon.











Conversion, Tackle, Psybeam, Recover





Pound, Uproar, Screech, Echoed Voice


His mother perfers he trains normal and grass types, considering they're the safest.

Tactical Overview:

He's known to think on the fly and encourage his pokemon to do their best.


To become the best poketuber he can be!
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I don't recall ever calling myself a hero...



Genesis Xalhyme

Region of Origin





The Unaffiliated

Personality & History


Silent and perceiving, Genesis is the type of person who watches in the sidelines with the urge of pulling the strings. He is slightly rude to others, irritating them until they decide to battle only if he wants to train.

His kindness towards Pokemon is normal as he treats them as partners instead of pets or war machines. All of his Pokemon bounded with him for a long time, he treats them all as unique and can identify them anywhere.

Genesis hates to talk to anyone he hasn't befriended yet. He understands and sympathizes with others when he knows the person he is talking to. During rough times where he is at a disadvantage or in danger, he may call out for help aggressively. Inside, he is in pain of being alone and being left alone, wherein he just wants someone to be his friend.

A unique feature of Genesis is that he can see Aura. It's still quite unknown to him to why he is able to see it but he still knows what it is.


It was a clear day in Sinnoh, birds were flying, people were having fun. In this strangely happy day, Genesis woke up in a place he didn't recognize. His memory was completely wiped, however he knew about this world entirely. The origin of this knowledge is unknown to him. As he searched his supposedly backpack, he found a Pokedex that seemed to be Professor Rowan's possession alongside six other pokeballs, one containing a Ralts.

His trip was short as the lab was quite near. When he confronted the professor, he found out that he himself visited him and introduced his name and occupation. Genesis couldn't recall these events but accepted the situation that he is in. He explained it to the professor, and he reacted by showing him how to capture and battle a Pokemon. It was at least a week when Genesis finally decided to leave the town in order to restore his own memories.

In his trip, he successfully captured 3 more Pokemons. A Mareep, Gible and a Larvitar. Within this trip, he gained the information of Gym Leaders, powerful trainers that give badges to whomever defeat them as a sign of recognition. Hearing this, a certain feeling burnt inside him. He wanted to defeat them, it was sudden but it seemed to have been related to past events or even his memories. He began to form a plan, by becoming the strongest trainer alive, his own memories may be restored and he might unlock his own past.

After this, he defeated every trainer that came in his way, capturing a two Pokemon during this venture. Sableye and a Houndour. During his first match against the rock-type gym leader, he was overwhelmed by their Pokemon. It was a surprise, he thought he could easily conquer gym leaders but he forget two things; Training and the trust of his own Pokemon. This failure first led to anger but soon, realization. He decided to bond with his Pokemon for at least a month, they all grew to like and trust each other, some even evolved.

With the training and bonding that they did, Genesis defeated the first gym leader. A long time afterwards, he defeated the others as well, learning a lot of things in his journey. He evolved most of his Pokemon to their final forms, gained a mysterious egg and also received Mega Stones corresponding to his Pokemon's species. The Elite Four and the Champion were the only ones he needed to fight.

However, one day. Whilst he was walking up Spear Pillar, a trainer approached him aggressively. It was something he experienced a few times, he wasn't afraid of an angry attacker, sending out his Pokemon to counter his enemies' own. But, something strange happened. All of his Pokemon didn't listen to Genesis' commands and only followed the enemy, perhaps it was a powerful psychic type controlling them which is why only his Gallade was able to follow Genesis. Once he realized that all of his Pokemon are turning against him, he quickly tried to escape, not because he was a coward but because he had no other choice. He ordered his Gallade to teleport them out as a final measure before his team could finish them both off, as a result of this he also accidentally dropped all of his Pokeballs.

It was a clear day, just like in Sinnoh when Genesis and Gallade woke up in Lilycove. Unlike last time, he retained all of his memories. He couldn't store Gallade into a Pokeball because he dropped it in Sinnoh, even though, he also deduced that the attacker took his own Pokeballs. But, they weren't alone, the mysterious egg hatched into a Pichu. Confused and slightly angered, he decided to stay in Hoenn for a bit. There's a small chance that the attacker may be here... Maybe...

Pokemon Specific


Mega Evolution

Tactical Overview

Genesis first tries to identify the stats of the opponent and their moves. He avoids attacking at the beginning, waiting until the opponent attacks. As his Pokemon tries to delay the opponent's Pokemon, he will identify the weak points of the enemy and exploit them until he is defeated or he wins. He may also use the surroundings as both offense and defense such as giant rocks, tiny puddles and more.

Having Mega Stones that corresponds to all of his Pokemon, he has the ability to mega evolve all of them. However, since he can only use it on a single Pokemon, he uses it differently against different opponents.


To become the strongest trainer in the world and restore his memories.



Teleport | Psycho Cut

Leaf Blade | Protect


Thunder Wave | Volt Tackle

Sableye (Unavailable)

Shadow Sneak | Fake Out

Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball

Garchomp (Unavailable)

Earthquake | Dragon Claw

Crunch | Slash

Tyranitar (Unavailable)

Rock Slide | Dark Pulse

Hyper Beam | Roar

Houndoom (Unavailable)

Fire Blast | Nasty Plot

Giga Impact | Double Team

Ampharos (Unavailable)

Thunder | Rain Dance

Confuse Ray | Thunder Punch


Relevant Things


Grunt E

Region of Origin





Team Rocket (Grunt)


(Side Character)

OtheR Things


A person who loves to take orders from people above his own rank. He likes to steal things from others, ending up in terrible situations because of his inexperience with thieving. Just like any other grunt, his mouth kind of gives it all away, spouting out secrets concerning the organization by accident. Grunt E is also a bit lazy.


(He is a side character who I do not care for unless I magically encounter him. So uh, have this fun bio instead.)

Just like any other grunt, he was once a part of the notorious Rocket Gang, or just Team Rocket. Grunt was very hardworking, stealing Pokemon with the Pokemon he was given. He was first promoted to D-rank... Then C-rank... And eventually, he was next in line for becoming Team Rocket's new admin! But then one day, he was struck with bad luck.

The Pokemon that he mainly uses whilst stealing Pokemon and combating others died. It was unknown to him why, but the fall of this one Pokemon led to him also falling down the ranks. It wasn't too long until he fell back to his original E-rank. Other members spited him, and the people above him treat him like dirt for being such an idiot.

In order to go back to the top, he thought that he could get another Pokemon to fight alongside him. This led to his travel to Sinnoh. Whilst journeying along the sides, three Beheyeem took interest on him. They followed him secretly, watched as he was caught stealing, sent to prison for a small time and a few more failures.

By the time he knew it, he got to a place called "Spear Pillar". It was quite an interesting place, Grunt heard that some legendary Pokemon lives there. But what he found was something more interesting, a kid who seemed to have a tough crew of Pokemons. It was his chance, he immediately charged at him, but instead of jumping him, the three Beheyeem decided to stop this chain of unluckiness. They attacked the kid's Pokemon, used their abilities to mess with their memories and mind, and ended up making them attack their own master. The boy escaped, but the five Pokemon were left behind.

This was his big day to shine! He took the Pokeballs from the floor and recaptured the 5 Pokemon. Grunt also took the Beheyeems, they complied to him and decided to join his squad. After getting news from another grunt about a secret plan happening in Hoenn, Grunt decided to be in the center of the spotlight once more.

Pokemon Related



Tactical Overview

Grunt E is quite aggressive, ordering his Pokemon to only use moves that damage the opponent. Unfit for a trainer, I say.


To conquer the world?



Confusion | Synchronoise

Psychic | Pain Split


Confusion | Synchronoise

Psybeam | Recover


Confusion | Synchronoise

Psybeam | Recover

I like both characters but just a heads up you can't have a mega yet. I found that out the hard way. Only champions and the war hero's can have megas from the get go.

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