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Fandom Chaos in Hoenn


Alright, I'm going to write a few basic rules for characters here, and then post both the character list and character sheet. Any type of character is feasible, as is any non-legendary pokemon. This means you can play as a gym leader, a brand new trainer, or even the champion of a region, or a person of equivalent power and skill in the WPF or Team Rocket, such as an admin or a grunt. Likewise, with this world being darker and grittier than Ash Ketchum's cheery adventures, even character's not affiliated with Rocket can be evil, or a Rocket grunt could actually be a good-hearted person forced into slavery as a prisoner of war.

There are no real levels to the pokemon, per se, in this rp. Instead, the amount of badges, or the status of elite-four or champion, or the equivalent with WPF or Rocket, will give the general power level of the pokemon. I will allow some flexibility with trainers who aren't in the four or the champions, but be reasonable. A trainer with only one badge isn't going to have six pokemon who are all fully evolved, he/she/it would be lucky to have six pokemon period (those who've played the games know how true that statement is, especially if you're picky about team pokemon, like myself). Same goes for pokemon moves. A trainer who just got their second badge isn't going to have a fully evolved Blastoise who knows Hydro Pump.

Furthermore, they can be from any region, be any age over 13, and can have pokemon from any region, again, as long as they aren't legendary and are reasonable for the trainer's relative skill level. Likewise, they can have badges from a different nation, and can be from any nation as well, and are just in Hoenn for various reasons.

What this all boils down to is be your own worst enemy. I reward good writing and thought out debate, not petty arguments and poor proofreading. If you need to convince yourself that something's allowed, it's most likely not. And like any good GM, I'm always willing to render final, fair judgement. With all that said, have fun with your characters.

Also, before starting your characters, read my rules, please. I'm picky about my rules. It's all basic stuff, as well as personal things that I use to keep my threads tidy.

- - - - -

There are four groups to this RP. They are; The Unaffiliated, The Pokemon League, The World Pokemon Federation, and Team Rocket. Each of these groups is treated differently by NPCs and the other groups, as well as having the obvious benefits of each group. Also, please note that some of these lists are non-exhaustive, at least to an extent. I'm not going to put every slot for every elite four member in the world here, at least not until all of them are taken up. Some are, however. There will only be six champions max, only one director of the WPF, and only two Rocket Admins left. Team Rocket will only start with up to eight members, but they could gain more as the RP goes on.

Questions? Answers.

The Unaffiliated

The Unaffiliated are trainers who aren't part of anything larger, at least not yet. Whether a rookie trainer leaving home for the first time on his pokemon adventure, or an Ace Trainer out getting his final badge before challenging the pokemon league, Unaffiliated are just out to see the world, and fulfill their goals, with little to no other responsibilities

- Zak Wayne @SpicyLickiTounge

The Pokemon League

The gym leaders, elite four, and champions of the various regions. For whatever reasons, they decided to close their gyms or shut the Victory Road doors to travel to Hoenn, and now are part of the adventure that's about to unfold


- Champion of Sinnoh, Alaric Mikkel Laverne @Halohbottech


Deputies (Unlimited)





Team Rocket

Team Rocket, the perpetrators of the war and once the most feared and hated people on the planet, now a underground gang of the last remaining eight members. They seek nothing but revenge against the WPF, as well as a resurgence as the world's leader in fear.


- Iudyr Belarose @Throne Trinity


- Fuga Adachi @DialgaMatthewa

- Adalia Kappel @Bum Bear


- Blair McCarthy, Project SILENCE @KageYuuki

- Nyx Shade, Project NIGHT @Assailant

Grunt (Unlimited)



- - - - -

Character Sheet Template

Feel free to use what colors, codings, or font you desire, as long as it isn't impossible to read. Just touch on all the bullet points I have listed.

(Appearance. Anime Pic here, please.)


Region of Origin




Biography (i would like a few paragraphs here please)


Specialty (Fire pokemon? Dog shaped ones? A fair balance?)

Tactical Overview (A brief, one sentence description of your style)

Dream (optional)
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Name - Alaric Laverne the Bloody

Region of Origin - Hoenn

Age - 22

Group - Pokemon League, Champion of Sinnoh

World Pokémon Federation, Captain (Former)

The Five Kings, The Red King

Personality - Alaric was a happy child, always full of energy and wonder, so full of hope and ideas. And then the war came, and tore that all away from him.his experiences twisted him, scarred him, and destroyed the heart and spirit of this innocent boy.

Now he's hard. Twisted. Some might call him mad. Some call him a monster. But hey, one does not earn the title of "The Bloody" by volunteering at homeless shelters and helping old ladies across the street. Alaric is a soldier, a warrior, a machine forged in fire and death for one purpose. Battle. War. Chaos and Carnage.

He revels in battle, always seeking true tests of his strength. He shows no mercy on anyone who decides to partake in the violent fruits of pokemon battle. Noob trainer or champion, he will do his utmost to utterly smash them.

It should also be noted that his experiences in war have drained him of most, if not all, empathy for other people, although some humanity does show through when people share some similar war experiences. Due to this, even though he's not exactly friendly, he does show some decency to other victims and veterans of the war. This does not apply to rocket, however, and Alaric would as soon smile at them as he would slit their throats.

Biography - As a child, Alaric grew up on the fringes of war. While it had not started until he was eight, rumors, rumblings, and the constant in and out of his father, World Champion and Field General Artemis Doucard, gave that boy that dream of being a soldier, fighting alongside his father. Constantly told he needed to be much more powerful to even be considered, Alaric left home secretly. Armed with nothing but his pet Torchic and an egg, Alaric started his journey to mastery at the tender age of ten, in a war torn Sinnoh (as a soldier's child, home was everywhere).

Hampered constantly by war and destruction, it took Artemis five long years to gather the eight badges and reach the pokemon league. Along the way, further slowing him down, was his behind the scenes aiding of the war effort. But finally, finally, he was strong enough, in his overpowered father's eyes, to join the war effort.

And that's where it all went to hell for the still mostly childish dreamer, head full of heroic ideas of battle and glory. How wrong he was. Put into the front lines by his father, who hoped the boy would learn a lesson and leave for the safety of home, Alaric learned firsthand the truth of his childhood dreams. There was no glory. There was no honor or heroism. Just a desperate struggle not the be on the list of the dead at the end of each battle. This somehow earned Alaric many accolades and a bit of a legend as a soldier, but Alaric just wanted to live. Alaric just wanted to go home. But the war had escalated, and he was in far too deep to just retire.

After the longest, hardest year of his life, Alaric was allowed to go home. The war was over. Team Rocket had lost, but so had everybody else, himself included. He returned to a broken home, his father and sister erased from this life as casualties of war. His mother wasted away and passed on shortly afterwards, leaving the traumatized teenager alone once again.

In a last ditch attempt to save his haunted mind, Alaric sold his inherited possessions and left Hoenn. For almost two years he wandered, living a hermit-esque lifestyle, aimless and alone. Eventually his blaziken, Lodern, decided enough was enough, and convinced (just a bit violently) him to get his ass in gear. With his previous experience, Alaric enlisted in the WPF, and rose quickly through the ranks, ending at captain before his personality got him a dishonorable discharge.

Why he did what he did next, he wasn't entirely certain, but the road to adventure called him once more, and off he went, taking on the Sinnoh league before being crowned champion. And for the last two years, he has remained undefeated, brutally squashing any competition that manages to get through his assembled Elite Four.


Lodern the Blaziken

Vecna the Spiritomb

Aphrodite the Gardevoir

Eisen the Aggron

Regen the Swampert

Bahamut the Dragonite

Specialty - Dual Type

Tactical Overview - Relentless, ruthless and occasionally reckless assault, giving his foes little room to breathe, while keeping all of his bases covered. Artemis and his pokemon have learned to use and shape any battlefield, as well as a wide array of physical, special, and status moves, to create and respond to an incredible variety of situations.

Dream - Alaric just wants to regain some of his lost humanity, and to find and kill Giovanni.​
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Name - Fuga Adachi

Region of Origin - Sinnoh.

Age - 21

Group - Team Rocket (Executive)

Personality - Fuga is definitely what you would call a cold-hearted lady. Due to her brutal past, she isn't exactly the one to show mercy, as she likes to trade that in for all out brutality instead. She doesn't let emotions get in the way of her job, as she will have no issue ruining herself mentally just to get her job done. However, this is all a façade. As deep down inside, Fuga's intentions are actually good, but she shows them in the wrong ways.

Biography -

Fuga was born in Hearthome City. She was raised by her grandparents because her parents were a toxic duo. Often fighting and yelling at each other. In school, Fuga never fit in. She was always considered the quiet one who didn't express much emotion. She didn't have many friends, and often spent her free-time wandering around the city by herself. She was often targeted by the school bullies.

She took an interest in Pokémon at the age of 12. She encountered a Misdreavus in the woods. The Misdreavus was a sad, lonely outcast. Just like Fuga. She quickly befriended the ghost Pokémon and took her home. Her grandmother was reluctant at first. But she let her keep the Misdreavus.

As Fuga got older, the bullying got worse and worse. She was shoved into lockers, beaten up, called names, and more. It got to the point where her teachers even joined in on the bullying. This was all too much for Fuga. Once she graduated school, she ran away from Hearthome City with her Misdreavus, after saying goodbye to her grandma, and never looked back.

Eventually, she heard about Team Rocket. An organization that has a main goal of uniting the world in fear. Wanting to be in control, she joined Team Rocket. She grew in the ranks and eventually became an executive for them. While she is happy with where she is right now. She wonders if what she is doing will help her in the long run.

Pokémon -







Specialty - Mysterious/Mystical Pokémon

Tactical Overview - Fuga likes to confuse the opponent. While the opponent is trying to figure out what is happening. Fuga takes it as an opportunity to strike and take out said opponent.

Dream - To have a higher power in society, and become one of the best trainers known to mankind.
Name: Zak Wayne.

Age: 16

Origin Region: Kalos

Group: Unaffiliated

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/carter_and_van_by_zoidsfan507-d4ko6r3-1.png.39f4d4240133a07c126714d1a0669933.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117164" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/carter_and_van_by_zoidsfan507-d4ko6r3-1.png.39f4d4240133a07c126714d1a0669933.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Zak is good company to have around. He's always making the most out of the day, whether it's training, battling, exploring, or sleeping, Zak is always up for it. A smile is always on Zak's face, though he does get irritated, annoyed, and impatient very quickly. But despite this, as quickly as he gets upset, he gets over it, especially if donuts are involved. Zak is a bit easily distracted, if he sees a cave, a rustling bush, or a hidden trail, he will go off to explore, even if he was in the middle of a conversation. This leads him to get lost and/or chased by territorial pokemon. He also has scars all over his body, some from rough housing with his father's pokemon, and some from when he gets bad luck exploring. He will completely shut down though, if you mention his mother. Normally, he would quickly change the subject, but enough probing and he will shut you out and will want to be left alone. If he does get close enough, he'll tell you his family nickname and allow you to call him by that. To Zak, it's the ultimate sign of friendship, as the nickname means a lot to him.

Bio: Zak was originally born in Kalos and lived their till he was 7. His parents were members of the Elite Four, but retired quickly when Zak's mother became pregnant with him and then the war started. They moved to Dendenmille city and raised their newborn as far away as possible from the battle. Their life was peaceful, Zak learned about training and battling pokemon earlier than most kids, but at the age of 6, Zak's mother walked out on her family. She left without a word, and left nothing but her Charizard behind, her oldest pokemon not knowing why she left. Zak's father took the hardest blow, so Zak didn't enroll in trainer school or even thought about going on a journey, he had to grow up fast to take care of his father. They later moved to Petalburg City in Hoenn as soon as it was safe to travel, despite the war still going on.

When Zak turned 10, the war finally ended, and his father worked out of his depression. Zak continued to stay home, he was too worried for his father's health to leave. But after many years of debating with his father, and a surprise egg as a 16th birthday gift from his mother's former Charizard, Zak decided to register as a trainer. After receiving his pokedex and starter pokemon from the Professor in Little Root Town, Zak sent off on his journey.

Specialty: Nothing. If Zak see's a pokemon he likes, he goes for it.

Tactical View: Zak doesn't have a specific way of fighting, but he always leans towards offense. He rarely uses status moves or thinks of an strategy.

Dream: Zak didn't have a goal at first, but now he wants to see if he can surpass his parents and become champion. He secretly hopes he will run into his mother.

Pokemon: Ash (Male Charizard), Galahad (Male Chesnaught), Bolt (Male Minun), Saphire (Female Horsea)

Badges: Stone, Knuckle, Dynamo, Heat, Balance, Feather.



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Name: Ravyn Cooper

Region of Origin: Kanto

Age: 29

Group: Pokemon League, Champion of Johto

Appearance: Tall with a slender build and fair skin. Ravyn's straight, black hair hangs down to the middle of her back. When the light hits it just right it almost appears blue. Her ears are pierced with simple studs and a silver lip ring decorates her face. She prefers to wear dark jeans and a red tank top with a black jacket. While typically hidden beneath her jacket, a full sleeve tattoo decorates her right arm. Mimicking a traditional Japanese style, it depicts a dragon and ninetailed fox wrapping around her arm.

Thanks to her involvement in the war, large scars mar her chest and back. A scar from a burn takes up most of her right cheek.

Personality: Quiet and reserved, Ravyn's more likely to confide in her pokemon instead of a person. While the events over the past several years may have left her a little more cynical towards the world, it hasn't yet stopped her from lending a helping hand where she can. As a trainer, she cares deeply for her pokemon and they've come to watch out for their trainer in the same way.

Once you get her to warm up to you, you'll find she can be far more sarcastic than she seems. Not to mention a bit of a smartass at times.

Biography: Born intro a renowned family of trainers, Ravyn's far from a stranger to Pokemon. Kurama, a Ninetales who's been with the family for generations now took an unusual interest in her and the two quickly became inseparable. Due to several members of her family becoming gym leaders or even members of Kanto's Elite Four, expectations were quite high for her. Just a mention of her name and a person would think she's going to be on par with members of her family.

Before long, the pressure from everyone placing their expectations on her became too much. Changing her name, she fled Kanto with Kurama following loyally behind her. Free from her family ties, she traveled to various regions befriending a few pokemon on the way. At 16, Kurama began pushing for Ravyn and her team that it was time to test their skills.

It took some pushing, but Ravyn finally agreed to take on a region's gyms and Elite Four. Honestly, the only reason she even chose Johto was because she was already in that particular region and it wasn't like she had a reason not to. It took a little over a year, with a few bumps along the way but they managed to claim the title as Johto's new champion.

Having proved to herself that she could become a renowned trainer without her family's reputation, Ravyn decided it was about time she returned to Kanto. It was time to prove to everyone she could become a respectable trainer following her own path. Word had even reached her from the Pokemon League that her brother had recently become a member of Kanto's Elite Four and she was looking forward to challenging him. Ravyn wasn't looking to claim a title, just a friendly match between family members would have sufficed.

Unfortunately the Great War broke out, pulling her and so many other trainers into the conflict before she could return.

She lost a lot in those six long years; half of the team that followed her around the world and later climbed through the ranks in Johto with her, even her own brother fell before she could face him. Before she could even show her family what kind of trainer she had become.

Following the war, Ravyn had a lot of work ahead of her. Johto had lost its Elite Four and many gym leaders. A majority of the six years following the end of the bloodshed was spent rebuilding Johto's Pokemon League. Even now it was going to be awhile before there would be any challengers ready to challenge her for her title. Recently, Ravyn's taken in a young, abandoned Fennekin into her team. Her other Pokemon have taken to closely watching and helping raise the young pup and new member of their team.

Taking some much needed time off, she heads to Hoenn to attend this year's memorial festival.

Pokemon: Absol(Sirene), Ninetales(Kurama), Lucario(Storm), Fennekin(Blaze)

Specialty: Dog-like Pokemon

Tactical Overview: Ravyn prefers to attack hard and fast to keep her opponents from even trying to get a swing in against her. Though if she needs to hold her ground, she's more than capable.
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Adalia Kappel


The Other Executive

"The Weirdo"

Name: Adalia E. Kappel

Nickname: Dalia ;; Ada

Age: 22 Years Old

Region: Kalos

Group: Team Rocket

Specialization: None

Dream: Bringing Team Rocket back to it's prime for her father. (In a nutshell)

Tactical Overview Unpredictable, unprecedented, somewhat lazy, but incredibly observant would describe Adalia's method of battling. She uses unconventional methods to strike down opponents disregarding both safety of human and pokemon. A heavy hitter with a hint of stealthy play, Adalia is one of the weirder combatants. Her style is a rendition of herself, a woman with no qualms about getting hurt and enjoys her time lazing around. It can come off as moody as she is not one to hold back, but not to fully go out either if unneeded.
I n t e r e s t e d ?
  • Adalia is a mixture of things that normally wouldn't go together. Her most predominant quality is her aloofness to those around her. She has an air of laziness and insincerity which holds true to her reputation. Although lazy, she is also a very weird woman indeed. Her pass time can be described as odd as she enjoys watching anime in her spare time and can be found sleeping literally anywhere. She has a small manga collection and can be very violent if touched by dirty hands. Despite her messy look she has quite the head on her shoulders capable of solving problems in a matter of seconds although the answer comes a bit slower. Not necessarily evil not infinitely kind, her personality is determined by the mood she in. She tends to talk in riddles when she's bored and for the most part can be found sucking a lollipop or chewing gum. Adalia doesn't really fit the bad guy role, but being stuck in it by her father she simply accepts herself to be one. A supporting character turned main character as she would describe it. Overall a down to earth woman with not too many aspirations in life, and is openly lazy.
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Hibiki Yamamoto

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.e6962e07d967b2efe82fde96b9b83809.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113651" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.e6962e07d967b2efe82fde96b9b83809.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Region of Origin


(Mossdeep City)




Pokemon League, Champion of Hoenn

The Five Kings, The Metagross King


Hibiki is known throughout the region to be a a very kind-hearted and reserved person who preferes the quiet instead of loud things or crowded spaces, he tends to get quite hot headed when aggravated which can, sometimes, bring Hibiki's dark side out. Despite this he is a master of the psychic and steel type pokemon and has a deep understanding of the two types. Hibiki is an incredibly intelligent man who is very tactfully able, and can theorise strategies in moments. Hibiki's kindness goes beyond the limits of usual human kindness, he will always try to help those in need and tends to get quite angry and upset if he fails to so.


Hibiki was born in Mossdeep city to a family of very prestigious Pokemon trainers. His father was one of the regions Elite Four and his mother was the Mossdeep city Gym Leader. His older brother, however, owned a small Pokemon breeding facility not too far away from Mossdeep. Being a fairly tight knit family, Hibiki was very close with them all. When he reached the age of 8, Hibiki received his first Pokemon, Beldum. Who has long since grown into an incredibly powerful Metagross. At the age of 12, Hibiki was just about to embark on his journey when the unfortunate events of the war started. Team Rocket had caused devastation around the entire world, chaos. It was total despair and hundreds if not thousand of trainers and pokemon alike were lost in the chaos. Innocents even died.

During the events of the war, Hibiki found himself fighting with Alaric for the entirety of it. The two being a known duo, and feared. Alaric and Hibiki classed each other as 'Brothers in arms' during that war, and are still pretty close even now. Hibiki made a name for himself during that war, being able to take on multiple Team Rocket members at once with just one Pokemon. His Metagross. Metagross became his trademark Pokemon, and something known worldwide, its strength compared to the others in his team scared even the more powerful of trainers. As a champion, that is still the case. All Pokemon in his team were found at their starting evolutions. At the beginning of the war, Hibiki only had Beldum, Baltoy, and Magnemite. However, as it progressed he got the rest of his team. The Pawniard, Ralts, and Skarmory were all rescue Pokemon.

The war against team rocket ended when he was sixteen. The destruction was overwhelming and he had lost everything. Including his entire family. Although his team were hardened by the conflicts of war, if left scars on their minds that resolved each and every one of them to aim to take down Team Rocket.

At the age of 18 Hibiki became Champion of the Hoenn Region of which he still has the pleasure of being titled today, four years on. And has been undefeated ever since. Hibiki has built his Elite Four to be as tough as they can be, and is eager to fight someone who could potentially become the next champion. Over the years, Hibiki has resolved not only to see Team Rocket pay for what they had done in the war, but also to help anyone he can. For the time being, Hibiki has shut the doors of Hoenns Victory Road for the time being in order to adventure, and with the help of others, take down Team Rocket. To finally see that dream come to light. He is ready ... And so are his team.


Metagross- Metagrossite Available







Psychic and Steel Types

Tactical Overview

Hibiki has a team of very fast, hard hitting, and quite sturdy Pokemon. He has trained them all to hit hard, and be able to make use of the area around them. Usually, he won't give his opponents any time to react, and always tries to take care of things as quickly as possible. Ruthless to the core, he will not go easy on anyone as he believes that it wouldn't be fair. Hibiki has been undefeated for many years, and is recognised as the best psychic/steel type Pokemon trainer there is. When he goes all out, there is no hope for the opponent. His team all know moves that cover their weaknesses, making Hibiki an opponent not to be underestimated.


To see ALL team rocket members pay for the destruction they caused, and to help anyone he can.​



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Name: Orion Black

Region of Origin: Kanto

Age: 20


Pokemon League, Champion of Kalos

Personality: Orion is known as the mysterious Region champion that no one can really lock down on where he stands or what he stands for. Orion hides his dark emotions with a devious smirk that has a playful edge, Orion is a dark twisted individual that like to toy with people both on and off the field making some people believe that he's not as nice as he tries to come off as.

Biography: Orion was a very happy child growing up during the war, he had a loving family that took care of him and his sisters. The war took Orion's dad he became depressed and started faking his happiness and also started getting abused by his mother along with his sisters, His mother didn't know how to take the fact that her husband wasn't coming home and started taking it out on her kids. Orian being really young at that time started acting up and getting mean the more his mother abused him and his sisters and even though he was the youngest he felt that being a boy he had to protect his sisters.

One day when Orion was out in the forest team rocket raided his house and terminated his mother and his sisters. When Orion got back to the house not all of Team rocket had left yet and stalked him as he went through his house finding his sisters one by one each time he was traumatized more and more after each body was found. He thought his mother was the one who actually did it until he found her and the two rocket grunts beat him and left him for dead. Years later Orion traveled to Kalos and beat the elite four and became the champion with motivates to not only strike fear in the hearts of other trainers like what happened to him so many years ago and to destroy team rocket.

(I hope it's not to dark lol)


Ninetales (Willow)


Houndoom (Hades)


Hydreigon (Hydra)


Chandelure (Ember)


Charizard (Smog)


Cacturne (Spike)


Specialty: Fire and Dark

Tactical Overview: Orion tends to fight underhanded and a little dirty, never letting his foes get the upper hand and loves to toy with his foes and lures them into a false sense of security before destroy them slowly.

Dream: Orian wants to be the most feared trainer and destroy team rocket.
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@DialgaMatthewa - Accepted

@Jose Prime - Accepted

@Bum Bear - Accepted

@H0lderOfH0pe - Accepted. This is a darker RP, so I don't mind a dark backstory. My character's is none too cheery either. What I find interesting is that you and LeSoraAmari have identical dreams, almost, but while he plays the hero, you have an antihero type character. I like it, should make some interesting IC conflict if you two ever end up teaming together.

@LeSoraAmari - Accepted
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/trainer.jpg.06f7f014700ffad8ab033cde2c1f054a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113928" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/trainer.jpg.06f7f014700ffad8ab033cde2c1f054a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Dante de la Cruz

Region of Origin: Kalos


Group: The World Pokemon Federation(Director)

Personality:No one comes through a war without some scars... Before the war, Dante was basically a normal kid, a few years as a trainer under his belt. He was always smiling, loving every minute he got to spend with his pokemon. Post war, that smile seems hollow. There are still flashes of who he used to be, but now, he seems to be somewhat distant from everyone.

Biography: Dante was the product of a loving home. From the time he was old enough to walk, he was constantly pretending he was a trainer with the aid of the family pet, Kiba, then a Growlithe. The two were inseparable, and Dante would constantly talk to Growlithe about how one day, he would become a Champion. When he finally came of age to start his journey, Kiba wasn't about to be left behind. The two set off together for Sycamore's lab.

When they arrived, they were amazed at all the pokemon they could chose from to accompany them. Now, of course, Kiba particularly would have liked another fire type, and was hoping Dante would pick a Fenniken, but Dante's eyes were drawn to a Froakie that was separated from the rest. It seemed pale, especially compared to the rest, and it was quite sad. As Sycamore explained, this Froakie was somewhat ostracized from the group due to its pale complexion. Unable to leave the sad pokemon there, Dante selected the pale Froakie as his 'starter' much to Kiba's annoyance(The pup didn't much care for water, or baths for that matter). Dante named the little guy Shino, not for any particular reason, just because the name sounded cool, and soon, even Kiba warmed up to him.

The trio had little difficulty with the first two gyms, almost effortlessly earning the Bug Badge and the Cliff badge thanks to Kiba and Shino respectively. By this time, Kiba had found a Fire Stone and evolved to Arcanine, and Shino had progressed enough to evolve to Frogadier. On their way to Shalour City, the trio encountered a very much wounded Riolu. As they would later find out, Riolu had been out training but had bit off more than he could chew, and had been left for dead by his attackers. Kiba carried them all to the nearest Pokemon Center, where Nurse Joy worked hard to save its life. It was a rough night, but Riolu managed to pull through. In the morning, the tough girl (yeah, shocked the hell out of Shino when they found that one out) insisted that she join the team. With that, the four once more set off for Shalour City.

Korrina hardly stood a chance. Riolu, desperate to prove herself, fought so hard that she even evolved due to the bond she had formed with Dante over their short journey together. In her eyes, she owed him her life and she would give everything to pay that back. As a Lucario, Luca made short work of Korrina's pokemon and earned them the Rumble Badge.

From there, the group ventured to Courmaline Citiy, where Kiba roasted the grass gym Leader's pokemon and in short order earned them the Grass badge. Lumiose City's gym followed soon after, earning Dante the Voltage Badge.

In Laverre City, they heard rumors about a haunted house on the edge of town. Supposedly, a great swordsman had once lived there, and after his murder, the house became haunted by his spirit. Unable to resist, Dante had to check it out. What they found wasn't a ghost. Well, it was, but not of the great swordsman. It was a Doublade with strange red blades. At first, it attacked Dante all out, until Dante was able to talk it down and find out what happened. Through telepathy, Gemini(the Doublade) informed Dante that it had fallen ill many years ago, and its Master had gone out one day without him so Gemini could recover, only the Master never returned. Since that day, Gemini had been waiting endlessly for the Master to return. Upon hearing the news that her Master was truly dead, Gemini fell into despair, until Dante offered to take it with him on his journey. Given a new purpose, Gemini took up a constant place on Dante's back, desiring to serve as his defense from anything that may harm him, just as it had for its previous Master all those years ago. Gemini proved to be a valuable addition to the team, as it showed no difficulty in taking out every one of Valerie's pokemon in short order, earning Dante the Fairy badge.

Anistar City was next on the list. On the journey, Shino evolved once more to Greninja. Once there, The newly evolved Shino took little time to completely shut down Olympia and earned Dante the Psychic badge. From here, the group headed out towards Snowbelle City. On the way, however, they came to a wide, raging river fueled by a recent snowfall. Hearing screams, Dante was horrified to see a pokemon getting swept away by the raging river. Without even thinking, Dante and Luca dove right in, almost getting swept away themselves before they managed to pull the waterlogged Zoroark to shore. It took Dante a few moments to realize just what he had saved. Zoroark, given their propensity for creating illusions, are nearly impossible to find, as they create illusions to avoid humans whenever possible. This Zoroark, however, was too weak to attempt as much. She was rushed to a pokemon Center for treatment, and managed to pull through. Like Luca, she felt she owed Dante a life debt, and joined his team from then on after telling him through an illusion to call her Zora.

The team made short work of Wulfric's Ice type pokemon, and the Iceberg badge was soon secure in Dante's badge case along with the other 7 Kalos badges. Everything was going beautifully, but then Team Rocket made their move...

At the time, Dante was just about 15. He was too young to officially join the military, but that wasn't about to stop him. He falsified his information, pretending to be 18 to join early. He quickly learned just what kind of Hell war really was. So many people and pokemon died, and many he had to kill himself... During one battle, he rescued a Noivern that had been captured by team rocket. Her excellent hearing proved to be a major boon in the battles to come, and her aerial fighting was first rate. For six years, his team fought. Zora's illusions saved them on countless occasions, and Gemini made sure that nothing got close to Dante. Anything that did was soon promptly turned into mincemeat. His team became a terror on the battlefield. Such that his team was given the name 'Untouchable Demons'.

He was there during the final battle, when the army finally cornered Giovanni. It wasn't going well. Genetically modified pokemon poured out of the base. Somewhere in the pandemonium, an echo rang out that the general had fallen. It soon turned into a panic, several teams launched full scale retreats in the face of the genetically modified monsters that came for them.

He was hardly even 21 yet, but he didn't turn.

"No retreat! For six years we've hunted these bastards down, and now that we're knocking on their door you want to run?! No, one way or another, this war is ending today! Hold your ground. My team is going to carve a path through these things and we're going to take this base down. For all those that have come before and given their lives so that we could come this far, we cannot back down. FIGHT ON!"

Fight On... Such a simple rallying cry, but it echoed among the soldiers. Somehow, the Untouchable Demons broke through the line of Genetically modified super pokemon. Galvanized, the rest of the army surged forward, taking on the defenses head on. Inside, Dante and his team found themselves in a labyrinth. Every corridor was a battle ground, and every inch they gained had to be earned. At last, they made it to the command center. It just took a few well placed attacks before the entire base was set to blow. Without this base, Team Rocket would have nothing left. Dante and his team just barely made it out before the entire place blew sky high, taking with it the last hope of Team Rocket to win the war.

In the end, countless pokemon and trainers had died in that final battle. There was no celebration. Too many lives had been lost for that. The dead were honored as heroes, and in the coming years, the world tried to rebuild.

For his courage on the battlefield, Dante was approached to head up a new organization being formed by the six allied nations. The World Pokemon Federation would serve to ensure Team Rocket, or any groups like it, would never rise again. One day, he hopes that there will be no need for the WPF, but as long as there are those who follow Team Rocket's ideals, there will be a need for him.

Pokemon: Arcanine male(Kiba), Lucario female (Luca), Zoroark female(Zora), Greninja male-shiny- (Shino), Doublade male-shiny-(Gemini), Noivern female(Vera)

Specialty: Balance. His team's attacks can work against any type matchup.

Tactical Overview: Complete Control. A master tactician, he is capable of developing strategies on the fly, and specializes in forcing or coercing his opponent into doing exactly what he wants. As of this point, he is undefeated when he goes all out.

Dream: Peace. Someday, he wants to live in a world where the prospects of 'war' are but a distant memory. He doesn't want anyone else to go through the hell that he and his pokemon endured.



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  • Cross.png

    Name: Cross Elm

    Region of Origin: Johto

    Age: 16

    Group: Unaffiliated.

    Personality: Cross is the mystery girl from Johto. Not exactly friendly, but not exactly outgoing. She's an odd one she is. You can approach her, but she's far less likely to approach you. She pushes out a cold insensitivity, but that is put to question when she is around her Pokemon, all of whom she loves dearly. She can be lonely at times, but never shows it. Instead, she just pulls out her guitar and starts playing. She's tough. Not afraid to fight physically or Pokemon Battle. She knows her strengths and weaknesses and uses them to her advantage. If you do get to know her, you'll find that she is actually rather loud and expressive with her cute quirks thrown in. And she has a rather colorful language.


    I was thrown into the adoption system the moment I was born. I'm convinced I'm the spawn of a rapist and his victim, so no wonder my mother didn't want me. Annnyway, I was adopted by a very nice but rarely home rich family with like four other kids in Blackthorn City. The parents were more often then not gone, leaving me with at least two other kids if the others weren't off doing some rich people activity, like competitive croquet or something. But the one night that everyone is home, the freaking mansion burns down. Juuuuust my luck, huh? It kills my entire family and leaves me homeless and alone. So obviously the one thing I do is go stumbling down the mountain instead of going to the police like a normal six year old would. No, I go running down the mountain, cuddling with the Swablu and avoiding the Ursaring and that mean Skarmory couple that made a nest in that one tree... I'm getting off topic again.

    SO ANYWAY, I soon find myself in New Bark Town. Enter Professor Elm. He comes running out of his lab, mumbling about Mister Pokemon and Pokemon Eggs, and guess what? He runs smack into me, sending us both toppling, I'm covered in scrapes and bruises and in only a cute little night dress, and his papers are flying everywhere, and I'm crying, and he's apologizing, and I'm crying some more, he apologizes more. Eventually he fixes his things and takes me into his lab and patches me up with band-aids, and then he asks me who I am because he doesn't recognize me as one of the town's resident kids. I tell him the whole tearful story about how my house burned down, and my life is over. More crying. More tissues in the trash can.

    Then Professor Elm made a life changing offer.

    "I've already given my Cyndaquil and Totodile to two other kids," he said, "but nobody seemed to want the last Pokemon. She's a real sweetheart too, and it makes me sad that she's alone. Much like yourself, I suppose... Will you take care of my friend? She's a Chikorita, a Grass-Type Pokemon." He held out the Pokeball and opened it. Out popped the Chikorita. She looked around for a while, then looked up at me. Our eyes met, and she smiled at me, and pretty soon I was squealing and giggling and ALLLLLLLL my troubles are forgotten! I HAVE A POKEMON! Me and Luna hit it off immediately, we just got along so well! After that, Professor Elm adopted me into his small, modest family, and I couldn't have been happier there. Professor Elm is so nice and clumsy and ridiculous and a HORRIBLE cook, but I loved every moment I spent with that family. I was LIVING, not just existing. My dead family of seven had been replaced with a small family of three. Well, four. If you include Luna.

    I have traveled to, and beaten elite four of Johto, and the Champion. I refused the whole "take over as Champion" thing cause that is really not my style, ya know? But... It's okay. I don't need some fancy title to know I'm AWESOME. Haha!

    Elm asked me to take somebody under my wing so to speak once I got back to New Bark Town. He neglected to mention that she uses strictly Bug Types, which I happen to have a MAJOR PHOBIA of Bug Types. Nice little detail to leave out there, daaad


    In case you're wondering;

    Name|Gender|Ability|Nature|Held Item


    Luna|?|Overgrow|Calm|Expert Belt




    Nikki|?|Flash Fire|Modest|Charcoal


    Zero|?|Static|Quiet|Wide Lens


    Cherry|?|Synchronize|Sassy|Silk Scarf


    Clark|?|Inner Focus|Timid|Dragon Fang

    Specialty: ... Any and all?

    Tactical Overview: She has been experimenting in new ways of issuing commands to her Pokemon, to minimal success. She uses very tight knit combinations of moves and status effects to try to drive them into the ground. If that doesn't work, brute strength and the variety of move types her Pokemon know help them fight off even Pokemon they have a type disadvantage against.

    Dream: ... I don't really have a dream.. My dream was fulfilled a long time ago... My dream was to find a family I was happy living with. That's already been done. I just wander now, growing my bond with my Pokemon and meeting new ones.
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Name: Maxwell Teller

Region of Origin: Kanto

Age: 18

Group: Unaffiliated

Personality: Intelligent, but naive. Kind and Generous, very upbeat and cheerful with everything. Incurably curious.

Biography: Max is persistant if ever a word could apply to anyone. At the tender age of ten, he set out on his great pokemon adventure. Unfortunately, the war interrupted that. Max was a survivor, his strategy and ability with his pokemon allowed him to continue his journey while combating Team Rocket whenever they crossed paths. Eventually the war ended, and Max was considered a hero by quite a few people, which was strange given he was only twelve.

Max continued his journey, and eventually he managed to capture every pokemon in Kanto. Well, not ALL of them. A few still managed to evade his grasp, the pokemon of legend. Frustrated, he decided to leave Kanto to another region in search of more pokemon to catch in the Pokedex for the good professor. Hoenn was his choice as he sets out to catch 'em all!

Pokemon: Charizard (his starter), Pidgeot, Machamp, Lapras, Alakazam, Jolteon

Specialty: He focuses on a balanced set of pokemon, so he's ready for every encounter that comes his way.

Tactical Overview: Max tries to get every type advantage he can right off the bat and he then plays to the opposite of his opponent.

Dream: What else? Be the best and catch them all!
@One Mean Ghost - He's alright, but could you take out the stuff about killing Giovanni? I may bring him back for drama's sake later in the RP, but I can't if he's dead. Plus, and this is my bad for not bringing it up, the WPF was established by the united military of the six nations. He could have been chosen to lead it, but he wouldn't have been the creator. I'll edit that in to kill any future confusion.

@explosiveKitten - Blake's accepted. Cross, however, seems really OP. Two championships? That would make her the champion of two regions, one of which has a player here already as champion. Otherwise I'm okay with her.For future reference though, in IC, please refer to them in third person.

@Assailant - Accepted.
Elysium said:
@explosiveKitten - Blake's accepted. Cross, however, seems really OP. Two championships? That would make her the champion of two regions, one of which has a player here already as champion. Otherwise I'm okay with her.For future reference though, in IC, please refer to them in third person.
I can definitely change that. I only threw that in to try to sound more impressive ^__^' cause normally takes her seriously because of the Meganium... heh
Elysium said:
@One Mean Ghost - He's alright, but could you take out the stuff about killing Giovanni? I may bring him back for drama's sake later in the RP, but I can't if he's dead. Plus, and this is my bad for not bringing it up, the WPF was established by the united military of the six nations. He could have been chosen to lead it, but he wouldn't have been the creator. I'll edit that in to kill any future confusion.
@explosiveKitten - Blake's accepted. Cross, however, seems really OP. Two championships? That would make her the champion of two regions, one of which has a player here already as champion. Otherwise I'm okay with her.For future reference though, in IC, please refer to them in third person.

@Assailant - Accepted.
Made some edits, no Giovanni decapitation, just made the base go boom instead. xD

Name: Nova Smith

Region of Origin: Unova

Age: 18

Group: Unova Champion

Personality: Relaxed and easygoing, Nova isn't what you'd expect from a Champion. At least, not on the surface. She didn't obtain the position at such a young age for nothing. Cunning and smart, headstrong and observant, Nova will use anything and everything to her advantage. Hell-bent on the idea of a utopia of truth, she has a rapt fascination with Legendary Pokemon and the myths that surround them. Nova holds a firm belief that if she can gain their powers, perhaps she could make her dream a reality.


-Growing up on the streets of Castelia City, one either knew how to defend themselves or learned to sleep hungry. Nova was the former child. She never bullied anyone into giving her money or food: on the contrary, she was constantly mugged and jumped on the streets. Over the years, she learned basic fighting from experience, and picked up a few tricks from experimenting. Coming from a poor class family, Nova was determined to better herself and make the world a better place so others like her wouldn't have to endure the same suffering she had.

-Nova's first Pokemon was a small Froakie. She had stolen him from Pokemon traffickers for her own use. Through the frog's endearing nature, however, the soon-to-be trainer grew a love for Pokemon and repeatedly stole from the traffickers, eventually aquireing the team she has to this day Through rigorous training and time spent together, Nova developed a close bond with them all, and can communicate battle instructions through nods, looks, and gestures, in a code that she had set up with her Pokemon back when they were still starting out.

-Nova initially had a twin brother. The two were tight, inseparable almost. They shared their Pokemon team. When Unova started drafting anyone with Pokemon, Nova had been drawn to go to war. Enraged, her brother went in her place with a Nincada he had befriended in the park. He never returned.

-Nova had been twelve when the war ended. Her father had died fighting in the war two years prior. He hadn't been the city gym leader; rather, he worked at the gym and had been sent off to war in the gym leader's place. Her mother already had a nasty drinking habit, which only got worse after her father's death. While Nova herself wasn't the victim of beatings, she did bear most of the emotional baggage from her mother constantly crying on her shoulder and needing support. There were days where her mother refused to leave her bed. It was days like those that Nova's ability to steal and fend for herself really came in handy.

-Once she believed she was ready, at the age of fifteen, Nova set off on a journey to make a name for herself in this rattled world. It took her two years of training, but finally, though hard work, determination, and the connection she shares with her Pokemon, Nova became the Unova Champion.










Tactical Overview

-"Hit hard, hit fast, hit first; don't give them time to counter."


-To create a utopia society.
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Dangit. Okay. I'll convert her to an Unova champion, then.
Name: Natsuki katsuchia

Region of Origin: unova

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.69e49d95f22a1a24a6c1880fe8c84395.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114310" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.69e49d95f22a1a24a6c1880fe8c84395.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 24

Group: the champion of the orange islands, the pokemon league

Personality: Natsuki's personality isn't really something that can be described by one word. With him being such an outgoing person it is very hard for anyone to ever really "define" him. He's the type of person who when meeting a new person or a total stranger; treats them as if he's known them all his life or as if they were family. As nice and kind as Natsuki is, many people look at him and see someone who couldn't kill a butterfly. However to those who have witnessed Natsuki in action in the past or on a mission are fully aware of what he's capable of. Which is why many people try not to make him mad, well those who know him at least, because of his really short temper. Especially when people make fun of his height because he's so tall, which tends to throw him over the edge every time. His outgoing personality is a great guide for how intelligent Natsuki actually is. When it comes to

political matters or something urgent Natsuki's personality tends to shift from the immature person that he is - to a empathetic man with only the best intentions for those around him.

Biography:Natsuki was raised in a poor low class tier of family,they could barely make it in the world. Natsuki had to steal from stores and fight just to get food and money for his family, when he was ten his family had raised up enough money to have him travel to the a lab to get a Pokemon so he can adventure to get away from the 'Projects' once he got there he wasn't able to get one of the normal started because he was a whole day late, but the professor had one Pokemon left which was his friend treeko (now a sceptile) they trained every day to win and become the champion of unova and get money to help his family as fast as possible. Nobody believed in him and he traveled alone all his journey, when he finally got to the champion of the orange islands he beat him with a extreme effort. This didn't stop his training though he never stopped training or lost his position as champion.








In pc:






Specialty: fair balance

Tactical Overview: natsuki is a very good attacker, he trained all of his pokemon mostly in attack, speed, and defense.

Dream: To master all types of Pokemon.



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