Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)


Fear the Fluff

  • 1. I prefer quality over quantity. As long as you use complete sentences, I don't mind. I don't care how bad your spelling is, as long as it's still understandable.

    2. We do allow romance, but keep it PG-13. If clothes start coming off, fade to black. Also, love at first sight...please don't. Getting a crush on someone right away, I understand. But, don't do this. Guy: "Hey." Girl: "Hello." Guy: "I love you." Girl: "Oh, I love you, too! Let's get married!" No. Not romance.

    3. Cursing is fine by me, but I do not want to see “Oh, ****! He ***** did not ****** do that!”. I just might rage. Basically, as long as it's not every other word, we're good.

    4. Do NOT Godmod. It ruins the fun.

    5. For the love of all that is holy, do not use blinding colors for posts or profiles. If you need help finding good colors, there’s a useful forum that I go to.

    6. Don’t kill off other characters unless both rpers agree. (Just let me know ahead of time so that there‘s no misunderstandings.)

    7. Ledgendaries. Everyone can have a ledgendary. However, there are rpers that I know well, and if I know that someone will roleplay well and post often, they may have two ledgendaries. (Except Arceus. Nobody gets Arceus, for godmodding reasons.)

    8. Megas. Everyone can have 2 Megas. Yes, there will be more than one of a kind! Thats okay.


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►βasic ɨnformation

True Age: Old? Looks about twenty five.

Date of Birth: Febuary 6 (Date of Creation)

Gender: Female

Species: Mewtwo

Mega: Mega Mewtwo Y

Type: Psychic

From: Kanto

Good or Bad?: Good

Role: Headmistress

Personality:Angel is, for lack of better words, very serious. She is also very blunt and honest, usually leaning a little towards the 'rude' side of the scale. She is very loyal to anyone that earns her respect. She can be gentle, but there is her famous temper to consider...

Biography: Everyone knows the story of mewtwo, correct? Well, starting from the appearance to the gijinka, Angel was very curious about them, and concerned as she saw how the humans and the gijinka treated each other. Normally, she’d keep out of problems that didn't involve her, but for some reason, she felt moved to help . So, she went to Arceus and talked the situation over. Arceus allowed Angel to turn into a gijinka, but gave a warning. It was very likely that if she turned into one, Angel wouldn't be able to turn back into her pokemon self. Knowing this, she agreed anyway. Turning into a gijinka was a long, painful process, but when it was finished, Angel was satisfied. Then, with the help of a friend, she built a school for gijinka so that they could learn more about themselves.

Ability: Pressure

Moves: Miracle Eye, Psystrike, Protect , Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball, Psycho Cut, Energy Ball, Earthquake

Likes: Books, tea, science

Dislikes: Obnoxious people, (most) humans, ignorance

Theme Song(s):

Aellas Tristram



"Don't take life too seriously. You won't get out alive."

►βasic ɨnformation

TrueAge: Thirty

Date of Birth: July 5

Gender: Female

Species: Terrakion

Type: Rock/Fighting

From: Johto

Good or Bad?: Good

Role: Battle Teacher

Personality: Aellas is a relaxed, friendly woman. She is often seen joking with her brother or Angel, trying to get either to relax a little. She is only truly serious when things are going badly or in the classroom- sometimes.

Biography: Like her brother, Aellas was raised by the sages outside Ecruteak. While he mostly stayed with them, Aellas was drawn to Goldenrod City. It was there that she learned things most young girls shouldn't know-things that adults don't know, either. She still had the lessons her brother had with the sages, however. The sages often tried to get her to calm down, with minimal, if any, success. One day, she woke up and realized that her once blonde hair was dark and horns were growing from her head. As the years passed, they learned what they were and how to deal with thier power. When they were asked to teach, they did. She noticed her brother's feelings for Angel, and has made it a point to help him... in the funniest ways possible.

Ability: Justified

Moves: Swords Dance, Helping Hand, Sacred Sword, Close Combat, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Protect, Double Kick

Likes: Reading, Good jokes, Cooperation

Dislikes: Swimming, Being underestimated, Bell Peppers

Theme Song(s): I'm Still Here

Katrina Rodgers



"I can be anything. What I really want, though, is to be myself."

►βasic ɨnformation

TrueAge: Sixteen

Date of Birth: April 1

Gender: Female- most of the time

Species: Ditto

Mega: Can I, can I, can I? Sounds fun~!

Type: Normal

From: Sinnoh

Good or Bad?: Kind of good.

Role: Student

Personality: Katrina is a mischievous, fun-loving girl. She's the type of person to become one's best friend or worst enemy. She loves to transform into other people, just to see how they'll react to another one of them running around. While she goofs off quite a bit, she has a serious and intelligent side that is rarely seen. She can be pretty random, and loves to pull pranks with her Zoura friend.

Biography: Katrina was born as a gijinka, although this went unknown for many years. After all, she had no distinguishing marks, features, or attributes. Obviously, she was completely normal. Except that she wasn‘t. She had been transforming for years, and although her parents knew, nobody else did, since they wanted to keep the fact that she was a gijinka quiet. As she grew up, she became known as a 'problem child', due to the fact that she would transform into other people as a prank. When she was twelve, she met Luevia, who quickly became her best friend. The two became the pranksters of the school that they went to, until eventually Katrina was expelled after too many pranks. Soon after, Katrina received a letter, inviting her to come to a school specifically for gijinka. She decided to go, hoping that Lue would be there as well. It wouldn't be as fun without her, after all.

Ability: Limber

Moves: Transform

Likes: Transforming, fun pranks, math (odd, yes?)

Dislikes: Being told what to turn into, her parents, the color yellow.

Theme Song(s): Theme song max is five, add URL

Lorelei Song



"Promises are only lies with a prettier label."

►βasic ɨnformation

TrueAge: Seventeen

Date of Birth: April 11

Gender: Female

Species: Lapras

Mega: That would be nice...

Type: Water/Ice

From: Johto

Good or Bad?: Bad

Role: Student... and also secretly a member of Team Rocket

Personality: Lorelei is a cunning young woman who is willing to manipulate others to get her way. She comes across as sweet and friendly for the most part, using everything she can to get others to underestimate her, or see her side of things.

Biography: Lorelei was born to two human parents, but as a gijinka. They were afraid of having a gijinka child, or perhaps just didn't want one, so they put her up for adoption. She was taken in by a group and they raised her, choosing to call her Lorelei. The group of people were Team Rocket members, as she learned growing up. They taught her all about it and trained her to fight for them, as well as how to do other tasks.

As she grew up, they realized that she had a way with people- she could talk almost anyone into doing what she wanted. They enjoyed this, and started using her for tasks that involved talking to people, such as recruiting. She particularly enjoyed these tasks, herself. They've heard of a school for gijinkas, and while it seemed like an interesting target, they didn't want to touch it yet. Now, however, they have sent Lorelei as their spy, and to coordinate an attack if it's possible.

Ability: Water Absorb


Moves: Freeze-Dry


Perish Song

Water Pulse


Ice Beam


Rain Dance

Likes: Music



Dislikes: Spicy Food

People questioning her intentions


Theme Song(s): Loreley

Alanna Stone

Alan, Ally (pretty much anything, really)


"I have no special talents. I am merely passionately curious."

►βasic ɨnformation

TrueAge: Thirty-eight

Date of Birth: June 7

Gender: Female

From: Kanto

Good or Bad?: Good

Role: Teacher of Human-Gijinka relations

Personality: Alanna is a friendly, intelligent woman. When she discovers something new, she does her best to learn everything about it. She tends to 'mother' people, even if the action is unwanted-and many times it is. She can be awkward from time to time, particularly with new people. Alanna can put a positive spin on most things, but don't take her for an overly optimistic pushover- she doesn't tolerate some things, particularly something involving someone trying to hurt her students or daughters. She is extremely protective of her daughters, and the change from her normal self to her angry self is almost scary.

Biography: Alanna grew up in Lavender Town, surrounded by her siblings. Being the oldest, she helped take care of them regularly. When she was old enough, she was given her first Pokemon, an Audino. She set off, intending on learning more about Pokemon and becoming a Pokemon doctor. When the gijinka appeared, Alanna was interested. She had heard of a group that was dedicated to learning more about them and left Kanto to join them.

It wasn't what she expected. The place that the research was taking place was a lab on a private island. Rather than learning about gijinka in the way she expected, they used inhumane experiments. Alanna wanted to stop this in whatever way she could. She heard about a resistance against the cruel scientists and asked to join. They were understandably distrustful of her at first, but she proved her usefulness by gathering information and her loyalty by treating thier injuries.

Eventually, the resistance won, and Alanna tried to return to a normal life. She lost contact with the leaders of the resistance, but maintained a relationship with an arcanine that she bonded with. In time, gijinka became more common, and Alanna became one of the first true gijinka doctors. Alanna saw how gijinka were treated, and knowing that it wasn't right, decided that it was her responsibility as a human to help. She made a shelter for gijinka in her own home, expanding it as needed. She married during this time, then had two daughters. When they were five, her husband died, attacked by a seviper gijinka.

Over the years, Alanna expanded her home until it was a mansion. She received invitations to teach at the Changes school before, but always turned them down, worried about leaving her daughters alone. However, now that human students are allowed, she can just bring them, so she took up the offer.

Team: Aduna- Female Audino

Ability- Healer

Heal Pulse, Heal Bell, Echoed Voice, Last Resort

Arch Wind- Female Charizard

Ability- Blaze

Heat Wave, Dragon Tail, Sky Drop, Substitute

Varric- Male Brivary

Ability- Sheer Force

Brave Bird, Superpower, Roost, Crush Claw

Thumper- Female Steelix

Ability- Sturdy

Automize, Heavy Slam, Return, Dragonbreath

Wrex -Male Aggron

Ability- Sturdy

Iron Tail, Autotomize, Smack Down, Earthquake

Jude- Male Mienshao

Ability- Inner Focus

Jump Kick, Bounce, Poison Jab, Double Team

Likes: Learning new things

Helping others


Dislikes: Discrimination of any kind


Having to prove herself- again

Theme Song(s): Your Guardian Angel


Morgana Sirexus



►βasic ɨnformation

True Age: 20

Date of Birth: May 28th

Gender: Female

Species: Mismagius

Mega: No

Type: Ghost

From: Sinnoh

Good or Bad?: Both; it depends on the situation.

Role: Student

Morgana is a very small girl, standing at a mere four feet and five inches. She is very thin to a point of it almost being unnatural, as she only weighs around seventy to eighty pounds, which makes sense for her more ghostly anatomy. She has short ginger hair that sweeps above her eyes and frames her small face. Large, mesmerizing red and gold eyes set themselves centered on her face, in addition to wide pearly pink lips only inches above her pointed chin. Often does she wear a long purple cape, trimmed in ebony lace and flowing elegantly behind her thin and modest form.

Personality: Morgana is certainly an interesting individual, with her quirks often revolving around her obsession of magics and witchcraft. She is definitely mysterious, and always seems to be eavesdropping. Why she does this, no one knows. She seems to just love to learn about others. She is very sneaky and stealthy, using her Ghost type abilities to appear and disappear on a mere whim to surprise and startle others. She enjoys games of all sorts, especially those that work the mind, or perhaps invoke pain upon others. She is very interested on the human body, and wonders really how it works.

Biography: Bio, One Paragraph(7 sentences) or more


Moves: Your Moves, up to 8, you may change them as you learn


+ Witchcraft





Theme Song(s):

Set Me on Fire — Flyleaf

Dante Rothstein




►βasic ɨnformation

True Age: 16

Date of Birth: December 2nd

Gender: [/b][/b]Boy

Species: [/b][/b]Deino

Mega: "No, but that'd be hella cool."

Type: Dark/Dragon

From: Unova

Good or Bad?: [/b][/b]Bad

Role: "Serial killer, I mean student."

Appearance: Dante is a tall male with long and thick raven black hair that covers most of his face. His eyes are a glassy pale blue, and a shark-toothed grin dominates his expressions. He stands at a rough six feet and four inches and weighs something about average for his height.

Personality: Dante is the epitome of the word 'rebellious'. He constantly only thinks of himself and is very selfish at that, also being sharp-mouthed and quick to anger. Obsessed with morbidity, his fangs will more often than not include themselves into a physical confrontation. Like any other of his species, his first instinct is to bite, so it would be wise not to lean any appendages his way. He likes blood, and also may inflict injuries upon his own self. He loves anything pertaining dying and death, and can even talk like a crazed person about such topics, murder even coming up occasionally. He prefers bloody, messy fights rather than those that are quick and clean. He may be blind, but takes life very head-on, caring very little about the consequences of his actions. He is very reckless and is quick to fight.

Biography: Bio, One Paragraph(7 sentences) or more

Ability: Hustle

Moves: Your Moves, up to 8, you may change them as you learn


+ Blood/death


Dislikes: [/b]

- Cold weather


Theme Song(s):

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Nicolas Larson



"We all have a little nerd in us. Where's your's?"

►βasic ɨnformation

TrueAge: 18

Date of Birth: March 14th

Gender: Male

Species: Jolteon

Mega: I wish.

Type: Electric

From: Kalos

Good or Bad?: Chaotic Neutral

Role: Student

Personality: Nicolas is a laid back and playful guy. It takes a lot to get him mad, but if someone gets him angry he will want revenge. Usually involves pranks. When he is older, he wants to live on a beach.

Biography: Nicolas grew up in a anti-Pokemon household. He had an abusive father that blamed him for his mothers death. Who died after after giving birth to him. On his thirteenth birthday Nicolas started showing traits of a Pokemon. His older brother started notice a few days later. His father didn't notice until a few weeks later, when he accidentally electrocuted him. His father seeing it as a genetic impurity decided he should kill him. His father grabbed his axe to "Get rid of the problem"and his brother overheard. So his older brother decided that he should help Nicolas get away from his father. When his father attempted to kill him, his brother ran out, and started fighting their father. During the struggle Nicolas started to run, when he looked back he saw his dad kill his brother.

Ability: Volt Absorb, Quick Feet

Moves: Shock Wave, Double Team, Magnet Rise, Iron Tail, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Substitute, Sleep Talk

Likes: Sandy places, sweet & spicy foods, dark spaces.

His father, sour foods, water, Woodlands.

Theme Song(s):

Don't EVER call him by his last name.


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