Changeling Academy


Care Bears... prepare to stare!






Social Standing in the Academy:

Personality: (5+ lines, no listing traits)



Shift: (What animal your character shifts into. One for now)

Picture of the animal:



@Toaster Muffins

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Name: Ciesta Marlone​

Age: 17 yrs old

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Social Standing in the Academy: Popular (not sure what to put)

Personality: Ciesta is calm and patient but it is not wise to test her. When she is angry its hard to tell because of her poker face that she usually has, when angry she is not afraid to get violent. Cie is definitely not a shy person but very straight-forward and loyal to the bone, just like many others she does not take betrayal lightly. There is hardly anyone in the world that has Ciesta's respect and she doubts there are many people who could earn in. When in fights Ciesta is merciless and goes for the kill, she isn't the type to allow the enemy to get away but if she feels like she needs to she will allow them to keep their lives. Ciesta has killed 3 other shifters and left 2 other shifters alive, they were challenges sent to her so who was she to refuse? The death of the shifters hovers over Cici's head but she has somehow managed to shove that to the back of her mind and keep it a secret.

Likes: Chocolate, lollipops, art, singing and dancing, the night

Dislikes: Red velvet cake, Being told what to do, being angry or jealous

Shift: Tiger

Picture of the animal:


Name-Rrkah Maykes

Age-Eighteen years old



Social Standing-Average...?

Personality-Being a child who only grew up with one parent and no siblings, Rrkah makes a distinctive effort to socialize, even if he is not particularly great at it, often coming off as awkward. When growing up, Rrkah spent a lot of time in his animal form. With his mother working all day, he was was left to fend for himself. He spent more time as a wolf than a human and tends to forget his current form, trying to laugh as a wolf or bark as human, resulting in some awkward noises. When confronted with a problem, Rrkah will often find the more complex solution, rather than the straightforward one, that may involve walking around an apple tree three times counterclockwise. He is quite energetic, often needing to do something exhausting to tire him out, which is viewed as the polar opposite to many of his hobbies, which tend to involve more quiet activities. He is able to sit and listen intently when needed, showing he is able to control his bubbling energy.

He is not a fighter. At all. It annoys him, but he simply can't fight-he is all over the place, missing constantly, and never able to even deliver a scratch. He is, however, able to dodge, and more often than not runs from fights. He does, however, have a disire to learn.

Human appearance-Rrkah's limbs for the most part are proportional to the rest of his body, and thus his height, which is above normal for his age. His hair is a dirty blond colour, and appears to be locked in a perpetual bed head. His eyes and teeth bare signs of his animal form-his eyes of a yellow colour and some of his teeth being sharper than others. His nose is also sharp, with a small smattering of freckles over the bridge.

For the most part, he tends to wear a pair of black jeans that, while not baggy, are not clinging to his skin either. These are accompanied by a pair of black dress shoes and a white, cotton, full-button shirt, complete with cuffs and a collar. The cuffs are often rolled up, along with the sleeves to his elbows, and his collar is used in conjunction with the occasional tie. He also wears an old-style watch complete with a leather strap. Around his neck is a lime-green scraf, which also doubles as a handkerchief. The scraf has to share neck space with a pair of glasses on a length of string that hangs around it. The glasses are for his eyesight that, unfortunately, is not the best.

Human appearance picture (sort of accurate)-

Likes-Reading, writing, sketching, running, comfortable places to sit/relax/shift, lemon meringue pie, being in his shift form, hunting (as his shift form).

Dislikes-Crouding, loud noise, most sports, his father, blood in his hair (related to the hunting part), things not being in his own "perfect" way.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf244eb3f_SchoolGirl.jpg.b4d7c2cd0deb75c485217d188dbc080f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17340" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf244eb3f_SchoolGirl.jpg.b4d7c2cd0deb75c485217d188dbc080f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

What should we call this lovely girl?

"Call me anytime, and I'll be there."

She goes by Serena Sinclair.

How many years has she lived in this world?

"Don't treat me like a kid; I won't treat you like a geezer."

Sixteen years young since October 10th.

Is she one of the ladies or one of the gentlemen?

"Well, isn't that obvious enough already?"

She's a lady, no doubt about that.

What would you consider her sexuality to be?

"Th-That word sounds quite suggestive, don't you think?"

She's heterosexual, for males catch her fancy.

What is her social standing here at the academy?

"I would like to think others enjoy my company, wouldn't you?"

She's quite well-known for her kind and friendly nature, but she's not the queen bee.

What is she like, personally?

"So, you want to know a little more about me, huh? I'm flattered!"

Serena is a very sweet and compassionate girl, and she's known for her loyalty to those she cares about. She's never one to betray a friend, and she's always willing to lend a helping hand to those who need it. However, don't make the mistake in assuming that Serena is a pushover. She has a mind of her own, and she's not afraid to speak her opinion. She always lets others know how she feels, for she believes strongly in honesty. She doesn't sugarcoat the truth - no matter how kindhearted she is - because she never wants to be considered a liar. She is gentle, and she is kind, but she's always one to encourage others to be the best that they can be rather than supporting them lounging about and doing nothing. If worse comes to worse, Serena is willing to fight for what she believes in. However, if there's a way to go about things without the use of violence, that's the route Serena prefers taking. She's never be a violent person; in fact, she's more of a hopeless romantic. Anything involving idealistic things like true love and fantasies immediately hook her, for she's quite the determined dreamer. All in all, she's a genuine person. She's filled with friendliness and kindness - and even a little bashfulness from time to time - but is matched with determination and drive, as well as a headstrong nature when the moment should call for it. Serena is simply a well-balanced girl, possessing a little bit of everything in her persona, and has a nice head on her shoulders.

What catches her fancy?

"I adore it all~"

She likes:

? Music ?

? Flying ?

? Sweets ?

? Singing ?

? Literature ?

? Night time ?

? Creative arts ?

? Improving herself ?

? Being of use to others ?

What does she detest?

"Avoid at all costs!"

She dislikes:

? Bullies ?

? Failure ?

? Hatred ?

? Violence ?

? Rejection ?

? Dishonesty ?

? Rude people ?

? Feeling worthless ?

? Letting others down ?

What is her shift?

"Catching the wind on my wings~"

Serena can shift into a beautiful pegasus.

May we see?

"Why, of course you can!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf24f20c0_BlackPegasus(Crop).jpg.40df75098fbc62fb05e61189b3372b6f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17370" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf24f20c0_BlackPegasus(Crop).jpg.40df75098fbc62fb05e61189b3372b6f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Maelie “Mae” Thera

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Social Standing in the Academy: Feared throughout the school for her family’s reputation.

Personality: Mae lives in the shadow of her family’s notorious and fearsome reputation as ruthless fighters, killers, and criminals. She is a quiet person who rarely speaks, even if it is to defend herself. She does nothing to help the rumors about her, but she also does nothing to stop them. In contrast to her family, she is a kind and caring girl who would do anything to defend the defenseless. However, just because she is sweet, she is not weak. She is intelligent, cunning, fast, and strong, just like the animal she and her family can shapeshift into. Also like the leopard, she excels at stealth and always seems to appear out of nowhere for no one ever hears her approach. While she prefers to settle issues peacefully as to not cause her infamous reputation to grew, she can and will fight mercilessly if need be, striving to win at all cost.






The night

The dark




Being the center of attention

Wide, open areas without a place to hide


Storms (she is afraid of thunder)

Bright lights



Shift: Black panther (specifically a leopard)

Picture of the animal:



When will there be change?

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Calliope Layman (Her friends call her Callie)


Recently turned 18




Bisexual (though she leans more towards girls)

Social Standing in the Academy:

She has a couple good friends and knows her way around the school, but she likes to have her own space and isn't a social butterfly


Callie grew up with her Aunt and Uncle since her parents died when she was younger. She has great love and respect for them, but, since both were very busy, Callie was often on her own. Since her Aunt and Uncle lived in the city she became familiar with cement buildings and spray-painted undergrounds, and at night no one noticed a figure that looked like a large dog slinking about. However, her joy was when her Aunt would sometimes take her out to the country cottage on weekends. There she could race and hunt through the forest and feilds as she pleased. It gave her a feeling of freedom, which envigorated a free spirit like her.

Not one to be bubbly, Callie can be sarcastic and a bit cynical, but, while blunt at times, she's not one to give someone the cold shoulder and enjoys making friends. People aren't exactly lining up to be her buddy, but she's fine with it. She gets that it takes a level of compatibility to be friends with someone, so those that she does befriend she greatly values and if feircly loyal to. She laughs loudly, isn't quick to trust others, and really just wants to live life freely.


Nature, Sarcasm, Coffee, Humor, Preserving things in jars, Reading, Bones, Music, Drawing


Raisins, being controlled, hospitals, arrogance, egomaniacs, people without a sense of humour

Shift: (What animal your character shifts into. One for now)


Picture of the animal:



(Sorry I must of accidentally deleted it when I put in the photo!)

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Zachary Saunders
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Social Standing in the Academy: lower than average

Personality: Zachary comes from a large family. Everyone else would get their way before him, needless to say he’s had to learn how to be independent from a young age. Also much like his Shift, he knows when to lay low, though that again comes from being part of a large family. He's quite found of the moments of silence and calm, something that was always rare as a child. Also he is quite focused on any task he works on, as well as extremely persistent, again, gotta be focused when there is chaos of being the 4th child in a family of seven. (three other siblings being shifters one that always was howling at the moon.) he's intelligent, and quite aware of his form's fragility, but agility as well. So honestly, he'd rather take his time plan a course of action out rather than jump headfirst into anything. However he has been known to jump into situations without a plan if the stakes or high enough or an opportunity presents itself. His combat style reflects these considerations, he prefers to fight lightning fast; hit and run, well placed strikes, ambush and retreat.



(Finally gets to listen to his own music)


(sometimes the best place to escape into is a book)



(gotten good at it after a few years)


(when work is getting done in anything, that is great.)

running in shifted form

(just feels good, primal, a nice CHANGE in pace, like an itch that needs to be scratched)


Prolonged loud noises

(He had to deal with that at home! Why would he want to deal with it here!?)

people not pulling their weight

(everyone worked at his home doing small or large tasks.)

feeling helpless


(land based animals do not like being off the ground)

Shift: Coyote

Picture of the animal



Name: James Skye

Age: Sixteen

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Social Standing in the Academy: Notorious womanizer

Personality: James exudes exaggerated confidence, though he is not as he seems. He in reality has low self-esteem, but masks it with pretend arrogance. He accomplishes this by projecting himself as a ladies’ man, flirting with every girl he comes across. He loves games, jokes, and magic, and is never seen without a pack of cards in his hands. He is hardly ever serious and often passes off his insecurities as jokes, especially the thing he is most insecure about—his dyslexia. However, despite his constant fooling around, he is truly a nice guy and a great friend. He loves making people happy, and will do anything to keep someone from being sad.








Dogs (He hates and fears them)

Reading and writing (He is dyslexic)

Being told what to do

People without humor


Shift: Red Fox

Picture of the animal:


I don't need money, I need change.


C a s p e r

R e n i g e r s


Name: Casper Renigers

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Social Standing in the Academy: Well-known | Not exactly considered 'popular', but familiarized with many in the school.

Personality: Casper is a rather laid-back, easy-going young man. Despite a daunting 6'1 of height, taller than the average senior, he's actually rather soft-hearted, which is especially shocking when one finds out what his shift animal is. He seems passive at times, as if he doesn't care all that much about what's going on, but it's not wise to believe he isn't listening - he usually has his attention up and about, even when his tone takes on the slight drawl of boredom. He loves really dry, unfunny humor, and finds jokes that are so terribly unfunny that they're hilarious more amusing than any other old type of joke. He tends to make his own sarcastic comments every once in a while, but only in a teasing manner, of course. He never really tries to hurt anybody with his actions - unless they're meant specifically for someone who deserves it. He has a very strong hatred for bullies, and no matter stranger or friend, will always intervene in a situation like that when he comes across one. Protective, you could call him.


- Sleeping

- Pastries

- Horrible puns

- Hugging people

- Comfortable clothing

- Coffee

- Sensitive/shy people

- Flying in his shift form

- Generally being in his shift form


- Any form of harassment {especially to women}

- Garlic

- Olives

- Rap music

- Too much arrogance

- Snitches

- Back-stabbers

- Neon colors

Shift: Griffon

Picture of the animal:



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"Haven't we met before?"

Mike Green


"This is totally awkward to tell to a Stranger..."



"Do you have visual impairment or something?"


Social Standing in Academy:

"I wouldn't say popular, hehe ..."

School's Genius & Heartthrob


"Does it even matter anymore?"



"Thank God, for a different topic..."

Mike is the School's Genius, always getting straight A's & probably his whole Daily Routine was to Study for 4 Hours. He is Laid back, calm, brave, very protective for his Friends. Little did he know that he was also the School's heartthrob. No wonder there were Girls smelling around in his Locker. He is completely cool & is friends with every Teacher in School, except Mrs. Bloodfang, his Teacher in Bloodsucking.


"Always do these things to me please"








Family Members

His Bed


"You better not do these thing to me or else..."

Arrogant People

Mrs. Bloodfang


Too Much Icing (He is not your Typical Cake Person)

Being Bossed to do something very Hard


"You are gonna be Surprised once i tell you this thing"

White Tiger

Picture of Animal:

"Does it really matter?"





Moon Larken







Social Standing in the Academy:



Moon is extremely hyperactive, due to his shift. He's always found doing something to help cure boredom. He doesn't sit still at all, he's fuss and moan if he's not up and about. Until he gets tired and sleeps like a rock, and is cranky when woken up. He's highly intelligent and a straight A student. He likes to solve puzzles and riddles. He's sarcastic and witty with a dash of an anger problem. He's known to snap at people if they try to prove him wrong.





-Staying in animal form





-Being bored

-Stupid people



Siberian Husky

Picture of the animal:



? Mino Lynch ?


? Is always wearing a ribbon on top of her hair, matching the color in her school uniform~

N-name: Min-Min

Age: (14) Fourteen

Gender: Female

Sexuality: .....

Social Standing in The Academy:

Rumored: is having a relationship with one of the Teacher!


Mino is very helpful when it comes to her fellow classmates and to some of the teachers. She doesn't have a lot of friends cause some of the students say

"A snake shiftier will just betray you" and because of that she was always seen in the school swimming pool alone or sometimes with a teacher. She

also doesn't care about the rumors lurking around about her
and the teacher cause it's no use to explain things when no one will believe her. She

has no interest in confrontation, but whenever she felt threatened,she may shift and doesn't hesitate to bite. She is sweet, weird in a peculiar manner

and a very caring person. And when summer starts, it was doom's day for Mino cause she always fails all the subject,

but in spite of that, she is hard working and serious to catch up.


Sea |Snakes | School Swimming Pool | Seafood | Rain


Bullies | Hot Weather | Arrogant | Butt People

Shift: Hydrophis Belcheri


? Change ?



Name: Dakota White

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Social Standing in the Academy: Average

Personality: Dakota is a smart girl who likes to be in control and strives to be the best in anything and everything which helps her with school. She can be sarcastic at times and if annoyed can have a sharp tongue and will fight for whatever she thinks is right. At times she will manipulate people to get what she wants. She is quite stubborn and when she thinks something is right she will not be convinced otherwise. Most of the time Dakota is friendly and likes to make new friends. She is able to make friends easily as she can quickly figure people out. She has a good sense of humour and likes to joke around. She can also be very flirty and likes to mess around with either gender. She is very intuitive and is able to sense how people are feeling which she can use to her advantage at times. Dakota is a party animal and loves any sort of wild party. Often she is considered crazy thanks to her buzzy personality. One thing she doesnt like is being alone she always prefers to be with someone else or a group of others.


-Being with people

-Having fun and messing around

-To make other people laugh and be happy



-Being alone

-When people are rude to her or tell her she is wrong

Shift: Red panda


;w; Alright, Imma just create one character.


Name: Lorzo Darzon

"...You dislike my name?...Well. Can't do anything about it."

Age: 17

"...I look older? ...Hmph. Interesting."

Gender: Male

"...One more time saying I look like a female...You will die, you know."

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Social Standing in the Academy:

The Beautiful Yet Dangerous One

"How am I supposed to know how I got that name from? They stare at me and won't come near. Not my fault."


Born from a wealthy family, it seemed natural for him to have some gentleman manners and acted pretty elegantly and gracefully most of the time. Because of his quite beautiful and charming looks he also needed to act like that, you know, cause if he acted swaggy he sure would bring disgrace to his family. However, acting like a gentleman was not difficult for him. The sad thing was that that wasn't his true personality....

Pressured to behave in a certain way, a certain pose, under high education, etc, Lorzo was under extremely strict rules at home. Also, he was the youngest brother of his family, with 3 older brothers before him. Being the one with the littlest powers at home, he was often bullied by his older brothers as he grew older and older.

Lorzo was to hide his resentment most of the time, for he was not allowed to act angry toward others. He became the type who held back his resentment and anger, and because of that he usually looked cold and scary from afar. Adding to his harsh training since young, he was also pretty good at physical fighting with weapons, making him eventually called "dangerous." Personally, Lorzo wasn't all that bad. Yes, he acted cold, yes, he could be scary, even easily annoyed, but he still had that young-boy's innocence within him. He was in fact somehow playful. He smirk and tease and laugh at times despite his usual emotionless face, even acting flirty(but not often unless he's in a terribly good mood). Lorzo was also actually pretty nice, he might said scary things and make him look extremely sadistic, but he was actually a tsundere. He was kind, he helped people (then scolded the other for needing his help), and well, though he could act quite forceful and blunt at times, Lorzo was a good smart guy. He became really cute when he was embarrassed because of his tsndereness as well.

P.S Because of his family's strictness he was actually the one who persuade his family to get into the academy, in order to "get away from the utter pressure."

"Do you have to go through this detail description of me...? It's annoying. And I'm not a good guy. Tch."


-Strawberry cakes.

"Shut up."

-Girls that are not annoying.

"Most of them are annoying though...Hmm? You? If you're annoying or not? ...Hmph. Trying to get me? It's not working though~Maybe try a bit harder?"


"Beds are there for a bit of your warmth---Just kidding. No need to be so work up...Haha. That's not even funny....Hmm? Your angry face is actually quite cute, you know. ...'Don't tease me'? Yeah yeah, don't get mad when others compliment you. "

-Beautiful views

"They're beautiful. They calm my minds. I like them....Hmm? That doesn't sound like what I'll say? Too late, I already said it."


-Annoying girls. Fangirls.

"They hurt my brain."

-His brothers

"Don't mention their names in front of me."


"Green stuffs annoy me."


Shift: (What animal your character shifts into. One for now)

Picture of the animal:


"...You choose that pic with that expression on purpose...Right? "

(QwQ Hope it's good.)

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I'm so sorry I wasn't able to sign up sooner! I hope I'm not too late...? Dx


Name: Luna Delacore

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Social Standing: Not very popular. Not many people know anything about her or talk to her. She’s known as the girl who sits in the back of class and doesn’t talk to anyone, or the girl that sleeps through class.

Personality: Luna’s animal shift is reflected through her personality, but she is also a slightly contradictory, quirky girl. Luna may seem unfriendly, as she never goes out of her way to talk to people, but she doesn’t approach people because she is shy and is terribly intimidated by crowds of people. However, Luna wishes she was more social and less awkward. She likes to listen to people and also likes to laugh and smile. Luna has a reputation for dozing in class, and that makes her look like a slacker, but actually, she’s very intelligent. Due to her shift, she tends to have trouble staying awake during the daytime and prefers to stay up late. Luna also has extremely sensitive hearing, so she does hear some of the lesson and then studies at night. She learns new things quickly, so she doesn’t find it hard to study outside of class. She always turns in assignments on time, and although her classmates might think she’s lazy, her teachers know that she works hard. Luna has a very soft speaking voice but can sing like a female rocker, and if she were to scream you would think she was being murdered. Her eyes look a bit wider than normal and often have dark circles under them. She tilts her head to the side a lot and covers her ears at loud noises. Overall, Luna really does look and act like her animal.

Likes: night, wind, sky, stars, singing, music, smiles, laughter, reading, tea, chocolate

Dislikes: loud noises/people, crowds, thunderstorms, being out in the sun with no shade

Shift: Screech Owl


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Kade West


17 years old





:Social Standing in the Academy:

N/A - Kade has not yet arrived at the academy yet.


"To know me and like me is to be my friend, but to know me and hate me is to be as good as dead."

Three words; Cocky, Courageous, and Cunning. Though at first he may seem like an arrogant flirt, Kade is very loving and kind. He's the kind of guy that's always there to protect you, always there if you need friend. Kade was taught to be respectful and considerate of those around him, while at the same time not letting anyone walk all over him. His voice is never one that's outspoken, for others enjoy listening to his ideas, opinions, and stories. He has a way with words that not many others have. Kade seems to know exactly what to say to encourage you, and exactly what to say in order to make you feel horrible. In the toughest situations he always has a plan and no matter what he doesn't give up. Instead he pushes and pushes until everyone is safe, or until he's reached his goal. Kade lives by a set of morals that he expects himself to live up to. One; He expects himself to protect the ones he cares about even at the cost of his life. Two; Never murder or harm mercilessly. And Three; To fear and never conquer is to be a Wimp, but to fear and overcome is to be Hero. Those moral standards are three of the oldest rules in the book. Ones that his father stood by and so shall he. Overall he's the kind of guy that you want as a friend, but never as an enemy. However, Kade isn't all you might think he is. The good guy that everyone knows was not always the good guy he is. He's got a past just like everyone else, and like some, he has secrets. Secrets that he hopes are never discovered. A past that he hopes never comes to occur again. And enemies that he hopes never return...


Kade is extremely skilled with hand to hand combat. As a kid his parents weren't around much, but they made sure he could defend himself. He took martial arts lessons at five and continued to take lessons up until he was sent to the academy.



-Life in General-



-Cotton Candy-

-Fast Cars-



-Jokes(Especially horrible ones)-

-Roller Coasters-









-Being Underground-

-Being picked on/Made fun of-


A tiger like animal with hint's of dragon mixed in. Ex. Wings & Horns

:Picture of the Animal:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3723372_IceCaves.jpg.de6794b2df30d58b36e93ad22615248b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3723372_IceCaves.jpg.de6794b2df30d58b36e93ad22615248b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I just joined RPnation today, so I'm not sure about the etiquette around this site. Can I join this roleplay?

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