Changeling Academy [Inactive]

Ossie was surprised when Dakota made such a bold move but didn't push her away. She glanced at James and felt her face slowly heating up. "U-um," she stuttered and looked back at Dakota. "S-sure," she managed to say.

Tapatapatapatapatapatapatapatapa Batman~
Dakota giggled as Ossie got flustered "Well at least thats settled" Dakota saw Ossies eyes flick over to james "Unless you are too busy with this one, boyfriend is he?" Looking at James with a challenging smirk because well if so this means war.
Ossie shook her head quickly, "No I only just met him," her eyes went to the rose. What was with all the flirts today?

She looked back to Dakota and shrugged. "He's just... There," she looked at James from the corner of her eye, wonder what his reaction to all this was. He hadn't seemed to reacted much.

Tapatapatapatapatapatapatapatapa Batman~
Relieved Dakota smiled "Well thats great then" glancing at James thinking hah shes mine now. But I just need to get to know her a bit better. Looking back to Ossie then suddenly snapping out of this Ossie world remembered that half her books had been scattered on the floor bending down to start putting them in her bag again. "I should uh probably get going to class what have you got now?" Hoping they would have the same class Dakota looked up at Ossie raising one eyebrow questioningly.
Ossie quickly bent down to help her gather books. "Oh um," she reached into a pocket and pulled out her timetable. She squinted at the paper, "Shapeshifting," she mumbled, not wearing her glasses.

Tapatapatapatapatapatapatapatapa Batman~
"Great! May I accompany you dear Ossie?" Giggling to herself and trying to hide her excitement maybe she had someone who she was already going with already hopefully not. Being with this beautiful girl in class would make the day a little bit more interesting.
"Sure," Ossie replied with a smile.

She gave Dakota's last book back to her and straightened up.

She turned and gave a shy wave of goodbye to James.

Tapatapatapatapatapatapatapatapa Batman~

C a s p e r

Now that the concept of his feelings towards Serena had been taken to heart, and the initial nervousness of first greetings to someone new had also ran it's trial, Casper was slowly, but noticeably relaxing more and more with each minute that ticked by being in her company. Her response to his thank you caught him off guard. He didn't think she realized just how much he appreciated gaining a person like how she was being to him as a friend. But despite this, he decided to just leave it be and not protest to it; her verbal expression of him being a blessing pulled his mind off of that. He always came to think that he was either 'griffon guy' or 'that one tall guy', but hearing her call him a true friend sent a pang of slight astonishment through him. He wasn't complaining, of course, goodness no - he just found the title as ... well, new. He felt a grin spread on his lips, unable to be held back, and the final little thank you she gave back to him was said in a tone he felt was cute. He realized that he still had that bottle of soda in his hands, and he quickly slipped it into one of the side pouches of his messenger bag before glancing back to Serena - and, in turn, towards the ground in subtle sheepishness.

A small moment of quiet passed before Serena suddenly exclaimed something in a very excited tone, one that caused him to automatically glance up towards her - and nearly gasp when he found himself back onto her eyes, which now were full of emotion and striking to look at. She asked him something that surprised him to hear: "Would you like to go flying with me?" At first, he thought she meant during lunch or after school or something; but it was when she began to elaborate about the wonderful weather that he realized she meant right then. First looking at her, he didn't expect her to be the type to skip out on classes willingly. But, as his gaze was stuck on hers and he got the full blow of her jubilant expression, he knew he could never bring himself to say anything besides encouragement and acceptance to the offer. Honestly, he didn't mind it much either. He had skipped classes before.

Before he could speak, she exclaimed for him to come with her and - and took his hand. The gesture surprised him, to a large extent, and his stomach felt as if a cage of butterflies had burst open in it. His blush returned full-force. Her hands were pretty small in comparison to his, and despite a good grasp, it was light and gentle at the same time. Add this nice feeling to the fact that he has a crush on her and boom - you get a boy full of embarrassment. She tugged him on, and even though he knew she probably didn't have the strength to pull him far on her own, she went along and followed after her, too caught up in his mixed-around emotions to want to protest.

He followed her outside to the courtyard of the school, and all the way through, he was working on containing his emotions and getting a hold on himself. He managed to do so by the time they were outside, and when they stopped, she didn't let go of his hand right then. But as he sifted through the feelings, he found that he ... actually didn't mind. He found her hand in his heart-warming for him, for the obvious reason that anybody who held hands with a newly-found crush would feel the same. Even if his cheeks did still show it's red tint, and his stomach was still filled with fluttering, he couldn't mind it. He followed her pointed finger to look at the sky, and managed to focus a part of himself on it, finding it to be actually quite an ideal day for flight. The sky was clearer than he usually saw it to be, with a moderate, perfectly balanced amount of pure white, puffy clouds hung among the forget-me-not blue. He listened to her animated voice and found his heart quickening with it. The instincts of his second form were suddenly making themselves known, urging him to spread his wings and get into the skies, be free for a while, experience the rushing breeze against him and the open, constriction-free world among the clouds ...

He had to drag himself back to reality after a minute, and he glanced down at Serena, deep green eyes suddenly brighter and more lively. He found her looking down at their hands still holding one another before she quickly slipped hers out of his, causing a notion of disappointment to douse the excitement a tad at the sudden emptiness of his hold. She apologized to him in an embarrassed voice - an apology that he could have laughed at. Why was she apologizing, of all things? She was genius for getting him to come outside; nothing could change his mind about skipping class now, not with the clear, loud call of freedom that rung in his senses and his being.

She asked him her question in a more direct way, her tone softer and not quite as spontaneous as it had been before. It was as if her excitement had gone out from her and transferred to him, because now, he could barely wait to get into his second form. He'd have to get closer to the center of the courtyard, if he wanted his griffon's full body - which was the size of a station wagon, mind you - to fit in the area comfortably. He stared up at the sky for a minute as she asked him again, and he had to rip his eyes away from it to get himself focused back onto Serena.

He reached down and took both of her wrists - surprisingly slender wrists, he found - in each of his hands, pulling them up excitedly without much planning to the action {but making sure he wasn't gripping too hard or pulling too sharply} and saying passionately, "Yes - yes, yes, please! Let's go further out and shift!" His eyes were now locked on hers, giving her a wide smile with dark green irises sparkling to life.

After about half a second, he came to realize what he was doing, and he swiftly let go of her wrists, feeling a wave of intense embarrassment and shame at his own actions. He stammered, "Oh, my Go - I - I, uh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, uh ... t'scare you or anything with that, wow, I'm - I'm really sorry ... " He thought he might just have scared her away with his damn actions, feeling like a total idiot for not getting a little bit of self-control. He expected her to back away or something away, one of his hands rubbing the back of his neck nervously now.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2d59dc7_SerenaIcon.jpg.991359bad270a175857a0958b00b6b17.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17702" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2d59dc7_SerenaIcon.jpg.991359bad270a175857a0958b00b6b17.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2d5c863_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.c4ef9ecd7b10bf9fd991e2dc542d271e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17703" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2d5c863_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.c4ef9ecd7b10bf9fd991e2dc542d271e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Serena Sinclair

Serena smiled warmly as she looked up into Casper's beautiful forest-green eyes. They were so full of life and vigor right now, and they brought Serena incredible joy to see. It's so nice to share my love for the open, wondrous sky with someone, she thought to herself as a happy tint of pink came over her cheeks. Her own turquoise eyes twinkled in approval of his new-found energy, though she was completely taken aback when he took hold of her slender wrists in his hands. Immediately, her entire face flushed, and her eyes flickered between their newly found contact and his enticing stare. I-I... I can't breathe... she thought, for it felt like her throat was closing up in anticipation. She could hear her heart pounding in her ears, and it felt like it was beating a million miles a minute. Why.. Why won't it calm down? She wondered, referring to the intense pulsing coming from her chest. Though she wanted to look away and hide her embarrassed face, Serena found herself unable to look away from Casper's physique. It was then that she realized the reason behind her racing heart and short of breath.

Do I... Do I like him?

She wondered, though her heart already knew the answer. Upon this sudden realization, being that she's never had a crush on anyone before, her bashfulness intensified drastically. She pursed her pale pink lips together shyly, though she still found herself unable to look away from Casper. As he spoke with that wonderful, enthusiastic voice of his, expressing his approval in going for a flight, Serena couldn't help but laugh.
Why is he so adorable? She wondered, giggling in a manner as sweet as sugar. So that's why I've been such an embarrassed mess all this time, she realized, feeling a little stupid for not realizing it earlier. How cliche is that? She continued on with her innocent laughter, her flushed face almost glowing with elation. How hilarious! She couldn't help but think, her expression completely euphoric as she looked up at him. Her feelings should have been obvious from the get go - from the moment he asked to walk her to class. The way he actually bothered to listen to her, to relate to her, to talk to her - she should have known right then and there how she felt about him.

I can be so silly sometimes, she thought with a soft shake of her head. Soon after, however, Casper abruptly let go of Serena's wrist. She was completely thrown out of her delighted trance once he did, though the sparkle remained in her deep azure eyes. She noticed how he began to trip over his words, and his face was beginning to flush as well. It was then that it hit her. Does he feel the same way, too? She wondered, but immediately shook the thought out of her head. No, no. That's impossible. Maybe he's just a bashful guy? She questioned herself, but ruled that out because of what he told her earlier. No, no. That can't be it. He said you were special for making him blush, remember? Upon remembering that, the tint placed upon her cheeks deepened. Maybe he was just saying that to compliment me or something... To flatter me out of politeness and friendliness, I suppose, she began, her thoughts running wild. Though, she couldn't quite get a hand on which it was. It was a little confusing, and the more she thought about it, the more overwhelming feelings crashed over her.

Oh, none of that is important, she decided with new resolve. He said we could be friends, so that's what we'll be. If that changes.. Then.. I suppose that's good.. If not, that's alright, too, she concluded, and with that, she beamed up at him brightly. "You - You don't need to apologize," Serena stammered in a soft, bashful tone. "Really, you don't," she assured him, her warm smile spreading up to her shimmering irises. They gleamed up at him warmly as she slowly reached up for the hand that was rubbing the back of his neck, and she gently brought it back down to his side. She gave it a soft squeeze before reluctantly letting go. It was like an exhilarated shock was sent between their skin; like a pleasant jolt coursed all through her body upon contact with him. However, she couldn't bring herself to embrace such effects for that long. Serena was completely new to these feelings of hers, and they intimidated her a little bit. It was a little scary, but she did feel more joy in it than anything else.

"L-Let's go shift!" She tried her best not to stammer, but she tripped over her words cutely anyways. With another ecstatic smile, she turned around and began running towards the open field past the courtyard. It had plenty of room to shift, but before she got too far, she turned back to make sure Casper was following. "Come on~!" She cheered, and began running once more.



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James watched the two girls leave, a sad smile on his lips. Sure, he liked Ossie, but this new girl... She had brightened Ossie into a sun while James could barely manage to get a smile out of her. And that was all he had truly wanted. He had just wanted for Ossie to be happy. He shoved his hands in his pockets and turned on his heel to give the girls space.

"Good luck," He murmured as he walked away. "I hope you get the girl."


Maelie's brow furrowed as she looked to him, cocking her head to one side.

"Oh? You think you would have won if I had fought with you?" Maelie asked, a smile on her pale lips. "While I do not live up to my reputation, I am still a Thera and the next in line to lead the family. I would have left you a pile of nothing." She shook her head, smiling wider as the thought that he could beat her was quite ridiculous to her.
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