Changeling Academy [Inactive]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2913f7a_SerenaIcon.jpg.bcae60ebf877d8c2e7ced26e162bc0b1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17556" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2913f7a_SerenaIcon.jpg.bcae60ebf877d8c2e7ced26e162bc0b1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2917383_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.4685019cdfd7032b14b8bd4d0a59c4bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17557" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2917383_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.4685019cdfd7032b14b8bd4d0a59c4bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Serena Sinclair

Serena listened as Casper responded to her, speaking in a relaxed and calm tone. She could have sworn she caught some bashfulness in it, but she figured she was simply thinking too much.
"Well, you don't have to worry about it, either," she began with a sweet smile. "It's perfectly fine by me," she stated, and she couldn't help but notice his enticing body gestures. His charming half-grin was contagious, so she couldn't help but return the beam, and the way he shrugged and showed his emotions when he talked was very refreshing. She felt a happy blush come across her cheeks as she walked beside him. He's so easy to talk to, she thought contently, letting out another amused giggle as she watched him take a swig of his Coca Cola. She finished off her vanilla coffee quite quickly, being that it was one of her favorite drinks, so she wandered off to the side for a moment to toss it in the trash can. Afterwards, she returned to Casper's side, and she noticed that he went from a half-grin to a full on smile. Was it something I said? She wondered, and then realized that he took her comment on him being nice into account.

"Oh, no, no, I can't be nice, remember? I'm the griffon shifter." She heard him say in an amusingly sarcastic tone. As he limply lifted his hands, shaping them into playful claws, Serena had to place her fingers over her mouth in an attempt to not burst out into laughter. He looks so cute like that, she couldn't help but think, and this inner compliment intensified as he looked over at her with a puppy-like expression. At that point, Serena couldn't hold back her laughter. She went into a small fit of giggles, laughing lightheartedly and gleefully. "Silly," she commented under her breath. She cleared her throat softly as she attempted to regain her composure, giving Casper her full attention as he continued speaking. He went on about how he was apparently considered the biggest and baddest creature on earth, as well as the fact that people take shift animals far too seriously. "I can promise you that you'll find me to be anything but aggressive, towards most," she heard him conclude. With that, Serena smiled up at him warmly. Her aquamarine eyes twinkled in approval.

"I can tell," she began as she shyly hooked some of her stray black locks behind one ear. "I personally think that the griffon is beautiful," she stated, glancing up towards him briefly before looking straight ahead. "It's a majestic and magical creature no different from my pegasus. I don't understand why they don't receive the same treatment," she spoke, pouting slightly at the unfairness of the situation. "It's beautiful," she echoed once more, beaming up at him in a way that seemed to assure him that she didn't see him in that stereotypical way at all. He wasn't some monster in her eyes; she was even more sure of that after speaking with him. If anything, he's simply a gentle giant. He seemed caring enough, and Serena admired how laid back he seemed. He was playful and friendly, just like she was, and he seemed refreshingly open with her. Those qualities aren't monster like at all. Just how she thought the griffon was a wonderful creature, she was beginning to think that Casper, himself, was equally amazing.

I'm glad he asked to walk me to class, she thought as she smiled to herself. She let out a sweet, "Hmm~" sound as she wrapped her slender arms around her petite physique. "Thank you," she spoke as she adjusted her messenger bag strap over her shoulder. "For walking me, I mean," she concluded with a brief laugh. "I don't get walked to class often, so I think it's really nice. I usually just greet familiar faces I pass in the halls while walking by myself," she shrugged sheepishly. "So, thank you. It means a lot."



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Zachery shook his head, "nah I don't really have anywhere to be until class, and to be fair with the way you were acting, i thought I was bothering you." He rubbed his hands where Mae had gripped, for someone that was so small she had quite a bit of strength and a really good grip. "Mae, anyone ever tell you that you have a handshake like a vice-grip?" He chuckled a bit, "squeeze a little bit more, and you may dislocate a finger or something."

Mae opened her mouth to respond, but closed it again as though she was wondering if what she was about to say was true. Then, she nodded, assured that she meant what she would say. "I enjoy your company, Zach. You aren't bothering me. I am just unused to people I just meet not being afraid of me..." Mae said, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you afraid of me? I know you know what my last name is. You know who my family is. You have to know. Everyone knows. Are you afraid of me?"
Ozzie rolled her eyes as her name came from his lips all wrong. She glared at him playfully and flushed slightly when he produced the rose. "Honored is a strong word," she said. She gave a small giggled and added, "and I'm not big on dates," she teased but reached out for the rose. As her fingers brushed his, she was taken by surprise as someone slammed into her side. Her eyes widened on the impact, and she scrambled to grab the first thing she could. One hand grasped at James' out stretched hand and the other curled around the girl's shirt. She fell sideways, awkwardly hanging onto the two beside her. She glanced up at James and released him immediately, feeling embarrassed for grabbing him so suddenly. She dropped the short way to the floor and felt her face heat up.

She mumbled quickly to James, "I'm okay," She glanced at the girl sprawled beside her and touched her shoulder gently. "God, are you okay?" she asked worriedly. Books fanned out around them, and Ozzie looked up to James, who was stretched out towards them, her eyes full of surprise. She mentally cursed the girl for ruining the moment, but looked down at her, brushing a strand of hair away from the girl's face without thinking.
Zach leaned back into the wall closest to him, "I was at first, to be perfectly honest, Your name carries a lot of weight. " He lowered his head, "quite frankly I was terrified when I found out it was you." He raised his head with a smile, "however anything attributed to you, i don't see it. You haven't done anything matching your family reputation." Motioning to her he continued on, "In fact, you seem to be down right pleasant, any negative reputation you have is totally undeserved."

Maelie tilted her head back and seemed to consider this for a little while. Then, she looked to him with a completely serious face.

"Well, I have decided not to kill you today," She said, completely deadpan. "I rather like this dress. It is new. I don't want to ruin it with blood." She played with the hem of her black sundress that was rather ruffly and frilly for a member of the Thera family. Then, she looked up to him and cracked a wide smile.

"Perhaps reputations are not all that reliable, yes?" She said with a light giggle.

C a s p e r

The 'cute as a button' observation rolled back around in his thoughts as she spoke more, and as he subtly observed her gestures and expressions. There were a lot of ladies in the school that attempted to be cutesy and act in an adorable way, mostly to attract attention. They came and went, pulling in the less observant and effectively leading them to believe that's how they naturally were. Serena, though, was different to him. He could tell that she wasn't trying to be something, that she was - to put it in a cheesy way - just being herself. No superficiality meant to impress the crowds, just ... honesty. That was a quality that he respected in girls, ones who weren't putting on a show to compliment everybody around them. He could honestly say that he trusted her to just naturally act that way. She was so easy-going, without the undertone of anxiety at slipping up. Girls like that were a rare find, especially ones with unique bloodlines of creatures like a damn pegasus.

The satisfaction with her as a person, however, did not douse that tinge of abashment that he felt in his gut. He rarely recognized the feeling when he spoke to people, so
Serena must have been a pretty special person to evoke that.

Dragging out his thoughts from that well of curiosity, he grinned once more at the mention of her not minding his zoning out. It was refreshing to hear a clear excusing for his aimless behaviors.

His little action seemed to get some giggles from her, which stoked the adorable vibe once more. Either she was an extremely impressive actress in that regard, or he was just too exposed to superficiality to believe in the honesty of her mood. Nevertheless, he couldn't push away the slight tingle in his cheeks and the silly grin that appeared on his lips, gaze averting back forward in a slight boost of accomplishment in making her laugh. Making anyone laugh was a joy to him, honestly.

His attention was pulled back to
Serena's soft, wondrous voice when she paused before she began to muse about her admiration for the griffon. The words were compliments to Casper, in his case; it was rare to find words that were not related to 'scary' or 'tough' describing his second form. He never really thought of the griffon as something to be admired in that way, but now that she voiced it out loud, he was intrigued and surprised by such an abstract way of thinking. He blinked once, glancing back towards her in a slight, briefly suspicious vibe of disbelief; but as she glanced back at him with that beaming expression, the doubt was washed away. She meant it. He could feel it from the enthusiastic little gleam in her eyes. He just then, as he observed them, seemed to notice how shockingly pleasant her eyes were to look at - his own rather dark forest green weren't as impressive as her deeply blue irises. It took him a second to realize that staring was probably not the most polite thing to do, and ripped his eyes from hers, saying in a bashful tone, "Oh. W-well, uh ... " His cheeks reddened slightly, a tad overwhelmed by the compliments along with the realization of her eyes, " ... thanks. I mean that, really, thank you." He grinned warmly and lopsidedly to her. "It isn't often you hear beauty describing a griffon." He came to realize that it was probably only appropriate to offer encouraging words in return, and he cleared his throat, saying in a littler voice, "The pegasus is gorgeous too, no doubt. They're really neat, and incredibly ... " he searched for the right word, " ... eloquent. I really like them." He felt satisfied with his word choice, glancing at her momentarily as to not get caught up in her stare again.

Silence ensued after that. It was broken by a soft little '
Hmm~' from Serena, which made his heart stutter a little. Her voice was stunning to him. He wondered if she naturally just had that honey-sweet feel to it. She followed after with a sincere thank you for walking her to her class. Listening to what she said almost took him aback with surprise. She really wasn't asked often? He had felt like he was intruding on her space before, under the impression that she was constantly asked that. But apparently, that wasn't so, and that was really a shock to him. She followed with a final thank you, and went quiet.

He took a second before doing a small, breathy laugh in astonishment, saying, "
And here I was, thinking that I was bothering you. You have to be joking." He paused, feeling like that last part was a bit stupid to say and feeling his cheeks tingle slightly again, stepping back and saying, "I-I mean, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't joke about that, but still. Amazing." He did a slight scoff of amazement, saying, "I was expecting a posse of guys to crowd around and rip me to shreds for being around you, honestly. Having such a majestic shift animal and all."

'And being as cute as you are,' his mind tacked on impishly in his head. He attempted to wave that little attraction off, assuming that he probably wouldn't be her first choice for an appealing person - just look at him, in his pajamas and with that old bag slung so haphazardly onto his shoulder. He often doubted himself in that way, excepting the fact that he was tall. He liked that feature about himself, at least. But otherwise, he never quite imagined to be the first candidate in a choice of aesthetic appeal. He didn't want to get his hopes up only to have them dashed.

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Zachary feigned a frightened look as Mae delivered her deadpan comment. He laughed after her last sentence. "Reputations are a hindrance, that's why I've worked so long on making sure I don't have one. It's a lot easier going through school if few people notice you." Again he motioned to Mae, "of course the main thing is that we don't ruin your dress. Quite nice, it works well for you." He lowered his head with a raised eye brow and adjusted his glasses, smiling the whole time. "Though the way you say it, it seems that the resulting fight would be completely one sided. I'm no slouch my self when it comes to a brawl."

M i k e G r e e n

"I think i'm already an Emo!"

I sang a Song, it was probably
Hello Kitty by Avril Lavigne. I just saw the vid Recently & now, i was addicted. In total, there are many Rip Offs in the Music Vid but, bah... don't Care... Well, i'm also Surprisingly Shocked when Serena, waved at a Nerd like me. I was in total Shock. I was just Glad Casper was in the Mood today, besides i don't think Serena & Casper has a Chance but i'm Glad i did. I sighed as Jealousy took over which i don't have a Girlfriend yet. Well, i shifted into my Leopard Form & Sat down a Tree, near the School Park. Then there was suddenly a Sad Song named: Sad Song by We the Kings. "Damn IPod, it always go through for me..." Well, there goes another Related Song again...

Well, the one thing i quoted when i sat Down was:

If some Bully ever tries to Hurt anybody but Serena, they will PAY - Mike Green 2014

Wait a minute... Why did i just Quote that? Am i seriously Falling for Serena? A Nerd, in love with a Popular Gal? Those are one of those Watt pad clichés. The Last one i red was
A & D where D or Dakota falls in love with his BFF named A or Aaron. Aaron was a Jock & Dakota was the Butt of Clique Nerd Jokes. Damn it Sudden Romance clichés. I sighed as Better than i know Myself by Adam Lambert played in my Leopard Mode, in Lunch Break, was probably 12: 47 p.m already. One thing i know for Sure. In This Academy, this is just a 4 Year Heartbreak Guilt Trip. I already know me & Serena never had a Chance & now i was FALLING for her. Damn it, this Life was just like those Sad Humor Romance Movies my Mom used to Rent with Dad. Besides, it was already Serena x Casper. Who am i, an 18 year old Self Confessed Nerd to Do?

I Guess, i will just wait for another 4 Year Anti Romance Experience. I'm already beginning to be an Emo! i sighed as
So Alone by Anna Blue

played in my Headset, as i sat alone in an Oak Tree, eating my Sandwich. After the Song was Done. The IPod struck again by Playing Afraid to Love by Brutha. Which the meaning was that the IPod is telling me i'm a too much of a Coward to Love Serena. Damn IPod... i sighed as i continue eating my Lunch. Alone...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2955146_SerenaIcon.jpg.fa251f0e778d8fe261da3f1c49eb326c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17568" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2955146_SerenaIcon.jpg.fa251f0e778d8fe261da3f1c49eb326c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf295922b_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.f0b5a9119840fe63faa5b2a50d25cf10.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17569" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf295922b_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.f0b5a9119840fe63faa5b2a50d25cf10.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Serena Sinclair

Serena felt almost
hypnotized whenever Casper's forest green eyes met hers soon after she voiced her views on the griffon. The deeper he looked into her eyes, and the more she looked back, it seemed like time just.. Came to a complete halt. For a moment, she caught herself wondering if the same thing was happening to him, but then he ripped his gaze away from hers. It almost felt weird to not be looking at him anymore.. Like something was missing, but she couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was. What was that all about? She wondered as she placed a half-clenched fist over her chest. Her heart was beating a little faster than normal, and she could feel the ever-familiar heat visiting her cheeks yet again. She looked up at Casper as he began to speak, and at first she thought it was a just trick of the eye, but he was actually blushing, too! With one of her sweetest smiles, she let out another set of giggles. They sounded relieved, joyful, and they floated through the air as light as a feather. With her tiny index finger, she poked his cheek and let out another laugh. "You're blushing, too," she stated. For some reason, she just couldn't stop laughing. The more she did so, the easier it came to her.

As she listened to him thank her and state that the griffon isn't perceived as beautiful often, she shook her head in disapproval.
"The griffon deserves more praise," she stated her opinion, smiling up at him yet again. "And, you don't need to thank me for telling the truth." She couldn't help but notice how Casper tripped over his words a little, and the more he did, the happier Serena became. She let out a softer giggle into her half-closed fist, shutting her eyes briefly in delight. She was caught off guard, however, whenever Casper returned the compliment to her pegasus. She stared up at him for a second, her expression pleasantly surprised. "Y-You really think so?" She questioned, trying to hide her widening smile with her petite fingers. She received praise from teachers all the time, and her 'friends' she usually sees in the hallway may compliment the pegasus' grace. However, she's never heard anyone say that they actually like it. Nor have they bothered to use more descriptive words like gorgeous or eloquent; all she usually got was, "Your horse is cool!", which would almost anger Serena, or "I'm so jealous, the pegasus is awesome!".

The way Casper put it.. It just made her heart skip happily with delight.

After that, Serena sighed contently with her sweet,
"Hmm~" sound. Upon thanking Casper for walking her to class, she glanced up at him to see an expression she didn't expect. He's surprised? She questioned internally. After that, he even laughed a seemingly astonished laugh. "And here I was, thinking I was bothering you. You have to be joking." He spoke, which triggered a sheepish shrug in Serena. She also couldn't help but notice his cheeks reddening slightly again, so with another soft laugh, she poked his cheek again. He's so cute, she found herself thinking, but then her own blush came over her cheeks. W-Wait, what? She questioned in her head. Immediately after, she forced her stare straight in front of her, becoming too shy to look at Casper directly. She straightened out her arms in front of her torso, fiddling with her fingers bashfully as she looked down upon them. "I-I mean, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't joke about that, but still. Amazing." She heard him stammer slightly with a scoff. Her cheeks reddened a little more at the word amazing. "I was expecting a posse of guys to crowd around and rip me to shreds for being around you, honestly. Having such a majestic shift animal and all." He stated, and this got a smile out of Serena.

She shook her head in response, which caused her extensive black hair to tumble over her face and torso. She gently hooked a lock behind her ear, glancing up at Casper from the corner of her eye.
"I like talking to everyone," she began, but then shrugged. "However, I don't get really close to too many people. There's only a couple out of the bunch I can call real friends," she stated with a small, almost sad smile. Though she was grateful for all the people who know her, compliment her, and occasionally spend time with her, she's always wanted to be more than a person to simply hang out with when no one else was around. She wanted to actually mean something to people, rather than just have them use her for her apparent kindness and hard-working ways. She figured it was better to have those sorts of attention rather than nothing, but it still got to her sometimes. She had to constantly wonder who her real friends were, and who were the people who just hung around her because of her sweet smile and mystical shift animal. With a softer, more melancholy laugh, Serena tilted her head to the side for a moment as she thought about it. However, she didn't like being that way, so she shook the thoughts away soon after.

"Besides, if there were guys who would rip you to shreds for being around me, I would take you over them any day," she stated honestly, but then realized how it must have sounded. Her entire face flushed for a moment, and her eyes widened in embarrassment. "I-I.. I mean, u-um," she stammered fervently as she covered her reddening face with her hands. "I-I don't like violence, so if.. If someone would actually get angry or aggressive towards you for just wanting to be around me, then of course I'd rather be by your side, you know?" She stated, wondering if her wording was any better this time around. She lowered her head slightly, causing her black hair to tumble yet again over herself. I mean, you're just so soothing to be around. You're not the aggressive type, and you don't appear to like violence anymore than I do. You're just so.. Kind and gentle. It's really nice, she thought, but she couldn't bring herself to say the words out loud. When it comes to basic opinions, like what she likes about what someone else said, or what she thinks about what they're wearing, or what she believes they should do with their lives - she'll voice them without hesitation. However, for some reason, she just couldn't voice that.

One could say that Casper made a very, very wonderful first impression on Serena. She's never met anyone else like him. All she knew about him before is that some people she knew distanced themselves from him due to his shift, and she didn't like that at all. She's wanted to befriend him for the longest time. However, she never knew how to go about it. He was always so laid back and calm; she was almost afraid that he'd find her usually outgoing self annoying. Still, who would've thought he'd trigger more of her shy and quiet side? She couldn't tell whether that was a good or a bad thing just yet. She didn't exactly
like being embarrassed, but she didn't particularly mind it, either. It was just so enjoyable to be able to be herself around him, even if it meant blushing up a storm. He was revealing sides of her she didn't even know she had, which both frightened Serena a little while also causing joy to course through her veins. Hell, she even liked how he was wearing pajamas. She would love to wear her pajamas, because she knew how comfortable they were. However, silken baby-doll gowns aren't exactly appropriate for public view. Serena may be confident in some areas, but showing off her body isn't one of them.

With a sigh, she shook her head.
Stop making me trip over my words, will you? She thought, but even then... She was smiling ever-so warmly.

(Shizz, that came out longer than I expected.
O.o ' Sowwie~!)



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M i k e G r e e n

"Will i have the Chance?"

After, eating my Lunch. The IPod gave me a Song: A Mountain to Move by Gavin DeGraw. That my Friend, was an Inspirational Love Song. I thought to myself after hearing that song. Maybe i still have the Courage to tell Serena how i really Feel. Either way we can be Real Friends or Maybe she even feel the Same Way! "Thanks IPod" I said as i patted my IPod "You are not such a Pain in the Ass after all..." I ran to my room in my Leopard form. Then again i looked at my Watch. "Oh Shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, i'm Late!" I'm Surprised yet Terrified to know i'm Late for Class. Here are the Reasons:

  1. I am Late
  2. I AM LATE!

I ran through the Hallway, & just hoped People didn't noticed. Well, i guess i had a Stroke of Luck. I was sitting there, awkwardly, both Trembling & Scared because. There are MORE Reasons:

  1. I'm Nervous becuase what will Happen if Mr. Lycanthrope saw Me?

"Mr. Green? Why are you there?" Mr. Lycan Spoke. I stammered "I was already here! umm.. you didn't saw me?" "Am i an Idiot Mr. Green?" Well, i threw a Steak at Him, & that probably cooled him from his Temper. People laughed & Mr. Lycan spoke with the 'Are you Kidding Me?' "Is something funny Class?" Then one Student stood up "Well, you loo-" He was stopped by the Teacher "Mr. Polymier! Detention, After Class 3 Hours!" I heard a Faint sound of Damn it, from the Student, since Mr. Lycan has the Senses of a Hound, we where Shocked when he Growled: "MR. POLYMIER! 5 HOURS!" Well, that set him off, because he practically went outside to Cry. "Now, if there are no more Fuss about anything... lets get back to our Lesson.". After 2 Hrs. & 45 Mins. of learning how to Run faster, the Bell Rang. Then my IPod got in the Way. The IPod i forgot to Close. It played the Song: Courage by Justin Hines.

Yeah, yeah... i closed the IPod & decided to wait until Break Time. After 2 Hours & 45 Mins. of excessive blabbering of Animal Bodies, how to move faster etc. The Bell Rang. Those other Students ran like Wildebeests. Almost pushing me to Mr. Lycan. I think i'll just wait when Serena is outside.

The Hello i'm gonna say, was like spelling the Longest Word in the Universe into a very Strict Principal in College. I Found it Hard to Breath while i was waiting for a Response.
Will i have the Chance to say what i feel?

Well, when i waited for a Response, i analyzed what did i thought. Then it hit Me. Damn it Watt pad Romance Clichés!]
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C a s p e r

Another collection of amused giggling came from her, which caused his blush to deepen just a slight amount. He was angered by his cheeks, wishing they'd quit making his bashfulness so obvious. The light poke on his cheek caused his gaze to flicker up, and when she mentioned his blush - well, he blushed more. Great. Perfect, absolutely stupendous. 'Thanks, cheeks, that's exactly the response you were supposed to give to that,' the embarrassed little voice in his head scolded to himself. He didn't even know why he was feeling so ... so ... ehm, the way he was feeling then. He usually never was embarrassed in the company of other people. He was starting to pull pieces of the various little feelings he had received from his short time with Serena, but wasn't quite finished with the puzzle yet. He was still confusing himself with his emotions. He cleared his throat, and looked down at her, tilting his head to the side with a now inquisitive expression on his face - and actually noticing her red cheeks as well. A little grin came to his lips, and he leaned back up as he said, "Well, you must be special. Not many people make me blush, y'know."

He didn't realize that what he said could be interpreted in two ways, and he actually
meant it in more than just one way, of course. Without realizing, unfortunately; he'd come to realize it soon.

Her praise for his griffon was so much more special to him than what he noticed immediately. For his entire life, his griffon had been revered as a
beast, something impressive through strength and toughness rather than beauty and grace. It was normal for him to receive comments like that, but this - this meant so much more to him. I don't think he even realized how deeply he took that to heart. Maybe that's one of the reasons that he's been growing this admiration so quickly - the many ways she felt about him, that he could see, at least, were so enticing and drew him in like a fly to honey. Because these ways, they were all just so ... unique. New, refreshing, more than anything. He felt a warmth surround his heart at her words, feeling a genuine sense of joy that really made him want to hug her. But that would be weird for her, probably, so he decided against it. {For now. He couldn't resist that forever, you know.}

Her response surprised him. To his exclamation of surprise in regard to her not being walked to class often. He blinked, feeling something trap his heart like a vice when her tone melted from the light-hearted ring to a depressed one. Her sad chuckle just tightened it. The urge to grab her up and just snuggle her pressed at him again, but his sensibility stepped in and kept it away. He was in silence, unsure of how to respond. Her continuing of her reply and her sudden step-back was certainly cute, and he smiled slightly at the words, but the sadness wouldn't fade. He felt like saying something. He had to. He had to, he
had to. His caught-up heart assisted him; it pumped words to his head, and trusting his instincts, he pulled in a deep breath, let it out, and spoke.

... Well ... you ... can be my friend, y'know."

His gaze flickered to her briefly, but he couldn't keep it there for long, letting it go back to the floor to his feet as he continued, "
I mean ... I kind of feel the same way. People in this school ... they can't really appreciate me for - well, for me, basically. It's always the griffon side of me that they seem to like, and even then, their compliments are all usually the same. The whole excitement of those compliments has long just ... faded." Faded held a tone of slight desperation to it. "I can't feel good about myself anymore hearing them, y'know?" He paused thoughtfully before breaking the quiet again and continuing, "And, well ... you're really sweet, and you need a good friend too. So ... " He shrugged, his tone growing quieter and quieter with his progression in words, " ... I just thought, maybe it could work out for both of us, right? ... Maybe? ... "

He finished the tangent on a soft note, unsure and doubtful that her response would be a good one. He by then had realized that she wasn't one to scold, but he foolishly thought she would reject his offer in a kind, gentle way. He didn't know
why he thought it; it was so obvious that saying that was the right thing to do. It might have been that admiration in him. She seemed so lovely, and he just wasn't ... as lovely in the same way she was, to him. The thoughts that were running through his mind would be so irrational for him to say out loud, but at the moment, felt so true that it actually scared him a little. But nevertheless, with a slight bracing, he waited for whatever response he was destined for, falling silent and keeping his gaze tilted down.

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It was fairly obvious that a lot of things had been going on.

Lorzo sat up from his dorm bed quietly, his silver streaks of hair gently resting down to his shoulder. He frowned when he looked at the time, realizing it was pretty late.

His windows were open, causing cool winds to be blown into the room, the slight coldness blew against the nakedness of his exposed chest, causing him to shiver a bit, then finally realized he had forgotten to button up his shirt properly last night. Lorzo raised an eyebrow to himself before standing up and began to change.

He didn't know what was going on in the academy right now, exactly, at least. He was pretty sure romance was going on, friendship was bonding, etc. Well, obviously, since it's an academy he was in. Students had their wonderful youth time in academies, or high schools. Whatever, not like Lorzo cared much.

(The role player cares, she is fairly confused with what's going on right now except the romance part.)

Making sure he was dressed properly--his parents wouldn't like it otherwise--he stepped out of his dorm, then quietly and carefully walked down toward the school hallways. Lorzo saw students looking at him while mumbling at the same time. Girls, too, the annoying fan girls who were just chuckling among themselves then saying all types of gossips as they stared at him. Lorzo ignored them until one of the girls bumped into him, and tripped sideways.

Lorzo raised an eyebrow as he caught her swiftly by the arm. "Careful," he mumbled, and seeing the other's bewildered look he sighed and smirked at her a little. "What, the Beautiful Yet Dangerous One just saved you, no thanks?"

As the girl blushed embarrassingly he simply patted her head. "Don't mind it," he said as he once again shifted his attention back to his own thoughts. He didn't have class now did he...

His expression returned to that of emotionlessness as he thought back to his schedule, not exactly caring where he's heading to right now.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf298859b_SerenaIcon.jpg.38b3909bdac0093e511c8ea9d56e4afc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17576" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf298859b_SerenaIcon.jpg.38b3909bdac0093e511c8ea9d56e4afc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf298b968_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.be1f0becabf2cec4a8eccbc15dc820f0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17577" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf298b968_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.be1f0becabf2cec4a8eccbc15dc820f0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Serena Sinclair

Serena's warm smile only widened as she thought back to what Casper had told her.
Special.. huh? She thought to herself happily. It took all she had to not giggle with glee. She peeked through her fingers which covered her flushed face, and not even the black veil of her hair could hide the brightness of her azure eyes. They twinkled with delight as they stared upon Casper's figure, and she found herself unable to remove them. They locked onto his face, and though time seemed to pass by so slowly, it eventually they could stop walking because they reached her class. Serena placed herself right beside the lockers as she awaited the bell to ring. She was still covering a majority of her blushing face, but she revealed enough of her eyes to be able to see Casper's physique. It was then that she heard what would become the most magical words yet to leave Casper's mouth:

"... Well ... you ... can be my friend, y'know."

Her hands dropped from her flushed face, and her gaze met his shyly. The word 'friend' never sounded so... Intimate before; let alone so honest and real. She couldn't help but beam up at him with a overjoyed expression. At first, she was at a loss for words, so she was internally grateful when Casper picked up where he left off. She couldn't believe how much he could relate to her. It was almost a shame that they hadn't met earlier. "I mean ... I kind of feel the same way. People in this school ... they can't really appreciate me for - well, for me, basically. It's always the griffon side of me that they seem to like, and even then, their compliments are all usually the same. The whole excitement of those compliments has long just ... faded." He told her with such honesty. It was like he was speaking her own thoughts.

Whenever he said that he couldn't feel good about himself anymore, Serena could relate again on a personal level, but it saddened her to know that he felt that way, as well. Before she could get a word of protest in, however, he continued on with complimenting her. Whenever he called her sweet, the red tint on her cheeks intensified, and she shyly looked down at the floor beneath them. Her hair formed the perfect veil, and she found herself feeling grateful for it.
I probably look like a bashful mess right now, she thought to herself with a gentle sigh. Get a grip, Serena, she scolded herself internally, and looked up at Casper sheepishly as his voice seemed to lower the more he progressed with his words. With a soft, barely audible laugh, she looked up at him with her shimmering blue eyes. "Maybe?" She echoed. "There's no maybe," she began with a warm, reassuring smile.

"I'd love to be your friend. I really, really would," she stated, and tilted her body over horizontally to attempt to meet his gaze. It was locked on the floor, so she maneuvered her torso to come into common lines with it. "You're really kind, Casper," she spoke in a honey-sweet tone. "I'm really glad I bumped into you this morning - literally bumped into you," she laughed, attempting to hook her black veil behind her ears. However, it kept tumbling over her. Her hair never liked obeying her, but it's extensive and shiny nature only added to the endearing aura Serena possessed. It always gave her the reason to hook it back up and away, which some always saw as an adorable gesture. Serena, personally, never gave this much thought, however. She just saw her mane as annoying and bothersome.

Casper, on the other hand, didn't seem to really mind. Serena admired that. He always looked so laid back and comfortable, though now she was seeing a new side of him. Bashful, looking at his feet, and almost avoiding eye contact - if Serena didn't know any better, she would have thought he didn't like being around her because it made him uncomfortable. No, she knew that he was probably feeling the same thing she was. Although... She couldn't quite put her finger on what it
actually was. Still, she didn't see any need to concern herself with it. Right now, she was happy, and that's all that matters, right? So, she simply looked up at him cutely, as if telling him it was okay to look her in the eyes. "Thank you for being so considerate," she spoke, the words hanging in the air as light and gentle as a feather.

"Thank you."



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As Dakota and the other girl fell Dakota braced herself before hitting the hard ground. "Oof" she exhaled as she landed ontop of the brown eyed girl and then rolled onto the floor beside her. Finally getting a good look at the girl who broke her fall and oh was she beautiful. Scanning the girls face through a curtain of pink hair Dakota realized she should probably get her legs off the girl who was pinned to the floor. But then Dakota felt the girl reach over and move her hair out of her face. Blushing she scrambled to get up and then offered the girl a hand ignoring the boy standing beside her. "Uh im sorry about that I just didn't see you are you okay?" Dakota was panicking and tugging at her hair she didnt want her clumsy actions to result in this beautiful girl hating her oh she really was something.
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Ossie took the girl's out stretched hand, and allowed herself to be helped up. "Oh, um I'm fine," Ossie brushed off her skirt and smiled. The girl looked flustered and pulled at her hair. Ossie extended a hand stiffly, "Ossie Little," she said, feeling awkward offering a handshake but unsure of what else to do. She cleared her throat, "You can call me Os,"

James forgotten for a while, Ossie wondered if she'd seen the girl around before, something about her was... Like coming home after being away for a while. She must have seen her before, somewhere. Was she in one of her classes? Ossie mentally ran through her classes and she was sure she wasn't.

Tapatapatapatapatapatapatapatapa Batman~
The girl took Dakotas outstretched hand and then she pulled the girl to her feet. Once learning the girls name was Ossie Dakota took her hand squeezing it lightly before shaking it "Hi I im Dakota" relived that Ossie wasnt mad at her. Dakota then smiled at Ossie shyly, pushing her pink hair from her eyes then remembering that there was a boy being ignored "Um whos this?" She asked Ossie quietly whilst looking at the boy who still seemed a bit startled from earlier.
Ossie looked at James, surprised. "Oh, this is James, I think James is leaving, aren't you James?" The words spilled out of her mouth. She cleared her throat and smiled apologetically at the two of them, not sure who she was sorry for or why. She smoothed down her unruly hair and nodded at Dakota. "Hi Dakota," she said, if a little awkwardly. Dakota had soft, pink hair, and Ossie remembered how it felt. She smiled again. "Have I seen you somewhere before?" She queried, trying to put her finger on the feeling of familiarity.

Tapatapatapatapatapatapatapatapa Batman~
Looking at James smiling then turning back to Ossie. Feeling a little awkward but trying not to show it as Ossies eyes moved over her face and hair. "I dont know if I have seen you before but I wouldn't mind seeing you again" giggling to herself Dakota then winked at Ossie with this sudden boost of confidence. A thought was going through her head what is this girl doesn't like girls what but Dakota wasnt too bothered as she felt it was the right idea to try her luck anyway whats the worst that could happen?
Ossie felt her face heat up, then straightened up, preparing to match Dakota. "You're not so bad yourself," she flirted back cautiously. She placed her hands on her hips and held her tongue between her teeth.

Tapatapatapatapatapatapatapatapa Batman~
Dakota smiled. Some of her doubt falling away. This girl is adorable "Oh really I thought I was pretty great" Dakota said batting her eyelashes then giggling to herself "And you oh well I think we should hang out sometime dont you think?" Pushing to see how Ossie would react.
"Confident are we," Ossie replied, crossing her arms. She sniffed and smirked, "Hm, maybe," she said, purposely vague and noncommittal.

Tapatapatapatapatapatapatapatapa Batman~

C a s p e r

The silence between his finishing of his statement and Serena's reply was stressful, to say the least. Maybe he did say the wrong thing after all? He fiddled discreetly with the bottle of soda in his hands, this embarrassment of his so foreign to him. Never had he felt so nervous speaking to someone. Usually, they were the ones who held the embarrassment; but now, it seemed the tables had turned on his part. Even if who he was speaking to also was insanely bashful. He felt frustrated with the strange behavior. What in the world could be making him act in such an out-of-the-ordinary manner? The pieces were connecting as he attempted to figure it out. The blushing, the warmth, the abashment when he said anything to her, the unusual fear of slipping up a word or a phrase and having it come out in the wrong tone or way, the caution he was taking in talking about more intimate things ...

And in that moment, it connected. Something clicked together.

The red in his cheeks brightened again.

In his moment of realization, he heard her respond, her voice soft and full of warmth,
"There's no maybe." The knot that had twisted in his stomach loosened, his green eyes calming from the tension. Her next words were probably the most relieving he had heard all month; they completely relaxed him from his doubtful, anxious state. His gaze suddenly met with Serena's, who had leaned over to find his eyes and meet them with hers. He felt his head tilt up slightly, shocked once more by the sight of eyes so expressive. Their blue was a pretty blue, like the color of the surface of the sea during a day with a clear sky - holding depth to them, despite the entrancing outer color. Her hair was also funny to him; it seemed that no matter what she did with it, it always managed to fall back down, and it looked quite soft, actually. He found himself dazzled by her appearance constantly, and with the realization of his emotions that he just had, it was all the more enthralling.

He smiled at the humor she added. It was the humor
and her bubbly laugh that brought the expression on. How she expressed her acceptance to his offer was incredibly reassuring - she meant her words, and that was beautiful to him. He found himself genuinely happier than before he had ran into her. Her expression was adorable, and, just as her words were, supportive of her honesty. It was such an uplifting aura that she held that it even allowed his crooked grin to come back, replacing the normal smile. Her thank you made his heart feel fuzzy and ticklish; he grinned widely, taking a second of quiet before responding, " ... It's my pleasure, Serena." It really was all of his pleasure to talk to her, boost a little bit of good vibes with it, hopefully.

He paused before clearing his throat and glancing back down at the floor briefly, feeling his cheeks warm up again as he said sheepishly, "
And thank you. Y'know ... for giving me a chance, you could say." He shrugged, "To, well, to prove myself, in a sense." He turned his gaze up and offered another lopsided smile, "It's nice to talk to someone who understands and respects me for Casper, not for the griffon, heh~." He did a little chuckle at the end of that, looking down at the soda bottle that was now being held steady in his hands. It really was a nice feeling to him, to have a decent conversation with someone who, to him, was far more than just decent. The realization came back to him that he had earlier, and to say it simply, it didn't allow that red in his face to lessen at any degree.

'I think I have a crush on her.'

The deduction felt like it was the right one, which caused a note of strange emotions in him when he voiced the thought in his head, in actual words. He wasn't sure yet, of course; it was just an educated guess, but he would mull over and think about that later. He'd rather just enjoy having
Serena as a close friend than worry over her liking him back, or whatever it was.


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Serena Sinclair

Serena smiled warmly towards Casper as he spoke. With a sweet laugh, she straightened her body back out and flipped her extensive hair over her shoulder. It fell all the way down to her thighs, stopping just above the end of her skirt. She examined her attire for a moment, straightening out any wrinkles before turning back to look at Casper as he continued to speak. He thanked her sincerely, and as he did, Serena placed her hands before her and waved them back and forth modestly. "Oh, no! You really don't worry about it," she began with soft laughter. "Really, I feel like I'm the one benefiting more from this, anyways," she stated in a humble, honest fashion. "I don't think I've ever been blessed with a true friend before, so this is a wondrous change of pace. So, thank you," she repeated once again, her smile reaching all the way up to her shimmering turquoise eyes.

Serena took another look at her watch, counting down the minutes until class started. However, suddenly she got a feeling she normally doesn't get.
I'd rather fly, she thought, and then her eyes appeared to be shining radiantly. "Hey, I have an idea!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Would you like to go flying with me?" She beamed up at him, her innocent and enthusiastic face nearly impossible to say no to. "It's such a beautiful day outside, and the breeze is wonderful. I felt it earlier when I was in my pegasus form," she stated. She had to hold herself back from jumping with exhilaration. "Come on~!" She cheered gleefully, and by sheer impulse, she grabbed Casper by his hand and ran down the hallway. Her sprint was just as graceful as a horse's gallop as she made a pathway to the courtyard.

"See?" She pointed up to the sky with her free hand. She had no idea why she wanted to come outside and fly so badly. Perhaps it was because she finally had someone else to fly with? They both could shift into equally mystical creatures, both equipped with wings. It was as though, upon that realization, she couldn't hold herself back. "It's a great day for flying," she began with a content sigh. "I don't usually skip class, but now that I finally have someone else like me to fly with, I just can't wait to take to the skies," she spoke with a voice like honey as she gazed dreamily up above. It wasn't until a few moments later that she realized she was still holding Casper's hand. Once she did, she immediately let go and felt a rush of heat overwhelm her cheeks.

"O-Oh, um.. I'm sorry.. I guess I got a little too.. Um.. Zealous, I guess," she paused as she thought of the right word to describe her sudden and overflowing passion and excitement. She cleared her throat gently before continuing, and hooked some of her stray black locks behind her ear shyly.

"S-So.. Want to fly with me?"



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"Maybe? Ah okay then" Dakota could see that Ossie was doing this on purpose so she tried thinking of how she could make Ossie say yes. She smiled and took a step closer to Ossie putting her hands on Ossies hips and leaned in to whisper into her ear "Come on Os I know you want to" then moving her head back looking at Ossies face to see what she had to say about that.

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