Changeling Academy [Inactive]

Zachary paused rather abruptly, Skrillex and dubstep was loud, the voice that had called out to him was FAR louder. He turned around to see Mae with an outstretched hand, the voice was much different from what he heard before, in fact that is what you would expect from the Thera family. Still for some reason he didn't feel quite afraid, the sudden call for him to wait, coupled with the outstretched hand looked like something else...almost seemed like desperation. "Alright Mae, you want my company, you got it." He walked to her and outstretched his hand, "Zachary Saunders. Zach for short if you want."

Ryan swung his leg over the other while tapping the roof, making hollow sounds. He hummed once more the tone of the song "Hall of Fame" by The Script. "Yeah you can be the greatest, you can be the best..." he sang quietly while watching Rrkah go back under the shade of the tree. Probably to sleep, he didn't know. "Standing in the Hall of Fame, And the world's gonna know your name..." he continued.

Ryan thought of shifting back into a bat and fly around the campus but shook his head after. He couldn't just leave Serena. That'd be rude. Especially since he's waiting for her answer. He leaned against the roof while looking like he was daydreaming.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf27f21fb_SerenaIcon.jpg.ed16430cde54cff8d8606e116c0c27ff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17515" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf27f21fb_SerenaIcon.jpg.ed16430cde54cff8d8606e116c0c27ff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf28006d4_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.d6b3530bfa841ba8c6b7754482bcd5b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17516" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf28006d4_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.d6b3530bfa841ba8c6b7754482bcd5b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Serena Sinclair

Serena listened as Ryan replied to her questions, while throwing some at her in return. "What do I do?" she echoed, and then gave off a small shrug. "I usually just fly about and wait until I hear the bell, to be honest," she giggled sweetly. "I don't really keep track of time, either. Though, I'm never late," she stated. She didn't want to seem like a teacher's pet, but she does enjoy learning quite a lot. How can she improve herself if she just lounges about and does nothing? She could remember what it was like when she first shifted. It was a total disaster, for she couldn't control her ability at all. Whenever she was scared, she'd immediately shift into a pegasus, and that would only scare her more. She remembered how it felt going back and forth multiple times between forms - it made her sick. That was when her determination to never feel that feeling again grew. She got the hang of it, and even got used to the feeling of flying. In fact, it's one of her favorite things now. When she flies, she feels more free than she ever has before. She loves her form, and many people in the school do, too. It's elegant and beautiful - quite the sight to see. Though, some people who shift into smaller animals are scared of it. Being a black steed can be intimidating to some, but thankfully, most people admire it.

Serena looked at the watch she kept concealed underneath her sleeve. Hmm, I guess I should head inside just in case the bell rings soon, she thought to herself with a sigh. "I'm going to go ahead and go inside. I should get my things from my locker just in case the bell rings soon," she stated with a small smile. "You have a wonderful voice, by the way," she complimented him, a happy pink tint coming over her cheeks as she did so. With a brief laugh and wave, she backed away from Ryan and shifted back into her stunning pegasus form. She took off in flight, landing back on the school grounds below. Once she was in front of the school entrance, she shifted back into her human form and began roaming about the halls. So many people avoided others due to their shift, but Serena never saw the point in that. People aren't what their shift animal stereotypes are, she thought with a roll of her eyes. That's why, no matter what a person shifted in to, she always greeted them the same way she did to everyone else. "Good morning," she'd say, in a tone no different than her usual one. "Hello, how are you?" she'd begin the conversation like any other. People adored that about Serena, which is why she's so well-known for her friendliness.

She waved to all the people she recognized as she passed by, showing them a sweet, comforting smile, as well. If anything, Serena hopes that her smile brightens their day even just a little bit. She knows what it's like to feel scared and alone, and she would never wish that on another person. So, she's always done her best to be there for others - especially when they need it. After her stroll along the hallways doing just that, she eventually reached her locker where her things resided. She kept all her essentials in there. Her messenger bag, her books, her writing utensils - all of the things she would need for school, plus a few extras. Those included things like sketchbooks, fictional books, different types of paints and colors, and her precious mp3 player. She took one sketchbook out of her locker along with her essentials, and stuck her mp3 in the pocket of her skirt. It was a small slot - usually made for student handbooks - but, she used it to hold her mp3 and any spare change she had on her. Now that she was all set, she made her way down the halls, putting one ear-bud in while leaving her other ear free to listen to the things around her.

She was feeling a little thirsty, so she decided to go and pay a visit to one of the vending machines. However, as she was turning around a corner and counting her change in her hand, she bumped into a fairly large figure. At first, she thought she turned a little too early and hit the wall, but that wasn't the case. She bumped into the infamous Casper - a guy known for shifting into a griffon. Many people feared him and avoided him due to his shift, but as you all know, Serena isn't like that. So, with a smile, she gathered the change that fell out of her palms and looked up to face him. He was extremely tall compared to Serena, being that she's only 5'2'', but that didn't stop her from greeting him.
"Good morning," she said to him kindly, and slowly moved around him to the vending machine behind him. "Sorry for bumping into you," she let out a shy laugh while trying not to blush out of embarrassment, though her cheeks still were tinted a light pink. She hooked her extensive hair behind one ear as she scanned the options on the machine before her. Hmm, something sweet, something sweet.. She looked, until her eyes finally set on what she wanted. Vanilla flavored coffee. With a smile, she selected it, and waited for it to tumble down into the space below.

((Sorry if it's a bit long~ I felt like being descriptive. Four paragraphs isn't too much, right?))



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--M i k e G r e e n--

"Fuck i'm so Screwed..."

"Damn it! I'm running Late. Stupid Alarm Clock" i screamed as i raced to the School Gate. "I'm so gonna get blown at..." Well, i guess i was faster than him because his Jaw Dropped when he saw me. "Well, good thing the bell hasn't rang yet." i signed & i raced to the School Gate, said Good Morning to the School Guard & Dashed in the Hallway. "You are LATE Mr. Green!" Mrs. Bloodfang shouted. 'Damn that Teacher, i don't even want to be a Vampire Bat' i shouted in my Brain. "I'm sorry Mrs. Bloodfang..." That was probably i could say only, i was just a Student, & she was a Teacher. "Mr. Green, you are in Detentio-!" Well, i probably don't want my Detention - Free streak go down so i sneaked away in his Snow Leopard Form. "Damn that was close..." i panted but not yet tired, i just opened my IPod & listened to Firefly by Owl City.

I went on to Form Changing Exercise 101 like nothing Happened & went on with the Room. "Okay Ladies & Gentlemen! 50 Laps of Chasing to Carnivore Forms! & Herbivores! Run away from the Carnivore Forms" Mrs. Polymier, our Gym Teacher shouted at us, as usual, at least i'm a Carnivore. If i was a Herbivore i would embarrass myself, but since i'm a Carnivore, i'm chasing somebody. At Least i'm not those Dudes, who when he catches a Girl they'll practically Rape them, but i'm not those people. I'm just lucky i wasn't born eating Grass for the rest of my Life. I caught 52 Herbivores out of 80. Mostly, the Herbivores that wasn't caught yet where Athletes. 4 Herbivores where left Untouched. I got an A, while the Herbivore Athletes got A+, but i won't worry, all Athletes have D Grades on Non Physical Subjects. I knew one Guy who broke that Rule, it was Herman Bens. His Form was a Deer & his Geometry Subject had 27 A Pluses & won on 2nd Place from 5th Grade.

I changed my Clothes, which was a Red Plad Polo with Arm Holes & Hoodie. Behind the Polo was a Black T - Shirt, Vintage Jeans & my trusty ol' Chucks. Beige & Black in Color. I wore a Cross Necklace. My IPod was in my Pockets with Green Neon Headset, connected to it. The Song was
Ni Yao De Ai by Penny Dai Pei Ni. I went to the Cafeteria & i said Hello to the Lunch Lady "Hello Mike! What will you order today?" said the Happy Lunch Lady. Her Dog 'Jumper' came in, the Lunch Lady petted her Dog & Jumper licked her Lips. I Didn't have the Heart to tell her that Jumper spent a half an hour in the Alley, licking his Rear. "Umm... the Usual Mam" She hummed the Yes tune while she put in my Tray. An Apple, 1 Mango Yogurt, Milk (Was supposed to be Soda but the Ban for Junk Food thing said No Junk Foods.) & an Ice Cream Sandwich. Completely made of 2 Slice Bread, 1 Scoop each of Chocolate, Mango & Strawberry. Total Cost? 3 Bucks. I get a Discount for being Friendly plus 1% for being a Straight A Student. I don't wanna be a Hypocrite but those People who are Jealous might just want to Study more than Eat Less. I went to my Usual Spot (while clicking my Heels), at the Bottom Right Corner of the Cafeteria, which was Crowded with Feminine Bodies the second i sit in my Usual Seat. I don't even know why the Girls rush over? but i won't bother shoo-ing them. It's either the Waste of Time, Breath & even if i tried it Last Month. They were stubborn & still Sat in front of me. Cat Fights where everywhere. So now, there was a Usual Cat fight by 2 Girls who didn't introduce themselves yet to me, trying to fight over who gets to sit infront of Me. I just Muffled it over by my Music: Tonight by FM Static.

My Music Playlist went on & on as i Ate my Lunch while 2 Girls where pulling each others Hair apart, blowing their whole Lunch Time & then the Bell Rang. I went to my Next Class: Animal Form Logic. Which wasn't a pretty time when the 2 Girls complained to the Teacher because they are Hungry. When the Teacher asked them why they didn't eat when it is Lunch Time, they can't even Talk & they kept complaining, it went on for a Solid 1 Hour. We didn't even learned 1 Lesson because then the Bell Rang & that's Break Time. Well, for other guys, it rarely Happens, but for ME. It's a Daily Routine. I sighed as i listened to: What the Hell by Avril Lavigne. & i walked to the Old Oak Tree & Sat there.


Ryan listened to Serena's answered and nodded. "Interesting..." he muttered. He would try to be like her, roaming around, just waiting for the bell to ring. Especially after she said she was never late. Ryan heard Serena say she was going to get her things from her locker, in case the bell rings. "Good idea..." he murmured. When he heard her comment about his voice, he couldn't help but grin and watch her turn into a majestic pegasus and fly away. He looked down from the roof once more before shifting into a bat and flew after Serena.

He flew inside the school, passing by some other students and then shifted back into a human mid-flight. "Now wheeere's my locker...?" he asked himself as he walked past some other lockers. He finally found his locker, and brought out his sling bag. He shifted into a bat once more while carrying his bag. Even though it was a little heavy, he managed to carry it in his bat form.

Ryan flew all the way to the place with rainbows everywhere! Nah, just kidding. He just flew to a random place and ended up seeing Serena getting something from the vending machines. He flew behind her and shifted into his human form then put his hands on her shoulders.

"Hey Serena, what's up... again?" he asked her with a grin.

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Rrkah pushed himself up. Ryan and Serena had come down from the roof earlier, probably to go and get their books for upcoming classes. Rrkah, being the person he was, had already collected his books when he had woken up that morning. Putting the dog-eared book away (now with one extra crease), he stood up, dusted himself off, and broke into a run towards the school. He then collapsed over mid-run, seamlessly shifting into his wolf form. He hadn't bothered to check if there were any teachers about, and was thankful that he couldn't smell any, not that it would have helped, since he had already shifted.

Rrkah bolted up to the doors, which happened to be closed. However, someone he didn't know was kind enough to open the door for him. He tilted his shaggy head at them as a sign of thanks, then continued running. There were quite a few people in the halls, and Rrkah prayed they wouldn't mind a wolf coming through.

He was able to make progress down about one hall before the crowds became too dense to deal with as a wolf. Nobody really made a comment on him shifting beside them in the middle of a crowd. He wasn't the biggest shifter there by far, and you only had to look at Serena's shift form to see he wasn't the biggest, comparatively talking. Speaking of whom, was right in front of him, and he hadn't noticed. In his defense, Rrkah hadn't been wearing his glasses, so he didn't feel as bad for not noticing Serena. And Ryan, apparently, was also there, unless Rrkah was imagining things, which he doubted he was, since bats flying around in corridors of maintained establishments was a fairly uncommon occurance.

Rrkah slunk up to the two, and Ryan shifted, putting his hands on Serena's shoulders. Rrkah was close enough now to be heard above the rumble of the crowed. 'Hello there, you two lovers.' He laughed, his voice and body language indicating jest.

--M i k e G r e e n--

"I found myself in Cliché. Great..."

I sighed as the Song Finished. I ran in my Snow Leopard Form & ran for Coffee. I went back to Human form & said to myself. "Time for something sweet yet Energizing.." I counted my Money & it was okay for Some Vanilla flavored Coffee. I put some of my Quarters in & waited for it to fall. Just when i was holding my Coffee, i saw Serena, Ryan, Rrkah & the Infamous Casper. Okay, i know it's kinda weird for Dudes to Hang out with Casper, but i was like Serena. So i didn't Hesitate to say "Hey Guys..."

Then i said 'Wait a Minute?' in my mind. Okay, so i was talking to a Popular Girl who can change into a Beautiful Pegasus, a Bat Man Idol named Ryan, the. You know it.
THE RRKAH & the Griffin changing Casper. & i was just a normal Dude who gets Straight A s & People maybe calling me Nerd in their thoughts. Fine by Me. I was Listening to 22 by Taylor Swift. I didn't notice i was already sipping my Coffee until i tasted how Sweet it was, then i noticed Serena also has the Same kind of Coffee, which i guess was Pretty Awkward because it was a Typical High School Romance Cliché. Waiting for a Response, i already sipped half of my Coffee, when i took another sip, i just processed the all '2 Lovers', so i laughed almost spilling my Drink, while their sight glued to my Body. Then there was Fuck Up by Shane Dawson. In the way i see it, i already Fucked up infront of them. I Think somehow my IPod Songs suddenly change when i do something like, being Happy, Sad, Messed Up, Angry, Frustrated etc. The Last thing i remembered was when i was so Happy i got 1st Honor when i was Grade 6. My IPod went on playing the Song Happy by Pharrell Williams. With my Headsets Off, so everybody heard the Song while i was reciting my Valedictorian Speech. Then after 3 Seconds, the Song amplified in the Microphone & everybody went Dancing. EVEN THE PRINCIPAL! So there, i screwed up infront of 2 Popular Dudes. 1 Infamous Guy & a Popular Girl & i know the Response wasn't Pretty...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2803b1b_SerenaIcon.jpg.81b51d1625810688953e37b5f322c6e1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17517" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2803b1b_SerenaIcon.jpg.81b51d1625810688953e37b5f322c6e1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2806f27_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.8a5aa7df378f9079912be7219d267fca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17518" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2806f27_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.8a5aa7df378f9079912be7219d267fca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Serena Sinclair

Serena watched as her coffee tumbled through the machine, eventually reaching the slot at the very bottom. Her extensive black hair tumbled over her face as she reached down to grab it, so when she straightened back out, she flipped it back over her shoulders. Her aquamarine eyes sparkled with delight as she took a sip, enjoying the sweet vanilla taste. I just love vanilla coffee~ She thought with a content sigh. However, she jumped slightly when she felt a pair of hands resting on her petite shoulders. "W-What the--" she began, but when she turned and saw Ryan, she let out a sigh of relief. "Geez, Ryan!" she playfully pushed him as she let out sweet laughter. "You scared me!" She shook her head, and then noticed another figure entering the scene. It was Rrkah, the friendly boy from earlier who waved at them. Before she could properly greet him like she did to everyone else, she heard his comment about her and Ryan being 'lovers'. Immediately, Serena's shy side kicked in, and her angelic face flushed beet red.

"L-Lo-Lovers?" she stammered, placing her hands on her cheeks in surprise. Sure, he was probably only teasing, but when it came to romantic ordeals, Serena was quite easy to fool. "W-We're.. We're not.." she began shyly as her azure eyes locked unto the ground beneath her. We're not lovers... She finished off in her thoughts. As she looked down at the ground, her lustrous locks tumbled over her face again. Only, this time, she allowed it to drape over her. How embarrassing.. Do we actually appear that way? She wondered, as she sneaked a peek at Ryan's figure from the corner of her eye. He is quite handsome... I've always thought he was pretty handso---Whoa, wait---What? Okay, get a grip, Serena. They're probably just teasing you, she concluded with a nod. Though she straightened herself back out and flipped her hair back over her slender shoulders, her cheeks were still pink with embarrassment. "St-Stop teasing me, please," she spoke towards Rrkah, shooting him a glare. She also noticed the school's heart-throb, Mike Green, getting a chuckle out of it, too. So, she shot him a glare, as well. Though, a glare coming from a face as cute as hers wasn't quite 'intimidating'. It was more so adorable - so much to the point of laughter.

Besides, she barely knew Ryan. Sure, they could be considered friends. But
lovers? As much as Serena dreams about romance, she wouldn't get with someone just for the hell of it. With a small laugh, she rolled her eyes at how much she freaked out about it. My word.. I really get worked up over the silliest things, sometimes... She thought helplessly. With a shrug, she turned over to Casper. She couldn't help but wonder if he was angry about her bumping into him earlier. I kind of want to befriend him, too... She thought curiously. We've never really talked before. I mean, sure, we're both pretty well-known around, but... I don't like how people fear him for being a griffon shift, she looked over at him for a moment, but then decided he might consider her rude for staring. "Don't lose your manners, now," she told herself under her breath, her voice almost inaudible due to how low she was speaking. She wrapped her hands around her slender figure, trying to regain her composure and remove the blush from her face. Geez.. How embarrassing.



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Ryan laughed when he surprised Serena. He just loved greeting people "properly". Going behind them saying boo. Well, he didn't say boo but still- A wolf came walking up to them. Ryan's eyes widened when he said they were lovers. Whoa dude, did I hear you correctly? Hmm... Yep. I did. he thought while answering his own mental question. He was about to snap a retort at the wolf man when he heard Serena telling him to stop teasing her then he saw her glare at Rrkah. Just at that moment, Ryan saw Serena's flushed face. You are going to be kicked with Pegasus hooves, Rrkah. And will feel my wrath. thought Ryan. He wasn't going to hurt him, just prank him. Just a "really" harmless prank. He inwardly grinned, thinking of what he could do.

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C a s p e r

Even though tension didn't come easily to Casper, surprise did. And that's exactly what the young man felt when someone bumped into him. There was also the metallic sound of coins dropping, and with a blink, he was pulled out of his aimless trance of thought and back to reality, glancing around and, after realizing, down.

There was a young woman - one that he felt a striking sense of familiarity to. After some thinking in silence, he realized that it was the girl that everyone tended to call the 'pegasus girl' if they didn't know her name. But, nah, he had connections. He knew who it was. The girls' name was
Serena. He had heard that she was actually a really nice girl, and had even seen her walking around - but he had honestly never gathered the guts to approach her. For whatever reason. They had connections too, technically, both being mythical creature shifters and all, so he was sure lots would be surprised knowing he never actually spoke to her. But, now he was just getting caught up into another useless train of thought. With another blink, he realized she was picking up fallen change, and suddenly felt kind of stupid for just standing there saying nothing, not even helping her with that.

She stood back up to a rather short height - or, compared to him, he was a giant, for Christ's sake - and did a very sweet smile at him. And honestly, it wasn't some front he'd see some girls put up. It looked really
genuine, which was a good thing in his book. She offered a 'good morning' to him as she started to move around him, to get to the vending machines beside them, he assumed, and did a crooked grin in return, nodding once in a charming manner and responding, "G'morning." When she apologized to him, he felt his cheeks tinge a tad and tingle. 'Oh, no, I should have had my mind out of my thoughts ...' He shook his head and said in an assuring tone, "Oh, n-no, it's fine. I should've been paying attention, sorry." With a small, slightly abashed grin, he stepped back a tad to allow her entrance to the vending machines and, while looking at them, felt a sudden pull from his stomach. He didn't really have breakfast, now that he thought it over ...

With a breath in and a huff out in exasperation with himself, he went to the one beside her and swung his messenger bag in front of him, pulling open a rather deep zipper pocket and rummaging around through it for money. Meanwhile, he heard
Serena talking to someone else beside him, which he ultimately decided not to get into. He would feel rude overwhelming her or anything. So, he felt around for money some more, and eventually felt coins and what felt like a few bills deep into it. With a little 'yes' under his breath, he pulled it out and counted it to four bucks and five quarters - which went for five bucks and twenty five cents. Perfect. He glanced up and looked up and down what the vending machine contained, while externally hearing from Serena some conversation.

But at one point, her tone concerned him. His gaze flickered from forward to the side to find her a bit embarrassed, glaring at someone. He hadn't caught what the others were saying, but she was obviously uncomfortable with whatever was happening. Though he didn't feel like initiating a fight or something, since she already looked pretty overwhelmed, he found himself staring at the two who seemed to be bothering her briefly, maybe a little dangerously, before looking back to the machines - and deciding to just grab a drink. He got a Coca Cola {he knows it isn't good for him, shut up} and paid the $3.75 for it, leaning down and getting it from the machine before standing back up and opening the bottle with a hiss that felt satisfying to him.

It was only a bit after he realized that
Serena had now turned towards him. He glanced at her, turning towards her, and looking at her expression - which seemed actually really embarrassed, for whatever reason. There were some girls who looked really cute when they were embarrassed, and she was one of those girls. But even as she was trying to hide it, he knew she probably wanted to get away from where they were standing.

With a glance behind her and back to her, he got her attention, "
Hey." He paused for a second before turning towards the hall he was planning on heading down to get to class and asking, "You wanna walk with me?" He paused again momentarily before continuing in a quiet tone, "I can walk you to class, n' we can drink the things we got on the way." It was just an offer, of course, and he didn't want her to feel obligated to accept it, since she seemed so swamped by people - but, nevertheless, he kept a little space between them to not crowd her and waited for a response with an endless patience of his, continuing to open the soda as he did so fully before closing it again to keep it sealed.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2851077_SerenaIcon.jpg.b9d7120b8f58fb9dd7101d23d087c44d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2851077_SerenaIcon.jpg.b9d7120b8f58fb9dd7101d23d087c44d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2854403_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.255d9069eeced5c554146c6f570e4ad8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17531" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2854403_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.255d9069eeced5c554146c6f570e4ad8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Serena Sinclair

As Serena glanced over towards Casper's figure, she noticed him glancing back over at her. Immediately, her face flushed once more. Crap--He saw me! She thought with dread. He's probably going to think I'm so rude for staring. Stupid, stupid, stupid Serena! She almost felt like bonking her head with her fists, but she decided against it. She probably already appears like a little girl with how she's blushing, and she didn't want to appear even more so. Well, he can't hate me too much, she thought as she remembered how he returned her greeting kindly. It was almost.. Charming as he smiled crookedly and nodded over at her. He seemed to relaxed, yet so graceful at the same time. Most wouldn't assume a very tall guy like himself as graceful and poise, but that's what Serena saw. The way he held himself -- it was admirable, in her eyes. Meanwhile, though she seems to appear that way herself, she has incredibly clumsy moments that ruin it sometimes. It's not like she tries to be something she's not; it simply what the public eye sees that may falsely define her. Though, for the most part - since she's such an honest and straight-forward girl - her image is accurate to who she really is.

As she smiled warmly to herself while trying to ignore the death glares Ryan was sending Rrkah, she heard Casper's voice calling out to her again. She turned to look up at him, and she almost wanted to giggle sweetly at their height difference. He looked even taller beside her, being that she was short enough already. Serena didn't mind, however. In fact, in some strange way, she actually enjoyed it.
"Hi," she responded kindly and quietly back to him. For some reason, people are embarrassing her so easily this morning. She felt more quiet and careful than usual, but that was okay. Serena tends to be a mix of everything, after all. "You wanna walk with me?" She heard Casper ask, and for a moment, Serena's eyes widened. Not in a scared or frightened way, but in a pleasantly surprised way. "S-So you don't hate me!" She responded joyfully, a huge smile on her face --- that was, until she realized she spoke her thoughts out loud. Immediately, she covered her mouth with the slender fingers from her right hand. "I-I, I mean, um," she stammered, clearing her throat as she attempted to regain her composure. "I'd love to!"

With that, she waved Ryan, Rrkah, and Mike a kind farewell, and began down the halls by Casper's side. "Sorry, again. For--you know--bumping into you," she began as she hooked some stray strands of her hair behind one ear. "Looks like neither of us were paying attention, huh?" She laughed softly and sweetly as she took another sip of her coffee. I'm really glad he's not mad at me, she let out a content sigh. See--I knew it! I knew he was more of a gentle giant. People would be stupid to run in fear of this guy. He's so sweet! She thought, grinning happily and almost triumphantly as she realized her intuition was right. He even wanted to walk me to class. How kind of him, she continued to smile, her beam going from a mere happy sense to a more warm, blissful one. She glanced up at Casper from the corner of her eye, and with an almost mischievous expression, she gently and playfully tapped the side of his arm. "I knew you were nice," she spoke her thoughts aloud, showing him one of her sweetest smiles. It spread up to her aquamarine eyes, for even they seemed to shimmer with delight.



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? ???? ????? ?


Mino is walking into the school hallway and like always some students are talking about her. She is very well known in school, but

n a negative way. Mino sighed, ignoring all the gossips about her and went to the faculty room to pass her 'late notes'.

"Thanks for giving me another chance Professor!" she said it with a smile while giving her notes to the teacher.

"It's alright, you're a very hard working Mino, so study hard and don't forget to train" the Teacher said and he pats her head gently.

"Hai~" Mino bowed and then excuses herself.

After talking to the teacher, she decided to train in the school swimming pool before going to class. Mino is very strong in the water, but weak in land

since she was always in the sea. She walked into the left corner hallway and a group of girls stopped her.

"How disgusting!" said the bleach haired girl.

"How low of you! You think you're going to pass and be a leader doing things like that!" the girl in pigtail said with irritating voice.

"You do know it's a disgrace in Elapidae Family!" added by the black haired girl that Mino knew that girl is a black mamba.

"I-I-it's not what you think...Senpai's" Mino said having a fidgety hands, but hoping the Black Mamba shifter would believe her.

"Quit fooling around, we saw it how you two acting so sweet!"

"Hmp! If you don't stop acting like a slut___" the girl paused as she saw a teacher coming in their way.

"You're lucky today!" the pigtail said as the three leave her alone and the black mamba purposely bump her, whispering something to her right ear.

"I'll kill you, if you put Elapidae Family in disgrace again"

Mino just kept silent, though her mind keeps thinking about a lot of things, that the girl can really kill her. "I wonder if I should just skip class..."

she mutters while going to the school swimming pool. She looked around first, before entering the school pool and as usual, no one is in there.

Sitting on the edge of the pool and dangling her feet in the water. She really felt safe in the school pool and she can fight someone who dares to kill her there,
but honestly, Mino was just afraid of causing a fight with the same shift like her.


C a s p e r

A moment of confusion came to Casper with Serena's first response. 'Hate?' The very thought of him hating a person he just met was actually rather amusing to him - unless, of course, they were a person who he felt deserved to be hated. But this girl? Of course not. She was as cute as a button so far, from what he could tell, and sounded very honest in her gestures and the way she expressed herself. His own expression shifted a tad, bewildered by such a radical comment. But, it seemed she realized what she had said, and backtracked, retracing her words and instead accepting his offer in a delighted, albeit subtly timorous tone. He perked up again, having not expected her to accept. And for her sake, he decided to brush her strange comment aside. At first, he felt like saying something to it, denying it, mostly, but he decided against it in her regard. He let her traverse to his side before the two began their way through the hall. He heard her do the cutest little giggle beside him in her own amusement, and silently assumed why she did. Their height difference, and even other things like their attire and their general appearances, were probably an interesting sight to behold to others, including her. He wasn't surprised.

After a pause of quiet between them,
Serena spoke again, this time apologizing for her bumping into him in a clearer way than when she did before. He felt a pang of guilt at that. She seriously shouldn't be apologizing, in his eyes - if he had paid more attention to his surroundings, he more than likely could have moved himself out of the way and avoided that. But, like the easily distracted idiot he was, he got caught up in his thoughts. He allowed the guilt to fade as he chuckled quietly, with a slight tinge of bashfulness tacked onto the tone. "Don't even worry about it, I don't blame you. I just have to be more - eh, observant sometimes." He shrugged at the word observant and did a half grin again, mostly in entertainment at the whole situation, listening to her talk about how they both mustn't have been paying attention. He found her laugh to be nice. It had a light-hearted ring to it, and it was almost as if she shared the cheeriness with any who heard it. At her comment, though, he rolled his eyes. "Every day of my life, basically." He glanced towards her briefly, finding her drinking some of her coffee, and being reminded of his own drink, which led to him opening it back up again and taking a swig from it.

There was another pause of quiet, and he didn't seem to notice her mischievous glance. He felt her light prod on his arm, followed by a rather triumphant-sounding observation, confirming his apparent kindness. '
Ah, yes, the intimidating, powerful Casper turns out to be a push-over.' When he heard it, he smiled widely, saying in a very sarcastic manner, "Oh, no, no, I can't be nice, remember? I'm the griffon shifter." His hands limply came up and his fingers curled into claws, voice dripping with his mockery at that point, before he lolled his head to the side to glance at her in a movement you'd see a puppy do. He couldn't keep the position for long; he broke out of it with sunny laughter, letting his hands go back to hook his thumbs to his pockets and his gaze return forward as he said, "Biggest and baddest creature on Earth, apparently. Definitely me." He shook his head, in obvious disagreement with that statement. "Gosh, people take shift animals too seriously. I can promise you that you'll find me to be anything but aggressive, towards most." The last part was tacked on as an afterthought, since he did have the potential to be in special cases. With certain people. But that didn't happen very often, fortunately.

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Rrkah looked at Ryan after Serena had walked off with Casper. He seemed to be grinning, and Rrkah wasn't a fan of that sight. It probably meant he was going to do something unpleasant. Something that Rrkah would no doubt be on the receiving end of. In a desperate attempt to make it seem like he didn't actually mean it, (which he didn't, though he doubted Ryan had seen his body language and only heard his words), he followed it up by weakling mumbling 'I didn't actually mean that, you know.' And then he continued, with slight traces of enthusiasm, 'Serena seemed to think of it as a joke too...I think.' He said, his voice smaller for the "I think."

Rrkah took his glasses and put them on. He didn't have a reason for having them on now, but classes were supposed to be starting soon, and he would probably forget for half of the lesson and then notice he couldn't actually read what was on the board. It had happened to him twice before, and twice he had had to copy the notes off someone else in the class.
Ryan looked at Rrkah. "Sure you didn't." he said. "Alright... Whatever." He didn't hear Rrkah say 'I think' so he didn't try to retort. "Let's just get to class." he told him while grinning. He took Rrkah's glasses quickly so he wouldn't notice and shifted into a bat. He flew swiftly with the wolf man's glasses and his sling bag in his claws. Ryan was inwardly cackling, I'd bid you good luck in finding your glasses if I wasn't the one who took it. he thought as he shifted into a human and shoved the glasses into his jacket pocket. "I think of this as a joke." he muttered with a small grin. Ryan waited patiently for his victim. Wolf man was lucky he didn't really prank him, he just took his glasses.

Rrkah's glasses vanished, and his vision was dramatically reduced. He could still see. It was just better with the glasses. He knew it was Ryan who had taken them. No matter how stealthy Batman thought he was, it's quite hard not to miss someone who reaches out and takes off your glasses. And the fact that, once again, it is hard to miss a bat flying with a sling bag.

Rrkah began to follow Ryan through the crowds. He had to squeeze past clusters of people on multiple occasions, as they were so densely packed around lockers and vending machines. Rrkah eventually found Ryan standing beside a classroom door. He had a small grin on his face, and looked like he had only just arrived.

'Hullo.' Rrkah said dully. 'I believe you have something of mine?' He extended out his hand, and then added, 'I'm sorry about before. I didn't actually mean it, but it wasn't a chance I was willing to let go to waste.'
Aaand there goes Batman's undetected streak. "Hi." said Ryan and took out his glasses from his jacket pocket and placed it on Rrkah's outstretched hand. "Yeah, I feel ya. Chances." he muttered as he shoved his hands onto his jeans pockets. "Let's just get to class." he said as he ushered Rrkah to the classroom. Once they reached their destination, he shifted into a bat and tried to balance himself on Rrkah's shoulder. He never tried doing that so it was new for him. This is so weird but I like trying new stuff he thought to himself while flapping his wings slightly to keep his balance.

Rrkah snorted. 'I don't need to be ushered in! I'm not five.' He laughed. Upon feeling Ryan's bat form land on his shoulders, he turned his head to the side and looked at it, his face asking "why?"

Turning his attention to the classroom, Rrkah found it was exactly as it had been the last time he had been in it. The desks were still in clusters, allowing for five or six students per table cluster. There were a few people sitting down, idly chatting and/or reading. The class hadn't started yet, so there wasn't any strict classroom protocol that was to be followed at the current time.

Turning to Ryan once again, Rrkah verbally asked, 'Why?'
Combat boots thudded dully on tile as Callie walked to her class. Her black mohawk-styled hair bobbed up and down as she tromped along, hand shoved in her pockets and messenger bag slung around her shoulders. In her other hand she gripped a cup of half-drunk coffee which she periodically sipped from as to help keep her awake. She had just reached her classroom when she caught sight of a spectacle to behold.

There in front of her Rrkah appeared to of gained a little friend as a bat seemed to try and perch on his shoulder. If she remembered correctly, the bat was mostly likely Ryan. She didn't really care much for the kid since he seemed too cocky for her tastes, but still he'd never wronged her personally, so she had no ill intent against the guy. Rrkah, on the other hand, was good in her book.

Callie walked up beside them and cackled, "Rrkah, I see you've gained a new accessory! Didn't know bats were "in" this season."
Rrkah turned at hearing a cackle and a comment about his "new accessory". 'Oh. Hello, Callie.' He said politely. Callie was nice enough, though Rrkah sometimes wondered if she had to try. He wasn't sure how social hyenas could be, though some people may make a similar comment on wolves.

Making a pointing motion with his finger, Rrkah indicated at Ryan. 'This? Oh. Just a bit of riffraff that was floating about.' He smiled. He then said in a hushed whisper, 'I do hope Ryan isn't listening. That would be ever so tragic. He simply adores bats.' Rrkah pondered for a moment, and then added, 'But not as much as he loves pegasi. He was....what's the word? Oh yes, flirting with Serena before. I broke them up quickly though.' He finished, adding a hand flourish too, all in hope of annoying the riffraff on his shoulder.
Ryan flapped his wings furiously. He was squeaking over and over again. RIFFRAFF? RIFFRAFF!? he though to himself as he continued to pound his wings on Rrkah's shoulder. He pounded harder when he said he loves pegasi and was flirting with Serena. His squeaks would probably make Rrkah deaf. He couldn't take it anymore, he flew on top of the wolf man's head and kept jumping up and down on him while trying to keep his balance once again. You callin' me a riffraff!? What the heck is a riffraff!? I'm a bat! he raged on in his thoughts. He flew to Rrkah's shoulder once again and began pounding his wings once more before shifting into a human. "Riffraff!?"

Rrkah was trying so hard not to laugh. The little bat had clearly been agitated. 'Riffraff!?' He heard Ryan roar at him, and that was when his defenses shattered and mirth invaded. 'Yes.' He spluttered out through chokes of laughter. 'Besides,' he added, enjoying himself, 'You did take my glasses before. It was bit of an issue-I had to bend over to read the vending machine.' This was, in fact, a total lie. Rrkah rarely used vending machines. He found they were too slow, always taking minutes to produce what he had paid for (or at least it felt like that).

With his mirth subsiding, Rrkah pulled a book out of his bag-a different one to before-and placed it on the desk in front of him. 'Calm down now Ryan.' He said tersely. 'Ladies don't like high-strung fellows.'
"Easy for you to say. You don't have anyone saying your're a riffraff." said Ryan. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be on top of your head when you need me." And he shifted into a bat once more and flew on Rrkah's head. This way, I'll be able to hear almost everything you say. he though. If he was in human form right now, he would've grinned evilly, but he wasn't so he just kept quiet. He would pound his wings on the wolf man when he would... gossip... about him. Speaking of gossip, he could hear other people from atop Rrkah's head. Unfortunately, he couldn't read minds so he had to listen closely to ensure he heard the right information.

'Hmmm yes.' Rrkah mumbled. 'Listen-I know my hair is quite long-but it is not long enough for you to nest in it!' The thought of having a bat lodging in his hair was quite odd, and not something most people would consider on a normal, everyday basis, and neither would Rrkah, but Ryan was up there, and it was rendering Rrkah slightly uncomfortable. Not to mention he didn't want to see his teacher's reaction. He considered pulling Ryan off, but that might cause some problems. Or he could just continue to read.

Making up his mind, Rrkah took his hand and grasped the bat on his head in a firm manner. He began to tug, mumbling to himself. It truly was quite the spectacle.

"Are you saying you want to go out on a date me, Ozzy?" James asked, mispronouncing her name on her purpose, stressing the z's. He waved his hand dramatically and produced a rose from seemingly thin air. He held it out to her with a grin. "Because I would be honored to let you take me on a date." He laughed slightly, but the laugh broke off when a girl bumped into them. She whacked him in the shoulder and sent the rose flying. It landed on the floor and lost a few petals. Ignoring the flower, he rushed forward to catch the two females and make sure they were unhurt.

"Are you two alright?" James asked, his grey eyes showing genuine concern as he looked from one female to the other, his eyebrows brought together some and a worried frown on his lips.


Mae smiled, which made her seem sweet in her small, adorable body. She accepted his hand and shook it, crushing his hand with a strength that she did not seem to possess with her petite stature. She withdrew her hand and absently ruffled her dark brown hair to get it out of her face.

"I'm not keeping you from anything or bothering you, am I?" She asked, returning her voice to a murmur. "I don't want to hold you hostage if you need to be somewhere."

@rainbow fire


@Der Kojote

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