Changeling Academy [Inactive]


Care Bears... prepare to stare!
Nico submitted a new role play:


@W a s t e


@rainbow fire[/font]


Moon padded around the gardens of the Academy in his husky form. He prefered this form over his human one. He had a few hours before class and right now he just wanted to get some of his energy out. He ran down the sidewalk, swerving around students a laughter in his howl. He jumped up on a bench and then jumped down and before he could go any further he ran into the headmaster. "Moon Larken, what have I told you about running around the campus?" he said. Moon whimpered and changed back before looking ashamed. "I guess I'm in trouble again?" he said and sighed. "That you are, now get ready for your next class, I'll be talking to your parents." he said and walked off.
Ossie sat quietly in a courtyard, yet music playing loudly in her ears. Her eyes were closed and she was leaning back against the hard wall of the main building. She softly hummed along to her music, but sat still.

What about the night,

Makes you change,

Oh, from sweet,

To deranged?

She hadn't been able to sleep last night, she had sat up with her music blaring in her ears, biting the skin around her nails in apprehension. But now she was listening to one of her favourite songs, calming her down.

What about my voice,

Tells you who,

Who's been wrong to you?

She paused her iPod and stood up slowly. The headmaster was across the yard, and someone was running straight for him, a wolf. She didn't stay to watch, she turned and headed for a bathroom, smoothing out her skirt, dusting off leaves, grass and twigs.
Ryan hummed the tone of a song he didn't know but it was catchy. He didn't have anything to do and no-one was worthy to feel his pranking wrath. Yet. He shifted into a bat and flew to the roof of the school then hung upside-down. From up there, he could "see" a husky running around the gardens. The husky was Moon Larken, a popular guy, and he just bumped into the headmaster. Ooh, he's in trouble. thought Ryan. He was well-known, but not as well-known as Moon. Ryan flew up a bit from his position and shifted into his human form. Instead of hanging upside-down, he was sitting on top of the roof, with his feet dangling. He watched Moon and the headmaster "chat" with each other. "Front row seat to the show." he said with a grin.

Rrkah had been asleep under a tree. Not the greatest of looks, no, but it was better than what some other people were doing, such as running into the headmaster, to name one thing. Rrkah shifted into a human, bleary eyed, sitting up against a large tree. He looked around, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. He still had a few hours before classes started, and had decided to use those hours to sleep. He could be productive when he wanted. That was his excuse for sleeping.

But now there was something to do it seemed. Moon-one of the more popular people-had just careened into the principle. Not the greatest of things to do. Rrkah shifted back into his wolf guise, and cocked his head to the side, listening in on the conversation. He didn't mind Moon, but in Rrkah's opinion, he wasn't the greatest person ever either, so it did give him a little satisfaction to listen to him being scolded. He had to try to avoid smiling as this happened. Smiling wolves look rather terrifying.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2785183_SerenaIcon.jpg.1ee565b1acf682dc6f41c96ea6bcd3f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17498" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2785183_SerenaIcon.jpg.1ee565b1acf682dc6f41c96ea6bcd3f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf27a61fc_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.f414ea7a8ec503b2ebcae7ca7b5a71bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17502" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf27a61fc_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.f414ea7a8ec503b2ebcae7ca7b5a71bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Serena Sinclair

Serena was roaming in the skies above the school grounds, neighing happily as the wind kissed her wings. She felt so content in her pegasus form.
I love the feeling of flight, she thought as her blue eyes - which were the same color as her human pair - twinkled in the sunlight. Her black coat was shining with luster as well, since she always took good care of it. It was just as healthy as her human hair, which she also kept in mint condition. Down below, she could see the ever-so famous Moon getting caught by the principal as he ran around in his shift form. Serena never got caught flying much, being that not many people think to search above them, but she decided that she should shift into her human form to be on the safe side. So, she made her way to the school's roof, landing gently and gracefully. Soon, she went from a beautiful pegasus to an ordinary human. "That was fun," she sighed contently, flipping her extensive black hair over her shoulders. As she walked over to the other side of the roof, she saw a familiar figure. It was when she heard a male voice saying, "Front row seat to the show", that she was sure it was who she thought it was. "Ryan?" she called out to him with a smile. He was like her; well-known, but not one of the extremely popular. "Hey," she smiled over at him, taking a seat in the spot beside him. "What're you doing?"



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“Look, easy prey,” One male student said as he nudged to his friend and nodded toward the small girl walking down the hall. In her hands were three books, one she was reading as she walked. An old CD player sat balanced on the books that she listened to via ear buds that almost disappeared in her dark brown, almost black hair. A thin black headband was the only thing that kept her hair out of her face as she walked, her bright, wide green eyes locked only on the open book in her hand.

“Only if you want a death wish,” His friend replied, his eyes wide as he studied the girl. “She’s a Thera. She could kill you without batting an eye.”

“Oh please,” The male replied, shaking his head as he rolled his eyes. “We are in school, surrounded by a ton of people. She can’t do anything to me. Just, watch.” Despite his friend’s protests, he approached Maelie, completely unnoticed by her. He stopped in front of her and stuck out his leg. His foot hooked around the ankle of her black combat boots and she fell. Her books and CD player skidded out of her hands, jerking her head as the ear buds were ripped from her ears. Her CD player and one of her books slid across the hall and stopped at the wall, both opened. The CD spun lazily for a few seconds before it came to a halt, luckily unharmed. Her book, however, was not as lucky. The male, retreating, purposefully stepped on the open book, bending a few pages and leaving a dirty footprint across the words.

Maelie winced at the footprint, her lips slightly parted in dismay. She watched the male and his friend retreat, but did not bother to go after them. It would only make things worse for her anyway. Slowly, she began to pick herself up and her things. She would let the boy spread his story of how he faced a Thera and won. Maybe it would even help his social standing, though it certainly wouldn’t help hers.


“Pick a card, any card,” James said, shuffling through the pack of cards in his hands so fast that they were just a blur. He stood in a crowd of females, right where he belonged, a wide chesire grin on his face. A female giggled and took a card, waving it so that the others in the crowd could see.

“Alright. Lovely. Place that in your pocket,” James said, ruffling his blonde-tipped red hair with one hand. He waited until she complied and then grinned. He threw the pack of cards up into the air and the cards scattered, catching one in the air.

“Is that my card?” The female asked, eyeing the card in his hand. James smiled and shook his head, the earrings that hung from his ears jingling.

“No, that’s my phone number. There is your card,” He said, pointing to a window. And there was her card, stuck facing toward the crowd on the outside of the glass. The crowd stared at the card in awe and by the time they turned to look back towards the magician, he was gone.

James, smiling to himself, walked down the hallway, around the corner from his performance, with his hand shoved deep into the pockets of his black pants. His eyes caught the sight of the seemingly distraught Ossie and he cleared his throat and readjusted the fit of his leather jacket. She was quite cute and he wanted nothing more to see her smile.

“Wow,” He said as he approached her. “You are so beautiful you made me forget my pickup line. What is your name or should I just call you mine?”

Ossie was taken aback as James, a boy she had seen several times in the halls approached her. She didn't hear a word of what he said, her headphones back on her head pounding the Black Keys into her eardrums.

She slipped them off and smoothed down her hair. "Sorry?" She asked. "Didn't catch that," she said with a smile.

She looked at him up and down. He was quite attractive. She wondered what he wanted, he was usually surrounded by a pack of girls all giggling. He had never paid her any mind before.


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Ryan looked beside him to see Serena. "Oh just chillin' while watching Moon." he told her. "Watching Moon get caught by the principal." he added with a smirk. "How 'bout you? What are you doing here?" he asked her. Ryan was never good in conversations since he somehow always ends up blending in with the dark. But that's why he's known by a lot of people. He watched the headmaster walk away, leaving Moon there, just standing. He narrowed his eyes a bit at a shade of a tree to see a wolf. What's his name? Arka? Rrkah. The dude who is like, another version of a werewolf.

Just a few more hours before classes. Gotta chill. he thought to himself while waiting for Serena's answer.


James's smile faltered as she stated that his smooth pickup line had not been heard. His grey eyes fell upon the headphones around her neck and he silently cursed them. Quickly, as he shook the blonde tips from his eyes, he regained his smooth composure.

"I was just saying about how I've never seen you around before. I would have remembered someone so..." He paused as his eyes slowly drew across her body and stopped to meet her eyes. "Beautiful. Are you new? I'm James Skye. I can show you around if you'd like. And you could return the favor and be my lovely assistant in a magic trick."

Ossie watched as his eyes went over her body and she raised an eyebrow. "Is the trick making you disappear? I would be more than happy to help out," she said, conjuring up the cheesiest smile she was capable of. She put her headphones back on, assuming that the conversation was over, adjusting her bag on her shoulders.

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Someone was watching him. Rrkah looked up. The principle had left Moon alone now, so that was thirty odd seconds of entertainment gone, sad as it was. The someone in question who was watching him, Rrkah noticed, was up on the roof. The minute he noticed him up there, he knew his name. Ryan, it was. A bat shifter. And that was probably how he got onto the roof.

Rrkah stretched back up into a human, stood up, and walked out of the shadow of the tree, blinking as the rays of sun struck his eyes. He looked up at Ryan, and noticed another person up there with him, a female. He was under the impression that her name was Serena-for it certainly looked like her-but he couldn't sure from this distance. To resolve this problem, he put his glasses on that had been hanging limply around his neck on a length of string. He checked again. Yep, it was her. He raised his arm and waved up at the pair sitting on the roof. It was a friendly gesture more than anything.
Zachary passed through the halls, passing seamlessly through the crowds. He took pride in his carefully crafted social position. He was low enough down on the Social ladder as to avoid people looking to overtake him, at the same time, he was high enough to be crushed under someone's heel. Remixes blasted from his Ipod, though the sound canceling headphones did the trick both ways. So far the day had gone normally. No confrontations, nothing crazy. He passed two guys quickly hurrying in the halls. "Huh, what's their rush?"

The answer came when he saw a girl picking up some things. He stepped in picking up her cd, and one of her books, he flipped one speaker behind his ear. "Damn, so that's why they were rushing away, can't say I approve. Never interrupt a person when their listening to a good song." He was about to hand the book and CD to the girl when he noticed who they belonged to, Maelie Thera, her families reputation was fairly...well frightening to say the least. He gulped a bit of air and thought to himself, Stay cool, stay cool, they're not dead, so maybe you won't be...and if you need to run. you got a good top speed in shifted form...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf27a8c4b_SerenaIcon.jpg.884b4fcb7a52507a4f7cc88f95eb6e76.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17503" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf27a8c4b_SerenaIcon.jpg.884b4fcb7a52507a4f7cc88f95eb6e76.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf27ac279_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.831edc392ba386e55958ac00b1c6dea5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17504" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf27ac279_BlackPegasusIcon.jpg.831edc392ba386e55958ac00b1c6dea5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Serena Sinclair

Serena smiled over at Ryan, and then turned her gaze over towards the scenery beneath them. "I see," she spoke. She listened as he asked her what she was doing here, and with a sweet shrug, she nudged her head up towards the sky. "I was flying," she let out a small giggle. "When I saw Moon get caught by the principal, I changed back so I wouldn't get caught, too," she stated as she allowed her slender legs to dangle over the edge of the roof. She playfully bumped her heels against the solid wall beneath them, her azure eyes glued to her feet as they rocked back and forth. "How much longer until class starts?" she asked, glancing over at Ryan for a brief moment as she did so. "I wonder what they're going to teach us," she spoke in her soft, innocent voice. Hopefully it doesn't involve fighting or anything. I'd rather just learn more about shifting, she thought with a sigh. She then noticed a semi-familiar face - Rrkah, was it? - waving towards them. With a welcoming smile, she returned the friendly gesture. How nice of him, she thought with a smile.



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James's smile fell and he watched her turn away. He stammered, trying to regain his confidence and think of something smooth to say. He failed. This girl had completely shattered his facade.

"Wait," James said, reaching out and grabbing hold of the girl's arm. When he realized he had grabbed her, he instantly let go and awkwardly crossed his arms across his chest. "Look, I'm sorry. Can we- Can we just start over? My name is James Skye."


Mae lifted her large green eyes up to the boy and quickly looked away sheepishly. She slowly reached for the book and CD player in his hands, slightly afraid that he might lash out at her, too. She didn't want to fight anyone, but she would if she absolutely had to.

When he gasped, she flinched back.

'No, don't recognize me. I just want my things back,' She thought to herself as she gently tried to reach for her stuff again. She quickly snatched it out of his hands, terrified he might take them from her.

"Thank you," She said in a soft whisper that sounded like it wasn't often heard or used.
Zachery nodded, the fact that he wasn't being charged at was a really good indication that she wasn't going to kill him. His tone seemed to shift from slightly worried to relaxed. "no I said kinda a low blow to try get someone while they are listening to some good music." His shift was opportunistic, and he wasn't going to stoop to that level. He then noticed the really soft whisper, he took it more as she was winded. "They trip you or push you hard or something else? You sound kinda shaken up."
Ossie stopped and looked back at James. She hadn't expected to get such a reaction. She turned back to him and tucked a stray lock behind her ear. She hesitated, but offered her name in return. "Ossie Little," she said. She adjusted her bag again.

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Ryan grinned at Serena when she said she was flying, "I was too. But I shifted into a human before I even noticed Moon. Wait- Did I? Never mind. I shifted into back to a human because I wanted to watch it properly." he said and shrugged his shoulders when she asked how much longer 'til class starts. "I dunno. I don't usually keep track o' time." he said while waving back at Rrkah, the wolf man. "Say, what do you usually do while waiting for classes to start?" he asked while looking at her. Ryan was trying his best to keep the conversation going so that he won't get bored. Well yeah, he can play his guitar but he'd leave his spot on the roof. He liked heights. He hummed while waiting for Serena's response once more.

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James smiled softly, which was something he rarely did genuinely. He absently ruffled his hair, letting his bangs hide a part of his eyes to try to cover his embarrassment.

"Ossie. Cool name. Like Ozzy Osbourne," James said, shoving his hand into his pocket and pulling out a silver dollar. He absently played with it, rollin. It across his knuckles and occasionally making it disappear and reappear.

"I am actually sorry about bothering you. I just-" He paused and cleared his throat awkwardly. "I just noticed you seemed kind of bummed out and I wanted to see a smile on your pretty face." He blushed and tilted his head down, moving his light eyes to the coin in his hands to avoid her eyes.


Maelie nodded, keeping her head down as she rifled through her book to assess the damage to it. She ran her fingers across the slightly torn and dirty pages sadly, a frown on her pale lips.

"They, they, uh, tripped me, I think," Mae murmured softly, glancing up to the boy momentarily. "I don't know for sure. I was reading and listening to music as I walked... I guess I need to pay better attention. Probably my fault." She shrugged her shoulders lightly, looking like she was not used to having such a long conversation with someone.
Ossie was confused at his answer, and slowly replied "I was just... Tired I guess," she white lied. "That was nice of you," she said cautiously. He looked a little embarrassed. Was that because she'd called him out?

She eyes the coin and watched it disappear and reappear repeatedly. She let the conversation lull for a moment before awkwardly clearing her throat and looking away from him. He had to be playing with her, this was the guy who entertained crowds of swooning girls on a daily basis from what she could tell. She almost scoffed, it was probably an act. She refused to believe anything else, but still shuffled uncomfortably on the spot.

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It didn't seem like Ryan and/or Serena were coming down, which, unusually, rendered Rrkah a little put out. It, after all, wasn't his fault that he was perpetually bound to the ground. He shook his head, sending the bitter feeling away-sulking was undignified, and besides, he could be doing something much more worth while in his few hours of freedom. They weren't really his friends anyway-he was just trying to be polite.

Retreating back into the shade of the tree, Rrkah flicked his glasses off, allowing them to bump against his shirt, sat down against the tree again, and pulled a book out of the messenger bag he had been carrying. He began to leaf through it, trying to locate the dog-eared page, which had seemingly vanished.
Zachary nodded keeping with the developing pattern of the conversation, "well, whosoever fault it was, nice to see he fact nobody really got hurt." He looked at the book, his face matched Mae's "Shame about the book though...My brothers used to rifle through my section of my book

shelve. So I know how that feels."
Looking at the book he took an assessment of the damage, some torn pages and a few dirty pages. "In fact...this looks like something I've had to deal with too. I can't make it look like brand new. But I can at least clean the book, and make sure it doesn't get any worse." Still he noticed that she seemed to be fairly uncomfortable with the conversation, he decided to break off and let Mae get on her way. "I think we have class If you want me to try and repair it, tell me then and I'll give it a shot. I'll let you get on your way. Be careful alright?" With that he continued on his way.

His light eyes took in her actions and he frowned. He had just wanted to make her smile but had yet to get to see a true one on her lips.

"Look, I am, uh, sorry if I am bothering or keeping you from something. I just..." He trailed off, but soon brightened when he came up with a new idea to make her smile. He made the coin disappear in his hands and made it reappear behind her ear.

"I just wanted to tell you that you are a treasure," He said, flicking the coin into the air and catching it. He covered it with his hand and when he opened it again, the coin was the queen of hearts. "And that you have my heart." He placed the card behind her ear where he made the coin appear and made the card disappear. He beamed, waiting for the cheering he was used to. Or at least a smile.


"No! Wait," Mae said, holding out her hand as if that could stop him. For the first time, she used her normal tone and it was easy to see how she could add to her family's reputation. Her voice was hoarse yet commanding and firm. She sounded like someone of authority.

"Actually, I would like your company... My name is Maelie, but you can call me Mae."
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C a s p e r

'Mm. I wanna be back in bed.'

The young man huffed loudly as the lazy observation moved past his attention, carrying his messenger bag containing his class books loosely on his shoulder, his strides long and his shoulders relaxed. His daily dress was interesting - he normally just threw on some pajama bottoms and a T-shirt for an outfit, sometimes a tank top, maybe a long-sleeved shirt. He had his own little collection of pajama pants to wear, in fact, and today, he wore baggy pajama pants colored a very deep, dark green, with navy blue plaid designs subtly showing all over them. A black cotton T-shirt hung on his shoulders for a top. Anyone who knew him wouldn't be surprised at seeing his comfy outfit - luckily, he pulled it off pretty well.

Though he passed small spikes of tension from surrounding students as he passed, tension was very rare for him to feel himself, no matter where he was. Kids usually didn't mess with him at school, since they didn't have too much of a reason to in the first place - but his whole griffon deal with the animal form could strike some people as something to be respected for, too. Fearfully so, apparently. Despite this reputation for being the '
griffon shifter', he sometimes just wished he could shift into that big ol' form of his and walk around like that. It was just so much more ... comfortable for him. His second form was, as expected, much larger than the average students' form though, and the halls, even though being pretty large, may just turn out to be cramped for that form of his, unfortunately.

Plus, he was sure the teachers and faculty wouldn't like a bunch of feathers covering the school floors.

He rolled his eyes at his thoughts. Of course they'd never let him do that. It was ridiculous for him to even consider it. If only weary minds could think in a more organized manner. He pulled in a deep breath and released it, along with the stupid thoughts stirring in his head, unperturbed by the small second glances that some students would give to him as he passed. Being as tall as he was, it was expected - plus, the whole idea of
shifting into a damn griffon probably wasn't too comforting to the students around him, thinking back to his previous train of thought.

He honestly could have laughed at that. If only they realized how actually harmless he normally was, they wouldn't have a reason to be frightened. Not any reason. At least his friends understood.

The inner mention of his friends perked him up a tad. He liked being with his friends. They were fun to be around, and he could hug them without feeling awkward or weird. The thought lifted his spirits, and he continued on his way with a little more merriment - even though he continued being just as absent-minded.

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Ossie's eyes widened at the display and she laughed. "We just met," she said shaking her head. She took the coin from his hand and flicked it into the air. "Won't you at least invite me to dinner first?" She said, with a smirk, raising an eyebrow. She handed back the coin after inspecting it curiously.

She removed the headphones from around her neck and shoved them into her bag at her hip. She eyed him with amusement. "Used to entertaining I see," she said. Absently she twisted her hair and pulled it into a ponytail behind her head. It was crooked, but she didn't notice.


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Dakota rushed around in her room trying to find the last of her books to load into her black backpack this proved difficult as she couldnt remember where she had placed one of them. After a small amount of searching she realised it was under her bag and with a sigh she placed it in her bag and zipped it shut. Already behind schedule she ran out of her room in an attempt to get to class ontime. As she ran through the halls she pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time. In the few seconds it took her to check the time she was unaware of the boy and girl obstructing her path and when she looked up it was too late to prevent the colision. Stumbling into the girl who was putting her headphones away. The boy escaping with only a whack to the shoulder. "Oh shit!" Dakota yelled as she fell.

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