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Realistic or Modern Changed World (A Zombie Roleplay)


Too Far Gone
Changed World...

Starting the summer of 2017, a virus began to break out. At first it only hit news as a flu epidemic, but by September, it was clear that this was not at all like any type of sickness that the world has seen before...

Victims of this deadly

virus, could drop dead within only an hour of catching it... only to rise again. These people wound up "Brain Dead", and attempt to... eat other people within their radius. Doctors struggled to find a cure, but it was too late. Nearly 25% of people had been infected... this number soon grew to 50%. This was when mass bombings began to clear out the dead, however if anything it took out the living more... The number now lays at a growing 75% of people diagnosed world wide.

This is where the struggle

for human survival begins.
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~The Underwoods~

Gracie bent down, putting her hands on her knees as she threw up all of her previous meals from the last two days.

"What the hell Red?" She screeched with gritted teeth. She turned around to face her brother, who was also emptying his own stomach. Gracie's face was still flushed, and her heart was going 1000 miles a minute. Her brother had been careless, he had walked away from Gracie without warning. Gracie had heard the groans of the walkers just in time, in a haze, Gracie had backed herself up to a dark corner of the small gas station, and Red hadn't been paying attention, and was also cornered to a wall. Fortunately for the both of them, Nathan had came in with Nayla to check on his two younger siblings.Nathan had grabbed Red's gun off the checkout counter of the gas station, and cleared a way out for both of his siblings, afterwards. Nathan had angrily instructed for his siblings to go to a small apartment complex they had found earlier that day.

Nathan scrambled through the gas station,

Nayla stood by his side whimpering,

he kept his guard up as he searched every crevice for any important supplies. He was still in a rage by the carelessness of his siblings, but he knew it was a accident. His two siblings were still kids, and he knew how hard this was for them; especially Gracie. Neither of them should have to live in these conditions, he thought as he shoved supplies in his satchel. They still couldn't be this careless though. This was hard for everyone, but that didn't mean they could go and get each other killed. Nathan decided to stay in the gas station with Nayla for a bit to have a little alone time before he met back up with his family.

Red raised his head and clenched his fists.

He looked at his sister with anger in the pit of his stomach, he stumbled up to his sister and pushed her back. "This isn't my fault Gracie!" he yelled as sweat poured down his face. He was tired of being blamed for every accident that happened, Gracie wasn't a 3 year old. She knew how to follow him. Maybe if she was smart enough to get a weapon or grow a spine they wouldn't be in this mess. His face was hot and red from anger and confusion. He put his hands in his hair and turned away from his sister. When he turned back to Gracie he noticed tears in her eyes, and he saw hurt too.

"Just come on.." he mumbled as he walked to the apartment where they would be taking shelter for the night.
Remy tensed as the sound of shuffling feet and Kato's low growling hit her ears. Hurridly grabbing what she assumed was cans of food from the shelf before her she shoved them into her bag before putting It onto her back. Grabbing Katos leash She pulled on it hurriedly. She wanted to avoid the brain dead as much as she could. She wouldn't even have let Kato lead her to the grocery store if they hadn't run out of food. "Come on boy lets go. Lead me out of here alright. "

The growling stopped but Kato began to gently lead her from the store around the small horde. For that Remy was thankful.
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Kristen walked through a small neighborhood, gun firm in hand. She was careful not to make a sound while walking, so she had to breath very slowly and quietly. The neighborhood was mostly torn down, like all the other neighborhoods. Lucky for her, this one wasn't a disaster. Some houses were in good shape for a stay, but not for long. Surprisingly, there wasn't that much noise in the neighborhood, which she found odd. She looked around her for any walkers, that's what she called them. Just incase, she loaded her gun if a zombie would just appear out of no where. When the coast was clear, she took a deep breath and quietly walked over to a house. It was slightly worn down. The windows were cracked and the outside didn't look so fine, but hey, it's the apocalypse. She walked up to the doorstep and wiggled the door nob to see if anyone was there. When she heard no response he held out her gun and opened the door, immediately closing it after. "This house better not be full of walkers.." She whispered to herself and looked around. "Guess this place is good for the night.." She said as she walked over to the kitchen. All she wanted was some food and water, like anyone else. She started opening the cabinets and fridge, and only find a can of food. "Good enough.." She sighed and checked to see if there were stairs. And there was. She decided that she'll check it out later and sat in a place where there was only one window. She banged her head against the wall and took and deep breath.
Autumn was wondering the city in search of supplies. She could hear faint moans of the stupid dead. She heard a gun shot and smiled slightly even if it meant someone was in trouble it meant someone was in this darn city of the dead. She followed the sound of the gun shots only to see faint light coming out of one of the buildings. She assumed that there were people inside and they had some candles or something like that. She look down and saw a small horde of the dead. She smiled loving the thrill of the fight. She used her axe to fight through the horde. When she was done she shook her black,blue, and green hair. She opened the door and said "Hello anybody in here?"She sighed bot hearing a response. She headed over to an apartment and opened the door only to find another zombie laying on the ground with no arms or legs. "Well it seems we are one in the same Mr. We are both trying to fight for something except in fighting to survive were as you are just hungry for flesh."Then she raised her axe and chopped off its head. She lifted it up and threw it outside the apartment door not wanting to sleep somewhere with a zombie. She sighed and made a makeshift bed. She pulled out a granola bar and started to eat it.
After about 30 minutes, Nathan tugged at Nayla a bit and started towards the door.

The dog seemed to to be a bit reluctant to get off the floor where she was laying. "Come on, we gotta get back to Gracie and Red before they tear eachothers eyes out." Nathan said laughing as he pulled the dog's leash once more.The young man and the dog walked out of the gas station together in a relaxed fashion, making their way to the apartment where he had set up for the night. About midway there the dog stopped in it's tracks, refusing to move as she sniffed the air vigorously. This worried Nathan, and even more when the dog began to tug on the leash and whimper. "Come on Nayla..." he whispered sternly as he pulled her in the direction of the apartments.

Gracie laid down on a bed with a broken frame, massaging her temples gently.

She could here Red in the other room grumbling as he went through dresser drawers. She let out a deep sigh and sat up, reaching out to her backpack and pulling out a half empty bottle of water, taking a small sip. She lifted her bag to the bed and poured out it's contents. There wasn't much. About three cans of food, her pepper spray (which for the record is useless in the apocalypse), a thin throw blanket, Nayla's extra leash, and a photograph of her family. She took the blanket and wrapped it around her as she stuffed the things back into the bag.

Red went through drawers in the apartment angrily, in search of any bullets.

Nathan had used up all of his in the gas station, so now he would need more to get by.

All he could think about right now was how much he hated his siblings. If it weren't for them holding him down all the time, he would get by perfectly fine.

Nathan was almost always down his throat about something, and if it wasn't that, it was Gracie, who whined about everything.

He came up empty handed. Just as he closed the last drawer, Nathan came in dragging Nayla closely behind.
Autumn heard a door shut and jumped slightly. She smiled at herself. "Wow youre even more scared of loud sounds now than ever."She said to herself. She opened the door to her apartment and looked outside. When she didn't see anyone she frowned. She walked outside the door and asked again "Hello!?"She said louder this time. She didn't hear any moaning except from outside. She held up her axe defensively. "Autumn if there is no one hear then it just means you are going crazy."She said to herself again. She yelled again louder this time "Hello?!".
One shot. Two shots. Three shots. Four. Mason grinned triumphantly as four corpses fell to the ground, feeling cocky enough to laugh loudly. Marcy came up from behind him and slapped the back of his head, sheathing her own weapon. Several decapitated bodies littered the ground behind them. "I got about nine this time." She said, voice laced with mischief. As she thought, he whirled around the look at the bodies with barely concealed shock. He hadn't even heard the scuffle going on behind him.

"Ah, yes... Well..." He cleared his throat, holstering his gun with a frown. "We should go before more swarm the place." And with that, he turned and continued walking the the road, his cane making a clacking noise as he moved. Marcy's lips curved up into a grin, as she followed him easily.

"You know your cane will just draw them to us again," She hummed, "Maybe you want to hop on my back, little brother?" She cackled, dodging the cane that swiped at her legs with ease. "Come on. There's a little store up ahead, I have a craving for bubblegum..."

A petulant scowl on his face, he hobbled after her, hissing quietly as his knee begun to act up again. Still he persued, because she would not save any candy for him if he took his time.
David walked into his makeshift safe house and shut the door. He sat down on his makeshift bed and checked his ammo in his guns. He heard a voice yelling, "Hello?" It kept getting louder. He thought to himself, "That's sounds like a young girl in her teens. I could go say hi or stay right here till they decide to kick the door in." He decided to do the smart thing and go make sure that the person wasn't injured. After all, David did want to become a better person and escape his dark past. He walked out into the hallway and slammed the door to make sure the person came to him. He wasn't taking any chances.
Nathan had just began to sit down on the couch when all three siblings (and dog),

heard a person's voice outside. Nayla began barking loudly, running to the door as the hair on her back stood straight.

Gracie came out the room wide eyed, blanket wrapped around her as she looked at both brothers worriedly. "What the hell??" Red yelled, standing from his spot on the floor. Nathan stood back up and went to silence the dog, "Red shut up." he said in a quiet voice as he heard a door slam. Gracie came in and grabbed her dog by her harness and began to drag her towards the back bedroom, but Nayla continued to bark.
Autumn heard the door slam close to her. She turned around immediately raising her axe further in the air. She walked towards the sound hearing her each footstep. "Hello?"She asked. She didn't expected anything to happen when she yelled earlier much less there be another living human in here. She walked forward. "Hello!"She shouted louder than she meant to. She turned around to look outside glad she killed the horde that was outside the door. She jumped again when she heard a dog bark loudly. "Please I know there is someone here I can hear your dog. I dont want to hurt anyone I just want to not be alone anymore."She said softly. Truth was she felt like she was turning crazy being alone all the time. She probably looked crazy with blood from the dead on her axe. She walked forward more listening trying to find the apartment where the dog was barking from.
Kristen stood up and decided to check the upstairs for any loot. She stood up and walked over to the stair steps. Takin a deep breath, she kept her gun on a firm grasp and stepped on the first step, yet no sound. She sighed of relief and kept of walking up. When she got there, she checked the place out. There was a bedroom, bathroom, and loft. Kristen held up her gun with hand on the trigger, and opened the bedroom door. "Oh my god.." There was blood on the bed and carpet floor, a women was lying died next to a puddle of blood that was stained the carpet. Kristen looked around in her closet trying to find some clothes, or at least anything. She groaned. "This bedroom is worthless.." She said to herself and checked the rest of the upstairs, yet nothing. "Just great.." Kristen walked back downstairs and leaned against the wall, rubbing her face.
Creeping threw the streets baseball bat in hand Remy listened desperately for signs of the nearby undead. She knew Kato would warn her if any were nearby but she didn't want to risk him missing any. She sighed, relieved, when he stopped pulling her. It meant they had arrived at their hide out. Whistling she let Kato's leash go and he headed for his dog house. The sound of metal against metal let her know He had closed the gate. Sighing She feeled for the steps and began to carefully climb up them to 'her' tree house. Climbing inside she curled up on an old comforter and digging out one of the cans opened it with a can opener she kept under the pillow. Eating what she realized was ravioli with her fingers Remy settled down against her pillow. A couple days after she stumbled into this town where ever it was She found a place with a tree house in the back and a gated off area with a dog house for Kato. Off the ground So they couldn't get to her. She hasn't entered the house since cleaning It out.
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"You. Are. An. Idiot." Valarie says, pausing between each word as her younger cousin raised his rifle and shot of two rounds. Nick, being the 'badass' he thought he was, believed that no problem could come from him shooting the loudest gun they owned.

"You're just jealous." Nick laughed, and Valarie grabbed him by the collar and pulled him onto her dirtbike behind her.

"I don't get it, you're always shooting them." She starts, kicking the kickstand up and starting her bike. "We own knives for a damn reason."

There were no other words as they entered a town, from what Valarie could see there weren't many dead ones about, so she shut off her bike and parked it somewhere safe.

"Maybe we can find shelter in one of those." Nick says, and Valarie shoves him playfully before jogging towards the apartment building. She pulled her pistol, with her cousin doing the same behind her and slowly walked in. As they moved down the hallway, Valarie thought she kept hearing voices. Someone was yelling, but she couldn't make out the words, but then she heard the barking of a dog. She knew there were other people in this apartment building. Without another thought Valorie pulled Nick into an empty room and locked the door.

"There are other people here." She says to her cousin, and his eyes widen in shock.

"Really? We have to go find them!" He says, going to run out the door, but the twenty year old stops him with a shake of her head.

"We can't just run out there. What if they aren't friendly? Then what, Mr. Badass, what'll we do?" She asks, slapping her cousin on the back of his head before ordering him to search around for any supplies. She pulled the rest of their canned food from their bag and set it on the table, her way of preparing dinner.
"Worthless, worthless -ugh!- absolutely worthless!" Marcy grumbled, kicking some empty cans around, hoping to disguise her growling belly. Mason was just walking in, the obnoxious little bell above the door grated on her nerves, and she sulked deeper into the store. Optimism in the apocalypse is pointless, she thought, her stomach twisting and tightening. Their last real meal was three days ago, and they ran out of energy bars yesterday. One can of something would tide us over.

"Marcy?" Mason called out, and for two short moments fear gripped her heart, though she calmed herself quickly enough. If he was in trouble he couldn't shoot, then he'd be screaming and flailing his cane, making a lot of noise in the process.

"Yeah?" The lights were flickering ominously overhead, and she half expected an oversized infected to mysteriously stumble into the aisle she was in, as if she was in a crappy zombie videogame. Rolling her eyes she made her way to where she heard her brother, hearing him shifting through something as she neared.

When he came into her view, he was holding a can of beans, and three bottles of water. She could've cried at the glorious sight, not even bothering to say anything about his lunatic grin as she ran forward.

"I think the hero of the day deserves a reward." He said smugly, as she pulled out a knife and got to work on the can.

"Fine, fine, you can paint my nails tonight." She muttered, distracted.

"That's not a fitting reward..." He trailed off when she snapped the lid off, eagerly passing her a plastic spoon before dipping his into the can, all previous thoughts forgotten in favour of stuffing his mouth full.
Nathan was about to open the door to the apartment when Gracie's voice stopped him.

"Nathan...Gunshots." she said as her as grew wide. Nathan backed away from the door slowly, "are you sure?"

he asked quietly. It was at this point Red stomped up to the door, with his gun in hand, despite it's emptiness, he was sure whoever was out there didn't know that it was unloaded. He opened the door and ran out before either of his siblings could stop him. He turned and looked both ways, holding the gun out with a finger on the trigger. As he turned to his right he saw a girl standing in front of him, causing him to jump a bit. "What the actual fuck?" he screamed at her as his brother burst out the door.
Autumn's eyes got wide when a boy came barreling out of one of the apartments. "What the actual fuck!"he yelled. She flinched at the loud sound. He was goodlooking looked perhaps her age. After he yelled another boy came out of the apartment as well startling her. She smiled. "I knew I wasn't crazy! There are people in this place!"She said grinning till she noticed the gun pointed at her. "There isn't any need to shoot me..."She said quietly mostly to herself than anything. She lowered her axe slightly but still holding it in a way where she could defend herself I things got out of hand.
David heard gunshots and starting walking towards the source. He walked into the main hallway and saw a girl standing in front of him and saw a male with a gun pointed at her. She mumbled under his breath, "God, I wasn't this stupid as a teenager."
Remy jumped as a loud familiar bang met her ears and she heard Kato start barking. Wincing she shushed him and strained her ears for any more sound. Usually a gun shot ment a survivor. Curiousity ever alive and burning she grabbed her her bag and bat before climbing down. Heading for the gate she let Kato out and grabbed his leash. "Lead me to the bang. "
Autumn heard footsteps behind her and listened to make sure it wasn't another damned dead. She glanced behind her slightly and saw another man. "Are there any more people in this damn place."She said out loud by accident. She shook out her hair again moving it out from in front of her face.
Valarie's face went white when she heard more commotion outside.

"We should go out there." Nick says, and Valarie holds up a finger.

"Wait here." She says, asserting her older age as she pulled her pistol once more and walked out the door and down the hall. There were four people, once teenage girl,one teenage boy, and two men. She didn't say anything, but instead she stood behind the teenage boy and one of the men, her pistol gripped tightly in her hand. She didn't know what was going on but when someone shouted she rolled her eyes.

"You wanna keep it down, sunshine?" She asks, raising her eyebrows as her cousin stupidly walks up behind her and smiles at the people.
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"Definitely living then. " Remy muttered bemused as she heard shouting nearby. Remy headed toward the sounds and stopped when Kato did. "Anyone here or have I finally gone crazy? You know it wa bound to happen sometimes. "
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Autumn looked down until she heard another voice. "you wanna keep it down, sunshine."She heard and her head went straight up as she saw a girl behind the teenager. She saw a teenager boy walk up behind the girl. She heard something else "Anyone here or have I finally gone crazy?you know it was bound to happen sometime."Another girl said. She looked around and didn't see anyone else. "I think its me that's going crazy."She said to herself. She lowered her axe completely and smiled lazily. "You know the next person that pulls a gun on me is really gonna have some trouble.."She said sighing. She looked back at the first two she saw and the two new people. She tilted her head to the side. "You know if we continue to stand out here and yell we are going to cause commotion and bring the damned to us."She said to them.
"We should have rationed that." Mason said, his body sprawled over the floor while his head was on Marcy's lap. She absentmindedly ran her fingers through his hair, making a noise of agreement. Their eyes were closed as they tried to soak in the peace they were enjoying, the discarded can laying some feet away, both plastic spoons packed back into a box and stored away in their bag. One water bottle was being passed back and forth, the lights still flickering.

"We should look are for more supplies." She said, after who knows how long, causing Mason to awaken from his light nap. He merely grunted and tried to push himself up, failing to do so while she was already on her feet. "You can lay there for a bit, I'll just go check the last few aisles and then we're out of here." As she spoke, she bent down the grab her machete and carefully slid his guns over to him, then disappeared around the corner.

He figured she wouldn't find anything, but she was never one to leave a place unchecked, so he went up to the entrance and waited for her there; all cozy on a bench, putting his guns away and tapping his cane on the floor.
"If you haven't already. " Remy remarked smartly guessing she was in the same room as them. Relaxing against the wall she looked toward the voices were coming from. If Kato began to growl she knew some of the brain dead were nearby. Yet, by the sounds he was relaxing and being a dog.

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