Change Canyon [Inactive]

One more guy staggered off the bus, and Blair's eyes flickered to him, the silence still hung in the air. She stared at him for a couple seconds before turning back around. Nobody was socializing, or talking or doing really anything. It bugged her to an extent where she felt something needed to fill the silence. She didn't often talk to people, but she enjoyed the natural ambient sound there usually was. Taking a steady breath, and letting it out, she decided to grow a pair and speak up for once.

"So are we all just gonna stand here and wait, or are we going to introduce ourselves?" She waited a couple seconds, and continued, "I'm Blair." Her eyes danced around every person's face, waiting for someone to reply.
They're already introducing thereselves? Grace thought to herself, her heart beginning to race, her hands that were still tightened around her backpack straps were beginning to become more sweaty. She stared down at her ratty Converse, maybe if I won't may eye contact with anyone they'll skip over me she prayed that she wouldn't have to make a fool of herself in the first five minutes.
"Haley." Haley told Blair. "I've broken into things, stole **** and damaged it for fun. Oh and joyriding." She said to the other woman as she placed her own hands into her jeans. "So, what are you here for, Blair?" She asked as she looked up at the sky then looked at Blair. They really better have a swimming pool or a ******* lake as i am not spending my time being hot. She thought to herself .
While waiting for Blair to answer Haley's question, Keiji waited patiently for his turn, provided that there would be no one else that steps up. He put his hands in his empty pockets while thinking about how to properly introduce himself. Meanwhile he found Haley's reason to be at Change Canyon to be intriguing. 'That girl's got issues...And I thought I was bad.' he thought.
Blair sighed. She didn't like to talk about it, but didn't want to seem shady to everybody else so she had to fess up at one point. "Well, I'm an alcoholic. I'm not anymore, but I was. And I also used to do drugs, and sell them. My grades dropped after I killed someone after a really bad night. The next day, I had a major hangover, and snapped at everyone, thinking people were sending me messages and glaring at me, and I just was a mess. My sister tipped a family friend- who is a police officer may I mention- he showed up with a warrant, searched my room, found alcohol, and I went to jail. Or Juvenile detention. Whatever you want to call it. After that, I went to rehab, and now here I am." She looked down at the ground. 'This is exactly the first impression I wanted to make.' Blair thought sarcastically. But she shrugged it off, and smiled, looking back up. "Anyways. Names?"
"My name's Keiji Miyagawa. I'm here for seven counts of Assault & Battery and two counts of Attempted Murder. Oddly enough, I wasn't convicted or charged. Guess I just got lucky because I was let off the hook just about every time." Keiji said, introducing himself and telling why he's at Change Canyon. He didn't really smile, since getting away with Assault, Battery and Attempted Murder isn't something that he'd be proud of, let alone anyone. Keiji frowned, which showed that he is not proud of every decision he has made in the past. "But I'm here by choice. I actually want to become a better person then I was before I came here." he stated, showing that he did want to change for the better and become a better person.
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"Damn!" Haley said to Blair. "Remind me to never ***** you off!" she joked to Blair. "You are one lucky ******!" she said to Keiji. "I'm here because they sent me here instead of jail. I was arrested for breaking and entering. It wasn't breaking, just unlocking the place with a lockpick." She said to the pair. "And going for a late night swim." She added with a smile.
Blair laughed lightly, nodding. "Will do." She turned her attention to Keiji. "Wow, that's pretty lucky." She nodded and looked around at the rest of the people in the area. A girl stood there, clutching her backpack straps so hard, Blair thought her knuckles were turning white. She knew how it felt to be that person, so she acted as if she hadn't seen her.
Keiji chuckled with a sarcastic tone in his voice. "The only reason why I was let off the hook each time is because they were dismissed as cases of Self-Defense. Let alone there was lack of evidence against me and the witnesses were always on my side. Guess its just a blessing..." he said, because he wasn't proud of his past aggressiveness.
"Now, that's lucky." Haley said with a smile. "Hey! Hurry the **** up!" She called to the woman that looked like she ran the place.
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